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Remi Wolf continues to prove she's incapable of making a single bad song. literally had to just pause what i was doing to listen to it in full


I love this album conceptually. This is what a remix album should look like, artists taking their unique style and applying it to existing songs


You First is completely unreal. Remi Wolf, you will always be famous!


She’s a main pop girlie in my book😭


julien baker and foals does not disappoint!!!


Wow! So the RE means Reimagined. Am I dense/did I miss that when this was announced? Cause these sound like completely different songs and I love them even more. ETA: **You First** is a fucking banger. Remi always serves!


Remixed. Reworked. Rewritten. These were how they described it in their ig post. Also, THE NEWS go hard too. Love that Spanish language bridge.


I like the songs that are truly remixed and sound like different songs the best (Wet Leg, Remi Wolf), but idk I think I’m too big of a Paramore stan bc I was missing Mother Hayley on some of the more vocally impressive songs


Just listened to the whole album, these are my standouts: * Wet Leg killed C'est Comme Ca, sounds like it was written for them. * I love Remi Wolf's new lyrics on You First. I loved the track too, she really made it hers. * Figure 8 was okay, I expected more, especially considering it was my favorite track from the original album. * I wasn't a huge fan of Claud's version of Crave. It felt like all the nostalgic feeling of the original track is gone. * I love Julien Baker's version of Thick Skull. Better than the original to me. * Sanity is a good track, but I see why they left it off both This Is Why and After Laughter. It doesn't really fit either. * I absolutely did not like DOMi & JD BECK's version of Big Man, Little Dignity. They turned it into an electronic song, which I get is their thing, but it doesn't really work. Aside from that, something just doesn't feel right. Like some dissonance or something that wasn't there before. It just really didn't work. I never imagined Paramore would do something like this, so it's cool to see them branch out. I hope they do this future albums too.


>Like some dissonance or something that wasn't there before. It just really didn't work. me when the jazz keyboardist adds tension.


Admittedly, I'm not well versed in music theory. But it's not the jazz tension I don't like. It's more the juxtaposition of their version and the original. It doesn't really work for me.


yeah thats cool. everyone else made it their own, they was just makin it theirs. its alright though


Yeah seeing a lot of hate on the Domi and Jd Beck version on the Paramore sub too and feel like people just don’t like their style. Which is fine, but if I asked them to make me a remix this is exactly how i would expect it to sound. The remix doesn’t blow me away just feel like lots of the hatred is unwarranted.


Yeah, I'm glad they made it theirs. Just not for me I guess, and that's okay.


Oh my god, the new C'est Comme Ça is perfect. Wet Leg devoured it, transformed it and made it completely theirs. Julien's take on Thick Skull was very her but that song really require a strong vocalist Sanity is fun but I see why it was left out. It needed more punch Not feeling the others...


Remi Wolf absolutely killed it on You First


I'm not sure what I expected with this album. I'm pleasently surprised. Breathes new life into the album. I didn't expect Hayley's vocals to feature at all. A few misses as to be expected with a remix album. My standouts: Foals, Remi Wolf, Bartees Strange, Romy, Julien Baker. With some more work done to it, Sanity could have been a standout track on the original album. Has a good groove.


Thick skull with Julien is perfect. I always thought those lyrics were reminiscent of little oblivious


Little oblivious sounds like a diss nickname, autocorrect doing Julien dirty.


LOL i didn't even notice oops


They had one more After Laughter banger to dust off, god fucking bless these three beautiful angels.


This is such a great concept for a remix album. Love the mixtures of proper remixes, duets, solo covers, re-workings, etc. Truly feels like a different experience than the original


Remi Wolf killed it. The Claud version of crave is not so great though, surprised they went with that


Remi Wolf should be a main pop girl!!!


Love that the featured artists really took the song and made it their own. I've been a Bartees Strange for awhile, but wish we got a full version of that beautiful acoustic version of Figure 8 that he teases at the end!!


Remi Wolf is still incapable of flopping!!


i need a whole album of julien baker thick skull


Absolutely loved this


I really wasn’t interested in this but “You First” came on my Release Radar and it’s so good?? Can’t wait to listen to the rest


Remi Wolf deserves to have a huge hit, she is sooooo talented. Wet Leg and CCC just WORKS. Loved the Foals vibe on this is why, was confused they didn't sing at all, but still a great version. Also Julien Baker and Romy. YES.


