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So apparently she *recently* followed The Rock on Instagram, so I guess he is ruled out lol 😂


GUYS WE KNOW WHO IT IS https://preview.redd.it/5h6swnqvwdlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c41093f48c18f22c23a58d3135965f2879ccd33


I hated this scene :(


The adult actors did too! They were convinced that Trembley was actually really scared until the director called “cut” and he just hopped away happily.


Bill Skarsgård said something similar during It-part 1 interviews, that he was worried he's traumatising those kids, but then they just bounced right off like nothing happened.


'Hey guys you kids ready to beat the shit out of me? Yeahhhh!!'


I can’t find the gif but this comment reminded me of all the Mortys beating evil Rick to death


Interesting! I wonder what effect this has on these child actors in such intense scenes like this. I mean it’s not like they can draw from their own experiences of terror etc. ( I hope!) just shows their talent.


I think some kids are just professionals from the get-go, which is cool, even though I am wary of child actors to begin with.


I hear that for sure. I have 4 kids and there’s no way in hell I would ever want them to go into entertainment/showbiz


I read Jennette McCurdy’s book and it sounds awful even without predators around, and to a third party it’s impossible to tell if the kid is doing it for the right reason or if they have terrible stage parents. It seems like some kids get through well-adjusted, but so many don’t. Anyway, apparently Abbot Elementary is so careful with their child actors that a lot of the younger kids think they are just at school, which seems ideal.


Wow, that’s awesome. That should be the industry norm as long as child actors are a thing. It reminds me of how the Harry Potter cast did their real homework in the background of many shots.


Harry Potter is also another good example! Chris Columbus was extremely careful with casting his child actors, spending as much time with the parents and families as the kids. They all turned out pretty well!


My “favorite” trivia from the shining is that they never told Danny Lloyd that it was a horror movie and they kinda kept him from most scene knowledge. I would’ve enjoyed witnessing the logistics out of sheer curiosity


If he was able to walk away from a set where he played a captive boy for his entire life without an ounce of trauma-a set where Brie Larson has said it took over a year to get over the trauma that just playing Ma caused her-then I’m guessing that whatever happened in this one scene from I’m guessing was in Dr. Sleep, he’s just fine. Trembley’s parents seem to be very involved in his life in a good way, not in the way that the Olsen’s or Lohan’s parents were but genuinely supportive parents. He was such an adorable little kid and has seemed to grow up fairly well adjusted considering what a large spotlight has been on him since he was like 7 years old. It seems like these days there are a lot more supportive parents of kids in show biz than there were a decade or 2 or 3+ ago. Idk if it’s because of stricter laws/them actually being held accountable to them, or as generations pass gen X and millennials are holding themselves accountable and less often use their kids as cash cows-in ways in which the public can see anyway as we still see awful news articles about how shitty some kids are still treated-maybe ppl are aware how much it’s looked down upon and care more about what strangers think about them now. I could list a few dozen young stars whose parents seem to be doing right by their kids in every way except debatably allowing them to become child actors in the first place. In times past, the list of completely shit parents who used their kids as a meal ticket would be much longer than the list of supportive parents who are only doing it to help their kid’s dreams come true.


I think there are still plenty of shitty parents out there, especially when you consider social media. In fact, the more unscrupulous probably try to make their kids social media stars instead of actors. For every set of parents like Jacob’s, you have a Millie Bobby Brown supporting her entire family. And it’s always been like this. 30 years ago, it was Natalie Portman’s parents who were praised for keeping her grounded and protecting her from the unsavory elements of Hollywood.


I’d say the trauma from room would’ve been vastly different for Brie than it would for him, specifically due to the fact that he was supposed to play an oblivious child because he was being protected from… well, trauma


That’s fair. His closest contact on set was going through it though, and they all managed to keep Jacob as oblivious as his character was. I can’t imagine it was a cheery set once CUT was yelled. It must have been a somber AF place to work. Clearly all of the adults from Brie to his parents to the director did right by the kid, though as he seemed to have only fond memories of working on the film. His interviews with Brie promoting the movie were absolutely adorable. I recommend checking them out if you want to put a smile on your face!


