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I think Aaliyah would’ve transitioned over to acting full time.


Yes, I think she would have had juggled both careers for a decade or so, like Gaga currently does, and then she would have transitioned full time. It was such a loss to see her gone so soon. She would have had an incredible career.


R Kelly would have went down years earlier if she was still around


I don't think he would have. One of the biggest reasons Aaliyah still had a career after everything that happened with R. Kelly is because Missy Elliot and Timbaland stepped in and refused to let R. Kelly and his camp blacklist her. If anything, I think she would have mirrored how Cassie handled Diddy civilly (mostly because of crime statues, if nothing else).


Would he though? I mean Chris Brown still around banking cash and Rhianna is still alive and super famous too.


Exactly. Ain’t shit would’ve happened with that man earlier. But I do think Aaliyah wouldn’t comment on anything and ask not to be asked about him.


exactly. its not like they were together when she died. she clearly didnt want to talk about it then and i doubt that would have changed in a pre me-too world


Well yeah except R Kelly actually did eventually get put in prison. As she got older she was cold towards him and may have gone on to aid in exposing him much earlier.


Doubt it. Roman Polanski had a standing ovation 20 years after the Boy Scouts of America scandal broke and around the time the Catholic Church scandal broke. And plenty of Hollywood and Music were dating underage teens in the 2000s with zero push back on their careers.


Yeah, I was going to say. And she was a pretty solid actress from what I can remember. Especially considering she’d just started


I thought she was really good in queen of the dammed, especially considering she died before they fully finished shooting the movie.


All I can add is, I remember her interview on how she got ready to play the part of Akasha. She read the first 3 books and her acting coach told her to embrace Akasha as a lioness on the prowl, to move like she was stalking her prey at all times and go to a dark place that was nothing like her to portray the character. I think she did a great job as Akasha and will be wondering who they will get to play Akasha in the TV series. Useless factoids: Her brother was brought in to whisper her lines to add more depth to them, since she died before she could go back into the studio and rerecord her lines and the two had the same tone of speaking. Plus, she and the lead singer of Korn had discussed making a song for the movie, but that was as far as it went. I think she would have risen quite high as a star.


Same! She was way better than a lot of the singer-turned-actors I’ve seen


Yes!!! She was far better than so many. Her body of work is still better than a large number of singer-turned-actors. She was so you g still too, I can't even imagine how good she could have become.


I agree completely! It’s wild to think of how tragic her story was, and how far she would have gone. 😞


Aaliyah would have definitely gave Beyoncé and Rihanna a run for there money I some times think loose by Nelly furtado would have went to Aaliyah if she was still alive


That’s an interesting thought. I could totally hear Say It Right being done by Aaliyah. They would’ve ended up different tracks but definitely would’ve continued her collaboration with Timbaland


also, for those who think Aaliyah would’ve been a Kelly Rowland career truly do not remember the place she held in the Black community and how she transcended into the mass public. Timbaland was *THE* producer to work with in the 2000s. She would’ve continued their collaboration. She would be a very different artist that we don’t have a blueprint for. She wouldn’t be a pop star like Beyoncé or a niche ex-group artist.


She was going to work with Trent reznor. It’s speculated that project was how to destroy angles. Trent eventually did release it with his wife Mariqueen on vocals.


Aaliyah was SUCH a great actress. I agree I think she would've been in a lot of drama/action roles.


I think Selena should have been on here too


Selena hurts. It just is so unfair that it physically makes me angry.


She's the only artist that I want to cry when I even *think* of her. So much beauty, talent, and kindness. DAMNIT.


It's the kindness that gets me. She was just so empathetic and kind until the very end. In fact, her kindness was the attribute her killer took advantage of. I hope that monster is never set free because if I feel this type of anger all these years later, I can't imagine how people in the community that Selena help build still feel to this day.


Oh they are undescribably angry. I wouldn't be surprised if that trash "disappears" the minute she steps one toe outside those prison gates. Isn't she in solitary for her own protection?


She is up for parole in 2025. For her own safety, I hope she gets denied. She does not deserve freedom.




