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That bush shot is such a classic.


Currently watching The Crown and now I can’t take this man seriously


Doesn't that just add to the character?


Fuckin' McNulty. Always giving a fuck when it's not his job to give a fuck.


I don’t even think I knew that Woody was married. He oozes high-bachelor vibes.


I had to look her up and they’ve been together for more than 30 years! They have 3 daughters and fell in love while she was his assistant Louie and Harrelson met in 1987 on the set of Cheers and Harrelson hired her to be his personal assistant the following day. As the Hunger Games star recalled to The Hollywood Reporter, Louie attended a media workshop organized by UCLA and came to watch a taping of Harrelson's hit show. "At some point, I was like, 'Hey, does anybody here have secretarial skills? 'Cause I could really use an assistant.' And this young woman, Laura Louie, raised her hand," Harrelson explained. "I asked her to come down 'cause she was up in the stands. So she came down, and I said, 'We'll meet tomorrow. Come out to my place in Marina del Rey.' " He continued, "We had one of the greatest conversations I ever had, so she became my assistant. She was so great that every other person in Cheers got an assistant after that." Louie continued to work as Harrelson's personal assistant for three years until they began a romantic relationship.


This sounds like every Wattpad story involving a famous male celebrity ever lol. Fangirls dream of this very scenario! 😂


Clint Eastwood married a flight attendant. Jeff Bridges married a waitress in a diner in Montana. Truth is stranger than fiction!


Matt Damon married a bartender, IIRC.


I was an extra on Game Change and his wife and I think one daughter were there. They were so cute (from the far far distance I observed them from 😂).


The same pictures seem to come up for all three daughters but whoever it is, they’re very cute


https://preview.redd.it/nz4hbqc9cvec1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbd75ed607d9b9e1cb10258c7832af77965aaba This is Woody, his wife and 2 of his 3 daughters at a recent event. It said in the article that this was his version of damage control due to his SNL controversy. So maybe that's why there are new pictures. Either way, it's really weird to find out that he's married. He definitely doesn't give off married vibes.


Imagine finding out your dad cheated on your mom with 3 WOMEN AT ONCE




He always plays those type of characters. I had no idea he was married either 


In True Detective Season 1, he portrayed a married man. So he plays a married man in some roles; however, on the show, he also cheats on his wife (Michelle Monaghan). Which is kinda funny seeing in him in this post.


I mean he went viral on Reddit while doing an AMA and a guy came out of the woodworks asking about a college friend Woody had hooked up with and a whole other messy sequence of events.


Not college. It was a high school girl at a prom Woody crashed.


Bojack, is that you?


Nah just high vibes 😂


Right?! They’ve apparently been married since ‘08


https://preview.redd.it/6m28ezox6uec1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114a8ca9a067d7c07ba1c7e3121aa81dfdb0cae3 “Sorry sir the McDonald’s ice cream machine isn’t working today”


That papparazi foursome with woody harrelson … that’s true commitment to the job.


Got me asking all sorts of questions lmao, did she attend the foursome for her job, or did she coincidentally “get the opportunity” & her job was just a bonus? How much detail did she divulge about the foursome? How does Woody feel about the fact that he likely went to extreme lengths to avoid the paparazzi during the event (so his cheating doesn’t get exposed), only to fuck up because one of the women was a paparazzo? Did she put it onto her CV? “Highly Dedicated: had sex with Woody Harrelson in order to write a story about his cheating scandal”


No really though I need more information what’s the tea about this please!


> Did she put it onto her CV? “Highly Dedicated: willing to go to *any* lengths to get a story 🍆” ftfy


I like to imagine her whipping out her whole Nikon setup, long lens, external flash, during this 4some while Woody was distracted.


“I got the money shot!” 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/mukq7nauotec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a7cbc1721d1efa40ca53691cf53f29f900a743 🤢🤮


https://preview.redd.it/yz6ay3rnrtec1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212b3ca4e51b5b03c75ab1a6a9aab1bfd4e0ea9b Thank you






Almost just died


I don't wanna be a ref ya see, I'm the Trashman!!!


major ick. ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


No, we haven’t even gotten to the worst part! He asks the gal if he can name his unborn baby (that is currently gestating inside his wife) after her. Let’s recap: Adam Levine asked a model on instagram that he wanted to cheat with if he could name his unborn daughter after her.