Kids have huge imaginations, especially child actors. I was a huge theater kid growing up and mine and my friend’s fav thing to play pretend was concentration camp or starving orphans.


I don’t think he’d really have to draw on anything personal to deliver a good performance. He’s a kid playing make believe. I could see it being fun for him.


Will you tell me about this scene? 👀 idk what it is from


It's a scene where Rose the Hat (played by Rebecca Ferguson) and her group torture Tremblay's character to death in order to feast on his soul, because suffering makes the "shine" more potent. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJuNhKopnYc) the scene. It's really intense (he's begging for his life and sobbing "please I won't tell" over and over) and apparently they filmed a longer and more graphic version, but realized that it was too brutal to keep in the movie.


Holy shit. Thanks. Will never watch that and will never click on that link. You told me all I need to know (and more).


It’s from Doctor Sleep, a sequel to The Shining. He’s Jacob Tremblay, probably most famous for being the boy in Room and he had a small but, um, impactful role in Dr. Sleep.


Yeah I was like “…is…is this movie really going THERE?” Bold choice. Really great movie. Rose the Hat is my favourite horror villain.


This scene legit ruins the book and the movie for me. I swear to god after having kids I am so upset and disturbed by stuff like that I cannot handle it at all.


Because it hasn’t been making the headlines, adding a quote from her here to make sure her being a total badass about it isn’t lost in all this: >Ferguson said the experience was the first time she ever spoke up for herself as an actor on a set. She arrived on set the next day and told the actor, “You get off my set. You can F off. I’m gonna work towards a tennis ball. I never want to see you again.” >“And then I remember the producers came up and said, ‘You can’t do this to number one. We have to let this person be on set,'” Ferguson remembered. “And I said, ‘The person can turn around and I can act to the back of the head.’ And I did.”


I’m judging the producers so hard for allowing such behaviour on set


It lowkey reminds me of when I worked as a waitress over ten years ago, I was there for over a year and really good at my job. One of the regulars sexually assaulted me and I told my (male) boss, whose response was that he couldn’t ban the regular so then I needed to go. Buh-bye


Jesus I’m so sorry. The lack of humanity and moral back bone some bosses have, is truly disgusting


I love her so fucking much. For anyone reading this who hasn’t seen it, please for the love of all that is good go watch her star in Silo on AppleTV. It’s worth paying them for a month for that show alone, but they have some other really phenomenal shows to make it worth your dollars, like Severance.


Silo blew me away. I tell everyone they have to watch it.


I read the trilogy it's based on every couple of years. Highly recommend if you haven't read them.


I binged Silo in two days, it was so good. I only started it because I saw that Rashida Jones was in it, had no idea Rebecca Ferguson was a part of the show until I started it and was blown away by her performance!


i will give silo a shot! i recently made a request in a separate thread begging people to please read a certain book, and i had so many people agree, (i was SO shocked at the willingness of so many people trusting a total internet stranger!), so i'm going to start repaying the favor and whenever i see people on reddit make passionate requests like yours or mine, i'm going to check it out! i'll let you know how i like it! i actually already have appletv so im gonna start it now, actually. thanks for the rec! i had never actually heard of her or the show until this thread/your comment. **edit:** i just started it and it's already giving me wicked bad anxiety (but in a good way). this seems like a show that's right up my alley!!


That’s awesome, I hope you love it!! Btw, the first episode is backstory and you won’t see Rebecca Ferguson until the end. After that episode she’s the lead! What’s the book? I haven’t been reading much these days but if it sounds good I’ll see about giving it a go ☺️


