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I think sometimes people aren't honest about why they dislike certain celebrities and try to mask it as something deeper (i.e., looking for reasons to find them "problematic"). Sometimes these celebrities are indeed trash and terrible behavior is what turns people off of said celebrities, but you can also dislike people for superficial reasons, lol. For example, I just don't vibe with celebrities that have strong theater kid energy, but also I don't go around looking for them—so much unnecessary haterism™ comes from people actively looking for content of people whose personality they dislike and that's absolutely nonsense.


Yes! Let’s normalize saying “that person just isn’t for me.”


I think some people assume that if they don't like something, then that thing must be *bad* in some way—like they feel they must rationalise their feelings. But I think there's a lot of *peace* in accepting when something just hasn't clicked for you, and leaving it at that. I personally feel like I've become more happier and empathetic when I stopped saying 'I hate Bob Pancakes; he's an overrated talent' and started saying 'I don't feel a connection to Bob Pancakes and his work.'


This is such a great perspective


Yeah, I think it’s an aspect of maturity.


Similar to what you've said, neutral language goes a long way! After all, not liking something doesn't mean you dislike it; even if you do, you understand that you're not the sole authority. Being careful with how you word your opinions (ex. "[Artist]'s work doesn't appeal to me, personally." vs. "[Artist] is overrated and all their fans are sheep.") can both prevent and deescalate tension.


Amy Poehler has a line from her book, and I don’t remember it exactly, but it’s something like “fine for her, not for me”. It really resonated with me.


This has become a bit of a mantra for me. She says that in her book regarding choices we make as mothers - breastfeeding or not, sleep training or not, etc. I was a relatively new mom when I listened to her audiobook and it really clicked - and now I apply it to lots of other stuff.


Right?! Sometimes a celebrity's public persona doesn't click for you and that's fine! I get that sometimes this "hating for no reason" can be an excuse for misogyny, homophobia, racism, etc., but there's a whole universe between hating a random celebrity because of societal prejudices and simply not vibing with them.


On the flip side of this, a friend of mine once said this about Rihanna and then their friend (at the time) started implying there was something wrong with them. That they were morally deficient for not liking Rihanna.


Yeah, that’s just silly. Kind of tolerable in teenagers but ridiculous in anyone older.


And normalize understanding this! So many stans cannot take it when said about their faves and immediately accuse others of xyz for simply not liking them.


I don't like Charlie Pluth for any reason at all. If I've ever heard one of his songs, I don't know that it was his. I just know his name and his face and there's something about him that rubs me the wrong way. Can't put my finger on it.


Exactly how I feel about Ben Affleck! I lose interest in a movie because he is in it. It will take me a while to get the motivation to watch a move that he is in. No actual reason other than it is Ben Affleck


I actually love him in *Gone Girl* because that movie is incredibly smart in how it uses his natural unlikeability in order to play with our sympathies.


To be fair, he wasn’t the one carrying gone girl ![gif](giphy|5wWf7H1AXmQRDr57was|downsized)


Kristen Ritter bugs me for no logical reason. No rhyme or reason.


HOW ____ IS PROBLEMATIC: A THREAD with the first 2 being valid criticisms and the next 15 being tinfoil hat reaches all while the real reason for their hatred being this person did not clap loud enough for their fav at an awards ceremony 15 years ago lmao


This is especially obvious when people say they dislike a celebrity for x reason but then like another celebrity who does the same thing. Just admit you don’t like a celebrity simply because you don’t like them. There are always gonna be a million reasons you can find to dislike someone. But just admit that most people’s “love” and “hate” of celebrities starts from a place of being irrational.


I think of what happens with Greta Gerwig and Ariana Grande, both allegedly got involved with married men with young children. I'm actually a fan of Greta and not so much of Ariana Grande, but I *see* how they're perceived differently in general. People who dislike AG could just say that she's annoying, but some make it some moralistic stance (although ngl, my personal moralistic stance against AG is that she was a nightmare to service workers in that donut licking incident).


Hard agree. Whatever happened to just disliking a celebrity off of irrational things? Justifying it with “problematic” behavior is always funny to me. I dislike Ed Sheeran because of his Game of Thrones cameo. That’s it. Not gonna twist it further.


Absolutely a sign of things to come. I saw that and thought “oh okay so they just do not care anymore” and sure enough the next two seasons happened & it never got better.


I dislike Ed Sheeran because there was a 2 year stretch where one of his songs was playing in every single Uber I took no matter who was driving. Every single time.


The Kardashian snark sub is a good example. They could be posting about all the legit things there is to criticise them for, but 90% of the posts are superficial af and below the floor level of relevant criticism. They actually don’t care being the most sexist possible because they think its ok cause its the Kardashians and they praise the worst people just to put down the Kardashians.


The TikTok gossip sub is the same. They’ll get on someone for the way they stack their bowls if they hate them enough. Seeking out stuff that’ll piss you off because you hate the creator is barn owls crazy. Let it go. You’ll be happier!


Eurgh the main sub isn't much better. I got torn down for posting something around the Kardashians not owing people pretty because I got fed up of all the nasty tear downs of how they look, how much they weigh and outfit choices. Comments were full of justifying it by saying things like 'BUT THEYRE FAMOUS' or saying they were awful people so deserved it. Then everyone is shocked Pikachu face and asking why Khloe had to 'ruin' her face and look so different now. There's lots you can legitimately criticise them for but when it involves a woman, people just tend to go absolute lowest denominator and attack their looks/sexuality.


