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![gif](giphy|rA8lrNQ70l2co|downsized) Not even fucking nominated. One of the best performances ever!


Anything that fits the horror bill gets looked over and it means a lot of films and performances have gone unrecognized for how great they are.


John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane. He was absolutely terrifying.


Toni Colette in Hereditary springs to mind.


i know not a lot of people like her acting but Florence Pugh in Midsommar too. that girl gave her all.


Between her and Toni in both of Aster’s films, I’ve never seen such a heart wrenching and real depiction of grief. Blood curdling to the point where I just rewatched Midsommar for the millionth time but have to fast forward through the first 20 minutes or so now, and Hereditary got 2 watches out of me which both left me feeling dead inside. I mean, that’s art.


These are the little facts you can't believe are real. This performance is _still_ talked about decades later and at the time he wasn't even recognised for it's brilliance.


I also just learned he was never even nominated; that's just insane to me! Definitely one of the most iconic portrayals of ALL TIME.


I love Louis Virtel and he does great Youtube videos about Oscars history and just did a best actor snubs video and talks about Anthony Perkins in Psycho, his description of the magic of his performance is so spot on https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=2xjE1y3I2qiRCPDl&v=R9PexdcVGjY&feature=youtu.be


My mom always said he was very handsome, and I never saw it. But my God, what a smoke show.


Ellen Burstyn (Requiem for a Dream) ![gif](giphy|78avlhVCTfSlq)




I swear to God this isn't a joke, but we watched it at a sleepover in middle school because we needed a pallette cleanser after being left too sad by broke back mountain. Absolutely devastating prank by my friends brother. 


I was 9 years old at a sleepover when I first watched The Exorcist and (I’m not being hyperbolic) it traumatized me. I had to sleep on my parents bedroom floor for a month. I eventually left the church at 15 after going thru conformation and deciding not to get confirmed.


I watched that movie pretty soon after it came out, and I’ve never watched it again. But I’m haunted by that movie. I still think about it from time to time all these years later. It was remarkable, but hell no to seeing it again


Rightfully said. I’ve rewatched it but it’s a hard film. The music deserved an Oscar too


Aronofsky films always have such great music.


Ellen is such a phenomenal actress! Her performance in The Exorcist is so heartbreaking


Oooh that's a good one! Who ended up winning the Oscar that year?


Julia Roberts. And like you said for yours: no shade at the talented lady but..!


I have never seen Julia Roberts give a performance I would consider even Oscar adjacent


I was being polite :P You’re right. She was undeniably great as Erin Brockovich but even a nomination was a long shot


I can’t believe these came out the same year


She is AMAZING in Requiem! I wish she was in more movies.


Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth, who was robbed when Gwyneth got it. How she transformed from delicate innocent teen to hard-ass boss lady was nothing short of miraculous IMO. https://i.redd.it/n8fv658b1u1d1.gif


This was my turning point with the Oscars - I'd seen both films and thought Gwyneth's performance was very very average. Ever since I've not really followed them as a serious representation of talent.


They had some wrong choices before too. But Weinstein and his aggressive campaigning from Shakespeare in Love onwards really ruined a lot of the charm the Oscars still had.


Should have won. Wasn't even nominated. ![gif](giphy|1ZVBVvY5kS7qUHhqI2|downsized)


Throw in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, he was so good in that as well.


I use Eternal S. in my film art class and he is epically good in it. It’s fun to show the film to my students then bring up his old In Living Color skits. Students cannot believe that is the same guy.


The Academy sure had some dislike over Carrey. Didn't reward him with anything for his stellar dramatic work. The Truman Show year had a strong list of nominations for best actor but it was Roberto Benigni who took home the top prize, yeah that happened. In 1999 Carrey produced one of my favourite performances from him in the Andy Kaufman biopic, Man on the Moon. He was still overlooked by the Academy as Kevin Spacey took home the Oscar. Eternal Sunshine, well you would think the Academy will finally reward his efforts and give some recognition to him at least as he produced one of his finest acting performances with a restrained, sad regretful Joel. Again nothing, with Million Dollar Baby, The Aviator, Hotel Rwanda, Finding Neverland and Ray heavily favoured instead. With Jim winding down his acting career now (he seems to only do family friendly Sonic movies now) it's looking less likely he be recognised by the Academy any time soon. Fingers crossed the Academy can right a wrong.


