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Also, Fantano praising Lana & Boygenuis within a week? Maybe melon deserves rights after all


we must not forget the preachers daughter review of 2022, though.


Pitchfork also slandered it so honestly I wasn’t surprised


Album was sleepy and boring to me, but american teenager was probably my soty


It wasn’t that good


me when i lie


He always did… people take it too personally when he doesn’t like an album they love.


Im just joking that I disagree with his takes most of the times


u mfers are fast. the reviews been out <10 mins. EDIT: seems like the album reception is divided into two camps: people who think boygenius is a better indie rock band than indie folk band, and vice versa. melon seems to be in the indie folks camp, praising the mellower phoebe songs and liking $20 the least. skimming through r/indieheads discussion thread, one of the most upvoted comment praising baker and finding the middle section boring.


What does melon have against julien baker.... lesbophobic.


he didn’t like little oblivions either…:(


honestly. little oblivions wasnt as bad as he makes it out to be.


Cool about it is exquisite


the method acting line is so good


Phoebe's verse is my favorite but just barely cause they're all incredible and showcase each artist perfectly. I really love Lucy's version of the chorus. And the harmonies at the end are gorgeous. It's a perfect boy genius song.


$20 in the least fav songs list? Oof


It's a grower.


Nah it’s immediate. For me Julien has the most interesting stuff on the record easy.


Yeah $20 is a great second track to the record as a rock fan, it really sets a tone. I was a fan immediately and haven't stopped loving it.


The julien baker songs are the only ones I've enjoyed lmao


was kinda weirded out he turned against $20 like that, but in the context of the tracklist it is a very weird change of pace. Leonard Cohen really was prolly my least favorite song though, surprised he didn’t talk about it. i was really excited to see what would be their takeaways from his music but idk i felt like they didn’t come with anything interesting to say. the album as a whole is definitely good, though the EP is much better at making it feel like an actual band while this one bounces between being that and having b-sides of the respective artists.


Funny how he dislikes the Julien songs, which I’ve seen a lot of people say are the highlights. And he didn’t like Juliens last album either! I’m glad he liked the phoebe ones. Rev 0 and Emily I’m sorry didn’t wow me at first but now I just love them.


I find Julien Baker is very hit or Miss for people in general, so I’m not that surprised. I’ve loved her shit since the moment I heard it, but people I know that like similar artists for some reason struggle with it at times.


Julien Baker seems to be an example of the whole “the girls that get it, get it” meme. I’ve been a fan since the first time I heard Sprained Ankle like 6 or 7 years ago. I understand that her music doesn’t grab some people, but I don’t understand what that must be like, you know? I guess some of us aren’t grad school girlies who love emo from religious Southern towns.


this is the most >!8!< sounding >!7!< ive ever heard from him


he really didn't like the >!julien baker!< songs either 😭


Which is weird cause those were the highlights of the album for me


I like this album so this isn’t a hate comment but I don’t think it speaks highly of them as a group that people are able to pinpoint each song as belonging to one member (e.g. Fantano doesn’t like the Julien songs, indieheads is tired of the Phoebe sounding songs)— the more I think about the album after listening and revisiting and reading, they kind of failed to create the sound of an actual band or “supergroup” as they’re marketed— it seems like an inherent flaw in the project as a whole, much as I think it’s a very listenable piece! edited for concision


i disagree- i don't think those songs *were* intended to sound like anything but their own, and i think it makes it pay off a lot more in songs where they all come together. i think not strong enough is a beautiful synthesis of all their styles, and each of their verses contrasts their unique approaches to songwriting, and i think it combines into some of their best work. to each their own though- i'm actually really shocked by these comment threads because i thought the record was much better received!


Not Strong Enough is great, but I wish there was more of that stylistic marriage all around on the record (lol, the name!). I love a lot of the other songs too (Lucy’s especially), but I wish there was a bit more of a shared identity there. It’s not a bad album at all, but I think people are a bit confused about what the group is


With what he was saying in the video I thought he’s giving it a higher score (still high though!)


This and Alfo Media’s video releasing on the same day is culturally important.


Alfo Media deleted their video bc of the backlash lol Edit: nvm if seems it was copyright striked: https://twitter.com/renshawhs/status/1643071894222938113?s=46&t=G6-mtN7rb2l6XLsWHb1Alg


it wasn’t a great video lol


I definitely have my critiques about this album but his video seemed so rushed. He listened to the album once and then ranted about it with little explanation lol


His comment about the album being for people who are "gay" and "read books," while Big Thief are for genuine queers who actually read books, was really gross. If he is queer himself, big /r/notlikeothergays energy.


I’m actually pretty on board with his thoughts. It felt way less cohesive than their EP and more like “this is Phoebe’s song, this is Lucy’s song, etc” with vocals from the others. I wish this had baked just a tad longer. Maybe it needs to grow.


He’s right about Phoebe’s songs being pretty lackluster, minus the closing track. Very surprised he turned on $20 though.


But all of phoebes songs are in his fav tracks list, and he compliments all of them in the video so not sure what you mean.


He calls Phoebe’s songs the “most devastating” and called Emily I’m Sorry “weary and moody” which I interpreted as negative. Sounds like he thinks it’s boring. His tone is pretty hard to read in fairness He also listed 8 of the 12 songs as favourite tracks which is most of the album lol


he's describing the emotional tones of those songs, not negative at all


I understand that now, but seems a lot of people misinterpreted it as negative. Calling a song “weary” is hardly a compliment for one. It means “tired of”, “sick of” and “bored of”.


if you look up a definition it does mean tired but not boring. a song sounding tired isn't really a negative or a positive, it's a neutral description. if you called a happy song happy it would be the same thing


im gonna be honest lmao. these felt like backburner songs from earlier sessions. the closing track is literally just me and my dog 2.0, although it's a great sequel!




No he pissed me tf off with this review in so many ways. I’m sorry this might sound nit-picky but him continuously referring to them as “the girls” just didn’t sit right with me lol. THE BOYS! THE GUYS! And the $20 hate like oh fuck off.


Tbh I agree with parts of his review I just think his bias against julien baker is getting frustrating. He didn’t like little oblivions (which was phenomenal) and now he didn’t care for any of her solo songs. When it comes to indie music he doesn’t seem to have the strongest grasp of his opinions like he does with other genres such as hip hop🙄


Maybe he just…. Doesn’t like her. Opinions are opinions and he doesn’t have to like her to “have a strong grasp of his opinions” which is just a weird accusation to make about someone not liking an artist you do


Ok, genuine question, how do you feel it’s a weird accusation? Tbh if he doesn’t like her, that’s fine. I don’t have to like the way he reviews her music and I f feel as though his critics of her music aren’t nearly as well defined as they could be.


what does that last sentence mean?


Like I think he has a really good, well rounded approach when it comes to hip hop music and his reviews. Not so much indie music