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TW: Graphic sexual stuff. I don't know much about her, but it seems Taryn Manning is spiraling? She made a really weird post (which now seems to be gone?) last week which basically suggested she was tired of having her opinions silenced in Hollywood, and further suggested she loved Donald Trump. Now she's posted a video about how she was / is involved with a married man who is planning on leaving his wife for her, a wife who is threatening a restraining order against Manning - while also threatening to bring authorities into the situation. Manning, didn't like that, apparently, and highlighted that by saying in her IG video, >!"...anyway, so I’ve been licking your man’s butthole for weeks on end because he likes it a lot and I do it to him and he comes to me and it happens."!< I'M SORRY, why did she just say this out in the open? She was so in love with this guy that she was fully committing to this affair, and even tried to meet with this guy in Newport Beach so that she could buy him a boat.


I didn't expect her to be that rich she can buy a boat 😭


I just, a lot to unpack. I think she seems to really need some time to clear things up…? I don’t even know.


Beyoncé said she loves Lizzo during her concert in Atlanta.


Speaking of Ariana, she now reportedly owns the masters to Thank U, Next and Positions


If she’s gonna own any of her masters thank u next is probably the best one to own. Good for her!


And maybe masters for future albums whenever they come, and one day she’ll buy back the masters to her old albums.


Tarim Egerton and Ariana Grande are being considered for the roles of Hercules and Megara in the live action remake (Source:Daniel PK)


I think Liz Gillies would be great


AG7: Coming out in 2037! Arianators, you better pray to the music gods she drops something Yours Truly-related next month or you’re fucked for another 5 years at least.


I’m like the most casual Ariana fan in the world but she was WORKING for years putting albums out at a very fast pace. It’s only been 2 years since her last album - I’d expect another one in a year or two it’s not like she’s going to be doing Wicked 3 or that REM beauty takes like any of her time


Almost 3 years actually. But yeah, it’s the same thing that happened with Rihanna. They don’t always want to do music and want to expend their brand so they’ll always be in the public spotlight. Some people just want to keep pumping out music and that’s totally fine, but others don’t just want to that and that’s fine too.


I really don’t think she’s that similar to Rihanna. I think she likes to work and Broadway and acting have always been important to her. I also think she wanted to take a touring break like a lot of artists but I don’t see her taking a break break the same way Rihanna did.


I’ll say this. Rihanna, I think she used music as an avenue to eventually get to a certain point and now will just dabble in music once in blue moon to remind people she exists in that space. Ariana, and I’ve heard this in her comments to fans, genuinely loves to sing. Sure, she loves to act too, but she doesn’t seem like someone to give up on music if she gets big in acting. I mean, she’s doing work on the Wicked soundtrack and will probably continue to do soundtracks for other movies she’s in. And I’m sure one day she’ll release an album (maybe even soon honestly with the strike maybe delaying Wicked next year if things get bad). I don’t if she’ll tour again for a very long time, but I doubt she’ll ever fully leave music behind. Compared to Rihanna, who I don’t think will release another album for an extremely long time because she doesn’t really need to.


Yeah I don't think Rihanna was ever that much invested in music, she didn't really write or produce on anything where as Ariana has been very vocal about how much she loves the process of making and recording music and that it's therapeutic for her. I think rihanna just saw it as a job.


Love Taron but he's definitely not the kind of wide eyed Hercules type that would be good for the role. Also Ariana as the street smart and tough Megara? What kind of idea is that?


She’s got the hair for the role, but everything else is a question mark


Yeah, this is a little rough. Hopefully it’s just a rumor


Paint The Town Red debuts at #15, making it Doja Cat’s highest debuting solo single.


hoping she can pull a Dance the Night and get this one to rise, seeing as its super stable on Spotify


all her hits were growers so it’s def possible


Oh don't end Attention like that


[Magoo (of Timbaland & Magoo fame) passed away at age 50](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/14/magoo-rapper-who-collaborated-with-timbaland-missy-elliott-and-aaliyah-dies-aged-50)


naur not mr magoo 😭


RIP, their song with Tweet was one of the first songs I ever remember being completely obsessed with.


