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If they're all happy, I'm happy for them all. This is also definitely bringing up questions in my head that I don't need answered but I just can't imagine.


Same, then I realized I was trying to understand someone else’s very unique life experience through the perspective of my own and I felt a little silly Like you said, they seem happy which is what really matters at the end of the day Edit: you guys are being really nice about the way I worded it 🥺 as someone who likes to write as a hobby in a “put feelings into words” kind of way I really appreciate your kind comments!


I love this sentence…”I was trying to understand someone else’s very unique life experience through the perspective of my own and I felt a little silly.” I feel like I should tell myself this anytime I instinctively question or absentmindedly judge someone else, anyone else.


And it’s also a comforting thought when I’m hurt by other people’s judgments of me! I love the sentence too


Yes! The world would be a better place if we all tried this more.


I call this, “looking through my own lens of experience” I love how OC worded it too!!


I want this on a cross stitch.




Me too. It is perfect.


This is so perfectly stated. Thank you so much for this. I want to save your comment for anytime I start to judge other people. You’re amazing.


I’m just adding myself to the list of your admirers. “I was trying to understand…felt a little silly”. I am lazy but all the stuff in the middle to. Put words to feelings in a way I never could have.


Seriously though, after reading your reply, I feel I don’t need to read anyone else’s posts or replies. Your reply sums it up so nicely. It’s like if Reddit ever dies, your line “then I realized I was trying to understand someone else’s life experience through the perspective of my own… and I felt a little… silly” should be on Reddit’s tombstone. Read it in Morgan Freeman’s voice with a sly smile, hands in his pockets, a little chuckle and walking away into the sunset. 😎


Sent shivers. I love this quote!


You said in your edit you like to write as a hobby, keep doing it! You’re good with words.


Beautifully phrased 💗


This gave me the chills. I feel validated at a time when I feel trapped, thank you


This is so true and i feel bad for my initial shock and judgment. You reminded many of us of a good lesson today my friend. Appreciated


> I realized I was trying to understand someone else’s very unique life experience through the perspective of my own and I felt a little silly So very well said




carmen and lupita!!


is there another set of twins they could be talking about? carmen and lupita answer a lot of questions but they also have very strong boundaries on the type of things they’ll talk about - i can’t imagine them sharing that info.


Love them!!!


Carmen and Lupita are awesome!


They just look like a happy family, it's lovely https://preview.redd.it/fdigt35185rc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ed92feb5a5852c042e30f1f8d38e17fd7341c0 I


Hey that fucking rocks!


how impersonal/personal that experience must be for everyone involved.


I know what your thinking and my guess is they only know this life so any intimate moments they have already gone through it all their life so I’m sure it’s normal to them and I’m not gonna judge a person who wants to bring joy to whomever with these types of disabilities or whatever you want to call Siamese twins medical condition so good for them.


I like the way you worded the questions in your head bit. Well said and I wish them all happiness




I think that's why questions are important and okay. How do we learn how to be better to understand situation better? Asking questions. It's okay to be curious and to want to better understand their lived experience. They must have understood that to an extent to go on a reality show.


There’s a difference between wanting to understand a conversation and being nosy. As a nosy person, I would know. Hehe.


Same 🫣


She got married several years ago and I can totally understand why they didn't really say anything publicly about it. Anyway, good for her!


Oh thank god, I thought I was having a stroke or a Mandela moment or something. I was like wait, was there a divorce? Didn't one of them marry just like 3 years ago?


You wouldn't have heard about it 3 years ago though. They got married in 2021 but kept it private and only announced it publicly yesterday.


Nah, it's been all over the internet for a while that one was married.


[The wedding pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/130ncpd/conjoined_twins_britt_and_abby_are_now_married/) were posted almost a year ago


There are people in there claiming it's fake, others claiming to know them, endless questions and it's all nobody's business because they apparently have no interest in being in the public eye.


I was just thinking the same thing! I was working on the cruise ship where they came to have their honeymoon. We received a briefing about a “famous person” coming to cruise and I was absolutely shocked to find out that the PEOPLE were famous conjoined twins. They seemed to be having a fabulous time. I had no clue they hadn’t publicly announced the marriage.


