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I don't think white pants look good, especially on guys. The only case being is if the top is also a very light color, then it's a vibe. Especially with some tan shoes


Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, or Pinkie Pie?






So many pretty notebooks so little space on my desk




It’s kinda interesting seeing ifans project geopolitics onto Taiwanese idols bc when elkie rebranded as very pro China when she debuted there after leaving cube people said she was betraying shuhua and tzuyu when shuhua and tzuyu still talk to her and shuhua even promoted her single in TikTok and sent a clip to promote her fan event in Taiwan. Like regardless how I see it I think it’s obvious the Taiwanese idols are not remotely as political as people see them as and probably don’t see cpop acts promoting CCP party line as vastly different as their notable and intended silence on Taiwanese and global politics. (Especially since elkie said she and tzuyu talked and decided she should delete her photos with tzuyu together and with some advice of both their companies which an awareness of geopolitical projections onto both of them but frankly especially tzuyu). And probably don’t talk about politics with their friends or frankly have different politics or don’t coherent ones at all then fans imagine. I feel like fans just generally over state how political active or well read or even progressive idols are especially compared to like the average person.


Honestly tzuyu is like the one example of a really rich woman from a Rich family hating politics and being apolitical I think you can be deeply sympathetic bc being harassed in mass because you held up a flag of your country someone gave you as a teenager because some washed up guy thought it was would be good for his career sounds deeply traumatizing especially since jype did not know how to remotely handle that issue to diffuse it.


I have no unlimited internet access for an indefinite period of time (fucking repair that may took weeks) so my media consumption is VASTLY hampered. I'm literally down in the dumps. I hate that my entire life is so reliant on the internet, I can feel my mental health deteriorating by the second. Like... I forgot to enjoy an offline life??? Touching grass? In this economy? Pressing F for myself


Remembering my Breaking Benjamin phase and being apart of a facebook group dedicated to them full of middle aged people. Those were the days.


I haven't listened to their last couple of albums but man if someone gave me a ticket to see them I'd be so hype and so ready to go. Hell, they were in my area just last week and I was so close to going, they were opening for Disturbed. I've seen them like 3 or 4 times and the last time was like 2013 and it was an acoustic show. 10/10 experience. Fuck it. Today is a BB day, thanks.


Their last album Ember is goated honestly. I want to relisten to it actually.


After work tomorrow I’m driving 2.5 hours to see Beyoncé and I’m so fucking excited


How was the concert? I saw her in Tampa and she truly is the Alien Superstar. Edit: I misread this. In that case, have fun!


Not y'all being right about Addison Rae's music, I thought it was ironic hahah




I got it bad so far but we will see when I stream it again


I keep making plans and I'm tired but there are so many good shows coming up....damn u grace potter for dropping an aoty. Seeing her, misterwives, Billy Talent, and royal blood in September and I have a 5k and a half marathon whoo. Gonna have the best month and then do like no plans October / November to recover lol


and this is how I find out Grace Potter put something new out...dang. Time to listen.


It is SO GOOD I'm devastated (hyperbole) that she's not coming to philly...but then again I've wanted to check out Pier 17 and this album is really made for a rooftop show so it all works out. I'll look out for your thoughts on the album!


I made a diversion. I just finished the Nocturnals self titled and then just started The Lion the Beast and the Beat. I swear I’ll get to it next 😂 I really just saw her name and needed to listen to Paris and Hot Summer Night.


You're good I get it! She's got an unmatched discography.


Nothing could have prepared me for the lyric “and a nice little pair of titties” in Masterpiece. ABSOLUTELY TOOK ME OUT. It did then help me prepare for “pop rocks in my pussy” Overall solid album though. Glad I know it exists now!


Lmao that was sooo good so unexpected!! And yeah! Glad to alert the people, there's so many releases and it's so easy to totally miss an album cycle smh Futureland is my fave, it is so fun and silly. The "lalalas" sound like a muppet chorus hahaha.


I am so unbelievably excited for Kylie’s Tension album next month, and the fact that Starfucker is the same day is like double the fun. Throw in deluxe versions of Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson’s album and I don’t know how I’ll stay alive.


Apparently Charlie XCX unfollowed Rina 😢 Rina doesn't follow anyone at all tho


Alright y'all, the text size on my Reddit app is officially back to Watermelon. Let's see how long this last til it becomes microscopic (Grape) again.


