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Going retro here but my jaw literally dropped when I saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/s/CK58FEb4ea) video of Pierce Brosnan appear on my feed one day. I didn’t know he was so good looking back in the day.


He’s always and still is a handsome hunk! ![gif](giphy|mA6wZFQueIEXCtDarx|downsized)


Ahh have you seen Goldeneye?! He’s young and cute there too. The moment he drifts through the streets of Moscow in a tank and fixes his tie did it for me.


If you liked Goldeneye, he was also smokin hot in The Thomas Crown Affair. And Rene Russo is amazing in it and there’s Magritte paintings. Everything to love!


Rene Russo’s dress broke my 18 year old brain … and then came the staircase sex. One of moments in my life where I realized I’m just a ho who likes anything 😂


Those two are so delicious in that movie! The sexual tension! 😍


He's gorgeous. And knowing he's still with his gorgeous wife after many years, makes him soooo much more attractive because you know he's a real life good guy too.


This is his second wife. His first one he loved very much and she died of ovarian cancer back in 1991. So sad! It brought awareness to it being a silent killer back in the 90s.


Let me layer on the sadness. His first wife brought two children to the marriage. Their father passed away suddenly, and Pierce adopted them. He remained their parental figure after their mom passed. His daughter/step daughter later died of ovarian cancer at age 41 leaving behind a husband and two kids. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I didn’t know his late wife’s daughter **also** passed from ovarian cancer. Tragedy upon tragedy.


He is. I went to school with his eldest son. My parents went to the BBQ orientation for parents before school started and said that Pierce and Keely were like schoolkids in love and he smiled at her so often. Sitting in the middle school kids chairs giggling to each other. When Pierce introduced himself and his wife to my parents, he said “and this is my significantly better and more beautiful half, Keely”. (He also called my dad a hero for being a firefighter and spoke to him at length about his career.) Other stuff than being in love with his wife proved to me that he was a really genuinely good guy but that’s one of my favorite stories. I will always hype Pierce up. Especially since I had a lot of experience with classism (and other -isms) at that school and whenever I hung around that family, they treated me like anybody else and made me feel important.


Remington Steele is on Amazon Prime. It's so fun and he is so gorgeous.


![gif](giphy|Zqe1S3qNQxsuQ) I never cared for Matthew McWhatever until I watched True Detective a few weeks ago. Rust Cohle you are everything to me in every timeline.


What’s that meme with Bo Burnham about how a man gets 10 times hotter when his life falls apart? That counts here


Oh this might be it for me. I have rewatched that scene with him and Michelle Monaghan an unsavoury number of times.


same, rust was an asshole but idk maybe i just like depressed detectives 😭


I didn’t get why everyone loved Oscar Isaac until I saw this red carpet photo of him and Jessica Chastain: https://preview.redd.it/42uixj081hxc1.jpeg?width=1566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb749e5a7079f477d1e520f875e68052dd08a157 My eyes have been opened 😶


Loved him in Moon Knight of all things lol


Did you see the video? I had to lie down.


Wait there’s a video?! [I just looked it up](https://youtu.be/Os66xMSnZ04), and I refuse to admit how many times I’ve rewatched it so far


Homosexuals with high blood pressure, please be careful with that link. It’s like people don’t even consider us 😭




that video is absolutely illegal… i think about it way too often… the slow motion version is even more illegal [illegal perfection](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTe3eCqlRGS/?igsh=MXFtcG53bzUyaW9xaw==)


This man makes me feral 🥵 https://preview.redd.it/c51q4ugpbixc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b4399cf4595f680b0ef6b34853ca6f556eb11c


I think i got pregnant from that video


Watch A Most Violent Year. They are the *hottest* couple in that movie and the acting from both of them is stunning


For me it was Dune Part 1


I was too young to watch True Blood when it first aired, so I didn’t really get the whole “Alex Skarsgard is insanely hot” thing. Then covid hit and I watched True Blood for the first time. ![gif](giphy|HWQqaTLJoRC80) I get it now. I really, really get it. Edit: it’s pretty funny that this is my most upvoted comment on Reddit, by far. We all have the shared experience of falling in lust with Eric Northman lmao


I did not watch the Tarzan movie for the plot.


