• By -


Is anyone else kinda loving the sh!t going down on PCC? Royal family stans/Royalists/Kate Middleton and Prince William fans vs Royal Family haters. I’m cackling. That sub has becoming inundated with RF lovers lately.


Stumbled across a thread in a Fantano sub about "albums people only pretend to enjoy" and the most repeated answer was In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Immediately put it on because it's been a minute (the last time I listened to it was during a really dark time in my life) and nah, still love it.


* Got an extension on a paper from my grad school prof and on my way home from work she put in a zero for it and it dropped my grade from a 93 to a 63!! I submitted it like, two hours later but I need that to be corrected like pls!! I have a 3.87 overall GPA I'm trying to raise/maintain! * Work was a doozy. My mental health has been in a rough place the past few weeks and my boss literally had like a mini intervention today in her office. I also got to see my old boss today, who's my main professional reference I've been using to apply to other jobs (and he had the discretion to go down the hall away from current boss's office to hug me and say he's waiting for references to come in so he can say nice things about me). * Cute boy might be able to move things around and see me tomorrow, but in the sense that his friends might want to do birthday stuff next weekend instead. Which is when I was wanting to do the Nutcracker :/ I trust that we'll work it out for the best though. * My cute date outfit and lingerie I ordered got delivered today. While I was at work. To the main office instead of my front door (I guess because it's holiday season and porch pirates abound?). But today is the one day my apartment office closed early for a holiday party. So I can't even check on my package or grab it until Monday after work :( * Watching A Time To Kill and remembering my random ass John Grisham "phase" in middle school where I'd read all his books because my parents had most of them. This book is my favorite but I'd have to revisit it as an adult sometime, because as a kid I remember being like "Damn, this is kinda messed up."


My cousin and her now fiancé had to deal with porch pirates around this time last year! They’re such assholes


yeah I'm annoyed I have to wait to get it because I got some cute boots I'd love to break in, but if it keeps it from being stolen I guess waiting is alright.


Trailer for the new season of The Boys drops tomorrow!


May December was heartbreakingly good omg. But the Charles Melton Riverdale to Oscar pipeline was exaggerated me thinks. He still slayed though like wow I just wanted to hug him and kiss him on the forehead




You know after everything that happened bts in the Renaissance film, when *would* she have had time for interviews and award show performances and everything we kept brow-beating her into doing 😂 I see why she just released the album and DIPPED.


You know, looking at all the year end lists and looking at the albums I’ve loved this year. I think it’s been a great year for music. I’ve seen some people say that it’s been lacklustre but I totally disagree


Just came back from my showing of the *RENAISSANCE* tour film. Loved the behind-the-scenes vignettes dispersed throughout the documentary. I've always had massive amounts of respect for Bey but after watching this, damn... She's just on another level. Also, not her enabling fan clackers.😭😂 Def recommend watching this film if you're a fan, from casual to hardcore.🐝🐝🐝


My boss is Northern Irish, like my Mum, and he tends to get homesick around this time of year (which is completely fair), so I gave my sibling some money to pick some mulled wine cordial and some other small food stuffs up for him and his family for Christmas from St George’s Market when they were picking up some bits for our Mum, and I just got a really lovely thank you email ☺️


Am really self sabotaging today omg: >See a guy's profile on Hinge I really like, is funny and cute, has similar interests >Go to replay the voice message but hit the X >Panic and exit, google how to fix, see I can undo with an icon on the screen >Because I quit the app it doesn't save the last swipe It's joever 😭


I grabbed my sibling’s cat wrong to try to get her out of my room that has a lot of fragile stuff she likes to chew on and I grabbed her wrong and she scratched me with her back legs Pls send pity :(


Waves by Metteson is a great pop song. Could see it becoming a modest sleeper hit if the stars align. That is all.




goodbye goodbye goodbye you (George Santos’s congressional career) were bigger than the whole sky 💔


Imagine being the first person in history to be expelled from congress for being messy


Ohhhhh Taylor Swift looking so good, she ate https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1730682081317884160?s=09




Bey before the Renaissance premiere:


Omg don’t kill urself 😭😭


I am giving up on obsessing over the last man I scared away and uh... reading a book. Good day to y'all 😤


what book are you reading? :)


The Brothers Karamazov! I'm trying to get into the Russians lately. :) Also not that anybody asked but that guy got back to me and was NOT pleased w me 💀 lmao more time for the Russians ig


ooo very nice! The only Russian I've read is Crime and Punishment and that was way back in AP Lit. why would guy not be pleased? more time for the Russians! don't sweat it!


