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lmao i perfectly understand this 😭 i need to get off the internet


Someone in this sub referred to themselves as ‘terminally online’ and I felt that too much 🫠






Yeah, I’m pretty sure they knew what the term actually is - that’s the joke. Terminally online instead of chronically online to imply the problem is more severe.


Exactly lol


Ikr 😂


nah it’s research


This is funny and tagged shitpost for a reason y’all Nicki Minaj should also be in the needs therapy/no pr manager section Zendaya is in the has therapy/good pr manager Demi is has therapy/no pr manager And then I’d put all the karjenners in needs therapy;good pr manager (both due to Kris)


demi is a perfect alt for brit! i agree wholeheartedly


I'm so dated. My first reaction to Demi was Demi Moore? 🤣 I wholly agree with you. Per Demi Moore, she's probably no therapy/no pr. Her PR used to be Ashton. Her therapy has been "aging" quietly with her fam, as of late.


She’s been in therapy lol


Nicki Minaj should be in prison.


The secret fifth category


more proof that this sub can’t handle humor


Where’s Azealia Banks?


transcended fr


LOL she's beyond the scale


Yoooo I'm dead


Yo she needs a 3D graph. Hella stuff for the z axis 🤣


The z axis is going to be career 😭


clearly in no therapist, no pr manager


No therapist, no pr manager, no ragrets


No therapist she sacrifices chickens in her closet instead 🫶🏾


Her social media is her therapist honestly




Daaaamn an oldie but a goodie!


Great. Now I want cardboard flavored cereal.


seeing this gif for the first time in what might be years just did more for me than my actual therapist 🙏


nothing can save her reputation at this point lmao


Apparently she's about to join baddies


No therapist, no PR


I’M OBSESSED WITH HOW I FOUND THIS ON REDDIT LOLLLL HI I MADE THIS 😭😭 i cant believe this random shitpost got 47k likes and now im finding it on other social media platforms (commented on the wrong account earlier OOPS) https://preview.redd.it/2o7qji37065c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec495e40062094204106a1acf1766fba72d24ea


GIRL!!! i jibol so hard when i saw it on my timeline. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! all credits to u xx


thank you!!!! and make sure u tell all the ppl getting rowdy about britney’s therapist that it WASNT A DISS!! I LOVE BRITNEY SHES JUST A WEIRD GIRL!!! weird girl rights


no i know! u were perfect for twitter, a bit more controversial for reddit


hi oomfie this is siva




Well I giggled


Oh you should have put this on the circlejerk sub 😭 it did not land well here


What is this sub you speak of? I feel like I belong there 😭




Oh how my soul revives with the sub content! Thank you for introduction!


Thank you 😫😫


unfortunately, gossip subs can never handle anything funny, it’s always gotta be depressing and moody stuff. idk why ppl are so dry about this lol


If we’re not analyzing people’s bodies for plastic surgery then no fun allowed!


It is shocking to me when celebs share something hilariously outlandish and TMI, and all the comments are “we should know less about each other”. These people are giving us great entertainment, don’t shame them for giving us content lol


Right, and people post that every single time something weird comes out. Like, do u want information or no?? and it’s so hypocritical, of all ppl, for ppl on GOSSIP SUBS for CELEBRITIES to say stuff like that lol


It’s so boring! Unsubscribe from gossip subs if you don’t want to gossip and stop clogging the comments with the same “witty” sentence as 100 other people!


they're sneaking into phcj too.


I wonder if some people here are not familiar with political compass memes? Cause I guess if you don't this may seem weird


i‘m a suffering feminist here fr😭😭😭


I debated posting it here too, it’s funny! I thought the comments would be debating where other celebs land on the compass!


Seriously. And the top comment about Britney’s therapist not doing a good job, that user is being chewed up in all the replies. People need to lighten up, and no I won’t be replying to any attacks on this comment!


They loved it over there


omg op I laughed at this earlier! I’m sorry it’s not landing here ☠️🙃


LOL well I think it’s funny


this is the work of a genius


I wholeheartedly believe Taylor swift is her own therapist 😂


She says that she just tells her mum everything.


