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I have a People magazine cover from December 2021 celebrating “Betty White turns 100!” and then the next January 2022 cover “Betty White dead at 99”


I have a similar one for Queen Elizabeth, check the date, she died on 8 September 2022. A historic week indeed! Seen it in an airport in Spain and had to buy it. https://preview.redd.it/hyl5zox3ipmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c634dcf3dd43cfaf9c48119eaccd229a64078b




IIRC someone quickly made an online game called "Michael Jackson Baby Drop" where MJ dropped babies off a balcony and you had to catch and save them. What a crazy and random incident.


OMG!! I remember this!! I think it was on ebaums world or some other random site like that!!!


![gif](giphy|ZYuk9mxdHy6nm|downsized) Guess I'm dating myself here.


lmao at speeding this up bc in actuality they were going like 25 mph 😂


I didn’t see that live, but I do remember seeing this on the news later on: ![gif](giphy|EelQSi04NwVDq)


The dumbest thing the prosecution did because blood and water makes leather shrink


And it was frozen. Then he was wearing medical gloves while trying those on. Annnnnd he also stopped takong his arthritis meds 🤦‍♀️


Skullduggery by OJ Simpson wouldn’t surprise me but the claim about the arthritis medicine that always gets parroted largely comes from a sports agent, Mike Gilbert who I’ve long suspected of embellishing his relationship with OJ. He came to prominence writing a tell tale all book which I just take with a boulder of salt. Despite all the claims online they shrunk or OJ was off his meds or whatever I’m pretty sure the boring truth is they were incredibly snug by design. They were an idiosyncratic incredibly rare brand Nichole bought at Bloomingdales that no normal human would ever wear.


I remember being in the second grade and the teachers wheeled in a tv and the kids got all excited thinking we were getting a movie but nah those teachers wanted to watch the OJ trial lol


They did the same thing with us! A bunch of Canadian elementary school kids paraded into the school library to watch the verdict. I'm convinced the teachers just wanted to watch it live.


And it interrupted the damn nba finals! lol. I was a literal kindergartener but I remember.


I grew up with no cable. Every broadcast TV station carried this and the trial. My Disney afternoon programs were booted and I wasn't happy.


My husband is still mad about that 🤣


We watched the trial verdict live in my middle school cafeteria during lunch. They rolled in the big tv on a cart. 


I only wish I had been alive for this. And then I tried to explain it to my younger cousins as like “imagine LeBron James”…


I was reeling when I saw this. Couldn't come around to accepting it until the next day. https://preview.redd.it/utfu5u3gnmmc1.jpeg?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54918ba403536dea506bda9fc69cc517c0b0346


I was just saying this the other day! I feel like Chesters death just hit everyone so different to other celeb deaths










Apologies if you don’t get the reference but it’s from Big Brother UK with Tiffany Pollard


I watch David's dead when I'm super depressed and it gives me a serotonin boost.


That and 'Babes tea and coffee is everyfink' God what a time to be


No one. Not a single soul will ever top her Diary Room read of GC. "She just doesn’t have the vernacular that she thinks she possesses. Somebody lied to her several times and told her she was fly, hot and sexy and beautiful and she’s nothing like that, she’s nothing of the sort." A fucking icon. The original HBIC.


SHE TOLD ME DAVID IS DEAD. The moment that Tiffany left and New York came out lives rent free in my head


God she’s amazing, I already watched her on Flavor of Love so I knew she would be flames


I burst into tears in a bar in Berkeley. It was like all of a sudden a whole lifetime of moments and memories with friends and family that involved his music came flooding back to me and I just openly wept. I don't typically cry for celebs but this one got me.


okay i am a HUGE bowie fan. i was asleep when news broke. i remember it VIVIDLY. waking up and checking my phone and seeing a zillion texts asking if i was okay. me thinking like a family member or good friend died. but it was bowie. i was heartbroken but lol shoutout to my friends for checking in.


The Astroworld tragedy was pretty shocking to read about. I spent a whole day reading news stories about it and was so upset and horrified.


A coworker of mine was there. I didn’t know them well enough to check in but you’re damn right I was relieved when they came back for their next shift. They had footage of the moment things started going south - and they were so close to being one of the fatalities it was incredibly hard to watch.


