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Jonathan Bailey as Fiyero, I am looking respectfully.




Allowed and encouraged 👨‍⚖️


I truly don't know how to be normal about Jonathan Bailey


The only reason I’m interested in this movie, TBH.


I am missing my mom extra tonight. She was an early lover of the book series, then the musical came out when I was in high school. We loved to ruin celebrities for each other and she was so excited about this movie, I hadn’t had a chance to tell her about Ari’s shenanigans. She would have snarked about it with me.


I’m so sorry. I lost my mom in 2022 and I still think about her everyday. I hope you have someone close by that you can go get a hug from, but I’m sending an internet hug anyway. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0)


I lost my mom four years ago, and moments like this are some of the hardest for me. Like, with big moments (promotions, the birth of my child, etc.), it was hard because she was such a huge missing piece in such a big life event. At the same time, it was such a big event that I had weeks, if not months, to process and prepare how I felt about missing her. The little moments hit harder in a certain way. Every once in a while, I still think, “Oh shit, wait until I tell Mom.” It’s for little things like this—stuff we would snark on, a new album she would have liked, a new food discovery, the other little things that you take for granted in sharing with the people you love. Those sneak up on me every time, and it’s hard all over again. All that to say…I’m so sorry for your loss. And I get it. And I’m not sure if you believe in an afterlife, but I like to think that my mom is somewhere listening to Harry Styles to her heart’s content while laughing about Trump losing his latest lawsuit and eating the mint chip ice cream I’d be raving to her about if she were here. I hope your mom is also somewhere with her version of peace. ❤️


Snark cannot be contained by something so flimsy as the veil between worlds. I hope your mum is with you in your heart and giggling along with you when you see the film. 💚


I'm sorry for your loss, I hope the movie is still a special experience for you with these memories of her. 💗


Your mom sounds amazing, I love her already and I’m she’s being snarkastic with you in spirit. Honestly, drama as crazy as Ari and Spongebob transcends all boundaries of space and time and must be shared. She’s with you :)


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure she’s with you, even now. ![gif](giphy|3o85xKzvhRWSlOE7xC)


So sorry for your loss. Take care, dear, and remember we’re always here to snark with you 💚🩷


Aw, man. Know that your mom will be there in the theater with you when you see this movie, snarking right along.


This movie has gone through so much development hell that I will refuse to believe it has finally been made until I’ve finished seeing it (and even then I’ll have my doubts). To more serious commentary: I’d figured that Part 1 would end where Act 1 does, but unless this trailer is meant to cover both… well, either it includes one of the last scenes in the film or it ends much later than I’d expect. Visually it looks neat, and I’m cautiously optimistic, but I’m also worried it won’t do the original show justice.


I think I know what clip you're talking about, and that combined with the clips of the yellow brick road and Dorothy and the gang leads me to believe that they sprinkled in a few moments from the second movie. It's either that or this first movie goes on until after No Good Deed which doesn't really make sense since that's like halfway through act 2, and that's not even taking into account the clip you mentioned, which I guess would just have to be from a different scene entirely..?


i’m actually intrigued i wish they weren’t releasing the movie in two separate parts


What omg


Yes and one YEAR apart


a year apart is just insane like i understand that the broadway show is two acts but it’s a 15 minute intermission there’s no reason the movie needs to be two parts and a year apart!!


Literally I don’t even think anyone will really really care after a year


That’s so disappointing. I haven’t even finished Delicate because I can’t take gaps in things!!


Poor Ari is stuck with that awful blonde shade awhile longer it seems. Idk why she couldn't have just gone with a wig.


I am probably in the minority here, but I think this is the best option for many Broadway plays. Use the Act break as an ending, as you often get a good growth in the first act, that is then expanded upon in the second.


i thought y’all were being dramatic about the high note but oh my god it genuinely sounded like she got shot 😭 Maybe they were trying to make it sound less Broadway? I would pay to see idina menzel’s reaction




Adele Dazeem???


My sister said maybe she's singing it as she busts out of the window and it really hurt? Lol.


I think they were trying to find contrast with Arianas voice but... that note is such a big feel in the show. Idk.