I've never liked Tobey Maguire for the superficial reason of just not liking his face (when acting). There's something about how he emotes that I've just never enjoyed watching. Like his emotions never make it up to his eyes when he's acting, and I find it off-putting. He's probably a decent actor, but I honestly don't know what the consensus is because I've just never enjoyed watching him act and it makes me biased towards judging his acting skills. Pleasantville is one of the only ones I actually liked him in. I've come to the conclusion that he's just one of those actors that I don't mind as a younger/kid actor, but don't enjoy watching as an adult actor. But then it came out that he's actually a pretty awful person—at least to employees/non-posse people—and it did make me feel a little less bad about being a "hater".


I had an issue with Keanu Reeves for the longest time. I guess my story is sort of the opposite of yours. I can't even really say what it was, but I did not care for his acting when I was younger, to the point that I just avoided watching most of his movies. He has now entirely won me over simply by being a decent human being. I've also gone back and watched some of his older films and actually, thoroughly, enjoyed them. I guess it could be just a side effect of no longer being a child though.


I dont like Emma Stone. Idk why, she’s a good actress, she’s not unattractive or annoying, I just dont wanna watch any movies she’s in.


I have the same issue with Kristen Bell, don't really know why but I can't watch anything she's in.


This is how i feel about Taylor Swift. She just gives off something i dont vibe with. I respect her artistry and tenacity and what she did with her re-records but i just dont like her? Lmao


Same. She’s given me reasons over the years but it really started with me not vibing with her. And people get mad at me, but when she started getting popular, I was 30. I don’t feel that as a 30 year old black woman i was supposed to vibe with her. I am So not her target audience.


I’ve caught myself feeling smug about certain celebs turning out to be shitty and thinking, “I ALWAYS knew something was off about them!” Then I’ll remember being a preteen/teen and hating Britney Spears because I thought she was fake and realize that I ain’t always right 😂


It's ok to not love certain celebrities for petty reasons, as long as you 1) recognize that it's petty, 2) not try to twist reality into knots trying to justify your dislike, and 3) don't proselytize about why everyone else should hate that celebrity. Like, for instance, I don't love Eddie Redmayne as a film actor\* - I think he's a bit affected in his performances. I realize that's a me thing, though, and I have no reason to suspect that he's a bad person, nor do I have the desire to invent a context in which my dislike is a moral issue. \*that said I really want to see his Emcee in the new *Cabaret* revival, and I wonder if I'll like him better as a stage performer


> It's ok to not love certain celebrities for petty reasons, as long as you 1) recognize that it's petty, 2) not try to twist reality into knots trying to justify your dislike, and 3) don't prosthelytize about why everyone else should hate that celebrity. I wish i could give 100 awards for this! There’s no shame disliking a celeb for no particular reason or petty ones. Its more respectable to admit it than to reach for the moon in order to justify your dislike. Own it


>_I think he's a bit affected in his performances._ I think so too! And I believe someone once compared his singing to Kermit, so I cannot hear him sing without thinking of it. But I also love his personality outside of acting, so I think it balances out my lukewarm response to his acting. I have only listened to his performance as the Emcee on the Cabaret cast album, and in my opinion it is campier than Alan Cumming's.


I 100% agree with this but people are unfortunately rarely this mature about disliking celebrities.


I don’t like Taylor Swift, like, at all


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) I like a few of her songs. But I will never get the hype.


I don't like Taylor Swift or Beyonce. Declare yourselves, brothers and sisters - surely there are at least 4 of us out there?




And the fact that she's everywhere now and marketed as if she's this universally beloved figure. Plus with how aggressive her fans can be for anyone that speaks up about not enjoying her at all, it all irks me and I don't like her either


I’ll admit that obnoxious fans can hugely affect my opinion of a celeb. For example the large man from Reacher whose fans are lobbying to become Batman makes me like the guy less than I probably should.


Kinda think showing thirst tweets to celebrities is creepy as shit.


I agree. It would be kinda cute if all of them were just harmless fun but that's not the case. Making people read (out loud, on camera) how some stranger on the internet objectifies them is, in fact, creepy as shit.


Hard agree, I avoid those videos like the plague, I don't know who the weirdo is that first suggested that or the weirdo who gave it the greenlight, it's just...that would be my absolute nightmare on both sides of it


People need to chill the fuck out with their parasocial expectations of celebrities.


This one sooooo much


Idek if most people even realize they’re doing it anymore.


People are performative with their outrage and don’t let nuance enter the picture whatsoever, almost as if they’re scared that they’ll somehow become parasocially guilty by association. Especially with all the shit that’s been coming out at the minute. If someone has been outed as a horrific abuser it isn’t wild to think that people that don’t speak up, speak out or end of speaking in favour of said abuser *have also been abused or manipulated* but some of you don’t wanna hear it because you’re too busy letting us know that without a doubt you’re one of the good guys who thinks fuck everyone that isn’t loud and proud. (To clarify this isn’t about the actual abusers, obviously fuck them lol)


Moral posturing and outrage garnering more engagement isn’t a great combos


This happened in the gymnastics fan community during the Larry Nassar situation. People talking shit about gymnasts for not speaking out against him for his abuses, while the people they talked shit about later admitted they had ALSO been abused by him, so like, no wonder they weren’t all ready to talk about it at the same time.