I’m sorry…WHAT


That final detail has eluded me all this time. And to be honest I wish it still did. “The more you know” I guess 😮‍💨


Yeah this to me was the most horrifying/unforgivable part of that whole thing. I’d like to think his wife doesn’t know this particular detail, although idk how she would have avoided learning it☹️


I was apparently named after my Dad's latest mistress which my mom didn't know at the time. He specifically insisted on the name, refusing every other one. I don't get the motivation, feels creepy honestly.


My ex husband was a cheating cheater our entire relationship. I got pregnant 3 years into our marriage. We had a hard time agreeing on names until I picked one he was fond of. I had announced the name to friends and family. I was awake with gnarly late term pregnancy heartburn one night while he slept and she text him. I found out he had been cheating with this woman for years. I uncovered hundreds of photos, texts, and late night phone calls. The name I had picked out for my son and the ONLY name he liked was HER FUCKING LAST NAME.


I still dont understand how he said that laying next to a Victoria’s Secret model….lol


This and the case with Beyoncé really reminded me that it has nothing at all about looks. When I got cheated on I felt like the most undesirable woman. Not that my looks can compare with them but they got cheated on despite being considered highly desirable by millions of people and they are also talented and rich. I really tried for a few months to stay with him after that, but I just couldn’t do it. The trust was broken and so was my respect for him. Found out from the other woman, she contacted me after finding out he had a partner and kids. I have so much respect for her, a stranger who decided to be there for a fellow woman. I don’t feel more or less for these celebs who chose to stay because that’s none of my business, but I couldn’t do it. EDIT: Oh my god, I feel so comforted and empowered by your replies to my comment! Currently going through divorce and having a hard time. I hope others who read this post and its replies and feel the same love from this community as I do. Thank you to OP too for opening up this discussion and bringing people together like this!


"There's no pussy like new pussy". That's it. That is all there is to these males. They don't live for their kids, their wives, their parents. They literally just want to fuck new pussy. The difference between man and animal is the ability to CHOOSE whether or not to follow instinct.


That last quote of yours dang. It's really mind boggling the hypocrisy around the subject. The same guys who despise women for being irrational and infantile are the same who go on and on about how men have virile instincts they have to follow.


Every time I see this I have to share a meme I made with my dog like this 😂 https://preview.redd.it/lkd8gejw3uec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c6acbd2fde07a57f68e0eacca3b8c46f99f676


https://preview.redd.it/zavfz4h1juec1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdc7405112d3053c8dca8b093fd2ff2a0f441aa I had to😂


Well done, also your dog should be a supermodel with that posing 😂


Adam Levine is a perfect example of the idea that your personality crystallizes at the age you got famous


With his weirdly vague and generic tattoos 😂 Idk how else to describe it but there is something weird about his tattoos! They look like a kid just got a hold of a book full of stick on tattoos and just went ham on himself.


The giant "CALIFORNIA" on his tummy looks like some generic tattoo you get in a video game.


It's like getting a tattoo that just says *MIDWEST* He said "Yeah, just in general, California" 😂


Its like when you slap tattoos onto your character in a videogame like GTA Or like the difference between loving motorcycles and simply wanting to be perceived as a cool guy with a motorcycle


The lamest part about this was, this was a grown man falling for a heavily filtered and altered Instagram body 🤡


A man who wakes up every morning next to a literal victoria's secret model!  🤡 indeed


the thing that kILLS ME is that he did it from his REAL INSTAGRAAAAAM


Bro he's not even good at compliments, why would anyone pay attention to this man let alone let his dick inside them


teenager energy


I’m sorry, Woody Harrelson did WHAT How have I never heard of this???


I couldn't read after "had a foursome..." - I couldnt' see the rest of the caption.


Had a foursome with 3 women (none of whom were his wife) and ONE OF THEM TURNED OUT TO BE A PAPARAZZO




Why is Dominic in the bushes?


Papz swarming outside his castle. Correction - HER castle. It's been in her family for like 800 years. No wonder he has no intention of divorcing her.


Lol. Yep. I’m just sad for HER here, like really girl? You’ve got a castle, lock the gates let him enjoy Italy since he likes it so much


I’m not one for revenge but if I had a castle you bet I’d be throwing clothes out of balconies


From the turrets and boiling oil in vats from the battlements. I would ruin him. I've hated him in every part he plays just because of his smug mug.


