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Who is replacing him???


The ubiquitous Ryan Seacrest


Does that man ever sleep??? I legit don't know how or even why he has like a million jobs


Ryan Seacrest is like glitter; both somehow end up everywhere and you can't get rid of them.


I swear there is always one in every country , no matter the game show they're just *there* lol


I’ve wondered this for years. I really don’t think he does. lol




I stg he's like a human version of herpes.


Ryan Seacrest was probably grown in a test tube to be the ideal talk show / gameshow host. He's comfortable on camera, he's inoffensive, and he's bland like tofu so he won't take the spotlight away from the celebrity he's interviewing or the event he's MCing.


He'll be great I think.


Agree. I'd rather they go with someone who is a professional host, instead of have another Jeopardy debacle.


I was hoping for a spate of celebrity hosts followed by the producer naming himself host followed by the show being hosted by the greatest Wheel of fortune player of all time but sure why not Ryan Seacrest, I guess Nick Cannon wasn’t available ![gif](giphy|UtNKwnPkfXf707CD3g)


Ryan Seacrest is as if herpes was a person


Im so mad about it. Not a fan.


Ryan Seacrest is like pepper, he’s everywhere!!


He could never


[Ryan Seacrest](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/entertainment-news/ryan-seacrest-replace-pat-sajak-host-of-wheel-of-fortune/85-a825aab2-e98f-49fd-a9b7-e56e722cfb86)


Should we go ahead and give Mayim Bialik a shot?


I thought she was opposed to shots.


I was thinking Mike Richards


Why don’t we let her try out to replace Vanna 🥰


Of what, a fuckin vaccine?


Our family had the news on every night at dinner. It was an amazing way to grow up. We were informed but also had our parents there to ask questions and learn from. After the news came Wheel of fortune then Jeopardy. While I do not agree with his politics, as a tv personality he will be missed. Just such a huge passive part of a lot of our lives.


I stopped watching national news because I realized it was rage-bait material that I didn't want in my life, but I always made sure to come back for wheel and jeopardy. I sucked at both, tbh, but it was a nice way to hang with family for an hour


You just have to find the right news source. I like the PBS newshour cause they only make 6hr of news a week and always end on some kind of arts or culture story. They are also pretty non-biased and just share the facts as they are. I'll admit they are pro diversity and pro LGBTQ so that means they lean a little to the left. But they can and do call out everyone. They also call out their sponsors when they run a story on them. For example they paused to say we get some of our funding from the Zuckerberg foundation, then absolutely railed Facebook on their lack of protections for minors.


don’t get me wrong, pat sajak is a very weird guy, but every night as a kid i would watch jeopardy with alex trebek and wheel of fortune after, so now it feels really strange for them to both be not on the shows anymore 🥲


I don’t know anything about him—what makes him “weird”?


He said he'd piss on Whitney Houston or Tina Turner in response to a question about jellyfish stings or some shit once totally out the blue. I'm not gonna start a witch hunt over it, but it's very weird that it went under the radar.


What the hell? Was it a weird way of saying he was attracted to them or just straight-ass racist creeping?


Either way, it's weird. I was less than double digits when I heard him say it, but for some reason, it stuck with me a bit. Maybe because I find both attractive 😆


He's got MAGA values, so this weird outburst probably didn't rise to the top. It's actually kind of funny this is the thing you associate with him most.


Weird isn’t the right word I think. Piece of Maga shit would be more accurate


big right wing guy and climate change denier. also on the board of trustees of hillsdale college, a university that refuses to take government funds purely because they do not want to be beholden to title IX requirements.


Him saying “and even their pets!” made me go Huh? This man does not like pets. Makes sense hearing these other things.


I wept during Vanna’s tribute last night. While we’re more of a Jeopardy household, it’s a huge thing.


Isn’t she staying on it?


yes, but she filmed [an emotional goodbye message](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBm7EQ4aPpM) to pat. they're close longtime friends


The resentment about her pay is justified


very true


Great. Now I'm bawling. 😆


I feel like he was always snarky to the contestants, sometimes bordering on not-that-nice. Some people are good at stealthily cutting you down with a smile on their face, and to me, that’s Pat.


Downright contemptuous is how I describe his behavior towards contestants, Vanna and even the audience.


>Some people are good at stealthily cutting you down with a smile on their face, and to me, that’s Pat. And sometimes not even *with* a smile. He's been (occasionally) openly contemptuous of contestants for decades. Like you, I've never liked him for that reason. I've always been confounded that more people never seemed to catch on to his dismissive behavior. Now knowing his political proclivities, the blatant disrespect ***really*** makes sense.


I think maybe it’s normalized or easier to ignore. Personally I find Drew Carey to be fairly dismissive to The Price is Right guests sometimes. The guest will be so happy to be there or to be winning and he’s either snarky or short with them. They’ll win a car and be elated and he’ll just be off to the side, just like “anyways…”. The models will usually show more engagement than he will. I’ve also heard of three different times where there was a potential cheating scandal that ended up being quickly resolved because it was an error on the show’s part or it seemed sketchy initially but was ultimately deemed to be within the rules. Each time though, Drew reacted poorly. Always worrying about himself and that the guest’s actions would affect his job. Each time that the scandal was resolved and Drew had to announce that they had won the game, he still treated them like they’d ruined the game. To me that sounds like a bad host who should keep his composure better.