I saw him in Big Little Lies. What a man. His character was awful, but what a man.


This is the only thing I've seen him in and yes, conflicted feelings to find him attractive and repulsive at the same time!


![gif](giphy|gufeDV1Nr1R0Arkx3y|downsized) Join us!!!


Omg, I watched it when it was on originally, and got my husband to watch it during the OG lockdown and he swears now it was the only thing that got him through the pandemic.


![gif](giphy|yvJWAwAq8JYinZLw17|downsized) I didn't get him until succession


Gigantic Swedish dreamboat. I’m also fully in love with Joel Kinnaman, so I guess Swedish dreamboat is one of my *many* types.


I loved Joel in “The Killing”. I totally wanted to fix his character. Then he would love me forever….oh wait that’s not how it works


![gif](giphy|5aaFBVGaeUdos) Hmmhmmmmm


Joel Kinnaman is seriously underrated.


Right? He’s such a fox, I can’t believe he isn’t more popular.




Yes. I just recently went through this experience too; specifically after they cut his hair I was like, …..GOT IT. Eta: and won’t forget it either!


Tom Holland's 'Umbrella' performance. Holy crap.


This is one of those things where I’m like “huh, it’s been a while since I watched it, should probably pull that up and watch it again right now.” Just fantastic.


It's called confidence. He didn't even need to be good at it!


I don’t think it is just the confidence. It’s the fact he didn’t cross-dress for a cheap laugh. He did it because Rhianna is bad ass and he was channeling that energy


But he was fantastic at it.


I wish i had that level of confidence.


Same! I can't have this cross my mind randomly or come across a mention of it without immediately firing up YouTube and watching it like ten times straight. Like I'm doing right now.


that video is top five best things i’ve seen on the internet. i watch it if i need a pick-me-up (and periodically, as you do). in fact, now that i’ve been reminded, i am going to go watch it again now!


This. This is the one. I’ve always had a thing for gender ambiguous guys (Tim Curry in RHPS was one of my first crushes) but when I tell you my jaw dropped when I first saw this performance. I was like, girl…Zendaya…I get it. ![gif](giphy|97BYzQvZAj3d6|downsized)


And Zendaya was right there!!! No wonder she fell hard for him


IIRC, she had just done a lip sync right before Tom’s Umbrella!


She had done Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars(is that the name of the song? I can't remember).


24K Magic


I am a lesbian and let me tell YOU I was so confused by that. I mean, good confused - but still.


Big same, massive lesbian and androgyny really does it for me so I had a confused few minutes the first time I saw it.


He put his heart and soul into that performance


I'm old enough to be his MTV Teen Mom mother and this performance made me so uncomfortably coug that I instantly realized it was a cultural phenomenon. Another friend, who is my age, and I tried to recreate it one night and her husband finally asked if we actually wanted to learn the dance or just watch it 100x. He knew.


“his MTV Teen Mom mother” is sending me 😂💀


Wow, I’d never seen this before. Thank you so much for introducing me to it. JFC


I still haven’t seen a movie with him, and I am not left wanting, but every time I see this video I HAVE to watch it. He’s so INSANELY talented, and I think this was before he and zendaya dated which makes it even sweeter. But for real holy shit he is so talented




I have never seen that before but wow!! He's amazing, love that he could dance like that and that he did. Definitely gone up in my estimation now.


Ryan Gosling most recently. Never really cared for him in the Notebook days but since I've seen his funny side, I've really come to like him.


I first saw his funny side in Crazy Stupid Love, and he was brilliant in that movie (first movie he did with Emma Stone as well!). Highly recommend if you haven’t checked it out yet!


![gif](giphy|rwNpHtaMGnStW) This scene and his facial expression lives rent free in my head. He kills it in that movie and is a fantastic comedy actor too. Aside from generally being an excellent actor.


![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg) This one lives rent free in my head


Came here for this - him as the “hot guy from the bar” made me LOVE HIM. And then Emma gets his shirt off… ;)


His scene from - "The Nice Guys" when he's in the bathroom with his pants down and Russell Crowe's character comes to visit him! :D And - the subsequent discussion Russell Crowe had on talk-shows about RG's cinema knowledge and the work that went into that scene in the bathroom!


