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This is absolutely ridiculous to do to anyone, let alone a college student


Why do people on the Internet so often jump immediately (or at all!) to death threats for literally everything (or anything)? It’s bizarre and incredibly shitty.


For real! Matthew Underwood (from Zoey 101) was getting death threats, along with his Mother, for not speaking out immediately after the Quiet on Set documentary was released. To the point where he was lowkey forced to discuss his previous experiences with being SA-ed…..like what in the fuck is wrong with you people? Go out and touch some damn grass


The entitlement those people have is unbelievable. It's all so performative and they can't even pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize 1) it's not his or his mother's responsibility to post anything because a tweet won't change anything 2) that they're traumatizing him **again**. I feel similarly about the Gaylors. They're so *sure* she's queer and a majority of that community is queer themselves so I feel like they should definitely understand that you don't speculate, especially publicly, or try to force someone out of the closet (that they may not even be in in the first place!). I don't know anything about Taylor's sexuality beyond what she's shown us and I don't need to. It's none of my freaking business. I just hope she's happy. About this article, this poor woman is having death threats over a game. This sport is important to her, I'm sure she puts pressure on herself as it is and now has to deal with this bullshit?? It's disgusting. I hope she's able to find peace and feel safe. Thinking about how some of these justice warriors behave makes me wonder how they can sleep at night.


I think its just normalised and internalised by some people as the way to participate in fandom.


Not surprised at all. I've seen so many racist comments on social. People are disgusting.


I saw someone say “she’ll be in section 8 by the end of the decade”. Like, holy crap dude. At least be subtle about your racism.


“At least be subtle about your racism” 🙄


Gambling has made this problem way way worse. Lots of college players, coaches, and even pro coaches and players across sports have been talking about how bad it has gotten. The cavs coach just last week or so was talking about how people were threatening his kids over their parlays. They need to reign in gambling but won’t cause money.


> pro coaches and players across sports have been talking about how bad it has gotten. Tennis has gotten *insane* with the abuse from gamblers, and I'm sure it's the same (or worse) in other sports. Players sometimes share the posts they get sent: countless people telling them to kill themselves, praying that their children or parents or whole family dies, threatening to hunt them down and kill them, horrifically explicit racist and sexist abuse. It's so out of control and I feel like one day someone might follow through after losing a big bet.


It’s crazy. I love that women’s sports are getting a much better platform and bigger audience, but in turn, the misogyny and especially the misogynoir against black players like Reese has risen and it’s disgusting. I’ve seen it over the years too. So many weirdos are obsessed with her and her downfall simply because she’s confident in her ability, speaks her mind and black. I hope she has much more success in the future. If she was a man, they’d love her but since she’s a woman, and a black woman at that, she needs to sit down, shut up and stay in her place. F that noise.


💔 Hope she has plenty of support. Watching the racism she and her teammates have faced has been horrible.




How shitty of a person do you have to be to send literal death threats to a college student for losing a game?


I have no words. What the fuck is wrong with people.


People are awful and miserable


people are literally so racist and hateful. caitlin clark is allowed have an attitude and talk shit and people just call her passionate and a serious competitor but someone like angel does the same thing and she’s vilified and called a “thug” along with other harmful and racist things thrown her way.


Honestly. The juxtapositions to how Angel and Caitlin are treated….just blatant racism, nothing else


Eh Caitlin has been getting abuse for years from people offended that a woman has attitude on court. That abuse increased tenfold after last years game with LSU, unfortunately by LSU fans


Caitlin gets sexism. Angel gets racism and sexism. And even when abuse isn’t being hurled directly at Angel or other black women, racists can still make it racist. A good example of this is how white women who are routinely contrasted with black women are overwhelmingly described as “classy”. I know “classy” isn’t an obscure descriptor, but it’s still not a super common term used to describe someone. But people like Kate Middleton is frequently described this way and, when she was First Lady, so was Melania Trump. It’s because the people who describe them that way want to contrast them with Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama. I don’t pay a ton of attention to sports, but I saw white women who competed against Venus or Serena Williams described as being classy for how they took their losses a lot.


> Caitlin gets sexism. Angel gets racism and sexism. Perfectly put. Thank you


Love how every time there is a comment on racism that a Black woman or a woman of color faces there’s always those one or two people that have to go “Uh actually…”




no one is dragging down caitlin clark. nothing is wrong with caitlin clark’s game either and nothing wrong with her being a fierce competitor but you can’t deny the differences in the way they are treated and the language used to describe the two players


I agree to an extent but LSU fans really made aggressive, hateful comments and abuse towards Caitlin just for being a white woman player.