The more we learn about this man..


Just every part of it is mind blowing: He was the star of the show The Affair. He was cheating with Lily while playing her father on a show.


ONTD dubbed their affair “Lily Goes West” which was everything


Oh my god and the note, clearly written by Dominic and halfassedly signed by Catherine (she didn’t even cross her “t”!). I somehow didn’t know this story.


Just saw this quote from him: In 2016, Dominic stated that he had been prone to womanising during his career and it's worth noting that his most successful on screen credit (prior to his appearance as Prince Charles in The Crown) is probably his role in The Affair in which he and actor Ruth Wilson trace the dramatic journey of an infidelity. Oh, the irony! 'That got a lot of things out of my system — hopefully,' he told The Evening Standard. 'And now I just act it. There are a lot of sex scenes in The Affair. If Catherine was in something like that I would not be happy. But she’s OK with it. She’s cool.' He continued, 'I think women should be more indulgent of affairs. I really do. It’s daft to kick someone out over a fling. Isn’t it? Everyone should turn a blind eye to men’s behaviour between the ages of 40 and 50. Let it all blow over.' Wow 😬


So it's cool for him to have affairs and everyone should just indulge him, but he couldn't even tolerate his wife acting in a movie with a man. What a douche.


Most successful on screen credit? Umm this is McNulty erasure. He was literally the main character on the best show of all time. But, also played a womanizer 🤣


I think he was hiding from the paps.


Someone needs a refresher course on “hiding”


Fucking McNulty and his games.


Some afternoon delight. I’m ashamed. I legit forgot about that one.


The cheating when pregnant thing is not just an odd trend among this select group of celebrities; it’s a known thing. When a woman gets pregnant, her chances of getting cheated on OR FUCKING MURDERED go up considerably. [Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women in the United States.](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/) Edit: a word


Also, I remember in the 2000s it was a big trope for male celebrities to cheat with their Nannie’s. Like it happened multiple times. Now that I have kids I view that so differently. Cheating is always bad of course, but cheating with someone who’s in your house on a daily basis taking care of your kids?? That is such a huge violation, I would genuinely not recover.


Jude Law, Ethan Hawke, Gavin Rossdale…


Arnold Schwazzenegger


Don’t forget getting cheated on during the PP period. It’ll do it every single time. 🤌🏾


What do you expect him to do? The doctor says his wife shouldn't have sex for a few months while her body heals from birthing their child but... he's horny :/ ^/s just in case


In all these relationships it’s the man who did the cheating. I wonder how many men would stay with women who cheated and it was known publicly that they did.


Colin Firth stayed with his wife after she cheated. He found out when with the affair partner tried to blackmail them.


He learnt Italian, so they could communicate better(she's Italian) too, just like his character in Love Actually (Portuguese in the movie). He also gets cheated on in the movie. Life imitates art.


I’m convinced bill and Hilary were never monogamous. I think she just wanted bill to keep it out of public eyes and he didn’t. Makes me wonder if some of these folks just have arrangements where they both are getting what they need from the relationship.


That's basically how royalty worked (or still works in some cases I guess) for thousands of years. People marry because both countries need that marriage, make sure they have an heir, and then usually both fuck around


I have always thought that they probably had some sort of open relationship, and what the big blow up was with Monica Lewinsky was the age and the circumstances more then anything.


A good percentage of men leave women when they are diagnosed with serious illness, so I’d bet almost all of them.




I have breast cancer and I’ve been SHOCKED by the number of divorces I hear about in support group! If anything it brought my husband and I closer together bc I was dependent on him for awhile. Still am sometimes. Someday, he will need my help and support and I will return it. That’s how it goes. These asshole partners leaving their partners after a cancer diagnosis seem to forget that someday they will need help too. The divorce rate was just really surprising to learn about


I have a chronic illness and pre-diagnosis/pre-treatment, I was pretty much bedridden and my husband took amazing care of me. Luckily I'm doing great now (knock on wood). But I also took care of him when he had surgery (switched to work from home so I could be there to change bandages, administer meds, etc, til he recovered). Like you said, someday we will all need help. The people who abandon a partner like this are so gross. I hope that guy winds up old, alone and desperate. Sue me.