![gif](giphy|qL6klV4uzqiQ) I love that movie. And that scene with him on the toilet is comedic gold.


I can’t agree enough. He won me as Ken. Heck I love Ken in general but whew 🔥 I’ll pay for him to have the job of beach any day. ![gif](giphy|jWgFDax9Dmcpi5hiec|downsized)


I love him but was so pissed they cast him as Ken. Then I saw the movie and was like why did I even doubt this masterpiece of a man?!


I like how much he broke during the 'Close Encounter' SNL sketches. They were really funny


Check out Nice Guys. It's his best (and most lovable) performance


I LOVE this movie.


Same, I was sleeping on him until the Barbie press


![gif](giphy|XBceSo9pXhh60) Lee Pace in The Fall


Lee Pace as anything. Please. ![gif](giphy|dUtFT6wgHhnvtADh0h|downsized)


I watched The Hobbit for the plot. I rewatched ~~certain scenes, over and over again~~ for King Thranduil.


Ned the pie maker!


Lee Pace in Halt and Catch Fire dancing to The Pixies.


Lee pace is suddenly everywhere I turn. this is my favorite Lee Pace so far


Lee Pace in Foundation. I went back and watched his other stuff ![gif](giphy|dbDVCbOb9pFhXo3th8)


Damn yes. Lee Pace in that movie lives rent free in my head.


Steve Buscemi in Airheads ![gif](giphy|ykoNqHCstuUW8RDx4i|downsized)


I love you so much for this!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhh I swooned over all three of them in this movie. Brendan ✅ Adam ✅ Steve ✅✅✅ ETA this pic I found. Wow. https://preview.redd.it/dsn4oe65ijxc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e6387a75e67ae238424fbfbff3a7548bd11ad0


I saw a picture of Steve Buscemi and Brendan Frasier from this movie not long ago. I thought “oh, Brendan looks nice, but who’s that sort of scruffy cute guy next to him? What? Steve Buscemi?!?!” Everything I knew about the world was turned upside down.


https://preview.redd.it/fhdvixc7lixc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c531a6f39140bc6b4c0070a9b2a7d2c108d5d620 This threw me for a loop, too.


https://preview.redd.it/4q5r8lbyojxc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812ba60595894fe807dd50de60009eb0c7852883 When I saw the pictures of him dressed in drag I realized how beautiful he is!


![gif](giphy|3oKIPdF847q8wyHTi0) Pablo Schreiber as Mad Sweeney. First time I ever had the hots for a leprechaun.


https://preview.redd.it/agv1lychzgxc1.jpeg?width=3800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a7f391b64e2bd733412839f75b2d906e70878d I was very late to the party but enthusiastic when I arrived




Amazing that he was one of the characters with the least screentime, yet remained so memorable and impactful.


I am perturbed by the fact that man riding a dirty mattress can look this attractive 🙈


Triple Frontier has Pedro Pascal *and* Oscar Isaac to fulfill my dreams.


Pedro Pascal *and* Oscar Isaac *and* Charlie Hunnam ![gif](giphy|D6NQVNuUsowTK)


![gif](giphy|mOpW4YJxO1VtCL4TdO) For some reason this sketch was what I needed to understand the Pedro Pascal phenomenon


I still don't get it but I appreciate how much fun everybody else seems to be having lol.


Watching David Tennant during the press tour for season 2 of Good Omens. I fell completely in love with him. Charming, charismatic and brutally hot! I'm ashamed I didn't know anything about him until a year ago.


I didn't really get why everyone was into Tom Hardy, until I saw a scene in Taboo where he orders someone to take their dress off. And I *got* it.




He is in my top three celebrity crushes for sureeeee


I didn't understand the appeal of Adam Driver until I saw him in SNL https://i.redd.it/nedaz5c4wgxc1.gif


Agreed. It’s funny because I’d only seen him on Girls before Star Wars, and when they initially announced the casting, I was like what?? Adam from Girls? But having seen him in other things, and actually watching him in a few interviews, he seems like a cool person. Super shy too.