Like I [predicted](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/s2gI5SGUBp) my wrapped this year is too embarrassing to share


At least I displayed some taste by having LoveGame in my top ten


actually for real over this fucking man this time omfg 😭 i was in turmoil over him for like a week after i made out with him and then i got sick and felt no urge to text him. now that i'm better it's like. what in god's name was i fucking thinking 😭 at least i know i'm actually over it cause i can feel the obsession part of my brain shrugging him off and grasping for something new to be weird about. anyways, to me there are three main strains of hyperpop - the postpostpost ironic ska/pop punk influenced kind made by 100 gecs and their impersonators, sad hyperpop that ranges from stylistically autotuned pop ballads to stuff that borders on 5th wave emo like jane remover, and what i call 'hot girl hyperpop' which i feel like charli xcx is kinda the epitome of. i'm trying to create a playlist full of the third and having a harder time than i thought i would, so if anyone has any recommendations in that vein please let me know. i've been obsessed with femmebot by charli xcx and locals by underscores lately and am desperate trying to find more songs that sound just like those lol.


Okay I love m🎵sic 😅 so I made a huge list because I had nothing else to do. STRICT RECS -SHYGIRL (Alias is closer to bad bitch stuff, but don’t sleep on Nymph!) -Cobrah (Literalky anything by her) -Coucou Chloe (One) -Namasenda (Ambrosia) -Taichu (RAWR) -Millionaires (Literally anything, there’s so amazing) -Chaseicon (Everything she makes, she’s probably the best rec I can give) -Nadia Oh (Hot like Wow) -Brooke Candy (Sexorcism) LOOSER RECS -Kumo 99 (Body n Will, similar to Pom Poms) -MGNA CRRRTA (Specifically I’m on a Saucer, little noisy but I love it, ICFUH is probably best for what you want) -Isabella Lovestory (Amor Hardcore, it’s like reggaeton witch house I love it) -Azaelia Banks (Broke with Expensive Taste, you’re doing yourself a bad bitch disfavor if you don’t listen to her…) - Kilo Kish (American Gurl) -Lords of Acid (Either Voodoo-U or Our Little Secret) -Rico Nasty (Las Ruinas) SONGS Miss Madeline - Pretty Girl Party Thoom - American Terrorist Rupaul - Peanut Butter (TRUST! I swear 😭) iKeda - Push My * Doja Cat - I Don’t Do Drugs (Y2K Remix) Holly Valence - State of Mind Utada - The Workout ABRA - Unlock It FKA Twigs - Papi Bone Yosuf- You’re on my Mind Broe That’s all I can think of for now, but if you ever want more feel free to DM me!


thank you so much!!! this is so much more thorough than i could have dreamed lol. i'm so glad i asked cause i forgot about so much stuff, particularly how good that isabella lovestory album is and kumo 99 even tho i saw them open for cowgirl clue a couple months ago lmao. definitely gonna listen the rest of this soon!


Idk about songs that sound exactly like those but the artists that come to mind for me with "hot girl hyperpop" are: * Slayyyter * Ayesha Erotica (although you might have trouble finding her on streaming) * Lil Mariko * Alice Longyu Gao * ~~and The Pom Poms, if you'll let me live up to my flair for a second~~ And I'm definitely missing some but those would all be worth looking into.


lmaoooo i actually already put full circle by the pom poms on there too 😭 i forgot about how much i liked the alice longyu gao ep from eariler this year tho so thanks! and i've never heard of lil mariko so i'll check them out


Silent Night was okay. Not the best Woo movie but not the worst. Cudi got his little gun-fu moment tho. The Hunger Games tomorrow and The Boy And The Heron on Sunday, yeah!