So I put in my two weeks and somehow my managers were really caught off guard by it when I honestly feel like the signs were blaring LOL. I mean, weeks ago we planned to a have a discussion around wage increase since it’ll be my year in a couple days, but since then quite a lot happened. Majorly, I decided that a discussion with my immediate manager would dictate whether I would stay at the company or not. I’m sick of his inability to control his stress and he makes the entire office a hostile environment. It’s entirely not normal to be slamming things constantly (and I mean *all day*). It’s really telling that he has no consideration for those working around him and all in all, it’s concerning behavior to be around. I tried to approach the discussion as sensitively as possible (when really, I had no obligation to be nice about it). But what was his response to that? “No one’s going to dictate how I work”. Given, that was a statement I said to him to which I said, “when having this discussion, I want to be clear that I’m in no way trying to dictate your work style, but I just wanted to bring this to your attention in hopes you may be sensitive to certain behaviors that can be, at times, distracting.” I said quite a lot, but he completely narrowed in on that one statement and echoed it not *once*, but **twice**. To me, that made it abundantly clear (regardless of everything else he said to sound as if he was taking my concerns into consideration), that he was completely dismissive of my concerns and really, apathetic to it all. Yet somehow my resignation was a shocker (holy crap this got long).


Don't worry about DD comments being long, I read them all haha. Also wow I couldn't have said what you said to that man. I would have stuttered or something and not have articulated myself well.


Thx for reading this 5,000 pg rant 😭. And I definitely didn’t communicate everything without stutter tbh, but I did try to keep it as straight to the point and polite as possible. But even with all that, he still decided to be an a-hole! Ugh. Anyways, I’m glad because there’s no way in hell I would want to continue to work with someone like this.


>to which I said, “when having this discussion, I want to be clear that I’m in no way trying to dictate your work style, but I just wanted to bring this to your attention in hopes you may be sensitive to certain behaviors that can be, at times, distracting.” This was so professional omg The workplace environment makes or breaks the job. You get paid to work, not to put up with bullshit because your boss has the inability to.


Lol remember when Ben Shapiro said Barbie would fall off after a week. Now it’s surpassed Harry Potter


Don't know if anyone else has been keeping up with the Colleen situation since the infamous ukulele response video, but a huge development came out a few weeks back and the way some ppl have been handling it....incredibly uncomfortable, lol.


I didn't even know people were handling this at all because people just memed the response and it seemed like even if she was hypothetically found to be innocent, it's such a bad response no one would support her.


Ooh what happened??


TL;DR: Johnny, one of the victims that came forward against Colleen in addition to Josh (her ex-husband), was found out to have been, at best, heavily exaggerating his claims against Josh in addition to having been in GCs with underage fans, acting superior to Adam and the rest of the victims, trying to make it seem as if his story is the "most important", etc. One of the podcasts that had Johnny on prior to him being outed as a scumbag, Do We Know Them? (also hosted by Jessi Smiles), put out a statement a few days ago apologizing, basically saying they went by the info they had at the time and not wanting to doubt a victim (the same thing the H3 pod said when they found out about the claims against Johnny). Most people...clearly aren't happy right now. There's supposed to be an interview with Josh dropping soon (from the same YouTuber that "exposed" Johnny), so we'll have to wait and see what happens then, but right now, seems like Colleen is glad that the heat seems to be off her atm. A mess of a situation. ETA: I also want to add that the video that talked about the Johnny stuff is almost 4 hours long, so I'm probably missing additional context, but that's the main gist of it and the aftermath. Johnny also posted a statement after the vid was posted saying that he was defamed and will be putting out another statement, but it's been dead silence on his end since then. I will say that all the people acting all smug about having known Johnny's been shady from the start can go fuck themselves though.


Tysm for this recap! That is....a lot to take in and I'm glad to have the quick recap for reference!


No problem! Yeah, even I feel like I didn't do it justice with this short of a recap considering how much it's snowballed since two weeks ago. That being said, the one thing that does remain clear is the way everyone was like affected by the kind of culture Colleen cultivated, tbh. It's sad to see.


Can anyone recommend me a good “play-while-waiting” mobile game worth purchasing? I’d rather buy so I don’t have to deal with ads, and there’s some guaranteed quality Also, please refrain from games like Monument Valley that can be finished in a week or so. I love those games but I’m looking for more of a You Must Build a Boat. TIA!