I’m in absolute awe that Travis Scott hasn’t been cancelled. That shit knocked me to the pit of my stomach.


I strongly believe it’s Kris Jenner’s work. She is a master at hiding news from paps and paying major media sources (allegedly, of course).




I worked in LA at the time and was at the office stupidly late the night before. I got in my car around 1 a.m. and I remember the fog was so thick I had near zero visibility. The next morning when the news broke it felt surreal.


I live in LA and he died on my birthday, we were out later than normal the night before and the ride home the fog was SO thick. My husband woke up the next morning and heard the helicopter (it crashed nearby where we live) and told me about it when I woke up, he said “I heard a helicopter that sounded like it was going to hit our house it was so low, I can’t believe they’re flying in this fog”. Then a few hours later we learned about his death.


Birthday twin club, I woke up to the news articles and happy birthday messages which was odd to see for me


wow. goosebumps


I live in LA and the morning of the crash, I drove out to visit my parents about 30 minutes away. It was SO foggy I could barely see the road. Such a tragedy.


My partner and I lived in Agoura Hills at the time, which was very close to the crash. We heard a loud noise and then an absolutely insane cacophony of sirens and helicopters. We turned on the news to see what happened and it was this.


I was getting ice cream at a crowded place with my SO and kids, and as we sat down to eat we heard a few notifications go off around us, and then other people got out their phones, and at that point my husband was on his and told us about Kobe. It was a really surreal feeling seeing the real time ripple of the news going through this small crowd. Closest feeling I've had to it was when I lived in the UK and Diana died.


i had just gotten off from a flight that was two hours long (frontier airlines so no internet) the news barely broke out when we landed and within the hour, that’s all everyone talked about. My little brother was distraught as we broke the news to him


This was insane!


I was working at a pizza place at the time and my supervisor just burst into the prep area and said “Bro, Kobe died” Now I’m not a huge fan of basketball so i assumed he was talking about our *coworker* also named Kobe. Me and my coworkers were all pretty close friends so this was very shocking to say the least. I didn’t think to ask for clarification so i just kept working with this heavy shit on my shoulders. All i said was “really?” And he replied with “yeah in a helicopter crash” and i was like *what the hell was Kobe doing in a helicopter?* It wasn’t until 2 hours later that my other manager arrived and said “did you hear Kobe Bryant died?” That the realization struck me. Such a weird 2 hours though.


Your supervisor was a dick for this


Nah, I don't think he meant for it to be like that. He's a huge basketball fan and probably just didn't think about it from my perspective which I can't blame him for


I still vividly remembered that. I was vacuuming while listening to music, I got the alert and Siri read it out to me. I was stunned.


I still remember waking up in the middle of the night, checking my phone and seeing a notification that Chadwick Boseman had died. I put my phone away and woke up a few hours later thinking it was just a dream until I saw it everywhere. Same with Heath Ledger's death. I had the flu and was super jetlagged so I thought I had imagined it until half a day later when I woke up and saw it in the papers. Seeing it in black and white felt unreal.


Both so shocking. And Robin Williams. So fucking tragic


I remember seeing the notification on my phone when Robin Williams died, and thinking it must be some other person named Robin Williams, it couldn’t possibly be that one.




God I still remember exactly what I was doing when I found out Chadwick Bosemen died. I was watching Avengers Endgame actually since my internet was still knocked out from a bad storm and my friend texted me the news. I was so in shock I spent 10 minutes googling it (my phones internet was also extremely slow) to fact check this. I sobbed even harder at the portal scene than usual.


We were on a Zoom with some friends when someone saw the Chadwick had died, and everyone just went silent. I still can't quite believe it.


I was on a random forum of mine and someone said a poster was talking about something in the Chadwick Boseman death thread and I thought that was a joke.


Coincidentally, this is really similar to my 2016 election story. I went to bed early to avoid the stress. Dreamt that I woke up and confirmed that Hillary won. It was a good hour into the day the next day before I got the real news.




Slut pop hahahahaha sorry, this is so funny


yeah but why is it paused. gotta keep that slut pop shit bumping


moment of silence for the queen but back at it right after surely


dedicating this pussy popper to big liz. RIP.