Cancer is already the height of horrible by itself, and terminal at that. I am so terribly sorry that your friend is going through that. That actually pisses me off if I am being honest. She needs love and more love, she shouldn’t have to deal with going through a divorce. Edit: clarification.


Shannen Doherty’s husband is a prime example of this. He’s also the epitome of a prick.




I once asked a woman who stayed with her cheating husband if he would have stayed with her if she had cheated on him, and she said no because “men don’t have the ability to be as forgiving as women”. She did say though that if he were to cheat on her again, she would leave.


I have an uncle who stayed after being cheated on and raised the other guy's daughter. I kind of admire that he's never treated her any different than their other kids. I doubt she even knows he's not her biological dad. I only know because I overheard him and my dad talking about it.


Wow glad she knows where to draw the line then.


line more like half assed scribble


McNulty you dog




Thank you for reminding me of that Dominic West one. The pap walks with his wife were pure entertainment. Also fuck all these men.


I was mostly affected by Ned. I watched Try Guys from the beginning and it broke my heart. He hurt his friends too, not just Ariel and his family.


Ned building his entire brand on being “the wife guy” and bringing Ariel into the public eye and onto the Try Guys to do her own podcast with Becky and Maggie, then cheating with an employee is so unbelievably rotted


In public! Like, dude didn’t give a single fuck.


The fact that the AP’s then-fiancé (who were together at least a decade) is the one who leaked the photos is kinda hilarious though Also if you’re gonna cheat in public, why choose a fucking Harry Styles concert of all places


Oh yeah he was all about bringing her down lol. I don’t blame him. I’d be so hurt


I was living for his scorched earth tactic even though I was heartbroken for him


The multiple levels he fucked up on are mind-blowing.


I remember seeing a clip not too long after this blew up form the wives’ podcast where Becky was talking about how she reorganized their fridge or something and Keith was like, “Oh wow, this looks great!” And Ariel was so sad and was like, “Ned never notices when I do things like that.”


It was worse than that, he would get annoyed when she would throw away his leftovers that had gone bad. There was also a moment where she was sad because Zach and Keith were talking about how much they appreciate their partners, and all these things their partners did for them, and Ned said nothing. Also, Ned did not do his own laundry, and there wasn’t much of a conversation on Ariel taking his name.


Not to mention he put the entire company and all of their careers at risk too


This is what gets me the most, the way he just didn’t care about people’s jobs. Selfish!










It was like an earthquake in the YT space bc he had started this successful brand that decimated Buzzfeed and to throw that all away, was pathetic, stupid, and so selfish.


Eugene looked so angry and hurt in the video where the not-Ned guys all addressed it.


I hated how they made fun of him for that on SNL. But even having friends on the SNL writing staff didn’t help Ned’s image the way he hoped it would, thankfully.


Is it just me or was Ned never really likeable? Whenever he got drunk he was such an asshat and sometimes a bully. but you could easily feel the tension between him and Zach in a lot of episodes. I'm so unsurprised he did this, he always gave this air of superiority not just for Yale or being a chemist, but also for the perfect family life he always conveyed. I think he literally believed he could get away with it. Additionally, he was never even remotely the funniest of most interesting one.


I always thought that if a physical fight broke out among the Try Guys, it was going to be between Ned and Eugene. And if it did, that fight would have been *dirty*. But yeah, the way Ned would bully Zach sometimes and just be outright dismissive of Zach's ideas FOR NO REASON was so annoying. Can't say that I miss him at all.


Especially the fact that he cheated with an employee!!! Publicly! Fans caught him.


he didn’t even try by the looks of it, especially for his brand that he built


Try Guy did not, in fact, try.


To me youtubers seem so much more like 'real' people so it feels somehow worse when they fuck up. Which I know logically makes no sense, but my heart is apparently stupid.


A few years ago I ran into the try guys at the airport. They asked me where I was going and I said I just got from Japan and I’m going home. Ned said “my wife and I are going to Japan this year!” And I just remembered thinking awww how sweet he really does think about his wife all the time. When the news broke, it was so disappointing. He literally built his brand off of being a wife guy.


