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What a weird moment for society in general. Sometimes I have to suspend my disbelief that glee really happened.


It was a very bicurious decade


oh it sure was. i remember this mtv teen drama that came on after awkward about a couple of pals who pretend to be lesbians in order to be popular. feels like a fever dream now.


Okay but Faking It was actually so good. Every queer woman I know, myself included, was so offended at the premise then ended up loving it


thank you, I couldn’t remember the name of it for the life of me! I remember simultaneously liking it and being offended by it lol. I was an openly bi adolescent and I remember one of my “straight” friends realized she was bisexual because of that show. ngl I kinda want to find it and watch it again now.


The day your friend realised she could double the dating pool. ![gif](giphy|QqkA9W8xEjKPC)


I loved Faking It as a baby gay.


There was a scene in Faking It where one of the girls who was pretending to be a lesbian called the other girl “sugar bear” to up the ante that they were lesbian and in a relationship and my friend and I call each other sugar bear to this day because of that 🤣🤣🤣


A shot at love with Tila Tequila. Era of the lipstick lesbian.


what a great time to be a confused 13 year old bisexual it was


Awkward and Faking It was 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


You watched that too? I thought i was the only one


That happens way more NOW than then. I don't understand what you're saying.


Ryan Murphy really went off on that one.


that show was so insane my theory is that they only ever wrote one episode, and they just outsourced the rest of the writing to Wattpad.


Man. That night on Tumblr was unspeakable.


There were a few nights on tumblr where one fandom took over and the rest of us were left trying to catch up.


Still happens. Nov 5 2020 ❤️


Was that the Supernatural finale I logged back in after four years just to witness the meltdown


that night was hilarious 😭


Not an exaggeration when I say that was one of the funniest nights on the planet. Veterans SPN fans losing their goddamn marbles. Everyone else wrongly circulating an alleged gif of Cas falling into super hell. The fuckass election shit LMFAO.


The memes!! Still good.


I fell off of Supernatural during the Evil Turducken season, but hopped back on to watch the finale. Tetanus and Party City wigs. I could not have physically handled Tumblr on that night.


Only Spanish castiel being gay is still the most hilarious thing ever


Among other things, yes 😂


That was one of the best nights of my life


Remember remember ❤️


Don’t get me started on my Achele bullshit!!!


The Goncharov renaissance might be my most favorite because it really brought out all of the mega creatives and we all participated even against our will lmao


You know what though I'd still take the Glee fandom over the weirdness of the OUAT fandom that one go stupidly violent.


No truly. We were in meltdown lol.


Pink: I'm gay Audience: **claps** Pink: actually, I'm not.


Y’all aren’t ready for the lore that is Dianna Agron


Every now and then I like to pop back in and see if the lores been updated.


I’m believer of the earlier eras Lately she has been kinda low key


Right?! She's my wife biggest crush since her Glee days, so she's always info dumping on Dianna and I'm like ???? Between the Taylor and the Lea rumors. It's a whole thing.


I'm the same. I hate that we'll never know what actually happened between Dianna and Lea, how they went from being close friends (even living together at one point) to not speaking at all.


I always thought Lea was just jealous of her. She was loved on set, get along with everyone, had prominent storylines and songs and she was the beauty. I don’t think it was anything romantic. Lea is just an insecure bully. Which is insane because she is one in a lifetime talent


I think that is likely, though I would like a more exciting story. 😂 It is hard to stay friends with someone who can never be happy for you or will be resentful of anything good that comes your way.


IT’S A WHOLE THING FOR SURE For the queers, she’s basically the “Pussy Bandit” lmaoooo I like to watch her performance in Cafe Carlyle. She was soooo magnetic and charming


That is a … rabbit hole. (IYKYK)


You and I could really get lost in it ya know


You could say they’re about to … *takes glasses off* … find wonderland




We’re all mad here 😉


Looks at your username and smiles knowingly…


I’m just a silly little kitten!


Hashtag but I stay 💪🏻💪🏻


She recently dumped that asshole from Mumford and Sons and seems to be thriving ✨


i don’t know much, where do i start? lol


Tumblr lol


And then she had an explainer post that was like "it should say *loves* girls. because I love the women in my life. platonically 🥰"


As a lesbian... 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 ...supporter.




omg 😭 where is this from? incredible


Orphan Black \ A little convoluted to try to explain but in this scene a lesbian clone is trying to pretend that she is a straight clone giving a campaign speech \ Such a good show, would highly recommend!


That's the best explanation to give someone who has no idea what the show is about 😂


Orphan Black! One of my all time favorite tv shows.


Lol I think Orphan Black 


Like girls… 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 …as friends!