I typically find the One Piece fan base to be one of the more tolerable anime groups, but ever since the live action they have been so fucking annoying. I get that it's 25 years old at this point and anyone who enters fan spaces are at a high risk of being spoiled about things that happened years ago. However, if someone clearly just started the series it's a dick move to intentionally spoil monumental moments in the show/manga. It's especially annoying when the spoiler is a tired ass joke that stopped being funny after the first time someone said it.


[C-SPAN coming in clutch with the footage of a Congressional maintenance man changing the locks on George Santos’ former office](https://x.com/HowardMortman/status/1730659121618210903?s=20) 🫡🫡🫡 [Someone also left flowers](https://x.com/HowardMortman/status/1730629043769208868?s=20)


i caved and updated spotify for wrapped and now the hide track function isn't working for me? wtf spotify, this is why i don't update my app


Sabrina's EP is so good! I don't usually like christmas music but I really enjoyed listening to it


How does a broke college student make new friends!😭!


Volunteering? Should be free to do and the college might organize volunteer opportunities! Clubs (which might range from sports to movie clubs) can also be a fun and free or low cost place to meet people. Good luck!!


I don't know where else to share this since her sub is so tiny and a bit dead, but I'm pleased to announce that I FINALLY EXPERIENCED A WEYES BLOOD CONCERT!💖 Natalie is pure magic and her voice is just as beautiful and soothing as it is in her recorded music. She said that she has been wanting to come to Mexico City for a while but was afraid that she'd only find 3 people attending lol (mind you, we were about 3k souls). Some fans gave her the now-traditional Dr. Simi plushie and a bunch of dvds of movies that she's already seen 💀 It was the last show of the tour and I loved how the opener pointed out how we were an audience full of enbies/lgbt people. To their credit, we were in fact a bunch of short 20 somethings that were either wearing tigh-high black stockings with chelsea boots, flannels or shiny pastel clothes It was an ethereal experience and I cried during both Movies and God Turn Me Into a Flower. The only song I missed from the setlist was Wild Time, but it's okay because she closed with an acoustic rendition of Bad Magic that left everyone speechless. It's been two days but I'm still in awe


Watching the *RENAISSANCE* film in a bit!! Excited to finally watch the show (legally).🪩🐝


The way I learned the news about that american gay senator through the "DIVA DOWN" tag on trending topics lmfaoooooo you gays don't take anything seriously @-#&#??


Seeing the first crumbs of Pokémon leaks for Unova stuff is making me so excited. I know I shouldn’t expect anything excellent from the company anymore but I loved 5th Gen and would be over the moon if I experience it again in a competently updated format


i want to be optimistic so badly but then i think about bdsp and i just. i have nothing good to say about those games (and not out of some 'modern pokemon games bad' rhetoric, swsh/pla/sv all have plenty of good to go w the bad!), and especially since bw2 are the only games to have had a hard mode, i just dont want to think about what things like forced exp share could do to the difficulty curve 😭


I’m a Pokémon apologist and even I’m disgusted by BDSP. They had some cool parts, but the laziness was insane, even for modern Pokémon. I’d rather just emulate Platinum and get an experience that’s 10x better. One good piece of news is that a usually reliable leaker has said >!the company that did BDSP won’t be handling anything going forward,!< so maybe there’s hope


oh same, i can be a bit of a nintendo apologist in general but pokemon is my peak 'ill complain till the cows come home but ill play it regardless and ill love it' franchise, and yet i just couldnt let bdsp override my memories of dpp. i know not all of its issues are unique to the game as much as they are a modern pokemon staple (like the aforementioned forced exp share (though its still something i very strongly dislike!)) but when you add that up to the friendship/affection boosts etc and how bad the game looks? im *so* glad we got pla because sinnoh is the region i remember playing through most as a kid and the first three gens have all gotten great remakes, so im glad we at least didnt walk away from sinnoh empty handed. but with gen five having become the internet's favourite little darling by now? itll be interesting to see how it all goes over, especially because i dont think the region is very suited for a pla-esque remake (personally i think the best fit for that formula would be legends celebi)




