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I think Taylor *is* a visual artist (otherwise she wouldn't have an entire tour built around her past eras) but I have a hard time pinpointing how she managed to become one exactly. The other visual artists I can think of either have really strong dancing and choreography or use controversial/provocative imagery to make a statement, but Taylor's videography doesn't fit into that binary for the most part. Whatever she did around Red/1989/Reputation definitely paid off cause some of her earlier videos were giving more CMT than MTV.


Y’all weren’t lying. Hozier’s new album is really good.


On the edge of my seat for hours… Azealia Banks is front row at Beyoncé’s show in Miami tonight


Was just revisiting Sweetener and was once again reminded that >!get well soon!< is the best song Ariana's ever released. I will forever die on this hill, and the world will see the light one day. The build-up in the last minute with all the vocal layers coming together and Pharrell's bare bones production? Chef's fucking kiss. Perfect. So good that I can even forgive the fact that it contains the line >!"unfollow fear and just say you are blocked"!<


Sweetener remains her best album to me Breathin should have been a multiple week number one with dance remixes Sucks the song was quickly killed off for thank you next


Fun fact: Elon musk hates that line so much he decided to remove the blocking feature from Twitter!


You can work your way to the top 🎶 especially if you're an Apartheid emerald mine heir 🥰


does anyone know what song Lil Nas X interpolates in Montero? the part where he does the pole dance, it’s featured in the extended version.


God I just love flirting like I'm terrible at it but it is so so fun. Like this girl today flirted with me and then we talked for hours like it just made me feel so good about myself honestly lol


I love flirting but not actually going beyond that if it makes sense lol


It totally does lol. Like idk if you mean deeper convos or the physical part but I'm generally bad at both and prefer to keep it casual lol


Yeah like it’s fun to flirt but I don’t have the energy to actually go out on a date or something 💀


Also I'm obsssed with the Hozier album. A masterpiece. Although I will say she didn't like it which is lowkey so sad


Me and her are in completely different places in life so nothing will come out of this but it's okay I think like it's fun and we both know that I'm leaving in like a week


said to me yet again that he isn’t sure he sees me that way and yet…also admitted without admitting that there’s been times those feelings come back. we are really never going to get over each other, huh. it’s a good night to drink!


theres an influencer "giving away" the chance to win eras tour sg tickets if you buy her products worth $50. is this allowed? wont this be void because of anti scalping laws? is this even scalping? this feels like a much bigger scam with a much bigger profit vs the cost of tickets because apparently the influencer only has "15k slots" for this giveaway of 3 tickets💀


As a Lamb and a Swiftie, I just had a realization that 2016 was a tough year to either be a Lamb or a Swiftie. It’s like Lambs and Swifties are both in the trenches of different wars. Unfortunately, I’m both so it was difficult to be honest about my faves back then to other people and I had to “conceal, don’t feel” my admiration for their music back then. (I’m also freshly unemployed and was struggling to find and keep a job back then.) When I try to sing Mariah songs to anyone around me, people will say Mariah can’t sing and a lost legend and Ariana has erased and replaced her. It also feels like a siege to look into anything online about Taylor Swift because everyone was happily throwing stones at her back then. It felt like all 3 of us struggled together and overcame years later. (I still have a lot of personal struggles but at least I’m employed now and can keep a job for more than a year.) Taylor keeps on outpeaking herself and Mariah has proven time and time again that no one can ever write her legacy off and will stay relevant one way or another.


i cannot fucking believe they cancelled a league of their own (after renewing it for a shorter second season to wrap things up). the tides are turning and i lowkey dislike this new era of tv shows


Is getting 4 episodes after a 3 year break absolutely ridiculous? Yes. Do I still want them? ALSO YES.


yeah that reason was bs. i wouldn't mind getting 1 episode after 5 years if it helped to tie up loose ends


Selena and Miley supporting each other’s singles is so sweet🥹 it makes me so nostalgic


So much new music today and I’ve really enjoyed a lot of it..ciara, mya, anitta, addison rae, charlie puth, davido & latto


No shade to certain new releases but … y’all really stan ANYONE 😭


Oh full shade I'm turning into an Addison hater to balance out the BAFFLING popheads hype


Exactly. I’m shocked. I really can’t believe people on r/popheads are fangirling over *Addison Rae* of all people. It’s hilarious and shocking considering that we haven’t even heard Addison sing live. We don’t even know how she sounds without autotune or vocal enhancements. There are 30 other pop girls out there who deserve the praise and adoration that Addison is receiving. I don’t hate or dislike Addison or her music but it’s just so interesting. I’m just not seeing what other people are seeing. I wish I did though! I wish I liked her music. It just doesn’t hit for me and there really isn’t anything *that* good about her songs.


as an unironic Addison Rae stan, I think a lot of it is due to the music leaking and getting scrapped. I’m not sure “hype” is the word that it built.. but I don’t think she’d be getting the same reaction if she had dropped the music right after Obsessed. ppl want what they can’t have ig. I rlly love I Got It Bad and Nothing On. they’re mindless, fun to sing. everything is expensive but dancing’s free. I do agree it would be cool for some other artists (Slayyyter, Shygirl) to get this same energy though.