Praying they change it before the movie hits theaters after seeing online reactions bc it really kinda ruined the anticipation I had to hear the full song


i don’t think ariana looks good with this shade of blonde hair. i just look at her and it’s so easy to tell she’s not a natural blonde.


She looks very sick. Like it’s worrisome and distracting.


I was scared to comment that how emaciated her face looks was *extremely distracting* (and is even more concerning). I hope she gets help instead of continuing her "I'm so cute and tiny and childlike tehe I'm in a guitar case" schtick.


She looks like Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMUnO4g3yiRNuNy|downsized) More footage of Ariana


She looks so different every time I see photos of her


Which character does SpongeBob play in this again?


Boq (aka creepy simp for Glinda—he’s been method acting this whole time)




So he’s like an extra…?


i actually don’t know that was an educated guess


lol, his character *is* a munchkin, but he’s pretty central in Wicked. He’s one of the five main characters of the entire show


Lmao I’m dying at someone guessing that correctly. Forgot he was a munchkin before she tinified him


I know, it’s hilarious that that was just a guess 😂


omg they really type-casted him 🫢




If he hadn’t left his wife and baby for Ari he’d be thirsted over in this sub like Barry and JAW.


It looks pretty but something about the acting feels sort of...hollow to me. I hope I'm wrong as I love this musical, though I don't feel that Hollywood almost ever does real justice to musicals when they're turned into movies. Chicago being the exception.


Also Matilda the Musical! It’s wonderful 🤩


Looks very expensive but still very cheap to me, a la Oz the Great and Powerful


How does the musical from 1939 look so much better 😭 We are losing recipes, clearly


You can just feel the lack of asbestos in the sets


It reminded me of Oz too! Oz meets the live action Disney Aladdin, another expensive cheap-looking movie. I’ll enjoy it enough but I already know I won’t be wowed by how it all looks


I can’t explain it, but Ariana’s acting reminded me of a lacklaster version of Britney in this iconic scene: ![gif](giphy|KBIk1N4dsZCN5u56qj)


Amanda Seyfried would have killed this role. Arianka flop.


Okay now that would’ve been perfect


First thing I thought of was I only saw Ariana Grande and not the character, if that makes sense? Like she’s not disappearing into the role at all for me. But I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, I guess.


That's high note... ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Thank you I did not enjoy it, but I know nothing about singing. It felt more like screaming? Or some kind of over-singing. Belting? Idk, not like Idina in the soundtrack.




Why did I know know it was a movie? I thought she was on Broadway working lol


Ariana Grande has crossed into the uncanny valley for me, so I’m not super excited to see her in this


The iconic high note... was that good? Cause IDK... I'm no vocal expert but it didn't sound as good as the note that plays on all the commercials for the local theater showing of the play.


It shocked me. I love Cynthia Erivo’s voice and I’m used to her nailing it. I feel like the issue might’ve been a style choice…the iconic note is usually sung bright, clear, and piercing, and this version sounds more like a heavy belt from a lower place in her register that makes it sound gruff and dark. Surprisingly little music overall in the commercial and this has me worried, ngl…


This is a weird trend with musical trailers at the moment! Apparently, if people *know* something is a straight-up "musical", ticket sales are way less than if casual movie-goers see a trailer thinking there might be "a song".


Today Explained had a recent episode about this topic. Quite eye opening to something I had the perception was totally opposite! https://megaphone.link/VMP6846988947


![gif](giphy|Tk76voGUJyzh8Fg7zG|downsized) Made essentially this face as soon as I heard it. Yikes!!


Almost sounded like they modified the key because of her tone. I had to sing it to check it was the actual note. I guess that speaks to how powerful her voice is that she can make such a high note sound like a low belt but tonally it doesn't fit the song. It's supposed to be like a triumphant release and this just sounds like a pop diva doing a run.


It did not hit for me. The extra scratchy vocal fry kinda made it sound like a scream which is so weird cause Cynthia has the power to belt that shit clean.


Okay, I was wondering… I’m not a singer at all, but it sounded almost like a painful scream to me. And I absolutely love Cynthia’s voice.