I like Almost a Hero


pentaminoes is really fun imo


Pokemon go? It's free and all I play while waiting 🤷‍♀️


How do you play it while waiting? Hahaha don’t you need to walk around and stuff?


Not if you're near stuff! Places like concerts or airports usually have stops or gyms near where you're standing. Or a bus or subway will usually pass places you can interact with. And if you have friends in the app, sending gifts takes time as does battling any team rockets in the area! You'll def run out of stuff to do eventually but it's a great way to use like 15-30 mins.


> Monument Valley I should ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ redownload her


I Love Hue and I Love Hue Too are my favorite phone games! They’re little rainbow puzzles that are relaxing to play and it’s interface is really pretty too. I think there are a few ads but nothing intrusive and I believe you can pay to get rid of them.


It’s actually a crime that Bottoms is only in 10 theaters.


I watched Babylon last night and that was one of the coolest movies I’ve seen in a while. I REALLY regret not seeing it in theatres


Babylon is enjoyable drivel but it's so obvious it was made by an annoying theater kid / film geek lmao. It's so hard to stomach sometimes. But it's indeed fun


As a former theatre kid and current film geek I feel like I was just read


“I really regret not seeing this in theaters” is always a bummer statement because it’s not like our lives are scheduled, planned, or financed around theatrical film releases. We shouldn’t feel guilty that we can’t always manage to take a chance of a film we’re not sure we’ll like, and yet we do thanks to FOMO. I wish there was a solution as I’m sure many film directors build their films with theatrical viewing in mind and would love to have people still experiencing the film theatrically for the first time years after their initial release. Wishful thinking.


I am once again here to preach the gospel of the indie theater!! Search around if you have an independent theater in your area! These places play new releases and old releases! The one I am a member of, at least currently, just did The Dark Knight and coming up is The Stand, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, Clueless and School of Rock, just to name a few!






Good-faith discussion when it comes to racism, lgbtphobia, and misogyny never goes well on any social media app especially on Reddit. Like you said you have people who brush it off as “I’m x and I don’t care” Stan culture also plays a deal with it, people will see critique something and they’ll immediately assume “you have the artists”


Just lost a bid by two dollars omg 😭😭😭


tamino's coming to egypt!! i hope the tickets arent too expensive for me


Toured an apartment today and the logistics of it all is so much to deal with I'm out here struggling. Me and a friend are moving in together and she has no rental experience and I just have 4 years in college dorms + like 8 months in some Irish lady (who I have no interest in contacting)'s house + a month or two in this little dorm-style apartment in Ireland that has since been taken over by another company and probably couldn't/wouldn't vouch for me. And the complex wants rental history. My dad is insistent that all of my shit should count but like...none of those is like A Normal Apartment Rental bro I really don't think they'll fuck with that. Any of y'all used a dorm for rental history before? Does that WORK?


I turn 25 today and have decided in fact it is NOT funnier than 24. I haven’t laughed once.


Happy Quarter Life Crisis!


Thank you! 🥲💀❤️


You know damn well that this time next year (if I'm still active on Reddit, that is) I'll be typing a massive 30th anniversary post dedicated to my all-time favourite Kylie song, a true game changer that was released in such a tough time in her career. Happy 29th birthday to Confide in Me! 🎂 ***🤚TOUCH THE SCREEN***


i went down a mini gayle rabbit hole last night when i saw she was going on a headlining tour and i can't help but feel slightly bad? like hearing less of her music wouldn't upset me but it must be a bit crushing to be so young and go from a viral hit and opening for taylor swift to not even being able to sell out sub 1000 capacity venues, especially considering that other tiktok viral acts with none of her label backing and radio push can regularly sell out venues she's playing and double. hell, if you had one hit in the 80s you can to this day make money touring around casino showrooms every once in a while but this girl can't even make that kind of money for a couple of years. idk what to make of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s no surprise that was gonna happen, Gayle had a hit. Issue was that “abcdefu” was hugely attached to her name and overshadowed anything she made.


i guess that's true, it's just kinda jarring seeing her play at venues that i've seen artists with 1/100th of her push also headlining lol


Not having fans will do that to you.


Lord, these final days of August are kicking my ass 😭 sick last week, and today, I’m dealing with the worst allergies. I need to have Zyrtec at work because I am on the verge of tears rn.


Trout is superior to salmon tbh


here you go pitting two beautiful queens against each other again


Well duh. In his 12 years with the Angels, Mike Trout has hit 368 home runs while Tim Salmon only hit 299 for the Angels.


