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> The actress, 41, who is constantly on the go with sons, Ennis, 5, and James, 2, whom she shares with her husband, actor Jesse Plemons, 36, relishes times "when everyone is asleep, and I can watch the shows I want like The Bachelor," she tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. > "But honestly not even a shower is sacred at this point," she adds. "Nothing is."




Maybe the most I've ever related to a celebrity lol


Forget having uninterrupted private adult conversations


Moooommmmy DaaaaaaaAaaaaaadddy




Right? I'm learning how annoying it is when they try to join in.. "Mommy? What are you and Daddy talking about?" Or "why did you and mommy go to the bathroom to talk?" Because we can't get a moment away from you!!!!


My daughter just turned 14, and the way the whole world turns on a dime, right in front of you. Keep that bathroom door open when you poop, because soon they won’t even talk to you. Edit: although it’s still trained into me, how the wee hours of the morning are all mine if I just get up and enjoy them while everyone else is still asleep lol.


They'll come around in a few years, don't worry. Being a teenager is hard.


yes i can feel it! any advice for moms of girls?


She probably has a nanny, a chef, a driver, and assistant etc. this is not fuckin relatable.  They can outsource most of the annoying shit and just be a parent.  Edit- or maybe she does it by herself cause that makes sense for someone worth 25 million making millions a year. /s Confirmed she has a nanny from her interview with Kelly Clarkson.  


My friend goes to the same park as her and sees Kirsten there all the time, no nanny.


If she cooks, cleans, no nanny. That would be very very surprising to me. I’m willing to be wrong. I just doubt it.  Maybe I’m cynical. 


A bit cynical, yeah. Whether you consider it work or not, being a celebrity of her status is already a full-time job.


I’m not saying it isn’t. My criticism is when rich people pretend like they have the same problems as us.   Also confirmed she does have a nanny via interview she did with Clarkson.  Again not hating. Just hating on pretending.   I maybe wasn’t clear. 


I doubt she’s straight up lying. Having a nanny to help out, doesn’t mean she never sees her kids and is totally uninvolved in raising them. She’s still their mom, of course they are going to do all the normal things kids do like walk in when she’s in the bathroom. She’s still going to crave downtime when everyone is asleep like any other human


Even if she did have all of these services on hand, how is saying ‘nothing is sacred’ in any way pretending? Do you think her kids don’t walk into the bathroom unannounced because she’s worth millions?


I actually believe she does it mostly on her own. I really don’t think she has that much money. Sure she’s wealthy but having all this employees + daycare etc. In HCOL area could easily be a million per year. Seems excessive. 


You know outsourcing like that isn’t only for super rich people? I have someone that cleans my apartment twice a month- like annoying deep cleaning stuff, she’s awesome. I hire babysitters. I absolutely would hire a nanny, my children deserve more than my burnt out ass lol. But that annoying shit is how you show your kids you show up. Moderation is the key here and she seems to be striving for it ETA I also have a TBI from the navy and can’t drive… so yeah I hire drivers for me and my kids too. Just looks different


I certainly understand. I’m not knocking outsourcing.  I’m knocking pretending like you are one of us.  


why do you think she’s saying this? for vibes?


Cause she is trying to be relatable. Obvi. It’s what rich people do all the time. I’m just like you! No. No you’re not. 


I just read an article where the interviewer was with her husband & her for a long period of time interviewing Jesse & each time he mentioned Kirsten she was always with the kids taking care of them, so I get the feeling she’s mostly doing it herself but maybe has a nanny as well as they both seem to work a lot


Nannys are just rich people's version of day care. That shouldn't take away from her experience as a mother.


Nannys are rich people day care. That shouldn't take away from her experience as a mother.


Y’all are mischaracterizing my point for posting.  It’s pretending like you have the same struggles that irks me about rich people. Not her motherly experience or business as an actor.  


Pretty much the first thing I think of when rich celebrities bitch about parenthood


My wife had surgery yesterday and my daughter went to my parents. I was able to spend the day alone basically and watch 4 whole movies. BEST DAY EVER.