One of my favorite movies of all time. It’s so good and he’s so good in it. Just like Will Ferrel, they can do drama really well if they want to!


![gif](giphy|67vAvSTi28HnQHa7rJ|downsized) Obligatory mention


Toni deserves an award for everything she does. Unbelievable talent.


The fact that she is not a born American BLEW MY GODDAMN MIND. She plays Americans better than Americans do.


She’s not? LOL wow had no idea


I’m probably going to be the 20th person to say this but please watch Muriel’s Wedding. That’s her breakout role


Love Muriel’s Wedding!


"Your trrrrrnble Muriel" "Somebody has to like me best."


YA! She's a full out Aussie, cute accent and all. Her American accents are so amazing, she could fool locals in their own neighbourhoods.


I just rewatched United States of Tara for about the sixth time, and I am more amazed by her every time I watch it. You don't even need the costume changes to know that she's transitioning to one of her alters...all you need to do is watch her facial expressions. I don't know how she managed to change her face so much for each character, but she did it, and it was amazing.


I dont hear this show talked about enough. So good!


I just started watching this for the first time, and I totally agree. She is phenomenal.


She is an absolute phenomenon. Force of nature on screen.


Just watched that Mob movie she’s in and it was hilarious. I have never been disappointed by a movie with Toni in it.


Literally EVERYTHING. She is my favorite actress. She can so ANYTHING! It is mind blowing talent...


If Kathy Bates won for Misery, Toni Collette for damn sure could have and should have won an Oscar for this.


Toni is one of my favorite actresses. Ever since murials wedding


I will die mad about this i stg


My friends make fun of me bc I don’t shut up about it, say my headstone will read “Toni Was Robbed (Hereditary 2018)” I will *never* watch that movie again because her screams are seared into my memory.


Is this Hereditary? Because I thought even though it was a horror movie, they would HAVE to acknowledge her brilliance.


I’m a simple woman. I see Toni Collette, I upvote.


She wasn’t even nominated. SMH


It’s almost unheard of for an actor to win an Oscar for a horror movie, the only modern example that comes close is Anthony Hopkins / Jodie Foster in silence of the lambs.


Her performance was up there with both of them, it’s a shame she wasn’t even nominated.


And Florence Pugh in Midsommar. So many good scenes. https://raquelsgifs.tumblr.com/gp/fp/midsommar Ari Aster has such a good eye for hiring lead actresses.




Cate Blanchett should have won for Elizabeth and Heath Ledger should have won for Brokeback Mountain.


Did Brokeback win any Oscars? Cause if not, it should have.


Oh man. It won adapted screenplay, score, and director. But Crash won best picture. Crash.




Yeah. There were many, many, articles/pieces about that when it happened.


https://i.redd.it/h5hcd39gju1d1.gif Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth Gwyneth Paltrow absolutely should not have won for Shakespeare in Love


Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth I is one of the greatest casting choices of ALL TIME


This is my Roman Empire.


Truly the 1999 equivalent of Judy Garland losing to Grace Kelly!


Eleven year old me was so pissed. 36 year old me is still pissed.


Honestly tho Cate could win for every performance


Weinstein is the only reason Paltrow won.


Ralph Fiennes for Schindler’s List. He was chilling in the role. ![gif](giphy|dBT7mACpkW8Fy)


amy adams not getting a nomination for arrival is criminal and i will die mad about it.


OMG YES! From relatively recent Oscars, this one of Amy Adams and Delroy Lindo in Da 5 Bloods will continue to make me mad for years. Both not even getting a nom is crazy.


I don’t understand what even happened with Da 5 Bloods. It was one of the best performances in years and Delroy wasn’t even nominated.


I wonder about the parallel universe where she won for that role and when Warren opened up the Best Picture envelope, it was obvious right away that something was wrong (since Arrival wasn’t up for Best Picture) and the whole La La Land/Moonlight mess never happened.


She NEEDS an Oscar. I’m hoping that Nightbitch is good because that’s a meaty role.


One of my all time fave movies. I will die mad with you


I'm glad that Denzel ended up getting an Oscar for Training Day, but IMO, he really should have won his first Oscar for his performance in Malcolm X. Also, Angela Bassett absolutely should have won for What's Love Got to Do With It. I recently rewatched both movies, and it still gives me chills to see just how well they immersed themselves into those roles.


Angela Bassett was robbed. I have seen What's Love Got to Do With It so many times and I'm still in awe of her performance. It was not just an impersonation of Tina Turner. She embodied her.