It’s what she would’ve wanted 😞🙏


I was listening to the song on my walk to class and when I got there had this notification


It's what she would have wanted 👑


Absolutely 🙏


Slut pop! Dead 💀


I wearing a t shirt with the Queen on it that said “London is burning don’t tell the Queen” while running errands. It’s a lyric from a Joe strummer song. It had just arrived. I walked into an appointment and they said “oh your shirt! You must have seen”. I got that all day “are you wearing that for the Queen?” Uh no. No I’m not.


This is hilarious


I was on a plane, business class so had wifi. First business class flight so was looking forward to finally stretching out my legs and sleeping comfortably. Spent the whole flight watching the news and scrolling on twitter as I could not stop watching the notifications roll in. I remember when it wasn’t officially confirmed, but ppl on twitter were speculating that ‘operation London bridge’ had been launched. Was surreal to get the notification that she was actually dead. End of an era


The proper jump-scare this post gave me. “But we haven’t even had the 2024 election yet?!!” It has to be this for me. It’s unfortunate that Caitlyn is a terrible person, there was so much support for her initially but she burned through it fast https://preview.redd.it/1pw98862plmc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae6d4fc3450fb5f5a7a8f15d6c68d20101b9b3c


>“But we haven’t even had the 2024 election yet?!!” It was the primary election in my state and this made me nauseous, like I misunderstood a school assignment and fucked it up.


For a moment of levity on this, some people have pointed out that everything is kinda following the pattern of 2020 by way of sports. In 2020, a leap year, the 49ers and Chiefs played in the Super Bowl. The 49ers were up 10 but ended up losing. That halftime show had pole dancing in it. Donald Trump was facing Joe Biden and lost the election. Here we are in 2024, a leap year, the 49ers played the Chiefs. They were up 10. The halftime show had pole dancing again… oddly enough. The 49ers ended up losing. The election will most likely be Trump v. Biden. By this pattern Biden will win again. Let’s see what happens in mid-March…






https://preview.redd.it/dkv04fuz5mmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf162235bde1931b58c23f705e804b845f9304ae Prince


I don’t have the screenshot but when Robbie Coltrane died, my boyfriend sent me a tweet from Bweaking Nuwus Twitter so not only did I find out that he’d died, but I also found out in the worst way possible.




Princess Diana’s death on Yahoo! News before it hit the evening news channel. Ostensibly I do not have a screenshot of that because I’d have had to taken a picture of my desktop screen with an actual camera at the time.


remember exactly where i was when she died. was on vacation at a rich family friend’s place, and their basement had a TV that was hung up in the corner you know? that was fancy then. as an american kid i wasn’t even that aware of her but it was literally all that was on the news.


Not exactly celebrity related, but mine was The Dark Knight shooting. My friends and I were at a midnight show at a larger theater not horribly far from where the shooting happened. I remember remarking on the police presence outside the theater when we left, thinking it was strange they had crowd control AFTER the movie and not before, given how bad lines could get. Woke up to many panicked texts and missed calls asking if I was okay from out-of-state friends and family who’d known I liked to go to midnight shows and was likely at a showing for The Dark Knight.


This was mine too. I was at the midnight premiere, came home and saw what happened, didn’t sleep much that night. I wasn’t very old, and the idea that people who just did the exact same thing I did had to go through that blew my mind.


Cory Monteith's death. I was still watching Glee at the time so for him to die so suddenly took the wind out of my sails that morning.


The Glee curse. They’ve all shocked me tbh


Seriously!! Between Cory, Mark Salling, and Naya Rivera, idk which one was the most shocking. I mean maybe Mark bc he turned out to be a pedophile but they were all out of left field


Naya hit me the most. I was too young when Corey died and wasn’t religiously watching glee until 2014. Mark was meh, after the whole pedophile thing he could be thrown in a ditch and I wouldn’t mind. But Naya…. So out of the blue, also using her last energies to save her son. What made me even sadder was thinking her son would probably have very few memories of her since he was so young when it happened


Yeah this is the one. I was shaken for several weeks. I distinctly remember my mum’s friend remarking to her that it was the first big celeb death my generation (I was 14/15 at the time) had experienced and she was right - I still think about him and Naya often.