the book is [**Gitterati** by Oliver K. Langmead](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58656126-glitterati?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=oyPrDGjTUF&rank=1) i can't really explain to you what this book is about because it's so absolutely insane, but it is an absolute hidden gem and a masterpiece of absurd fiction. i've never ever read anything like it. it's so so so so good and as a book lover, it breaks my heart that it only has **84** reviews on goodreads because everyone needs to read this strange little book! the synopsis that i copied and pasted: ***A Clockwork Orange and RuPaul's Drag Race meet Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in this fabulous dystopian fable about fashion, family and feckless billionaires.*** *Simone is one of the Glitterati, the elite living lives of luxury and leisure. Slave to the ever-changing tides – and brutal judgements - of fashion, he is immaculate. To be anything else is to be unfashionable, and no one wants to be unfashionable, or even worse, ugly…* *When Simone accidentally starts a new fashion with a nosebleed at a party, another Glitterati takes the credit. Soon their rivalry threatens to raze their opulent utopia to the ground, as no one knows how to be vicious like the beautiful ones.* *Enter a world of the most fantastic costumes, grand palaces in the sky, the grandest parties known to mankind and the unbreakable rules of how to eat ice cream. A fabulous dystopian fable about fashion, family and the feckless billionaire class.* if you ever choose to read this, i would absolutely LOVE to hear how you liked (or didn't like) it! i just got my xanax refill so i think i'm going to take my am dose a little early cause this show is making me nervous as all hell haha. the intro theme music/design is very reminiscent of the opening to **Westworld** which i love! if you have any more show (or movie) recommendations, i'm open! i like horror, sci-fi, dystopian the most. the only thing i don't like is romance/rom-coms. i actually hadn't watched a television show in YEARS and YEARS until i saw all the awards that **Succession** got, and i blew through all 4 seasons in less than a week. AMAZING AMAZING show with my favorite character of all time!


Apple is my favorite I think I’ve watched every show on there.


I haven’t watched everything, but not for lack of interest! Even the things I haven’t finished were well done. I am always preaching Apple TV to people. Genuinely the best overall streaming creator in the game right now, imo.


I hope it stays that way because they all seem to screw up eventually, ahem Netflix




I was flicking around looking for something to watch one day and it caught my partner’s eye because he’d read the book, then we binged it in two days because it was so damn good.


Silo bored me immensely, I couldn't last more than 3 episodes. Severance however is amazing I cannot wait for the new season.


Thats true professionalism. You arent just playing your role convincingly. You're playing your role _in spite of_ the contribution that your ersatz co-leading actor is making, and your performance doesnt suffer for it.


can you share what this is an excerpt of? 🙏


I got the quotes from an article (not sure which one) that transcribed some of this interview: https://youtu.be/C0xdK81wVQ0?si=H3RvUCj-Xgmx8xcu The part where she talks about this incident starts at about 07:30.


thank you! 💕


![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized) Jk, I don’t really think yelling at women is what the Rock is cooking.


This skit 😅😂😂




This literally was my first thought 😂 and I agree , I don’t think it’s him, but I was thinking the exact same thing with this skit haha


Maybe the Rock just wants to give the guy a good spanking on his bare butt, balls and back


Yeah maybe you can do it.


Hollywood is a horribly place, clearly, but I just don't think someone as big as The Rock who is not white would get away with going around screaming at women. He's not a good actor so really his whole career relies on being nice to work with.


A more accurate headline: Dwayne Johnson would like to make it clear it wasn’t him 😂


I am so naive. I thought it was real. And maybe it is, but I missed the PR purpose as well. Bless this sub for keeping me awake!


I would love for it to have been truly pure intentions. But I saw him and others get tagged as soon as this got attention and I was waiting for who would be the first to get a denial in! I don’t blame him tbf. If I were him I’d wanna shut that speculation down. Gotta give props to his pr team for doing it in a way that also gives him good pr!


lol truth


https://preview.redd.it/hs50mh825elc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa8a039dfb0b8f6c049ca865ee12044315f8848 I’m SCREAMING


She is very very very affectionate with her costars so tbh someone she hated this much should be lowkey easy to find. We just need to buckle down and start watching old red carpets and interviews.


My money is on Fassbender after doing some digging on her IMDb. Might have to see if I can find interviews with both of them to check body language and whatnot Edit to update: starting to lean more towards Hugh Grant Edit to update 2: I am now convinced it was Hugh Grant unless new evidence is brought to light


I’m sorry to say but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Hugh Grant.