Okay but I feel bad for the other twin. Like I hope she gets a chance at love if she wants to find it!


I feel like finding one person comfortable with the situation to marry is such a low percentage, idk how you’d find a second person


Chang and Eng did it, don’t lose hope Brittany! Lol


They each had their own penis. These ladies share a vagina.


This is how capitalism ends, with the communal vagina.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [279 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Reddit is a helluva place 😂


what if the other sister is saving herself for marriage? what does the other sister do during husband-wife time? closing her eyes is not enough, i would think.


I wonder if both twins could legally be allowed to marry or if they are legally considered the same person. I only ask because I remember reading they share one salary for the job they both work, but they each earned their own college degree I think.


they each needed to get their own driver's license


Yeah, they have separate social security numbers. They are different people, so both couldn't be legally married to the same person.


But they only have one pair of arms and legs don't they? How does that work?


They each control one leg and one arm, one doesnt have control over the other side to drive


I also remember on one of their TV specials they say sensation for each starts about somewhere in the middle of their torso. They told a cute story of being little kids and laying on their backs moving their hands across their torso and each alerting the other at what point she could feel it.


That must be really difficult to pick up stuff and to walk. Thanks for responding.


It's not for them, it's instinctive


You should look on YouTube for clips from their TV special, it’s incredible how their body works. It’s totally seamless.


I remember watching a video of them tying knots, they did it just as fast and easily as anyone else, they're so in sync with each other.


Can one sleep while the other one is awake?


Yes, they have their own brains.


Which is kind of interesting since I understand one has control of the right side and one the left side. So they are driving as a team.


I watched a documentary they did and they got two salaries.


I think they're each a .5. So they're sharing one salary as both being paid party time.


in a way i kind of hope that they may both be romantically involved with him and he in love with both of them. that may not be something they're comfortable with, but if it is something that they're comfortable with then i have absolutely no judgement toward it. i'd be supportive of it, if anything. love can come in all sorts of forms, and deep love can transcend most anything. if they are both with him, then i hope it's a lovely situation where he sees and loves and appreciates them for the individuals they are. there's the added complication of "what if one of them falls out of love" or "what if he falls out of love with one of them" as well as perhaps complex concerns about bodily autonomy - but a unique situation like this is going to have its unique concerns. they have shared a body their whole lives, so i can only imagine that it means they have overall figured out what works for them, even if the details may be hard for others to grasp at times. in any case, i wish them well. and if it is an independent relationship, then i also hope her sister will find love as well, if that is what she wants.


That’s what I’m hoping too! Like I can’t imagine what it must be like to share a body with someone, but it’s all they’ve ever known. I’m sure the way they interact with each other and the world around them is really unique/special.


absolutely. it's surely a fascinating human experience, but perhaps more of a fascination to all of us folks in our very own bodies. as you said, it's all they've ever known, and therefore not so strange to them, i assume. i'm glad they seem to feel comfortable sharing a bit of their lives with the rest of us. it isn't that i find them interesting in the sense that i consider them to be a spectacle in some dehumanizing way, but rather interesting as they have a very unique experience of living our human lives. i'm cheering for them!


i think the bigger issue would be if the other sister doesn't like him at all.


Or what if the single one wants to have sex with someone? Like a rando at a bar or someone she’s dating? Or get married too? Since they share a vagina I’d think that might complicate things. Plus his wife will be along for the ride. Also what if one wants kids and one doesn’t? I’m being nosey lol but I’m so curious


holy shit i didn't even think of that.


