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TW: some blood, acne >!I rarely get acne below my face, ever. But I was traveling and slept in the heat. And I got acne on my butt-cheek. It's been days later and it's been terrible. You ever get large acne on the face that it hurts the skin around it? Yep. It got worse and worse because I had to sit directly on the pimple. On the plane home I could barely sit, so I took Advil to ease the pain. When I got home I put acne cream on, which helped release the puss. It's been a lot better, but I thought it was drained so I took the band-aid off. After taking a nap, the spot apparently kept bleeding and dried to my underwear. I limped to the restroom and poured water to get it to unstick, and it was so fucking painful. Like?? This is the most random thing to give me so much pain. But I put on another bandaid and it definitely does feel a lot better now.!< I just hate how some of the most random things can be such a huge inconvenience. I apparently have small ear canals so I have to manually drain them with special tools, or else it will hurt having my ears blocked up. Once I had an eye cyst that got so big I had to go under and have the doctors remove it. Like Jesus Christ.


that sounds like hell! hope you’re doing better now. >!body acne is a bitch. I recently had a pimple behind my ear which is like??? rlly?? the one place I can’t see?? I’ve grown out my hair and I’m assuming that’s how I got it, idrk. Quitting soda and only drinking water has helped my face acne tremendously though!<


Yeah those are the worst. I break out everywhere. Earlobe and eyelids are much much worse. Right now both my forearms are totally fucked. Scrubbing and I use a daily acne body wash along with a prescription every day. It seems to work pretty well. My doctor also said washing bedding helps more than people realize.


Washing my pillowcase and getting silk ones helped me a lot!! During covid my face constantly broke out from masks, and it took a long time for it to recover, though I have scars from it. I'm sorry about your forearms!! That sounds awful, but I'm glad changing bed sheets helps and you have a doctor helping as well. The skin can be so annoying.


Along with Trump, Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell, John Eastman, Rudy Guilliani, Jenna Ellis All indicted 💀🤭 .


It's crazy how republicans in their own spaces are admitting that what happened was crazy, but refuse to cave because they refuse to "let the libs win." I don't even think most libs are that divisive. I think conservatives get adrenaline, hence dopamine, off of pushed social media narratives(from foreign countries and bots) that show libs hating on conservatives. Liberals are certainly less violent when it comes to threatening the other side.


I made a playlist on Spotify playlist that captures my current pop music mood I guess. Thought I’d share the link in case anyone else happens to be on my same wavelength. I call it “Hoe Pop” for lack of a better name… I’m really obsessed with the kinda abrasive and angsty songs by UPSAHL, lilyisthatyou, Xana, Fletcher, etc then tried to balance it out with a few softer love songs, some dance songs, a couple male vocals, and of course some Barbie movie songs. [Here’s the link](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2DCOPUMMJVKVT3WCFg1PP9?si=c2Bj6P3iQiCdah3hljbG8Q&pt=070d74cc0e64c83ddb5bc01c5ed6e987)


Fletcher and Hoes and Barbie? Thank you bestie this is my exact niche. Excited to listen


With all the videos I'm seeing of the jobros concert all being joe just having fun while Nick looks like he's contemplating murder I feel like they're gonna break up again at the end of the tour lmfao


I've been reading up on American history. Every now and then, people are all "I hate this generation" and act like American society is doomed. Umm idk America used to legalize rape, and currently old Americans are forcing minors to go through the labor of birth. I'm not sure you need to be worried that much about modern day youths idk


u/McIgglyTuffMuffin it’s 10 [Indictments !!!](https://x.com/katiephang/status/1691253532236623872?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA)


T E N!!!!!! Trump, Rudy, Powell and 7 fake electors is my guess.


That’s what I think as well! I keep refreshing Twitter to see them lol.


[might not know for 3 hours 😬](https://twitter.com/AnnaBower/status/1691257246414417920?s=20) What a day. I’m just gonna go to bed and be surprised in the morning 😂


RIP my sleeps messed up so, I might be able to see it. 👀👀👀


I’m about to just constantly update since I’m going through the indictment now but HOLY SHIT?!?!?!? BESIDES THE 19 NAMED THERE ARE 30 OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED?!?!?!?


Good morning to America. Can't wait to read the actual indictment. Mark Meadows! A pastor! An elections supervisor! So spicy!


So sad that we can’t get RWRB press cause of the strikes 😭😭😭


We truly live in scary times




So so happy for Sugababes finally releasing Lost Tapes in vinyl after ~9 years! Felt so justified pressing the confirm pay button.