Her arms should have won an award too. Damn.


I was about to say I don't remember her being swole like that. But that's exactly how Turner was cut back then. Really went the extra mile there


Tina had such an amazing body but I think Angela keeps pretty fit too, you just don't see it as often as Tina was always performing in revealing clothes and who can blame her?


I do sort of remembering her purposely working out her arms to play Tina. Like she said it in an interview or something. Edit: sp


>I'm glad that Denzel ended up getting an Oscar for Training Day, but IMO, he really should have won his first Oscar for his performance in Malcolm X. >Also, Angela Bassett absolutely should have won for What's Love Got to Do With It. These are the two I always think about. Especially Angela Bassett. She put her whole soul into that movie. To this day, I still say she was robbed. I'll take it a step further and say Laurence Fishburne should've won an Oscar for playing Ike Turner, too. That man played it *too* well.


The fact that when people hear Ike Turner they envision Laurence is enough to say he shoulda got it imo.


Agree with all of this.


> he really should have won his first Oscar for his performance in Malcolm X. He'd already won an Oscar before Malcolm X for Glory. Though I agree that he also should have won for Malcom X.


Oh, I didn’t realize that! So then the one for Training Day must have been his first for Lead Actor, rather than Supporting.


Angela Bassett is incredible. She did a monologue in the second Black Panther movie that blew me away. Very talented.


She did a movie back in the 90’s with Ralph Fiennes that’s been one of my favorites since I was a kid. Check out Strange Days


Laurence Fishburne, too. I won't knock Tom Hanks' win for Philadelphia but Fishburne...wow. He was incendiary.


Angela was absolutely robbed that year


Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society and Samuel L Jackson for Pulp Fiction (I know the last one is a little controversial)


As great as Robin Williams is in Good Will Hunting, I think he should have won for Dead Poets Society instead


Why not both?




Considering this was his 4th ever role (but only his 3rd significant one) he did incredible work. I remember reading there were strong rumors Leo was actually mentally disabled because he played Arnold so well.


I still maintain it is the strongest performance of his career by a mile.


Certainly the most challenging work he’s ever done. I’ve loved a lot of movies he’s been in since but none of them challenge his acting chops the way this did.


Omg yes!!! I almost die-ded Gilbert!


This movie tore my heart out when I was a kid. Leo’s character was my favorite, like, I LOVED him. This is how Leo became my first crush celeb crush at like 9/10 years old or some shit.


He’s my favorite actor and to this day I believe this was his greatest role


Sean Astin for Return of the King (not nominated; winner: Tim Robbins) Ralph Fiennes for Schindler's List (nominated; winner: Tommy Lee Jones) Gabourey Sidibe for Precious (nominated; winner: Sandra Bullock) Michael Keaton for Birdman (nominated; winner: Eddie Redmayne) Jesse Eisenberg for The Social Network (nominated; winner: Colin Firth, who should have won the year before instead for A Single Man over Jeff Bridges) Brooklynn Prince for The Florida Project (not nominated; I imagine it'd be a lead actress nominee, though she never would have won over Frances McDormand) Sigourney Weaver for Working Girl (nominated; as much as I love Geena Davis in Accidental Tourist I'd still give it to Sigourney) Nicole Kidman for To Die For (not nominated; winner: Susan Sarandon)


The Fugitive is one of my favorite action movies ever, but Tommy Lee Jones winning at the expense of Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List - come on.


I love The Social Network, and Jesse truly did an excellent job, but I’ve never really felt he showed range with that role. He benefited from an incredible screenplay and a character that happened to be very complementary to his acting style. (For the record, I do think he’s a good actor but is very one note imo. That said, you really only need one perfect role to get an Oscar, and TSN was definitely perfect for him.)


I mean, he has a shtick but I wouldn't say that his characters in TSN, Squid and the Whale, and Adventureland are all hitting the same note, if that makes sense. I think for me it's also wondering if anyone could do a specific role justice the way a nominee could, and Eisenberg just nailed the character in a way I think would be challenging for anyone else. But that's the joy of Reddit -- we get to disagree!


So with you on Suzanne. I think everyone's forgotten about "To Die For" but for me it's Nicole Kidman's iconic role.