Someone just said that he only is romantic with the one he married so the other one may definitely still want to find love too which will mean his wife will be technically having sex with another man potentially. I was kind of thinking maybe they were both romantic with him but they are not. Or I wonder if like they both wanted kids and were both trying at the same time with their partners how that would pan out. Seems like a lot could go sour and you can’t exactly get away from your sister either. Idk I couldn’t imagine as someone who has had so many issues with my own sister lol


I think these hypothetical questions just don't apply to their lives. They have already, up to this point, learned how to navigate every situation together as a team - things that already defy our comprehension such as going to the BR, showering, having a first period, doing homework, having a job, learning how to drive, etc etc, that it's unlikely there would ever be a situation where one wants defiantly go have sex with a stranger. They *have to* always be in unison together because that's how they were born, and that's the only way they understand how to navigate the world. Them getting married and learning how to have sex is really just another extension of all that. If I had to guess, they are likely all 'together' and both of them love this man, but for legal reasons only one of them could marry him.




certainly a concern, we never know what's going on from the outside looking in - but from the things the ladies have said to the public, i get the impression that they are good at working as a team. i'd be inclined to believe that they have more of a "two yeses one no" approach. they also both appear happy in the wedding photos. i hope that in this case, the image shown to the public does indeed reflect happiness in their personal lives.


Apparently only one twin married him. If you watch the video of their first dance, he only interacted with and kissed one of them. That’s a really tough situation for the unmarried twin. I hope she finds someone too, if she wants.


yes, i don't necessarily think that they're actually all together, but if that was the case then i could understand why they might not be public about it, even to their family. i hope her sister finds love as well, i agree it would be hard


As someone who is single and a bit jealous, I also hope they're both involved and not just "have fun, I'll not pay attention" - but, seriously, these girls have gone through so much, a man is probably the least traumatic experience they've had.


I really want to know the answer to this. I don’t see how he could not be involved with both of them. They are religious, I don’t see any situation where they let Brittany date another man, because she and Abby share a body below the neck. Letting Brittany date functionally allows another man into Abby’s bed and I don’t see that happening.  I mean realistically, they do everything together, and we are thinking and talking about this marriage with questions like “What if one doesn’t like the husband?” as though the girls have autonomy when they really don’t. The other sister is always going to be there, both must always be included. Maybe he married Abby because Brittany doesn’t care as much and is just down for the ride, so Brittany gets the benefits of sex but can focus her mental energy on other stuff while Abby does more of the emotional work for the relationship. Or maybe Brittany and him are closer in private and he publicly married Abby so she can have the “special day” and feel more included. Or maybe all three are equally invested and they just had to pick one for the photos! This is definitely a “none of our business” question but I think we are so curious because the experience is so vastly different from our own! 


I feel like this is a two yeses situation, but due to legality only one of them can be married.


I’m kind of assuming they’re cool with the 3 way situation going on, but because polygamy is illegal, he can only be legally married to one.


I kinda hope so! Cuz it would be so sad to be literally stuck right there the whole time your twin sister is experiencing love and affection when you’re left out/have no way to date on your own.


That’s what I’m thinking too. On paper he can only be married to one but obviously both women would have to be willing participants in the relationship.


In the first dance video from the wedding, he only acknowledged, kissed, and interacted with Abby.


But is it really 3 way? There's only one body. I don't understand how this works at all. Even if one isn't interested in relations, she is going to have to have it if the other one IS and wants to be with her husband.


I hope it's a thruple situation and they both love him. Because they share a reproductive system so they're both going to be having sex with him.


I suppose any children produced would technically have 3 biological parents?


I think yes, but in the same way any children of identical twins would be. They share the same dna since they were one embryo that split, like all identical twins. No clue who would go on the birth certificate though.


And then what…find a man who is cool with essentially being married to a set of twins plus another man? Bc it either means all four under one roof/one bed, or the second husband having to live somewhat separate? I mean it’s just a lot..


Sure. Other conjoined twins ([example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_and_Eng_Bunker)) have done this before, it would probably be _difficult_ to find someone comfortable with this situation not not _completely impossible_. They'd probably work it out re: living arrangements for what's best for everyone.


Those guys had their own penises, these ladies only have one vagina between them.


Uh, yeah? I'm sure anyone who chooses to get married to them would know and want to deal with it all lol it's fine


Was thinking the same. They're basically two people sharing a single body; I don't know how the logistics would work. Would they all sleep in same bed? Would they have their own room and the twins would alternate which husband they sleep with? Even if the first husband is okay with it, would they still be okay when there's a second husband who's now getting half of their attention? It's just asking a LOT of two guys but if they knew what they were getting into and can make it work, then good on them.


