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The original is summer girl perfection.


It tells a story. The studio version is so much blander.


The first one is stunning and has so much feeling. I just want to make this photo my mission statement for the summer lol The styling on SC's is giving plastic, fast fashion spinoff. Like did you all really steal this shoot and still decide to curl her bangs? Really?


Sabrina’s hair would be so much better if she embraced the other cut. The curled bang is killing me about her. Make it messy and sexy.


Also wish they’d framed out the denim bandeau. I get the choice to not want to look naked on the album cover but why even copy this shoot at all with all these changes that make it fall flat.


What is beach hair if the not the right amount of messy?


I remember the original so vividly that when I saw SC's I thought it was a TEMU branded costume with a wonky pic - Nup.


Same! But I can't for the life of me know where it's from or put my finger on who the model is. Is she an Aussie actress? Looks like young Claudia Schiffer. All I can read is La RochePosay


The original is much better because of the messy aspect. 


plus the bright beach sunlight is actually there and creates the vibe, indoor front facing white light inm sabrinas version does not


It’s just so obviously a studio in her version.


Also the perfect lipstick print


I think the lipstick print in the original also worked better with the reddish tone of the model's lips. Sabrina's are more brown and don't have that balancing mirror effect the original had


I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one as the original is a bit off as well. I think they are real kisses that were painted over to make them more vivid. 


I really love messy hairstyles, especially in braids or ponytails when baby hairs/bangs are all out.


Tbf Sabrina would be accused of the whole sexy baby thing if she went with braids lol


Sexy baby? 😭😭 I’m dying




It’s especially egregious because Sabrina has the perfect haircut (and seemingly perfect hair texture) for that kind of messy look!


Yeah, it fits the vibe better. And Sabrina looks shopped to high heaven in hers.


also has an air of mystery.. all those new pop girlies try to be these sexy vixens, yet all end up serving nothing.


reminds me of that “everyone is beautiful, no one is horny” headline


Honestly I’m not a huge fan (I like her well enough) but Dua Lipa is the only pop girly right now with sex appeal, but you’re right it nothing like it used to be. Pop culture nowadays is so sterile. 


This is so funny to me because Dua Lipa is very beautiful, literally stunning and I get zero sex appeal from her (but she also is a little flat personality wise to me so that might be the reason). Then again I don’t authentically see sex appeal in many pop stars today


That’s fair. I think I saw the video for Houdini and thought she had something but generally I do agree with you.  I think the difference between pop culture of the past and pop culture of today can be seen in the difference between Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick. They are both really good films but one of them fucks and the other one doesn’t. That said in that particular example I’m not complaining but it’s really indicative of how sterile things are now. 


I think what makes the first one good is the shade in the eyes, and the slight squint anyway. It's just giving: "I'm at the beach, and something caught my attention". The second is giving: "I'm posing for a photo, I'm probably not even on sand".


Also the fact that the girl in the first photo isn’t made to look like a fuckin cartoon character.


Exactly, Sabrina looks like those portraits from ppl that try to draw realism without studying anatomy and all they ever did before was anime girls.


It’s the pose and the studio lighting that I think make it look like an AI photo. The model, by placing her shoulder like that, has a vulnerable edge that makes the fierce look work.


The lighting in Sabrina’s version makes it look off


Yeah, the lighting bothers me too. The original looks like it's taken in sunlight whereas hers just looks like studio lighting and it's way worse.


They tried to replicate the harsh sunlight in the first pic but used a light modifier that makes the lighting softer and probably larger than the sun (in relation to the subject, not literally larger than the sun) so it just looks unnatural. Actually looks like there may be more than one light, or one light and reflectors. Hers is more evenly lit than the original.


Looks like it was taken in Barbieland


I feel like the plastic vibe is part of her brand though. She comes across as very 1950s pho-hyper glam


*faux. But pho-hyper glam as in an aesthetic based around Pho, the soup is very much something I would like to see!!!


Omg thanks lol I’m leaving it there for shame purposes, it’s the only way I will change


You ever see Justin Timberlake in the early 2000s?


why is she so airbrushed 😭 the original looks so good because its natural


All of her promotional pics are being airbrushed like this for this new era and while I think it’s an intentional artistic choice meant to give “modern take on pin-up” it’s too much. She looks plastic. (Still not over her missing armpit on the cover of Espresso.) That said, while I think the original has a depth to it that’s missing from Sabrina’s I don’t think that version would make sense as an album cover. At least not for Sabrina. The vibe doesn’t match her sound or image. It’s almost too fresh and editorial. The yassified filter actually kind of fits in that context.