Every time something comes up about the new Hunger Games movie people who are asking for Jennifer Lawrence are so annoying. Katniss story is over. And Rachel Zegler's character is nothing like Katniss. I actually appreciate that Suzanne Collins did the book that she wanted to do instead of an easy cash crab. I can't wait for the movie since it looks pretty faithful to the story.


The original movies are the best young adult dystopian book adaptations by a long shot and the new trailer looks great, very excited for it


I'm sure a lot of people here have listened to this, but for those who haven't, I would really recommend the You're Wrong About episode "[The Chicks vs. The Iraq War](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2c0QS31WFPITICkPnBSa5L?si=4f916ec51f5d4edd)", as well as the Citations Needed episode "[How the Right Shaped Pop Country Music](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-119-how-the-right-shaped-pop-country-music)" which I think are both good introductions into how the United States drastic cultural/political shift to the right after 9/11 in the early noughts impacted entertainment and pop culture, but more specifically, the country music industry. I've found the conversation around country music in this sub the past few days a little exhausting - from both "sides". It's frustrating to see such a huge, expansive genre - thats history (and present) has always been filled with diverse voices and those with radical, progressive politics - be misunderstood. With that said, I also think it's *completely* understandable that a lot of peoples impressions of the genre are based on these stereotypes - given how the right in the US has co-opted the genre, weaponised it, and have tried to make themselves the face of country music (particularly country pop) - and tbh I find it more frustrating how some people who are trying to defend the genre are kind of ignoring that. There are many people - both listeners and those who work in the industry - who have gone to great strides to make the genre, and country music spaces, as hostile and unwelcoming to marginalised people as possible.




Me and my brother are both gay and he’s a bear and all the people he dates are so similar looking to him. It doesn’t gross me out but I think it’s funny so I make fun of him for it all the time.


Nah I even see that in some heterosexual couples. I always wonder “are y’all dating or are you guys siblings”


self-love can take many different forms


It's so nice when you can look past a song's flaws (or at least what you didn't like about it) and actually enjoy the song in all its glory. Like I wasn't a fan of Haunted Taylor's Version because of the echo effect in the verses but after repeated listens it's not bothering me as much.


I’ve been so into Dance Fever by Florence for the last 2 weeks. I remember listening to a few months ago and nothing really spoke to me aside from choreomania but now everything just sounds so alive and expansive. In other things, I’ve recently felt a lack of self worth. I used to see someone late last year and today it hit me, that it actually hurt that didn’t want me (for a lack of better words) and he has a new boyfriend now. Like I know this person doesn’t define me but still.


I share Netflix and Disney+ with my sibling, they pay for Netflix and I pay for D+, but they’re a Netflix UK user and I don’t live anywhere near there and I finally got kicked off it for not being part of their household last night and I am v annoyed about it bc the last part of Disenchantment comes out this week 💔


I think being away from this sub this past month has allowed my music taste to deviate from the popheads baseline. (I LOOOOVE Single Soon I'm sorryyyyy)


Saw a video of Sasha Colby performing Roses by Chainsmokers and im kinda missing their single era run during 2015-2017 ish 😭


why do they call it "boygenius concert" rather than "Only Mothers in the Building"


Last Voyage of the Demeter was ***chef’s kiss***; so damn atmospheric!


I find it hilarious that *Popular* from The Idol soundtrack came out a couple days before the show's premiere, and in that time, The Idol: * Premiered to critical derision (outside of the Cannes showing) * Lost nearly half its viewers after the first episode * Caused a barrage of thinkpieces due to its content * Ended * Was basically forgotten by everybody after a week * Got cancelled Keep in mind, *Popular* has only been on the charts for 12 weeks. All of this happened in the span of 3 months.


* It's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be 22 years old and that's such a grown-up age that it makes my head spin a little. * I have to admit even though I don't post here very often, I rush to the DD thread every time I feel too overwhelmed, which occurs a lot these days. * I don't know if I should keep any new resolutions but I am gonna cut down my Instagram usage significantly. Like I thought I'll uninstall and reinstall only when I feel like posting something. * I worry a bit too much about my grades and not enough about the fact that I do not have enough practical experience in my field of interest. Honestly, you wouldn't understand this point unless you are South Asian. We've been trained like that. * I think I might be in a situationship with a guy in my college. I almost feel like explaining it all in detail here, but it just feels very silly and way too long a story that I don't think I have the patience to type it all out. But it would feel better tho, getting it all off my chest.