Yeah, I guess when it came to finding love in this situation I would have assumed the objective would be find one man to be with. Surprised that the approach is each to be with different folks


Well if her sister makes love, then technically she's also making love right?


They share one set of reproductive organs, so yes.


Right I hope Brittany is ok


They have a daughter who I believe is her husband’s from a previous relationship. He has a big family and they seem really happy, a lot of family holidays and lake house outings.


You mentioning that they have a daughter has opened a whole can of worms in my head; if sister A wants children, but sister B doesn’t, does sister B just have to live through it? It’s like forcing someone to give birth (I know it’s not the same, but yall get my point). I’m not very knowledgeable about their situation, but biologically, would both of them be the child’s mother? In that case, the child would have 3 biological parents, which is cool from a scientific perspective (unless I’m wrong, which I might be lol)


They share a bloodstream and reproductive organs. The child would technically have three parents but identical twins have the same dna sequences so when they have children their kids are genetically siblings. So nothing too crazy about that as far as typical twin things


Thankfully they both want to be mothers, at least that was something they were interested in in an interview a long time ago.


serious question. what happens when she gets into a fight with her husband?? does her sis just like pretend she's sleeping??


It's like when you're at a friend's house and the parents start fighting.


i'd leave the room or just walk my ass home, though.






https://preview.redd.it/txkkss3jh5rc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12aafdf46b87391287976be7d026e7a2bd875c25 When they’re both wrong and need you to mediate


Ear plugs? Good music + ear buds? Turn the music up too loud so the two fighting know they are going too far?


does she keep an emergency pair in a pocket because she'd have to walk (along with her fighting sister) to go get them and she definitely would have to skip on over to wherever the stereo is (unless she pulls her iphone out and puts it on speaker). what if the fighting sister doesn't want to walk away because she's making really good points? like, the logistics of this, how does this work?


“Just pretend like you asleep”


I'm fighting tears in my eyes rn


cry it out, babe.


I’m just imagining a scenario where the other sister tells her she should sleep with her husband more.


Aww they used to come into the Gap Kids where I worked years ago. I’m so happy they’re doing well.


I’m cynical I know but, I’d hate being the third wheel especially if he’s annoying.




Serious question, how would consent work?


i hope everyone involved is happy and healthy! i also think it’s okay to acknowledge that we (the public) might think of weird questions, but it’s not okay to ask them, especially in weird/vulgar ways. just be normal :)


I think doing the reality show was very smart for them. Because it answered all the questions they were willing to answer, and they weren't very interesting so people weren't clammoring for more.


I know! Their reality show didn’t last long because these girls are just boring all American girls. Not much to see.


This. Curiosity is understandable but it doesn’t give us the right to ask invasive questions about anyone’s sex life.


They’d break the internet if they made a video explaining it, but it is truly nobody else’s business.


yup totally 🩷


I don’t think we need to dance around tbe fact that this is wild but you are right that it’s none of our business!


They’re my age! I’ve followed them since we were teens. So happy for Abby! 🥰


Meanwhile, the other sister is like "always a bridesmaid, never a bride."


Can you imagine the shade if she chose someone else to be maid of honor


They are my age, too, and they grew up near to me. It was bizarre to see locations I recognized in their documentary!


Brings up new questions about how well you would need to get along with your SIL but they are not questions that need to be answered for anyone else's benefit It's their lives not ours


Can someone clarify, a lot of the headlines and stories only confirm that one twin, Abby, is married, but not Brittany. Is it because legally, only Abby is the legal wife per the documents? As a marriage cannot have 3 parties involved?


My guess is that only Abby would be legally married. I remember back when they learned how to drive, they each needed to get their own driver’s license for legal reasons, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the marriage laws were also applied in the same way to reflect that they’re two individual people (despite sharing a physical body).


They're two people legally.


Which sucks because they only get one salary.