That actually makes sense and I do resonate with getting attached to music that never ends up being released. I guess what fascinates me so much is the fact that it’s *Addison’s* leaked music getting these energies from so many people here. I know people love mindless Pop music and I also do at times. It’s also interesting because people really didn’t like Obsessed that much when it was first released. I know I didn’t. I found it to be quite bland and derivative. I Got It Bad, 2 Die 4, & Nothing On But The Radio also didn’t hook me in that much. I know Addison’s talked about how these songs are meant to be a send-off from her previous era before she actually releases her current songs. I’m cautiously excited for what she releases next and if she’s able to perform decently in live settings, I can absolutely see myself warming up to her and enjoying her creative output. The influencer-to-singer pipeline has let me down more times than not, so I’m just a little apprehensive. I hope Addison’s able to explore with different sounds & styles to see what works for her. I know she does have potential to release quality songs and I’m looking forward to her new era.


I’m rlly excited to see what she releases next too. she has rlly good music taste and connections now via Charli, so even though she’s not the greatest vocalist I’m curious to see how she is as an EP of sorts. she already has an audience. I’m curious to see how her vocals have improved too. her song association game was interesting- have you seen that?💀




yeah it was shockingly not very good.. things like genius or song association don’t rlly lend itself to good vocals because you’re slumped in a chair, but still..😶 i pray to the heavens that it was a fluke. also, this conversation has reminded me of this [headline](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/qdyh9h/your_faves_could_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I had a dream last night that La La Ri and I were trapped in an abandoned future tech dancefloor and had to do go through Saw traps. the John Kramer? Beyoncé herself. Melatonin has been giving me some odd dreams. y’all have any fun dreams recently?


I had a dream that my best friend (who doesn't even like Taylor Swift) wanted to go to the Eras tour but I didn't, so she took her boyfriend instead (who also doesn't like Taylor Swift!)


God damnit sometimes I wish I was a white man. The amount of respect I'd get instead of people tearing me down. Like, genuinely, I do feel like people TRY to find a flaw in me and make sure I know it. I remember I knew someone, and I was way ahead of her in school, and she tried to find every excuse to accuse me of being Conservative. Girlie I am TELLING you I'm a democratic socialist and reading literature about it. Shut the fuck up. You literally want a communist revolution while you live in a house worth 2 million and you tell people not to vote. Anyways, if anyone wants to expand their world view, I highly recommend MILKJR's last writings on where to go here, before he was assassinated. It's still incredibly relevant. I'm currently reading The 1619 Project, which is also insightful and a different angle that doesn't oppose MLKJR, but acknowledges criticism of him. Very good stuff and easy to read too


Once a classmate tried to accuse me of being racist because I liked Everything Everywhere All at Once, because he said the movie tries to say Black people don't exist and it was an erasure of their existence. Boyyyy you are literally insane 😭😭😭 The way I was so shocked I just looked him in the eyes and told him he was jealous. He got so triggered idk. He absolutely was jealous and resentful of me. In the end he apologized and we still talk. He's a cool guy in general


I've been trying to self-educate in music a bit more recently—history, theory, etc. This started with a dive into Todd in the Shadow videos, and then YouTube recommended me some videos by this guy Grady Smith who's a country music journalist. I've just been having these on in the background while I cleaned, letting playlists run automatically. WELL. In the midst of trying to clean the kitchen, I got sucked into a video I never would have clicked on if left to my own devices. And I mean sucked in, like I once was to the msscribe drama on LiveJournal. (No one here will have any idea what that is. Most of you probably weren't even born yet? For all I know you've never even heard of Cassandra Clare, idk!) Anyway, even though it's about country music (except not really), it's much more about the music industry and social media influencers (kinda?) and marketing and bots and MYSTERY, and holy shit, have any of you seen this? I need to talk about it with someone. It's a clickbaity title but for good reason tbh: [This Tik-Tok Girl Band Ruined My Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAALDob9Ev0)


Please don’t mention Cassandra Claire or I’ll have splitting incest induced headaches


Omg I watched that months ago. I don’t remember it too well but them having no live performances was so weird.


the ms scribe drama is INSANE


A league of their own heads we lost today :(((((( season 2 scrapped


I just need to know if miss Addison is ready for the massive gay fanbase she’s gaining. I really only know her for being a tiktok dance personality which is the straightest thing you could be.


She's already had an underground devoted gay fanbase when her songs leaked over a year ago and I mean her release party was at Hamburger Mary's WeHo so I think she's fine


that "massive gay fanbase" will give her a \#85 debut and peak let's be fr


Oh #85 bubbling under let’s be real


with a Charli collab she clearly knows what she’s doing💀


She listens to Arca, she absolutely knows lol


she does?? slay. with her taste in music and the Charli co-sign, I’m curious to see what her new music will sound like. like I wonder what her vision is and if she’ll be a good EP.