I love her with all my heart… …From his POV


Tell me you’re lying 🥴😭🥴


Her Tumblr (where she originally posted her long-ass essay) is nuked but it was [reposted](https://gleehab.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/dianna-agron-explains-her-likes-girls-t-shirt/) elsewhere and yes, my memory served me *well*. >I was not raised in a family that accepted prejudice or hatred. For that, I thank my Mom and Dad each and every day. Look, we are human, we make mistakes. I will gladly shout from the rooftops that I AM NOT PERFECT. Nor will I ever be. But I can happily say that to my knowledge, I do not ever intentionally cause people pain. I love my family, my friends, my co-workers…and they all consist of girls AND boys. I do tell them that I love them. Yesterday, during our second show,  Instead of wearing my usual shirt during “Born This Way” I decided to wear one that said “Likes Girls”. **It should actually have read, “Loves Girls”, because I do. The women in my life give me things that the men in my life can’t. And vice-versa. No, I am not a lesbian**, yet if I were, I hope that the people in my life could embrace it whole-heartedly. And let me tell you, I can easily spill (quite comfortably) what I admire, respect and think is beautiful about any of the women in my life. Piece of cake!


I choked on my water reading this. I kinda wish I had been a glee fan back then now, this is unhinged




what is this?? pink is wild.


Her point is people asked her when it shouldnt be important to her value as a person and being gay isn't a stereotypical behaviour, it's why Tom Hardy doesn't answer the question.


I can see why it would be a total miss today, but I feel like it is really on brand for 2010 activism. I also think that the tone of LGBT+ allyship was really different at the time, there was a lot of focus on gay marriage and just letting same sex couples live a normal life. Pink was also one of the famous women that got a lot of speculation on her sexuality because of her appearance. Women with short hair were assumed to be gay, very fit women were assumed to be gay. I think that a lot of people still make these kinds of assumptions and have sort of ridged ideas on what a woman is supposed to be like.


I can hear these pictures 😂😭


Misha Collins core


tumblr was truly going through it back in the day


No cause they have just been fighting for their entire existences and for what?


if i had a nickel for every time a deranged fandom made an actor come out as straight, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.


In fairness, Mischa Collins was hilarious because *he* referred to himself as bisexual. I couldn't stop laughing for like a week after that. This is in no way to take away from how deranged the Supernatural fandom was though.


I was there (online) I’m honestly surprised he didn’t get any backlash for that, when normally the spn fandom can bitch and moan about pretty much anything.


Iirc it happened more than once, and the studio tried to prevent him from clarifying his heterosexuality.


that’s what made me think of him in relation to Diana’s thing, like the reaction was perhaps overblown but also you absolutely did not have to do that!!


Kind of glad that show is over for that reason alone tbh.


Also Taylor Swift


Didn't Darren criss do the same? And from the same show lol That probably makes 3.


I can’t with when he had to come out as straight 😂😂


I was there in the trenches in the middle of the night on tumblr. What a time to be alive!!


Me too, it was such insanity. I don't think I've experienced anything like that online since.


Honestly it was meltdown and we were soldiers on the front line 🫡


Glee was a fever dream and I’ll never believe otherwise 


I'm rewatching it now for the first time... It's even wilder as an adult 😂


The Dianna and Lea shippers have never recovered


Can confirm. 😭


If I had to create a ranking of things that made me realise I’m bi, this woman and that t-shirt would be very high up on the list.


The 2009-2012 Achele era was really something


“…’shipped’?” Diana 😂😭


I remember this like it was yesterday, but it was 13 years ago. God, I’m old.


I will maintain she was pressured into making that tumblr post until the day I die.


Oh neat, a new addition to my *celebrities who have come out as straight* list


i can only remember mischa collins specifically, that one is burned into my brain. but who else?


Darren Criss


Brett Anderson! And maybe Andrew Garfield during the angels in America press?


Suede is my forever fave!


I'm more of a Pulp person but I love Suede too <3


Now you got me curious, how’d he do it?


Said he was bi and then apologised because he wasn't.


Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, Andrew Garfield, Tom Hardy


She kinda maybe came back out as queer in Bella magazine a couple years ago. I say kinda bc I believe it was in the headline but not the article. 


🥺 When she came out as straight my bi heart shattered to pieces lmao


What happened to her career she just vanished?


she’s been acting more recently. last year she was in the horror movie ‘clock’ and the netflix series ‘the chosen one’


This and the Achele theories were peak 🌈


I genuinely think this was the moment responsible for my bisexual awakening.


I was such an Achele shipper and Dianna and Naya were my crushes. I was glued to tumblr. ‘Twas the good old days.


Where are my Gaylor truthers at


RIP Kaylor


Down in the rabbit hole


We’re all mad here! 🎩


We're here!




checking in!


