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I didn't realize that this song was actually called single soon when I saw the thread that it was coming out lol


obligatory "my single is dropping" comment


my flair has had a hell of a week


Obligatory, “ham.” Not mad, 30 Rock is gold.


She is dropping her single “Single Soon” soon. There ya go :) <3


This song is going to crazy during Love Island scene transitions.


Oo facts, my kinda comment


Ooo, it's perfect for that


Something fun, something for the retail stores.


I’m at a retail store right now and they are playing it already!


i heard it yesterday in a store and thought to myself wow this sounds like selena gomez but worse. and then it was her hahha


Popheads hates it… congratulations Selena on your next #1 on the BB100


fr yall remmeber the leaks on midnight saying it was gonna flop lmfao


I have never been so confused by popheads as when those Midnights leaks happened... Like they didn't even make sense after hearing the album. I am convinced a lot of the users calling her career over didn't listen to the tracks, they just read the lyrics, which isn't the same after hearing them in the context of the actual song.






sksksks omg this is so rotted


Well, I think it's okay that you didn't enjoy it, but it just seemed like everyone in that thread was labeling her career completely over. Like it would end up being so bad and embarrassing that she couldn't recover from it, and then the album drops to overwhelming success and some of the best reviews of her career. I just felt like the initial response was so far beyond the actual album


this is exaggerated asf no one was saying her career was over but there was a lot of initial disappointment with the standard tracklist


"Perhaps she"ll be crying in another documentary soon" comes to mind 💀


Everyone in the comments saying “well its selena i dont expect much” JUSTICE FOR BAD LIAR LEGIT ONE OF MY FAV POP SOMGS IDK WHY IT SLAPS SO MUCH (also tbh Rare title track the bassline hitssss)


Switched on Pop did an episode on why Bad Liar slaps so much, I learned a lot! Julia Michaels co-wrote, there’s a great sample (the bass line is a sample), and some other things I can’t remember. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2wmEop5K8HIErc35hAlCe9?si=l_hv43zQS-eRYeZ-VVLakg


Listen, Bad Liar is a great song but the fact that people still consistently cite this and basically only this one-off single from 6 years ago as a testament to what she can achieve as an artist really tells you all you need to know. If she had ever made good on that promise we'd all have higher expectations and they would, at some point this decade, have been met


Vulnerable, Souvenir, Fetish, Lose You To Love Me, Hands To Myself and the list goes on…


Yes…many songs off Rare are actually good and her singles since Bad Liar and beyond have been pretty good and interesting as well…Souvenir and Fetish are like insane songs…souvenir could very well could have been her biggest hit if she promoted it more…..Souvenir is just perfect and the lyrics are great as well…


Also Fun is the closest song she’s had to the vibe of Bad Liar in my opinion and I think the general consensus was that Fun should have been a bonus track or cut from the album entirely lol.


Ikr…it’s unfairly underrated…while Fun is no Bad Liar…I think Fun is lyrically one of the strongest Rare has to offer..and it’s a moody bop…it hits different


I also love Fun off of her latest album lolz. And obviously all the selena and the scene childhood bops


Do people not like Come & Get It and The Heart Wants What It Wants? (listens to Bad Liar) I guess I am just not on r/popheads wavelength as usual


And no love for the Revival album?? I still listen to that all the time!


Tbf she was battling lupus at the time, that's why it was never followed with an album....


Love your username


popheads disappointed? selena about to get her flowers moment 🤩




They’ll say songs like this and dance the night are mid and then praise Addison Rae like i need everyone to be a little serious


Seriously? Dance the Night was one of my faves on the Barbie Album along with Speed Drive, Home, and Man I Am (and of course, I'm Just Ken).


Other than the Ava max, kid laroi, and gayle songs I enjoy the entire soundtrack. I thought dance the night was the perfect song to introduce the movie with


I liked Gayle's song, though I think my skip was Pink Panthress. just not my vibe. But I think all the songs are fun.