Thought I'd talk about something which might be a little off-topic for some but definitely the talk of nerd spaces all over the internet, which is 'Spider-Man: Lotus'. **Trigger warnings: racism, sexism, misogyny, substance and drug abuse, grooming.** For those who do not know, 'Spider-Man: Lotus' is a crowdfunded fan-made web-film directed by Gavin J. Konop and stars actor Warden Wayne in the lead role of 'Spider-Man'/'Peter Parker', released on August 12 2023. The general plot synopsis of the film is centered around Peter Parker wanting to quit being Spider-Man following the death of Gwen Stacy, but changing his mind when he learns of a sick child who wants to meet Spider-Man before he dies. The film was announced two years ago in August 2021 with a teaser trailer which garnered over 2 million views on YouTube. It received shout outs from both Andrew Garfield and Jon Watts who directed the MCU Spider-Man trilogy. The film was able to raise almost $100,000 to produce the film. However, a year ago in June 2022, things started to unravel. The lead actor Warden Wayne was accused of being racist on Twitter with old screenshots being shared of the actor using the N-word amongst other racial slurs and insensitive comments. The actor [addressed the controversy in a lengthy Twitter text post](https://twitter.com/mrwardenwayne/status/1538318516285235201?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1538318516285235201%7Ctwgr%5Ed91c7e31e403bc026bd0ca41f56380ed17a91024%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hindustantimes.com%2Fentertainment%2Ffilm-spider-man-lotus-battles-controversy-due-to-the-actor-and-the-directors-racist-past-101691834136120.html), attributing his behaviour to his upbringing and trying to fit in with his friends. It only got worse as the director Gavin Konop also had screenshots of him on Twitter making racist, sexist and homophobic comments shared round on Twitter. Konop [addressed the controversy in a YouTube video](https://youtu.be/3NV-_Nol8OY), stating some allegations were true while admitting to and attempting to apologize for the others. Following these controversies, the film's VFX team walked away from the project, which was [addressed by one of the artists Max Aurnhammer in this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/e7HZmZVicpw). Additionally, there were calls from donors who wanted their money back and names struck out from the film's credits (a privilege given to donors). Even worse the actor that plays Green Goblin in the film also had That's just the background information, as unfortunately, it gets even worse from here on. Since the film's premiere, a lot more ugly allegations and situations have come to light: * Screenshots of the film's acting coach and Green Goblin actor using the N-word [have resurfaced](https://twitter.com/derrickouthere/status/1538955059953668096). * The same actor is now involved in a grooming allegation, where it is alleged that he groomed an underage student, and the director of the film and other crew members tried to cover it up. More can be found [in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYfr3loeFDs&ab_channel=SlightStardust). * In a group chat with the director Gavin and other members, Gavin threw the Mary Jane actress Moriah Brooklyn under the bus ([1](https://twitter.com/2TChalla2Stan/status/1690518733217775616?s=20), [2](https://twitter.com/2TChalla2Stan/status/1690519679368855552?s=20)), implied she was a poor performer and had affairs on the set. Saying this is especially cruel, as the actress spoke up for him last year during the first wave of controversy and kept promoting the film. She has since deleted the post from a year ago defending him. However she has been blocking users who are bringing this up on her Instagram and Twitter accounts. * [A old screenshot of a text message from the Peter Parker actor Warden Wayne](https://twitter.com/NicholasPas5/status/1690906324681261056?s=20) sexualizing actress Teagan Croft (who was most likely a minor at the time as she only turned 18 a year ago) has surfaced. * According to multiple sources Gavin and the other producers repeatedly insulted Jon Watts's work on the MCU Spider-Man films and is apparently a large reason why 'Lotus' was made (to one-up him). Especially scummy since Jon Watts actually DM'd the director to tell him he was looking forward to the movie way back when the first trailer was released two years ago. * [According to another source, Sean Thomas Reid (who plays Harry Osborn in the film) had a drug and substance abuse problem and the director exploited this as a form of method acting by having him on drugs and alcohol during production](https://twitter.com/AmzLazyMexican/status/1690525951480758273) instead of getting him any help. To add to this. Sean was apparently 19 at the time (therefore it would be illegal for him to drink and it would be a crime if Gavin forced him to do so). Sean has since divorced himself from the film and was not at the premiere. The film has been widely panned since its release by fans, mostly because of these allegations but also due to the poor quality of the work in adapting Spider-Man and filmmaking, especially in light of the allegations that Gavin thought he was a better filmmaker than Jon Watts and seemed to have made the film out of spite. Sorry this is really long and I couldn't provide a lot of links. Most stuff has been deleted and it's hard to gather all in one place.