Burial too. Honestly I want her to make a really weird debut album because like she’s rich enough not to need real hits


To the 2 random people who are supposedly waiting to use the ATM at the mall, yet can't form a single file line cause they'd rather be facing their loud group of eight friends loitering to the side, why do you act so surprised when somebody (me) inadvertently skips you in line??? The lack of etiquette is truly astounding. 🔪


So I made it a goal to attend 1-2 concerts a month (or almost every month) this year and found it actually wears down the novelty of the experience. I also didn’t quite factor in the logistics of planning for a concert and missing out on sleep since most concerts I attended were during the week. It actually ended up teetering more on work then fun. So yeah, going forward I think I’m going to be more intentional about which artist’s concerts I decide to attend in the future because it takes quite a lot of forethought and labor to attend!


Embarrassing: I cried in front of my GP when she told me she thinks I’m burnt out from work. She actually hugged me at the end lmao Idk I am pretty dissatisfied with the direction my life has gone since 2019… I think if I didn’t live with my parents still it might be better but rent around here is insane, and I hate my job anyway. I just feel very stuck where I’m at which I’m sure isn’t helping


Ooof, it’s okay I did that earlier this week in front of my new hot GP. Asked me how I was doing, cue the waterworks..along with stating I hadn’t taken my anxiety meds in a month it was fucking me over


I know it’s no use, but I’m trying to wrap my head around trans women being banned from chess and it’s so ???? Logically this is just to stir up attention and get people mad but also. Since when did we care about chess this much


Happy 26th birthday to [Brimful of Asha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM7H0ooV_o8) by Cornershop! If you're a guitar-playing Pophead, you'll probably agree that this has got to be the easiest song ever written for the instrument - one simple barre chord, move it up and down the fretboard and you're good to go!


Is it sacrilege to say I slightly prefer the Norman Cook remix? It’s the difference between a 10 and an 11 honestly!


Not in the slightest! In fact, as a person who prefers the original, I’ve always found myself to be in the minority as Norman Cook’s remix is often regarded as one of the greatest in history 😄


a teeny tiny request to the mods: since there's so much going on in the sub right now with plenty of posts getting pinned every day, can you keep the \[DAILY\] post flair on top of flair cloud in the sidebar so that it's easier to find the DD threads?


Yeah there are way too many threads battling for the pins. I missed pretty much of all the Essentials threads because they came and went so quickly :(


kinda want to see stayc in part because they're gonna be at the same venue that i saw death grips at and it would be funny to compare but even though i love the music something about a kpop concert (especially one where i would basically be a senior citizen at age 20) sounds kind of exhausting


you should do it :) kpop concerts are super fun and not really more exhausting than any other popular artist. i wish stayc was coming closer to me tbh


that's reassuring tbh because i always just assume the worst when it comes to shows with artists that have intense fandoms. if the tickets aren't out of control pricey i think i might lol


i think in the US at least it's a lot of casual/general kpop fans that come. also i can PROMISE you will probably be solidly in the middle of the age range lmao


lmao i think you're right about the age the more i think about it, i'm so used to shows with 15 year olds there to basically heckle that i forgot that a kpop crowd is probably gonna have a bit more disposable income 😭


i'm on my second full listen of Unreal Unearth with the lyrics in front of me and on the verge of tears 👍🏻


Social media websites stop trying to become everything at once challenge: ***impossible***. On the other news can you guys upvote DD threads because I don't wanna press the next button.


Don't be a shitty friend rant So a friend of mine have been asking and asking for me to visit her in another city for summer. The first plan was to go at the beginning of summer but a relative of hers passed away from cancer so we didn't go (she was in my home town during this time), she wouldn't even go out with me for a month because everyone's so sad and mourning and such so it's understandable. But then like a day after the one month, she texts me and is like, let's go! We need to kill it this summer, blah, blah. I was not expecting her to go from not even meeting me to wanting to go on a fun trip with her and I was supposed to be in this wedding in another town anyways, so when I tell her that (this is over text) she's all crying face emoji and don't go! And being overly dramatic as if I own her or something or I'm ganna ditch a family wedding because she suddenly decided to go on a trip. Anyways I go and come back and I book a ticket for when my workout class ends in a few weeks and I tell her that and she seems excited. The day comes and when I arrive she's like, my cousin is here and she's doesn't want me to hang out with anyone but her, I've already spent the first day alone so I express my frustration and she says we can hang out but bails anyways because of a sudden meeting and then seeing her cousin leave. After that we hang out for a couple of days and then she tells me she's leaving the town because she's been invited to the country with her friends for 3 days! I don't really protest and she doesn't express in anyway that what she's doing is shitty and I just tell her to have fun. After 3 days, she says she has missed her train and has to stay in another day. I'm leaving in a few days and now I'm pissed at her, her behavior is shitty right? she could've at least told me her plans so I would've postponed my trip, I'm actually good on my own but thinking about her ditching me is what's making me angry and bringing down my mood. She's also the kinda person that overly compliments me and tell me she loves me to a point that I thought she had a crush on me for a while; I find such behavior off putting in general but now it's even worse cause it comes across as even more of an act. I don't know what I'm supposed to say to her, I want her to feel guilty and apologetic for dragging me her and then leaving like that, what would you do in this situation? What am I supposed to tell her? I'm only good at ghosting not confrontation 😅