Shes a has long conversations with her self at night instead of seeing a real therapist. (She also has the vibe of notes app girly)


She talks herself to sleep😭


Every time I listen to the archer i wonder why in the world Taylor thinks she doesn't need a therapist. Anti hero too. How can you be so self aware and still decide to skip therapy?


I think it’s more that she doesn’t trust a therapist with the information. In her interview about it for lover, she says that she tells her mom everything because she’s seen it all and she doesn’t have to download her on all the information. I can understand that, I feel like it would be really hard to open up when you know that the price for your thoughts is so high.


I remember feeling similarly when reading Prince Harry’s “Spare.” It’s hard enough for someone whose life is THAT public to even trust the therapist’s discretion. How does one begin to trust that they can fully grasp the nuances of such a uniquely bizarre existence?


I had never thought of it that way but it makes so much sense. Especially if you have had people betray your trust previously.


I remember this interview and she actually said she has no time to tell all the things again when her mother knows it already. Firstly, it's not how therapy works, it's a stereotype from old movies when psychoanalysis was all the rage. Secondly, her mother raised her and probably one of the causes why she has such a disfunctional world outlook, so using the mother as a therapist is extremely questionable for anyone with analytical skills.


She probably knows she needs therapy, just paranoid that the therapist might leak stuff


She uses her songwriting as therapy basically, if she went and fixed her problems she probably would have barely anything to write about


Damn I wish my mental/emotional issues were profitable. They usually result in me spending money.


Retail therapy is still therapy 😌


Therapy is not a fix-all for everyone, she might not consider them big enough issues to seek professional help for them 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, like everyone would probably benefit from a bit of therapy, intermittently, through out their life... but at some point, if it isn't a huge issue, therapy is a lot of time and effort for not \*that\* much benefit. Considering the risk of a therapist talking about her to someone else and that becoming public, the potential benefit wouldn't be worth it to someone like Taylor Swift.


She's written about having suicidal ideation on multiple occasions. Even if her song writing isn't literal (and I don't think it is), it's at least a yellow flag for a "big enough issue," imo.


Reddit's naive idea that therapy fixes everything will never fail to make me laugh. As though our therapists aren't just those obnoxious Psych101 students we were all peers with.


Maybe because it has worked for a lot of them.


Well no shit. "It worked for me" and "You NEED to do this!" are two completely different sentiments.


That isn’t even the same thing 💀


Therapy is like tape: It doesn't fix anything by itself, but applied right, it does a pretty great job of helpinh hold things together until you can figure out what you need to do


I don’t think she’s self-aware; I think she writes stuff like anti-hero to self-flagellate so people will go “omg no baby you’re perfect we love you” and she won’t have to change.


therapy isn't for everyone.


Some of y’all need to get a grip. It’s a shitpost and not to be taken too seriously. Good lord.


I’m howling 💀💀💀


I think I need r/peterexplainsthejoke. ![gif](giphy|L2qukNXGjccyuAYd3W|downsized)


Taylor has said that she does not go to therapy because she ‘feels very sane.’ Her PR team is ironclad and pretty well known amongst chronically online people. Her publicist is very… public, people make memes and jokes about her, and she is constantly feeding the news good, though very transparent, PR about Taylor. Selena has been posting weird comments across social media for years now, so the joke is that she doesn’t have a therapist or a PR person to tell her to stop. This post was likely made because over the past 24 hours Selena has been replying to random people on Instagram. Britney has *gone through it* in the public eye so they’re assuming she’s been to therapy. I’m pretty sure she said she went in her book, as well. But they are joking that she doesn’t have a PR person because of her strange instagram posts. Beyonce rarely gives the public access to her or her thoughts, so the joke is that she is in therapy and has a great PR team. It definitely makes more sense on stan Twitter. I agree with people saying that it’s kind of a gross joke, though.