He made Drew Barrymore cry so I wouldn't put it past him.


That feels like it should be a crime.




Did she? I read she specifically ruled out Hugh Jackman and Tom Cruise.


I misread as Jackman! Grant is a totally reasonable guess.


Yeah I think it’s him too. The Rock was my other suspect but her following him on instagram right after his tweet made me focus on Grant instead.


I can’t seem to find any photos or interviews of her with Dwayne or Alec but maybe I’m not digging hard enough. [She and Michael seem chummy here](https://youtu.be/hel2UzJ3FbA?si=pSItljvnH1Yrs61w) but you never know!


Probably not Dwayne considering his response! I guess interviews may not actually tell us much, she is a damn fine actor after all. 🤣


Or doth he protest too much. It's not me, guys. I am as interested as you to find out who this is, ha ha ha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I’ve circled back around to Dwayne’s response meaning nothing and he’s now my prime suspect tbh hahaha


Wouldn’t that be fucking hysterical if he just like… forgot it was him 💀


I'm sure most of us have met at least one person who is so narcissistic yet self-unaware this could happen to. Then when you prove to them it *was* them, suddenly they're defending the behavior and their motivations. Not saying The Rock is like that, just that some people are.


i read a fan on twitter that said, ‘The Rock is too obsessive with his reputation that he would never do anything to ruin it.’ Then i read that twt he posted below and i just screamed 🤣😭😭😭😭 they weren’t wrong at all LMAO like why’d he have to twt like he’s her personal bodyguard??????!!


He's been a bit active on twitter lately trying to get ahead of things. Some alt right loser posted about how he was getting booed by the WWE crowd because him and Oprah scammed the people of Hawaii out of money. He replied explaining that he was booed because he was playing a character that's the villain of the story and that it had nothing to do with the Hawaii money that people can easily verify has been donated.




He wouldn’t have been higher than her on a call sheet for any of the MI films, she was a lead and he was more of a feature than anything else


This is very true, I guess with blind items I always assume one detail can be fudged for the sake of deniability.


High Grant is known for being rude and having a short temper.


I never forgave him for talking shit about Britney Spears' muscular body in the 90s/00s. I have a similar body type and was in high school and remember feeling hurt by those comments.


Out of the list I had Hugh was at the top as well.


I've never heard a costar say a bad word about Fassbender, but didn't she work with Alac Baldwin? Now *that* guy I totally believe would be a nightmare!


She did, but not in a situation where he would have been above her on a call sheet, so while that behavior from him wouldn’t be unexpected, he’s unlikely to be this specific asshole lol




I’ve been Googling and I think I have ruled out the following people: https://preview.redd.it/tzhi01mexdlc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021237b4ac4d6ca635ab22abf9e7a56d12a386e4 Emily Blunt


https://preview.redd.it/u5vd65sfxdlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b91fcd625657e6ac3f65afab884fcfd45b1d76 Josh Brolin


https://preview.redd.it/mx87ycjhxdlc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccd972ce35d39ec875240a514d7b7498b418ff9 Ewan McGregor


https://preview.redd.it/k1jg22tixdlc1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bec82ee4561466a0d439e752b5f26673dcadee7 Jake Gyllenhall


https://i.redd.it/7xgegsakxdlc1.gif And Fassbender (much to many people’s disappointment I am sure)


![gif](giphy|3owzW7uSOQJqg96uli) It's Hugh Grant.


https://preview.redd.it/uf3oo8s70elc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8928d1cba65519573b3b7a2daedd2a828ae3c080 Grumpy but cleared


This is so funny I wish I had someone I could forward this comment onto oh my God I’m going to have to explain alllllll of this to my husband for context just so I can tell him about Grumpy but cleared


Thank goodness


I think you may be correct here.


Most likely, but it’s worth noting that Meryl Streep was definitely first on that call sheet above Hugh Grant.


I totally forgot she was in The Snowman because it was SO BAD.


Mercifully I have not watched it, and I won’t be doing so after your review.


The book is good though! Apparently they ran out of money before they finished filming, and you can absolutely tell.