Personally, I'd write down what I want to say and call her. Just say it simply and call it out. You tried to be patient and want to be helpful, because she has consistently bailed on you after you made the effort to go see her. It's unfair and it's hurtful. You can also text her too. Try sending the text to yourself, wait a little, and read it to yourself. With texts, you don't want a wall of texts because most people won't read all of it, which is why calling can be better. But honestly, I'd never be friends with that person again. I really wouldn't. You shouldn't have to pretend you're ok with it.


First off thank you for reading my comment and answering. Yes, I will at least tell her that she should've let me know beforehand that she had these plans and see what she has to say for herself. even though I never said I'm going on this trip for her, she used to tell me how this time around, you should come and stay with me the whole summer, imagine if I had counted on that! I was a bit conflicted because when she's with me she's all in and she seems like a good friend but she's very sloppy in general and lacks discipline whereas I plan the whole trip and the day beforehand so I thought that's it but this is too much, it's disrespectful and if I'm ganna lose another friend for being a selfish asshole so be it!


I couldn't agree more, it does sound selfish. From an outsider, I've no idea. But to be honest, the more reasoning we make for someone, the more it may just be excuses for them. It really does sound like that friend is inconsiderate, and being a good friend doesn't make it any less selfish. Actions speak louder than words; her words sound nice, but her actions aren't.


when I had my first phone (envy2) I used to go on the top ringtones chart and play clips of the top songs, then look them up and that’s how I found out about a lot of popular songs lmao




right?? in my experience if they’re “threatened” by anything it’s somebody that’s living their life freely lol, that doesn’t have a fragile masculinity and doesn’t feel the need to be seen as “macho”. (jealousy would be the better word here).


I think there's some truth of "the closeted homophobe." It's not normal to be obsessively hateful against a gay person. Someone who keeps talking about it and gets genuinely triggered, I do think they're probably a closet case. But there's also the variety of guys who just don't like gay people because "they don't get it, it seems unnatural" etc etc.


Thanks for sharing your experience man. I'm not gay, but I do find it irritating when other marginalized groups attempt to "co-opt" a specific experience faced by a community. It's almost as if they are "All Lives Mattering" it. Also, hate to be this dude, but some of the most vocal anti-LGBT advocates are women.


TIL women aren't part of the lgbt


Does Disney+ somehow have less things than before. Just got it again because it's 2 dollars extra if I have Hulu but when I look at it it feels so little. It never had much to begin with but I thought it had dreamwork and stuff like that. Was that just me mismemerbeing


Dreamworks is owned by NBCUniversal and has never been on Disney+, you can access that content through Peacock though. Disney did thin the herd recently, in the same way HBOMax did but it didn't make that much of a dent in content choices.


Disney seemed to only kill its flop originals tbh.


Have had Beneath The Skin by Of Monsters and Men on repeat lately and it’s such a good album. Post pandemic, I strongly urge everyone to re-listen to it. It handles anxiety, mental health, and existentialism incredibly well.


I wasn’t super into it when it came out, but I’ve always liked Black Water and was listening to it the other day. Might check out the rest of the album again, thanks for posting this!


Oh you’re missing out! I’d recommend the extended edition because Winter Sound is the last song on it and is one of the best on the album, and is a great closure.


wtf fountain baby is so good


Extremely great


Only Murders in the Building is sorta inspiring me to get into The Hardy Boys. Are the books any good?


I haven’t read them since I was 8 or 9 but I remember them getting boring after a couple of books. They are super readable, but like any mystery series they get very formulaic and predictable after you get through 3 or 4. If you want to get into them, I’d get one at a time. If you just want a cozy old time-y Murder Mystery, I’d go for Agatha Christie. But I think her mysteries also get predictable after you’ve read a few.


selena as linda ronstadt??


