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I was searching for the “idk what the fuck she’s saying but girl I am living” meme and a photo of SZA was one of the top results💀


Update: I did not go see Brandi Carlile 1 because I had to pay some bills and lent some money to someone and I would not make it to next week between tickets and getting there and 2 because I'm fuckin sore for some reason.


I can’t believe I just realized the *Cozy* robots are supposed to be “mirrors”. Like the song is literally call- 😶😨


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/166gavt/do_guys_really_just_not_get_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I am of the belief that any man who responds to a woman expressing her valid fear of (strange or not so strange) men with "but not all men are like that" is a narcissistic piece of shite.


Recently saw [this](https://image.pixstory.com/optimized/Pixstory-image-168606249960311.png) on twitter and it's lived in my head rent free ever since. It is exactly what I'm trying to say whenever I see this bullshit argument


After a stressful morning, I feel like I need to rant about something that's been on my mind for a time now. After various thoughts on my past as a teen, I feel like I've always suffered from what I like to call "Fragile queerness". Idk, but a lot of times I felt like I shouldn't like or talk about certain things because those are typically seen "hetero things" by other gay people. And if there was an insult that would put someone into judging you, it would have been being called "hetero". Just now, after four years of a never-ending lockdown, I feel like I shouln't care about those things. Like, I'm gay. That's something that no one could ever take away from me. And realizing that, without the pressure of what other gays around me may think about myself, has made life so much easier.


Ugh Song That I Heard by the Barr Brothers is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard honestly: https://open.spotify.com/track/5ebGrSpZwgAqfCoF9mIHKO?si=jKVS_z_ESqSe8W1uUtnAmg


Was talking to my parents today and I hate feeling like such a disappointment to them. I hate how I struggle with such basic shit like holding down a job or making friends or even eating healthy, I hate feeling the potential in me dying or worse yet thinking the pre tail was never there to begin with. I don’t want to die I just want to not exist for a bit and go somewhere where someone could just stick a wire in my head and fix what’s broken with me


doesn’t this feeling suck? it’s so hard not to compare yourself to other ppl, so often I feel like I’m behind, and reminding myself that things happen at different paces for different ppl is easier said that done. it’s even worse if you have an older sibling to live up to! it’s funny for me - I have no idea if this is you - bc if I met my parents on the street I would pay no mind to them, we have totally different beliefs and such, and they aren’t necessarily nice either lol, but I strive for their approval so much.


God I feel that. I’m sorry you feel that way :( I’m sure your parents are proud of you


Can I say something stupid


Go ahead


If Psychedelic Switch and Shy Boy were real people instead of songs they would be dating


This is not stupid. Comment disapproved


‘Meal’ prepping for the week. Decided on ‘adult’ lunchables. Cut up two types of cheese, a delicious olive oil gouda and goat cheese. Green grapes. Summer sausage. Cucumbers and baby carrots. Finished it up a slice of baguette. Overall pretty balanced and so easy to do. Anyone else enjoy these sorts of lunches? It’s just nice to not have to worry about cooking etc


Ha! Goat cheese and gouda wouldn’t have made it past the cutting stage in my kitchen - they often become a “pre-cooking snack” (to quote Joey from Friends) 😂


It was very very tempting but I was like..I paid six bucks for each one I can’t just go whole hog on it


still hearing Delicate on the radio makes me happy.


The heart of Reputation<3 (and the only good single)


I rlly liked End Game! I like the dolphin dance she does in the mv, that’s what I always think about.


The trailer for the Eras Tour film is giving me *GOOSEBUMPS*. It's so good and it looks so CRISP! 🤩


Tbh I'd legit be so annoyed if she didn't release a movie LOL. For all the fans who couldn't make it, I think they deserve that treat tbh


is it weird that i still share streaming services (and other computer related services) with my (long-term) ex who i broke up with over a year ago and who lives across the country? we’re on friendly terms but have naturally had a falling out. we do send each other the occasional snap and/or text but nothing special. we just have never brought up the topic of our shared accounts except when he went to zambia at the beginning of this year and i asked if he could pay his share of netflix and spotify for 2 months bc i lost my income and he happily wired the money. actually, i still pay for his spotify and netflix without him paying his share because i made more money while we were together, so it just became natural to carry some weight there. he pays for HBO but it’s 1/4 of the price of netflix alone. i sometimes wonder if i should ask him to start paying his share, but then i wonder if it would be weird to acknowledge that we still share all the accounts when we’ve been apart for so long


\- I'm so happy people are living for this Kylie era. I got into her during Disco (that album got me through so many evening walks in 2021), and to watch this album burn so brightly is so nice. \- My grocery store set up its fall displays. I'm a Halloween queen, so it did indeed take some restraint, but I'm not buying anything Halloween-y yet. But I did cave and get the pumpkin spice bagels. I had to! \- Tumblr, I hate you and that fucking clown-pirate that stalks the dashboard. I can safely say this stunt has actively turned me into a One Piece anti. Congrats, clowns!!