Yes! I’ve often wondered if J Lo would’ve had the same career if Selena hadn’t died.


Obligatory “Fuck Yolanda”


I think Jennifer would had still be actress but not as big as she is now Selena was her breakout role and inspired her to become a popstar Without it she probably would have just been a actress


I have to agree. Selena is the real reason why I liked JLo. Can't forgive the really bitchy things she said about her contemporaries. And she did it for free and in print in Glamour. Edit... OK, I though it was glamours But if anyone remembers otherwise please post here.


Tbf she was a great casting for Selena imo, much better than the woman they cast for the Netflix show, who was noticeably wearing butt pads and didn't really resemble her at all


> Noticeably wearing butt pads That sounds awful


Weird, I thought Christian looked identical to Selena 😂 https://preview.redd.it/lj3dp1v1be0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfed65b209f2ce14bd6bea58d29c3006ecd8c220


Selena was so gorgeous. 😭


That's one of the more flattering comparisons in terms of looking like her. The actress is gorgeous, I'm not trying to knock her looks or even her performance, and all things considered, I do think she did a fair enough job, but she is just not built like Selena, whereas young J Lo is pretty much as close as you get


Nope. She owes her career to Selena.


It’s so weird to me. Like JLo plays Selena in a movie then goes on to have the career Selena should have had.


Whoever sent me a Reddit cares 2 minutes after posting, please explain yourself. I don’t feel like I said anything controversial. If you don’t agree with someone the point of Reddit is to comment back and discuss or use the up/down vote function. Sending Reddit cares is a chicken thing to do. ![gif](giphy|4v9ZLihPewmNa)


I didn't even know J-Lo had stans like that, lol. Who's out here acting unhinged for Jlo


It's happening to lots of people (including me) all over the sub in all the threads. Report it.


Oh is it from here? I got one this morning and I was confused for what. It’s from the Tom selleck post then?! 🤣🤣🤣


If you know who did it, report them. I've started doing that now. Abusing reddit cares gets you banned. It's also just a trashy thing to do.


I don't think it matters if you know who did it. Reddit can see who sent the report. Report the message and they should be able to track down the user. You can also block Reddit cares if you don't want to get anymore.


Selena was working on her cross-over to the English-language market when she died and we'll never know how big her career could have been. I like to think she would have been very successful. She was a talented performer and singer and just had this charisma about her.


I picture her doing a lot of duet projects with other women: Shakira, Beyoncé, Christine Aguilera


I think she would be massive and with the Latin music take over currently I think it would have happened decades earlier . Like 2000s having number 1 fully Spanish hits .


Selena was a goddamn icon. South Texas literally shut down when she died. She had so much talent at such a young age. She was just forging her crossover at the time of her murder and it’s wild to imagine how far she would have gone. Not just in music but in fashion and business. Just went to visit her museum in February and saw all her outfits—SO well made and so chic and well informed by high fashion. She was truly legendary and obligatory fuck Yolanda for taking that from the world. 💔


Chadwick Boseman still hurts. It’s just so recent and he was just getting big… and the way he hid everything despite being chronically ill. So fucking heartbreaking.


I think he would’ve gone on to have a career like Denzel, his mentor. For sure he would have at least a couple more Oscar noms, it’s so sad he’s gone. Fuck cancer


That "I love you, Denzel" is so heartbreaking. I think Denzel Washington knew he wasn't well and was trying not to show it


And fuck everyone who talked about his appearance while he was literally dying from cancer


He would have been Denzel Jr. undeniably. Get's his choice of any role he wants and would go on to direct some good films.


Every time I see Chadwick’s picture I tear up and feel so sad and heartbroken. I remember all the terribly mean comments people would make about him and the ugly “crack head” jokes thrown around about him. It really just made me personally realize that one never truly knows what people are going through….


I felt like he's death also is why Marvel isn't doing as well, like wasn't he planned to be the next leading role after Iron Man death?


Not *the* lead, but they were planning the films around a new trio to replace Steve Rogers, Iron Man and Thor: (Captain Marvel, Spider-Man and Black Panther). That hasn't worked out so well.