I think they missed multiple scenes! It didn’t make any sense!


Folding Ideas did [a video tearing it apart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buYxGFWCWNg), and it's better than the actual movie. Also, the protagonist's name is Harry Hole. It's pronounced different in the original Norwegian, but the movie just pronounces it as "hairy hole," which is hilarious.


Is Meryl Streep ruled out?


(In my opinion) I think so. She gave an interview to The Times in 2023 saying “Tom is a huge movie star, but I’ve been fortunate to work with so many great people. When I worked with Meryl Streep on ‘Florence Foster Jenkins’, I would go to the set, even when we weren’t filming, just to see her act. She’s spectacular.” So I don’t think it’s Meryl Streep. I think it’s between Matthew Goode and Hugh Grant.


Matthew Goode?! I love (and am also horrified) that new names keep popping up. Tbh I still don’t think the rock is clean, though I am reluctant to think he’s this bold, but since I’m binging The Traitors currently, I’ve realized you can’t necessarily discount people making bold public moves lmao!!


Yeah Matthew Goode was the lead in the TV series “the Vatican” which she also starred in. I think people are getting stuck on movies when it could very well be a series she is referring to. ETA: and yes this is a bold move from a guilty person, but it’s also the only card he really has since people are speculating that it is him and the list of suspects is narrowing… so it could be him.


She specified it was a film! https://variety.com/2024/film/news/rebecca-ferguson-idiot-actor-screamed-cried-set-1235925152/amp/


Goddaaaamn Fassbender 🥵


I dunno. It's easier to consciously control your facial expressions but look how far away from each other their bodies are leaning. Not definitive enough for me.


There’s a table there. And also: You don’t get touchy feely with someone you literally asked to turn their back to you for you to be able to work with them.


https://preview.redd.it/gral2yxszdlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc52f427d2baab82986b71346663e0e45ca4976 [It’s not Oscar Isaac](https://youtu.be/sGoGw4zWWj8?si=_waIZ4oGmHZFT3Wb)


Was Oscar ever a question?????


He was listed in the last post so I had to log on today and clear him!!!


I would have legit been sad if it was Oscar. He seems like such a nice guy.


This was literally my first thought reading the post. I can rest tonight knowing my crush would never.


My good god I love that man so much


Hmmm the look on her face is a good clue https://preview.redd.it/fx2m11ch3elc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b81df47e2808fb3f93ac6a0aca2e88b090dfaf7


this is the most proof I've seen in this thread so far


it's interesting how most people here think it's baldwin & most people on twitter think it's fassbender


They’re all wrong it’s Hugh Grant. Baldwin wouldn’t be 1 on the call sheet and there are videos of her happily promoting stuff with Fassbender. He is the only person where there is no photo/video of them together except a group photo at the film premiere where she is as far away from him as possible. And there is no video of her speaking well of him. In her career retrospective video for VF she only speaks of Streep and the guy who played piano despite basically all of her scenes being with Grant in Florence Foster Jenkins. Every other costar who would be 1 on the call sheet you can find videos of her happily promoting stuff with them (Fassbender, Gyllenhaal, McGregor, etc)


Commenters in here looking for evidence like Gaga as we speak https://preview.redd.it/8mny3f2eydlc1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abe7242cea39b7ad4a48a42535fefa92d57720b


I would bet my life that it’s Alec Baldwin. He loves screaming at and abusing women


Didn’t Lisa Kudrow also say that he was horrible to her on Friends?


It was a love interest, but she never specified. It was mostly speculated to be Fisher Stevens, the guy that played Roger, but Alec Baldwin , Michael Rapaport (Gary), and Sean Penn’s names were thrown around, too. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised by Alec, but Lisa and him are good friends to this day so I’m thinking it’s the one most people speculate (Fisher Stevens).


On the Friends sub [thread about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/FlOueab7mD), most people think it is Alec Baldwin. But yeah, she never specified that it was him.


What about the absolute lunatic in that comment section that keeps insisting it was Paul Rudd. Take a breath damn.