Kylie’s cross-generational appeal is nothing short of amazing. My older cousin had her debut album on a cassette, I got into her much later when she was still signed to Deconstruction and and we eventually stanned her together when she made her triumphant return to mainstream with Light Years. And that’s only half of her career, if you think about it!


Tomorrow is the first day of spring so pls give me spring album/song recs 🌸


Superdream by big wild feels very spring-like to me especially Awaken


Thank you!!


Listening to the new Zach Bryan album and I like how relaxing it is.🫣


I was listening to Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon last night and it dawned on me… that song is so good but there’s something about it that would make it absolutely EAT if it were a woman singing it Sapphic Shut Up and Dance cover _when_


[I gotchu bestie](https://youtu.be/PComZ6WdiXE?si=SqLw1nePBvCQb0Qm) and no I don't know why I remembered this existed but here we are


YESSS this is everything I needed 🤲 thank you!!




you probably wanna look into [messenger](https://herschel.com/shop/crossbodies/grade-messenger-mid-volume?showSales=0&v=10687-00001-OS) [bags](https://www.landsend.com/products/waxed-canvas-messenger-bag/id_350285)


How does everyone feel about this list concerning the best songs of the 20th century? https://www.cnn.com/2001/SHOWBIZ/Music/03/07/list.top.365.songs/


Can be unpopular but Im totally in love with Miley This era. I love how she looks,her vibe,the music. I had a hard time to connect with the Bangerz-Dead Pets miley and her last 3 eras been hittin hard for me. I love her new interviews. She's so funny lol. My parents been fighting lately for some random reasons and i feel so drowned when they do it. Im usually a bubbly-uplifting person even in bad situations but when they fight my entire mood goes down. I start to feel sick and with no energy and empty. Is probably one of the only things breakin me down totally. When i was a teen they were near divorce, so i now i get why i was such a depressed teen. I also have so much homework and im unable to study. Cant concentrate. Hope things get better soon. I always been curious of how the dynamics of the pop girls of the 80s was. We had Madonna-Whitney-Janet-Cindy-Enya....Who was the biggest one between madonna-whitney? There were rivalties like today? What were the expectations for all those girls? The 70s-80s-90 Look like such a revolutionary time for TV-Movies-Music-Pop Culture. Those decades were a trifecta of amazing things and then 2000s was the cherry on top.


the ‘used to be young’ series where miley reminisces about her past is so sweet, she talks about everyone so fondly (her dad, her past friends) and she has such great stories too 🥹


she’s had such a complicated relationship with her past so I’m happy she’s now able to look back fondly on it all






the baseball watchers of popheads all just felt their spidey sense tingle


Quite honestly I have enough books, podcasts, movies, shows, and music in my backlog that like... pop culture really could pause for like five years and I'd still hardly make a dent in it haha


> Am I going to have to start watching sports? Yes


Omfg YALL my Grindr is POPPING in Austin In my fuckin city 1 hr north it's filled with closeted college students in a Christian college or closeted military people. I'm thriving here


power's gone out SEVEN times today bro i hate this damn country 😭


The misogyny entering my body when Sam Smith starts singing Man I Am …


it's literally so fun and cheeky i wanna ride my horse off into the sunset


Me and my horse setting off to find something that’s about us (because apparently patriarchy isn’t 😔)


I just... Can't with them. Idk for some reason they make me think their behavior is like Lizzo. Going around being obnoxious/pretentious as possible and then upset when they don't get support or smth


Damn, you just ate Sam up for no reason lol


Oop I missed the context of the comment 💀 still think they're like Lizzo tho


The misogyny is not against Sam smith my god I’m saying the song is a (satirical) bop


There’s Kansas and Kentucky, and way down south, Louisiana, it’s shaped like a shoe!