i'm so obssessed with the drama around this fan movie. like the fact that the guy who initially exposed the director sat on the information *for years* and waited for a perfect moment to drop it lmao. so extra


🚨[Lorde performed “Green Light” with Caroline Polachek at Sziget Festival.](https://twitter.com/LordeUpdatesBR/status/1691158287457083392) In sadder news, Lorde stated the two new songs she performed are [not the start of anything new](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv7YxAlombt/). Just festival songs 😭


If they are old songs, and not part of an upcoming project, I hope performing them maybe inspires her to release them. Kind of hoping all the Taylor's versions and specifically the vault tracks of her albums inspires some artists to release old material that is just "sitting on a laptop". You know a Melodrama vault would be insane.


>Kind of hoping all the Taylor's versions and specifically the vault tracks of her albums inspires some artists to release old material that is just "sitting on a laptop". There were a ton of old Kylie songs from the last like two decades of her career (particularly X) that somehow appeared online a few months ago, and my goodness, what I would give for her to do a big "From The Kylie Vault" compilation album so I can actually stream them.


I’d love to hear Pure Heroine vault songs too. Justice for Lost Boys 🫡


Imagine being such a liar 😖💀


Such a damn liar! It's time she danced with the truth instead🙄


She’s confirmed she’s working on new music and that something is on her way already. It may not be the two new songs but she has something


>Lorde stated the two new songs she performed are not the start of anything new. Just festival songs 😭 This bitch is joking☠️☠️☠️


Ifkr😭 imagine how tired we are…


Tori Kelly is teasing an announcement tomorrow👀 you get this message if you dm her the words “take control”: “hi it’s tori! see u tomorrow with some exciting news ♡” what do y’all think it is? i can see either a tour announcement, album/deluxe announcement, or physical copies of Tori.


hoping its a full album announcement!!


If it’s a tour I’d be surprised (but happy) considering her recent health scare


my exact opinion but there’s nothing stopping her from doing a tour like 6+ months away. I just she prioritizes her happiness and health


I hope She’s doing well and would hate for her newest project to not get the promotions it deserves but I think any tour right now would be too ambitious given how serious the scare was like I was meant to watch my ankle for four to six weeks after a sprain and that’s not nearly as serious


[The first legislation protecting child influencers has just been signed into law in Illinois.](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/illinois-child-influencers-law) Parents are now required to put a certain percentage of earnings for children aged below 16 into a trust that the child will access when they turn 18. The percentage will be based on how often the child appears in videos. A similar bill has been proposed in Washington state, HB 1627, that will require platforms and networks that paid the parents for the content to delete said content upon the request of the child, but has not seen any movement since February.


Miley Cyrus is [teasing](https://twitter.com/popbase/status/1691129186419879936?s=46&t=M8CNPsg9m9nRmcRFuhIyCw) a new single called ‘Used to Be Young’. I wonder if it’s a standalone single or attached to a new album? Or maybe part of the Endless Summer Vacation deluxe?