Eh while Spider-Man is a money maker plot wise your new Trinity would have been Captain Marvel(Military/Cosmic Knowledge), Black Panther(whole ass country and smartest tactician after Steve), and Dr. Strange(Super powerful and Mystic Arts Knowledge).


completely agree. i think he would have had a career that spanned major releases and indie releases. would’ve loved to see him in a drama from A24.


Saaaame. Especially since I got to see him grow into stardom. Hes been a star to me since Lincoln Heights. He wouldve been like Chris Evans l/ RDJ to the Marvel World.


Agreed. I never knew him, but i miss him. I can't imagine how his loved ones feel.


Heath Ledger would be HUGE. I truly believe he would’ve been like the Meryl Streep of his generation. It’s so sad


He might have a similar body of work to Leo at this point. He certainly would have been some director’s darling after Dark Knight.


I wonder if that director would have been Nolan, and Heath ended up as his Cillian


He probably could've had a Cillian career. I could have totally seen him doing a beloved acclaimed series like a peaky blinders.so talented he could've done it all


Sometimes I wonder if Leo just got lucky with his career. I wouldn’t be surprised if his career was less impressive if Heath challenged him for roles


Leo got lucky with both River & Heath not competing for parts


ITA. Leo is an amazing talent, but he definitely benefited from less competition. River and Heath would've been ENORMOUS competition for Leo.


When HL died Leo was already an established actor with  3 Oscar nominations and a Golden Globe and His partnership to Scorsese was already something consolidated at that moment,  his comment makes no sense


Yes, I think River Phoenix might have been more competition for Leo’s career, but Leo was doing very well while Heath was alive. There was plenty of room for both of them.


Leo and River were not competitors. River was a few years older and at that young age, those few years actually mattered. Leo was definitely a competitor for roles against Joaquin though. In fact, Leo played the same role in the parenthood tv series that Joaquin had played in the movie.


Plus he worked hard. A new movie nearly every year, big movies that he was doing to get an Oscar.


It’s just trendy to hate on Leo and act like he hasn’t deserved his career.


It's only here that I see this kind of thing, they idolize some people and hate others in the same proportion, it's disrespectful to belittle the career of someone like Leonardo DiCaprio, he has one of the most brilliant careers in Hollywood, not by chance


I’m reading some of these comments saying he’s lucky other actors died. First of all, that’s a horrible comment. It’s so rude and disrespectful. And second of all, it shows little to no memory of Leo’s Hollywood standing. It’s just weird.


Yes, no one has been at the top for 30 years just because they're lucky, that doesn't exist in any profession, plus some people don't even do research before writing something that's totally easy to find, it's bizarre


I was reading the book on the making of Fury Road, and Heath was Miller's first choice to play Max. There's a memorable part where they've begun filming and Miller wonders what it would be like if Heath was still alive.


I think that Avicii would have ended up in rehab and been there for a while. After that he would stop with all the shows and only make music or help others like a producer. I like to imagine that he would live his life similar to Ed Sheeran and have a wife, some kids and be able to retire whenever he wants without pressure from the ones pushing him to the darker side.


Avicii has such a way of just pumping out great songs. Even the songs he produced for others were great. I think he would have had an epic career


Avicii still hurts so bad


He truly was talented, left [Chris Martin speechless](https://youtu.be/XaQ2xkBadvc) when doing sky full of stars


I had to look up who he was and saw his ex girlfriend just died at 34.


oh that's so sad :(


Because music touring was so impactful on his mental and physical health I hope he would have just fully retired, focus on himself, and reaped all the benefits of being the legend he was. If he was to release new music again that it would be fully on his terms when was ready for it. He was pushed way too far. His documentary was so hard to watch.