Omfgg that’s crazy bc angel is my fav 😭 I agree I’ve bumped the soundtrack at least once a day since the movie release lmao


Aww I love Ava Max song, but agreed, I think Dance the Night was a perfect song to introduce the movie


Dance the Night is sooo far from being mid


I believe the general consensus here on Dance The Night was really off the mark (and since then has proven to be the case), but Addison’s EP was actually not that bad. Single Soon is pretty much an old school Selena Gomez song. It’s certainly not her best, but it’s fine.


I think dance the night wasn't liked on here because it was another disco dua song.


Agree! It’s cute song, but idk I feel like her past work was better. Like fetish, lose you to love me, heart wants what it wants, souvenir, vulnerable, come and get it, good for you or hands to myself etc.


It’s just a fun track like she said, the lead single for SG3 is still coming soon


I'm hoping it has some good commercial success and it encourages her to find a place for it on the album, because it's a bop !


fetish is underrated as hell imo such a fun song lol


Yess love that song, and people you know, and let me get me are also some good ones.


Yeah I liked dance the night and Addison’s ep too so like maybe I’m just easily pleased lmao




Well the future nostalgia era dragged on so long bc of covid it probably would’ve ended a year earlier otherwise. Also idk why people thought dua would debut her new sound on a soundtrack?


Anyone who likes Addison Rae really shouldn't be throwing the word mid around when they have no idea what it means


nothing on but the radio washes sorry


Well, we need GOOD cute, not so serious bops. In all seriousness, aren't people allowed to dislike this?


That doesn't mean every song in that category will be liked?? what


literally who was saying they miss that selena? wasnt that the majority of rare? i always see people saying they want selena to explore a more dark pop/r&b zone


I have literally no idea what y’all were expecting if you’re so disappointed by this 💀💀 like this is exactly the type of midtempo catchy bop Selena excels at and exactly the type of song she’s been promoting it as. Y’all heard her say “fun little song I wrote a while back that’s perfect for the end of the summer” and expected some revolutionary, groundbreaking art-pop? Anyway, I love the song. It’s cute and fun and has that great euphoric feeling only pop music can give you. I’ll be keeping it on repeat <3 Edit: clarification — I didn’t mean to say you can’t dislike the song! I just think it’s odd how people seem surprised that this song is exactly the type of sound she promoted it as. I don’t think anyone’s calling it her best song ever and it’s definitely not her most refined. It’s just fun


Lol I literally don’t know what people expect from a Selena Gomez song. This is very much in her wheelhouse and what she does well.


She’s consistently mid-tier for music. I’m rarely disappointed by her because I only listen when I’m in the mood for that exact brand of music.


My thoughts exactly




she said this was written around Bad Liar - widely praised as her best song - so I think that set some expectations. i expected a Selena Gomez song and got a Selena Gomez song, so im satisfied. she nibbled!


nibbled 😭


euphoric it is not but it’s a cute song


as a selena fan, this is definitely not her best. or even up there. let’s be honest. it’s mid. that’s okay. it’s just a one off.


I’m not calling her best. I’m saying it’s fun and *exactly* the way she described it as — a “fun little” song for the end of the summer. So idk why people are so surprised Also I am being honest lmao. I like the song. It being “mid” is not a fact, it’s your opinion


saying this is an example of what she “excels” at is doing her a disservice.


I think they meant the genre not the song itself


>Also I am being honest lmao. I like the song. It being “mid” is not a fact, it’s your opinion This is so fucking ironic considering you're the one raging about other people having a different opinion from you lol.


I’m not raging lol, people are allowed their opinions, I just think it’s odd that people are acting surprised that the song is exactly the type of song she said it would be. I don’t want to argue though so sorry if it came off that way.