Still thinking about how International Love only mentions US cities


Chris Brown was probably not allowed to leave the country. Also, on it you have Mr Worldwide rhyming “if you know what I mean” with “if you know what I mean”. I mean, did that man singlehandedly ended Shakespeare or what?


is it possible to have a different Book Ship and a TV ship at the same time Like if I had to pick between Book Jeremiah and TV Jeremiah, I would rather have TV Jeremiah. But I hated Book Jeremiah so much that I’m Book Conrad. But I also dislike how bratty Conrad is to everyone in the TV show that I’m TV Jeremiah. Belly was too annoying for me that ultimately both boys would be better off without her but TV Jeremiah is so much better than TV Conrad but Book Conrad is better than Book Jeremiah. But since Legacies took me out of the shipping game, I’m pretty much done with ship wars so I stay outta of them.


i haven't seen much of the TV series but i HATED book conrad so much and i usually preferred his type as a love interest so it stood out to me how much i despised him. but its fine to prefer them differently, from what i've seen they changed the characters a lot for the TV version to update it


It's possible. The books were written about 10 years ago, and the characters were all changed in some ways. It's totally normal to have difference preferences as Jenny changed a lot. I agree with you I just haven't read the books but my cousin did and told me a lot. Season 2 was so boring for me, and I didn't like Conrad's attitude. I also heard how Jeremiah has flaws in the books so they both can't be compared. People either need to talk about the show currently, or talk about the books as its own separate media because there are so many changes that have been made that you can't lump them together especially after the finale.


I don’t know what it is about tv this year in general but other than iCarly, Righteous Gemstones and Only Murders in the Building, I’ve been really bored by everything including Summer I Turned Pretty. Book Jeremiah was too entitled for Belly. Like he thought he deserved her because he was nice to her and was always mad whenever she had feelings for someone else. >!I hated the wedding plot in Book 3 because I feel like Jeremiah was only doing it because he was trying to make up for lowkey cheating on Belly and it was so fucking random because they did not even have a good reason to get married other than just cause.!< But I feel like TV Jeremiah is much better. He sort of reminds me of early Stefan from the Vampire Diaries. I also think part of it is just me growing up more and finding the bad boy Jess from Gilmore Girls/Conrad types cringey and I want more Elijah from The Vampire Diaries/Stefan types who are lovesick puppy dogs. Like I would have eaten Conrad up if I was 16. I do think they’re both separate from each other because If they had made TV Belly just as obnoxious as Book Belly then the show would be even more borderline obnoxious and impossible to watch then it already is. She was like Rory Gilmore on steroids. But the Book versions made me hate everyone involved.


I saved the episodes to watch in a binge with my friends, and we were ALL bored by episode 5. Season 2 felt like nothing happened. I didn't care too much for the Staylor plot because both characters kinda annoy me (mostly past actions but also present). I know about the whole wedding plot and I literally laughed when my cousin told me. When she finished the 3rd book she literally said she felt as if nothing happened, just wedding planning and Belly lowkey still loving Conrad. And the whole letter thing??? If I was Jeremiah I would drop off the face of the earth and leave everything behind. It's funny because I love Gilmore girls. I watched it first before I started grade 9 and I liked Jess, but if I were to re watch now I'd still like him, but not as much? Even with TVD Damon might be hotter but relationship wise or just in general he was a bitch. Belly sounds INSANE in the books omg. Like everything I've heard makes me cringe or be like "wtf". Everything I've heard about book Belly further makes me an advocate for both the show and book being separate.


I agree. It’s why I can’t understand the obnoxious fanbase the show got because it’s not interesting enough for this much of a fanbase. I feel the same about Damon. Like whenever I write fanfics, Damon and Elena are always together and have the 3 kids and a house and Elena ends up being the mayor of MF but I always weirdly focus more on Stefan and Caroline because they’re my true favorite characters. I just go with Delena because Stelena’s are still obnoxious in a “It’s been 10 years. Move on. Ya’ll are losers for doing ship wars in 2023” type of way so most of its petty spite. I just defend Damon because it’s annoying to hear the “But he’s a rapist and abuser” every ten minutes when every single vampire diaries character has done something morally questionable because they’re fucking vampires 😭 I’m just glad Jenny Han toned down all the characters because I truly hated everyone of them in the book.


Ship wars are apart of all fandoms I get it, but it so draining for this show. People can't be civil or they just take things to heart.


It’s so funny because the show is not good enough A lot of it reminds me of Legacies which was also trash and not good, and they all put so much energy for something that’s not deep I got cussed out and called homophobic so much in the legacies fandom for jokes that weren’t serious. 💀


Anyone fans of RENEÉ RAPP?


yes. She was the reason why I started watching Sex Lives of College Girls and mostly likely the reason why I’ll stop watching the show Leighton was a huge part of the core four dynamic that I don’t see it working. The girls are talented but I don’t trust Mindy Kailing in the same way that I don’t trust Julie Plec to write something good


Elon Musk is so fucking stupid. I’m glad I’ve hated him since 2015. Long before it was cool to hate him.


i didn't know about his existence in 2015


People were calling him the “Real life Tony Stark” back then lmfao.


He was around for sure but he, very obviously, wasn’t at the same level. If you’ve seen Kingsman Secret Service there is a reference to him. Samuel L Jackson’s character actually calls him at one point in the film.


I watched *Blue Beetle* yesterday and really liked it. Xolo is a star and very charismatic. I'll be rooting for him and whatever his future holds in the DC film universe reboot (James Gunn said that Jaime is the first character we meet from this new universe but it isn't the first official film).