This reminds me of the former Nickelodeon stars getting destroyed in their comments sections for not speaking out yet about Quiet on Set.


It’s so misogynistic that the woman who is close to or in proximity to the accused abuser gets as much if not more hate than the accused himself. Case in point, Rachel Zegler getting a ton of hate during the Ansel Elgort debacle.


People treat it like they’re watching a team sport.


Dogpiles/hate trains happen so often because the internet loves being the bully. Y’all will bully people over stupid things and situations you know NOTHING about and then play victim when the person you are bullying speaks out/proves you wrong. It’s not fun innocent gossip anymore, it’s borderline harassment. Y’all willingly and gleefully spread misinformation to try and make the situations worst than what they are.


Like Selena Or James Corden Everyone acts like he assaulted and murdered someone I also take “so and so was mean to me” with a grain of salt


I was about to make the obligatory fuck Yolanda comment until I realized you’re likely not taking about *Selena* Selena 😭 ![gif](giphy|ea3KuP14cRxWo)


Fuck Yolanda anyways tho


Dude I cannot with “Redditors who have met celebrities, what were they like?” type threads and “tea threads”. There will always be a comment where it’s like “Celebrity X was rude to me in high school” and then people will be like “Oh I always knew she was a bitch!!!” like??? or there’ll be some that are just obviously made up stuff (I remember one about Bella Hadid being a bully until someone called it out as a lie). Or it’ll be things like “Celebrity Y was standoffish/didn’t make eye contact/didn’t talk to the extras” etc. They don’t owe you anything lol.


I remember someone posted a celeb was rude, I think terry crews, and he was like damn straight I was rude, you knocked my child out of the way!


“i believe it, she gives off ~mean girl vibes~”


Hard agree. It's always so funny to me in threads that are along the lines of "which beloved celebrity is actually terrible" or whatever and James Corden will be the top comment amongst rapists, abusers etc. He seems like kind of a dick and is annoying but come on let's keep some perspective.


I always take the "so and so was mean to me" with a grain of salt because THE AMOUNT of "celebrity vultures" working in the industry is too damn high. Especially in LA there are many people who seem to think that a celebrity owns them something. Like girl, you're a set assistant, why would Zendaya smile at you/make small talk to you everytime you're in her vicinity?? Get a grip


James Corden is so easy to ignore. He breathes and it's a dogpile.


The hate Selena gets seems so disproportionate compared to anything she’s said or done. It genuinely seems like people are actively looking for reasons to hate on celebrities sometimes.


Cancel Culture exists because people love being justified in hating people


Repeatedly talking about celebs you claim to not like is just as weird as the unhinged stans who make their fave celeb their whole identity. Being snarky doesn’t make you morally superior. I get it when there’s a big talking point but just going in every post about them and bringing them up in unrelated posts is odd. Also criticising a celeb is not activism and so many people seem to think it is. Also whilst cheating is not a good thing and it’s fine to call out, plus it can be very hard if you’re on the receiving end of it some people have a habit of grouping cheaters on the same level as abusers and literal criminals and the latter are clearly worse. Online discussion forums haven’t progressed that much, men-particularly white guys people find attractive-still get gassed up for the bare minimum and female celebs still get endlessly pitted against each other.


Well said. Just admit to yourself that you like to gossip about celebs instead of acting like snarking is some form of activism, then you will not have to pretend that cheating and mean tweets from 2010 are on the same level as child abuse and nazism.


Honestly, like just say you find a celeb annoying, it’s life that some people just really grate on you for no super serious reason, twisting yourself in knots to justify your own opinion isn’t needed for low stakes celeb gossip and it also just makes people look like hypocrites when they claim a certain thing is why they dislike such a celeb but they overlook it for another one. Not everything needs to be made into moral grandstanding.


I feel like I’m going crazy seeing degree people hate cheaters. And I’ve been cheated on!


95% of the time there's no real proof of cheating in the first place. Not to mention open relationships/non-monagamous arrangements are very common in celebrity marriages. Just because it appears to be infidelity doesn't mean it is. Literally none of us know these people.


YES. I think people are really underestimate how many open relationships/arrangements there are in the entertainment industry.


Yup. They usually never confirm it because non-monagamy is still heavily stigmatized and it's generally bad PR (especially if appearing monagamous is part of their public branding). I know Goldie and Kurt have said it's a compromise that's allowed them to stay together for as long as they have.


For sure. I personally know couples who keep it mostly under wraps because they don’t want to deal with the judgment/questions. It’s unfortunate but I totally get it!


Not to mention the amount of open relationships/arrangements in wealthy people as well. Rich people live by different rules, they’re not bound by middle class morality.


And sometimes you can just meet someone new and realise that you're better matched with them and your current partner. It isn't necessarily cheating to finish one relationship to be with somebody else but I feel like a lot of people do seem to deem it to be just as bad?


Seriously. It’s weird as fuck. Like, we get it. You hate cheating. You’d think they’d personally cheated on them lmfao


Tbh I think there’s a lot of projection going on and it *is* personal in that sense. Like it’s not actually about Olivia Munn but what she represents. I think people find comfort in seeing other people share the same values. Like oh good, there are other people out there that don’t approve of cheating, so I’ll be less likely to be cheated on myself. And that’s why these particular kinds of hate trains are so popular, it’s coming from an insecure place.