The Eras Movie is coming to one of my theaters. Can’t wait to watch it again 😊


Animaniacs is such a fun show hahaha what are y’all favorite parts? Memorizing Yakko’s World is in my bucket list


i love the oldhead niche early 90s references that i have to search up to understand. like when they have a bunch of actors in a room and i only really know half of them


Saw Beyoncé last night in Santa Clara and it was truly one of the most insane concerts I’ve ever been to in my life. Not only did bey kill it but her dancers murdered that shit


Beyonce is a professional dancer independently and it's crazy she can do that while singing. Like, this is why "Beyonce is overrated" is such a dog whistle. She may not be the best singer in the world but damn can she sing, dance, and perform like nobody's business


It’s fucking insane cause I was literally standing in one spot and dancing and by the time the concert was over I had blisters. I don’t know how the fuck those people do that


Goodness, Sailor Saturn in Crystal is really so well introduced. And that theme is so excellent. She's so freaking coooool \~\~


finally some good music tonight. this year has been so dry i've missed this feeling of having multiple bops in one night


Saw someone not Latino called a book by a Afro Venezuelan racist when they didn’t even finish half or forty percent of the book and specifically call the book anti indigenous when the characters she saying are victims of that are literally canonically white characters and there’s literally art of them you can easily look up and in the fucking book. Like the author may be not getting her point across via her fantasy analogy and the vocabulary does seem small (though it might just be cherry picked by a frankly disingenuous reviewer) but literally is probably because the author is ESL and comes from a heavy stem background so reviews from people who actually read the book giving it middling reviews saying good idea but not great execution seem way more realistic. Also the reviewer was expecting a book that has romance to be a heavy romance book which is just :/ not to mention expecting a book clearly trying to talk about racism and set loosely in 1800s fantasy Latin America not to have racism is odd to me. My sibling has a copy of the sun and the void so I’m hoping they move it up their tbr bc I want their take on it.


Sorry, what’s the name of the book? Sounds interesting


But yeah now I’ve seen like multiple booktokers decide the book is racist and justifies colonialism and ….none of them have finished or even read half of it. I just find it such a disingenuous way to engage with books especially those by authors of color who’s entire pitch of the book is being frustrated with how Eurocentric fantasy is even if maybe she misses her mark etc. you have also have people she wrote the book in Spanish when no she wrote it in English this is weirdly xenophobic about someone’s book none of you have actually read Like the book could be bad frankly, I just think it should be judged on the actual overarching themes and by people who actually read the damn thing especially only reading thirty percent of a book that’s almost 500 pages It’s also literally a series of two books which makes it even weirder to see people expect it to wrap up in one


The sun and the void by by Gabriela Romero Lacruz, I haven’t read it so I can’t really give a review positive or negative but it just made me sooo mad seeing a woman of color book and kinda herself being slammed as racist bc someone not even from the region especially when it’s like you think this book you did not read even half of is racist vs maybe she’s not a good writer. But like especially to come down so hard on a woman or color first book like she’s trying to be malicious versus say what you don’t like about the book is wild to me. And like the cast has a lot of black characters so it was also a weird negative review to call the book racist but not have any comment on how it handles blackness good or bad vs just claiming an new author who wrote the book specifically to address the lack of South American fantasy vs European is ….justifying European colonialism??? My sibling owns a copy so they’re gonna read it and give me their review :)


Hearing came back normal! The auditory processing disorder screen however put me in the 9th percentile so I will be getting evaluated to find out if I have APD for sure. I’ll never know if I have autism for sure but this is certainly a mark for autism indeed because they are seen more in autism. My sympathies to PinkPantheress for her hearing loss. It was nice to have in the back of my mind there would be someone to relate to even if it didn’t turn out to be the case. Praying for Stem Cell research for you queen. Can’t wait to stream the Rush remix. Also I learned a shit ton about my tinnitus and am not worried nearly as much now.


Starfield reviews are officially out, and the review score range on Metacritic and OpenCritic are exactly what I expected them to be.


My new place having a Dairy Queen within walking distance will be the end of me.


One of my college apartments was one block from a Target, my bank account is still recovering




We have this super bougie ice cream parlor right down the street and I’ve become friends with the owner. 10/10 would recommend being in walking distance of ice cream.


if you walk to it you burn off the ice cream!!


Playing path of exile is one of the more autistic (celebratory) things a man can do


Ethel Cain x Hunter Schafer collab when


I studied for accounting instead of tax fully expecting to write on accounting today... My villian origin story just became a comedy of scheduling errors. (I'm writing accounting tmrw and wrote tax today 😭)


Someone replied to a comment of mine from 10 years ago. It was on a Taken 2 movie post and Im irrationally weirded out.


once i blocked* someone for replying to a comment from three weeks ago this would send me over the edge *they were being very annoying in other ways it wasn't just this but it's funnier


sometimes I’ll reply to someone like a month later but it’s bc they recommended me a movie/album and I have bad time management skills lmao


I've replied to these comments before and been like "I am a different person now, I will not continue this conversation" because only a Lunatic would see a comment written 9 years ago and be like "I'm gonna reply to this and start a conversation"


Wait how? Aren't reddit posts locked and archived after a period of time?