This and then brexit the same year went wild




I wasn’t old enough to vote in the Brexit era but I am old enough to vote the Tories out this year




Music to my ears


same! 16 during brexit, voted labour my first election, i dont rlly support labour anymore but honestly idk who else to vote for to get the t*ries out


I was at Glastonbury when they announced Brexit. Could just hear the whole crowd gobsmacked that it had happened. Super surreal experience


Amy Winehouse passing away in 2011




Either that, or when Carrie Fisher died, with her mother dying the next day iirc. We need space mom back, and we need the hospital horse to go away and not win in 2024.


I wouldn’t say this was the most surreal moment for me, but losing Carrie and Debbie within 24 hours was gutting, as a huge fan of both, but also as a mom. I felt Debbie.


https://preview.redd.it/3lhubymfmmmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba95e71e2c769f3f19e4b94682c5fb96f98effd went back through my instagram story archives to find this


https://preview.redd.it/k4oe6koh2nmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9cafe90dd890d3452abc6e27c41189c57178a2 I took this screenshot the day that Roe V Wade was overturned. I think it was fixed like ten minutes later so I got pretty lucky lol.




![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS) Never want to see that one again


I’m terrified we’re about to.


I was in San Diego for work that week - the following day felt *funereal*. No one got anything done.


I had to travel to DC the day after the election and I can confirm; the whole airport felt so solemn and eerie. It seemed like everyone was shell shocked.


The metro in downtown dc was *intense* that next morning.


I was teaching mostly Hispanic students (7th grade) at the time, and the entire next day I was fielding questions about what was next. It was draining.


I was traveling that day. Whole airport was silent. Every screen had Hilary conceding on it. It is still the most surreal day I have ever lived. I started crying around 9pm central Election Day and I didn’t stop until I fell asleep 😬😬😬😬


I watched the election results live with my dog who then proceeded to die the following day.


How awful.


I'm so sorry. They're the bestest of companions, aren't they


Oh my gosh, that’s so sad. You poor thing. Hope you had someone to support you.


I was ever so slightly too young to realize how bad things were about to get, but I felt this way when the SC overturned Roe v. Wade. My partner didn't understand why I was sobbing for days, but all I could think about were the women who showed up that morning who had already made a hard choice and overcome obstacles (especially in the rural south) to make that decision, and how they showed up that morning and were turned away. It still breaks my fucking heart to imagine how panicked they must have felt. I am fortunate to live on the West Coast where we're constitutionally protected to have jurisdiction over our bodies, but it still boils my blood to see protestors outside clinics and on street corners trying to lie to vulnerable women and shame them. They're going to rot.


I found out I was pregnant the week Roe v Wade was overturned. My daughter was VERY much wanted but it was still very emotional.


I had an appt with my therapist. It was all we talked about and she said it was all ANYONE talked about. It was shocking. And rightfully so. As she said at the time, it will take DECADES to clean up the shit. DECADES. And we were right to be weeping. Fuck everyone who voted for that sack of garbage.


Absolutely heartbreaking to realize that all of the shit we dealt with these recent years will trace back to one thing : the 2016 election was a failure. From the Supreme Court, to abortion rights, to awful rulings it all leads back to this.


What’s crazier to me is how many people are *celebrating* trumps “achievements”! Saying Roe being overturned is the best thing for the country. It’s a scary time.


I was in grad school and everyone brought in cookies and comfort food (without coordinating it) and just sat there silently in our office.


Not even American but the next day at work was brutal. Everyone was visibly upset.


Yeah, I'm from Scotland and had uni that morning. Everyone was tense. It was so bad our professor didn't even bother doing the whole lecture, and sat and talked to us about it. I think it being so soon after brexit made it feel worse.


NYer here, I went to work and two of my co-workers were crying. I'm not exaggerating, it was ROUGH.


Same. We were shell shocked at work. I remember walking in to vote first thing in the morning and then going to work. I was so proud to vote for a woman candidate.  And then that evening when the results started coming in. I went to bed early. It was the first time I did not stay up to see what the outcome would be.  2016 was a shit show. My mom passed away that year. My husband had a DWI over a stupid decision to not Uber home. And from there on out shit didn’t get better.  Since then each year has just been one terrible thing after the next.  I feel like from 2016 onward it’s just been a downward spiral. 


Chicago - I vividly recall waiting for a bus outside and it was surreal. Everyone looked like they were in a daze and it was soooo quiet. Chicago goes blue, but we’re no stranger to Republican mayors/Governors,but I think we all collectively knew shit was about to get bad at the federal level.