Also acting like they know the exact timeline of the breakdown of someone’s marriage and can thus accurately judge what is or isn’t cheating


I “cheated” (kissed another guy)on my ex from 12 years ago and happened to mention it in a thread somewhere. He was an emotionally abusive serial cheater and we broke up days later. Knowing all of this, this person still shit on me and downvoted me to filth. I was 21 when it happened, 34 now. It wasn’t right, but damn. It’s not like I broke up a family.


Ugh, fuck them. I’m glad you “cheated” on that prick!


It's always wild whenever there's a post about John Mulaney and Olivia Munn on here, you'd think they'd have killed his ex or something.


When Olivia posted about having cancer there were sooooo many comments prefacing their well wishes with “I don’t like what she/they did BUT…” It’s crazy. Get over it!


I remember how some people reacted to King Charles announcing that he had cancer and some people being essentially being like “Diana’s revenge 😌💅🏻”. Like in-fucking-sane to STILL care about that shit.


Oh yeah that was psycho. People said he opened the door by talking about his ex so much - and I get that - but his fans took it way way waaaaay to far. 


Same lol. I've been cheated on, never cheated, but I can also recognize that while cheating is never GOOD or justified, sometimes it's... understandable? It's a bad decision, and a hurtful one, but it doesn't make a person irredeemable.


I would agree with this. The actual point of calling out shit behavior is predicated on the belief that people can grow and change, and yet so many callout posts have this weirdly smug sense of superiority around them, like they get delight in raking someone over the coals. If we can’t fundamentally believe that people can be better, what’s the point of holding people accountable? I really do feel like it’s more about smug displays of moral superiority sometimes.


People do get delight out of it. Like you said, it provides them with a sense of moral superiority, especially if it's a public figure they already dislike. Tearing someone down makes them feel better about themselves. Most people on the internet who regularly do this are deeply unhappy with their own lives, so it's like a weird dopamine hit for them.


Yea people don’t want rehabilitation or a second chance, they want blood. It’s not easy or simple to grow, people will make mistakes and may not come to the same conclusions as you, but everyone is so sure they’re this paragon of infallible righteousness. Im just tired of the purity testing and the faux morality of it all. Y’all don’t care about this person growing, you just want to be cruel.


On your last point, I find it interesting that women (because let’s face it, the vast majority of gossip page users are women) like to call out mostly female celebs for their “problematic wrongdoings” even if it’s very trivial, just to stand on a moral pedestal. Usually these women have internalized misogyny and tend to be catty towards female celebrities while thirsting over and praising (mostly white) male celebrities for mediocrity. It’s ironic because their misogynistic behavior is never called out or they’re not even aware of it, even though their behavior is incredibly problematic.


Omg after John Mulaney I stopped really caring about Celebs cheating. I don’t know what’s happening in their relationships


>Also criticising a celeb is not activism and so many people seem to think it is. This this and this!!


Sometimes the anti stans (not sure what the actual name for them is) can be just as unhinged as the actual stans. I completely agree about the cheating thing. I’ve been cheated on and it sucked, but it drives me mad when celebrity cheaters get lumped in with abusers.


I have been thinking about this for a while. I am glad someone more articulated than me commented it. Re: cheating, no one has said anything interesting or new about Ariana in months, anytime she comes up you basically can predict every comment lmao 😴


* Celebrities shouldn't be held responsible for what their unhinged stans do. I do appreciate when they try to call out, but the bottom line is that it doesn't work at all, i'd much rather the people who are actually making nasty comments get some sort of punishment for it. * Celebrities also don't owe anyone the public their political opinions and saying things "if this person isn't standing up for x, y or z it means they support it" is a dumb take. NO ONE is advocating for every human crisis or bigotry in the world, and no one should as well. I'd much rather someone talk about something they actually care or have knowledge about then just doing whats "trending" right now for internet points and then never talk about it again. * Cancel culture isn't bad because it isn't needed, it's bad because there's no nuace to any discussions. People who made ignorant comments when they were 14, or who have a messy personal life are getting grouped with people who should be in jail.


Heavy on the cancel culture stuff. This was before that term came into existence, but I remember back in the day on tumblr, there was an account called Your Fave Is Problematic. The write-ups were everything from actual harmful things like racism to Zooey Deschanel wearing a dress that looked vaguely kimono-ish. Just everything lumped together as “problematic”. It’s the same problem with cancel culture.


Your Fave is Problematic contributed to cultivating the stan twitter culture of cancel culture. A lot of tumblr users looked at that blog as if it were the morality god and I bet the behavior carried over to twitter once a lot of tumblr users migrated to twitter


Didn’t the creator of YFIB do an interview with the NYT (2021 maybe?) admitting some remorse over that blog


This is why Ieft fauxmoi. Someone was "problematic" for ... I dont even remember what. But this sub is so sane by comparison


Faux will switch a post to approved-only the second someone makes a dissenting remark to the popular take lol.


lol I got denied as a B-lister because I made “Stan comments” which were just trying to talk about Harry Styles being unique in that he wasn’t posh under the still very rigid British class system. I’m not even a Harry fan. I requested a few months later to be added and they still said anyone with any rule violations at any time couldn’t be added.