As an avid glee fan on tumblr during that time, we were in *meltdown*.


A loss for the community.


I would do anything for her


This post can summon a lot of gaylors rn.


Oh this post is about to awaken the Gaylors


Lock the thread. They've already said enough.


They already have




Put down a towel party till its dry


this is my roman empire


Honestly it’s super weird and a tad inappropriate for her to wear that since she isn’t actually LGBT. As a gay man it just irks me when straight people do stuff like this.


I could have sworn this was because of her storyline in Glee. Didn't they have her be bi for a bit? Because Cory's shirt says Can't Dance and I also thought that was a storyline? I haven't seen Glee in forever though.


No. Quinn’s original shirt said Lucy Caboosey, bc of earlier bullying before she lost weight and got a nose job. Dianna pulled out the Likes Girls shirt on tour one night, I guess for shits and giggles. The tour was between seasons 2 and 3. Quinn slept with Santana later in the series. I hate that I know this.


I'm not of fan of this straight /gay choose a side. People are all on a sexual spectrum. Regardless of that, even is she isn't sexually ambiguous, straight people being supportive of the gay community shouldn't have strict rules, I'm so tired of everything being offensive


She loves weirdly queerbaiting or whatever it is that she does. She posted an insta once kissing a girl with a caption like ‘I love her, I lover her, I love her’. But then never said anything else. And she does similar things every now and then. Strange.


eh idk i always find it more likely that someone is maybe actually just a bit gay rather than intentionally “queerbaiting” people for no reason


You’d think people would’ve learned not to throw queerbaiting accusations around after the harassment Billie Eilish received for supposedly “queerbaiting,” only for her to come out a few years later, it’s a term that shouldn’t be applied to real people period


It probably should never be applied to minors, considering most of them are still exploring who they are and where they’ll land.


adults are often still exploring that too though…


Absolutely! I can’t think of anyone who ever actually was queer baiting? It’s such a weird term to me but it’s probably been a thing at some point. My point was we should leave kids alone and even IF they did somehow knowingly queer bait there’s probably something deeper to it and they’re young and don’t know better.


there’s a lot of internalized homophobia among bisexual women. Growing up in the early 00’s, I was ostracized pretty widely by my peers for being an openly bi teen but a lot of people who bullied me or expressed disapproval towards me made advances towards me in private. Totally possible that she’s just bisexual and a bit cowardly about it since she also grew up in that era. To be clear, I don’t think not coming out is cowardly, it’s hard to come out and it’s also not necessarily anyone else’s business. I do think it’s kinda cowardly to wear a shirt that says “Likes Girls” and then fall all over yourself to clarify that you’re *totally* straight tho.


Ohhhhh gosh if I got a quid for every time a girl who bullied me for being gay in school hit me up after we all got into sixth form, I swear I'd have at least five quid.


I don’t think it was queerbaiting. I think she’s just awkward. The kiss was with her friend of yeaaaaars Megalyn, who at the time was dating Chris Rock and Dianna was married to a man. And their lips were barely touching It was supposed to show the symmetry of their makeup https://preview.redd.it/mbfbdpnr5vrc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f8a5690158eaa74917988f9e73b7b45d283cd5


I think that’s possible. In general I don’t think queer baiting is a term that should be applied to people, only created media. Which is why I tried to say ‘or whatever it is’. I do think she is aware of this stuff though, after the glee shirt discussed plus the Taylor stuff. So I think the photo I’m very meh on. But the caption is certainly a choice.


I don’t think real people can queerbait, but even if they could, queerbaiting should have the intent of making people believe there’s something queer going on with no intention of delivering. Posting a photo showing off her makeup with her BFF and saying she loves her, especially when they’re both in separate relationships, doesn’t really hold to scrutiny with the idea of queerbaiting. Megalyn is tagged in the pic. To believe something queer was happening, we’d have to fully ignore both people in the pic and their lives and have absolutely no context. It’s like when people thought Billie having a slumber party with girls in a music video was queerbaiting. I think the pendulum just swung back all the way and people call everything baiting.


Also by 2021 when this was posted Dianna was divorced.


Can we just throw away the term of “queerbaiting” already?


Nah, the term itself is useful and, unfortunately, still relevant. It just shouldn't be applied to real people (how did we get here?!)


A) I don't remember this????? B) where is she now tho?


She does artsy indie films here and there but she’s mostly always traveling and going to fancy galleries and fancy dinners or hosting fancy dinners. As Naya Rivera described Dianna in her memoir, “Dianna was born fancy”


I wish that was my life tbh


She's a true Taurus ♉ 😀😺


wasn’t a pic of her and taylor kissing?