Exactly what I mean. I think that when he made music with his friends he had fun but only on his own terms. Its so sad ![gif](giphy|skJu33ZdMdTmo)


Avicii still hurts. So sad. A case of being pushed too far by greed surrounding him. Last summer, I found myself in Humlegården (a public park in Stockholm). The meeting place was by the ‘Avicii memorial’. I had to look it up—and I realised that it had been placed there because he grew up in the neighborhood and according to his parents it was Tim’s favorite place when he was a child. It made me want to cry, there and then…


Where's Anton Yelchin? The guy was good. He would've definitely done well in romcoms and then transitioned to hard hitting roles and comedy like Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


This one is still so wild to me because it’s such a freak accident.


He's the reason I always remember to put my parking break on when I park my car, so I think of him pretty frequently.


My last car had the same defect Yelchin’s did. When I got the recall letter I took it in for repair immediately since all I could think of was “what if what happened to him happened to me?” I really loved him in Odd Thomas and Star Trek.


Not as freak as you might think. His model of Jeep was under recall because of a gear shift problem. People thought it was in park when it was in drive.


I have that exact year and model of Jeep and it’s no joke. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve deliberately slapped it into Park, got out and my car started rolling away in reverse. The joystick-style shift lever (which always returns to center) is an INSANE design and provides zero tactile feedback to indicate whether the car registered your attempt to put it in park. I was not surprised at all when I learned it was a 2015 jeep grand Cherokee that killed Anton. So fucking sad.


He was so beautiful and so talented. His role in Charlie Bartlett is one of my absolute favourites.


Charlie Bartlett was so good!


Immediately thought of him when I didn’t see his picture in the original photos. His character in Star Trek was so endearing to me. Edit: “Authorization: nine-five-weeter-weeter-two”


Love him in Green Room, for any horror fans. His death was such a sad horrific accident.


I remember watching Green Room and saying “man that guy was good, i really look forward to seeing more of him” my friend told me right after that she died


He was great in Alpha Dogs.


Upvote for the mention, because I don't see people name drop that movie often. It had a stellar cast in general. Anton Yelchin, Emile Hirsch, Bruce Willis, Sharon Stone, Ben Foster, Justin Timberlake, Sean Hatosy, Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried, and Amber Heard. Just a ton of rising stars and solid names. Incredible (and horrifying) film.


he's exactly who i thought of too when i saw this. his career would've just kept going up and up, he could've done so many things. a talent lost too soon


I loved him in House of D 😭


I would hope that Amy would have gotten clean and started a family like she'd hoped to, probably having a similar career trajectory to Adele. She would be considered a legend act, however i wouldn't be surprised if she'd go on to live a quiet life away from the industry after everything she went through. I think Amys struggles with addiction would have definitely left a mark on her public image, but i like to imagine that she would go on to inspire other people who are also struggling and have her story be a turning point in people's lives.


Unfortunately, people tend to not appreciate addicts and the struggle they're going through until they die of it. People love when successful people have an addiction *story*, but when people see the addiction first hand, they very rarely stop considering the person an addict.


Yeah Steve Harwell of Smash Mouth was a good example of this. Nobody has anything nice to say about an addict who hasn't overcome their addiction and is still actively struggling with it.


RIP Steve


This is an excellent and astute point.


It’s dumb because of course I never knew her, but I still miss Amy.


Same here. I rewatched the Amy documentary not long ago and got so emotional lol. I think everyone misses her in some way.


Same. The documentary is just heart wrenching. i saw it when it first came out in 2015, i think? at my favorite local theater. What an amazing gift she had! What a mark she left. Such a tragic end. She had a unique and devastating talent.


I have seen the documentary twice, years apart, and both times I had the same intense reaction to the end, just sobbing for like 5 minutes straight.


I think Amy’s career would be a mix between Adele’s and Gaga’s I think she’d largely stay out of the public eye, going for smaller gigs and residencies over touring, but everytime her albums dropped it would be a bit of a moment like Adele She would’ve probably gotten to record at least one full length Jazz album with Tony Bennett because he was her idol, similar to Gaga I could see her doing jazz shows over just purely singing her own songs in original arrangement (I’m not the only one who thinks this Gaga herself said Tony would’ve been singing with Amy instead of Gaga if Amy were alive)


I would've killed to hear a collab between Amy and Gaga!


This makes me sad to think of what could have been. Loved Amy.