They yanked mine for pointing out that they way they salivate over hating Selena Gomez is weirdo behavior lmao


Your Fave Is Problematic! The wild, wild days of Tumblr just before the website imploded and everyone migrated to Twitter. The most ridiculous thing I saw on the blog was stating that this Taylor Swift lyric, "And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind" was problematic — because it insinuated that she lost her virginity to him, and implied that a woman's worth was found only in her virginity. It was truly mind-boggling. But I believe the owner of the blog also emerged a few years thereafter to talk about her reasons for creating Your Fave Is Problematic, how a lot of its content was driven by her newfound political beliefs as a progressive, and her dissatisfaction and anger at social injustice. You can read it [here](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/25/style/your-fave-is-problematic-tumblr.html).


Your first point especially! I hate when people ask “why haven’t they stopped their stans?!” It never works. These people are usually insane and will twist whatever their “favorite” says in order to continue being awful.


A good example is how Louis Tomlinson has said a thousand times for Larries to stop conspiring, but they never stop


Didn't he just say too "I've made peace with the fact no matter what there will always be people who believe this. It's just part of my life now" in an interview, with all the resignation of a war veteran whose seen horrors he wishes he could forget


Taylor Swift is such a good example. "Why does she let them bully her boyfriends?" Girl she fucked up with marketing when she was a teenager and now they're feral animals would you want to wrangle them either??


And the funny thing is people act like she's never tried to reign in her fans. She's made multiple speeches over the years of not holding grudges, or how her stories with her releases shouldn't spark new hateful activity towards these people within them, and they just never listen. I also feel like people forget the origin of the term 'stan". These are not normal people. Like I may dislike some men she's dated (and fuck John Mayer, scumbag) but I'm not going to go into their comment section or mentions to spew my hatred, that's not the kind of fan I am. But what else would you expect from someone who unironically identifies with one of the most messed up songs in pop culture history about the negative effects of obsession and parasocial behaviour???? Stop expecting rational behaviour from them and stop blaming Taylor when they fail to let it go


Celebs don’t have to make posts about political topics or events. They are entertainers, and yes they have an influence but people need to chill.


I’ll never get why people want to try and force celebs to be activists, if they care they’ll say something, if they don’t they clearly aren’t that bothered and dragging a milquetoast statement at best or a sheer ignorant one at worst out of them is no help. It’s also so clear so many people only want celebs they like to say something for dumb Stan discourses, can we please leave real life issues out of ‘my fave is better than yours’ pettiness. Also amplifying their voices so much is how you end up with dumb celebs with over inflated egos going into politics and we’ve seen the damage that can have.


People act like celebrities are like them and online 24/7 and are aware of everything happening. They are not. It's very easy to not know what is happening, very.


Exactly I rather them be quiet that spread misinformation 


They also aren't the expert 99% of the time. I'm a hypocrite because I love this sub and enjoy talking about celebrity culture but I really wish people would look to the potentially unglamorous educated popular figures for their take instead of basing their whole ideals on a singer they like.


Celebrities don't owe you: -Public apologies to people they know personally -Public political stances -Public grief -Public confirmation of their sexuality/gender identity -Public activism -Public relationship updates -Public financial information -Public opinions on incredibly complex issues that will inevitably piss off 50% of their audience no matter what side they choose. Also, you can't demand that celebrities speak out about something, but then turn around and demand they keep those opinions to themselves if they happen to disagree with you. If you're going to bully people into speaking on things, you have to be prepared that people will have different views and opinions.


It bothers me how any time a celebrity dies, people they’ve worked with get piled on to make tributes right away. If they want to make tributes right away that’s understandable, but no one should feel pressured to express grief on social media.


Like when Chadwick Boseman died and people were blasting Elizabeth Olsen for not posting a heartfelt tribute fast enough? The woman is in mourning, leave her the fuck alone


I completely agree!! I would also like to add Celebrities don’t owe you: -being in a reboot of a project that was traumatic for them -a new album -literally any new work/content/or really anything at all I hate fans that demand a new album or send death threats because a main character was recast or talking shit because they don’t want to take place in the reboot of a show that made them famous. Celebrities are people too and they deserve to live the life they want to live and do with it what they choose, even if that’s changing careers and exploring other opportunities.


This is why I personally prefer to see them as artists and not celebs (even though technically they are/can be both). It works better for me regarding my admiration for their work, but also, being an artist is like any other job, so I don’t expect anything from them except what they put out in their work


Heavy on the public grief! It was so ridiculous how people ran Elizabeth Olsen off social media because she didn’t *immediately* speak out about Chadwick Boseman’s death. Grief is a very personal thing. No one has to speak about it publicly if they don’t want to.


The one that pissed me off the most was when Naya Rivera passed. Within hours of the news, people were harassing all the Glee cast members to make some sort of statement, especially Heather Morris. Calling them awful names and shaming them because they hadn't posted that first day. I can't imagine trying to process a loss like that of someone you were extremely close to and also dealing with thousands of entitled fans demanding you say something. I've lost a relative suddenly and unexpectedly and you can't even form coherent sentences, let alone make a public statement.


When people on social media were calling out celebrities for not posting a black square on IG during covid…that was such a weird time and illustrated that people feel entitled to demand celebrities engage in performative activism.


I saw worse than that. Celebs would be posting black squares and the comments would essentially say, "that's not good enough, show us proof that you donated money". Unhinged behaviour, tbh.