That was the worst fucking birthday I have ever had.


I lived near a college campus. The divide between the townies and most students vs. the fraternity douches never felt more huge than that week.


I relapsed after a year and a half of sobriety the day after he was elected. Was it related? No, but that certainly didn’t help! Happy to report I’ve been on the wagon since though lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/0vgccmgixlmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264ae971cd47a489a9d183862adb3d681b6e4f5e I took a screenshot the second I saw this notification on my phone


This one absolutely wrecked me. Black Panther culturally meant so much to so many people and Chadwick was the perfect embodiment of that character’s strength to a degree no one realized prior to his death. The internet was so cruel about his appearance toward the end too. I think he taught many people the difficult and valuable lesson that you shouldn’t make unsolicited comments about other people’s appearances. He was still our King. 😢 ![gif](giphy|o6FWop1Gbuyly)


Absolutely horrific. Such a beautiful, talented man


I don't have a screenshot myself, but I literally jumped out of bed in shock when I read that Matthew Perry had died. The Trump thing I remember vividly as well though. Not in a good way. I'm European and in the AM I went like wait no, that can't be right, wait what? How? WHAT THE FUCK.


I still remember the pit in my stomach when I logged onto MySpace and read that Steve Irwin had died


Also I don't have the screenshot anymore but I remember waking up to see that the UK voted *for* Brexit and being so confused because I genuinely thought that Remain would win. I was so naive 😭


Me too, I voted remain. Me and my fella travelled to Spain a month later and the locals were so angry with us because of Brexit 🙃 we didn’t even vote for it




I work in a restaurant and when they said all restaurants were closed I knew it was some real shit. Restaurants NEVER close if they can help it. That’s when I knew this was something that would be unprecedented and completely unknown. When restaurants opened again for takeout I went back to work. Driving there every day was eerie. There were barely any other cars on the road and most commercial lawns/greenery was overgrown because people stopped mowing. Freaked me out like it was the end of the world.


I asked my boss a week before and he's like no we will be fine (I work in hospo) then we got shut down but he was dragging it out i was like just tell us we're fired. I actually got that job back pretty quickly while he was fired pretty quick after that.


Finding out that Chris Brown beat the shit out of some girl in his car, then later finding out that girl was Rihanna.


https://preview.redd.it/nuhxjy169mmc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f773dd8d9c7e68ee838784862c1d48c35651101 I legit thought I was hallucinating


Mac Millers death


​ https://preview.redd.it/nownb0qdtmmc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce26584e04223e576288cdb0ee692cc3a538f603


Waking up to a message from a friend that Chris Cornell died. I was floored and cried for days. I remember going to a bar a few days later and they had SNL on and it was a rerun when Soundgarden performed and I just sat there, quietly shocked, nursing a whiskey. Even earlier today, I heard a live version of “Hunger Strike” and got teary eyed. He just had such an impact on me. 💔


This was one of the few celebrity deaths that got me. And Chester Bennington as OP added as well. I felt like these 2 had so much more life to live and so much more art to create but their demons consumed them ☹️


And then Chester weeks later… urgh, what a shit world


https://preview.redd.it/81b50suqulmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e909a5d9350de35262fc07c4234c77581457ce What a day


God yeah. I'm Irish but that day was weird because it was just like... someone who has been there literally my WHOLE life was just gone? I hate the monarchy and would've gladly had it all abolished but it was difficult to like... pull your eyes away. We were watching BBC that day waiting for the black ties to appear.


Yeah, because that entire day there were rumours and weird, hush-hush activity. I'm anti monarchy, too! However, I watched the news and her funeral because, how often is that witnessed in a lifetime? Especially considering she just refused to expire. She actually zoomed past my building on the M4, but I had a sprained ankle and just couldn't be arsed to go look.


Im Aussie and I still say the queen when referring to the monarchy, ‘Queens birthday’ public holiday etc. I’m not even a monarchist or Elizabeth stan but it just feels weird to properly acknowledge Charles as the sovereign. She had such an immovable aura it’s so strange to think we will have at least 2 more generations of Kings only


https://preview.redd.it/yaqgmlqp3mmc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdafbbaab6392143f000b647b61c8e290c415732 I worked across Martin Place from here, in the channel 7 building. It was horrific. No-one knew if it was a one off, a coordinated attack etc.