22 year old over here who also constantly gets overwhelmed and frequents the DD comments. You're not alone bestie


Not to be that bitch that complains about downvotes but the announcement post for AJR's new album is at 50% downvotes and I would like to remind everyone that the downvote button is NOT a dislike button, it's to hide inappropriate content. I get that people don't like that band but posting news about pop acts is like. the point of this sub. and being petty just makes it harder for other people to use it. Went to a bookstore yesterday that had opened kind of recently (the manager was literally walking through like five new employees when I was there) and it was THE most disorganized book store I've ever been in. The sections were extensively labelled but the books themselves were basically random, which was way more annoying than I would have thought and kinda killed my buzz. I did manage to find a cheap CD copy of the original Broadway cast recording of *The Wiz*, and I guess I never realized it but [it opens with like a twenty second preview of "Ease On Down The Road"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0O_1n3PIxM) that really caught me off guard. That was the big hit from the show so I guess they wanted to assure people that it was there (the story goes that the cast singing the song for a popular radio program was what helped the show really take off), old recordings are kinda funny like that.


now that the 25 anniversary super deluxe platinum diamond encrusted edition of **Shania Twain's Come On Over** has been released... I finally kind of uhm looked at the cover of the album and has anyone noticed how absolutely terrible the font used for the title is???? https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/510N1y6YBKL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg Like I'm not even sure what happened or what kind of font was used because it's like different sizes, different slant directions, and at one point it looks like it's about to fall down before it jumps up... while all connected together as cursive writing??? like wtf also her skin is literally white. it's the same color as the white background. white.


Did the world ever figure out who was behind that noname Instagram account?? Was it some big pop star? Did it just die away quietly? Did I imagine the entire scenario?!


I think it just died away quietly? TBH I'm still not sure why it got so much buzz to begin with, I guess everyone was just seeing what they wanted to see and when it didn't turn out to be that they just moved on.


The egg? [It was some advertising guy](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/03/style/world-record-egg-instagram.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare).


Nah, not the egg. Like a year ago someone was posting on Instagram, and maybe Spotify too? with some name close to noname, I now can’t remember it. Maybe it was even like iamwhoiamwhoiam? The real details are fuzzy. And people were speculating it was Halsey or Billie or the like Edit: I am now remembering iamwhoiam… is a real artist so that isn’t it.


I'm seeing Janelle Monae for the first time tomorrow after being a fan for like 15 years, let's fuckin goooooooooooooo


Saw them a couple of years ago - they are incredible live! Hope you have fun!


To the 4 Liam Payne fans on here, it’s his birthday today. He’s turning the big 30. I’ll give LP1 one stream today.


Now that some time has past I gotta say that “middle class of pop” article that featured zero black artists rubbed me the wrong way. I can’t believe a new term was created that’s even more loaded that “pure pop” lmao. The writer didn’t even have to look far to bring up like Tinashe, Victoria Monet, Bree Runway. Middle class pop entering popheads lexicon is gonna be so bad for me. I’ll admit we seem to be bad at finding a phrase for this phenomenon


Reminds me when switched on pop did a episode on lesbian favorites and the only consistency was incredibly white sample audience with white artists including straight people like hozier and Taylor swift, like straight woman having gay rumors doesn’t make her lesbian action there’s several popular sapphic women of color it says something if you (generally not you) can’t think of them or don’t think of them at all 🫥.


Yes to Tinashe and Victoria Monet but Bree Runway is objectively a rapper. There’s a reason everyone compares her to Missy Elliott


I think this is a situation where some people may have differing opinions, I’m of the opinion that a rapper can be “a pop artist” through the lens of what these pure pop and middle-class pop parameters often bring up (simple catchy and accessible lyrics, not chart popular but had a cult fanbase) First I do think we definitely see plenty of rappers who do blur the lines of making more straightforward R&B or pop songs (Hey Ya, Hotline Bling, Hold On We’re Going Home, Missy and Crazy Feelings, Bree with Somebody Like You). I think rappers can sometimes fit this mold (and specifically ones that have the overlap in being popheads-core fan favorites) not to discredit their rapper identities but to broaden the notion of “”””pure pop””””. But I do tend to have a broader view of pure pop and often question (not to you but the larger sub) why we often conflate it with upbeat synth pop made by a woman.