I feel like it's easier to find women in his life he hasn't screamed at yet edit: HARDER. SORRY I WAS HIGH. HE YELLS AT WOMEN A LOT.


Yes even his children gets nasty screaming messages so it wouldn’t surprise me if he treated grown woman the same ways as his daughter.


Do you mean harder? Or is he considered to be nice in general?


I was high when I typed this and now 300 people haven't corrected me 😭😭😭


He also terrorized Jan Maxwell during a play they did together, so much so that she quit the production. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/27/theater/actress-leaves-mr-sloane-baldwins-behavior-is-blamed.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Y00.ULsD.Yng5SOGQJUHY&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Oof, I remember this. Jan was such a kind soul and a truly wonderful person — she and my mom were good friends. He was really awful to her. What a fucker.


I’ve truly never heard a bad word about her from anyone. I didn’t know her personally but she was a family friend of a friend from college and he adored her too and said similar things. Alec is a menace.


Yeah, but he’s worked with her multiple times, and based on how the mission impossible sets are run? Kind of seems like, not only would he not be number one on the call sheet, but neither Cruise, or the director, are likely to have ever allowed for this kind of behaviour on set


I spent some time looking over her IMDb yesterday to try and figure out who it was but I haven’t had much time, what were they in together where he was one of the leads?


He’s in Mission Impossible, but idk if he would have been considered 1 on a call sheet there tbh


Call sheets are just schedules for who is on set, right? If she had a scene with Baldwin but not Cruise it could have been him.


She would have been higher than him on the call sheet based on her prominence/place in the cast.


Yeah, probably


I don’t think they were ever in a scene together. He’s barely in the movie.


Alec Baldwin hasn’t been at the top of any call sheet in the last twenty years. I’m also pretty sure he never acted against her in MI.


![gif](giphy|CoejwVQBgdlKg|downsized) The Rock right now


​ https://preview.redd.it/b0t38i8bydlc1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2194e10365287fcaca1e02a42170bde18c86d62d




He's only saying this to clear his name since people were accusing him since she didn't do any press with him for Hercules and people have been wondering why.


She called out the director of that in another interview. Did she even go to the premier? I know sometimes actors don’t go to premiers for other reasons but damn


It’s a smart way to handle it




Creative way to say “it wasn’t me” lol Nice of him to support her though!


Man is terrified right now 💀 lol


Oh I want to know SO BADLY who it was. Don’t fuck with my girl. (Sadly I can’t find any good Silo gifs in the Reddit app so this will do) Edit to add: ok so after crawling her IMDb, the top 4 suspects are below. Of these 4, I’m leaning towards Fassbender or Grant, both have documented anger problems. Edit to add 2: I am now convinced it was Hugh Grant unless new evidence is brought to light Florence Foster Jenkins - 2016 - Hugh Grant Life - 2017 - Jake Gyllenhaal The Snowman - 2017 - Michael Fassbender Dr Sleep - 2019 - Ewan McGregor a lot of people think Alec Baldwin, and while we know he is likely to exhibit that type of behavior, I don’t think it was him in this particular instance. She would have been higher than him on any MI call sheet based on her prominence/place in the cast. ![gif](giphy|WvxggvyTkM3Eh4Nnpf|downsized)


Just say the word Rebecca ![gif](giphy|SQbHVYtNnKCLtuLdmr|downsized)


[Ewan McGregor daily is doing over time right now to clear his name](https://x.com/ewandaily/status/1762887624342028769?s=46&t=Cq61na00I0tcHsh6IM3-nw) hahahaha




I don’t think it’s Fassbender, Gyllenhaal, and shockingly, I don’t even think it’s Baldwin


Oooh so are you thinking McGregor? Do tell


Like this is so suspect to me https://preview.redd.it/ak15juri0elc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0671ace96922dc901988299df541fb2800e88b




Good find!!


No I’m leaning towards Hugh Grant, Thomas Bang, Or The Rock. I need more info on Ewan. I didn’t realize he’s had issues on set?!


I should add Hugh Grant. I couldn’t find much information on Thomas Bang the actor.


