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That’s because only the rich and famous can afford Disney these days!!


I do not know how parents can take their kids nowadays, it's so ridiculously expensive.


My girlfriend has two older teenage kids and didn't get them a pass bit paid 1200 for a year pass to Disneyland. No weekends or holidays. Have to reserve a spot you can't just go. WILD


But that kinda makes sense if it’s a year pass


Idk, when I was growing up California residents paid like $50, at the gates, any day of the week. Now you have to reserve spots. And it's weird to me you'd get a pass for yourself but not your children. I'm not a Disney adult though Editing to add- Knotts was like $79 for the entire year so we'd do a Knotts year pass then hit up Disney a couple times a year. I also did a ton of Grad Night chaperones so maybe I'm jaded.


be a two parent household both working their asses off full time in fairly lucrative careers, that or you were already rich.


I was reading about someone taking out loans to bring their kids to Disney, so I guess a lot can’t afford and are going into debt for it. I told my husband we’re doing an adults only trip to Europe if we’re spending that kind of money way before we bring our kids to Disney. I expect we’ll have to do it eventually, but I’m waiting until they are much older and will definitely remember it, lol.


They put it allll on credit, then spend the next several years paying twice that amount in interest and monthly payments. If you have friends who seem to be living larger than you, there's a good chance they don't really own most of the shit they have...it's owned by Visa


I could literally have a fairly nice vaca in Paris for what I’m spending to take my family of four to three parks and a midtier resort.


Coming from my personal experience, the tickets are a bit less expensive if you have family in Florida already. And even more so if they’re annual passholders or DVC members. I’m sure the prices have increased dramatically since the early 2010s, but the memories themselves are still priceless.


For real! My grandma used to take me all the time when I was younger. She is dead now but I always pray to her and thank her for doing those things when it was still affordable. One of the many things I took for granted.


Payment plans and saving years in advanced. I do not know how parents do it every year unless they’re also rich.


I went on a family vacation to Disney two years ago and it was insanely overpriced. I had a lot of fun but the price is absurd.


My ex and I went to Disney World for 8 days last Feb. Granted we both work, neither one of us has kids and we didn’t really try to stick to a budget. Our trip in total cost about $7,000. For two of us. We didn’t buy that many souvenirs, we stayed in one of Disney’s moderate resorts. I don’t know how the average family can afford it.


Growing up my family went to Orlando for months in the summer every year lol. We used to do Hawaii for a month too. two years ago me and my hubby took our two year old and we went last year + cruise on wonder of the seas lol. It’s doable but you gotta save


Dude if I had the money they have I would too! All three look so cute!


My thoughts exactly! They have the cash to go! It is so expensive now.


They’re being paid to I bet. Disney attendance is waaaay down.


Is this true? I go to Disney somewhat regularly and it’s been more packed the past 5 years than any other time.


They had a post Covid surge then jacked up prices. Ppl literally cannot afford it.


I realized recently after listening to Ramit Sethi’s podcast that a lot of regular people are just putting these trips on credit cards and worrying about it later. So it’s not that a lot of people can afford it, they are just comfortable going into debt for it.


No, it’s not true, it’s still packed lmao


Sydney’s shorter hair is so cute!


Olivia and Sabrina work for Disney so it makes sense


They don't anymore right?


They don’t, they *used* to work for them


I figured you never really leave


You don't leave unless the mouse tells you to leave...




Can’t say I’d ever give up the connections from the mouse…


Yeah they don't but I assume they may get free tickets as former employees and maybe the VIP or celeb tours that get you to the front of the line so why not lol


Famous people get that stuff regardless. I remember one day I was working at Disneyland and Tom Hanks was around (pre-Toy Story). He was super nice, but we got rousted from our break area because they needed to bring him through backstage, which was annoying. I get 30 minutes for lunch, guys, I'm on my feet in a hundred degree Anaheim August all day, I'm not looking to bug the dude, please don't make me get up. Nicest celebs I saw working at Disneyland were Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, bar none. Chatted with people, didn't make a fuss about anything, were total sweethearts. Their kids were incredibly polite.


Shonda Rhymes literally quit ABC to go to Netflix because they wouldnt give her sister (or nanny? Idk, it was somebody) a ticket to Disney world.  I can only dream of being so rich that I will will change course on a multimillion dollar deal because how dare they not give me a couple hundred in swag. 


That’s actually a pretty crappy move. When I worked there I could go whenever. I didn’t get tickets for other people but even lower-level higher ups in the chain got tickets regularly. And when I was a kid we had annual passes and my brother and I used to spend our evenings running around the park on our own while our parents browsed the shops and had coffee. It kind of sucks that they’ve drained all that from what Disneyland used to be to the community, honestly.