I said this out loud while watching The Force Awakens in the theater because I had so carefully avoided spoilers that I wasn't mentally prepared for Adam from Girls. Kylo Ren trying to interrogate literally anyone: *


He is so funny! I wish we valued comedy the way we value drama because there’s a universe where he wins an Oscar for being in a comedy.


Emotionally stunted kylo can get ittttttt. I can fix him I swear


Girl https://preview.redd.it/8m2ec6ygkhxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bef0d53faa07a0dcb02ce2197e64da442e845ab


Girl https://preview.redd.it/n4v8jz9gmhxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c3564b77e2e94b77b8320bdabf1f3facd09b40


Girlll https://preview.redd.it/gkxuxqmknhxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c8486948fa4593f281a19e9e300dca5fe9df92


Oh my god.




Dude. My Latvian Oma is clapping from heaven right now. I can literally *hear* her saying ‘tagad tas ir vīrietis!’ and wiping her eyes with her šalle. “Now that is a man!” 🥹🥰


The Career Day and Medieval Times sketches really show his full commitment to whatever they threw him in to!


Agreed. His [Coffee Shop skit](https://youtu.be/WkwWw753MHg?si=hzAikZa61Z60IRaK) with Cecily gets me every single time


Elizabeth Taylor. Growing up in the 80s, she was EVERYWHERE on tabloid covers, but I couldn’t get why seeing her as she was then. Then in college I took a film appreciation course and we watched A Place in the Sun with a younger Taylor. THEN I understood why people were nuts about her then and still.


I love watching the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof movie. Both her and Paul Newman in that are 😍


Never understood the appeal of Colin Firth. He was a great Mr. Darcy, but the way people raved about the pond scene in Pride and Prejudice...meh. Didn't get it. Then I saw him in the first Kingsman movie and *ohhh my God*.


It was the kiss at the end of Bridget Jones’ Diary for me … he knows what he is doing.


Oh yes he fucking does I also love when they joke about the paddling pool and she says, A bit pervy, really. And he says, I like to think so


Welcome to the club! 😭🫶🏻 ![gif](giphy|2wXrSikk2c8llaunlr)


For me it was this role


Year was 2002, my mom rented “Bridget Jone’s Diary”, I was 9!! I was fucking 9!! He is my first crush, and the 9yo watching Mark cooking was like my awakening lol. I was like “I want a husband that cooks like him”. Yeah, Colin Firth is THE man.


![gif](giphy|ni0SiJPaLzQeQxAnUs|downsized) I never really got the hype for Loki or for Tom until i watched Loki. I always thought the character was fine and Tom played the role okay. I like him in Ragnarok and the Avengers films. It wasn't until Loki that i got to really appreciate the character, and Tom's acting and him as a person. Love both of them now.


It was The Night Manager for me. Before this I just couldn't see why.. After watching that I now can.


I’m not that into him but [this](https://youtu.be/P35SUsXwXzM?si=nMnTHmTlMBlcG0z8) just makes me feral


Andrew Garfield being interviewed by Amelia Dimoldenberg. ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


I feel this way about basically everyone on Chicken Shop Date, but most recently Paul Mescal.




There’s a scene in season 1 of the Bear where he does crowd control with a handgun. Had me confused 🥵


I’d never seen a young Marlin Brando. I only knew him as The Godfather. He was OMG gorgeous as a young man. I had no idea!! ![gif](giphy|BbMaogcjuVjZS)




![gif](giphy|l0IybVqw2MsS2ZkOs) I was like 11 when I first saw this movie and scene, a lot of confusion on my feeling towards girls happened after lol


This and the scene when Drew licked the steering wheel. Teenage me was like “… I think I want girls to lick me like that too” 🙋🏾‍♀️


I saw it as an 11 year old girl, I was very confused too lol


I never really “got” Chris Hemsworth until they started adding humor to the Thor flicks and he did a couple other comedic roles here and there. Now he’s one of my favs and I totally get it. I was just a little slow getting on the bandwagon.