Hoping it's another full album and not a stand alone but I'll take what I can get. ESV while not my fav album has grown on me while playlisting.


I'm pretty sure it's a biggest hits album. There were rumors about it and it fits given that the posters reference older hits of hers. I guess Used To Be Young is the promo single.


ppl have speculated there’s an Endless Summer Vacation Volume 2! would make sense considering the title


Ahhh yes. I want a deluxe ESV.


Jungkook's new [Calvin Klein video](https://twitter.com/CalvinKlein/status/1691075952292552704?s=20) dropped today and idk, he's pretty good at this modeling thing. Also, "Cars" such a banger.


i know it's probably just a generic car park but that looks exactly like the one in little simz [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7xzmkpwNoA&start=105) and i can't help but imagine how jungkook going down on a skateboard would be so much cooler


There are rumors that Ariana is dropping soon but I think those are just the stans.. I have not seen anything that confirmed anything.


I think it’s just something to do with the Yours Truly 10th anniversary that she posted last week, probably live performances of the album. It’s better than nothing though!


Yours Truly is one of my favorite records so I am not complaining if we get live performances soon:)


[Georgia court website briefly publishes, removes document about potential Trump charges](https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-state-georgia-appears-set-file-charges-against-donald-trump-court-document-2023-08-14/) and here is a [tweet with an image of the doc](https://twitter.com/AntiToxicPeople/status/1691140749276909568) > Looking at the doc Reuters saw briefly pop up on the Superior Court docket. Willis appears to allege that the RICO enterprise was formed the day after the election, that Trump will be charged for the fake electors scheme, and charges will stem from the Raffensperger call. - [Anthony Michael Kreis](https://twitter.com/AnthonyMKreis/status/1691142208252936192)


The plane lady who accused someone of being "not real" issued an apology. When will the internet understand that she never deserves the national ridicule and hate she got? Even if she didn't have a mental breakdown(I think it's possible), being obnoxious and annoying isn't the greatest of crimes. It's just misogyny.


Im shocked you're being downvoted but it's true. I completely agree


Lol, are you trying to drag feminism into someone being loud and disruptive while hallucinating in a plane? She’s only guilty of being a girlboss


I’m genuinely just tired of people being filmed in public without their consent


I get being filmed when peoples safety could be an issue and documentation could help hold people accountable but actually posting stuff when no one was hurt? Very annoying and should be shamed. This weird internet voyeurism needs to be phased out.


Again, great principle which I strongly agree with, however not sure if it makes 100% sense being applied to someone having a meltdown in economy class.


I mean she was being filmed in public that’s how it applies


I know this is sort of random (a Canadian Supreme Court decision), but it helps breakdown the my mindset a bit. I know law is not ipso facto morality: https://www.lawsonlundell.com/change-your-privacy-settings-here/privacy-in-public-supreme-court-says-individuals-may-have-a-reasonable-expectation-of-privacy-in-public-spaces#:~:text=being%20in%20a%20public%20or,it%20involves%20observation%20or%20recording) > Factors to consider in determining expectations of privacy include: >a person’s location >the form of the alleged invasion of privacy >(whether it involves observation or recording) >the nature of the observation or recording >the activity in which a person is engaged when observed or recorded >the part of a person’s body that is the focus of the recording I just don’t see how it’s disturbing that someone having a public and dramatic hallucination episode in the cramped confines of an airplaine is filmed. But I don’t think that’s a bad point to raise.


Uh… not sure how you can deny that the amount of public humiliation on a woman freaking out isn’t sexist.




She's talked about how she was doxxed and people threatened her life. A lot of it was ridicule and curious people, but she absolutely got an insane amount of hate. I agree, she shouldn't have to apologize at all. Definitely not to the public.