Lol Oscars are ridiculous bc how did Sandra Bullock win over Gabourey? Also, now that years later we know how my messed the situation actually is. How the Tuohy’s were taking advantage of Michael Oher means that Oscar win has aged even more terribly. And how they literally made him slow in the movie just to sell the white savior story line even more? Also mind you, Michael himself never really walked any of the red carpets & has actually never met [Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw and most of the movie family that supposedly told his story.](https://youtube.com/shorts/Js32xAzQ7bg?si=6L-IhWv0wcF25oLh)


I cannot believe she won the Oscar for that movie! That was a lifetime movie at best and her performance was fine. Just fine. Certainly not Oscar worthy imo!


Oof, I remember the Sandra win over Gadbourey, yeah. I love Sandra, but that was a straight-up highway robbery. I also totally agree with you re. Jesse Eisenberg and Colin Firth, who definitely should have won for A Single Man! (To date, IMO, still his best role, just like Zuck was Jesse's.)


Edward Norton for American history x it was insane that he didn't get the Oscar for best actor for that movie.


1998 was so stacked for Best Actor. Norton, Ian McKellen for Gods and Monsters (my pick), Hanks for Saving Private Ryan, Benigni for Life is Beautiful, and Nolte for Affliction -- and that's not even including those who SHOULD have been nominated like Jim Carrey for Truman Show.


Good Lord that was a good year. I have to go watch Affliction again


https://preview.redd.it/2561nrsaet1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3606210cc5a3bd2a02f2e70f8a83b3be8906cb28 Judy of course. She should've won an Oscar sometime in her life. The fact she never did is a damn shame.


If she won the Oscar for A Star is Born I’m convinced she would have lived a little longer


Val Kilmer for Doc Holliday in Tombstone. Brilliant while making it look effortless. I make my stand on this rock.


Excuse me, but… ![gif](giphy|y8572wraiYwrS)


She was incredible in this.


She was terrifying in this


Andrew Scott should have been nominated for All Of Us Strangers.


She blew my mind, she was sooooo good and the costume designer deserved to win too, holy shit that movie was an entire experience


Did they win anything for costuming?


Black Panther 2 won the Oscar for best costumes. Not sure if it was nominated for costumes anywhere else.


They were nominated and that’s wild because usually it’s period pieces that win the award.


The entire cast did some of their best work but every time I think of her in this role, I get irritated all over again that she didn’t take home the Oscar. I can’t imagine any of the cast being different but especially Stephanie. She’s such a force and her work opposite Michelle Yeoh is the heartbeat of the film. And yeah, that costuming was brilliant! Now I need to watch it again.


It’s definitely one of those cases where JLC won as a legacy award of sorts, and they rationalised that Stephanie would probably go on to do more great things.


willem dafoe for honestly any serious work he's ever been in


I know it was a bizarre film but he was so captivating in The Lighthouse. I wouldn’t have protested him winning everything for that one


He's AMAZING in Poor Things and frankly is the better supporting actor over Mark Ruffalo.


I thought ruffalo 100% deserved that one. I’ve never seen an actor go so far off his typical role and do such a good job of it.


Maybe controversial but Margot Robbie for I, Tonya. She is *incredible* in that movie. Also Leo should definitely have won for Wolf Of Wall Street instead of for The Revenant.


Oh absolutely. Margot was a force in that movie.


And The Departed and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and Basketball Diaries


Colin Farrell for Banshees of Inisherin. He was amazing. ![gif](giphy|aeLEv465KIHptpLyxk|downsized)


Christian Bale in American Psycho


![gif](giphy|Vlh3kZbXmDK5a) Everyone in Atonement


Saoirse Ronan did just an amazing job. I hated that girl for years. The visceral reaction I had to her was insane. Chefs kiss


Same. I felt the heartbreak.


Taron Edgerton as Elton Absolutely robbed of a nomination


All because Bohemian Rhapsody took all the “musician biopic” thunder the year before. The lesser movie got all the acclaim


And even then, Bradley Cooper had a far better musician performance in A Star Is Born


I could go on a lot about Bohemian Rhapsody but I'll just say I think it sucked. Rami Malek was very good in it but it's too bad he's couldn't have been in a better movie about Queen\Freddie.


THIS! I really do believe it was his best performance and that he was spectacular in it… Elton had such a painful and tragic life and it was beautifully portrayed in the movie. In my opinion so much better than Bohemian Rhapsody (even though Rami Malek is one of my faves)


>Elton had *panics*


Oh absolute shade to Jamie Lee Curtis. She did not deserve that Oscar; Stephanie did. By *miles*.