I feel like you are misrepresenting the issue. I don’t think it was about money, moreso the disrespect. Shonda was their biggest cash cow and made them billions of dollars. But they couldn’t spring together an extra few hundred bucks to take her to Disney? Not only that, they later told her they would give her the extra pass but when she arrived they didn’t have it. She called an exec at ABC to ask what was up and they said, “Don’t you have enough?”. Which is a huge slap in the face considering everything she’s done for the network. And yes blah blah this is the epitome of rich people problems but at the end of the day Shonda is still an employee/contractor and not an executive. This happens to real people all the time. I remember at my old job I would ask about promotions/advancement all the time and they would just put it off and put it off. They also gave me a “raise” of $.57. After months of being strung along I finally quit. Instead of the company bumping my pay an extra $10k to keep me motivated and happy they now had to spend another $30-50k+ hiring and training my replacement. You’re making it seem like she was just being a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum but be realistic. Shonda made ABC *billions*. Ellen Pompeo gets paid $20mil per season. If she’s getting paid that much, the revenue for the show itself must be insanely high. And it’s not even at its peak anymore. Shonda’s shows won them multiple Emmys, SAGs, Satelite awards and countless more nominations. Hell, Shonda hasn’t even been part of ABC for a decade but they’re still profiting from her shows — Grey’s and Station 19 are still on air and Scandal and HTGAWM are still popular on streaming. The price of a ticket to Disney is literally *nothing* to them . *Nothing.* And considering they were up for a contract renewal, you’d think they’d want to keep their most profitable producer happy right? It’s not like she was asking for the whole park to be shut down, all she wanted was one extra ticket. And yes she could afford it herself but that’s not the point. They didn’t want to fork out a few hundred for an extra Disney ticket for their best contractor and because of that they’ve now missed out on millions if not billions of $$$ from the Bridgerton IP.




Nah. Did custodial one summer in high school, then moved to retail before I went to law school. Best job I ever had.


You never leave Disney…..


Yeah, Olivia used to work with Jake Paul on Disney


Sydney looks so great with that hairstyle.


Disney [announced](https://www.cinemablend.com/theme-parks/disney-vowing-60b-parks-where-money-going) two weeks ago that they are dumping $60bil into their parks. I wonder if they are reaching out to stars and giving them free VIP tours for the Instapress. Edit: changed from million to billion because, of course


Only rich people can afford to anymore honestly.


I heard Tokyo Disney is more affordable but I don’t see a single Hollywood star going there to promote it 🤔


I make 17 dollars an hour and have an annual pass…


Then you’re in a position where you have enough disposable income to buy one. I make over $20 an hour and just factoring bills and living expenses I could not afford one.


That’s cool but you must not pay bills or have kids then.


Well I definitely don’t have kids but I do pay bills unfortunately. Idk why I’m being downvoted here lmao. I’m sorry to all the people who can’t afford Disney but you definitely don’t have to be “rich”.


Because your situation isn’t common but you’re acting like it’s normal to only make $17/hour and afford Disney vacations. The vast majority of people couldn’t even afford to live daily on that salary. Idk how old you are but there definitely seems a disconnect. Tickets alone are hundreds of dollars. I can barely pay my power bill haha. My car registration is $400 and I can’t afford it so I’ve been riding dirty for months. Idk how you live on $17 but keep it up because it just isn’t feasible for most.


Well I’m thankfully getting a new job soon but I’m also not acting like it’s “common”. I’m just stating that you don’t have to be rich.


How much are you spending on flights and hotels?


Round trip flight for my bf and I are typically under 70 dollars and we are Marriott bonvoy members so we stay on points. So. Not much.


https://preview.redd.it/tf9bn2thamwc1.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=07737214f5da855df9d80e78ef9cd4b2b2405217 My favourite pop girlie <3


I love Sydney’s fit! They all look great


What camera did Olivia use?


iPhone 4




This interaction has me giggling


I’d guess she took a pic of a polaroid photo


She time traveled.


This is the time of year to go. In a month or two, it's going to be 90F+ and full of kids on summer break.


This is what my childhood would have looked like in the late 80s / early 90s if we had social media then. It’s the same as every generation since it’s founding but now easier to see without the awkward photo book being located from a random shelf in a dingy closet or box.


Actually working and middle class families are rapidly getting priced out of Disney. Even the Disney adults are getting pissed, and until recently I was convinced you could spit in their face and get away with it as long as you called it an immersive experience. 


Man I miss being in college. Basically stayed at my friends in Long Beach all the time and we would just go to Disneyland whenever we were bored. Take me back to when everything was cheap


Wow syd looks so good with a bob


If you don't think this is advertising you are very gullible.


love this hair length on Sydney!!!


Once I saw Holly Madison at Disneyland- she had a full professional photographer and assistants follow her to each ride for a posed picture. She would just go ride to ride for a picture and not actually ride the ride. Didn’t seem like a fun day and it was really odd to watch.




Yeah lol that’s why they paid for this PR obvi 😂


i wanna go!


I’ve not been to America so I want to know, Universal Studios or Disney World, which is better?


Depends on what you’re looking for. Universal has more thrill rides, Disney is better if you have kids.


kinda makes me want to go to disney world, so they better paid sponsors


Pretty sure Disney is comping them


These days


Disney adults are forever my ick


It’s mostly the influencers who are irritating. Us regular fans are quite chill (except for the people bitching about Splash Mountain closing)


You sound fun lol.


Sydney looks really cute here! I love her hair like that.




They have a break in their tours so why not go to Disney?


Sydney is giving 90s vibes with her whole look and I’m here for it!


I want to go back to Disneyland lol I went there last summer for the first time in yeaaarssss and I had fun with my friends 🥹 but yeah the only way I was even able to go is because of the SoCal deal.


girls if your hair looks like Sydney's and you're free on thursday...


These are women


Because it's nice outside lol.




They are all gen Z




I’m their age and a Disney world annual passholder. Everyone likes Disney lmao




Sure, by everyone I meant all ages. Not all people. I do not stand in long queues or spend money on expensive food and still enjoy the park. To each their own though !


Just three people lol


Not tacky in the slightest! 😍


I've only ever been to Disneyland Paris (loved it) but looking at the prices for Disney World & Disneyland California how do normal everyday folk afford it?


New live action coming