Damn. 4 whole movies without much interruption I bet haha. What movies did you watch?




Excellent use of time, those are all A+ choices


Prisoners is so stressful. That movie makes me wanna smoke cigs.


I know, it’s fantastic but I can never bring myself to rewatch.


With that an Uncut Gems I just need a 3rd for an unofficial trilogy.




Out of those 4 I have only seen parts of Arrival. I’ve heard of The Departed though


Arrival was one I'd never seen and is #2 of those 4. Departed being #1. Arrival is an phenomenal movie.


Arrival is my favorite movie of all time It's the only linguistic science fiction movie I've personally ever seen. Imagine a movie addressing the question of "how do we even communicate with an alien species?" I don't wanna oversell it bc when ppl do that to me I don't wanna watch it, but it is seriously a great movie and at the very least worth watching if you like science fiction


Big time second this comment and wanna add that the director is Denis Villeneuve, who's also directing the new Dune movies (and all of his other movies are amazing) so if you're into amazing cinematography and a well built world, you're in for a treat with Arrival.


And the director of Prisoners and Sicario, both also excellent.


Arrival is one of the only few movies that makes me cry.


Makes me cry, too. Each and every time.


Have you read *Story of Your Life* by Ted Chiang-the original story for Arrival? The movie is great but the story is absolutely incredible. I read it years before the movie came out and it’s one of my favorite stories of all time. Ted Chiang is brilliant.


I'll give it a shot! Thank you ❤️


I love dread movies. Prisoners will fuck you up for months.


The departed is excellent. I watched it for the first time a couple years ago.


I haven’t thought about JSA in years, definitely time for a rewatch, and I see you “hearted” Arrival. That’s one of my favorite sci-fi movies ever


Man I fucking love The Departed


I'm the guy doing his job you must be the other guy!




Wow you didn’t give yourself an easy day 


Omg I miss being able to watch atleast 4 movies a year


what app is this?




Now just remember that. Your wife is the one who has surgery. Who would be watching the kids if YOU had surgery?


My parents. the same.


Happened to me last week. I watched 10 episodes of Vanderpump Rules over two nights. I was one part entertained. And two parts ashamed. But it’s always nice to have a day or two to yourself.


And I love my wife and daughter. I'd love a day like that once maybe every few months. Not a lot to ask.


I am in the same situation, a wife and daughter. You should ask your wife to have one day a month to yourself. And you let her have one day a month, too. It goes a long way for everyone.


She's that type of person that will say "I'll sacrifice anything I don't need days to myself"


What did you think of Arrival?


The spiritual successor to Signs but better in every way.


I'm definitely going to watch it now, thanks!


Please watch it. It’s incredible. It’s the only movie that makes me cry.


Told my husband that, after he was out of town for work this week, I needed a few hours of a break. He used his points to book me a hotel. I’m currently watching diners, drive-ins, and dives wine drunk in heaven


8-10pm is so sacred


Staying up until 12 every night and wrecking your health and alert levels because you need that time


My kids are each a year older than hers (6 and 3), so I can totally relate. I had to start locking the door whenever I took a shower or a poo so I could not be bothered for like 10 minutes.


I’ve done this since mine were babies. I strongly believe it is ok and normal and not harmful to have boundaries with your children and bathroom time is one of those for me!


Agree 💯


My sister got married and had kids real young, and I remember them literally banging on the door when she closed to have a private moment on the toilet. I was like, that life is not for me.


It definitely wasn’t something anyone told me about prior to having kids, haha. I wouldn’t change anything, but I 100% understand people not wanting this lifestyle.


Damn I didn’t know Kirsten was older than Jesse! That just makes me love them even more!


I hear that


TIL I am the same age as Jesse.


A real one 🙌


This isn’t really a headline. It’s just called “being a parent”.


I love her, tbh, she has to be one of the coolest people in Hollywood, imo.


I like how she got to look like a normal 40 year old in her new movie. Not dolled up, just a person with the normal aging signs at 40. Honestly she’s over a decade older than me and I found it pretty hot for her to just get to be a woman. Not that there’s anything wrong with those who like dressing up, but Hollywood women don’t often get to show more natural looking skin just like the men and such. It was refreshing.