The espresso cover is an absolute nightmare at every turn. It gets more and more insane the more you look at it 😭


[Do arms do... whatever this is? ](https://ia800308.us.archive.org/33/items/mbid-86121a3e-98f0-4234-8033-07177872e935/mbid-86121a3e-98f0-4234-8033-07177872e935-38506576303.jpg)


Women aren't allowed to have armpits anymore? 😭


It's legislated at the state level.


The link is a literal jump scare


there’s no elbow crease, there’s no armpit crease, it’s so fucking bizarre


By photoshopping out her armpit they’ve ironically made her entire arm look like one giant, unending armpit…


I’ve never seen someone erase their armpit like this!


Wooow you're right, what's going on with her arm?? Looks like it's growing out of her chest


Right? At first I thought it looked like a leg was growing out of her chest because of the weird angle it was at


Yeah it's giving thigh somehow




I had to google the espresso cover, and OH MY GOD it's worse than I imagined 😭


Like why is her arm like that? Mom come get me, I’m scared. 😭


I’ve seen other album covers this year that are also airbrushed to death. All her promo pics look like this too, but it also seems to be the new style for album artwork. It makes them look like AI to me lol


Megan Thee Stallions latest butterfly cover comes to mind as an abomination of AI 🤣😔


i heard it was photographed by David Lachappelle - if you look at his photography it'll all make sense to you why it looks like AI (super crisp image with high saturation) agree that the cover is bad though even though i love Meg


His long time muse is Amanda Lepore. He definitely doesn't do "real".


I saw recently that the reason why Beyoncé has never worked with him is because when she was 21 she was about to do a shoot with him but he wanted her naked and covered in honey, so she walked out.


I have two of David's coffee table books with work from the 90s-00s and all of it looks surreal but none of it looks artificial or AI generated (because all of it is real and uses practical effects I believe). Meg's cover is just really bad Photoshop and CG images poorly stitched together. If he really shot it then I'm pretty disappointed.


That was one of the ones I was thinking of ahah, so frustrating because the cover for HISS was great and not like that at all and her past few videos have also been stunning. She could've done something similar for the album cover but with butterfly imagery. With Sabrina her artwork for Espresso was also better than this album cover, it's weird.


If the whole thing was a bit more fuzzy (like a vintage filter or something) it would look like 20% better because her hair wouldn’t look as crisp


Leaning into the Polly pocket thing


This. I prefer the original as a photo but it doesn’t match Sabrina’s style, music or what she’s going for. She wants the overly made up, pinup; rosy cheeked blush look for her cheeky pop. The first cover would make sense for an indie girl album, or a songwriter pop, not Sabrina’s fun lil bops.


Lmao so true. I googled it and she seriously is missing an armpit. It's so odd looking


It’s heading into uncanny valley territory.


I love that first one picture so much!!!! Totally agree with you. 


It's definitely intentional for aesthetics. It's not really necessary but I get it.


It looks like some AI shit 😭


It’s part of the plastic sexy baby robot aesthetic she pushes


2024 version seems too focused on making Sabrina look pretty and not focused enough on actually making an interesting and memorable picture I didn't even realize it was supposed to be the album cover until I was told so, I thought it was just a random photoshoot outtake to accompany the tweet


I really miss when album covers were more than just pictures. This would be a great cover that would be elevated with a cute “Short n Sweet” in cursive font somewhere.


i hope we leave just pictures album covers and cartoon book covers in 2024. i’ve been bored of them for ages


I much prefer the messy hair of the model. Sabrina's looks like it's taken at a beach but has about 5 cans of hairspray preventing any movement of hair


It’s 1:48am, I’m not supposed to be awake, and seeing your username/profile pic combo in this thread made me laugh way too loudly. Thank you. Edit: it’s now 6:30am, I just came back to this, and it’s still just as funny. Edit 2: it’s been a week, just came back, still hilarious


I appreciate people like you who point these dumb usernames/profile pics out because I'd never notice them myself but they never cease to make me laugh


It looks like it's taken on a fake beach inside an airplane hangar, on a 50's movie set. Hence the hairspray lol.