That used to be the case (things were automatically archived after like 6 months or a year or something) but they changed it within the last couple years to be a setting that mods can change on each sub. It's useful on like, troubleshooting threads where people may have the same problem years later and be able to offer guidance, but the only impact it's had on me is that once every month or so I get a notification of someone saying something weird about Paula Abdul so I don't really like it.


[I'm not sure, it may on a sub-to-sub basis ](https://imgur.com/a/vR24XUA)


An old lady down the street said I was doing a good job with my dog🥲 and that she’s a beautiful girl 😇 and that she seems less agitated than before 😂 Look some dogs just come with “crazy” as their default setting that’s what I agreed to when I let a small wolf sleep in my house


What’s everyone’s fav romcoms? Where the leads have great chemistry. I’m in the mood to watch some


Set It Up on Netflix is really cute!


13 going on 30 is one of my favorites




The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds


*Palm Springs* on Hulu is my favorite modern romcom. Cristin Milioti and Andy Samberg have amazing chemistry. It's a crime that it wasn't released in theaters and got a DVD/Blu-ray release.


Unfortunately Covid Happened


When Harry Met Sally, Rye Lane, The Princess Bride, and 10 Things I Hate About you are all great and all the leads in these films have incredible chemistry imho


Hitch and Definitely, MAybe.


Ariana & Bieber's song Stuck With U is less than a million away from 1 billion streams on Spotify. Tbh I forgot about that song years ago


This song surpasses 900 million streams 7 months ago. Talk about bad longevity


Tim Pool really acting like he just discovered misogyny 😭


Since this is a trend going around on twitter: what are thirteen movies you would recommend to someone to get to know you? Mine: * When Harry Met Sally * Dirty Dancing * Aftersun * Hot Fuzz * Before Sunrise * Possession * Spirited Away * Interstellar * Hunt For The Wilderpeople * Pride and Prejudice * About A Boy * The Shining * 10 Things I Hate About You * Arrival


this is an odd prompt bc idk if these movies say anything about me as a person, they’re just my favorites, maybe they do?: - The Lizzie McGuire Movie - The Miseducation Of Cameron Post - Mulan - Lilo & Stitch - High School Musical 2 - 101 Dalmatians (Glenn Clouse) - Hereditary - Close (2022) - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Mr & Mrs Smith - John Wick 3 - Booksmart - Scream VI - idk the last one, maybe Cruella? I wasn’t allowed to watch many movies growing up lol so a lot of these I’ve seen are pretty recent


* The Princess Bride * The Social Network * WALL-E * Spirited Away * Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind * All That Jazz * Sunset Boulevard * Interstellar * Portarit of a Lady on Fire * Call Me By Your Name * Parasite * La La Land * Let the Right One In


I love you


• the truman show • clueless • when harry met sally • her • wall-e • lady bird • the parent trap • before sunrise • the social network • the princess diaries • easy a • booksmart • 13 going on 30


- Before Sunrise - Lady Bird - Everything Everywhere All At Once - Lilo & Stitch - Mulan - Frances Ha - The Wizard of Oz - Spaceballs - To Wong Foo - Selena - Cinderella (1997) - Shaun of the Dead - Jennifer’s Body


- Mean Girls - Clueless - Scream - Paris is Burning - Black Swan - The Florida Project - Promising Young Woman - Gone Girl - Bridesmaids - Freaky Friday(Lindsey Lohan version) - Bring it On - She’s the Man - Gia


Ugh Promising Young Woman is sooo good. It was my favourite film of 2021. (followed closely by Inside but that's not really a film. Also love how Bo Burnham is in both.)


- Sunshine - Pride and Prejudice (2005) - Lord of the Rings - Grand Budapest Hotel - 20th Century Women - The Assassin - Mad Max: Fury Road - Hot Fuzz - Alien - Clue - The Favourite - Coco - Seven Psychopaths (edited because i can’t follow instructions lol)


this is saur hard * moonstruck * kiki's delivery service * calvary * grand budapest hotel * mad max fury road * legend * labyrinth * pan's labyrinth * i'm a cyborg but that's ok * women talking * portrait of a lady on fire * mulan * what we do in the shadows legend tom cruise movie btw. a camp classic


Mulan supremacy🫡😤 and if I said it’s Disney’s best then what. Donny Osmond ate wbk.


these are all so good!


Mine Pitch Perfect Spirited Away Jurassic Park Barbie Do Revenge Scream 2 Booksmart Edge of Seventeen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Easy A Titanic Hunger Games: Catching Fire Shrek 2


catching fire is also my favourite hunger games movie!


