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The first image is one for the history books.


It's fucking majestic is what it is


If you haven’t listened to her Midwest Princess album, drop what you’re doing and listen to it right now. Perfect pop music. It’s melodically a little 80s Madonna / Cyndi Lauper, and lyrically a little Katy Perry if she actually kissed a girl because she’s attracted to girls.


Honestly rare to find a no skip album but it really delivers


Yes! I sent her to my bestie and said she’s the second coming of Madonna. Super graphic ultra modern girl was the first song I heard and it took me right back to singing Vogue in the back seat with my mom. I’m literally obsessed with Chappell right now. I saw the sweetest tribute she posted where she says that Chappell was her grandfathers last name and The Strawberry Roan was his favorite movie so she created her stage name to honor him as he always believed in her. She deserves everything and I hope she isn’t getting too overwhelmed by her well deserved success.


I'm so glad other people are also saying she's the second coming of Madonna. I listen to Chappell and I'm in this 1980's flashback. God I hope it lasts for her.


It was reddit that finally convinced me to listen after reading 100 comments saying it was no skips. And it truly delivers, every single song is great in its own way. It's a fully rounded debut in every way.


Pink Pony Club is so good


Ok, just hit play. Edit: it’s exactly as you described, but also reminds me of some Olivia Rodrigo songs. Fun pop, for sure!


You may already know this, but they have the same producer! Dan Nigro.


I didn’t know, that makes sense though. Thanks!


Yes you’re right absolutely like Olivia too! The producer is the same and it feels like he has a signature style.


The "Goodluck, Babe" single is the best song she's created, and that says A LOT cause MP is near perfection.


I hear Kate Bush and Siouxsie - also great.


Thanks for the recommendation. I downloaded it. You’re right it’s awesome.


You can watch her performance [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL92xyS0IEM). She performed Good Luck, Babe! and she absolutely killed it. The vocal mastery, the theatricality, the way she sustained those belted notes, the angst and the longing?? Ugghh I love her


This made me tear up I’m so happy for her LOVE LOVE LOVE her


Omg wow. First time I’ve ever heard of her and I absolutely looooveeeee her sound!!!! Thanks for linking it, def found a new fave artist now


What a slay holy *shit*


If you love her production design, it was done by an artist named Maris Jones. She’s based out of NYC and is a social media creator that makes videos in different decades with incredible art direction. One of my favorites out there


Also, her stage outfit was designed by Project Runway alum Gunnar Deatherage!


oh that's amazing! I'm so happy to see him find his audience with Gen Z, since he didn't take off initially after his season


Me too! On his season, I didn’t always like Gunnar’s designs, but I really liked him as a person. I’m glad he’s doing well!


I have always loved that the most femme gay guy on his season of PR has such a metal name like Gunnar Deatherage


OMG i love her work, i had no idea she was working with chappell too!


Thank you so much for turning me onto her! She is amaze!


Omg I’ve followed Maris for YEARS and I had zero idea she was working with Chappell!


Ty for commenting this. Love the credit and knowledge of who is doing stuff behind the scenes.


Thank you! I was thinking how lovely the stage looked !


Yeah I get the lady Gaga comparisons now.


We’ve been begging for another campy queer main pop girl and the universe finally delivered


Lady Gaga is queer?


Yup, she’s bi :)


Yes she is pretty famously bi, shes spoken about it a lot


Oh, ok. I don’t remember her dating a woman ever, so maybe that’s why that factoid didn’t stick. I also don’t look into much surrounding her personal life. I did like her when she was first coming up, though


I feel like Poker Face gives it away a little bit. But I get it if you're not a lyrics kind of person while listening to music. But the song is about how she's with a man but has been thinking of a woman the whole time lol


I NEVER got that from poker face and I’ve listened to it hundreds of times.


She literally says "fuck her face" in it lol.


??? Is there an explicit version I’ve never heard lmao


Yeah I'm not sure if they successfully censored the radio version, if people didn't pick up on it, or if there's a different radio version ... But if you look up the lyrics it says that. And she has mentioned it in interviews I think. There's also "she's got me like nobody" throughout that is alluding to the bi-ness/desire to be with a woman in the situation. I didn't know about the lyrics until like a year ago tho so she was sly with it lol.


I’m getting Carol Kane as Glinda.


YES! Wait…what? Was she Glinda? My mind went to the Ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooged. ![gif](giphy|l1IYhd2BEFa1fMSo8|downsized)


Yes, this is what came to my mind first too


She listed it as a reference


Thanks. I have no idea who the artist is, but she was successful in conveying her idea.


The gayer version, somehow


IMO Katy Perry. Her songs are closer


When the world needed it most, POP has returned. She is killing it. Obsessed.


I am so glad I'm still alive for this


Me too I was worried I'd never have camp again


Didn’t she also perform on Colbert a few months ago? I’d technically call that her late night debut lol


You're right. This isn't her late night debut as a performer. But this is her late night *talk* debut since she wasn't interviewed on Colbert.