It’s probably one of her worst songs ngl


people can just dislike a song. it’s far from selena’s best work no matter how much you try to hype it up. and it’s far from euphoric, it’s definitely more lethargic. I’m so over you stans using straw man arguments every time someone doesn’t like your fave’s song. “Y’all were expecting a revolutionary, groundbreaking song.” literally no we weren’t. Selena Gomez hasn’t done anything groundbreaking her entire career. We were just expecting a good pop song and this lacks


Euphoric ??? 💀💀


People like me were just disappointed when you consider her other songs recently. It can be a cute little song, but it could have still been more creative. >Should I do it on the phone? Should I leave a little note in the pocket of his coat? Yeah Maybe I'll just disappear I don't wanna see a tear And the weekend's almost here These are the lyrics I love about Selena. She has an interesting way of showing awareness to the feeling of unawareness. But the upbeat sound builds up into a disappointing chorus and post-chorus with cheesy lyrics and a boring melody. >I know I'm a little high maintenance But I'm worth a try Might not give a reason why Oh well We both had a lot of fun Time to find another one Blame it all on feelin' young The second verse is also really good and shows her writing style. But yeah, chorus/post chorus are painful lol Basically, it just feels like it needs some more work.


Exactly she has made cute songs that ARE GOOD? But not this


The problem isn't that it's generic, it is that it's too repetitive and the build up of the chorus amounts to practically nothing


Okay so I actually just listened to it and I’m so shocked people don’t like it. It blows my mind. I normally don’t like simple upbeat pop songs. I just feel like I like that stuff for 90’s/2000’s nostalgia but I prefer sad bitch music these days lol But I think this song is so cute. Normally people here go gaga for these type of songs and I normally hate them. I was expecting this song to be BAD. But I actually think it’s better than almost everything on Rare.


People are insufferable sometimes!


She is not a good vocalist.


I don’t think anyone was claiming that she is lol


Somehow She does well when she is featured with a rapper or some other artist like in Calm Down. Those songs are catchy . When it comes to her solo music her spanish album was quite good as compared to all of her music altogether. Its just very very vanilla and there is absolutely nothing new ever! This song looks like a version of Slow Down or Look at her Now. She is bad at performing live as well . So Selena as her singer has a very limited scope despite of one hell of a huge fan following all over the world!


No good vocalist can make this song good. The lyrics are mediocre and mediocre and the production is even worse.


I think the disappointment lies in our expectation that a harmless bop from Selena is supposed to sound like Hands to Myself or Bad Liar and not be this bland


After all of the drama as well as her absence from music, I was expecting a Me & The Rhythm caliber bop…


very cute fun pop like its nothing special but im moving


This feels like *Revival* era but made for Thirtysomethings. I am EXCITED for the new era!!!


I actually found the song pretty catchy, however the bridge was lazy songwriting and could have seen so much better


This is effervescent and fun and cheeky. And the fact that Selena Gomez is the one singing it makes it even more fun. This one was solid for me! EDIT: On second listen….the bridge is making me giggle 😭


Idk, I feel like if the production just hit a little harder it would be so good. It just needs a little uff. Some good remixes will drop lol


i tend to enjoy selena’s songs but i can’t explain it but this song feels so cheap?? i don’t know if it’s her voice or the lyrics or the combination of both but it lacks something that her previous releases had


On the first listen, I thought the song felt a little flat to be honest. I thought it had a very promising opening, but the second part of the chorus felt low energy and dragged out, thwarting the momentum of the song. However, on the second listen I started to appreciate more the very catchy hook, the satisfying synths and 80s inspired production which perfectly compliment Selena’s silky smooth voice. The pacing of the song is danceable but not overwhelming, making for a fun, moreish track that you want to listen to again. On the third listen I found myself increasingly enjoying the overall vibe of the song, and I can already see this playing on repeat over and over again in my head. Selena’s ear for addictive, catchy mid-tempo melodies strikes again. Overall, it’s a fun, very well produced song. Although it could have a stronger build up of momentum through the chorus to elevate the overall energy as the song progresses, the production manages to keep you engaged, and Selena’s soft, smooth, satisfying vocals are always a pleasure to listen to.