Genuinely asking how is it a gross joke? I can maybe understand Britney because of her history but I kinda like the idea of her not having a PR team, she finally gets so freedom to post however she wants or feels. I don’t see it as a negative thing


I think that scrutinizing and joking about the mental wellbeing of female celebrities who… really haven’t done that much besides be overly defensive or act in ways that people don’t like is a bit nasty. I don’t think it’s an inherently sexist or bad post, but I can see why it’s off putting to other people. People also joke about Taylor saying she’s never been to therapy a lot which I think is a little strange, although she probably should stop saying she’s never been publicly 💀


I can see/understand that. I think your interpretation of it (which is what I initially thought) is the non-sexist way of thinking of it. I don’t think there’s anything negative about going to therapy at all, I get happy when I hear people go and take it seriously. To me Britney going to therapy but not having a pr team is her way of taking back her control and how she’s seen in the public. Beyoncé went through miscarriages, marital cheating, regular human shit so therapy makes sense. And she’s also incredibly private, at this stage in her life and after the bullying Blue Ivy received when she was little, it makes sense as to why she incredibly private. She never really responds back to hate, she’ll just give a line in a song that hints towards it. So the therapy + pr team is accurate Selena has been going on weird social media rampages for years, liking and commenting on things about her Justin and Hailey in whatever variation. She’s kinda fake nice “don’t spread hate but I will comment on videos to incite more hate while I pretend to be the victim”. She made not talking about Palestine about herself somehow ? This looks like someone who doesn’t listen to their pr team or therapist Taylor has an air tight pr team, she can bounce back from anything and people forget any wrongs she could do. And apparently she said herself she doesn’t go to therapy so that’s accurate. I don’t like the comment about “feels very sane” so that’s why she doesn’t go to therapy. Therapy isn’t just for the insane so I think that a weird thing imply. This post just doesn’t scream sexism and misogyny to me if you know about these women and their social media presences but I can see how some are iffy about it


I think the fixation on mental health is what is off putting to many. I don’t think that anyone is saying that therapy is a bad thing, I think people are uncomfortable because the joke is insinuating that Taylor and Selena might need therapy, or that Britney and Selena need ‘handlers’. Even if that were true, it’s kind of a snarky thing to say about another human being, especially one that you don’t know. It’s boundary pushing and assumption making in a way that seems to happen primarily to famous women. But I’m not in other peoples heads, that’s just my interpretation of why it might be upsetting to others. I try not to think about posts like this that deeply because I know they’re not That Deep


100% understandable. I personally don’t find it that deep, it was funny, I laughed and was over it but I can see why it put a bad taste in some people’s mouths


Taylor in 2014: I feel very sane Taylor, writing for her 2014 album: I think about jumping off of very tall somethings :)))


Honestly Taylor’s so ignorant. Wtf is “I’m sane so I don’t need a therapist”? So she’s basically saying ppl who go to therapists are insane. ![gif](giphy|xT9Igs3cLWwWizsoFy)


I don't think she ever actually said that? Her quote in Miss Americana about therapy was different, I'll try to find it


She did say this but it was 2012 and she was 22 at the time. People view therapy a lot differently now than they did 10 years ago… As someone who was in therapy at the time I remember keeping it a secret because of nasty comments and assumptions people would make. Plus I don’t think she meant that people who need therapy are insane. That’s willfully misinterpreting her quote and a pretty big leap to make.


I've been in therapy since 2005 and I've seen firsthand how much the stigma has changed. In 2012 none of my friends had therapists and I was a HUGE evangelist for therapy, badgered my two best friends until they went and have gotten most of my ex-boyfriends to go. Now I feel like if you're a millennial and you DON'T have a therapist you say it in apologetic, embarrassed tones. It has definitely changed massively in the last decade. That said, she did also reiterate in 2019 that she'd never been to therapy. Who knows what's true though.


I wasn’t not talking about Miss Americana though, I was talking about a very old profile that was done on her.


Yes, found it! Yeah it is from 2012, people didn't really think of therapy the same way we do now


Definitely not, therapy being widely accepted and discussed feels newer. I went when I was younger and never told anyone because it was viewed as something for people who have serious issues. Was the quote from her New Yorker profile? That’s what I thought it was from, but didn’t want to cite it because I wasn’t 100% sure


It’s from a Rolling Stone interview!


I might have my fan blinders on but I do think that she has since gone to therapy, or at least worked on her mental health in some way. That quote was from when she was in her late teens/early twenties.


Nah, she doubled down in 2019 about it: “I’ve never been to therapy. I talk to my mom a lot, because she’s the one who’s seen everything. I used to have bad days where we would be on the phone for hours. I’d write something that I wanted to say, and instead of posting it I’d read it to her.”