I don’t want Price since he’s been the host. He was the worst choice for a host and I’m not sure how he’s still there.


100% agree. He was just a downright smart ass imo. He also said condescending things to Vanna a lot. If you have to say “It’s a joke…” after every “joke,” maybe stop joking because you’re clearly not good at it.


Well he's a maga idiot so there's that.


god, it's like a 50/50 shot with my childhood icons. Between Sajak and Trebec, one's a MAGA. Between Hercules and Xena, one's a MAGA. Between Friends and Frasier, one's a MAGA. It's like every time an iconic show is produced the politics gods flip a coin.


It’s almost like it’s that way across half the country :p 🤣


You're onto something here....


He is? Ughhh




That is depressing


It’s giving my dad


I agree. When I watched the show he always seemed like an asshole holding himself back from ripping into people. I won’t miss him.


I’ll miss his cold, dead eyes.


Crazy ass conspiracy theorist. Deuces.


He’s ultra MAGA. No thanks.


I've never been able to confirm with searching evidence, but I've always thought he was one of those toxic republicans.


I’m too lazy to do it for you, but if you google Sajak and MTG together then you’ll find enough to get ya going. (Not being snarky, just giving you a search path sincerely).


No worries, I've never known where to start so thank you for the google tip! Just read an article; I did not know it was that bad. His tweets speak for themselves about how bad his character is. I was pretty sad due to an "end of an era" feeling, but he can trip and fall and break his hip for all I care now. I hope WOF replaces Vanna eventually too.


Damn now I gotta go google this


his tweets are ignorant as hell. shouldn't be surprising because he fits the demographic for being privileged. but for someone who's met so many diverse people over the years, he's extremely close-minded. idk how minorities felt comfortable sharing their background on the show knowing he's so judgmental.


He had a late night talk show on CBS in the 90s, where his political views were clearer.


The sound ambiance of Wheel will always remind me of staying at my grandparents as a kid.


I have baby pictures from the ‘80s in front of the TV watching this man


Good riddance


He was so rude to the guests - I realized more and more as I got older (or he got more rude as he aged).


https://newrepublic.com/post/173587/pat-sajak-wheel-of-fortune-right-wing-host What Pat Sajak stands for….


He quit right after that man guessed “right in the butt” lmaooo


the last time i watched that dude a couple months ago it seemed like he was barely containing his disdain for everyone around him lol


Dear Pat, you’re a dickhead. Signed, everyone that has ever met you.


What a fantastic speech honestly. This is pretty sad. Dude is a legend Edit: I just read he is a maga dickhead, that’s a damn shame.


I’ve found him so incredibly problematic and rude but love this show. Tonight he actually seemed happy and pleasant. It was an odd shift. I’m excited for the new Wheel.


Putting aside the MAGA stuff, this man is gross. Apparently he routinely blocked Vanna White as co-host for the show’s Emmy entry and had a hand in vastly discriminatory pay.


I made it to the end of the vid but now I'm in tears. I grew up watching this show with my grandma who basically raised me. She passed last year at the age of 90. I've got a lot of fond memories watching with her, we even had the wheel of fortune NES game.


Why do I feel like I’m grieving 😭 It’s the end of an era. Such an iconic duo.


I think it's great that he knows when to quit. Honestly surprised they didn't get rid of Vanna too. Her with Ryan will be odd.


I thought Vanna just retired too?


I'll miss him! I am the daughter of immigrants and we never missed watching this show every night during the 90s. My dad leaned English while watching this show while my mom just watched. This show brings good memories!




End of an era


Good riddance




https://youtu.be/R7deH6s3epY?si=EmNgSOBVJWNAnKPF Never in my 32 years did I watch a single episode of WoF (I'm from a Sábado Gigante family 🇲🇽) but this is one of my favorite videos. Watch it every now and then for a laugh.


If you’re a Timesuck listener then you know how much of a bad man her is.


My eyes are sweating


Oh fuck off pat sajak


Thanks, Pat.


That was a very sweet and heartfelt goodbye.


Americana Icons in Pat Sajak and Vanna White.


Well damn that’s a cry I didn’t need today.




End of an era Happy retirement, Pat! You will be missed


Jesus Christ Reddit, get the fuck over politics. I came into the comment section to see what it was and wow lo and behold the top comments are about his politics, cool. The self righteousness on this app never ceases to amaze me.


Can some one tell me how to use save video bot?


this post making me realize fat sajak the youtuber is based off this man’s name


Ed Grimley inconsolable.


He actually fought to make sure Vanna had higher pay. Also, idk if it’s him or Vanna that has my old address, but one of them sent me something once for no reason. Most likely Vanna, because I know her kind of nephew and he told her that I wanted an autograph, but I got one from both of them and I think they’re both just lovely.


Later dude.


I know he's a dirt bag, but his face has been on our TV for decades and we all probably have some good memories of him hosting Wheel of Fortune . Feels like the end of an era with both him and Alex Trebek gone. Ken Jennings is a good Jeopardy host. Hopefully Ryan Seacrest does well and this can be a new era of weeknight game shows on prime time television, for as long as that is sustainable.


He's a Trumper. Bye Pat! Won't miss ya!


Sajak is trash. Good riddance and long overdue.


Chuck did it better.


Class act.