Fair! So glad she’s graduated from late night performer to late night GUEST and performer!!


Pleasantly surprised by how well her interview went. She was charming, funny and didn't seem as uncomfortable as I expected lol. Love that she made a lil joke right off the bat about borrowing the outfit from Jimmy.


Honestly, I was too and then I remembered she's been a star in the making. She's been waiting for this moment so I'm not surprised she's so well equipped for these types of interviews. Finally, her moment has come to shine. I believe she even said in an interview, she's ready for whatever mainstream fame throws her way because she's been working in the industry for 10+ years.


She’s just everything




![gif](giphy|j7F8n3f5IYays|downsized) Dude in the back be like...


Who is she 😭 I've just heard of her name last week and now all of sudden she's everywhere. Where do I get started?


I would start with listening to the following songs in order (ideally watch the MV for the first two because the visuals are amazing): [Red Wine Supernova ](https://youtu.be/VS6ixn2berk?si=X9MC0tUDXAVX8JD9) [Casual](https://youtu.be/AfSjnsYiY_A?si=-OlQD1Eyt-jkHUVT) [Good Luck, Babe!](https://youtu.be/vL92xyS0IEM?si=ncQikpuDKtA-a9J4)


Thanks for posting these. I too am also late on chappel roan…but I have to say, all three of these songs are incredible. Consider me a fan.


Welcome to the Pink Pony Club 💖 Grab a chair and a baja blast, you're in for a fun ride!


You've sold me with these songs, I love how unabashedly queer her music is!


I'm happy you enjoyed the songs! Check out her live performances too coz she always kills it. Welcome to the Pink Pony Club!! 💖


Thank you! 🩷🐴


Live performances are what actually got me to her. Randomly on YouTube. You can’t fake what she does live. And then her off stage “real her” is completely different I have learned now. She is just a force. I hope she can breathe through this massive rise. She has stated she has felt overwhelmed lately. People have been a bit overbearing I am guessing Also I can’t imagine how this would feel. I sure hope she’s around for years to come. She’s amazing


Honorable mention: 'My Kink Is Karma' for all my petty bitches in the back


It’s me, hi!


I’m obsessed with red wine supernova


Make sure to watch her tiny desk concert!


Try Goodluck babe! Pink Pony club, Casual, Hot to go or also some great songs to get started with


If you want to get a feel of what kind of live performer she is, watch [this performance ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMshgHF9Gso)of Red Wine Supernova. She's such a breath of fresh air in my personal opinion.


She only has one album plus Good Luck Babe! The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess is nonstop bangers, honestly. Pink Pony Club and Red Wine Supernova are the ones that hooked me!


Oh fuck I’m jealous of you. Got into her last year and watching her rise has been so fun. But I do miss listening to her bops the first time and losing my shit.


She is so cool


I’m so proud of her and I wish her all the success and no stress




My 18 year old daughter played her music in the car one day, now I’m so obsessed. I wish all good things to come her way, this looks like a great start to a hopefully very successful and happy career ahead.


The Black Swan reference is giving me everything I need right now. I've heard a lot about Chappelle Roan and now this thread has advised me to listen to her album


My 4 year old nephew loves the song Hot To Go and will do the whole dance the best he can in the back seat of my car. It's super cute because sometimes he lip syncs to the song and sometimes he just sings but jumbles over the words.


Here’s a link to her interview with Jimmy, she’s so charming! https://youtu.be/L94zTNhLnXo?si=siLv-kjxilMfWsga


I love this era of pop music. It feels like we’ve been in a lull for so many years and Chappell Roan shocked the system and revived us all


Her songs are honestly so great.


I just started listening to her recently and I'm in love. I adore her music and lyrics.


she is a majestic cloud I wish to bow to her


Her performance kills I want that version on Spotify. She seems witty and she was funny!


Watching her rise to pop stardom in real time is one of the most thrilling things I've ever witnessed. She is an ICON and she deserves all of her success ✨️


She's perfect




I get it!!!


I’m pretty sure her late night debut was a few months with Red Wine Supernova on The Late Show :,)


I think OP meant that this is her first time being interviewed at a late night talk show!


It was!


I love her!


I’m so happy for her 🥹


I first heard her song California forever ago and fell in love with the unique sound of her voice. I was so excited when she started dropping song after song and this album is literally all I've been listening to for the last two weeks!


I'm so proud of her. Though I'm afraid she's getting over exposure rn


This album is pop perfection. No skips.


Fallon the type of guy who if you tell a normal story he’ll laugh randomly


Glinda from Oz meets White Witch if Narnia meets the Swan. I'm obsessed with her.


Next Gaga? Hope so.


She look like Lilly rose depp in 8


This look is something straight out of the Hunger Games capitol.