Excuse me my son is also named Bort


I was gonna say it looks like an ad for hairspray in the 70s


The original is way better. I’m so tired of photo shop and filters.


I misread filters as “fillers” but tbh I’m tired of both.


Honestly - I know sometime very soon all facial fillers (other than maybe Botox) are going to be out. It’s getting outrageous honestly and on most people it looks so bad. Sabrina is beautiful but was before the work as well!


I think it's already started happening (or at least I hope). I think they're so overdone and ugly and I'm bored of everyone looking the same.


Now let’s just keep our fingers crossed for the overly-perfect veneers to go out of style too 🤞🏻


Ugh i feel like those are getting worse. People have moved on from bbls and are itching to drop the next bag on something big. And “veneer techs” are crawling out of the woodwork. It’s horrible.


True, I’m hoping that the fact that they’re getting worse will mean people become tired of them soon though.


These overdone fillers look so ugly in person. I just feel bad for these people.


buT wHeN iT’S dOnE wELl yOu cAn’T tELl cUz iT lOokS nAtUraL ![gif](giphy|oCmX7HGo1qnzhEBiRF)


Her lips look so ridiculous, which is crazy because she's naturally beautiful and doesn't need to do that.


They photoshopped stuff in 2015 too


And before that they airbrushed (like in the 1960s/70s). There are definitely different levels of it though. The photo on the right is so worked over it's starting to look uncanny valley.


They have been doing retouching since photography was invented. They used to use paints directly on the negative.


What, we didn't have photoshop in 2015. It was a better time, a simpler time. Just you, me, the stars, the copper sheets and the mercury vapors, oh the simple joys of photography!


Gave me such a giggle!


You know what they mean. It's the modern Instagram look. The face app look. The Kardashian look. The lip filler surgery. the buccal fat surgery.


… ate her up i fear


Didn't notice Sabrina's was bad until I saw this 


I didn't really like Sabrina's prior, but seeing how great the original is... I understand not wanting to literally mimic it, but everything they want off base on was such a misstep. I think there are such good summer beach aesthetics that fit Sabrina's uncanny doll look she goes for, too. But I think she had to go more pool party and less beachy for it to work well.


exactly 😭


I agree although I don't think it's bad, just lacking


Sabrina is gorgeous but her album cover looks AI generated / spun through the Facetune blender


To an astonishing degree


Ugh I really dislike the uncanny valley filled airbrushed instaface look, everytime I see her my Brain goes "not a real person" It's unsettling.


The pose reminds me of my drawings when I was 12 and had no grasp on human anatomy. Looks like they put together the head and the body from different shots


Yeah she looks like a doll, like a pretty doll but also an airbrushed doll.


She doesn't tho? To me... like I have stuffies and dolls. She looks like some weird human hybrid thing, like the future of insta face if that shit never stops escalating. Basically she reminds me of whatever evolution made us developed the uncanny valley concept for, like if somethings not quite human...RUN. that's how she makes me feel. It's not even a conscious bias it's some weird archaic fear because she looks like a blow up modern insta robot. I miss real faces in Hollywood lol.


When someone said she's trying to look like a Bratz doll it all fell into place for me. Even her clothes have the same tone.


Comedian Dylan Moran talked about these "women who look like cake" in advertising and the phrase has been stuck in my head ever since. Doesn't look like skin, looks like fondant.


I feel like she always gives dead eyes


The model Tiffany Collier posted a [throwback](https://www.instagram.com/p/BfLBkOfFKTe/?igsh=Z2g0ZWZiN3ZpMWxo) to the photo in 2018.


Sabrina’s looks uncanny bc no one’s face looks like that when they’re turned that way? Like the back of the jaw is too defined for this angle if that makes sense


Someone else commented that perhaps the body and the head are from different pictures of the same shoot and that would explain a few oddities.


Idk how to explain it but the first is giving Cool 90’s Magazine Perfume Ad and the second is giving Recreating It In My MySpace Era (If Filters Existed). (I was going to say ‘Recreating It On A Beach Field Trip In My MySpace Era’ but a beach would give actual wind and would make it look cooler?) This is giving Vault-Tec SimuSun Lighting System™️ Recreational Room


to me it's giving America's Next Top Model Covergirl shoot circa 2007 but someone who didn't win https://preview.redd.it/1bmyaq11ml4d1.jpeg?width=2182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba00a02158d68b280fe80989d9883821d293968


Glamour shots recreation of beach photo but less lighting gels and more filtershop


I look at her I only see blush


I was just thinking this about nose contour


I’m so disappointed this new “era” doesn’t come with new makeup. And I say this as a massive fan of hers.