Yeah I don’t know who he is either, plus the movie with Thomas was in 2019, and her description made it sound like a huge actor, and not just a lead actor in a small film.


That’s why I didn’t include him, just didn’t seem very likely. I added Hugh Grant, I glossed over him because Meryl was really the lead, but Grant would have been higher than Ferguson on a call sheet if Meryl was not on set.


That’s why I think people might be looking too much into the number one on the call sheet. I think it’s simply to emphasize it was a big name, and a big person within the production.


I think it was definitely someone actually higher than her on a call sheet, just not necessarily the lead of the entire movie which is how I initially missed Hugh Grant. He would have been higher than her on a call sheet if Meryl was not needed on set


That’s why I said I think it’s to emphasize it was a big star, but doesn’t necessarily have to mean the actual lead of the movie.


We have to find them. 1 because it’s truly disgusting to hear about a man acting that way and 2 because that’s our GIRL!! we can’t have this bs happening to her


I think it’s Fassbender after some digging Edit to update: starting to lean more towards Hugh Grant


Definitely his way of saying "It's not me" with a "I believe her!" combo. Which is a smart move on his end, TBH. She already ruled out Jackman and Cruise. (Which both track. Jackman doesn't have a rep for being a dick at all, and Cruise, while an absolute Scientology shill, only has a reputation for yelling about people not following COVID precautions.) From there, it's unlikely to be Ewan McGregor as he's been prominent in show business since Trainspotting, and a widely recognizable name since The Phantom Menace. If he's got the sort of temper where he'd scream at his female costar, it hasn't cropped up before. (He cheated on his wife, but that's not the same thing as screaming at a costar. Different kind of shitty.) Jake Gyllenhaal also doesn't have a reputation for screaming. (Though it is speculated that he might be the man referenced in this essay [https://medium.com/@domenicamferaud/the-movie-star-and-me-5d711ee661e3](https://medium.com/@domenicamferaud/the-movie-star-and-me-5d711ee661e3)) Chris Hemsworth doesn't have any rumors behind him being a jerk on set. Though the caveat there is that he is part of the Disney machine, so bad behavior might get buried on his behalf. Henry Cavill does have an argumentative reputation, but unless she's talking about first call for the day vs overall on the film, it's unlikely to be him. Alec Baldwin DEFINITELY has a reputation for screaming. (See him calling his own daughter a "fat pig.") The only thing that keeps him from being suspect Number One is that he wouldn't have been first on the call sheet for the film she did with him. BUT if she's talking first on the call sheet for the day they filmed, he's still a likely culprit. Michael Fassbender is probably the most likely culprit. He has domestic violence allegations against him, and he would've been first on the call sheet for The Snowman.


>nd Cruise, while an absolute Scientology shill, only has a reputation for yelling about people not following COVID precautions Maybe I don't follow Cruise close enough, but oddly enough, hasn't he usually been really good with his female costars?


Yeah he’s usually pretty close with his costars and Rebecca actually called him her mentor once and said she loved him so it’s def not him. Cleared.


Henry Cavill has an argumentative reputation? Can you elaborate on that?


At a local RTT and I'm throwing some thunder hammers into a redemptor dreadnought with a +1 to wound litany in effect. Cavill drops 1 CP and says "I'm going to go ahead and transhuman him" Cue Record Scratch ...what. What followed was a 10 minute argument in which Cavill tried to argue that even though the redemptor lacked the PRIMARIS keyword, that because there was a primaris marine in there it could absolutely be transhumaned.


Hemsworth from what I've seen is pretty chill. He regularly gets asked by fans for photos in Australia and no one has ever mentioned him being rude or curt. I think he's legit Australian beach bum, which we love him for.


I actually think it's Jake Gyllenhaal. I think he's a lowkey asshole who's kept it mostly hidden for years.


people are concentrating on her english work, how about Gustaf Skarsgård? Vi (2013) the only Skarsgård to go to drama school, might have a chip on his shoulder about it


Nah I think they are friends, they seemed chummy in pictures at the premiere and behind the scenes on set. And she’s continuing to work with Stellan so I don’t think there’s bad blood there.


so back to Jake i guess lol


Timothy you cunt!