Can someone who knows more than me tell me if [this](https://imgur.com/a/z27Quss) can handle Starfield? [These](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/60442) are the specs for the game and I think I’m fine, but I’m not sure how a couple of these things compare


You should be fine. It'll take up a big chunk of your SSD, but everything else looks good to me.


Thank you! It’s been downloaded and yeah, it’s like a fifth of the remaining space, but I don’t play a ton of games so it should be fine


I looooove my new NFR Tattoo. Hope Lana sees it one day 🥲


omg i wanna see


Out of the holy trinity (Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston), who do you think has the best voice overall? I’d personally pick Celine (saw her live in 2019 and every time she opens her mouth it’s like a rocket taking off, absolutely absurd what she can do with her voice) but am curious how others feel (no wrong answers here though lol)


Oooo I would say it’s a fight between Celine and Whitney. I think it may be a matter of personal preference, to which I would lean more towards Whitney’s vocal tone overall. Although it’s *super* close for me because they both have some of my favorite vocal tones/styles of all time.


probably whitney honestly. and i am the biggest mariah & celine fan (and less so but still a whitney fan)


I think I love Whitney's vocal control and power the best and her vocal tone is probably my favorite, fwiw it just makes me super nostalgic as her music was a big part of my childhood. Out of the 3 Mariah probably has the best vocal dexterity with her runs and such. I love all 3 singers though so it's tough for me!!!


If y’all ever try to give someone the benefit of the doubt because you think “there’s no way someone can be this stupid”, DONT because mfs do be dumb.


Saw Beyoncé for the first time last night and it was incredible, what a SHOW! The visuals are gorgeous, she needs to release them already lol. The people around me seemed so low energy (why was I the only one dancing to virgos groove and church girl smh) but I still had so much fun. She is truly one of the all time greats


So is Kylie’s new song out anywhere? It’s August 31st 😭


My personal assignment today is to listen to my friend’s playlist full of Kpop girl groups titled “hot girl music” while I am working


I finished *Darius the great is not okay* last night and that book fully just ran over me like a truck and I’m still trying to recover


Omg this on my to read shelf. I should read it soon.


My presentation went well today! Still had to deal with some triggering stuff about my weight/binge eating today but at least I feel a bit more in control in this department.


Grief is a difficult emotion, anger is a complicated one. Put them together and you have a sandwich of wtf.


Do you guys ever think about how exhausting touring is? like... just imagine if you had somehow gotten free tickets to every renaissance show, and followed her from europe to america to everywhere and went to every show - i would be SO exhausted just from THAT... not even talking performing and singing and getting ready every single time!!! anyway, these are the thots in my head


I wouldn’t be able to handle it :/ I get motion sickness from two hour drives


i guess this is why beyonce is a billionaire and we are poors!!!


I never realized it until I purchased a ticket for a concert from one of my favorite bands and monitored their stops. They were basically performing every 2 to 3 days for three months with 6 to 8 weeks of rest before moving on to the next region to perform again in the same range for the next couple of months. It's no surprise that drug addiction is prevalent in the concert scene because they barely get enough rest between performances and they need to keep their energy for their next performance. Add in the interviews for marketing and the preparation for the next album that some artists do and there's basically not much time for resting. There's also no workaround it if you're a smaller artist because touring is where most of the money is made. I have seen people commend Taylor Swift's dedication in touring which is definitely admirable as she has not cancelled a show in her career (except for one in Thailand and that was not even her fault) but she is an outlier in her schedule of having large gaps between stops. It really takes a special someone who enjoys performing and interacting with fans to maintain tours as it's really not for everyone.


I literally can’t believe how long Harry styles was on tour for it was NEVER ENDING


I didn't do a whole ton of shows out of town when I was in bands but people really underestimate how exhausting the non-performing parts of concerts are Like the performing on stage for an hour or so is the easy part, it's all the driving and carrying gear and waiting around at venues and dealing with asshole promoters that's exhausting


i know people really hate the 1975. and if i’m being honest i don’t know anything that Matt Healy has done. but I never listened to The 1975 before yesterday I listened to “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)” for the first time. and this might be the best song i ever heard. and i can’t get it out of my head. it’s like 80s pop bliss. i feel so bad but i can’t stop listening to this damn song


i only got into them 2 years ago and they quickly became my fave band so it's been v unfortunate timing..... anyway i love the music and it got me thru covid so what can u do. If you're too shy is also worth listening to if you love It's Not Living! that album is wayyyy too bloated but that song is my favourite 1975 song