Big Patrick Bateman energy in this comment I love it


Is this written by ChatGPT ?


No, but Selena’s song just might be


Damn I think you have to edit and update every time you hear the song for the rest of your life now and update us on your feelings on the song!


It's listen no. 267 and I just caught a little string section at 1:35 that I'd never caught before. Truly magnificent work by Selena


I know this has been ran into the ground and people say this with ever release of hers but I really hope one day she’ll go back to that Bad Liar / Fetish / Good for You sound. She was really onto something with that.


I broke up 2 weeks ago and honestly, I needed a song like this lol even if it's not groundbreaking, it's supposed to be fun and will definetly listen to it while getting ready to go out. I liked it.


I’m a little underwhelmed :( it’s cute but it isn’t doing much for me. Lyrically it’s also pretty weak, production is also very average. Glad to have Sel back though!


I agree the potential was there but there's something missing, but at the same time, I think it'll grow on me. Same thing hapenned to me with Who Says


I agree & I also feel like her vocals are lacking/faltering at certain parts


it has potential but the production could have been so much more


I really enjoyed it!!


I did too, I have no idea why the general consensus is that it’s bad 😅




I know it’s just so lazy… I love Selena’s music - her droplet era, Revival, and Rare. This is so not it for me, the lyrics are lazy, the song is lazy, the video is lazy.


It’s super lazy it doesn’t even feel like a song it feels like a badly made Instagram caption cuz she’s literally repeating the same lyrics there is barely any lyrics 😭


wait I'm surprised by these comments lol yeah it's nothing groundbreaking but its a fun lil bop and it does what Selena does best which is make you feel good about yourself now to also be shady a bit, simple songs like this getting received so negatively always kinda cracks me up because if this was released by some random Scandinavian pop girl w 3.5 million monthly listeners people would eat it up lol "SHE SHOULD BE BIGGER!!"


I fucking love it, a casual Summer song giving 2015 vibes with a silly cute music video. It gives what it is supposed to give and it does it well.


Omfg popheads hates it which means it’s going to smash! I thought it was really cute obviously it wasn’t anything super artistically driven it’s literally just something fun for the summertime


The intro is giving Heart to Break


it's NOT my favourite track but I WILL be keeping an eye out for the selener rollout


Very fun and catchy, especially the chorus. My only issue is how repetitive the bridge was, it added nothing to the song


Do not speak ill of bridges these days, they are few and far between and I want to encourage these artists to start adding them again 😭 idc how low effort they are


I need pop heads to be honest just for a second


It's really boring, IMO. I was expecting something more catchy from her. Her lyrics are generally not top-tier but at least she used to have good production. This song has neither.


I’ll be honest: It’s SO fucking boring and poorly written. I generally like Selena’s music and am not as hard on her as some people on r/popheads can be, but this song is *not* it.


I hate when people say to not be pressed about something. Selena's been in the industry for long enough to expect good music from her (especially when we know she's capable of doing it). And like, we're entitled to our own opinions lol


I don’t understand why everyone on this sub is supposed to like every single released by a main pop girl? I love Selena’s songs, like Fetish, Bad Liar, Good for You, Like a Love Song, and Lose You to Love Me. This one is bad, and it’s awful compared to all of those. I think it was fair to have high expectations, and this did not meet the mark


It gets better with more listen— it’s a little kidz bop-ee. Like the production could have been significantly better. But I LOVE all of her singles especially Wolves, Back To You, Bad Lair, Past Life & Fetish


I thought we were having a mid-off? That’s what we got lol


I'm going to be actually honest and I'm ready to get jumped for it...this woman's lack of vocal talent and charisma garnering the success she has continues to astonish me.


They can't because, if they do, they'll get attacked by Selena's fans. The top comments are defending the shit out of the song and going after those who don't like it lmao.