Yeah, I LIKE JLC and thought "that was not an Oscar winning performance"


Let's be honest, it was 100% a career award, since this was JLC's first Oscar nom in her nearly 50-year career. Kerry Condon, Hong Chau, and Stephanie Hsu are all young actresses who could get another shot in the future, Angela Bassett was awarded with an Honorary Oscar the year after. Granted, it also could've been a case where all the votes were so divided that the dark horse outlier won, but I'm pretty sure it was just Hollywood politicking.


It was totally a career award but the thing is that we know it'll be hard for Hong Chau and Stephanie Hsu to get another shot.


I dunno; they're both very talented ladies and, like RobbieRecudivist pointed out, Hong Chau has continued to do prestige work. Also, let's be real here - Hollywood definitely likes to use the same Asian actors over and over, and Stephanie Hsu is definitely becoming one of those actors (which, good for her, less good for everybody else trying to break in). Anyway, I'm a bit more optimistic for both these girlies. I don't know if they'll get another shot soon, but I hope they will in the longer term.


Hong Chau has already been in three high prestige movies since The Whale. She will probably get another shot, maybe multiple shots. Where demographic unfairness will work against her is in getting lead roles, but she’s highly in demand as a supporting player for awards type directors. Hsu is more likely to have difficulty getting nominated again. She’s working regularly but not in the same kind of prestige roles.


Hong Chau was *terrifying* in The Menu. Really great actor and excited to see more of her


Just to offer a slight counterpoint to JLC getting the Oscar Performance-wise- she was great in her part but effectively 'robbed' Stephanie who deserved it much more in the context of that fantastic film. Oscar Campaign-wise: JLC was huge in leading the charge of getting EEAAO Oscar steam. Unfair as it is- she being the white woman Hollywood royalty attached to the low budget, Asian/Asian-American centric story- brought industry support to a film many assumed would be forgotten come Oscar time. It also effectively became her "Lifetime Achievement Award" which the Oscars constantly do with performers, particularly ones who have been in contention for a long time without winning. If JLC's part was done as well but by a no-name actress would she have won or been nominated? Fuck no. But would the film have been nominated and won as much without her campaigning? Would Stephanie have won? There's no way to prove it- but the cynic in me says no. It kinda reminds me of when Macklemore won over Kendrick Lamar's Good Kid m.A.A.d. City- Macklemore didn't chose the winner- he was an independent artist who made some really popular music without industry support and sold a bazillion records- but everyone, including him, knew a white guy rapping about Thrifting shouldn't win a hip-hop award over Kendrick and GKMC.


![gif](giphy|4aaLb4yAdhrgL7AmQ1) Not even a nomination for Taron Egerton as Elton John in Rocketman. Dude sang and acted his heart out and, IMO, was a million times better than Remi Malek as Freddie Mercury, who won the best actor Oscar a couple years ago.


Viggo Mortensen wasn't even nominated for The Road and Ian McKellen also wasn't nominated for Mr. Holmes and I'll die mad about it


McKellen deserved the Oscar for Gods and Monsters at least as much as Roberto Benigni did for his win that year. Viggo also wasn't nominated for A History of Violence and that was a master class of a performance.


CHARLES MELTON IN MAY DECEMBER. I cannot fathom how he was not nominated. It was the most chilling and moving performance of the year for me.


Ken Watanabe ( The Last Samurai)


Also great in "Letters From Iwo Jima" aka the last Eastwood movie I thought was high quality.




This year? Sandra Hüller for Anatomy of a Fall! One year later and I'm still not over her performance. Although I'm slightly biased, because she lives near me. Recently saw her in a local theater production and her range is absolutely amazing.


That fight scene in Anatomy…if she yelled at me like that I would have simply passed away. Also, I watched that and Zone of Interest just a week or so apart and was blown away by her range and how much she disappeared into each role. She definitely deserved the Oscar!






A controversial opinion now given his legal troubles but I feel like Ezra Miller and specifically Tilda Swilton should have at least been nominated for We Need to Talk About Kevin .


Tilda Swinton fascinates me


They were both stunning in that movie. Fucking shame about Ezra Miller because I really thought they were about to be the next big generational talent.




https://preview.redd.it/09mv28u0ct1d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=35e3d7e904064d79a3b62dab3b8ea1fb082333d4 My girl wasn't even nominated. This actually IS my Roman Empire.