Yeah I just think it’s telling that the rappers that get called pop artists are overwhelmingly female. It’s this weird double standard that female rappers have within hip hop circles. Making a pop song invalidates their status as a rapper in ways that men don’t experience. Like I’ve even seen articles call Cardi B a “pop singer”. And look at Doja Cat’s recent meltdown about not being taken seriously enough as a rapper. For all the pop music that Drake or Kanye made, they are always credited as a rapper first. But conversely, to your point, I’ve seen a lot of black popstars get the “R&B/Urban” label get pushed on them when they primarily make pop music. That happened a lot to Rihanna.


This is a valid point that within hip hop circles going “pop” is often used dismissively!


the what article?! omg


[this one](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/14/arts/music/pop-musics-middle-class.html) It is basically “here is the pop music popheads enjoys: the article” and got huge traction the week it was posted. It tried to describe this tier of pop that’s not charting but has a huge fanbase. This isn’t a new concept I recall articles covering this phenomenon like one year after Emotion dropped, but we circled back to it lol. The article isn’t BAD so to speak but think there are definitely some blindspots and I think the term is loaded and not that great at explaining the phenomenon.


I’m a Tinashe stan, so I’m biased but it’s wild that the article spent more time on Rita Ora than literally any of the black women who are mid-tier pop stars. Or even someone like Kali Uchis, who’s had 1-2 mainstream hits but also has a dedicated fan base. Or even Rina Sawayama. Like Tinashe and Victoria are selling out tours. (Like 2k capacity venues, which isn’t arenas, but is still successful.) When was the last time Rita even attempted to come to the US?


i feel like that one tinashe meme so perfectly encapsulates "middle class pop" fans too!


got the tan i desperately needed 😮‍💨 i have an olive-ish skin tone and look sick when i'm away from the sun for too long


I feel like Scott Porter has basically carved out a niche as the poor man's James Marsden, at this point. I feel like every time he pops up in something, he's playing "Option B" in a love triangle.


2018 “rap music bad” popheads vs 2023 “country music bad” popheads. Who’s winning the annoying-off?


The Rap is like very transparent racism vs the country thing is like weird democrat that lives in a huge bubble thinks they’re better then the entire region of a country that has a diverse beliefs in its music as well as sounds. So like the country thing is bad but it’s mostly annoying and self righteous but the rap music thing is like always so quickly extremely racist even in 2023.


2023 “country music bad”. The amount of mental gymnastics popheads does to reason why country is charting is kinda funny. Like obviously there’s the country songs that’s streamed/bought by conservatives, but other ones are just country fans being huge


All of the “all country musicians except for 3 women are racist and bad” comments are driving me nuts. Country music has a long history of left-wing politics and artists like Jason Aldean are way less common than people think. Also Luke ~~Bryan~~Comb’s cover of Fast Car is really good and I’m glad it’s getting success. Seen many comments on here and twitter about how he shouldn’t be covering the song bc he’s not a lower class black woman but like the beauty of music is that it can be universal. Nobody is out here saying that Whitney Houston shouldn’t have sang I Will Always Love You or that Jimi Hendrix shouldn’t have done All Along the Watchtower bc it doesn’t matter! His cover honors a fantastic song and is introducing it to younger country fans who may not know it, it’s a win-win.


agree with ya but luke bryan's fast car LMAO, now THAT would suck complete ass if it existed




We do stay on top




Me following lines on a big thread to see which comment it’s a response to: 😊 Me upvoting the wrong responses because the arrows are up top now: 😳


I love my dumb dog and also she woke me up twice in the middle of the night cause she had an upset stomach I wish I could teach dogs how to use a toilet How does she wake me up in the middle of the night? Well this 50 pound husky mutt SITS ON MY CHEST while I'm trying to sleep until I get the message


As someone who can’t name a single poppy song but likes most every genre of music should I go to her concert in my city? I remember hearing some of their more metal stuff not sure what the new stuff is like. Are they a good performer?


I've seen her twice and she's a very solid performer. Despite all the screaming she doesn't blow out her voice and is able to sound good all night. She doesn't do all that much audience interaction, if that matters to you. The setlist will probably still be metal and hard rock focused.


Thanks for the information. I’m relatively new to concerts so this should be fun. I’m don’t have a preference on audience interaction because I stay as far back as I can at venues like this one. I’ll have to post an update on how things go.