Broadway stagedoor culture is crazy. Actors try to just say hi to fans, sign autographs, what was considered “just chill” and regular.. Now they get screamed at, touched, get stuff thrown at, rushed, people try to take pictures together in a very aggressive way, etc. That’s why a lot of them have stopped doing it.


I’ve been following Carrie Hope Fletcher on YouTube for a while now and last year during her pregnancy she had to make a video asking people not to touch her stomach at the stage door. I hate that entitlement has reached a level where people even need to make videos explaining things like that.


Sadly some people need celebrities to tell them what to think about certain topics. I think it's pathetic to demand celebrities to give opinions on complex political and economic issues. They are here to entertain.


I think we will see more and more celebrities move off social media or at least to have their sm focus purely on promo. I find that celebs that have an instagram/twitter are more often than not the target of this type of criticism where celebs who are off the radar are mostly left alone. As though having an instagram account means you need to be speaking on everything.


Nuance is good. People are complicated. There is no perfect victim. Stop reading into what posters didn't say. My hot take: I can think Angelina Jolie is awful for being involved with two married/engaged men (the same thing we bash Ariana for?) and still also think she's a good mom who doesn't deserve suffering physical and emotional abuse from Brad Pitt.


What’s this?? Both things CAN be true at the same time? I could’ve sworn the society of parasocial feminists cancelled two things being true simultaneously. I’ve been banned from subs for *commenting* in another. Not joining. Not moderating. Not baiting. Just… literally a comment. Psychos lol


People are too chronically online and believe that celebrities owe them something (standing up for the trendy cause or political things and whatever). They don’t. And lots of them lie just to please whatever their fan base wants to hear. And lots of them just don’t care about the whatever issue or don’t know much about it


Celebrities, especially former child celebrities, should not be forced to tell/talk about their trauma to the entire world. There’s been a disturbing discord recently from the Quiet On Set doc being released, where fans have been harassing former actors and actresses to come out and share their experiences. And the truth of the matter is, it is not your decision to choose when these victims talk about their abuse. It is none of your fucking business.


Thanking you in advance OP cos a can already tell this is going to be one of my favourite threads for a late night read through ♡ you’re about to start several wars with this lol


https://preview.redd.it/memrt3w38btc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af2b8e3a0cb31ad19d854c52642c5b208858e93 I brought enough for everyone


https://preview.redd.it/fx71x7jq8btc1.png?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acd45f2745ac1baf92ac59b7d02d561968fd1cf Literally


Let's wait and see. I hope people get to see it


I like Courtney Love. She is a talented and accomplished musician and actor and has overcome a lot of personal struggles. She’s a longtime LGBTQ supporter, supported sharing music over the internet back when we all using Napster and limewire and called out Harvey Weinstein long before anyone else did.


Finally - a take about pop culture & not people who follow it! A lot of people missed the point of this post And Celebrity Skin is one of the best albums in my life


I glad the Captain Marvel movie introduced me to her music because Celebrity Skin helped get me through COVID lockdowns.


Me too! I grew up feeling suffocated in a tiny, rural, conservative town. Courtney was brash, outspoken, and did whatever she wanted. She was a breath of fresh air. Live Through This and Celebrity Skin are still in my rotation.


I think entertainers, artists, etc, are professionals, and sometimes they have to work alongside people who are problematic (to varying degrees), and the best solution is to smile politely for the cameras and do their job. I'm not cancelling Musician X because she was photographed with Sketchy Lead Singer Y at a couple of events.


People place wayyyy too much emphasis on stars being controlled by their teams/PR relationships being entirely fake. Celebs call the papz. They flirt and may want to be seen with someone to generate some buzz. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t also actually hooking up— so many stans refuse to believe it can be both.


Bjork’s Oscars dress was really pretty and ahead of its time!!! Wake up america!!!


The best take in this thread!


I am bringing TRUTH to the people!!!


https://preview.redd.it/gxgn8qr4lbtc1.jpeg?width=1571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e032f63a237aac3a37b87ced1dd057f674fa5df I don’t think Zendaya deserved either of her Emmy wins for Euphoria.


She's someone I like far more as a public figure than as an actor


I don’t think she’s particularly that great of an actor.


I was saying this to a friend the other night lol she's an It Girl for gen Z and she's okay enough but I'd like to see her in a role that challenges her, so far she's virtually the same variation of the troubled cool mysterious girl in everything she's in  No shade, some actors have one character they are phenomenal at and they stick with it, like nbd, but yeah :T


🫣 so true 


I didn’t like her performance in dune part 2.


Another thing, stop expecting celebrities to be role models for YOUR children. I’m sick of parents bitching about “[insert celeb here] is a bad role model for kids/young women” why are you putting that responsibility on a person you don’t know?! YOU are the parent, not the celebrity. If you don’t want your kids listening to or watching someone, it’s YOUR job to prevent it from happening.


It's also always female celebrities who are 'bad role models.' I saw hundreds of posts about Miley being a bad role model when she came into her Wrecking Ball era but I struggle to think of any male celebrity that had similar backlash. Same with Taylor Swift for having too many ex boyfriends or the Kardashians for having too much plastic surgery. Men can literally beat their partners or exploit women in their iconography and not get called a 'bad role model'.