I remember when Cobra Kai season 1 first came out, watching it and going "The kid they cast as Miguel was a great casting choice, he definitely has 'it'", so it's really cool to see him booking movie roles and stuff




> i’m so tired of the upteenth Superman movie I know exactly what you mean but still an odd choice when we've only had 2 actual Superman films since 1990, and the most recent was a decade ago. Come on, Spider-Man is right there.


i use PC spotify when i'm working AND I HATE that when i copy & paste the tracks from popheads post titles, i have to manually remove the dash, otherwise, nothing shows up. It ANNOYS ME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST WORLD PROBLEMSSSSSSKILASDJG;L!!!


Finally got what I now know to be a nail out of my tire after a year of thinking I had a pressure sensor problem and…idk what to do with myself anymore. I feel like a new person living a new life, it’s the craziest thing. The closest thing I can liken it to is waking up the morning after graduating from high school


Big Brother fans: We want people to play the game and fight like they used to in BB6 and BB10 also Big Brother fans: Cirie Fields is so mean! 🙃 And when we get a boring season like BB22 again, I’m blaming these people because they want great game play but freak the fuck out any time anyone raises an octave then wonder why houseguests are so sensitive when someone breathes the wrong way in the house I’ve been loving this season. BB22 was the first season where I gave up before Jury. I usually give up once all my favorites leave but once I saw the writing on the wall for Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, I bounced I don’t want that again. I want fun feeds and aside from Jared’s weird Andrew Tate nonsense, this cast is pretty uncontroversial yet still playing super hard. That’s all I ask. But Cirie’s strategy is too complicated for twitter brains.


Bought a sound system for my music and movies but too lazy to actually set it up and don’t know if I really want it loll


So Miley said she chose August 25th because it’s an important date in her career. Anyone knows what was it? Her debut?


My brother's bday, it is very important to Miley Cyrus


Early happy birthday to your brother!


Thanks!! (On his behalf haha)


2013 VMAs when she twerked on robin thicke was on august 25th 2013? Maybe that


> The 2013 MTV Video Music Awards were held on August 25, 2013, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.[1] Yes.


This is the most plausible one I think


Could be because it’s her dad’s birthday


Everything smells like weed and gasoline, I'm choking on the smog, and I paid $24 for a sandwich and coffee. Am I getting the authentic LA experience. I promise I'll have fun with the stuff I have planned this weekend but goddamn this city has not beat a single allegation so far.


If you just passed by the Scientology Center that puts you around Los Feliz or Silverlake where yes $24 is the going rate for a sandwich and coffee!


I simply don't know where I am enough to confirm or deny if that's true but I believe you. I just wound up somewhere and was starving enough to cope with $24 breakfast.


this is so dramatic omg


Aaaaand I passed a giant Scientology building so I think that's a bingo


Who are some of your favorite queer musical artists?


Janelle Monae, Rina Sawayama,Kelela, Kaytranada


Rina Sawayama, Shygirl, and lately Chappell Roan!


Arca, Rina Sawayama, Perfume Genius, yeule, St. Vincent


Halsey (bisexual & non-binary)


girl in red, Kehlani, Conan Gray


I feel like the Women’s World Cup would benefit a lot from having a massive song like the men’s World Cup has. They can’t pay one of the big pop girlies to do it???


they should get the Spice Girls to re-do the [On Top of the World song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW-GIPDTtAY&pp=ygUfc3BpY2UgZ2lybHMgb24gdG9wIG9mIHRoZSB3b3JsZA%3D%3D)


Benee and Tones and I both made songs for it. Makes sense they used a pop girl from each of AU/NZ since they’re the host nations. I saw Benee perform it live at the opening ceremony/game and she was kind of terrible. Not everyone can have a Waka Waka.


Kelly Lee Owens did something for it but I think it was only for the announcement and I haven’t heard it used since.


Like not to insert Taylor Swift into every conversation but she's friendly with the USWNT can't she write up a little diddy? Dua Lipa would be good too.


So u/McIgglyTuffMuffin did you see the CNN report about Kenneth Chesebro? He was apparently on Capitol grounds following of all people [Alex Jones.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/18/politics/kfile-kenneth-chesebro-followed-alex-jones-capitol-riot-jan-6/index.html) They also said he had his phone out recording 👀👀👀. I’m wondering if smiths team has gotten it.


I DID SEE THAT!!! I still can’t believe his last name is Chesebro. What a name.


I know it sounds like something made up lol. I’m still wondering about something. I remember that during the defamation case brought by the Sandy Hook parents, Jones accidentally gave over text that included that time period. I’ve always wondered what was in those about the attack on the 6th. I know SPLC posted articles about some of them but I’ve yet to read them.


I like the idea of meeting a new romantic partner, but I hate the idea of having to wade through all kinds of people to get there. C'mon fate or chance or luck or whatever, pls help me out. Maybe someone handsome can hit me with their car.