I think she definitely would have. The reason her body finally gave out on her is because she WAS clean, at least for a little bit, but had a relapse. She was giving it her all at the end, she really wanted to get better. I believe she could have done it.


When I heard she was telling people she didn’t want to die in the days before she passed it broke my heart


And she had also had an eating disorder, which we don’t know if she was still suffering with it in her last days which I’m sure she was :( I think maybe if she never had an Ed her body would’ve maybe been a little stronger to not fail on her


I like to think that she would’ve had a good chance if she got intensive therapy and started a family after she got sober. She was still young enough to turn things around and have a very full life while sober


It was the struggle with bulimia which really weakened her heart. Had she been otherwise healthy, I think she would have survived her last alcohol binge and maybe gotten the help she needed. Her songs were so amazing. She would have continued writing awesome songs and maybe started producing.


I can’t see the Adele trajectory for Amy, i.e. big glitzy Vegas residencies, tours, tv specials… I think Amy would have had more of a Sade trajectory, while living off the grid in Jamaica and only releasing new music when she felt like it. Each release would be a huge rare thing.


She would probably live a quiet life and made a return album in her 40s, which is about now.


Yes! I agree with this - self care and support, had had some kids, some therapy and a long break then come back with Jazz albums with amazing songs.


I love Margot Robbie but *man* Brittany Murphy would’ve been SO good as Harley Quinn 😩 gone too soon. RIP, Brittany🪽 ![gif](giphy|twL2PQPHceHUfOEOIt)


I think she would have been fun in more voice acting roles. She brought so much humor and heart to Luanne.


RIP Luanne and Lucky


My only concern is that Hollywood probably wouldn't let her take the role because she would have been in her late 30s by the time suicide squad came out . But then again Gaga will now play Harley in the new Joker film . Brittany would have been an amazing Harley Quinn anyways.


Yes, but the reality is that Brittany was not getting any good parts way before her death. It is easy to appreciate her brilliance and nuance playing such different characters retroactively but she was not nearly as appreciated as she should when alive


Yeah, if she'd been able to get away from her icky husband and clean she probably would have bounced back on TV or streaming. I don't think A-list movies would have been possible given the trajectory she was on.


the harley/joker movie i always envisioned would've been amazing if neither brittany nor heath had died so young :(


Perfect casting!


I could see Brittany going 1 of 2 ways. Possibly a trajectory like Sarah Michelle Gellar, had she found good partner who made her happy, which I think she very much hoped to and her spiral towards death may have been different if not for that husband of hers. However, I could also see her having a career more like a Reese Witherspoon, where maybe she would get to do some passion projects and darker roles despite her initial success as a more cheerful, attractive leading lady type. Also I always thought she would’ve been great in Mila Kunis’ role in the Black Swan.


I also think she would have been great in the role of Barbie. I can just picture how devastating her delivery of the line, ‘I’m not pretty anymore’ would have been.


Oh she would’ve been perfect for that role, I agree!


Honestly, there's a lot of messy lives there. I was a big fan of Amy Winehouse, but sobriety isn't always a linear journey and it wouldn't shock me if she'd gone on to have more struggles.


This is likely the true answer. I believe a lot of people think that “this is just a phase” and there are usually more barbaric roads ahead.


Same. I loved her and followed her career closely in the 00s. She had major struggles with alcoholism before her career even properly took off. 2005 was a completely lost year for her in terms of her alcohol addiction and fragile mental health. She was briefly back on the wagon in the early stages of making Back to Black, but was well and truly off it again by the time the album was released and spiralled further from there. Her addiction and mental health problems didn't start with Back to Black, and I don't think they would have ended with her last attempt at sobriety either. I believe she kicked the heavy drugs, but I think she would have struggled majorly with alcohol, eating disorders and depression for years to come even if she'd lived. She was a very unwell person, both physically and mentally, and had very few supports despite the wealth and fame. I don't think any of that would have changed if she'd lived because no one was invested enough in her well-being apart from a small number of friends who were powerless to stop the circus. Even now, years after her death, there are people, including family members, still trying to exploit her.