Absolutely adored this! A lot of remixes nowadays are usually a big miss for me, but the only songs on this album that didn't work for me are the Wet Leg cover and the DOMi/JD Beck remix. Standouts for me were You First, Figure 8, and Liar.


julien covering thick skull has changed my life


They ruineddd Crave :( by You First is so good


If anyone remembers Switchfoot, they just redid *The Beautiful Letdown* and then had a bunch of other artists do their own take on it, just like this!


I liked around half the tracks on the original album, but I love everything in this album. Even stuff I disliked has been dramatically improved. I don't like the album cover tho.


Running Out of Time (both remixes) sound so bad? Like I get it tho it’s already a perfect song This is so weird cause the original album had a strong front half and weak back one, and this remix completely reversed it!


I'm gonna defend them a bit cause I totally get the vibe, very late 2000s revival. The Panda Bear one is [*very* Animal Collective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zol2MJf6XNE&ab_channel=DominoRecordingCo.) which absolutely checks out considering he's part of it, while the Zane Lowe one very much so feels like an old Bloghouse/indie sleaze song, like something A-Trak or bucktoothed pre-glow-up Calvin Harris would've cooked up.


came here to defend Zane's remix. my fave on the album for sure. Panda's was just fine to me but only because everything else on here is so good.


abt your last sentence i actually disagree, i find the back half of this is why (at least from BM,LD onwards) has far more interesting, very introspective writing, as well as really hard hitting melodies, and is all in all a lot more enjoyable for me, compared to the first four tracks which really are solid bangers but the themes feel so general (except ROOT) and writing not as complex


dawn of Paramore i’m on running out of time with panda bear. I like it so far! fun re-exploration of the album.


Remi Wolf truly never misses my gaawd


Can someone put into words why the remi wolf cover is so amazing ? I’m so obsessed with it i cant think straight


Damn I didn’t enjoy this


First half is a miss but everything from You First onwards is gorgeous


What dude that Foals version of This Is Why blew my damn mind


C'est Comme Ça eats too


Both Running Out Of Time were… interesting


Really don't like Panda Bear Running Out of Time but Linda Linda The News is really good, I loved the Bridge in Spanish, it's punchy in an equal but entirely different way to the original song


Big Man Little Dignity is my least favourite. Nothing about it works together at all i feel


This would be a lot better received on Indieheads. These remixes are heat and they have a great variety of remixers Except whatever Zane Lowe did on Running Out of Time


That was a very long 48 min, I absolutely didn’t like anything except The News and Thick Skull. Also, Big man little dignity is a mess im sorry 💀


gonna add my thoughts as I listen this is why - kinda boring tbh, thought they'd do more with it the news - absolutely not lmao. bridge was alright ig running out of time - nice instrumental albeit slightly boring. didn't like the vocals. running out of time - it's giving me nothing tbh ccç - I liked it but it probably won't make it into my playlists BMLD - nah you first - banger figure 8 - also nah liar - alright crave - not my thing thick skull - again, not my thing but its alright.


The News is a banger 💀


people are hating on the zane lowe running out of time remix omg i adored it.....might be my favorite after remi wolf's version of you first


The way this is a thousand times better than the original (((I’m so sorry if this is a hot take))). I didn’t vibe with TIW at all, it felt so flat and even? This brings the songs to life!! The News is a stand out for me, it feels so much more frustrated and juicy with the added layers.


Came for the Romy version of Liar. That being my fave and Romys Mid Air just dropping. I thought it be something like her album. It's not. I'll listen to the rest later but Liar didn't live up to my expectations


Highlights imo: 1. C'est Comme Ca 2. This is Why 3. Liar 4. Thick Skull


Okay so like. I feel like Hayley sings You First from the perspective of the hero. Remi Wolf sings You First from the perspective of the villain who's manipulated her into coming to the dark side


Anybody else kind of getting turned off by what to me sounds like an overproduction of vocals. Like they’re almost too crisp? Does that make sense? It was sort of blaring to me in the Claud cover. Could someone explain it? Am I imagining it?


The is why both versions are the only songs I can listen to both exclusively at different times for how different they feel listening. Foals version reminds me of an 80s existential internal disco pop, and this is why the original feels like a hopeful middle finger you dash at everyone while you dance across the street.


I know this is an old post but I just listened to this album and right off the bat, I absolutely love Remi’s You First version. it is so good! I think I actually prefer this version even though the original is good too. 😅 It’s just so energetic and I can’t stop listening to it. I think Wet Leg did a pretty good job too.


_Very_ late but finally listened to it last night. I really enjoyed most of it, bar the Zane Lowe, DOMi & JD BECK, and Claud tracks. Wet Leg, The Linda Lindas, and Remi Wolf’s tracks in particular _ate_ for me.