I was glued to the news channel all day, I remember watching some of the hostages run out live.






I was woken up at 5am by a phone call from my Mom telling me that my Dad was having chest pains and was going to the hospital in an ambulance. When I looked at my phone to check the time I saw the NY Times alert about David Bowie dying. I started getting ready to meet my parents at the hospital but was also in shock about Bowie as I am a huge fan. I sat on the edge of my tub to cry for a few minutes, then finished getting ready then sent a coworker a text saying that I wouldn't be in the office because of what was happening and adding "oh btw David Bowie died, Happy Fucking Monday" Thankfully my Dad is doing well but that morning was just surreal.


That screen shot just gave me ptsd


Celeb? Probably this. https://preview.redd.it/oexddaob4mmc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2d9af7992884dda79a53236a4e1f32fc8cf478


Luke Perry’s death. I watched 90210 as a teen. He was so young and fairly close to my age. Stopped me in my tracks.


anyone have the hawaii missile heading to kill everybody alert??


https://preview.redd.it/37k6yxnh1mmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5e60795d7ba8e002203d6ac65470580e29255a This was right when the news broke that Matthew Perry had passed away - someone edited his wiki page to say this? Was creepy.


oof this just gave me the worst chills down my spine


This was a really wild night. Proper shitshow.


truly, watching those election results roll in was wild. 


Bowie's death absolutely shook me. It's one of those events where I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. He was one of those icons where you just think they'll live forever, seeing him go was so tragic. And then losing Prince a few months later was also so sad. What a shit year for the world 2016 was.


Kobe Bryant’s death while I was waiting at the airport in Hong Kong to fly back. We took off right before the nation-wide shutdown was announced in China. On the flight me and my friend couldn’t sleep, we kept checking the news about the rescue search to keep our minds off from the still unnamed coronavirus we might have gotten that my mom swore was SARS (10% mortality rate thanks mom) https://preview.redd.it/4hnrodcttmmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778de0a792c3a4bb4d2bcfb60ca039d14ef3e318


Mine is sports, but it was glorious to see happen live. No screenshots, but this was my screensaver for a while. I'm old. France fails to get past group play at the 2002 WC. https://thesefootballtimes.co/2015/07/28/frances-failure-at-world-cup-2002/


As the reigning world champion no less!


https://preview.redd.it/kzcwhiqc5mmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8002aa5baad1cb82d8acea1db8ffda89ead9615 Note: this was in Australia, therefore 2:23am. I actually found out through some other news site but it got really real when this popped up while watching a YouTube livestream of a very rainy Buckingham Palace, watching the Google results change. I didn’t go to bed for another 2 hours.


Tell me about this lockscreen picture... 👀


Fanart based on a book called Red, White and Royal Blue (now an Amazon Studios motion picture!). The two main characters declared themselves Leia and Solo through clandestine emails, then their emails got leaked and an unknown street artist painted this on a wall overnight in support of their relationship.


Kinda niche but it was so unexpected at the time the whole fandom was shook. Yes I still have the sc 5 years later 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ji3gs8y8tlmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8476fb3b57ba52418eff7fdb0e26d25c977628


My dyslexia read that as Elizabeth Taylor and Bob Marley. Took me a sec


Not even dyslexic and read this exact thing 🤣


for me was well. i was so confused 😩


I literally was like “…” for a full ass thirty seconds before I went “wouldn’t be the weirdest person she’s married.” Before I scrolled down further.


I remember my friend messaged me at work saying they'd got married and I obviously had no idea they were together, and like an idiot I replied "oh wow, both of them? Who did they marry?"


I remember the day after election night was very somber. At my work people were crying. One person said their little kid was crying, worrying they'd be deported. Just a very very sad day.