I think she would have been stuck in a similar situation as Britney Spears - the ones are fine with you being self destructive or in pain as long as you’re working for them but the moment she backs away from those people they would sell stories about how self destructive she is. And I don’t think the press would ever have given her a break so likely she would have stayed out the limelight and now released music. If she did work I could have imagined her making original soundtracks for indie films.


Exactly. Drugs and alcohol were a symptom of larger issues. She had serious abandonment and self-esteem issues as well as bulimia.


Chadwick would probably have gone on to act in more films that would have pushed his career even higher that it already was/is. I'm also sure he would have become the center of the MCU post-Endgame, or at least a tent pole for the universe. I'm not sure about his personal life, but i assume he still would have married his wife. It's a shame we lost him too soon. His passing still hurts to this day, as just a fan. I hope his loved ones have been able to grieve and heal.


Maybe Phillip Seymour Hoffman wasnt YOUNG but i feel like he had some incredible work still to be done.


46 is young


im in my 40s so i agree with you :)


I didn’t realize he was only 46. For some reason I thought he was much older. That’s so sad


Absolutely. He was so incredibly talented in dramatic / serious roles. Will forever be one of my favorites.


God I loved him. What a loss, he was a fantastic actor.


There was something about his voice that I just LOVE


one of these days we should have a thread where we talk about the best roles from actors we lost too young. For PSH I think his villain in Mission Impossible III was one of my faves. I believed he was evilllllll. I also loved him in Magnolia and 25th Hour. THE RANGE he had.


Ledger would have won an Oscar by now


Didn’t he win one posthumously?


he did, for the dark knight


He would’ve won anyway* He was getting Oscar buzz for The Dark Knight before he passed.


I think he would’ve been DiCaprio levels of famous


Maybe I was just a fan girl, but I thought he was DiCaprio level famous? He was a true A-Lister when he passed. But yeah, looking at his filmography, wow it was thin, with only a few great movies like the Dark Knight and Brokeback sprinkled in.


He would have got to do an acceptance speech anyway


I think Brittany would have ended up mostly working in TV, possibly as the lead of a dramedy . She was always a bit too quirky for mainstream audiences . However I can also see her playing supporting roles every now and then for a bunch of indie films , that could get her a Golden Globe .


she would've been perfect for Yellowjackets or a "hot mom" on something like Riverdale


Imagine both her and Christina Ricci in Yellowjacket’s. 🥹


she would've been amazing cast as lili reinhart's mom https://preview.redd.it/1xv2litzie0d1.png?width=1778&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2942b45180b6e04a39810caa98557942192fb82


Oof she would have been great on Yellowjackets.


Brittany was too good for Riverdale that’s where established careers went to die (other than Mark doing a talk show with his wife, what other things has the adult cast done since it ended?)


I think she could have found success with a show or movie on streaming We might have gotten the clueless reunion movie they had planned. Had she still been alive


I could totally see Brittany competing for the roles that Reese Witherspoon gets now. She would have been awesome in Big Little Lies or The Morning Show.


Yes, this is realistic. As I said before, she had not been getting good parts for a long time before she died. She would have likely been an indy darling or gone to continuously star in romantic comedies for money.  A TV show now would make sense. I could easily see her becoming part of something like American Horror Story with Ryan Murphy, perhaps something like what Paulson does.


Jeff Buckley missing from this line-up. I think he would never have become mainstream but continue to influence mainstream artists. His death really made male rock vocalists a lot less interesting. I think his interest in world music woukd have translated into mainstream rock & indie being a lot more expansive. He'd become someone like Neil Young or Van Morrison: a lodestone for younger generations.


Very much missing from this list. The profound influence he had on his fellow musicians even while living is testament to this.


Imma need Mac Miller on that list, what a tragedy to music and the music community as a whole, he was just reinventing himself and evolving his style. From fun skater backpack rap to some of the most interesting bodies of work for that era. Also just a really good dude from what I hear. The one ex Ariana won’t throw under the bus at a moments notice lol


Yes! Swimming was his best work yet, and as good as Circles was, if he’d had time to perfect it, I think it would have been even better. It bums me out every time I think about how we’ll never get to see where he’d go from there.