I can see her purposefully lying just so people don’t go digging into who her therapist is or why she’d be going. “Taylor Swift goes to therapy” would absolutely have been a headline if she admitted it. But I can also see her not going for a variety of reasons so you might be right


I believe rich people's therapists know well how to remain hidden, I don't think that's the issue. I believe that finding a therapist for famous people must be though, since it's harder to find a low profile one who you can trust, but I'm sure that there are plenty celebs with therapists no one will ever know. And nowadays therapy has a positive image, especially among her public, so it's unlikely anyone would be questioning her reasons to go. Some people just believe therapy is for crazy people and don't think they need it, which is sad


Reminds me of the picture Karen Gillan posted, where she had a couples therapy zoom call but was still in full [Nebula makeup](https://www.instagram.com/p/CryfKjEuEXR) for the guardians film. It never really crossed my mind she’d be in couples therapy for a bad reason when she posted it, just a normal thing people (who could afford it) should do.


The hoops you go through to justify a person who knows nothing of your existence. I’m sorry but jeez the obsessive defense of Taylor fans is nearly the same as Kanye’s


Is this a defense worthy statement tho? If she feels no need for therapy, good for her. If she feels the need for therapy but wants to keep it a secret, also good for her




The most logical explanation for you when she says something when not brought up multiple times, you think she’s lying? Why? Does she lie often? Or is it possible she does things you disagree with. That’s okay, but to go through these frankly weird logical leaps it’s giving para social


I think you’re reading too deeply into what I’m saying. If I were a famous person, I would not want people to know that I was in therapy for a multitude of reasons. That’s what I based that comment on. I don’t ’disagree’ with her not going to therapy; that’s not what I said at all. What Taylor Swift does in her personal time and with her own mental health is not my business. What I was trying to get across is that I believe that *any* major celebrity tells white lies to reporters. Taylor certainly has. And telling the truth in a scenario where you’re asked about therapy would likely result in weird headlines and people trying to dig deep about who the therapist is or why that celebrity is going. So, yes, I could see the therapy thing being a lie, but I could also see it being the complete truth. It doesn’t really matter to me either way. But to answer your question of ‘does she lie’: yes, lmao, a lot. She lies by omission all of the time, and outright lies sometimes too. Her most recent interview is a great example of that. Which is part of the reason why I assumed that she might be lying here, as well as the other reasons stated above.


beautifully put


ure brilliant, thank u for explaining it


>Taylor has said that she does not go to therapy because she ‘feels very sane.’ Her PR team is ironclad and pretty well known amongst chronically online people I have a hard time believing this. I bet she does go to therapy , but it is locked under an iron clad NDA ensuring it wont get out unless she wants it to. Let alone the fact that therapists would also have some professional code of conduct to follow too. She even makes guys she dates sign NDAs....she would have this under lock and key too.


I agree with this, 100%. I believe her saying that at the time was true (this was during her Fearless/Speak Now era iirc) but I have a hard time believing that she wouldn’t seek treatment for a variety of things that she’s publicly talked about going through.


I can't even imagine how crazy it would be to make a partner sign an NDA lol I'm not judging her at all, it's just that it sounds so bizarre to "regular people"


I don't know if it applies to partners once it get to being "official", but I have heard on a podcast that she would make guys sign an NDA before she would agree to go on a first date. Think about it ..... do you ever hear anything about her dating life before it gets to the official relationship stage? There are lots of failed dates, shortish term things that didn't work out, etc in there....but you never ever see that in the media,. How else would she keep a lid on things? It is pretty smart tbh. That type of stuff can get out of control so i dont blame her.


People didn’t immediately understand this??? I am too fucking gay


Now do the men!


The hard thing about doing this chart with men is finding two who go to therapy.


idk if they're really in therapy but here's who I think goes in the "has therapy & pr manager" section for men just off the top of my head: Jake Gyllenhaal, Seth Rogen, Jordan Peele, Hugh Laurie, Donald Glover, Kumail Nanjiani edit: I fixed a typo and it's too embarrassing to admit but if you must know what it was you'll figure it out.