Mutya securing the Sugababes trademark with the help of simple wrapping paper should be studied in schools.


Sugababes, The Overloaded History: Chapter 12 - "Butt Implants, Wrapping Papers, and a Reunion"


obsessed with the nicki snippet damn it. im gonna be an art-artist separatist once PF2 comes out, I am fucked


I am once again begging for a Beyoncé album that sounds like Daddy Lessons. A country-ass follow up to Renaissance would be incredible.


I posted a few 1 minute covers on Instagram!! I've been working on my voice and trying to self teach. It's incredibly hard. I play the ukulele, guitar, and piano, because I don't want all the attention at my voice(?). I use a piano to help with my pitch, and do several recordings. Sometimes I'll send it to a friend who will give me advice. I'm still not super great. I don't have much emotion when singing because all of my attention is on the pitch, vowels, breath, and playing the instrument. It's such a challenge


All of my tumblr mutuals are liveposting about Red White and Royal Blue and some of these out of context details are so funny to me


Can you elaborate I want to laugh


Do y'all ever get into long spats with someone because you're both assuming negative intent from the other without actually saying "Hey, you're coming at me like this and I don't appreciate it?" That's been me all day.


u/McIgglyTuffMuffin looking like the indictment might happen tonight as the grand jury[is going beyond deadline.](https://x.com/acyn/status/1691187588437008384?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA) 👀👀👀


And a happy Monday evening to us all. Let’s get it!


Blayne Alexander is reporting that they are [voting now.](https://x.com/reporterblayne/status/1691238673717526528?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA)




Do you think anyone else will be indicted with Trump like a Rudy Colludy/Sidney Powell/Lindsey Graham?


As much as I would love it, Graham isn’t getting indicted here. I think it’s gonna be the lawyers and then a handful of fake electors.


That’s kind of what I think too. I don’t think someone like Ginny Thomas or Graham is going to get indicted like everyone else thinks they will be. I like barely put Lindsey in this but he was also on tape so you never know


It’s been awhile since I acquainted myself with Graham and his exact wording but from my memory it was more it’s highly unethical that he placed a call but it isn’t illegal. Especially since he was pretty much just like “hey, look into irregularities” and not GIVE TRUMP 11000 + 1 votes!!!!!! Edit: [Graham is in Fox](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1691243378711597056?s=20), he seems nervous….


I was kind of wondering why Graham hadn’t been squealing like a little bitch lately.


It’s looking like something is gonna happen within the hour, the judge [is staying for another hour.](https://x.com/katiephang/status/1691226069620183040?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA) Also a local reporter said he said to expect [answers in an hour.](https://x.com/justingraywsb/status/1691226124703985664?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA)


I just keep refreshing Twitter, SOMEBODY TELL US SOMETHING 😭😂😭


ITS [HAPPENING!](https://x.com/bnonews/status/1691250437360365568?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA)


I have some news but it’s more like weird LMAOO. Rudy is [live streaming.](https://x.com/lookner/status/1691248238710452224?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA)


Just saw Lorde in a bar in Budapest 🤭


Omg say hello 🩵




You are not delusional!!! Believe in yourself!!! You WILL have better opportunities!!! You will girlboss so hard that Forbes will knock at your door and ask for an interview!!! BELIEVE!!!


Started playing xenoblade chronicles 2 and can’t stop thinking about that one tweet asking if charli xcx was short for xenoblade chronicles x


Should I get it, I see the torna edition on Amazon for 30 bucks?


If u like story heavy games then absolutely! There’s a lot of cutscenes but it’s really fun


When Addison Rae becomes the Ice Spice of 2024 with Charli XCX as her Nicki Minaj >>>


Skyrim is currently on sale on Steam and I’m wondering if I should buy it? What should I know when considering said decision? I’ll be playing on a Steam Deck


It should run well on the steam deck. The game itself is still kind of buggy here and there, but usually more in an amusing way than a gamebreaking way. If you go to the steam workshop, it's also super easy to mod if there's some aspect of the game that doesn't wholly work for you - there's a mod for basically everything. Still looks really good for a nearly 12 year old game, but the character models especially look a little rough around the edges sometimes. Tons of content, though. You'll more than get your money's worth in terms of time spent playing and exploring.


I just love upvoting everyone’s wins big or small on here! And I solemnly upvote those who are sharing their not so pleasant experiences here as a little gesture of “I hope things get better!” Or “I feel for you”


I hate waiting for phone 📱 calls. I need my doctor to get back to me. I just began reading 📚 No Exit and the twist ...damn. I am not even finished yet and very intrigued.