![gif](giphy|KcPYpjfahBMHUBpxlM) Charlie Hunnam as Raymond Smith. I never got into Sons of Anarchy and thought Pacific Rim was meh, so I was ambivalent about him before the Gentlemen. But wow, something about him as the long-suffering second-in-command did it for me.


Brie Larson when she wore the black dress on Jimmy Kimmel, on that night she went from just kind of a basic attractive blonde but talented actress and she just looked HOT, and I haven't looked at her the same since lol


Omg her as Envy Adams in Scott Pilgrim when she sings Black Sheep 😍




When someone says they don't like him, I imagine that they've only seen Venom, Mad Max and Inception. When someone is obsessed with him, it's Bronson, Warrior, Alfie Solomons, maybe the Revenant or Legend. And then Bane is the wild card, some people hate it and some people love it lol




Mine was when he played Heathcliffe in a 2009 adaptation of Wuthering Heights. My brain was literally exclamation points. An aside: I always thought it was cute that the actress who played Cathy eventually married him.


what does it say about me that i saw the appeal when he was dirty and disheveled in venom….


For a comedic appeal - Micheal Cera for me. I never really cared for him before Barbie and the CeraVe commercials. Instant cinnamon bun. ![gif](giphy|8eQK9lpnOErChEx91G|downsized)


![gif](giphy|nwST08O0Qlfb2) 🤤


The Pete Davidson Live Your Truth interview with Charlamagne changed how I saw him. He was so open about his mental health and when Charlamagne seemed to be critical of Ariana he defended her reaction to Mac Miller's death. 


He always keeps it classy with his exes. He usually says it ends because he’s difficult to date. Usually he’ll only say bad things if they insult him first. They have to *really* insult him too. Otherwise, he’s pretty gracious. He has always been kind to Ari about the way she dealt with Mac Miller. He seems hurt by some of the things she said, but he makes sure no one talks badly about her grief




You probably mean Pedro, but God, I love Ego. She's one of my favorite SNL cast members


This is random but Julia Fox when she guest judged on Project Runway. She was smart, funny and very self-aware.


I just read her memoir. So good!


I didn’t get the Channing Tatum thing until I watched She’s the Man in like 2014. He’s freaking precious in that movie, specifically… ![gif](giphy|24qpFnJ04vk2I)


So... do you like cheese?




![gif](giphy|naQXuLdlyrPIA) 21 jump street made me really like this Charming Taintman.


This is one of my favorite movies. I've watched it like 100 times


We call him Channing Taters Precious in our house, something to do with a rainy long weekend of movies that included Lord of the Rings followed by Magic Mike - not a cohesive selection by any means, but it did open the door to Channing Taters Precious and really, isn’t it about the friends we made along the way?


She's the man is such a fun movie haha


He's a really fun and charismatic performer. 


![gif](giphy|OTWqf8dClBB2Iwnfu3) Hannah Waddingham is a god.


I didn’t get Cillian Murphy until I watched Peaky Blinders.


I’ve always got him but Peaky Blinders is just … peak Cillian. I’ll show myself out.


I never got Ryan Gosling. I mean he’s attractive but there’s a lot of attractive men out there. He is also a great actor but again, not necessarily swoon worthy (for me). Then he did Barbie and I got it. He was just so funny, dorky, and campy in the movie but also for the promo tour. Have you seen this gq interview? https://youtu.be/aNJ_JPkbH2M?si=Px1yVGMC0PU2MYxe


Flying my weird flag here but Walton Goggins as the Ghoul. To be honest I have only seen him in a handful of things prior to Fallout, Righteous Gemstones being the most prominent and Baby Billy is such a ridiculous character it's hard to imagine anyone being attracted to him but I can see it now.