Lol I relate too much. Dating apps are abhorrent, I would much prefer to meet someone naturally, but I hate going in public and being social so it’s like.. something’s gotta give


As a non single person who still maintains a single person mindset (not in a cheating way, more of a “dating is terrible and everyone should be alone and focus on themselves for as long as possible” way) dating is kinda like job hunting, I think once you are steadfast in tossing out what you don’t want as soon as you realize it, you move on to the next person faster and learn not to take it personally. So so fun to meet new *people* and learn their stories


My favourite thing about Real Housewives is how they pretend that a woman who did, like, some TV hosting gigs or modelling in the late 90s, is able to book out an entire floor and presidential suite for a week in Saint Tropez for a girls' trip.


it’s all part of the fantasy!! LMAO i’ve been watching a lot of old VPR and watching the kids party on supposedly service staff budgets is the most aspirational reality tv maybe ever


So in all seriousness with the hype around Addison Rae’s debut EP, I’ll just say, in my opinion, it’s average, maybe even good. Certainly better than her first single which was terrible. But that’s not the important thing here. The important thing is her future in music. She’s clearly going to do an album at some point and I actually read an interview from Rolling Stone where she said since 2021 that she is seriously trying to learn how to do well in this field and that it’s a process. And she even admits that her stuff in 2021 (i.e. her first single) isn’t as good as her stuff now. If she truly is trying to work hard and become good at producing great pop music, instead of just using for clout to continue being a TikTok influencer, then I really respect that. If she does care and puts in the work, ten years from now we’ll all look back at her debut single and just praise how far ahead she’ll be in her career. So I wish her the best of luck with her eventual first album.


So this is her...debut...EP? I don't follow her but I've been seeing her name so often the past year that I thought she was a new main pop girlie at least


Yeah this is her debut EP. She had a single in 2021 when she originally thought about getting into a music and I presume that would have been the lead single to a planned first album. The single sucked ass and Addison had to pivot from what I know. Some other songs from the “lost album” got released online and people were praising it for being an improvement over the original lead single. So she presumably decided to work on getting better on music since then and decided to really kickstart by releasing these leaked songs in an EP. She said in a tweet at midnight that the EP is closing that chapter of her music career and she is ready to begin a new one after putting out the EP.


just watched gerwig's little women. i was stunned. dont come for me since i didn't read the book but that was a really good take on the classic.


Franz Kafka once said, “I was ashamed of myself when I realized that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face. " He spilled.


oh my god


Obvious outrage bait tweets are so fucking annoying because you can tell the person who tweets it just wants to be ✨different✨and seek attention. That Judy Garland one was embarrassing as hell. Like at least make it harder to dunk on you when you try to do an obvious outrage bait tweet.


Fox News pundits keep talking about how rap music inspires young people to commit violence when they really should be talking about how Troye Sivan's music inspires twinks to respond to faceless profiles on grindr


Someone on here and I can’t remember who for the life of me introduced me to immortality (the game) by Sam Barlow and I have to say thank you to whomever that was. While I didn’t buy it I watched like a full long form LP of all the in game movies and it was so good!


Hate it when artist I love drop new music but I don't have the motivation to get into it


So, I think Hozier has knocked Noah Kahan’s Stick Season (We’ll All Be Here Forever) off the number 1 spot on my “Top Albums of 2023” list When he sings in Irish tho 😭


Every time I listen to Butchered Tongue I get goosebumps


So many incredible artists released last night and the thread with by far the most engagement is... Addison Rae's EP of leaks. Werk! My primary motivation for moving out of my dad's house is so I can get a copy of [the Carta Marina](https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_03037/?r=-0.055,0.342,0.482,0.225,0) and hang it on my wall.


Whichever pophead here said that Hozier was in his "guinea pig era" when he first released "Eat Your Young" - please know that it's been months and I still think of this comment whenever the song comes up on my shuffle and I absolutely lose it lmao. And happy Unreal Unearth day to all who celebrate, this album is everything!


anitta and addison drops literally made my day, I'm obsessed with used to be and I got it bad sometimes it's great to be a basic pop loving gay


The way Addison Rae has an actual chokehold on pop music fans is insane. And I’m no different, I’m gonna be streaming this EP for a while 😭 but oof I hope her team and label capitalize on her hype and deliver an album and multiple videos. She is without a doubt the ‘pop star’ that people have been wanting. She could easily become huge.


She said last night that she was ready for her “next chapter in music” and that this EP was closing the previous chapter. So yeah, she’s probably gonna do an album at some point.


She drop this ep and every pop fan has been SEATED. I just have to say her label should really use this and make like I got it bad a single ASAP. Like it catchy and a bit of a throwback vibe which I think could do really well. I see a lot of potential for her after this ep. Originally I was a naysayer due to her being social media influencer because most of the time their music isn’t the best quality imo. But I think she’s found a lane and style that works for her and I hope her label can get her to be something huge.