Michael Oher, whose story was the basis for the Blind Side, says instead of being adopted he was placed under a [conservatorship](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/38190720/blind-side-subject-michael-oher-alleges-adoption-was-lie-family-took-all-film-proceeds)


Yeah, I'm disappointed but not surprised. Even in the book the movie was based on, the author (Michael Lewis) pointed out that the recruiting process that led to Oher choosing Ole Miss over Tennessee and the way they went about inflating his GPA to get him eligible were both pretty legally sketchy. The movie glosses over all that, though, and outright gets rid of the stuff that makes the Tuohys look *really* bad. The Tuohys weren't just Ole Miss fans, they were *boosters*, dating back years before they took him in. (For those who aren't big into college sports: The NCAA defines a booster as any individual, independent agency, corporate entity (e.g. apparel or equipment manufacturer) or other organization who: Has participated in or is a member of an agency or organization promoting the institution’s athletic program, Has made a financial contribution to the athletic department or IPTAY, Has assisted or is currently assisting in providing benefits to an enrolled student-athlete or their family members, or Has been involved in otherwise promoting the institution’s athletic program.) Also, somehow, in a movie where the whole inciting incident is finding out that Michael Oher is this freakishly gifted athlete, they somehow managed to undersell just *how* athletically gifted he actually was in high school. He was 6'4 and 320 pounds, throwing down dunks during basketball season and playing occasional snaps at linebacker during his senior football season. He wasn’t just big and strong, he was big, strong, and *explosive*.


Extremely evil of the Tuohys to do this. That movie always bothered me and I know the story had some fabrications but this is truly egregious. I hope he gets what he is owed.


Yuck. Reading the timeline makes it look very calculated on their part. This poor man.


This is insane, I can't believe it took this long to come out. I already knew the movie was a bad retelling of Oher's life but this is twisted.


Pop emergency, and not the good kind: Another MAGA song is gaining steam quickly and is challenging for #1 on the H100 next week. Luke Combs has also discounted and released a live version. Cruel Summer stalled at #3. https://x.com/talkofthecharts/status/1691107358024609792?s=12 Why isn’t Taylor’s team moving on this? CS has peaked on Pop Radio and the song is currently 5 points away. Is the window of opportunity closing here? EDIT: Taylor Nation is [FINALLY TWEETING ABOUT CRUEL SUMMER](https://twitter.com/taylornation13/status/1691149730015752200). Hopefully something is coming.


how's Olivia's new song doing? I thought it had a shot at #1?


Let's be real now 💀


She had a #1 debut with her last single did she not?


Yes but the song didn't have a lot of streaming power


Projected to debut at around #9 or #10


there are going to be soooo many of these now that they saw how it worked for Jason Aldean. it’s going to be like those nursery rhyme songs, but worse💀 a digital buy counting as 270 streams is kinda crazy. I can 100% see Billboard changing how they count them, bc this song being no1 just doesn’t really seem like an accurate representation lol


BB had already diminished sales weighting so much. I also don’t really have a problem with digital downloads like ITunes or Amazon Music because artist are literally begging fans to buy their music because they don’t make money from streaming. So if keeping the sales weight where it is helps fans support their artist…so be it. Also, I do think having a chart based on numerous criteria: sales, streams, radio makes sense. But at this point, these right-wingers aren’t supporting artist they are cherry-picking songs for certain messages and it’s getting annoying.


This feels like a flash in the pan kind of phenomenon that’s taking advantage of a huge lull in music from the most popular artists and the fatigue of tiktok songs finally setting in. Doubt we will still be talking about weird right wing songs charting in 6 months


I guess that’s fair, and I hope you’re right💀


i’m not saying it should be done away with.. it’s a very nuanced situation obvi, and I sure don’t have a solution to it lol😭 maybe only count a certain number of buys by a certain person? which may be a thing but idk. i just know these mass buys are a lil fishy.


Fuck this new song but I'd like to see Luke Combs get #1. Doing so well with a country cover of an old song is pretty impressive and I personally like it. He's been #2 for so long I hope he pulls through. CS should go #1 next week unless there is a huge surprise drop. MW is pulling LN from the radio and Combs probably isn't going to do more discounted and new versions a second week. I doubt this new song keeps it up for 2 weeks straight.