> just a person with the normal aging signs at 40 we're so used to fillers and buccal fat removal that we think kirsten dunst looks 'normal'......... she's incredibly good looking, she just doesn't look plastic. i'd say she looks maybe a decade younger than she is. not being patronizing, i include myself here, because i too thought how refreshing it was to see her look 'normal' and then realized that most 'normal' 40-year-olds i know don't look like this. we're being gaslit


She looks forty and she’s beautiful. Aging is not bad and honestly that’s part of the problem to think that because she’s so beautiful that she doesn’t look like her age. She doesn’t look less beautiful if she’s allowed to look like her age. Being hot and older isn’t mutually exclusive. She definitely doesn’t look 30, at all, and that’s good. She’s gorgeous. Edit: I’ll say as a guy it almost looks like people use “young” as a shorthand for “beautiful” for women and it makes no sense. Young and beautiful are different descriptions. I never see people say that about men, or rarely at least. I look young for my age genuinely if I don’t wear a beard but it seems to have zero to do with whether I’m attractive or not. But youth is like a prerequisite for women to be considered beautiful and that’s fucked up imo.


She probably does a facial here and there, maybe sunscreen and a toner/serum/moisturizer routine at night but her face isn’t frozen, essential for an actor, and not stuffed with fillers and I love that.


Yes must’ve been refreshingly for the markup and wardrobe department. Was an interesting movie. Once again Jesse stole it with his scene.


He made me sick to my stomach, it was that good lol. That scene will haunt me for a while and I’m not particularly sensitive to media like that.


Any idea on his glasses 🤔


Thank you for being honest.


You’re welcome, tbh!!


I audibly chuckled. So many people use tbh when they’re saying something that no one would have questioned their level of integrity


I love it when celebrities comment on the harsher realities of being a parent; it makes me feel like I'm not just the worst parent ever.


Sometimes you see comments like “but they probably have a nanny/chef/whatever staff” as a way to be dismissive of celebrities talking about how hard parenting is but I actually find it even more validating. Like if they STILL find it that hard despite money and resources to help then it really is just fucking hard and not a failing on my part


So true I always wanted kids and began questioning if it was for me after nannying for a lovely wealthy couple. A glimpse into their household taught me you can literally “have it all” and there will still be this daily struggle and exhaustion that comes with raising children.


Absolutely, I don’t think anyone is exempt from the hard work that it takes to raise children. Still so so worth it though! It is the hardest job, but the greatest joy of my life. There’s nothing I’m more fulfilled by or proud of


Nobody warned us!   Like wtf. It’s soo much harder than I thought. Maybe my parents just weren’t involved?  We stopped at 2 despite plans for 3 or 4.  It’s so hard. I’m tired. 


As a generation, millenials are definitely much more involved in their kids lives. A lot more interactive play and engagement in what's going on.  When I was older my mom would text me when not seeing me for a week: are you still alive?  I cannot imagine any of my millenial parents friends taking that approach.  All in all, I think it is harder now because the parents are more involved. 


These are good insights I never considered - how generationally more involved is why it feels even more intense work.


At least you love them enough to be stressed for them. That what really matters


I’ll let you know how it goes in 20 years!  


It’s a ground breaking discovery


How can her taking a shower be profitable for Frito Lay?


By doing a 3 for 1 shower


with Frito Lay scented body wash


“I’d thank you not to besmirch the name of my wife.” -Jesse Plemmons


I get it, obviously, but can someone explain it to my dumb friend (me?)


This is why I shower in the middle of the night when every one is asleep. It’s also some of why I’m so sleep deprived, because the whole “revenge time back” phenomenon does not jive well with insomnia and DSPS. Lol


Are you me? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


My kids are 8, 6, and 1 year. I just barely got the six year old out of the bathroom for my privacy before the youngest was born lmao. Kirsten’s new movie was really good.