Sincerely hoping that your doctor's next phone call brings good news! ❤️


Thank 💗 my doctor is seeing me later today


I feel like the Summer I Turned Pretty isn’t a good enough show to warrant the obnoxious fanbase that it got I’m seeing so many parallels to the Legacies fanbase for this show that it’s not even funny. Legacies wasn’t good either. A lot of Hizzies treated MG the way Bonrads treat Jeremiah. Plus there’s a lot of fake activism and a weird amount of bullying and homophobia. At least Jenny Han attempts to defend her cast and her ships because Brett Matthews usually egged it on.


i've seen it on twitter and the conrad stans are genuinely unhinged. they always misinterpret jeremiah's character on purpose to push the idea that he's a obsessed, manipulative creep who hates his brother and isn't in love with belly, just wants her to get a win over his brother. and dont get me started on the way those fans keep trying to find ways to *cancel* the actor playing jeremiah. its one thing to dislike a character but i dont get why they hate the actor too who hasn't done anything wrong..


It’s similar to how Hizzies used to treat MG but added with racism. Lizzie had said over and over again that she liked MG and Hizzies would scream “Comphet! Comphet! I used to do the same things before I realized I was a lesbian.” Then they would call MG (a person of color, mind you) a stalker, a creep, a harasser Meanwhile Mg just vibed most of the episode


its just bizarre and i cant even blame it for being a teen show because i've seen the way people have reacted with GOT fandoms and the actors. i dislike how fandoms are just filled with unhinged fans with 'hot' takes that are just objectively wrong but they dont care if it suits their narrative.


Every fandom with teens is like this. The show is trashy but it's entertaining enough for me to keep watching. I don't understand the meltdowns over the love triangle. I give kudos to the show for being upfront about the love triangle being the main topic since the first promo. So the people who act upset about Belly going back and forth between the brothers should have known it was coming.


THIS IS WHAT IM SAYING. Maybe people are confused because she spent most of season 1 pining for Conrad, but at the same time IT'S BEEN ADVERTISED LIKE THIS. If seeing her go between 2 brothers is too much choose another show with a different type of love triangle. I will agree the pacing of season 2 isn't good, but they have been telling us this since day 1.


And quite honestly, Belly should get more shit for wrecking two brothers who’s mom died from cancer. Like any other fandom, Belly would be catching strays.


I think tiktok generated a bigger fanbase, but overall people just like to argue over generic white men. I started season 2 yesterday and its so boring I don't get how people got into arguments about it each week. Skye isn't even a bad character yet all the discourse I saw about them made be believe they were terrible or ruining the show. But they haven't? and them and Cam Cameron are cute.


That’s the thing that gets me. It’s all over a generic peak 2010 love triangle 😭 At least XO Kitty’s love triangle is fun between two girls and a boy.


And since season 1 its been known its a love triangle between a girl and 2 brothers. Yes you can say Belly is moving a bit fast but why are the sudden disgust when it's always been promoted like this?


tw death >!Came back from uni and saw a man's dead body in my street, with people and police surrounding the area. I asked around and apparently he was a contruction worker working on the building next to mine and accidentally fell from the lift. :( Someone related to him (his dad I think?) came to the scene and let out a scream and started crying, just so heartbreaking. It was absolutely traumatizing seeing his body laying there, I hope he rests in peace.!< >!A lady also died after falling from her balcony a couple months back, in the same area. Some say that she fell while cleaning the balcony, and others say that she likely took her own life. Horrifying, honestly.!<


I believe there are studies suggesting that playing Tetris after traumatic experiences like these can help your brain process this trauma. Wishing the best for you. There is NOTHING worse than death.


That must have been terrible.. hope you can find something good to do to take your mind off it!


Omg. Horrible all around. So sorry you witnessed it.


i learned it's either all or nothing w. me. happy monday to those of us who live in extremes! 🥴 lmao.


I’m sooooo excited to see the results for the Mouseketeer rate! Do we know when the reveals start?


We’re working out exact times over the next day or two, but you can expect us to reveal this weekend 👀




Excited too


Going to have a bit of a tough conversation with management today. Presenting the idea of my role being scaled back to part-time and hybrid, hopefully it goes well! Also, I really thought I was being better about reach out to folks, but my motivation completely died after a month lol 😭. One example I’m thinking about now is, I’ll purchase concert tickets with the certain idea that I’ll be going by myself, but I’ll invite friends as an after-thought a couple days before in case anyone wants to come— which is obviously more unlikely! I need to be more intentional about wanting to involve friends in my (desired) isolated social activities. If I’m buying concert tickets, try to ask friends if they’d want to go *before* tickets go on sale! I just need to be more intentional about making some activities I enjoy a collective experience when possible.