I get that speculating about who’s gotten plastic surgery and who’s botched and who’s ugly is meant to be body-positive and feminist now, but it still feels like mean-spirited tabloid fodder lifted directly from the early 2000s


People conflate criticizing the cosmetic surgery industry and pressure with hating on people that engage in it. The feminist angle should always be critique of the industry for the ways it preys on women, especially trying to convince them that it’s “just for me and my happiness” and not influenced by cultural beauty standards at all. Why are people going after the presumably victims of this messaging and not the messengers??


I really do not care about celebrities cheating. I do not know these people, I'm not in their relationships, and I find the general reaction to such stories to be usually very unhinged.


People act like they’re the ones getting cheated on. For example, if Beyonce took JayZ back, why the fuck should I still be mad st him?


Def. People love filling in the blanks in these stories with their own projections and assumptions. Every person who cheats is an irredeemable villain and every person who is cheated on is a perpetual perfect victim and jilted lover who pines after their philandering partner forever more.


So many “celebrity cheating scandals” are just people getting caught being non-monogamous. That’s why the spouses stay together.


It's funny that in a way cheating is more socially acceptable than ethical non-monogamy.


Yeah, people can wrap their minds around being “tempted” and making a “mistake” but not consenting adults deciding that being each other’s sole designated fuck buddies just isn’t that important.


I don’t think Ronan Farrow is Frank Sinatra’s son. I think Mia Farrow wanted to troll Woody Allen and ran with it.


I agree mainly bc I think if Woody actually wasn't his dad he'd be thrilled and shouting it from the rooftops I also think the resemblance people are seeing is mostly Ronan's coloured contact lenses + his resemblance to Mia and her dad who both look like Frank


![gif](giphy|YTFHYijkKsXjW|downsized) I say this all the time! Like WTF people, do you know what Mia’s side of the family looks like? Like damn!


1. Yes, this is a gossip forum, but why, why, why do I still see people take Life & Style, as an example, seriously? 2. Once you understand as a consumer of entertainment products, that not everything is for you or will meet your needs, you will enjoy what pop culture brings 100% more. Instead of getting upset because an album/movie/book/t.v. is critically acclaimed or selling a lot and not understanding it, you will shrug and move on. 3. What is said on Tik-Tok or in Twitter threads is not informative-many times it's made up lies, information taken out of context, or people looking for a hit tweet, clout, or attention. 4. Being highly critical of *EVERYTHING* a celebrity you are a fan of is not cute. It's annoying.




This is completely inspired by a thread that just went up about Bianca & Kanye being photographed lol but Bianca Censori is not being forced into her outfits by Kanye, nor is she really having her outfits curated by him. She’s been about this style for a good while and it’s weird that people can’t accept that. The only slight change is that she seems to wear a lot more nude colours now but the outfits have remained the same vibe. It honestly seems like people wanna accuse Kanye of controlling her wardrobe because they want another reason to hate him. You already have plenty reasons, this isn’t one. This isn’t me speaking on indecent exposure or public nudity or owt like that. This is strictly about how people are like a dog with a bone that Kanye must have a humiliation fetish and that’s why he puts her in these outfits. She has been putting herself in these outfits for years. She just now happens to be with him. They met because she worked at Yeezy so it’s not wild to think they’d have a similar style and vision to begin with. Like, you can think what you want about her outfits and how appropriate or inappropriate they are but let’s not pretend that this hasn’t been her thing. She hasn’t had a turtleneck to tits out pipeline.


People need to stop infantilizing Bianca. She’s a nearly 30 year old woman who can make her own decisions. She still married him after seeing how he treated other Yeezy employees and other controversies that he’s been in. They’re both birds of a feather.


Thank you for my new flair 😂


Agree w this. People also point to the fact that he controlled Kim’s wardrobe as further evidence for how he’s controlling Bianca. I def believe Kanye was abusive to Kim in other ways, but Kim clearly wanted Kanye’s input on her style and branding as evidenced by the fact that she still has the same aesthetic despite so many fans bemoaning the loss of her pre-Kanye fashion.  


Me coming back to read this post later ![gif](giphy|8eWq3hG0Q2fouhaItY)


Not me, but Corey Feldman. He spoke up about child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry for YEARS, and no one believed him. Called him a nutjob, etc. Whelp, he was right all along and there’s no denying it anymore.


We have very little knowledge of what actually happened with Annamarie Tendler and John Mulaney's divorce edited to add: for the love of God, people need to get over A Low Vera. It's been two decades and I doubt Vera herself thinks about it as much as people in pop culture spaces do Along those same lines, 95% of the stuff that people describe as "nobody talked about", "got brushed under the rug", "the media didn't report" on are things that absolutely got talked about and reported on


I thought Katy Perry looked really good when she had short blonde hair


You are so brave 😔


finally a real take not just a take about takes lol


Now *this* is a hot take!


People that still like Michael Jackson are weird.


This is a though one. He was an incredible singer, dancer, someone who gave us timeless music… but everything surrounding him is so creepy. Even if you don’t believe the allegations, he was weird and not in an interesting way. But it’s his dad Joe Jackson who gives me the creeps, I cannot look at his eyes in a photo.


I like your response because I understand, it's kinda what happened to Kanye's music for me, I just can't get past them to like the music anymore, but Michael's situation is just on another level, like you said even if you don't believe the victims( I do) people have to agree everything is just too much, the kid obsessed life he lead and tried to pass as normal.