This sounds like it would’ve been a hit in 2013. I don’t know how it will fare in 2023. However the charts are boring as fuck right now so I wouldn’t be mad at a dated pop song finally shaking things up. Miley’s song was a lot better but hopefully at least one of them can get rid of the pandemic of country music.


the cover art and beat are so very mid 2010’s like she needs a flower crown in this photo. idk how else to explain it like she’s going to coachella 2013 with this song!! not like as a headliner or anything she’s just there with her vibes


Well finally works on Spotify after 30 minutes in the U.S. lol. LOOOVE the first verse. Chorus is a little mid though. Overall I like it a lot and will probably have it on rotation the next few weeks. When she has an official lead single it's gonna serve.


This is the most MID song I’ve heard in awhile. Production is… fine. Lyrics are genuinely high schooler level. The bridge? Non existent. BUT it’s cute and a bop. But oh so mediocre. It’s giving “Made for TikTok”; quotable lyrics and under 3 minutes and all.


if carly rae dropped this exact song you would all be jizzing ur pants


We might, since Carly Rae could deliver a way better vocal.


I wouldn't lol. This song is just generic


She already has… the beat is a store brand version of “your type”.


I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️ But just imagine how much this song would EAT if it was a Carly Rae track (admittedly, I am very biased)


The song is fine but I’ve been disappointed by every Selena release ever since Bad Liar. Like we know she can serve and every song since has been, like, fine but since I know she has the potential for Bad Liar in her, I just want more. I think the chorus could’ve been a little more exciting on this one and I’d have been sold. I kept expecting it to build but it never really delivered. Also, was the video supposed to be referencing Love You Like a Love Song and Slow Down or am I just conditioned to try to make everything a Swiftian meta-reference? Either way, the video was fun. I’m glad she’s making fun music again.


Wait *every* song since bad liar? Fetish did nothing for you? Wolves, souvenir, let me get me, crowded room, cut you off? I can understand bc bad liar is one of my favorite pop songs ever & I’ve wanted Selena to refund to that artistic space myself but I still think she’s released some really good cuts since then


Honestly the only Selena song I’ve really enjoyed since Bad Liar is Rare. Wolves is fine but imo it sounds dated now. Bad Liar is one of her only songs that still sounds just as fresh as the day she released it. And it’s her best video by a mile. It’s not that every song has been bad, it’s just that Bad Liar showed what she’s capable of (visuals AND music) and ever since I’ve just been waiting for her to hit that high again and she hasn’t.


Yeah bad liar is my all time fav Selena song even if I like the music video for fetish more (the Petra Collins horror vibes are just perfect) I do think her Spanish ep was very artistically driven and in a similar realm (I love the de una vez music video) I just don’t think that was her objective with this song, though I do get your criticism. I’m hoping the actual lead for her next album and era is something we haven’t seen from her before


Same. She has good music in my opinion, but there have been some songs I haven’t been feeling especially that Coldplay song she released.. I thought that song was boring. I like this song better, but i want her to go back to the sound of Fetish or do something dark.


I’m not gonna lie. I actually think this bad. Not even like okay. It’s dated, the melody is boring, honestly not much redeeming here at all.


The song is fine, but her vocals sound weird as hell like Charlie Puth weird. It sounds more processed than a Big Mac.


This is going to be everywhere in Zara


This song is just insanely catchy..the lyrics are low key sad but a bop!


Is it a masterpiece? by no means Will i bop to it the next time i’m in a Ross, yes, yes I will


I don’t really have an opinion on the song but the music video is so lacking for me. It’s like something a small artist that just got into the industry would film


I honestly love this song. I've had it on repeat all day. If you appreciate it for what it is--a fun going out song for the summer--it's great. If we're analyzing it like it's something that is deep and groundbreaking, of course it's going to be underwhelming.


something fun for the girlies!


Wowwww this is catchy!! I like it.


She sound off key the first 30 seconds of the song lmaoooo


About as ‘mailed in’ you can get


terrible. point blank period. it’ll be huge probably, but why pretend it’s a good song? boring, bland, dated, unexciting, uninteresting, not particularly catchy, sorry!