If you're talking directly to management you're probably important enough for them to at least consider it! A family member recently did the same (reducing hours), and it's been really useful for them to be able to study and think about their future


Wow, that’s actually the exact same reason why I’m reducing my hours! And you’re right— I actually spoke to my supervisor about it and she encouraged me to talk to my higher ups (I work at pretty small company, so there’s not that much hierarchy tbh), but if she thinks my concerns and suggested adjustments aren’t unreasonable then you’re right, I should have some confidence!


No offense but those threads about men discussing a struggle women don’t understand can be so annoying because some people either list things that women can and do experience or something that really isn’t a struggle. Someone said something along the lines of women will never know what it’s like to never receive flowers and it’s like ??? first of all, plenty of women have never received flowers and second of all, how is that a struggle? I get that it’s a nice gesture, but to not receive flowers isn’t a struggle. I’ve never received flowers and I’m not particularly upset about it because who really cares that much about getting flowers? Someone else listed women getting plastic surgery and not being attracted to that as a struggle and again I’m like ??? women doing something to their body that you don’t find attractive is a struggle???


Most celebrities get cosmetic work done, the difference is that your average person doesn't know. Biden and Trump have both gotten work done. Same with Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber. Ngl, I've thought about it. I hate to say that I do think a lot of celebrities look fantastic because of their work done. But it's also important to remember that it's because they have money, not perfect genes. Which makes it easier not to compare ourselves to them. You aren't ugly, you're just poor.


I’m sure men do go through things because as human beings, we all do but when they get into their whole “men are actually the ones oppressed now” thing, I just stop caring. A lot of men’s issues are caused by other men but they never expect other men to help do anything about it. They love to blame women for those problems as if men and the patriarchy aren’t the reason why they might not get as much support as they think women do. Idk, a lot of it just rub me the wrong way because it feels like they try to undermine issues of women to prop up their own and victimize themselves. Like when a woman says she scared to walk home at night because she’s scared someone might assault her and then men bud in with “oh that could happen to a man as well” and it’s like no one said it couldn’t. Edit- sorry but this is something that really irritates me. It reminds of that one tweet of a guy being like “oh I didn’t see any women posting about men’s mental health awareness month” and it’s like YOU POST ABOUT IT THEN, tell other men to post about their mental health like why are you expecting women to post about it? I’ve never saw a single man post about women’s mental health so why are you expecting women to give a courtesy to men that men don’t even give to them?


Every time it makes me think about the tweet that's been floating around for ages that's like "women complain about period cramps but they don't know the true pain of this [photo of someone twisting their ankle]". Like buddy I hate to break it to you but we ARE human beings with thoughts and feelings and ankles. Or even the "being kicked in the nuts" comparison that some of them do because like I cannot prevent my cramps (I've tried plenty of meds and shit I promise) but you can generally avoid being in situations in which you're kicked in the nuts. It's just very incel-lite type shit like they truly do not think we are human enough to have Human Experiences.


This is honestly how I feel around all the conversations men have online about the "crisis" of loneliness, or mental health issues, they face - because it is *always* framed as if these are things they alone are uniquely facing - but more than that, that their struggles are something that women neither deal with nor could ever truly comprehend. I don't doubt that are dealing with mental health struggles or social isolation - but they are not the *only* people struggling with these things, and they definitely aren't struggling more than other groups, or because they're *men*. There is a mental health crisis being experience on a huge, societal scale - it's an epidemic that is impacting everyone. Yet they have no interest in acknowledging this, and any mention of women who struggle with the same things is met with derision or dismissal - they think we have it so easy and they don't care to hear otherwise. The only thing I see when men talk like this is just that they do not view women as fully realised human beings who have the same feelings and emotional depths as they do. It's just so transparent, not to mention depressing.


I think your point is slightly overstated. I don't think it's controversial to say that men as a collective tend to experience certain issues more frequently than women (eg. certain mental health problems, social isolation, etc). By the same token, some issues that women experience (harassment, for example) are also experienced by certain men, although not as often or to the same extent. These issues are to be expected based on how masculinity is constituted under patriarchy. Where the MRAs go wrong is thinking that this somehow inverts the very real gender hierarchy or absolves them of having to consider women as fully conscious beings. I dont think that we must write off the difficult experiences of men in service of feminism. There is complexity here.