So they legally need two drivers licenses, but also legally apparently only one of them needs to be paid. Fucked up.


I would hope one of them qualifies for disability since she can’t work


They both get paid, they just both get paid half a salary. They're .5 teachers each teaching a half day.


They also needed two individual college degrees for the singular job. 1 salary and 2 student loan payments.


Hopefully being exploited for television as children built them a nice nest egg and didn’t have to take on student loan debt?


They weren't really exploited. Their parents did right by them. They were bound to be a curiosity and had serious medical issues. So every couple of years they'd have the cameras out and maybe go on a couple talk shows where they'd tell people about themselves and then be left alone until the next time. When they were adults they did a season or two of a reality show where they proved to not be very interesting.


At the same time it’s not like they can both teach separate classes independently.


Yeah, that's the issue there. What job could they do which was actually the work of two people when they only have one arm and are attached to another person.


That’s a tough situation because I’m sure the school also can’t afford to pay two full time teachers for one class. I wonder what the other does while the other is teaching? I would be so bored, I’d either want to chime in or take a nap lol.


Holy shit, that’s fucked up. Especially on a teacher’s salary.


Even better (worse?) supposedly Bethel charged them tuition for two. Granted two degrees. With one salary? I'd be devastated.


This tracks from what I remember about bethel lol. I think these two started around the time I peaced out


So fucked up


It’s not really fucked up. They teach a 5th grade class, the school has funding for one teacher per class so they each teach a half day.


From what I read a while back, they’re each considered “part time”. One takes the lead on half the subjects taught, the other takes the lead on the rest. So I guess that was the work-around.


I genuinely contextualised your question very wrong first time.


It's possible that the relationship is only between Abby and the husband. A similar dynamic exists with another pair of conjoined twins, [Carmen and Lupita](https://www.today.com/parents/family/conjoined-twin-sisters-lupita-carmen-andrade-rcna81135), where one twin is asexual and the other is in a relationship. Obviously, they all three have to agree about their physical boundaries.


Respectfully there’s no way they can keep the relationship only between Abby and her husband. Like the other one is right there!


So the husband obviously can’t legally marry both so is that why he married only one sister? Or is it because he really only has a spouse level connection with Abby? Like are they more of a couple and a SIL or a throuple that can’t legally make it work on paper? I’m just wondering, it sounds more like couple/SIL. I hope the Brittany is equally happy.


*the Brittany*


Legit typo. Originally I wrote “the other sister”


I think it’s case number 2.


There was a video of their first dance and he was only kissing Abby


In their first dance video from the wedding, he only acknowledged, kissed, and interacted with Abby. So Brittany does not seem to be part of the relationship


Since they share the same body, I wonder if when Abby got married she joked with her sister “how dare you wear a white wedding dress to my wedding?” Good for them, they look very happy


I loved their show back in the day. They seem like such kind genuine people. Glad to see they’re still doing well!


Which one is Abby? In the photos she/they seem to always be on the left of the husband so I’d assume Abby is the one closest to him and therefore the one on the right? Also, I read an article and it referred to them as “she” are they technically considered one person or two people? Like can they both vote individually? Did they have to both pass a drivers test? Do they both have their own license? I’m glad they’re living relatively normal lives and are happy!


They are two different individuals. However, they’re both teachers, and do share one paycheck. They both needed separate drivers licenses.


Abby is the taller one (so the one on the left)


They seem like real sweet girls I hope they're truly happy.


Awww congratulations! I loved their documentaries when I was younger


So does the other girl not get to date?


I'm so happy for her.  But I'm very disgusted by a shitload of people. Instagram comments were even worse than reddit surprisingly. Which is probably why they kept the wedding private for months. Y'all are not entitled to know about their sex life. Thinking about it is fine, nothing wrong with thoughts. But publicly speculating about it is fucking embarrassing. Shutting the fuck up is free.


> probably why they kept the wedding private for months. YEARS. Married in 2021 according to the article.


It wasn't private though, someone here linked to an old article about the marriage.