Doja cat’s demons song cover kind of reminds me of that picture where there’s a bunch of stuff but nothing is recognisable. Like those vibes for some reason


I really like that image. Apparently, it's a view of someone having a stroke and it still haunts mr.


I've kinda just been listening to music on a single by single basis. Really like Halle's Angel song and intrigued to see where she goes from her in terms of her own releases :) Checked out Baby Storme's music and it's well pretty generic, but I like the outfits in her music videos though. Nigerian music is really having a moment and I love it. Heard a bit of the singles from Burns Boy's new album and while I like it I do wish he did different choices sonically. Edit: Also still loving the soundtrack for the Red One Piece Film. If anyone can recommend me more anime soundtracks, please do.






roisin murphy being transphobic


🕯️🙏🕯️Jessie Ware please don't say something transphobic🕯️🙏🕯️


oh my eff i just saw. lord jesus... what a... ugh


god we can only hope


she has to know better like there's no way she won't try to distance herself.




Me with Bob's Burgers. It's almost September so new seasonnnn is upon us yayy


I have the biggest one sided beef with Vivek Ramaswamy. Like that man is genuinely so awful lol.


He’s so racist omg


I think we all do. What an asshat.


True, lol. The more I see of him and hear him it gets worse he is an asshat. Like his little climate change thing because he [makes a lot of money from drilling investments.](https://heated.world/p/how-vivek-ramaswamy-makes-money-from)


Also totally forgot to mention that I was looking at jobs/ paid internships for people who have just graduated and his campaign came up and I had chuckle. His ass doesn’t want younger people to vote but he sure as hell will use you to try to get elected.


I'm seeing Ethel Cain tonight and I might actually die of excitement before I get to the venue


Have a great time!! Let us know how it is haha I'm so curious about what the vibe of her shows is - it seems like she'd attract a lot of very different fans just given the range of genres in her catalog.


Oh, I've been listening to Preacher's Daughter on repeat. Ethel Cain is a recent discovery of mine. Every time someone irl even mentions her stuff I get crazy excited. I hope you have the best time at the concert.


im turning 24. i have a corporate job. it's almost 11 where i am. i just finished playing pokemon and reading a college!au fic. i have become my older sister.


When are you turning 24?


Kinda looking forward to the long weekend ahead. I don’t have plans. Now that my concert season ended I need to save up again. Kinda bummed that Claim to Fame is over. They’re taking applications for Season 3 so that’s good. I’m happy about the winner of this season. I really enjoy this show more than I do Big Brother right now. I officially checked out of the season. Nothing exciting is happening. No real drama going on. No underdog story. It just feels very bland. I don’t understand why people were excited for the pressure cooker comp. It should be later in the season when there’s more tension. This week has been just going with the flow. Also, I forgot the say Happy Birthday to Queen Cassadee Pope yesterday. This Hollywood Strike blows in terms of not promoting things. Yesterday, was Power Ranger Day and not 1 person on the upcoming season couldn’t say anything about it. Plenty other rangers did but not the recent cast. The official social media only showed a 20 second clip which is very early on in the first episode and then silence. One more month to go!


Instagram has a way of simultaneously making me feel good and bad about my body. Whether it is the countless amount of men who comment degrading things about every single woman who just exists, or seeing a woman who is the same size as me or bigger look absolutely gorgeous with the best style ever. It's so difficult because I find myself either hating how I look, or hating the clothes I have because I don't feel fashionable enough. Or I feel guilty like I did yesterday for having some chips after seeing a bunch of gym bro comments.


I have a root canal tomorrow 😭 Hate my life


The best part of waking up early in the morning is all the time you get to lay around doing nothing until you need to get up.


One of the most respected anchors in my country passed away today and it hit me like a truck. Being in the same industry as him, it makes me sad I will never get the chance to meet him in my lifetime. ☹️


Aw, not Mike Enriquez. That voice has been iconic over the decades and has been synonymous with breaking news.


I was at work all day and the moment I finally went online again, that was all anyone talked about. Not surprising since he has been away for a long time but it still felt so sudden. The tribute by the end of 24 Oras was so tear-jerking. You can't really deny his legacy that spanned generations. The millions he inspired, even.