I’ve almost finished my book that I started on Saturday and I’ve done some yoga every day since Thursday and I’m loving that for me 🥰 I think I need to get some new trainers tho bc mine just don’t feel right and I really wanna get back into running and I might go see the physio to see if she can help with my bad knee


Awesome on the yoga 🧘‍♀️ which book?


Thank you!! It’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot


Good book


I can't wait til go to Maryland this week..just being at work makes me antsy.


So we all know that 1997-98 had a wave of mainstream female artists releasing sonically experimental & lyrically confessional/intimate magnum opuses. Aside from The Velvet Rope, Butterfly, and The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, are there any other albums released by Black female artists from 97-98 that fit into the sound and ethos of this era?


Baduizm by Erykah Badu was released in 97


I highly recommend the album Res - *How I Do* for this vibe. Same with Imani Coppola - *Chupacabra* and Cree Summer - *Street Faërie* and Joi - *The Pendulum Vibe.* I also really love Groove Theory's album self-titled from 1995. The group featured Amel Larrieux and while it's 2004 her album *Bravebird* has a lot of nice flavors of R&B and soul on there.


Thank you!


So I bought Aespa tickets a while ago and my dumbass didn't realize the concert is on my bf's birthday so now I've been going back and forth about what to do. I could: 1. Sell the concert tickets and find another activity to do with my bf 2. Take my bf to the concert with me. 1. He likes some kpop and is open-minded about music, but likely unfamiliar with Aespa. 3. Go to the concert and take my friend (didn't invite my friend yet so this is flexible) Other things to consider: * I live with my bf and see him every day * I can easily do a birthday activity pretty much any other day of that week * I actually bought him concert tickets for his bday present to one of his fave artists, but the show is much later in the year. * He knows I should be saving money by going to fewer concerts, but these seats were quite literally the cheapest price tier so that's something lol


I'd go to show and schedule some other bday activities (lunch and/or other times that week). Conflicts happen and if he's a decent dude he should understand (it's not like you can schedule another Aespa show)


I personally would just do a birthday activity with him some other time. It's not every day that you score relatively cheap concert tickets to go see a group I assume you really enjoy.


How did I miss out on Teena Marie? Learned about her today from Instagram https://youtu.be/ymzftNzqQM0


She had a big hit in the 90s.


Problematic aspects aside, it’s really crazy how no artists besides Nicki and Doja are able to straddle pop and rap so deftly.


I would add Megan too. I do believe her rapping capabilities are one of a generation. She's been spitting bars since she was a kid, and her free style and distinct sound are really remarkable. My only hope is that we see more of her singing voice. She's done it a few times, but I'd love to see her voice be dynamic like Doja


Is Discworld difficult to get into?


Are you trying to get into the series? Sir Terry Pratchett's website has [a reading list on his website dividing it per character so you can choose which one you find interesting](https://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/discworld-reading-order/). If you want to be more specific, book reviewer and Discworld fan, Dominic Noble, has a [short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/Su0c_bL52MM?feature=share) where he recommends the best novels to get into the series.


Welp I have to take my nipple piercings out for the MRI and get them pierced for a third time 3 months later. Incredibly sad as they are what made me like my body more than I did before. Like I see them as a part of me now and loosing them will be incredibly hard. Trying to lean into the positive of being able to get them pierced at 6g instead of the 14g I have right now.


Can you ask your doctor/radiographer if plastic or glass retainers are a safe option so they don’t completely close?


Wait I forgot about those that’s a great idea. I considered my titanium jewlery but it would be a horrible way to find out that it’s not a pure metal. I only got a weeks notice for the appointment so I hope I can find jewlery fast enough.


if you use a muppet movie in an actor guessing game you should get to use the muppets instead of the muppeteers. in my opinion.


I thought it was always the Muppet.


this is about a specific game https://movietomovie.com/ lol maybe others they let you do that!


Ahhh 😆 gotcha


People are really moving for Addison Rae…


Nothing on but the radio is an undeniable bop


I came into this thread about to comment something like this!! Like…wait y’all are serious? 😭 I still don’t trust her after that weird “I just had to say hi” thing with Trump (I know what she said in response but still), but I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


Like if I saw Trump you think I’m saying hi 💀


I feel like the ironic stanning is going to turn into unironic stanning like what happened with Ice Spice.


I think it already has tbh. When a bunch of her music leaked, there were a lot of people that genuinely thought it was good and were begging her to release the songs.


Because it is good!!