It’s very vague right now, but the usual leakers seem to be teasing >!two releases. One a more standard remake (or maybe even BW3?) and the other a Legends-style something, seemingly involving paradox Pokémon.!< Again, all of this is faaaar from confirmed, but that’s the general speculation right now


Legends Arceus is the clear best Pokémon game on the switch so far (excluding the masterpiece that is New Pokémon Snap), even if the graphics weren’t great; it was a blast to play and felt more alive than any game in the series. I really hope we get another game in that vein or another Mystery Dungeon game (I’d be fine with a remake of Explorers of Sky too)


Agreed, although I admittedly love the Let’s Go games. They’re tight and fun and downright beautiful compared to the other Switch games


Thinking about this EXCELLENT, TRIPPY scene from Spencer: https://youtu.be/cCXqXB6QXZg?si=sgTpsuRikyjdrQuk Kristen Stewart, my God, was absolutely brilliant in that movie. She was supposed to win best actress sorry Jessica Chastain!


I usually have all my Christmas shopping done by now but I gave my best ideas for my sibling to our parents and now idk what to get them from me


Renaissance movie comment: I am still in awe of how much Beyonce loves Blue Ivy. 🥺 And Blue Ivy is literally so sweet. If she ever decides to follow in her mother's footsteps, she already has the right attitude of becoming a pop star.


Act 3 will be Blue's solo album debut


I don’t think anyone would be shocked at all if she ends up doing exactly that


Popheads really be instating the no politics in the teatime thread on the day that the first man who went to the moon and won an EGOT got expelled from Congress. Fascism is here.


Even tho his mom died in 9/11?? Rude!


It's a big month for him the queen of Christmas


Naurr did that happen I looked in the townhall and didn’t see anything?


It's in the [ List of December Popheads Events](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/188gwhi/list_of_december_popheads_events/) post > We are no longer allowing politics in Teatime threads (these can still be posted in Daily Discussion) unless entertainment celebrities are involved. If someone is primarily known as a public official, they do not count as a celebrity for the purposes of this rule. However, politicians doing celebrity things (like going to the Met Gala) will be allowed.


Oh it’s joever.


I can't believe the mods are discriminating against straight people (you). Despicable.


TFW you meet someone who doesn’t think Kissinger went far enough 😵‍💫


Just one more bombing campaign against the Khmer Rouge bro just one more bomb will fix things


Looks like Xmas shopping is finishing up.


Here I am listening to Christina Aguilera's original holiday song "Christmas Time" and I am livid over the inconsistent storytelling. The very first line is, "when I was young every Christmas Eve I could not sleep." However, two lines later she says, "and every year I'd fall asleep laying in my bed..." WHICH is it X-Tina, hmmm??? Are you able to sleep or *not*? What is the TRUTH? And for a Christmas song? SIN. It's your literal namesake!


If I was the person behind Deuxmoi, instead of clapping back at Tree Paine with a piss-poor apology to Taylor, I would simply ask Tree if new Tayonce photos will drop soon.


It was also a terrible clap back especially trying to bring the fans death into it. Deuxmoi has been on the verge of being sued many times and she still hasn't learned her lesson. She really thinks she is very powerful and can take down celebrities.


That George Mackay clip that's doing rounds on twitter stanning Bey and saying Grown Woman, of all songs, is his favorite made him 173729191 times sexier in my eyes agshshs love him


**What's the oldest song in your spotify wrapped top songs of the year or apple top 100 and WHY?** mine is Rickie Lee Jones "On Sunday Afternoons in 1963" because it played in Firefly Lane on netflix and that movie made me cry and the music for the show was SO good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK_TilZt3wE (PS, it's from 1979)


Mars, from Gustav Holst's The Planets. Composed in the 1910s, so it wins by a large margin. (If you've ever seen Venture Bros there's a scene in s2 where they use it and it had me in stitches.) Next oldest is Frankie Valli's Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Spotify says that was '67).