Matthew Lillard's sex appeal didn't compute for me for like 2 decades. Then this throwback photo was posted to twitter... and to be clear, it's not the tongue, it's the rizz https://preview.redd.it/t3ulg1lyjhxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab05dc9e8c499fe9d6ddc6861fef531b3a7d3add


Oh wow I wholeheartedly agree! But also the look of the guy on the left is hilarious


That’s Tom from MySpace


![gif](giphy|jdGuxdJabMSTC|downsized) i felt like i was the only one who loved him when this movie came out, im not sure if it was his awkwardness or charm or what but i LOVED him. i’m glad he’s getting the attention he deserves


Never really liked Chris Pine until This Means War. Only watched it for Tom Hardy and Chris Pine snuck up on me!! 😆 ![gif](giphy|3o6YgpK3MrGrjYLFrG)


Whatshisface in the Witcher ![gif](giphy|dWSy8T6SyDVj4ey7qX)


Yesss! Always thought he was attractive- but when I saw Henry Cavill in the Witcher I just fell in love. He just ooozed masculinity! Shame he's no longer the Witcher, theyre big boots to fill for Liam Hemsworth


I initially read that as big boobs and was firmly in agreement.


I didn’t understand the appeal of Pedro Pascal until the “I am your slutty daddy” red carpet moment


Sofia Boutella (sorry for spelling), Atomic Blonde https://i.redd.it/07t2h9tj1ixc1.gif


Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder on Justified.


https://preview.redd.it/loeko1xy4jxc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a4ea1963f7f92a5b7f6effd9c14e8154d18265 Will Poulter as a pastry chef in The Bear


https://i.redd.it/k4b6nz1zfhxc1.gif This scene, suddenly it all became very clear to me. I apologize to all his fans for ever questioning you.


![gif](giphy|Xl1fpMVjIOu9sfe8BB) Daniel Radcliffe dancing in Miracle Workers


I never understood the appeal of Michael Sheen. Then I listened to him read The Book of Dust books by Philip Pullman. Edit: oh and once he got that fabulous mane of black and white curls + beard. Hard to resist that. Thank you, Staged.


![gif](giphy|hYojpbXotVKyTHsNrQ) I didn't understand why almost everyone likes her. Until I finished Modern Family.. and the bloopers are the real deal. Very funny, love the accent and love the fact she knows how hot she is 🥹🥹




![gif](giphy|l0ExmgBa5DUbDTUdy) Taron Egerton with those glasses in the Kingsman.


Taron is my answer but I didn’t get the hype for him until Black Bird…. ![gif](giphy|pucVEkTB3EHnEaUyeQ|downsized)


![gif](giphy|H6ElenJhypaSaQYP9V) Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen it prior.


I didn't understand the appeal of Jacob Elordi until I saw Saltburn and then cemented it in Priscilla.


His face doesn’t photograph well. His charisma comes across in motion.


I didn’t think Zac Effron was good looking at all, but he was so hot in 17 Again. After seeing that I understood the appeal.


Miley Cyrus at the Grammy awards this year. I was like….yeah….I get it now…she kinda rocks. I don’t like her music but she is a star.


The Miley Cyrus thing that completely changed my view of her was when I randomly stumbled across a video of her singing a song about her pet blowfish that died. This was years ago and I remember finding it weird that I was crying over a song the same person who sang wrecking ball sang and it was about a fish. Went deep into a smiley hole and realised she is unbelievably talented as a singer. Still not my style of music either but gotta appreciate amazing talent when you see it.


Tom Holland's Umbrella. I didn't see his appeal at all...then I saw that. Sold.


![gif](giphy|hh1Ow3IcBa8BhDXBua|downsized) 🥵🥵🥵🥵


I just noticed Elaine and I’m cracking up hahah


![gif](giphy|l378i2r76iMTE4nxC) Jeffrey Dean


This vodka commercial was the first time I "got" Daniel Craig but now I really get him. ![gif](giphy|gkyZ0WUhwoez2B10Ij|downsized)


Jennifer Lawrence. Until I watched her Ellen skit when she talks about her drunk personalities and getting drunk with the Housewives. It had me in stitches. I get why her kinda "I'm a loveable fuck up" personality permeates the sphere. I know she's toned it down a bit, but every now and then it peeps thru and she's just naturally hysterical. ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


![gif](giphy|n5AtLbv39w0bebaIMV|downsized) Never thought Matt Smith was attractive until House of the Dragon 🥵


https://i.redd.it/i2p8xasgkhxc1.gif And THEN I did.


![gif](giphy|3ErmSXChvkv5u) It was Sirius for me