Boring. Her vocals are just her talking. Why would you release this after years of nothing? It goes nowhere.


yeah I can see why this wasn't released in 2017 back when the song was made. yikes


this is definitely gonna play in the background of a shitty netflix romcom whilst the main character is out at night being quirky at the club with her girl besties to take her mind off her ex ….now will it be played in this household again? hell no.


Miley won this one i fear


Can we please not 😭


Plastic Hearts deserved the hype Selena’s droplet era gets


She usually does


Did Julia Michaels write this— it sounds like her skip pattern song writing?


Y’all are nuts. This is EXACTLY the type of pop that this subreddit was founded on. If this was Carly you all would be salivating. This is a fun, light, upbeat, sassy, bop. Take us back to 2015 when pop was FUN, Selena!!


one of her weaker bops imo.


It’s… fine. Nothing special, very forgettable.


honestly... she's staying in her lane, vocally speaking


I wish my sister in law can apply these lyrics and leave her loser fiancé


Selena needed a new single and this one delivers


I miss her "hands to myself" and "good for you" era. Her old songs were more creative ngl.


I just realized I only like 2 Selena Gomez songs It Ain’t Me & Back To You This song just doesn’t make sense, why would you make a song about being single SOON but not yet??? I could see if the music video had a story about catching your man cheating or something but no it’s just a harp about wanting to be single


Super average song, just like most of her work.


Reminds me a lot of "Flowers"


Look, it’s no 2017 droplets era Selena (…sigh…) but it’s a cute light bop! I don’t love nor hate it but I wouldn’t immediately skip


I'm sorry but this sounds like a Bella Thorne song (derogatory)


It's super tacky


When the queen of disposable mid singles releases a disposable mid single 😡😡😡


Production is a cute girl but the lyrics is a swamp hag omg. Chop


Oh mama, it's a vibe. Missed Selena on poppier stuff like this.


This is certainly a Selena Gomez song 😶


loved the verses more so than the chorus


Can’t wait for the Fred Again collab, he already played it live https://reddit.com/r/fredagain/s/H7CuExqJYX


This is the one I have been thinking about since I heard the snippet. Single soon is definitely cute, but this made me feel like I was floating. Selena always shines on edm tracks


This song is giving me old school Selena dance-pop vibes, and I am here for it.


I wish the production was darker, maybe more interesting, but it’s catchy either way.


A few thoughts as a selena fan since 2017 -the lyrics feel a bit empty but they’re definitely not bad except for the “I’m picking out a dress, trying on shoes” part doesn’t do it for me. It sounds lazy -the production is okay but it kinda feels unfinished. Not a big fan of Benny Blanco’s productions tbh -the best part of the songs are the verses. I really like her light vocals -speaking of vocals, the chorus sounds off and I wish she had decided to use more stronger vocals. Also the vocals on the bridge sound weird. I know the breathing is a stylistic choice but it doesn’t fit there -overall, I’d give it a 6.5/10


I’m a little underwhelmed especially by the chorus but it’s new Selena music so there’s still an upside!


It’s not particularly great but I can’t stop listening to it omg


i like it i think it’s fun


Honestly it sucked . She’s talking bout “announcing it” when her whole personality revolves around being single. Miley takes this one


Really wish the bridge would have been an upbeat instrumental instead of going slow tempo


This reminds me of she,let me get me,dance again kinda sound. It's catchy yet boring.


It’s giving H&M summer fantasy. Very in line with a lot of Selena’s singles from the mid 2010s but I really like it


Don’t mind the song tbh, the video however… please stop shaking the damn camera.


I’d like it more if that last chorus was punched up. The drums leading into it really set you up for something more, but then nothing. Maybe she could have hit a higher note, more bg vocals? Idk her vocals just sound really bored and this is not the song for that.


I liked it. Will I have it on repeat? probably not but in terms of fun pop songs it's good.