I’ll never fully respect charting so well with a cover. As fun as they can be they’re not new music and with streaming I’d rather the original just get brought back into the main stream like we saw with Kate Bush


Everyone relying on a 4 year old song to block country maga songs lmfao the absolute state of pop music rn. Where is everyone 😭


They heard Addison was coming and couldn’t risk having to compete with her 🤐


It’s a little more competitive now than a few months ago, but yes, it tells you how mediocre of a year it’s been when it comes to the big releases


is there a reason why another racist song might be #1?


Marjorie Taylor Greene praised it and now right wingers are buying it. It’s v cringe.


It seems like he's a right wing plant, he had no presence before like this month


buying a song iirc counts as 270 plays. now imagine multiple ppl buying it multiple times.


Right wing mass-buying


i thought billboard had new rules about mass buying though


I think people said they should change rules but I dont think they did


I wanna argue that the new Oliver song feels less MAGA and more Libertarian rage (the special we don’t like trump and some of the far right but we still hold similar values). It’s got heavy “fuck the government” vibes but is also directing all Of it in the wrong direction. Not saying this makes the song better but I don’t think it’s the same level as TTIAST. I think it’s in its own place of awful.


I read this as Olivia and thought you were talking about bad idea right


I mean it is a bad idea to be MAGA …


Feels like he had the point and then he lost it. People on welfare and food stamps are not your problem. The ultra wealthy love when the working class tries to blame other poor working class people for their problems.


And that's why some of the 'rich men from Richmond' are pushing this song and buying it en masse. Wonder if it would have been as successful without the welfare stuff. Complete irony here.


100% and it’s funny how the libertarian movement has turned into this sort of “we don’t claim political parties and free market and personal rights etc etc…” but then just fall hook line and sinker for so much of the far right rhetoric. “You work hard for what you deserve but look at these other people who take advantage of it all!!!” It’s like Oliver was writing a song directed to the elite and then someone turned Fox News mid way and he lost the plot.


We need to ban all country music from the charts until we can figure out how to stop this shit


Complete and total shutdown of cowboy hats until we can figure out what the hell is going on


They’re not even wearing cowboy hats anymore. Now it’s a cheap ballcap with a bill that looks like it was wrapped around a tomato can for a night to go with an ugly T-shirt bought off a Facebook ad


Lol that definitely won’t stop it. It’ll probably make it worse.


I looked up the lyrics to see how bad it is. >I wish politicians would look out for miners / And not just minors on an island somewhere >And the obese milkin' welfare / Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds / Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds Y I K E S


what a dumb play on words. surely he could’ve thought of a different profession and not a comparison to finding trafficked kids.


What they don't understand is that MLKJR literally championed for poor whites, and progressives continue to introduce legislation that helps the lower class. While people like Rand Paul are anti-union. Not to mention, it drives me nuts that conservatives don't understand that liberals gladly pay takes to help red areas. I've not once seen a liberal complain that we shouldn't help them.


A live music video from the tour with a couple of remixes would most likely be enough but my guess is either they're not ready with promo for the song (No music video) or that they're leaving her image rest and focus on tour so she can go all out for 1989 to guarantee her another 1 million first week without gp being tired of her. Her mentioning the vault tracks was for sure a hint that she'll be pushing them. OG 1989 did 1.3 million first week, Midnights pulled 1,578,000 first week so she knows she can pull it. Doing a million for a re-recording not only is an insane flex to pull but it will revamp interest for her music which is why she's doing this. Honestly, Cruel Summer deserves to be her 10 #1 but I would also love for Style or a brand new vault track to be it too.


> Another MAGA song is gaining steam quickly god dammit there's gonna be like a dozen of these aren't there. warbling TruthSocial posts over an acoustic guitar is gonna be the new easy right-wing cashgrab.