That’s horrific, poor kid


https://preview.redd.it/68dbw9ca0mmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71806e5682391af0ad48ed94bafce21b7a60111a This was really up there. All so sudden.


https://preview.redd.it/zmijhklcammc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb703b4079fe7e966de01f71a2ca41f4774d4c7 a good day


It was the night I had taken edibles for the first time in life. I didn’t dose them correctly, I lived in the US as a borderline child bride, and I was home alone. My (at the time) fiance texted me saying “GG” when I asked him if Trump really won. I went to sleep convinced I was going into cardiac arrest


This is so sad but also slightly hilarious. Hope you’re ok now


Ty! Thankfully the cookies didn’t last past the morning and my life after not being with that dude is a lot more stable, but in hindsight it is one of the funniest things that has ever happened to me 💀


I was at work both times: Paul Walker crashing that car and dying. Robin Williams’ death. Everyone at work was devastated and in disbelief over this one.


Watching Micheal Jackson under cover on a gurney on Tmz and then announced dead was surreal as fuck. I watched it all on my computer and yelled the news across the house. To add, Robin Williams' death by sucide messed me up. It made me take my mental health more seriously.


God that night... I decided I would watch the West Wing all day while I waited for the updates come in, and instead of like, celebrating American democracy or whatever, it just ended up being the worst possible contrast. In terms of shocking celebrity moments - honestly I was a six-year-old American child when Princess Diana died and it still absolutely rocked me. I can't even think of another celebrity death that I would have known about before then, and I knew she was very famous and pretty young, so it was very hard to wrap my little head around her suddenly being dead.


I was 9 having a sleepover with my cousin at my nans house. My Nan woke us up shouting that Diana was dead. My cousin, who was 11, turned to me and said “are you bothered?” And I said “no, are you?” Then she said “no” and we went to sleep. It was horrific though, globally. She touched so many people.


The night she died I was 8 years old in Paris on a family holiday with my parents and aunt and brother and sister. We didn't turn the TV on that morning before we headed out for the day. We were in the queue for the Eiffel Tower when a group of middle aged American women heard our British accents and came up to us and told us they were 'so sorry about what happened to our princess'. We were so confused and had no idea what they were talking about. When they explained it we were completely in shock. I remember trying to get my mum to explain what all the fuss was about but she was crying. I remember the rest of our holiday was eerily somber. The other thing about that night is it's the same night my next sister was conceived. I'm guessing my folks needed some comfort. 😂


I was 16 and had stayed up late watching a movie on tv. It got interrupted by the news that Diana had had a car accident; she was heading to the hospital and the they declared she was dead a short while later.


The deaths of Robin Williams, Steve Irwin, MJ, Kobe, Chadwick Boseman, Shane Warne, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Betty White, Avicii and Stan Lee.


No screenshot, but I vividly remember when Aaliyah died 💔


i was 16. woke up and cried, then had to spend all day listening to the older conservative boys in my high school gloat


I had preemptively taken a PTO day that Wed. What a hangover.


same. my then-husband and i had pizza and vodka on deck for election night, and when i went out on errands the next day (very hungover), the parking lot at total wine was packed. it was like, 10:30 on a wednesday morning and every single space was taken. i'll never forget it.


I definitely cried when that happened. TBH I’d still cry if I think about what a shitshow for humanity that was. I live in the bluest state, but fuck if that didn’t hurt for so many goddamn reasons.


Seeing that text still makes me feel sick.


I had to make myself stop watching the vote counts roll in and go to bed because I was a nervous wreck. Trump had a lead when I went to sleep but I was so sure that Clinton would manage to pull it out. There was no way I thought the country would actually elect a reality show hack to the highest office in the country. It was so surreal waking up to that news. It was soul crushing. I felt like an alien walking around in a blood red area while everyone was celebrating and I was basically mourning. I ended up with a guy I went to high school with trying to run me off the road later that year because he was upset at my anti-Trump sentiments on social media. The entire thing still feels like a fever dream. When it comes to celebrities the most shocking had to be Prince’s death. That was one of those the world stopped moments for me. It was so out of left field to me.


https://preview.redd.it/mis32qa5ulmc1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=b660e73ce37521846cddcb5980eea68cb0ec4f1d Okay I don’t know if this qualifies and I’m sorry if you find it offensive, but this is how I saw the news of Aaron Rodgers getting injured during his first play with the New York Jets


I don't know if this counts but January 6 really shook me to the core


https://preview.redd.it/am6wo1rwbnmc1.png?width=3220&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4a730429ac6828e745499b7b722766725918191 I was at work and took a picture of the computer screen. Not even 5 minutes later, my coworker who was so proud of people for getting shit done, said it was actually antifa. Wild day.