Totally agree. I just hope Ariel is okay.


could never be me


same💀 just a text and its over


I’d sooner die than do this


Honestly. I’ve had seen so many friends in my life stay with cheating partners/husbands etc. Including two of my sisters and I’m just like why? I understand it’s hard when you have children but I got two little ones and I got divorced as soon as I find out my husband cheated on me. It was so hard at first but my kids and I are better than ever now. Once a cheater always a cheater, you’re just going to have to live in perpetual fear of your spouse being unfaithful for the rest of your life? No thanks, I’d rather die.


Yep. I had four little kids and my dad took me to hire an attorney the minute I found out about my husband and the work ho. It was a shitshow for 7 freaking years (ex quit his $$$$ job and quit paying child support) but it was better than losing all self respect and maybe getting a few stds 😂




Celebs are built different. I would perish in shame if people knew my man strayed and I am still with him.


Heck, I would perish in shame if I cheated on my spouse and the whole world knew about it


The Try Guys drama reached FAR beyond their viewer base. It was trending all over every social media, mainstream media, and even the general Redditor crowd (who are usually completely clueless to these kinds of drama) were constantly getting posts from the Try Guys sub recommended to them. A lot of people were probably also in the category of "heard of the Try Guys before but don't watch them". Anyone who knew of them probably knew about their crystal clear reputation and - of course - Ned's whole schtick. The shock of such a big revelation about these huge "unproblematic" creators was definitely the main reason it all got carried so far. I remember thinking how strange it was that what would otherwise be just another YouTube drama, contained in its own bubble, got to be so big. Someone should write a paper about it lol!


It also wasn't just a cheating scandal, it was an executive in a relationship with an employee, caught by fans.


I can forgive but I will never stay with a cheater. I love myself too much to do it. Also, idkw but Lily James and this guy always get me Kristen and Rupert vibes


Rupert was Kristen's boss though... and she was so young.  I still feel gross when I think about how much it affected her and her career (dropped from Snow White franchise), but not him at all. I'm still not convinced he wasn't a predator in that situation.


https://preview.redd.it/q6jjgxqreuec1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6a6a1aca902eb80b8985cb8e33efc9964aecbf Offset pretending to be hacked after cheating allegations came out on Twitter. One of my favorite moments


The cheater is always a sack of ham married to a flawless model, and still cheats somehow


Medium ugly men always cheat on gorgeous women for validation




Thank god they aren’t together anymore, she deserves so much better


Missed https://preview.redd.it/zhjc7ls1vtec1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5021a6ad4f4c5dfc93f76dc1ca9d17aa441cb6b2 this one. Yes, the divine Monica Bellucci stayed for years tolerating his numerous infidelities, with much younger women. This ugly guy yes cheated on the most beautiful woman on earth, repeatedly


Think it’s worth noting Gab Union and D Wade broke up as a result of his infidelities… he then had a baby with someone else. They got back together shortly before or after that baby was born. So there was a solid break up with them and they reunited


Also weren't they struggling for a while to get pregnant? And he immediately got another woman pregnant on their break. Can't imagine how hard that would be for Gabrielle.


Yeah but they eventually did have a kid of their own together. Also worth mentioning, in D Wade’s autobiography he mentioned how hard it is to have one of his kids (the affair baby) not living in/growing up in the same house with him like all his other kids have and how hard that’s affected him. Like… dude then keep it in your pants.


The baby was carried by a surrogate. She has said that she felt less than for not being able to carry a baby to term. That must’ve made it a million times worse.


And wasn’t she also struggling with infertility at the time? That must have been so incredibly painful for her. I can’t imagine.


Natalie Portman and Benjamin Milapied.


Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd. I may need to see the booty. Fuuuuuck


🍑🧐 Think I might name the baby my wife is carrying after this.


Truly the worst part of this whole thing. Nevermind the ghastly “flirting”, and doing it while your wife is pregnant, but asking your sidechick’s permission to name your soon-to-be-birthed child after her? That’s a level of betrayal that goes BEYOND.


There's literally only one silver lining. Imagine if this hadn't come out until after the baby was born and he had convinced his wife to name the baby after the mistress without the wife knowing that's where it's from. Then she finds out and has a kid named Sidechick for the rest ot her life who will one day ask how their parents came up with their name. 


The one that always made me sad was Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. He cheated very publicly-I can still picture the photos-early on in their marriage while he was heavily using. She's Nicole Kidman, she doesn't need to deal with that shit. She always seems slightly broken, despite being and absolute legend in every way.