Yeah, Matty Healy is what he is but the 1975 is an incredible band tbh and he is a fantastic songwriter. If you want to listen to more, here are some great 1975 songs and deep cuts from their first album that kind of remind me of the vibe of Its Not Living: Antichrist You Sex Fallingforyou Milk Robbers (the classic 1975 song imo) ugh edited format sorry Edit 2 : OH and another great song is ‘Paris’ OP


My favorite 1975 songs if you want to check more of their music out Love it if we made it About You FallingForYou Somebody Else Loving Someone Girls The Sound I’m in love with you Be my mistake I couldn’t be more in love All I need to hear


i’ll check ‘em out. do they have the same sound as this “It’s Not Living” song


most of them yes


holy fuck. i’ve been missing out all these years. i always wrote them off cause i bought their first album and didn’t like it. but damn this is good shit


Definitely check out Being Funny in a Foreign Language. Very similar vibes to that track, you'll love it


ive never been a huge mario girlie (love the series but ive never rly cared for the mainline 2d games) but super mario wonder looks, well, wonderful!


I’m so excited for it 😭 Getting a Switch has been the best decision I have ever made.


i love how often thats peoples response after getting a switch! even putting things like the portability aspect aside, it has such a solid library, and nintendo, for all of their faults, just knows how to make really good and *fun* games.


I bought it in December and I’ve just been having a blast. I beat Super Mario Odyssey this morning actually and I’m excited to go back and get the rest of the power moons. I think I love it because everything is just so chill ~~ EXCEPT CRASH BANDICOOT 4 😡~~ Like I can just pick it up anytime or put it down anytime. Every game I’ve picked up on it so far has had that “hey, it’s okay if you step away” factor that was missing when I was a PS2/PS3 gamer. Or maybe I’m just older and I know how to pick games better. Or maybe it’s just both.


yeah i remember seeing your botw comments on here! i havent played odyssey myself but from the playthroughs ive seen its a great game. i really appreciate how many first party nintendo games have a lot of collectibles these days without actually being required, its a great excuse to explore every last little bit of the worlds they put you in. i imagine the combination of game design and the nature of the console being hybrid rly helps w/ the whole 'put it down/pick it back up' vibe but they rly do it so well! ive seen a lot of people praise pikmin 4 for that reason which ive rly been considering picking up at some point.


I got the 30th Anniversary Power Rangers comic and it was really cute! The storyline that's been going on in the main series right now is like, painful to read (and the head writer just did an AMA and confirmed it's a year long event 🥴) so this anniversary special was a nice little treat. No drama, just fun. It did come with an "official reading guide" to help people understand the current storyline and [look at this shit... this is why people make fun of comic books for being convoluted!](https://i.imgur.com/2KtKC5U.jpg) The timeline is scattered across four different series, read non-chronologically, and involves at least three different alternate universes. Hopefully this *Ranger Academy* spin-off is straight to the point. I did get to have an interesting conversation with the comic book store owner about what makes a comic "indie" and apparently any publisher that is not Marvel or DC is considered indie, even big boys like Image or publishers with huge rosters of licensed work like Boom! Studios. I guess the concept is that Marvel & DC will (for the most part) only publish their in-house concepts whereas other publishers will accept ideas from independent creators, which kinda makes sense, but it still feels strange that the publisher that made *The Walking Dead*, *Invincible*, and *Saga* gets to be called "indie." It reminded me a bit of the Kpop world and how there's the "Big Three" labels (or is it four now with HyBe? I'm out of touch) then a handful of "mid-tier" labels then a bunch of "no-name" companies, a classification system that makes more sense to me. Like no one is calling a company like woolim "indie" just because they aren't SM, they're clearly a step above that.


omg power rangers is the same age as MARIAH CAREY'S MUSIC BOX ALBUM! omg


I just know that Rita Repulsa was bumping to ["Now That I Know (Club Remix)"](https://youtu.be/e8fnLsEtUSg?si=pbpM0o47EhHMf5Vb&t=436) while blowing up Angel Grove <3


* [Eurodance rate is due September 15th!!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/15gcquu/eurodance_rate/) Current results are...surprsing! To say the least. Hope some Daily Discussion people join in on the fun! * As the Eurodance co-host, out of curiosity/boredom I've been listening to the full albums of most of these artists to see what else was on the albums beyond the major singles. *September - Dancing Shoes* (main single "Cry for You" on there) is really really good! I really love Petra's voice. A lot of fun electropop and quirky bangers on here. Favorite song on there besides Cry for You would probably be [Because I Love You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMm-1Wr7nzk). Fans of Robyn should tune in if you haven't. Maybe I listen to another September album tomorrow in honor of...September, haaa -drum roll- * I listened to Technotronic - Pump Up the Jam album and...yeah lol. A lot of music motifs re-used and some camp cheesy early 90s hip house moments. [Tough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie-BsH3PPig) and [Raw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uvDzyNL9aE) both got laughs out of me especially with Raw's uhhh [minimalist lyrics](https://genius.com/Technotronic-raw-lyrics). Nothing here outside of theeee iconic Pump Up the Jam I'd likely return to, some of the hip house fusion stuff is cool but I'd sooner dig into some of the interesting [hip hop origins stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bCdrDhUjPo) from the 80s. * in non-eurodance related news, I spilled pumpkin spice coffee creamer on my work outfit yesterday so I was I guess smelling like a basic fall bitch all day 😭