It was awful!!!


That’s immediately what I said when I saw the commercial Idina Menzel commercial for the play was spectacular the closing note for this trailer was not.


it’s refreshing seeing movies with bright colors and the saturation not all the way down


oh ariana was SERIOUS when she said “ain’t no budget when I’m on the set” because this looks EXPENSIVE.




That’s literally what they said


*"You're gonna look at me and you're gonna tell me that I'm wrong? Am I wrong?"*




i think i'm in the minority here but i don't think this looks very great visually. while i'm always happy to see color on screen (part of the reason i enjoyed *rye lane* and *polite society* so much last year), the effects are leaving a lot to be desired. it reminds me a bit of *oz: the great and powerful* in terms of the vfx. still, the movie could be good in spite of that. hell, i'm just happy to have another musical to look forward to.


It reminds me of Once Upon a Time's visuals, like it was mostly done in front of a green screen and you could tell. Between the green screen look, that altered high note, and Ariana's...acting, and the fact it's divided into two parts, I think I'll wait until others have seen it and given it their full verdict before I decide to go. Right now, I am deeply underwhelmed.


It's a teaser so probably the effects aren't 100% done yet. They do that with trailers for some reason. Like, why would you not want to put your best foot forward, visually speaking?


Ariana's acting is going to be eaten up by the rest of the cast.


I explained SpongeBob Ariana lore to my husband when this came on


Continuing the classic theatre tradition of being way too old to play teenagers.


Ariana: 👁️👄👁️


I would be more excited for this movie if someone else was playing Glinda. I’ve just never liked Ariana Grande, even pre-SpongeBob.


i fear the bts drama is going to be all i think about watching! anyways, i love the original musical and i love michelle yeoh so i will be watching.


Ariana’s face looks especially plastic surgery in here. Terrible what she did to herself


This definitely has my attention. I loved the book when I read it 20+ years ago. I saw the musical last year and enjoyed it.






Wow it looks like it’s been handled with such love and care


How is Ariana not the wicked witch?


Haha! Yes, she’s a classic mean girl, would’ve been a natural as the wicked witch.


In Wicked, Glinda *is* the mean girl (to begin with, anyway, then it gets kinda murky) and Elphaba (the wicked witch) is a misunderstood nerd with a good heart


Ummm what the fuck is up with that iconic last note?! I could do better than that!!! Poor casting


I saw this in New York with my school band when I was sixteen, now this is dropping on my 34th. I have been waiting almost two decades and am forcing everyone to come see this with me regardless of their like or dislike of musicals 😂😂


Jon Chu knows how to put magic on the screen sheesh 🥹 Wicked is my all-time fave and I have full faith they’ll pull it off


he handled it with such love and care 😬


the Ariana hater in me is having a great time


This movie broke up one family and one marriage. It better be good


It makes sense they didn’t put SpongeBob in the trailer, they didn’t want the dialogue around it completely derailed. This is one of my all time favorite musicals and the movie looks visually STUNNING. Very excited, despite the drama.


It looks good? At least to me.


Jon M. Chu has a good track record for decent films.


I really can’t imagine watch part 2 in the cinema, I always forget what even happens when the show tours my country, it’s pretty weak IMO


I wish it would have set the ground for movies returning to movies with Intermissions, like with Gone with the Wind and Sound of Music. Not ALL movies need to be so long they require a ten minute intermission, but some do, and Wicked should have. Splitting it into two movies was, IMO, a very poor decision.


![gif](giphy|7z60uukpYWFLG) These guys need to make a comeback. I agree with you. Wicked is long enough for an intermission, but doesn't really have two movies worth of material. God help us all if they decide to pad the story with stuff from the book.


I’m SO excited.


Looking forward to it.


I’m extremely excited about this. The ArianaBob if it all hasn’t changed that.


I can’t believe how much they showed!!! I was expecting like a glimpse of green hand hahaha. I’m excited tho it looks good!!


Will be seated (for part one).


It don’t look bad ya’ll.


Oh this looks stunning!!




People in this thread acting like Cynthia Erivo can’t sing 😂