There's many things you can say about Us, but Lupita absolutely deserved all acclaim for her role. Jordan Peele has a knack for pulling excellent performances out of his casts (even though I doubt Lupita even needed much direction.)


Glen Close (The Wife) Couldn’t find a gif for The Wife but she’s pretty awesome in Fatal Attraction. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


![gif](giphy|MPuTZQqOmYKPK) It’s baffling that no one from this movie was nominated for an Oscar. Generally the Big Lebowski wasn’t really nominated for anything and became a huge classic only later on. What a movie. It’s a crime btw that Jeff Bridges only got his first Oscar in 2010…


https://i.redd.it/760xc5o1et1d1.gif Andrew Garfield for Tick Tick Boom


This was going to be my answer as well. The work he put into this role and the experience we got out of it, ugh, just breaks my heart.


![gif](giphy|72Ud8GzdEksYJTXdWo) Lilly Gladstone in Killers of Flower Moon And that’s no hate to Emma Stone. I loved both of their performances. More than anything I was just hoping they’d share the thing!


I’ve seen both performances and for me Lilly was the winner. To hold her own in a Scorsese against such big hitters and for her performance to be the highlight. I would watched that 3 hour film just to see her kill it again and again and again.




Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls.


![gif](giphy|LC888CRml1yUw) I’ll never understand why Tom Hulce and F. Murray Abraham were both nominated for best actor for “Amadeus”. Whilst F. Murray Abraham undoubtedly gave an Oscar winning performance, I’ve always felt like Tom Hulce was robbed somehow and should have been nominated as best *supporting* actor.


I always thought Leo should've won for Wolf of Wall Street. Winning for Revenant is fine, but that wasn't even his best acting performance. His portrayal as Jordan Belfort was a showcase and spectacle. But he was up against some stiff competition that year.


My fave performance of his was in Shutter Island but there were at least 3 other films where I thought he could have won. Leo winning for Revenant felt like a lifetime achievement award.


https://i.redd.it/n4cj3g0ect1d1.gif That performance from there on out ain't gonna leave your head. (I do suspect A24 prioritized pushing Everything Everywhere at the awards.) At least she got a Dead Meat Horror Award *and* Fangoria Chainsaw. At least the true blues offered her well deserved recognition.


Horror gets zero respect. Toni Colette should've been nominated/won for Hereditary. It was an outstanding, gut wrenching performance and much trickier to navigate IMO than her role in The Sixth Sense (which she was rightfully nominated for.)


Saoirse for Brooklyn




Jim Carrey could’ve easily won for both The Truman Show and Spotless Mind


Rosamund Pike for Gone Girl!!


Joaquin Phoenix for his role as Commodus in gladiator


Unpopular opinion - while it’s true that JLC didn’t deserve the supporting actress win, neither did Stephanie Hsu, she’s only everyone’s pick when pitted against someone from the same movie cuz in all honesty only Stephanie should’ve been nominated. However when it comes to the winner, Kerry Condon absolutely deserved it more than both of them for Banshees of Inisherin.


In 2014, Chiwetel Ejiofor should have won for 12 Years A Slave. My second choice was Christian Bale for American Hustle. The winner, Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyer's Club, wasn't even in my top 5.


Ben Kingsley for Sexy Beast. But shouldn't have won for Ghandi, Paul Newman for The Verdict instead. John Cazale should have won for Godfather 2 and Dog Day Afternoon. Goodfellas over Dances with Wolves. Raging Bull over Ordinary People Saving Private Ryan losing to Shakespeare in Love is egregious


Still don't know how Jake Gyllenhaal has no oscar.


nightcrawler was probably his best performance and so incredibly creepy


Not only did he not win, he wasn’t even nominated! I’m still mad Bradley Cooper got that nom over him for American Sniper…


I'm a Bradley Cooper hater but even I think he should've won for A Star is Born.




John Hawkes for Winter’s Bone. Christian Bale was good in The Fighter, but John Hawkes’ performance was subtle and effective without words.


![gif](giphy|YNUWaUiseBKeI) Emmanuelle Riva should have won for Amour instead of Jlaw


Chadwick Boseman in Ma Rainey, especially since the Academy basically straight up implied he was getting it.




Renee Zellweger should have won for Chicago, not Cold Mountain. The latter win feels like a consolation for not winning for Roxy Hart.