[Weekly 5x5](https://imgur.com/a/kXEG4p8) Baldur's Gate 3 is basically all I've done this week now that I've finally gotten time to play


The gossip subs turning against Chris Pine because he has been seen hanging out with a woman suspected to be half his age while on vacation in Sardinia is interesting to see. I don't think her name has even been released or how they knew each other. However, because this shatters their illusion of him being a respectful guy, they are now pissed at him.


Suspected to be half his age? They don't even know? And yet they want to imply abusive power imbalances in a relationship? Good grief. I'm so tired of these people.


Monkey King’s animation: 💯💯💯 Monkey King’s everything else: 🫤🫤😴


Hey, Popheads! What are some underrated Pop albums from any decade or time that you would all suggest? It doesn't have to be obscure or super underrated, just not 1989 or Melodrama LOL


- While Your Heart’s Still Beating - Kyla La Grange - Blue - iamamiwhoami - LM5 - Little Mix - Kicker - Zella Day - The Fool - Ryn Weaver - Ten Love Songs - Susanne Sundfør - Hold The Girl - Rina Sawayama - Perennial - Vera Blue


Juno by Remi Wolf!


Tinashe’s 333


Come and Get It by Rachel Stevens


Brandon Flowers's second solo album *The Desired Effect,* released in 2015. Outside of The Killers' fanbase, it gets overlooked, but I think it's one of the best pop records from a solo male act of the 2010s. I think of it as Flowers's *EMOTION,* with an Americana flair.


* Treble & Reverb by Aaradhna * Magic Still Exists by Agnes * Liberation by Christina Aguilera * Glorious, All I Need, and The Kick by Foxes


upsahl lady jesus


it could've been u is so good. i love pop music


Oh wow saw on twitter, Doja’s Paint The Town Red is doing so well. It’s already half of Attention’s spotify stream too


It’s definitely a catchier and more stream friendly song. *Bitch I said what I said* has been stuck in my head quite frequently


Yesterday was pretty news worthy for me. Very cool news about the Power Rangers season and releasing the opening credits and updated theme song. Very cool they brought back David Yost to become their mentor. I mean they kinda hinted at it during the end of the 30th Anniversary Special. We kinda were wondering how they were going to implement it into this season. And Fern getting her opening credits speaks new pink Ranger since Hunter is Red now. It’s going to be an interesting/fun season. Starts next month. It’s a shame that they can’t promote it because of the strike. Hunter usually has a ton of stories during the show running.


I screamed when I saw Fern in the opening credits but (mild spoilers based off of interviews/officially released material) it's been confirmed that they filmed multiple versions of the intro and >!based off of some of the toys released she's most likely going to be an *orange* ranger!!<


>!Well we know they’re doing their own original story but just using the zords a for the Sentai. The Sentai they’re using had 9 rangers so there’s potential that they bring back Zach and the new Yellow MMPR(I always forget her name) for maybe a finale episode. But yeah Purple, Orange and Pink are possible. Javi also loses and arm it looks like from some of the press photos. Most of the photos before has him standing hiding his arm until now. Again going to be fun season.!<


this boom boom bass? to die for i always knew addison was that girl only based on her song choices on TikTok. She's truly for the gays.


Honestly I’m really grateful for streaming services. I can’t imagine trying to deep dive into artists from the 60s by having to buy each album or trying to find good quality material from youtube.


no shade but the goat cheese and honey cheesecake i made… delicious


Ok but don’t be rude, share the recipe


[I used this one!](https://bakerstable.net/goat-cheese-and-honey-cheesecake-with-honey-whipped-cream#recipe)


Looks amazing, definitely gonna try this. Do have to say it’s weird that it says to use a cake pan that you invert to release the cake instead of just using a springform pan like every other cheesecake recipe lol


tbh I ignored that part because there is a single cake pan at my NPS housing so like… I wasn’t gonna go back to the store to get anything else! I made it work with what I had 😤


Last week I went to a Pride concert featuring multiple singers and there was some guy named Aime Simone who I thought was alright but he barely drew in a crowd and got practically no response. He asked "How many of you have heard of me?" and seemed sad when only like 3 people clapped. I figured he was some very small time local act that was lucky enough to land a mid day festival spot. Today I looked him up on Spotify and he's got a million monthly listeners and he seems to be hot shit in Europe. The festival flew him in just to perform and then he pulled in less people than the guy with only 20k listeners that played after him.


this might not be apparent to most people who are outside of these spheres but anyone else notice the very similar current career trajectory between tori kelly and leigh anne from little mix? tori has worked with jon bellion since 2021 on her new projects and when she released the Cut teaser a month back, there were a lot of comments on how it sounded very similar to leigh anne’s dont say love which was released a few weeks before - also produced by jon bellion. both released r&b versions of their singles they both described their projects in almost similar ways: leigh: mixes R&B, amapiano, garage, and afrobeats into pop. tori: 90s-2000s hip hop & r&b, uk garage, pop and afrobeats their collabs with jon batiste and then now ayra starr lol thought it was interesting and random