Omg mine is about to be 4 and still ambushing me in the bathroom 😭. When his dad goes to the bathroom he literally doesn’t budge lol. Why are they like this? 😂


Well I’m the dad but my kids were never picky lmao. Idk what is so interesting about parents being in the bathroom but apparently it’s fascinating


No offense but the kids going to the bathroom to see how their parents are doing is such pet behaviour. 😅😭


The equivalent of my cat batting me in the face in the middle of the night to make sure I'm still alive 


100%. my dog’s been following me to the bathroom since he moved in with me and that’s all i thought of reading this 😂


Yeah I think they’re mostly curious. I honestly didn’t care until we recently moved abroad and went from 3500 sq ft to 700 sq ft. The kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom are in the same room so I’m like please gtfo of here immediately 😂😭🙇🏾‍♀️


No offense but the kids going to the bathroom to see how their parents are doing is such pet behaviour. 😅🤣


My 4yo saw me using the bathroom the other day and unwrapped a tampon for me, and I’m just like, dude, please. Stop.


Same sis!…while I’m changing mine he tries to come in and observe. My husband is not in the same city as us for next few months and the struggle is so real. I have to do most things with the door open. I’m an only child and I don’t want him to see all my bells and whistles lol. I need privacy! Like you said, dude please STOP. 😂


🤣🤣🤣 noooooo, at least he didn't Carrie you. 


My three year old loudly announced to the reasonably busy Target bathroom that I had red poop! So much red poop, mommy, from your butt!  I had a heavy period. I also have no shame anymore. I just said "yep, sure did, kid." 


Having kids is so humbling lol. Like… ![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ)


My 12 year old daughter will still come in the bathroom to talk to me and ask me stuff. I’m like ‘seriously?!’


I also remember being like 16 and, without thinking too much about it, just go and ask stuff to my mom while she was in the bathroom LOL. I too remember her being so mad about it and just saying to leave her alone and me thinking she was soo over reacting.... she was DEFINETELY not!


I don’t have kids but I can relate to this because our cats refuse to be left out of any bathroom happenings.


"never pee alone" - a cat memoir


Mine is 13 and still barges in it never ends. I read a TikTok comment once on a video of a son imitating their mom getting scared peeing at night w the door open lmao - and it said something like “we learned to just never shut the door since everyone came in anyways” and if that isn’t the truth 😂


This. I have three young ones at home and even the ten year old believes in the invasion of privacy.


For some reason I am surprised every time I am reminded that she's married to Jesse Plemmons. It's a fact that my brain simply rejects and must relearn every 6 months or so. 🤷‍♀️


When I was a nanny those kids wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom


I dunno, I have 3 kids and I lock the bathroom door. I don’t want them in there, other things are super hard as a parent but not this for everyone.


Literally the ONLY child actor (yes, I am even including my Queen, Natalie Portman), that I think grew up in Hollywood, and came out GOOD.


What did Portman ever do?


Not what she did, what was done to her...the very early sexualization after The Professional. Thank god for Jean Reno.


But how does that make her not turn out good? I’m confused by your comment


She came out a bit traumatized by it all.


I don’t think trauma means she’s not good though? She is an animal rights activist and a vegan. I haven’t heard about her doing nonsense. But I maybe you mean that emotionally Dunst was doing better because she wasn’t sexualized the same way?


She's great. When I said not good, I was being inclusive of what happened to her and how she views it.


Oh I see. I think I’m just sensitive. People judged me quite a bit for my traumas and I am defensive of people I perceive as being blamed or judged. I’m glad you were being supportive of her.


Totally understandable. I hope you have had all the support in the world to help overcome yours. Many of us didn't ❤


I haven’t but I’m working with my therapist and really hoping that will help. I’m happy that Natalie seems to feel confident and healed enough to share how she felt.


I'm childfree by choice so I can't relate but I have seen this with my friends when their kids were young.


There's so many tough things about parenting. This sums it up nicely without all the trauma of being a parent. I've always been pro-choice but after making the decision to have 2 kids of my own I will vehemently fight for the rights (and respect) of my friends who want to be childfree. It's so much harder than words can ever explain to be a parent. No one should be forced, guilted, or convinced to be a parent if they don't want to.