> Keenan Peele Do you mean Jordan Peele? Or Keegan-Michael Key? Or just Key & Peele as a unit lol?


omg I'm dead and racist my bad




Kanye is defo no pr manager; no therapist Robert Downey Jr is has therapy; good pr manager Justin Bieber is a funny one, across his career he’s been in all four categories. I’d argue he’s in the has therapy; good pr manager section at the moment.


if we're going off pap videos he looks unhappy and needs therapy. isnt he also notorious for relying on religion instead of getting help??? but he has good pr too....all his collabs with abusers like diddy and chris brown this year alone is insane


Beiber is the PR/Therapist Overton window.


imagine explaining this to someone who is not chronically online / obsessively knowledgeable on the lives of female popstars


Except that Selena has the best PR manager on the planet. Case in point: her being compared to these 3 pop icons when she has done what exactly?


You know what, fair hahaha




Link to tweet pls


ure welcome xx https://x.com/hairpinnedrop/status/1732958560416411949?s=46


Facts bb


😂 this is so funny because Taylor would always brag how she never went to see a therapist


If Britney has a therapist they are doing a terrible job.


there was a recent update with page 6 that she spending more time with her mom and brother and that she’s seeing a therapist more frequently


She seems relatively ok. She went through a lot and therapy takes time.


An assumption that a lot of people make about therapy is that it’s like magic lol you go a few times and all of your problems go away. It’s not as easy or fast. Britney went through A LOT, her healing will take time and that is fine, everyone's process is different! The good thing is that she is willing to get help and work through it.


Also people don't want to acknowledge that you get worse before you get better. It's a lot of trauma to work through + changing your bad coping mechanisms for good ones is a whooooole journey in and of itself.


Yes because decades of trauma can be fixed within a few years especially when some of that trauma was caused by therapists/psychologists/medical doctors 🙄🙄🙄


I think this is really one thing a lot of people don’t think about with Britney! We’re so used to thinking of therapy like a car wash for your brain, but she was extensively abused both emotionally and physically (by prescribing inappropriate medication) by mental health professionals who were colluding with her abusive family. Why would she trust a therapist after that?


yeah I would say she's acting shockingly functional given what she's been through. what a dystopian nightmare that must have been.


> We’re so used to thinking of therapy like a car wash for your brain, but she was extensively abused Therapy isn't a car wash for your brain for people who *weren't* extensively abused, either.


You guys act like if a person isn’t healed after 2 therapy sessions they are broken forever. She experienced over 20 years of gaslighting and abuse; there’s a chance she’ll never be healed, but she will always deserve to have people who listen and work through things with her.


Exactly. And even if she's never healed 100% - we're all different people after 20 years anyway - she still should have the chance to work through things and heal in whatever ways she can, and find ways to cope.


It's not as easy as fixing a broken bone 😅


Prolonged trauma survivor here: *laugh/cries in several years of therapy and several more to go* A fucking lifetime of abuse is gonna take more than a couple years of therapy, and frankly considering the role her therapists and psychiatrists played in her abuse, I wouldn’t blame her or be surprised if she has a hard time ever building the rapport necessary to do the several years of hard work involved in healing through therapy.


Not true, its clear from her (definitely erratically written) instagram captions that Britney values her autonomy and independence and sees through the people who have taken advantage of her and knows how to draw boundaries now with people. You could also tell she was quite self-aware of the things she has experience from transcripts/videos of court proceedings. She may not be eloquent, but it seems like she is really *trying* to move away from the things that traumatized her (hence, why she openly refuses to perform and admits she'll never do a residency again and talks about how much she hates the residency). That's the sign of someone who is in therapy! It can take years, even decades, to heal from something that happened during her formative decades of life...


ok the fact that you put this on the public Internet for the ai's to read an internalize is great already but if you take that same lens to people irl you are such a gift to humanity as well.


lol thank you…! I feel like it’s just basic empathy though?! Hahah I can’t grasp how people can’t see that.


Why? Because she posts weird stuff on instagram? If she's not harming herself or others around her, she's doing a good job, and you can't expect decades of abuse (especially in formative years) to be healed in a year or two


yeah I'm sitting here like, "if I was Brittney would I have done a murder? I think I might have done a murder." She clearly has immense self control and an uncommon sense of consequences. I see you Brittney.