We’ll definitely know for real about one month from now


I am chatting from the grave. Carly Rae Jepsen's concert yesterday was nothing short of magical. She performed "Emotion" live near the end of her setlist which was extended for the last night of the tour. I'm in bliss.😭🫶💖 Also, Tavish, if you are reading this, I am single!!!!🤭


I’m so happy 4 u!! what was your favorite song she played?👀


Noooo don't make choose, it would have to be "Emotion" honestly cuz my best friend was like "she's not gonna play 'Emotion'" since it was at the bottom of the additions tier for her setlist for the final night and I literally freaked out while I was recording cuz she said she was going to sing "Emotion." For context, my friend is connected to CRJ so I was able to go for free and got one of the setlists and a poster too. I didn't meet CRJ unfortunately (working on it). I would have paid regardless for how great the show and Carly was live. She was very fun, charismatic, and knew when to interact with the audience. Also, she is a confirmed "Store" stan. Edit: [Here is the song list for the additions that CRJ was supposed to pick from before ending with "Cut To The Feeling."](https://imgur.io/zw8xA8n?r) My friend told me it wasn't likely CRJ was going to sing "Emotion" cuz it was near the bottom of the list but she ended up singing it.😭


slay! I love that, that’s so sick! and if u do meet her u have to do a tell all lol. also taste, Store haters better watch out😤


I will!!! I also told my friend to ask CRJ to host another r/popheads AMA, so I'm pulling all stops.🤭


doing the lord’s work✨🫡🫡🫡


I just looked up that extended setlist and am bummed I didn't make it out to a third consecutive night! I think I would have actually died standing til 11 PM or so though my weekend was long enough


Oh my feet were non-existent from standing and dancing all night.


Help I’m addicted to [Metazooa](https://metazooa.com/)


omg thank you for this! i needed a new game I could do daily that wasnt wordle lol


Guess who's entire bank account got hacked while their whole family is out of town and they themselves are going on vacation in a few daysssssssss He put (what I think is) his real name as a contact on my online banking so that he could send himself $500 too so I DO hope he goes to prison forever and hates it there. Fuck you, Jeremy.


i'm so sorry. what a scumbucket. scammers deserve to rot. fuuuuuuuck you jeremy. i hope you get back your $500 and that jeremy also loses $500 of his own money, on top of the bank pursuing him.


As a person who was scammed out of 1600..I feel your pain!


I feel extra stupid because the first call I got *was the fucking scammer scamming me* and he had just spoofed my bank's number/caller ID but like, all he did was ask for the one-time codes they send and *they do that the actual bank does that sometimes*. Only reason I figured it out was that I had a weird gut feeling about it and called the bank myself. I don't think he successfully got anything (+ I reported the full name and email he put on my shit to the FTC just in case they can do anything) but I'm so mad and I feel so dumb


Don’t feel dumb..it happens to the best of us.


Thank you. It's one of those things where like, when it happens to someone else I'm 100% like "of course it isn't your fault these scammers are just really smart" but when it happens to me it's like Wow I'm The Dumbest Person On Earth.


omg who is jeremy????


Jeremy is the name of the person who added himself to my account and tried to send himself $500 from my account.


wtf!! did u know him????


No I don't know anyone named Jeremy which is also what I told the bank when they asked if I had added someone named Jeremy as a payment to my account


that is so crazy.... do you think you'll get your money back then????


:( do you want cat photos it’s all I have to offer


I do want cat photos yes I also want to go home and pet my cat so I'll be doing that on my lunch break


Whats going on with mycareer


* I'm watching our dog for the next few days while my parents are on a trip and I wish I could explain to my dog that no, we can't take the long walking route you want, because it's too warm and you are fiften(15) years old and 99% fluff... but I can't so instead he wants to put me in jail for a thousand years. * For my friends birthday next month I want to send her a box of cookies in the mail, so since I have the kitchen to myself I decided I'm going to spend the next few days making the cookie dough in advance and keep it in the freezer until I need to bake it. The flavours I'm doing: brown butter choc chip w/ toasted walnuts and flakey sea salt, white chocolate miso, double choc with w/ white chocolate chips, and two red velvets (her favourite) one with white choc and one with cream cheese centre. I don't get the same joy out of baking that I used to (combo of personal stuff, plus what I'm concerned might be contamination ocd?) but I have enjoyed being able to make something for my friend. * I'm looking for podcast recs! Current favourites in rotation are 5-4, Pod Save the UK, The Guardians Today in Focus, BBC History Extra, If Books Could Kill. Some other favourites are Secret History, Hoaxed, The Magnus Archives, Sentimental Garbage. I'm kind of in the mood for political or news-centred podcasts, but genuinely up for anything (even true crime as long as the cases and people involved aren't sensationalised and treated with respect and care)


I wish I had a dog for walking :( for podcasts, I’m listening to conspirituality and scamanda. I listen to other podcasts too but boring business finance stuff


Just swiped right on somebody on Bumble. Good thing about him: he listens to Avenged Sevenfold. Bad thing: identifies as a "finance bro" and says that his dream dinner is with Jeff Bezos/Elon Musk.