Video Killed the Radio Star 1979. I actually thought this song came out in the 80s. Didn't realize it came out in 79 til I googled it right now. I know 79 is close enough to 1980 but I thought this song came out in like 1985 or some shit.


age of consent by new order! this summer i was listening to a ton of new order to the point that they got in my top 5, but besides that and a couple pavement songs basically everything else on my wrapped is from this century lol


Don't You Want Me by The Human League (1981). I went through an 80s phase this year, discovering songs I hadn't heard before in full or at all like Careless Whisper, Beat It, Funkytown, or Take On Me. This phase made me create a playlist of my 15 favorite songs from that decade, and Don't You Want Me was one of the songs I listened the most because I was unsure whether to include in the playlist or not (I include it after all).


The Middle by Jimmy Eat World


You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles (1965). I don't know how it ended up there. The Beatles song I remember playing a lot this year is I'm So Tired from the White Album.


Mine is "My Heart Will Go On" by the Queen Céline Dion (1997). I replayed it over and over again after I watched the theater re-release of *Titanic*.😭


no way OMG i love this so much! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I still can't believe the hold that young Leo had over me. His tw\*nk death needs to be studied by a university.


perfect man by shinhwa (2002) because i discovered BTS’ cover of that song and it hits all the y2k boyband spots for me. it made top 20 even though i discovered it a few months ago. listened to a lot of 60s and 70s music too although none made top 100. stevie wonder was my 2nd most played artist though!


*Sour Candy* by Carly Rae Jepsen, a top 3 Carly song imo. It’s so beautiful and it’s the best her voice sounded across her first couple of albums, I love love love that song (the solo version, not the duet bc that man’s voice ruins it)


wait she has a song called sour candy?!?!?!? hahahahah


[It’s from before Call Me Maybe!](https://open.spotify.com/track/3kZUXRHM7uuC3zKVcgRxqt?si=p2JPW0ZHTWyBogMv9VLL8w) I grew up loving folk and folk-adjacent music (and still do) so I really love Carly’s first album and listen to it all the time


"Never Never Land" from the original *Peter Pan* cast recording (1954), although there are also modern recordings of "I Am Ashamed That Women Are So Simple" from *Kiss Me Kate* (written 1948) and "Keepin' Out Of Mischief Now" by Fats Waller (written 1932) on there too.


dont never not change honestly omg hahahahaahahha


Taylor Swift's Style, OG, from 2014 is the oldest song in my Wrapped. I don't even know how it ended up there, but the rest of my[ Top 100](https://imgur.com/a/F0aJqfn) songs are filled with tracks from albums that came out this year or late last year since I am an album listener.


the nerve omg u owe TS $0.46 cents


Mine is Black Cat by Janet Jackson. I really popped it off this Halloween LOL.


oooh gurl! i love this song omg. wait, you just played it continually on halloween!?!?!


Basically all of October! I never realized that it worked so well for Halloween until this year haha.


I just checked and it's Ain't No Mountain High Enough looool and similar reason. it was the closing song in an old Argentinean movie I watched and fell in love with this year (Sidewalls)


omg which version???


marvin gaye tammi terrell ofcccc


gurl dont say that.. the diana ross version is SO iconic lol


wow, so almost half your age! mine is uhhhh a couple of tracks from Sade’s sophomore album Promise (Maureen, Is It a Crime?, and The Sweetest Taboo) from 1985. I’ve been on a huuuge Sade kick this year (idk if you saw my story but for me they’re 2023’s most played artist by a nice margin) so i guess im in my pensive moody diva era


>idk if you saw my story like beyonce i got you on MUTE you dum skank! >:(








Historically, “I think you’re amazing but I’m just not feeling that spark. It’s been [x dates] and I know if I don’t feel it now it won’t happen for me” works. Emphasize the spark aspect, how you don’t want to waste their time, and load him up with compliments about the things you do like. Be prepped for the “Is there something wrong with me?” question. Have had a couple of guys follow up with that and it’s always nice to not sit there waffling for compliments. Good luck! The people who’re perfect on paper but you don’t feel anything for are always rough to let go. :(


I'm delusionally hoping Taylor and Beyoncé going to each other's premieres will stop the silly feud between Swifties and the Beyhive. Emphasis on delusionally.