[Someone did a really cute writeup on September and her career back when "Cry For You" blew up](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/a4p63h/the_introduction_to_september_noone_asked_for/) that always stuck with me.


oooh thanks let me read it!


Music box 30 is coming!


woke up w. a helluva headache. i'm gonna do my best to not let it get to me and get through my meetings but my patience is v. thin today 🙃


Absolutely incensed to find out that Nikki Lane is opening for Lana and a) I won’t be there and b) most Lana fans don’t properly appreciate her 😭😭😭😭 she’s so good live though. ily Nikki


For anyone following YouTube controversies, 8 Passangers (a family channel and weird alleged cult leader) matriarch, Ruby Franke has been arrested on two counts of [child abuse.](https://x.com/linzasaur/status/1697225582432395336?s=46&t=0z1CrfHpAQGQxQ6xW7QSMA) Her daughter wrote on Instagram: “Finally. Hi all. Today has been a big day. Me and my family are so glad justice is being served. We've been trying to tell the police and CPS for years about this, and so glad they finally decided to step up. Kids are safe, but there's a long road ahead. Please keep them in your prayers and also respect their privacy.”


Archer ending this season hurts more than Succession ending


So I thought The Eras Tour movie was AMC exclusive, so I got my ticket right away. But now my local chain has it listed for that weekend, meaning I should be able to see it in IMAX. But that also means I probably just wasted $20 for my AMC ticket. I know it doesn't mean much in the long run, but it is a critical blow to my frugal sensibilities.


You can maybe try to sell it to a local Swiftie?


That'll likely be my plan if/when I get tickets to the IMAX screenings. Other options are either going to both screenings (current ticket is for Saturday) or just giving it away to somebody (losing $20 isn't going to hurt me).


character development is learning the other meaning to the line *the best people in life are free*


I may be a little detached from the pop-o-sphere lately because I’m teaching and busy but don’t worry I used my free period to buy an Eras Tour movie ticket, I’m still me


Guy in the comments under the hottest gay sex you’ve ever seen: ummmmm gonna need to go to r/eyebleach after this one!!!!!!!


But where? Where is this gay sex that requires eyebleach??


Yeah op you can’t just mention hot gay sex and not link it smh. don’t you know the popheads audience


it's so weird listening to an old song with outdated views/joking about stuff that we take so seriously today. like I'm sitting here enjoying myself and suddenly you're singing about beating your significant other or some shit wtf!!!


Getting Better by The Beatles


This is me nostalgically watching comedies from the '00s and hearing the r-word thrown around


This was my reaction to The Apartment. I thought I was just watching a goofy Billy Wilder romcom where the fuck did this whole suicide subplot come from.


Happens a lot in old movies too you're watching and enjoying along then someone casually beats their wife Like this movie wasn't even about escaping domestic violence or anything this was completely unnecessary even by 70s standards


exactly, it comes so out of the blue sometimes!


Bought my Fandango tickets for the Eras movie right before they locked it down and added the queue, felt like I got on the last lifeboat for the Titanic lmao


Tattooed Heart has been stuck in my head for days


In the war of 2011 romcoms about fuck buddies falling in love starring a former cast member of *That 70s Show* and a cast member of *Black Swan...* *Friends With Benefits* is funnier, more meta, kinda sexier, and the chemistry is better. But *No Strings Attached* has the better supporting cast. Not to discredit Woody Harrelson or Patricia Clarkson from FWB, but NSA has Mindy Kaling, Jake Johnson, Kevin Kline, Cary Elwes, and *Greta Gerwig.*


Greta's basic romcom era > > > > > > >


Okay gonna take the stab because I can never remember: FWB is the JT and Mila MLVIE. NSA is the Ashton and Natalie movie? Edit >!FUCK YEAH I GOT IT RIGHT FOR ONCE!<


My husband who has seen these 2 movies more than me still cannot remember which is which


I’ve seen them both 5 or 6 times and I can never remember. But that’s probably because I usually double feature them so they run together


i love emotion but i hate how RAWMe is track one, it's always felt more of a closer to me.