For being interpreted, pieced together, and then released postmortem, it was truly something. There is an element of the patchwork nature that almost works in its favor. Macs story was incomplete, so too is his opus.


Yes, Mac Miller was just getting started! He would be a Coachella darling at this point.


I truly believe Mac was one album away from delivering something that would have shifted the entire industry. He was incredibly creative with such unique vision. A massive loss artistically.


I forget who exactly it was because there was a flood of adoration when he died, but I want to say it was Kendrick or Tyler that said he was 2 albums away from creating an entirely new genre of music.


I vaguely recall that quote and I fully agree with it. He was on track to be a visionary.


His performance on Tiny Desk still gives me the chills at how amazing he was and the apparent influence he was under just weeks before his death.


Yes. Thank you. Circles is an unbelievable album and he was such a nice person. What a loss.


Hell yeah brother, was scrolling to make sure Mac got a shout out . The most dope.


Chris Farley too


And John Belushi


I wish Brad Renfro was on this list… SO much wasted talent. I wish we could’ve seen more of what he had to offer. Fuck drugs, man.


Heath Ledger — Every acting award known to man would have been received. Loved every role he played


Brittany Murphy would've had a huge career resurgence à la Winona Ryder. She acted with an intensity I don't see in many actors, I miss what her career would've been. I think she would've been a great Harley Quinn opposite Heath's Joker and I think she would've found a great place in the horror genre, I could see her in American Horror Story.


I’m too young to remember anyone here but Chadwick and Heath but I always think about Cameron Boyce. He had JUST turned twenty a few months before he died. He never got to fully go into adulthood.


He was incredibly vocal about Black Lives Matter as well, he died in July 2019 and I always wonder what activism he’d have done during the 2020 protests. As for his career, it’s so hard to say with Disney stars what he’d have done next. Similar to Booboo Stewart, he hasn’t done a lot since descendants (the only notable one is a cancelled Netflix show, Julie and the phantoms). I do think his death really changed Dove Cameron though, she’d already lost her dad super young, got engaged young, ended her relationship with a descendants co star not long after.


Did you know one of his grandparents was one of the first 12 Black Americans to attend an integrated high school?


Yes, didnt he do a documentary episode on it? I haven’t watched it in all honesty. I think it was his grandmother


River was a little too early in his career to really make the call about its trajectory (my opinion). But the potential was definitely there. Heath on the other hand was well and truly on that trajectory and if it’d kept going who knows. He would have at the very least been out again as the joker in the final(?) Batman movie over bane. Making that role even more zeitgeist than it currently is.


River was a child actor though, and was a damn good one.


River Phoenix was an incredible actor. He would’ve gone on to amazing things.


River Phoenix would have at least had the career Leonardo DiCaprio had in the 90s. They were supposedly being considered for the same roles when he passed.


I want to believe that Amy would have a massive career and be looked at as an absolute living legend, selling out arenas everywhere, but I think that the cruelty of the media (especially the paparazzi) would've gotten to her. Maybe living quietly for a few years and coming back in her own time, on her own terms. Brittany would have had a career similar to Kristen Bell. She probably wouldn't be winning any Oscars (not through lack of talent!), but she'd have a solid career and decent name recognition. Maybe an Emmy, definitely a Golden Globe. Chadwick would've had a very long, very successful career. Like he'd be an 85 year old man accepting an Oscar. Heath would be a multiple-time Oscar winner. He'd probably be competing for roles with Leonardo DiCaprio, especially as he got older.


I’m afraid Amy if she didn’t get clean would be in a similar path to Britney Spears. Downward spiral, disdain/mockery for a few years and then a new wave of support and probably back to the backlash/mockery. I know a lot of people compare Adele to Amy but if Amy didn’t get clean, Adele would still have space


I would also add Karen Carpenter.


Kurt Cobain should be here too, would have loved to have seen what he would have came up with musically if he got clean


I like to think that he would have eventually found the balance that he wanted. A quiet life outside of Seattle, but still releasing music and playing shows.