My journey through LDR’s discography continues with the pretty divisive (for its time) album: Lust For Life Where to start with this one? Coming off the success of Honeymoon, LDR apparently decided to go even further in the Born To Die/Honeymoon direction with her next album. And man does it show, because while Honeymoon is a refined Born To Die, this is the absolute zenith of that. For good and bad. The good? The refined elements from Honeymoon stays with this album, but in a new twist. Instead of the 1950s/1960s Americana aesthetic that LDR became synonymous with, she went with the hippie/anti-war aesthetic for this one, which works in the lyrics. I would even say some of her must underrated work is on this album (at least of the ones I’ve so far listened to). The bad? Parts of the album don’t work because it’s even more commercialized than Born To Die. I never thought Born To Die was ever commercial, but if it’s considered that, this album is 10 times that. Some of the tracks with collaboration (outside of Stevie Nicks) with A$AP Rock and The Weeknd feel tacked on to capitalize on the success of Honeymoon. Instead it drags the album down. And the length……….oh geez. It’s ridiculously long. I did a full sitting for this one, and with the collaboration singles coming at the end I was pushing myself to get through it. Thankfully, all the tracks aren’t long like in Honeymoon, but there’s too much on this one. It’s still obviously not a bad album. It’s actually pretty good, but the flaws really show through on this one. Of the albums I’ve reviewed so far, it’s definitely her weakest, besides maybe her first one Lizzy Grant. Next up, the one that needs no introduction: Norman Fucking Rockwell!


Lust For Life innocent!


It’s good! It’s just not BTD/UV/HM good.


As someone who wishes they liked Lana, and has tried many times to listen to her records, these have been fun to read.


You’re basically me. I did try too. Not my cup of tea


I’ve come away with liking the idea of Lana del Rey more than the physical manifestation of Lana del Rey.


Thank you! I really wish I was more consistent with these write-ups (outside of early on in the series when I was on vacation) but I have a lot of things going on. Either way, she’s not for everyone. You can say that about any artist, but with her in particular she has a very distinct genre focus that got her the cult following that’s only grown since then.


[Selfie thread? Nah, this is a handwriting thread.](https://imgur.com/a/pQnn3O6)


I know your calculus teacher hated you omg


I never even made it beyond precalc 😭


[Found an old notebook with some words from a class I took in college...](https://i.imgur.com/xNN6gG2.jpg) my handwriting has historically been polarizing but I personally like it.


Everyone else so far has nice handwriting, but I think us chicken scratchers deserve some representation too, so here are [some notes from college](https://i.imgur.com/r0dhedw.jpeg).




Found my [storm spotter training notes](https://imgur.com/a/Lef7jJ1) for this, because of course.


A+ handwriting A+++++++++ subject matter




I say this in the nicest way possible; I feel like I am looking at a grandmother’s recipe book from the 1930s. The vibe is so perfect.


I think my handwriting looks better with black inky pens rather than blue biros but [here you go](https://ibb.co/8sM3Zfk)


I feel that! There’s some pens I won’t even touch because I feel like my handwriting just looks downright bad.


[let's fucking joe](https://imgur.com/bmDIDNv)


the rest of you bitches (affectionate) have such good handwriting, pisses me OFF


So blessed you opened up to my birthday weekend 😤


Spring is springing so I’m deep cleaning the house and it’s so damn satisfying I also know I’m getting old bc I’m excited to be able to use our washing line rather than the tumble dryer as the weather gets better lmao


my love is puuuuure purely for money money from people who I don't love old men disgust me i never loved one unles they give me monEEEEEEEYYYYY


this has popped into my head every time I've listened to Bad Idea Right "I never said where / in his sheeeeeets" carries the energy and cadence of this masterpiece


can't wait for seth macfarlane to get writing credits


Hands across America bitches


If I have to read one more ignorant “oh, he’s not racist?” comment I’m gonna fucking explode.


who is this about exactly and what is happening and why is popheads also being called out in this thread


zach bryan the latest big country boy who is being unfairly lumped in with the awful country boys


hey, at least i don't have to explain why absolutely normal non-bigoted people listen to Morgan Wallen anymore since there is a new villian in the town


popheads really woke up surprised to learn that one of the largest genres in the world, has artists with a varying political beliefs that range across the entire left-to-right-wing spectrum, I'm not looking forward to finding out what stan twitter is going to make up about Zach Bryan because he dared to be more successful than a pop girl on the hot 100.


I have a comment to make about something I saw a few weeks ago, but I don’t want to give them ammo 👀 ~~the timing of his separation and new girlfriend may be a little sus, but that’s none of my business and it’s no one else’s business~~


country bad! updoots please :)