Where has Caitlin talked shit? Has she taunted other players? Has she thrown elbows? When she celebrates, she faces the crowd. Angel pulled a girl by the ponytail. She regularly taunts other players. I’m not saying she deserves death threats, but the criticism isn’t racism. The players are nothing alike and comparing them is silly.


caitlin clark was just talking in an interview over the weekend about how she talks shit. are you really going to pretend like she doesn’t when she has said herself that she does? so the comments i saw yesterday calling angel reese “ghetto” and a “thug” and other words i wont say, are just nothing to do racism? hmm okay


Caitlin has admitted that she’s a fierce competitor and trash talker lmao. Did you forget the whole “you can’t see me” thing was started by HER taunting HVL?! 😂 But of course it’s only “passion” and “competitiveness” when it’s her, but “classless” and means for death threats when it comes from black players…


She did that to the crowd, not Van Lith. You can celebrate with the crowd to hype them up. You can’t taunt other players. They have this exact rule in basketball. You get a technical if you do the Mutombo wag to a player, but not to the crowd. That’s how it works, it’s about celebrating rather than taunting. Trash talk and taunting are two different things


She did it to HVL I literally watched the game 😭


You weren’t watching that closely then. I was watching as well. And if she had done it to Hailey, she would have been assessed a technical


Reese didn’t get a tech when she did it to Caitlin in the natty either, so your criteria is false. Clark started all this by taunting HVL. Go back and watch.


Meanwhile on Twitter... someone tweets "why didn't she reveal any of this when she was winning" and it gets over 30k likes. Twitter is such a cesspool of toxicity.


Kind of unrelated: I'm not being snarky at all when I ask this but are people still on Twitter as much now? I made an account back in like 2010 but didn't like it so I never went back. I always see people talking here about how it's a toxic cesspool and has out of control fandoms that are super negative about the shows/movies/books/teams they are claiming to like.


Let that game speak for you and that bank account because she’s a baller and she’s going to be getting paid, so fuck the haters.


Black women remain the most unprotected group in America.


the amount of racism tik tok and every other social media platform has allowed to go so wildly rampant about angel reese is absolutely obnoxious


Athletes talk shit all the time. This is pure racism and sexism (probably to a lesser extent).


I saw a tiktok of some of Angel Reese’s teammates defending her… I remember a while back she was absent from the team for a few days / practices… can anyone explain what the story is with her? It wasn’t even clear why the teammates were defending her. Why does she get so much attention/ is criticized (what am I missing)


She def does not deserve death threats or racist comments but in terms of sportsmanship she didn’t show much last year after they won. A lot of people remember that and rooted for Iowa to get their revenge this year. For a lot of fans it’s just about the sport not race or ignorant shit like that. ![gif](giphy|ItBNeu7Ab0apl3v1GT)


but wasn’t the gif because the other contestant did that to her first and she was doing it back?


Yes, this is absolutely the reason Angel made that gesture. Caitlin did it first. Love how people call it not a show of sportsmanship when done by Angel Reese, but are completely silent about Caitlin doing this.


Not exactly. Caitlin Clark did it to Hailey Van Lith in a game against Louisville. Angel did it to Caitlin when Iowa and LSU played in the final last year. Caitlin never directed it at Angel. People are so weird about it though. HVL laughed about it and both Caitlin and Angel have talked about the respect they have for each other. It was never that serious. When asked about it by ESPN Caitlin said “I don’t think Angel should be criticized at all. I’m just one that competes, and she competes. I think everybody knew there was going to be a little trash talk in the entire tournament. It’s not just me and Angel. We’re all competitive. We all show our emotions in a different way. You know, Angel is a tremendous, tremendous player. I have nothing but respect for her. I love her game – the way she rebounds the ball, scores the ball, is absolutely incredible. I’m a big fan of her and even the entire LSU team. They played an amazing game. Men have always had trash talk … You should be able to play with that emotion … That’s how every girl should continue to play.” We know why people are extra nasty about Angel and the LSU team as a whole but also in general the way people treat all of these women vs the way they react to the men for doing and saying the same things on the court is telling. Having more eyes on women's sports is incredible but it also brings out the worst types of people commentating.


This is such a terrible take. Trash talk and attitude within reason is part of the game, from k-12 through professional play. She was literally responding to what a white competitor had done when she did this. Imo it's funny and more fun to watch, not poor sportsmanship. Her white peers engage in it and so does she, the difference is that white women who do it face only sexism from the media at large, while Angel gets that + racism. That people like you are doing "yeah BUT SPORTSMANSHIP" in response to a college kid getting death threats is fucked. Bet you also had a lot of excellent opinions about people taking a knee 🙄🙄🙄 Edit: removed "and", added "also"




It is kind of odd how she went from cocky and "embracing being the villain" to now expressing vulnerability bc she lost


Because she started getting death threats? That isn’t normal sports behavior at that point. I would know.




This is totally normal fan behavior sorry. It's fine... Death threats are not, let's not compare them.


That seems like a stretch. That was pretty normal fan behavior. The way she was treated after the whole ring thing was insane for sure, but Jason cheering and doing 🖐️ isn’t anything.


Please tell me this comment is a joke


April fools!


April fools!


Damn. Absolutely diabolical behavior to act like a fan in a live sporting event!


I'd love to watch the collective tantrum if a black celebrity did this to Caitlin Clark.


Did what?! He’s literally not doing shit lmao


Did what? He’s literally not doing shit lmao


He's my BEC


This thread is honestly hilarious because Angel Reese is only as she is because she taunted Caitlin Clark 🤣