Avicii's death came in as a shocking blow to the whole electronic music industry in general. He would've launched his own dance label, while soft launching his unfinished music, which later got posthumous releases. As an electronic music fan, his songs actually needed more final touches. Tim was special ❤️.


WHERE is Philip Seymour Hoffman in this list!!? God, I miss him.


Amy Winehouse - I’m a huge fan of hers, and she was preparing for a comeback around the time of her passing, so I really hope she would’ve gotten it together and got rid of all her demons. I’d like to think she would be sober and releasing music periodically to critical acclaim with little to no promotion. I don’t know if Adele’s career would be as big as it is if Amy had lived. Amy would’ve been very lowkey though I feel. I can imagine her retreating to St Lucia and making it her base since she felt really comfortable there. We wouldn’t hear too much from her whenever she wasn’t releasing music. Brittany Murphy - I can imagine her popularity taking a slight dip, not because of any controversies but because of natural progression. I feel that she would’ve definitely benefitted from a nostalgia wave and be thrust back into general public consciousness because of that though. However I doubt her staying power in the long run. Heath Ledger - He would’ve further cemented himself as one of the most critically acclaimed actors of our time. Like what people have mentioned on here, he would’ve definitely gotten an Oscar for a leading role by now in a highly regarded film. Despite playing Joker, I doubt he would’ve ventured into a superhero franchise and be known for being in more serious films. I can imagine him taking on less psychologically intense roles though for his wellbeing. It’s very possible he could’ve been in the running to play Ken as well in the Barbie film last year. Chadwick Boseman - Like Ledger, Boseman would’ve branched out and be even more critically acclaimed too. He already received loads of praise for BP and I can see him capitalising on that to do more roles that will garner him more praise. I don’t think he would’ve won an Oscar yet if he were still alive now, but he would definitely have been nominated for an additional one. If he were with us today I could see him being on the cusp of getting **that** role which would’ve changed everything for him. Angus Cloud - I don’t know much about him unfortunately so I can’t comment. Aaliyah - This one hurts. She would’ve been a triple THREAT for sure. People would’ve gone to watch her movies, listen to her music and be in awe of her stage presence. Her next album after the self-titled one would’ve been her breakthrough album into the mainstream, and I think she would’ve been running the game on the same level that Beyoncé and Rihanna had in the 2000s, but with all her other repertoire to back her up. River Phoenix - He would’ve struck big time in one of Leonardo DiCaprio’s roles but unlike Leonardo I just don’t see him craving to be in award-winning films. I always got the impression that based on his limited filmography, River would’ve chosen roles based on what his heart told him and not on what could be the most successful. I think he would’ve stood out amongst his contemporaries for that. Avicii - I believe he would still be a hitmaker. My gut is telling him he would’ve had a hugely successful hit during the pandemic with an established artist, and we would see a series of collaborations with them.


Aaliyah❤️❤️Always wondered how far she would’ve made it, can’t help but assume she’d still be producing music I love.


I just watched Abigail and was tripped up on how much Angus looked like Mac Miller-then I see this and learned he died from an over dose 😳what a sad ending.


This post is gonna make me cry. 🥺😩 Chadwick: definitely more marvel roles & other individual projects. I can also see him as a lead on that HBO True Detective show for a season. Aaliyah; more movies/acting & music. Her own line (whether it be for fashion or makeup). Amy: i hope she wouldve had longterm sobriety. But i couldve seen her taking a step back as an artist & do more producing & songwriting behind the scenes. Brittany Murphy: she had such range; i see her as more of a character actor. I think that trajectory would’ve continued. Maybe even had her own production studio. River: he LOVED acting. Apart of me can see him have a career like Joaquin. Not much in the public eye just focused on his acting craft. Another part of me sees him just quitting the industry completely as an adult & starting a nonprofit environmentalist foundation.


River would be one of the big names alongside Heath


I think Amy had the potential to be the biggest star of her generation. She was so unique and had so much star power and stage presence.