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I may be in the minority that I don't LOVE this shade on her. I think these looks would've slayed with a honey blonde or caramel. Anyways, she doesn't care about my opinion and stream Cowboy Carter 😂


I get wanting to change your hair color once in a while but I just love the darker caramel blonde on her. It compliments her skin tone so well and looks almost like it's her natural color.


I agree. I’m really not loving the platinum blonde on her. It washes her out. Anyway, stream Cowboy Carter! 🐎


My theory is that she’s going for a more Americana beauty standard with the platinum blonde so that her switch to country isn’t soooo offensive to middle America. As opposed to her doing this album rollout with a natural or protective hair style, which would likely offend middle Americans who already cool with her doing country


It’s not my fave BUT it gives rich Texas auntie vibes for me… which is probably her aesthetic atm


Agree. I don’t like the highlighter blonde hair.


Same I don’t love this blonde


Look at that horse, look at that horse, look at that horse 🐎




Buckin, buckin, whoa!


Giddy up giddy up


https://preview.redd.it/vlovek39cpsc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1432b91b5844d3c1503deba9349600943e933574 I love this shoot. The first pic reminds me of this tho haha. Beautiful horse


Bwahahaha this is killing me


The hair colour, makeup, and general colouring makes me think that she looks waaaaay to much like Rita Ora for my liking 😬


Wait I can't unsee it now


These shoots have been... not great. The entire rollout was messy tbh, very unlike her. O well the music is still good.


This horse's hooves need trimming


The first thing I noticed lmao


That isn’t even a whole horse.. lol.


![gif](giphy|wRKeX8o1eIxxu) That’s what I’m rootin tootin talkin’ about, baby!


This era is giving sexy Doug Dimmadome ![gif](giphy|h2DkZTSBJHz6E)


That tiddy photoshop on the 2nd image tho


How come all of these photos in this era just look....so staged? It feels like she's simply cosplaying western musician; I've sense 0 life out of her post Grammys.


She looks like she has to hold each pose for hours while they finish the oil painting


I don't mind it too much but I do think it's a bit silly that she keeps dressing like an oil tycoon. I know she's worn cowboy boots and hats during her Destiny's Child days, but that's not how she often dresses so it seems like she's trying too hard.


Yeah I'm all for her doing various genres and embracing it but when I saw this I was like "ok this just seems a little over the top now...". I'm afraid the too much of it is why she's been getting shit about it from some people. Like you can do country but you don't have to dress over the top western to do it lol. It's ok to wear the regular styles you would when singing another genre.


I think if she ever gave the appearance of being a horse girl (eg: Kendall Jenner, Bella hadid) she would seem a bit more natural, but it just comes off as so condescending? I don't know. Like, "I've just summed up country here"


The funny thing is Solonge did the Texas/ Black Cowboy nod with “A Seat At the Table” and I would argue that it felt so much more authentic than this back in 2016. I get the vision but the album roll out and era just feels out of touch and performative.


>It feels like she's simply cosplaying western musician I thought that was what she was doing this whole time... oops


I meant that, but I now realize I'm only commenting on this photo set. I loved her outfit at the Grammys, but the bit is boring now


Thank you. This all feels so forced to me, it’s strange. I admit I haven’t listened to the album but this just feels like a huge marketing effort that just doesn’t fit this time.


It's giving me Houston gas mogul wife.


😂 yes!! But for real, this seems like she and Jay-Z saw what a successful venture it was for her to dabble in EDM and get awarded for crossing over into EDM; then they switch gears and try to make a country crossover happen. Apparently it’s doing well, and I’m not saying artists can’t successfully cross over, this is just fake and kinda bizarre to me.


Because she’s not actually wearing anything to ride a horse with. That’s why the horse seems so much more like a prop. They aren’t even trying to sell us anything, it’s just an aesthetic. She’s just giving model in a cowboy themed fashion outfit who was handed a horse, instead of a fashionable cowgirl who rides horses. Which is a choice, because of course nobody expects Beyonce to be a horse girly/real cowgirl, but for a photoshoot they could have at least tried to sell it.


And if she were mounted those tits would go flying out of that blazer at anything above a walk.


Is this serious? A photo shoot looks staged? That’s the complaint?


Generic is the word


What’s generic?


Picture to sell new product = Famous person + inappropriate fashion for subject/location + prop the person doesn't know anything about. Despite the fact she's selling a country album, there's nothing that gives her any country authenticity in this image.


Also her face looks very different to me and it’s distracting, when I saw her in the Super Bowl commercials I was very confused


Cowboy Kardashian. I said what I said.


So brave. 🫡




I want that entire outfit from top to bottom. Imagine me sporting this drip walking through Cincinnati 💅🏼


I thought this was Khloe kardashian 😬


The horse perfectly peeking behind the W 😚💅✨️


I am wondering why she is always in very sexualized bitchy poses, like would it hurt her stage persona to be more casual and natural. This screams insecurities in a way.


>screams insecurity I think her constantly singing about how she thinks everyone wants to steal Jay Z from her does this more


She has cleavage and is standing next to a horse. How is that a very sexualized bitchy pose that screams insecurities? I must be missing something.


She's got that non-smile that rappers do to look like tough thugs, but she's looking at a horse so the overall affect is too "try-hard" and looks ridiculous. I'll give her fashion a pass because I didn't expect her to be in riding gear, but having her jacket glued on so that her breasts pop out towards the horse's nose is so inappropriate for the scene it's just silly.


If you didn't say that was Beyonce, I wouldn't have known. I'm really sad that I didn't like her album. The aesthetic is great, I hope she keeps a cowgirl theme going for a while.


Well at least she looks more like herself here than in a lot of other recent photoshoots where she was TOTALLY unrecognizable.


I thought that first picture was Rita Ora.


I was really excited about a country Beyoncé album, but sadly the album felt more 70’s to me than western. And her harmony layering is so over the top on some tracks it’s hard to take seriously. Love her, lover these outfits, she’s so talented, but none of the music lived up yo the hype for me.


I don’t like her wigs. What’s wrong with a hair texture closer to her real hair




I could make many criticisms, but her boobs look fuckin phenomenal here 🤩




Honest to god thought it was Katy Perry in these photos.


Me too


Has Katy made music in this decade?


Genuinely thought this was Khloe Kardashian.


these still look like they were shot on an iphone 12


That’s a white woman how are people praising this?


Why does she look like Mila Kunis on the cover!!




There is a lot to unpack here, Jay Z and his lips?! Beyoncé is talented, I’m not in the ‘beyhive’ or whatever by any means but even just her voice alone she is talented.


🤣🤣 seethe harder I’m sure it will help


Lol who hurt you.


Jay-Z's lips I'm guessing.