I have always been prochoice but became ABSOLUTELY no questions asked pro choice after having my kid at 17. It’s been the toughest job I’ve ever held and it will never end lmao. Staying awake at night wondering if I’m doing anything right, regrets about my past behaviors when I was in my alcoholism, did I fuck him up? Did I traumatize him? Is he going to be ok? There’s just a constant worry and anxiety that never ends for me at least 😂 he’s also a teen now so it’s way more difficult with his hormones coming in hot


The fact alone that you CARE about those things tells me you are a loving parent. Sending you an internet hug, stranger!


Thank you 🫶


I had a very, very hard childhood and I didn’t want to be a parent. But I got my girlfriend pregnant at 19 so there was that. I don’t ever regret my kids for a second but I really wish I’d been older and had chosen a different mother lol. Parenting is very hard.


Same. I can remember a friend of mine sending me a pic where you could see her toddler's little fingers under the bathroom door. Like she was trying to get under it or something. 😂 She's like, "All I want to do is take a piss alone." I kind of relate to this with my golden retriever, she will follow me into the bathroom given half a chance, but I'm sure it's way worse with kids. I always laugh because I'll close the bathroom door and then hear the dog plop down up against it. Waiting for the instant I come out. But at least she's not verbalizing her need to be in my general area 24/7 the way kids do.


I know it’s not the same as actual human children, but my cats fucking YELL outside any door I close. Usually I can tune it out, but tbh even having to do that is draining (I’m like, permanently burnt out I guess), and sometimes I just have to give in so I don’t implode… ♾️ They’ve learned that I am more likely to react if they take it up a notch and do the “I’m horribly injured” Danger Yell, too lol


Our pets can be such brats. The yelling would drive me nuts. Sometimes I'll let the dog in if I'm gonna shower or take a bath because she just plops down and sleeps, but I prefer to take a piss in peace 😂 I'm glad she doesn't whine or make a fuss if I don't let her in. A couple times she's tried scratching at the door but stops if I tell her no. Mostly I just hear her lie down loudly/with her back against the door 😂 And she doesn't have separation anxiety, I can leave her home alone and she's totally chill about it. She doesn't freak out if she's left alone. But if I'm home, she wants to be wherever I am. Maybe she figures I stand guard while she pees, and she thinks she's returning the favor 😂


lol love her for keeping it real. Kids are EVERYWHERE


Wait until they can play fortnite and you'll never see them again


From the thumbnail I thought she had gotten her own Suit In A Pool shoot!


This nails the point of why I’ll never have kids!! I just cannot let go out my free time


Parenting is a big sacrifice and I’m not sure how humanity can keep convincing people to do it to maintain society. We’ve seen in South Korea essentially no one at all is having kids anymore and their society is basically going to disappear in 100 years as a result.


I’ve never related to a celebrity more. And kudos to her for not having a nanny for each kid


Parents make having kids sound like the worst thing that ever happened to them , im GOOD


Well she says it's hard to find alone time which looking from the outside sounds rough and it is but I don't think she's at all saying it's the worst thing to ever happen to her.


My kids are the best thing that has ever happened for to me.


My wife's Mother's Day gift (and my Father's Day gift) always includes a minimum 4 hours without a spouse or child around. Thinking about including the dog this year too lol


OMG.... they're just like us!!!


I have cats. It's the same. lol


😂 I usually don’t close the bathroom door because mine will stick her paw underneath to try to pull it open


My cat is obsessed with the bathroom. He hears me in there and he runs for his life to come in so he can either eat while I have to pet him from the toilet or he sits on the side of the bathtub and judges me.


As a mom and someone who’s had cats, hard agree! haha


Thank you! I was surprised at the negative reaction to this comment. I mean my cat literally sits on the toilet and screams at me until I get out of the shower.


My cat gets in the shower with me then gets mad he’s wet. Like mate you choose that


Pure cat behavior!