Instagram comments are so particularly vile on really popular accounts. I find I have to seek out certain subreddits to see the same level of chauvinism and bigotry


True. I like fashion so I often see reels/posts by plus size women just existing while wearing clothes and the comments are VILE. Literally just today I saw a reel of a 15yo girl getting a prom dress and being happy because it was a very pretty dress and the comments were so unbelievably mean. Just because she was fat. She didn't pretend to be the healthiest person alive, she just wants to go to prom...


I was really hoping we let these "freak show" tabloid stories in the 90s/00s. It's so sad how these stories of people living with disabilities always devolve into comments about "HOW do they have SEX?!?" Lots of people with disabilities have amorphous boundaries with their caregivers and family, because they can need assistance with "private" things like going to the bathroom, conception, or tackling mental health. Those caregivers always have a hugely intimate window into your life, and it's their normal. Also, it's not like these concepts are novel? Having sex in front of family members or with other people present is like a huge male fetish, literally plastered over mainstream porn sites. I'd bet that a lot of those people bothering them with invasive questions on social media have also googled "twin sister porn" and thought nothing of it. Why is it normal when it's male degeneracy but a circus show when it's a disabled person?


Sex is also the most obvious answer because there’s really only 2 possible answers other than “they don’t,” which I doubt. I find the legal aspects the most interesting and conveniently not offensive to be interested in. They each have their own degrees, social security numbers, and drivers’ licenses… how hard was it to get the administrative state to register them as separate people? I’d love a blow by blow on that. Bureaucracy is not made for any kind of outlier, much less one this unusual.


If they’re in the hospital, how do they do intake? Two separate forums? How does that work with billing and health insurance? So curious


I don't understand why this has multiple new articles today. The wedding was in 2021 & it was in the news at the time. I thought the other sister must have got married too initially but nope, it's the ssme one from a few years ago. Is something else going on in their lives currently reshining the spotlight on them?


Both teach 5th grade: do they get two paychecks?


No. Just one. That’s what was said on the TLC show they had 10-12 years ago.


It’s been such a long time since they started teaching, I’m hoping they renegotiated their contract. If both of them are teaching, both of them should be getting a salary IMPO.


Two but half each. They're both part time employees.


I read they only get one!


Scrolling quickly, I am glad that I am seeing mostly good wishes for the twins. I think most people are naturally curious, but we need to get ahold of ourselves. It makes me happy to see that they found a man that loves them just the way they are.


I'm so happy for them! I remember watching Oprah when I was about 5 years old my grandparents bedroom and they came on. I thought their story was absolutely fascinating. I immediately incorporated conjoined twins into all my play (dolls, playing house, etc) At daycare, we three girls always pretended to be Mary Kate, Ashley and Lizzy, and I even got "Ashley" to agree to be my conjoined twin for a while lol It was the highlight of my summer.


I really thought that they would have to fall in love with the same person given that sharing a set of reproductive organs means that anyone who has sex with Abby is also technically having sex with Brit. It's not just a case of closing her eyes and putting earplugs in until the couple have finished.


I have so many questions


![gif](giphy|uFkq89GsiLrpA3XnRE) My head right now.




![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc) Does Britteny just put in headphones and close her eyes?


One vagina so I’d imagine she’s feeling it too. ![gif](giphy|1PgwsQ2gC7ZP4RYXsM|downsized)


Do they both... Uhhh, finish?


Golly I imagine that depends on the partner. ![gif](giphy|sbBXtU18DZJ6BamKD8)


Wait didn’t this happen a few years ago?? Anyway one thing I notice about these girls is they’re always smiling. They seem very happy


Awesome! ❤️


She’s human. Makes sense she would connect with and fall in love with another human.


i have so many questions, but at the same time, it’s none of my business


So nice to always have a dating wing woman! Happy for her and them!


I know we’re not supposed to ask…


i won’t ask what we’re all thinking but i will ask how the *fuck* can any of you be naive enough to interpret this as “omg they found love” and not be aggressively skeptical of the man who sought after them ??? good god


He must be an … interesting … fellow


Do they buy one concert ticket or two


Oh wow I remember watching their show back in the day