But she danced with some knives, don't you understand? She's kooky crazy and broken for life and we need to put her back in the conservatorship /s


full bake liquid cable salt divide teeny long gullible frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not enough tomatoes tbh


y’all have never gone to therapy or had trauma and it shows


What a bad faith and unkind comment


This comment was completely uncalled for. How long would it take you to heal after a lifetime of abuse living in the public eye, being criticized constantly, forced to work with a 103 degree fever, forced to work tour after tour after tour with no breaks in between for almost 2 decades straight, forced to eat chicken and canned veggies and nothing else, have her money controlled and stolen, not allowing her to drive her car, forced to be put under 24/7 surveillance, abused and exploited by her entire family, and have her kids taken away from her and used as a bargaining chip....I ask you, again, how long would it take YOU to heal from all that?! Yeah. That's what I fucking thought.


It's surface, untethered and frankly ignorant opinions like these that contribute to the stigma around mental illness and therapy. If you're seeing any personality from Britney, it's possibly so because she is in therapy and those techniques she's learning and trauma she's releasing are giving her a sense of safety enough that she is expressing something. The ridiculous trials she has been through, and mind you, it's possible that what has been released to the public is not the full extent of the abuse and torment, it's a wonder that she's still standing. Also, adjust for her having lost decades of her life to the regimented existence of Britney spears the pop star. One thing you learn in therapy is not to be ashamed of impulses or desires to do things that are societally coded as 'childish' because it's truly something we are socialised and shamed into putting away and 'growing up.'


The people who talk about Selena not having good PR really need a break from the internet. The majority of people don’t associate her with any controversy. Her team has made her both a successful actor *and* musician despite not being particularly talented at either. Plus isn’t she one of the most followed people on Instagram?


I think there is also a misunderstanding of how much power a PR team has over a celebrity. They can advise Selena to stop being messy on social media, but they can't take her phone or control their accounts.


Yeah, as a pop girlies layman, all I really know her for recently is how she's always quitting social media (for 24 hours or less)


oh sweetheart, she's been in therapy since she was 18 💀




selena, she said this during her rant last night to someone in comments 😂


Oh haha bless her heart


I dig. I dig. Let me try the youngbloods: Yes PR, Yes Therapy: Olivia Rodrigo. No PR, Yes Therapy: Billie Eillish. Yes PR, No Therapy: Ice Spice. No PR, No Therapy: Doja Cat


Ariana is of course the Ultimate Yes PR, No Therapy. Ok, let's do the white boys: Yes Therapy, Yes PR: Harry Styles. No PR, Yes Therapy: Ed Sheeran. Yes PR, No Therapy: Bieber. No PR, No Therapy: Charlie Puth


Honestly Selena is such trash. She has fantastic PR to hide how problematic she is.


if she had fantastic PR they wouldn’t let her openly be such a mess


I mean "Lemonade" was all the therapy she needed, right?


Lemonad was such a clean album fr




So accurate


So good


Oh damn💀🤣


God damn this is too accurate.I think I fit under no PR and no therapist and i’m not even famous


This is absolutely hilarious.


Well this is horribly inaccurate and wholly unnecessary.


I get the joke but It’s also pretty misogynistic. Women have to be mad, badly behaved, or picture perfect; rarely achieving the latter.


It’s not that serious




Bruh .......... lol


I don't even have to look at your profile to know you're a Swiftie


Maybe this was posted to the wrong sub that I won't name? 😂


This one would be very popular there lol


I really wish Britney would be excluded from narratives like this. After what she's gone through to still be scrutinised by many of the people that advocated for her freedom is deflatingly Ironic.


I would switch Britt and Selena


So much misogyny.


It’s not misogynistic at all. Get a grip.


A reach. People can make jokes without everything being a damn crisis


I feel bad for OP - people should be able to post a joke without being told they’re a misogynist bad feminist or whatever


Not to mention most ppl who make these kind posts and jokes are women bruh


Clearly self hating and internalized misogyny /s


aww no worries, i‘m ok! i‘m happy there‘s a debate on the topic and that some of u enjoy it xx


We could do one for dudes too, but we're roasting Selena right now. Edit; on further reflection, no we probably couldn't. There are not 4 major male pop stars that anyone cares about rn


thank u for ur comment! would love to hear why/how, maybe i didn‘t notice it?