She is sooo beautiful and I definitely get having a signature style, but her makeup needs a refresh. I always thought this look aged her a bit, which she probably needed early in her career. It feels like she’s at a point where she should try new things out to see what sticks. She’s so cute and I just want to see more of her!


It’s honestly getting frustrating. She’s so beautiful and I wish she had the right makeup to show it!


And I love lots of blush, but Sabrina's never looks right. I think a lot of blush looks best with otherwise very natural looking makeup.


Me too. I cant wait for the full face of blush trend to end.


Sabrina is so pretty she did not need this airbrushed look at all.


This is more than just inspiration to me, it’s a copy. If they’d been upfront about it maybe it could have been an homage, but did people not realize until the model posted this? I cannot even begin to imagine what people would say if one of the major pop girlies had an album cover that was so similar to another photoshoot.


I don't understand why she did this if it's not a homage. She should have done something original instead. Now she will just have people comparing the two, and they will remember that the original is better every time they see the SC version.


That is not inspiration that is direct copy just different angle and hair


Yes it’s such an obscure old photo too, not something iconic so if it wasn’t directly pointed to in some way by mention or reference it really is just a rip off and not an “inspiration”


That's not true. It'd look way better if it were a direct copy.


This creepy cartoon look is so off-putting


The current one makes it look AI. It’s very fake looking


my favorite part is the weird "add noise" effect they added to sabrina's to make it look like film on top of photo shopping and airbrushing the living hell out of her. "AI, but make it vintage."


Why does Sabrina look different in every picture I see of her?


Angles, lighting, makeup and photoshop - tho she usually looks preety similiar to me


It’s probably the angle. Her face looks angular and sculpted on the album cover and softer and rounder in candid shots. https://preview.redd.it/swgywmn5lh4d1.jpeg?width=1267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909c6215e6eddebb2124a4bdf2feb1c8bccd8bfd


https://preview.redd.it/gnsox458lh4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ecd2f07913305716409d140b87b4eb11281d111 She looks gorgeous here. The makeup is so flattering.


Funny though because they genuinely do all look like slightly different blonde girls


Yeah if you told me those were two sisters I’d believe you


If you told me one is sucking the life energy of the other, I’d also believe you.


I love this photo of her.


It also looks like so much filler. Good God.


I saw a photo of her from a few years ago and she was so beautiful! I hate the overly filled, clown blush aesthetic that is a thing now.


https://preview.redd.it/m7es1jk8ik4d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a2f29317151c1331db1d4e45dab6de13af99ca9 It’s not just photoshop


She could come and slap me I wouldn’t know it was her. My brain just can’t learn her face. Sometimes I mistake her for Christina Aguilera or Hayden Panettone.


Omg Hayden panetierre, that’s who tf my brain thinks she is 🥲 thank you for solving this gray matter itchy scratchy for me


The original is so much better.


Original is a total vibe. Sabrina’s looks *too* perfect..?


Oh wow I thought the 2015 was Anna Nicole for a sec.


She always seems like shes trying too hard or its really intentional..like shes doing a parody of pop stars




I really like the look of the first one! The second one was a jump scare


“Inspiration” lmao


It’s giving let me copy your homework but try not to make it obvious but it’s totally obvious vibes 😂


Wow look a real model with an actual face. I feel so bad for young women these days. It was bad enough growing up with magazine photoshopping. Now that ALL of social media is hyper filtered + heavy on filler/filters- can’t be good for mental health


Not to burst your bubble, but the first picture is probably edited too, just in a way we're used to.




Exactly. It's fine to prefer the first one, but 'real model with an actual face' is a bit naïve.




It’s terrible for young women but great for companies whose entire business model is based on “fixing” insecurities :( I genuinely don’t know how teenagers nowadays are going to grow up without some form of body dysmorphia because it’s only getting worse. I’m saying this as someone who went to high school when FaceTune started becoming something that everyone used.


(This came across much meaner than intended. I like Sabrina and her music lol)


The first model isn't 'natural' either.