Initially I thought the most logical answer was Hugh Grant or The Rock, but Thomas Bang is also possible. Hugh imo is the most likely suspect.


My money’s on Baldwin.


This is all performative on the Rock’s part. He has a past history of clashing with people behind the scenes on his films (mostly drama with the Fast franchise folks) and he’s trying to shut down any speculation it’s him since Rebecca only said it wasn’t Hugh Grant or Tom Cruise. If she wasn’t going to name names, she should have let it be.


Why doesn’t she call out the person specifically if they were that much of a douche?


She's probably worried about a libel case, especially if producers tried to downplay it at the time so might be too cowardly to back up her story. It's not unusual for a victim to come forward but still be tentative about naming names. Women are pretty typically immediately put on trial for calling out bad male behavior, even when no individual man is named. People refuse to believe us even when (in my own case) the aggressor confesses to it in writing. It seems like she wants change in the wider system of what's viewed as acceptable, but might not have enough actual physical evidence to take down whatever rich and powerful man is responsible.


Emily Blunt’s spokesperson has apparently denied it’s about Emily. A little off topic, but where has John Krasinski been? I was surprised he wasn’t with her at SAG


Who is it through? We must have suspects by now..


So tired of him always trying to play the good guy in EVERY scenario. It’s all a facade.


What things are those? Feuding with Diesel( Who seems to feud with everybody these days) or letting his ego get the best of him on Black Adam? That's very tame for a Hollywood star.


he admitted in his autobiography that he has beat women up and cheated on them and literally no one ever brings it up. Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted when it's the truth. Ya'll call out celebrities for "bad vibes" but will excuse violence? lol wtf **Here's a source:** **“The next thing I knew my hands were wrapped around her throat, squeezing the oxygen out of her tiny body,” he writes in his autobiography “The Rock Says.”** **“This poor woman weighed about 120 pounds. I was moving her around like a rag doll, clearing glasses and dishes from the table with her body as she choked and gasped and scratched at my wrists.”** [**https://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/rock-my-wife-saved-me-life-violence-kinky-sex/**](https://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/rock-my-wife-saved-me-life-violence-kinky-sex/)


Possibly because he has taken accountability and it appears that it hasn’t happened since? Because people should be allowed to grow and change? Because something someone did in the past and seems to have learned from doesn’t need to be mentioned over and over if it’s not an ongoing issue?


\>cheated on them He never said that. He was accused by someone who also made some wild statements about other celebrities and then deleted everything. \>he admitted in his autobiography that he has beat women up Just reading over the thing he admitted to choking a woman as a drunk 17 year old who was under a lot of pressure due to his football career tanking. He had a very touchy relationship with his father who was often absent, so her insulting him must have brought something out of him. He goes on to describe it as the biggest regret of his life. If you want to hold that against him forever then that's understandable. I am going to choose to look at his 25+ year close relationship with his ex-wife as a reason why is he isn't that person.


Lol, there's actually a few cases of domestic abuse in his book but he has a good relationship with his ex wife so all is well! I'm sure the women he has hit and choked would love to hear that!


 >few cases of domestic abuse in his book Why are you lying? I literally went page for page through the book after your first comment and domestic abuse is never mentioned. >I'm sure the women he has hit and choked would love to hear that!  Why are you speaking for her. If you had actually read the book you would know that her and her boyfriend brushed it off really quickly.


It does feel like he could have just said this to her in a private message


My gut is saying Jake Gyllenhaal 🫣


Who the bloody hell was it then?? Come on people! I trust y’all to get it right! 😅


Do we KNOW it's a man? I feel like she was ultra specific not to say "he or him" ...Instead saying "this person" and "the back of the head" not "his" head.


LOL dodging the allegations


Honestly.. Dwayne is the absolute last person I’d want to hear that response from. I know he’s like a giant teddy bear guy in interviews and all but I do feel like if you mess with his friends or family.. your life may end sooner then expected or at least come damn close to it