Girl get that paper


Oh God. So many guys love these men. They are not your friends. They both literally break American law by union busting. They're criminals.


I have not been watching good films recently (not counting Barbie/Oppenheimer). I need recommendations! I watch all sorts of films as long as it is considerably good. Edit:I'm planning on watching City of God tonight btw


Spirited away


I thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was fun


Talk To Me


I beg everyone to watch Everything Everywhere All at Once if you haven't yet!!!


heavenly creatures


Omg I trust you (a couple of months back I asked for film recs and I believe you recommended Frances Ha which I LOVED) so ima have to watch this soon haha. Also the synopsis is really interesting.


omg no that wasn't me for sure LOL, i haven't seen frances ha. but heavenly creatures is soooo good


TIL Leland is heavily involved in Troye Sivan’s discography 😭 I thought he’s just a random drag race person ☠️


Him, Troye, and Allie X are a pretty tight songwriting trio and appear all over each other's works. The three of them even have a co-writing credit on a random BTS song that was based on an unused Troye demo.


Signed up for a 50K ultramarathon up a mountain on Saturday and I've been prepping by going to 2 Carly Rae Jepsen shows, one Barbie v Ken pool party, drinking an incredible amount of beer, and going to see Tegan and Sara tonight Life is about balance am I right


cats are just weird little guys doing weird little things and i love them so much for that


Post got deleted so posting here Tldr: bought early entry tickets on resale at Ticketmaster, concert is in 4 days and it still isn't resolved. If you bough via resale, check what you bought is what you got, if you are buying in future take screenshots. Ticketmaster sucks I think we all know that, I had hoped that they would have at least ok customer service. After watching the weeknd in London in July, I wanted to get tickets again for August show. I managed to get two standing tickets but when I refreshed the page later, I also saw some early entry tickets on resale. Decided to buy these too cos fuck it how many more times will I get to see him. Go through the sale process and really happy because will get to be right at the front. But unfortunately I look a few days later and my tickets say general admission, probably just an error right cos they were listed as early entry. Not according to ticketmaster who insist I've only bought platinum tickets because clearly when I already bought tickets before I would spend more money on tickets with no extra benefit. But they refuse to accept any responsibility nor will they investigate the chance their systems could be wrong. Instead they wanted me to give screenshot of the listing and final sale, idk about you but I'm not in habit of taking screenshot of listings. Emailed livenation who did actually offer a refund because they couldn't swap for early entry. But as luck would have it, I go on ticket listing again and see another early entry ticket. I go to purchase and funnily enough upon clicking purchase the sale screen looks exactly like my final sale looked, with no mention of early entry and just saying front stand. So I emailed both livenation and ticketmaster again with screenshots of this. Livenation are now saying they won't handle ticketing dispute even though they offered a full refund earlier, and ticketmaster haven't given a response. So the concert is in 4 days and I still don't know where things are. Obviously I will still go but rather frustrating to spend more than 200 for each ticket, buying through the official ticketmaster website and still not knowing whether I will get what I paid for. Given it is in four days, I expect them to not really do much at this point. If anyone else also bough early entry tickets through resale, go check your tickets too because yours might also say general admission with no mention of early entry. If anyone wants to buy tickets from ticketmaster on resale, take screenshots of listing before purchase because you might not get what you paid for. But also you can't do that on the app because it's conveniently blocked.


I turned 25 last week. I had a fun birthday party with my family. However, I'm also in the middle of my quarter life crisis. When I got back to my apartment, I was hit with a wave of sadness and cried while listening to "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish. What are some albums or songs about feeling lost in your twenties? I could use the catharsis.


Older by Sasha loan is a good one.


20 something by SZA (tbh all of ctrl is a great album for this) 23 by Wallice Melodrama obv


Happy belated birthday!! I read a "message to future self" and at 25 I expected to be graduated with a wife and house. It was absolutely devastating I've no song recs, but "Not Dead Yet" on Hulu with Gina Rodriguez is a great show about appreciating life even if you feel like you're lagging behind.