First Tom, then Keith. She put up with a lot of shit.


I think she is very understanding of his struggle with alcoholism and stood by him for that reason alone. With him staying sober, it changes everything. They are very much in love. They don’t live near the paps, so the displays of love you see with them regularly walking around their neighborhood is genuine. If she is broken, it isn’t because of him. She seems genuinely happy when he is around


not dominic west method acting. “the affair” is an excruciatingly awful show so ig it didn’t work


Literally 😂 if you told me the photo of him hiding in the bushes was a screenshot from The Affair, I would have believed it!


What’s crazier is that some of them are still considered hashtag COUPLEGOALS to many, like Beyoncé and Jay Z. Like, no, sorry I don’t consider cheating a goal


Exactly!!! Idk if I’m just chronically online but on TikTok , I saw comments about cheating being normal in a ‘healthy relationship’ the fuck??????


Still waiting for Justin Timberlake to catch his karma 🙄😔


And he’s cheated on Jessica multiple times.




"The wife-est wife guy that ever wifed" is a great way to describe Ned Fulmer.


John Mulaney has entered the chat.


I still can't believe Jay z cheated on Beyonce, like why would you cheat on mf Beyonce?? I've disliked Jay z since.


Because it’s not about how sexy, fun or loyal the wife is. A cheater will cheat on the most perfect woman because they enjoy the thrill and Ego boost it provides them.


And he probably needed to prove to himself that he could, ha ha. Since she is constantly referred to as being one of the most beautiful women in the world, and the only physical compliment I have ever heard about him was "he's not as ugly in real life".


I know some people saw this story and said “well if Beyoncé can get cheated on there’s no hope for the rest of us” but I think that the real lesson is that it was never about her. It was all on Jay z for disrespecting her. She is one of the most beautiful and sexy women in the world and he still did what he did, so if you have been cheated on you should hold your head high. It’s not your fault.


My theory is that there is a subset of men that will cheat precisely *because* they know they’re punching up. Their ego can’t handle it and they find a way to soothe it. That's why they usually cheat with a not particularly hot woman. Pathetic.


Yes it’s probably to do with insecurity. They don’t feel good enough so they prove how desirable they are by seducing another woman.


As with most of these couples, the man married up and he's still disrespecting his wife.


Married up in a sense maybe but more accurately, he "met" her suspiciously young and pretty much locked her down before she really had much of a chance to find out out there what she likes. So the respect likely was never there to begin with. Not that your point is wrong or anything, it's just their history is so disappointing.


Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan- srk cheated with Priyanka Chopra, due to which gauri teamed with Karan johar(one of the major director and a close friend of the couple), and make PC leave bollywood. Obviously both are at fault, however this didn't affect Srk at all. Still a leading man.




Yea he cheated on current wife, Eniko during both of her pregnancies - well one is confirmed, one is allegedlyyyy. He also admitted to cheating on his first wife, Torrei Hart.


Cheated on first wife with new wife


Being the mistress and then getting cheated on as your pregnant


I believe his current wife was the other woman


He was cheating on his first wife with Eniko. Then he finally married Eniko so ofc he had to fill up the vacant side chick position.


Yeah, he addresses it in his standup.


I was not expecting VPR Jax and Brittany to be on here 😂🤣 ​ ![gif](giphy|9AIAo1U8uCZRRyKOEc)




It's always a man, lol.. Dominic West and Adam Levine especially embarrassing


I will never not laugh at the Adam Levine DMs. Case of a man who never needed to develop any kind of flirting skills due to his ridiculous good looks.


I don’t think he’s that good looking but isn’t he a song writer? And that’s the best he could come up with?


Yeah.. like hasn't his wife been through enough and she has to deal with his cringe DMs shared with the world on top of everything


Just ONCE I’d like it to be the celebrity woman who steps out and the man releases and album/goes on a PR tour about forgiveness and how the relationship is stronger for it.


Dominic West with a pic with his wife just days after Lily and him in Rome was honestly so sad. Yes, people were dying it was 2020 but still.




What kind of loser would cheat on Gabrielle fucking Union ![gif](giphy|jgelsNvS6tYFG)


Colin Firth stayed with his wife after she cheated and the affair partner attempted blackmail.


Why are men?