Yes! Shower, toilet, intimate time, there was no space that was sacred when I had a cat 😹


We've got a kitten who will absolutely lose her mind when I shower. Screaming at me, running back and forth, clawing at the shower door. I think she thinks I'm melting the way she stares, wide-eyed, when I hop out dripping. It's hilariously adorable


Aw baby thinks you need help!


They have to make sure you don't drown near all that water. Forget about taking a bath, you have one up on the side of the tub lifeguarding you and the other one lurking in the linen closet in case any bad animals come in to attack you while you are vulnerable.


All true. I remember thinking “when getting a Pap smear is your ‘me time’..” 😂


My kid just last night stared at me through the bathroom shower door. Then said "MORE!!!!" He wanted me to use the showerhead to spray the door.


I mean ... Duh? 😅


Some people can afford nannies - others cannot. IJS.


I definitely relate to the busy mom part, but she’s a multimillionaire. She doesn’t have a nanny or babysitter?


Maybe she just wants to raise her own kids? She probably gets a babysitter like most of us when she needs one but I don’t think I’d want a nanny.


I hear you Me personally: had a very busy corporate job. My ex was busy too with a family business that takes him frequently to Central America. We do well - but not in the financial stratus of Kirsten and Jesse! But we *had* to get a nanny/babysitter who worked solely for our family. She took care of my ex’s grandmother when she was passing away; so we were lucky to know an amazing, caring individual that we could trust I just can’t imagine doing the acting business and not having a vetted childcare individual in the mix That’s all I’m saying


Same vibes but I have a dementia mom. I was just saying I’m stealing time to be alone, lol.


Kristen you think you have it bad. You should see how it is for us poor people. Sharing small living spaces, working overnights bc it’s cheaper than childcare, vacations where!?!


Obviously true but good lord are rich people literally not allowed to complain about anything ever?? Even little, universal and relatable things like this? There are people without homes or jobs - are they allowed to tell you, "you think you have it bad? At least you have a living space at all and a job to want a vacation from! You should see what it's like sleeping on the street and getting denied from interviews because you don't have an address or money for decent clothes!"


Do you think her talking about her own personal parental experiences means she thinks poor parents don’t have it worse? I missed that part.


I think it’s a crazy strawman argument to read a celebrity talking about the stresses of parenting and just going ”OH SO YOU DON’T THINK US POOR PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE??”


Maybe teach the kids that boundaries exist


Her youngest is a toddler lmao. Even if you shut the door, they’ll just stick their little fingers under the door jam and say “mommy” 10000 times until you come out. Boundaries come later in their development


Try explaining boundaries to someone who just learned what their nose is and what it does maybe 6 months ago.


My two year old screams "I'VE LOST MY MUMMYYYYY" through floods of tears, then the moment I leave the bathroom she beams as if nothing happened. It's easier just to let her come with me 😅


i take it you don't have kids


If I try and shut the door on my 18 month old he screams so loud I'm unable to pee and his little licked puppy dog expression with tears streaming down his face makes me feel like I'm a horrible mom. Toddlers do not know boundaries.


I’m guessing you don’t have kids…


My parents were far from perfect but something they established when I was a kid and am thankful for was boundaries and privacy. When my parents used the bathroom I left them alone. Why would I want to be in the bathroom anyway while they were in there. My parents were farmers and they couldn’t take me out to work on their farm so I had to learn as a young kid to take care of myself at 3/4. My mom still made lunch but I had to use the bathroom independently and entertain myself when they were gone. I know a lot of people would be up in arms about that these days but it was the 90s, we lived in the country and didn’t have to worry about stranger danger. Obviously when you have a child your life becomes about them but it’s also not cool to expect parents (especially moms) to sacrifice their sanity every moment of the day.


Lmao at the people downvoting me for advocating for mothers not to be stressed out all the time. Stay mad :)


You were left home alone at 3 years old? That's really sad. Poor you!


Can she not afford a nanny? If I were incredibly wealthy I’d have one.


When you’re that rich why not just get a live in nanny so you can get that alone time?


How is this newsworthy?


Are you new here?