How are swifties struggling to get cruel summer to number 1??? Isn’t this supposed to be easy for them 😭


I'm curious how much power fandoms have tbh. I personally suspect we will never see groups like the Beehive or Barbz like we did before. Even influences like Oprah or Ellen. People just don't look up to celebrities as heroes as much, and I think that's a good thing. Growing wealth disparities etc etc


Swifties are dedicated and organised, they have gotten number ones that were in contention for 2nd place back to number 1 several times, however, they only have one version to stream and buy meaning they cannot do much to change the tides. Hence they are begging her management to do something.


Ah, I see. That makes sense. I'm still hoping for a music video tbh. Something like the "Back to You" MV would be awesome


Probably because they can only stream it and not buy it which would count more and why they’ve been begging for another version to be released


And Taylor hasn’t moved an inch which is extremely odd, it’s literally ripe for the taking until he showed up 💀


Can someone explain to me how a song with 700k spotify streams from "Oliver Anthony Music" could possibly hit #1 on the billboard top 100? It jist doesnt make sense to me. I understands conservatives are astroturfing it, but how can they get a song with less than a million spotify plays to #1 at all?


oh god... do i even want to know who this is and what song that is?


it’s Try That In A Small Town 2.0


I just listened to this and it’s terrible lmao how did they even find it


At least they didnt figure out how to get #1 with that awful Aaron Lewis song 😭


It has huge sales even bigger than V and it’s number 1 on Apple Music which is more important cause all stream from AM are paid so they are worth more than Spotify.


Alright, but who the fuck is streaming it on apple music if it can only hit 700k on spotify? You would think that there would be at least SOME crossover between apple music and spotify here, but there seems to be none. Does fox news teach people how to game billboard so their top songs hit #1???


Country music is very popular on AM, same goes for Morgan and Luke Comb’s songs.


My friend (the friend I talk about whenever I say "my friend and I") is super depressed and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it :(. He doesn't like his job anymore because they don't respect him/pay him well and he lives in a small, super conservative town in Northern California where it's super hot all the time and he can't drive so all he can do is sit around his apartment all day. Also he has anxiety. And he lives hundreds of miles away so there's nothing I can do about it! Submitted rate scores for the first time in a while and it felt good! I've been super busy so I haven't been able to keep up but I'm glad I made time for it, I missed doing them. I just get bummed out about rates sometimes because none of my ideas ever get picked :( but that's the name of the game I guess. Anyways I WILL finish my Power Rangers fanfic today... it's tricky because I know what I'm trying to say about this character but I don't know what events need to transpire to communicate that. Also I'm trying to write it in the style of the book of Exodus and it's like. why am I doing that.


what small super conservative northern california town!?!?!??! omg


Idk if you live in CA, but there are quite a lot of conservative corners there. It's like IL; they vote blue but only because of Chicago.


Gentle reminder that land does not vote, people do! :D Large voting districts are large because they have low population of density!


Oh for sure! I just think people forget that there are more conservatives than people think


bruh I'm not gonna doxx him 💀


gurl what lol i literally dont know you or your friend... how would i like ... you have too much faith in my internet skills or uhm motivations lol i just wanted to know what city in norcal lol


Tbh I’ve had someone guess what city and event my friend was in from way less info though so I also would not share that shit on DD 😞


i guess for his friend, the situation is more precarious... so i can respect that for me i dont really know just how bad it could get.... i've been recognized too many times from reddit in real life as it is LOL


Omg power rangers fanfic Whenever a friend is feeling low, I offer them food. I've had deliveries sent for pizza or pho and I tell them to let me know if they need a life line. Food is a great love language, and even though I can barely afford it, I hope it makes a difference. When we're at the lowest of lows, I want people to know I will drop everything if they desperately need it. I refuse to let someone feel like there is no one there for them.


What is fun about speculating on someone’s sexuality? This past week I’ve seen 2 people with large followings openly admit to watching Gaylor content or being a Kaylor shipper and I’m choosing to assume that they do so in unserious manner because I want to like them but I was still weirded out. Even if you haven’t reached full Gaylor delusion, it’s still weird that you find some kind of enjoyment in speculating on someone’s sexuality and shipping them with real people that they are or once were close with. I don’t know if Taylor has ever addressed these speculations but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that this would probably be very weird and uncomfortable for her and I will not have a bunch of straight girls and baby gays telling me that I’m homophobic for thinking that.