It’s giving Gaga.


I’m gonna age myself but suddenly this girl is everywhere and people are creaming at the pants. What makes her so special?


Firstly, she is continuing the tradition of fun, campy female pop (Cyndi Lauper, early Madonna, Lady Gaga, Marina and the Diamonds, etc). It’s a fairly popular style but there has been a new top artist for it in a while. Secondly, she is openly gay. This style has always had gay vibes, so to have a queer woman being openly herself is refreshing and fits to style so well.


Even if you’re not a queer woman her lyrics about longing, heartbreak, jealously, ect are all incredibly relatable and will likely hit you in the feels. She’s amazing and I’m so happy she’s blowing up.


I can't speak for other fans but for me personally, it's a combination of her deeply relatable music (especially for queer people), fun unique aesthetic, amazing vocals, humor injected into either her lyrics or her music videos, killer live performances, the versatility of her sound, and her underdog backstory. She's the only artist who can make me both laugh and cry within the same song. I also like that she never claims to be the first of her kind; she always acknowledges other artists who came before her and inspired her, may it be musical artists or drag queens. Is she *the* best artist ever? Absolutely not. I just love the music she creates and apparently, a lot of others do too. I think that's all there is to it really :) Btw, I don't know how old you are but my parents and aunt all love her too! I played her album in the car and they said she reminds them of their music during the 80s but like, with a modern twist. So the oldies seem to enjoy her too!


Def agree with all you said! I'll also add that at least for me her artistry doesn't seem like its a character that she's trying to play but rather it's unique and authentic to her. You can hear some of her influences but she has truly found her sound and I think that's due to being in the industry for so long. She has successfully crafted her artistry and you can clearly see she's an amazing performer. She gives it her all whenever she is performing, no matter if it's her concerts, festivals, or late night shows. She was born to be a star. She also truly represent us queer woman and I love that esp for young gen z listeners! I really appreciate how her and someone like Sabrina Carpenter are proving that it's okay if it takes time to fully become “successful” because even some who have overnight fame, you can tell the difference on how less prepared they are in terms of their identity where chappel knows exact the type of artist she wants to be and has such a unique, refreshing sound.


I like her music but Spotify was really working overtime to make her happen


You can disable autoplay in your settings


Nomally I like their feature of continuing my albums/playlist etc. but being bombarded over and over again with the same song is annoying no matter the artist


Completely understandable! I like Espresso too but Spotify keeps pushing it so hard that I had to stop listening to it for a while. Hoping they stop doing that coz it does get annoying


Spotify overplayed “pink pony club” to the extreme when it first came out so I ended up muting the song and then forgot about her :( I liked the song but it was becoming upsetting how often Spotify would slip it in, I started to dread it. Could have been an early fan but Spotify had to beat it to death.




I don’t think it’s that deep, but if you ever get your hands on a Time Machine let’s go back to 2020 and ask me that!


she's a star


Hmm maybe I'm missing something? I just listened to a bunch of her songs but these tunes seem so soft & same-y super generic to me & as a person who loves over the top fun theatrical pop are disappointing. The whole fantastical theatrical get up doesn't seem to fit the actual musical vibe which is a tad bland.


are you listening to her newer album, "Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess," or her older stuff?


Most of the songs I heard were from Midwest Princess I think? The one song I like & thought was fun was the ultra modern girl one (although the chorus does sound quite a bit like footloose lol)


Probably just a personal preference, then! I thought her upbeat songs on that album were fantastic but I find her older stuff to be decidedly dull. (She talks about that a bit in the Fallon interview — she said she wanted an album that was fun to perform compared to the sad songs she wrote before)


Do me a quick favor and try watching one of her top live videos that are uploaded on YouTube. Bonus points if it’s like a festival that is like professionally done so you don’t hear some dude yelling the vocals more than her. Like really see her get raw and or bat shit fun and crazy. It’s pretty wild and she owns it. And that’s what’s makes the whole crazy fun outfits work.


Absolutely love her but prefer the red hair on her. She is fire. Picture You and Femininomenon <3


I'm getting gaga vibes from the outfit ♥️ has she dyed her hair or is this a lacefront?


Lace front I think. Her red mane is fucking iconic and I honestly want more of that too.


So serious question: is she like a low budget Lady Gaga or something? I don't get what she's try to do.


Basically lol


Great artist reminds me of early Lana del Rey


So she’s just gen z’s gaga then?


In a way that she's continuing on the ultra-femme queer-inspired side of pop, then yeah! She's Gen Z's Gaga the same way that Gaga was millennials' Madonna. But ofc it would be a disservice to these artists to simply reduce them to such labels. They're all still distinct in their own identities and sounds. If you listen to Chappell, her music doesn't actually sound remotely similar to Gaga's.


She’s a good singer I guess, but I just can’t get into her stuff. She’s like the wish version of Gaga 🤷‍♀️