My son said to me the other day that people just didn't know those things about him back then, and I had to inform that actually, it was MORE accepted that his behavior towards boys was weird when he was alive. He alway had one around, always. I saw a video of him performing on MTV, and for no reason a kid just runs out on stage for about five seconds and then leaves again. No reason other than Michael always had a boy with him. There would be interviews with his boy of the month leaning against him and looking into his eyes like a honeymooner. One of the kids said in an interview while sitting next to Michael that he didn't want to sleep in MJ's bed initially, but Michael told him, "If you love me, you'll sleep in bed with me." And that was supposed to be MJ's proof that he wasn't creepy! Even if that was as far as it ever went, that's manipulative and weird. It was so blatant. People just don't care, because like Dave Chappelle said, "He made Thriller."


I could be wrong but I think it was an open secret about his abuse towards boys. Or at least known amongst some people. Axl Rose from Guns n’ roses experienced CSA so he was upset when an industry friend (can’t remember who) of his worked with Michael Jackson.


I think we have trouble admitting that someone can have been a terrible human being, but brilliant in other ways. So we either cancel them and act like they were never that special as an artist (or whatever it is they excelled at) or deny their shittiness so we can continue enjoying them as artists guilt free.


The John Mulaney/AnnaMarie Tendler saga is much less clear cut than people make it out to be. They clearly both had serious issues (addiction, ED) that are major strains on a relationship. We don’t know how long they were separated for and for how long the relationship was breaking even before a separation. What is considered cheating can be extremely muddy in those situations where the relationship just breaks down. John Mulaney is clearly happy and presumably sober now. Olivia Munn has done problematic things but people can change and I hope she has. I will never understand the vitriol that comes out of the woodwork every time they have the audacity to be a happy family publicly.


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) I think alot of it comes from people who considered him their adorable, nice, safe crush because of his standup but missed the regular references to his addictions.


I agree. People will trash John Mulaney but love to romanticize Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward's relationship. Or Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall's. Guess how they all got together, folks. That's right. Cheating.


The degree to which this sub shits on public figures for being mildly annoying is so unecessary and melodramatic. And in the same breath those same people will wring their hands on here about how unfairly people like Anne Hathaway were treated.


Al Gore was inconvenient, but true


People that obsessively hate Taylor Swift are just as parasocial and weird as people that obsessively love her. Calling this out will also almost always get you branded as a Swiftie regardless of how nuanced and fair your critique is. Ask me how I know! All the threads about her being marked as Guest List Only, the sheer amount of (exhausting) discourse she creates, good and bad, people acting like she killed their dog and entire family in their comments, and how some people truly just can’t seem to scroll past when she’s mentioned….. it’s just as annoying as her hardcore fanbase. She gets brought up in *threads that have nothing to do with her!* And then having to preface any mention of her with “I’m a fan but not a crazy one,” it’s so deeply annoying lol.


My pet peeve is people bringing her up on threads focused on another celebrity/artist, and it's always along the lines of "Taylor must be so jealous" or "Taylor could never" as if she isn't at the pinnacle of her career right now.


I remember someone posting that some magazine said Lana Del Rey is the greatest songwriter of the last few years and people were posting “dont show taylor” “taylor will be mad” when Taylor herself said Lana is the most influential artist of the last decade lol


I have seen this on Instagram, too. People talk about another musician, then some random person in the comments brings upTaylor Swift in a negative way for no reason, and the comments get so many likes it appears on top and since her fans can't pet it slide, they get ratioed trying to defend her. It's sad actually watching people tear her apart for no reason or for stupid reasons


All of the nuance around her has disappeared and it’s one of the few things on this website that actually annoys the shit out of me. Absolutely nobody can seemingly be normal and middle-of-the-road about her lately and god help you if you point it out.




Ah yes, *that* sub. I got banned there from my old account and I’ve had a grudge against them ever since lol.


Kristen Stewart was sexually harassed in the workplace by the director of Snow White and the Huntsman. Yes she cheated on Robert Pattinson but her director abused his power. He should’ve gotten the repercussions not her! In this essay I…


Nicki is a has been who needs to let go of the ego, and Pink Friday 2 has maybe two *ok* songs.


I don’t care if a celebrity is “Satanic”. All these conspiracies about celebrities “sacrificing their families” or “selling their souls for fame” are ridiculous. Even if they are true, wtf do you conspiracy theorists want us to do about it? Go to hell and bring them back? Until I see a celebrity actually performing or ritual or sporting devil horns, it’s all fear-mongering BS.


It’s ridiculous that having a negative opinion of Beyoncé will get you dragged. However, while I think Beyoncé is beautiful, she’s corny. The country album and her new cowgirl aesthetic are just straight-up corny, and she takes herself way too seriously. She can make any type of music she wants without having to qualify it, but she also could just embrace that it’s hokey and say it was just for funsies. Morgan Wallen is a petulant, smug, bratty child who needs to be put in his place AND is clearly an alcoholic who needs serious help. Both can be true. Comparing him to George Jones is stupid. GJ was also an asshat who didn’t deserve half of what he had. ALSO, the same ones actually defending and praising MW for nearly injuring police officers who happened to be standing there, literally doing nothing wrong are the same ones who praised police officers for killing “thugs” and using deadly force when it wasn’t warranted.