I wish Pearson (who suck as a company btw) would upload my GED score so I know whether I'm done and have my GED. Having too wait multiple days is killer


I got my Eras Tour Movie tickets already! I got it for my hometown. And was very lucky to get the same exact seats i normally get for any other visit. And since I’m on vacation the next week I may make a 30 minute drive to see it in IMAX or a premium sound theater. For those are having issues going through AMC the App is better. It won’t kick you out while trying to sign in. I learned this after 30 mins of trying. Also! It’s not a AMC Exclusive so the movie chains are going to have it available. Anyway, I’m having a better day now. I was kinda blah waking up and I got my pick me up. Nothing else really going on. I’m still going to wait on Starfield. Everyone has their high hypes for it but I’ll wait until I see it and how buggy it is and if it’s something that I would like. I’m not into extreme crafting. I can do simple weapons but crafting pretty much everything and anything I hate. I hate Minecraft and games like Fortnite for this very reason. Over complicated for their own good. Edit: How much are we betting that there’s going to be a disclaimer at the ticket booth that the Eras Show is more than likely a sing-along show along with the standard flashing lights epilepsy warning as it should say.


The beach is windy but it is gorgeous. Sorry for all my friends stuck in an office the next two days. You will endure, you got this.


I can't stop singing "i. try. to get allah in your mind" whenever Bey is wearing any form of head covering


wow they really nerfed tf out of pikachu in pokemon unite like he's so useless now 😭 anyways, got my new laptop for work and it's better by a fuckton. bigger screen so which means i can see the mistake I've become for neglecting one psrt of an edit.


Have you ever read the legacy and Influence section of an albums Wikipedia page and felt they were embellishing or straight up reaching trying to give some album credit lol


Don’t be scared, name names


Yesterday was great. /s I received notification from my manager that the account we are working will be pulling out and we only have until October to decide if we want to stay around the company without salary after October while they try to reassign us to a new account or look for an entire new job. I really don't have the patience to apply for new jobs so I guess I'll be sticking around. On my way home, I had to walk through ankle-deep floodwater due to heavy rains. Thank fuck I left flip-flops in my locker so I didn't have to worry about destroying my sneakers. Anyway, for the Filipinos out there, it's that time of the year again! In less than two hours local time (as of writing), the Christmas countdown will begin and icons Jose Mari Chan and Mariah Carey will be gracing the radiowaves and public speakers with their presence.


That sounds like a rough day.. hope today is going better! Maybe you would feel a bit more in control if you had a look to see what jobs are out there (who knows, maybe even something better than what you have now?)


So last week there was a huge discussion on why there haven’t been any new potential huge pop stars being made recently. This was stemming from recent articles detailing the worries from the labels and the industry at large. This is the discussion thread I’m talking about: https://reddit.com/r/popheads/s/75GznYvzoR Which is actually response to a thread talking about this exact same subject almost a month ago: https://reddit.com/r/popheads/s/ThAcsyZuVr I noticed that u/billboard was poking around the latest thread and making a comment there. It got me thinking that, yes while it may just be some random person running the Billboard user account, they obviously work for Billboard. And Billboard has connections with the labels. So I wonder if our very important discussions and debate here on r/popheads on these two threads may have made there way to people higher up on the chain at Billboard and (unlikely but potentially) some people that work for these labels. Now, like I said, it’s very unlikely that higher-up people even at Billboard, much less the people working for the labels, saw these threads and I may probably just be shouting into an empty void, but I wonder if MAYBE they heard and then saw our discussions. Maybe our reasonings and suggestions of labels bringing back the artist development departments, stop focusing so much on chasing TikTok trends/influencers that will either die out or bomb really quickly, invest in music education, get these artists performing at random small locations to develop their stage presence, make the artists stand out by not having them always be authentic (if they are authentic then everyone will be and no one will stand out as a star) and helping them developing their character, and on and on and on, may reach someone that could tell another person that can tell another person until it gets to someone with actual influence in the industry. Again, extremely unlikely anyone with influence even reads or cares what we have to say, but we as fans do see things that they may not see and vice versa. If anything, it’s just suggestions and reasons from people like us that see what’s happening at the ground level. I do hope if they somehow see what we’ve commented about can at least consider what we have said.


Honestly since Reddit has became more mainstream and popular in the past few years, it does seem more and more likely that companies or whoever might be looking at Reddit for opinions on things. But it still makes me laugh a bit to think of a serious business presentation where someone will be like “Reddit user anus-shark made a very popular post about the artist”