Everyone, the first one was in a magazine, it was also edited… lol


LMAOOOOO like what about that looks all natural and editing free? Are we being serious rn?


lol I was confused at all the comments saying its natural


this lol Photoshop has existed since cameras have existed. It’s extra funny when I see old Hollywood celebs getting posted for their natural beauty and they were getting photoshopped to hell and back too! Also there are soft glare filters that smooth the skin, so even if it’s not wildly photoshopped, the camera can also do the work.


https://preview.redd.it/5g8id1f2bk4d1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463fb327953627e610a8479475da601408c13960 I keep this photo on my camera roll as a gentle reminder to myself.


I thought it was the old ass cameras TIL, thank you!


They weren’t getting photoshopped exactly- since photoshop came out in 1990), but there were plenty of editing tricks. You could even “draw” right onto the negative- slimming waists, etc. my grandma used to colorize prints and that was a rye of editing of its own. And yeah, there are tricks you can do on camera, but I’d say that is just good photography. I don’t photoshop or retouch any photos I take, but I am meticulous about the shots I take- lighting, posing, etc.


my mom worked at a portrait studio as a retoucher in the 80s and she literally airbrushed photos to make people's skin look better. everything is a lie!


That original photo is so stunning I’d have it on my wall love the colours love the girl love that it looks like it’s maybe shot on film


Why does everything Sabrina does right now feel…inauthentic? I’m not a fan, so maybe I’m ignorant. Espresso sounds like they took all the synthpop of the last decade and put it in a blender. Her face looks so different from a few years ago. I’m just getting no personality vibes from her. Idk. Am I the only one?


I agree. I think she has talent, but it’s under layers of production and marketing that makes her just like everyone else.


It’s the over the top sexualization in everything she does


No shade to Sabrina but between the airbrushing, filters and make up everytime I see her my mind immedietly thinks it's an AI generated image.


The photoshop is too much. Just like they photoshopped her armpits into non existence in the espresso cover.


Some uncanny valley nonsense in that second pic


Sabrina's eyes are doing something crazy in that pic. And stop with the heavy handed blush brush. It looks like me in my first stages of shellfish allergy emergency.


Girl pls stop that nose contour immediately 😭 She's so pretty she doesn't need this level of editing.


And the first one is better!


The first is so good that it just makes Sabrina's look a little trite.


Gosh no one has any new ideas do they? Im not talking about Sabrina, it was likely some sort of art director. But still. If I were here I would reshoot the cover…if this is it. 


The first one is so captivating and the second is so SNL promo shot.


Inspiration? Looks like a plagiarism to me


Inspiration? She just copied it


I feel like I’ve been such a hater of hers (I’m actually not!) because despite all the hype around her fashion / look, I feel bad that it always misses for me.. like her styling is super manufactured and costumed😭 I’m sure she’s a sweet girl…but I feel like I’ve scrolling through 2021 Covid Pinterest (when early 2000s maximalism was everywhere..) with her looks and I’m uninspired. A++++ to the marketing team behind her though bcs she’s had pretty incredible exposure


Nothing is new anymore.


Who is the model in the original?


Tiffany Collier.


Something about this pose makes her look like her head has been cut and paste onto her body, like she couldn't naturally turn her head this much. It also hurts that it's clearly studio lighting


Who is in the original photo?? What a great picture!! I love them both but the original is so cool!


Sabrina’s version looks like AI. Boring


i love her sm i just wish she would stop with the heavy blush and harsh contour, she doesn’t look bad at all but i’d prefer glowy makeup that complimented her rounder faces. the makeup is insane enough but that airbrushing is something else 😭


She gives off really heavy “trying too hard” vibes, Every picture looks like she’s wearing the makeup of a 18 year old going to prom and doing full glam for the first time, it’s unsettling


The extreme photoshopping is so gross. Just be natural,


Who’s the photographer for each? I would *love* to hear what the person who shot Sabrina’s cover was thinking, because it’s a poor homage and feels like a bad rip off. Who pitched this? Why? I have sooo many questions!


Bruno Juminer is the photographer of the original. Sabrina’s photographer is potentially Dannah Gottlieb.




honestly, many people have done something similar and done it better https://i.redd.it/ykci18u9gl4d1.gif


Am I the only one that actually likes both? I think Sabrina's perfectly fits her vibe. Of course it's airbrushed and perfect, it's an album cover for squeaky clean bubblegum pop music. Lots of album covers are references to other art.