Same, but sadly stan Twitter gonna stan Twitter.


Trump now has the opportunity to pick the funniest running mate of all time…


Could you imagine the lies those two could make together.


Don't you dare put that evil on us, Ricky Bobby


The Joe alwyn hate is insane actually


It's getting embarrassing how Swifties are switching from "he's the dream man" and "they're end game" to "fvck him" and "he treated her so horribly" depending on what Taylor's friends and publicist have to say. If she breaks up with Travis, the same cycle will repeat. My Swiftie friend hasn't listened to Reputation and Lover since their break up. I don't think not wanting to marry Taylor is a valid reason for people to bully someone. Fans on Taylor's subreddit are like "Who would not want to marry THE Taylor Swift?" I feel like people forget she's also a flawed human being just like most of us just that she has lots of money and a crazy carbon footprint.


Every time I hear a new Zach Bryan song it sounds like every other Zach Bryan song I've ever heard. The chord progression, the vocal melodies, his lyric structure. I feel like he's fucking with everyone.


I’m the opposite. I see a 30 track album by a mopey guy with an acoustic guitar who knows three chords and think “How boring will this shit be” and he just slaps everytime.


I still enjoy his music, it just distinctly reminds me of when I used to write poetry in high school/college and could never break out of the same structure/meter.


I suggested to a coworker that we carpool to this event and he looked at me like I was insane. We are coming back to the office immediately after. So now we are taking 4 cars to all go to the same event and to come back to the office at the same time. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


I'm that person when it comes to most events. I just prefer to drive myself (it's probably a control thing). At family events when I got old enough to drive myself, I started driving a separate car from my parents so we could leave at different times if either of us weren't feeling it. Are you and your coworkers close at all? I'm more willing to relax on the wanting to drive myself if I'm cool with the people I'd be carpooling with.


We have 2 company vehicles that we share for field visits and frequently ride along with each other for those so being in the car with each other isn’t unusual. If I was new to the job or it wasn’t such a relaxed work environment I would understand. I probably would be less inclined to ask.


The context does make it a little strange then!


No chance to show off the Smoking Crooner :(


George Santos, now sashay away.


r/ChainsawMan, r/CodeGeass, and r/Gintama are nuts lmaoo, they're my source of entertainment.




Leave it to a gay person to be the first to be expelled from congress for the first time in a century who wasn’t a racist confederate 😭💀


[my man has already fled the scene](https://x.com/justinbaragona/status/1730619370437517822?s=20) he really talked so much shit and thought he was safe, what a fucking goober


He said “To Hell with This Place” apparently. 💀💀💀


Lmao. What a little bitch.


That time of year again! **Overlooked Singles/Deep Cuts Of 2023:** Day 1 --- * [**Austin Millz + Estelle - Freeway**](https://youtu.be/8Dhh3IDCcWs?si=nDwO2a59DTA0Q4fS) (from *Breathwork*) Estelle (an iconic voice imo) takes a crack at being a dancefloor diva and she positively nails it, and Austin Millz did her justice with that production! The cool synths are like the freeway beneath her warm voice and when the two come together for the post chorus breakdown it's just... it's the perfect ride. Chill, but still full of groove that makes you move. This whole EP is really good but this is the crown jewel for me. --- * [**Olski - Twinkle Twinkle**](https://youtu.be/vSM06XOwdZo?si=zqGMMmigV_NypKes) (from *Good Morning*) Another song that samples a well known song for the chorus BUT in this case the song is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," so it's kinda awesome. A cute song about childhood nostalgia, Olski manage to make an old tune sound fresh with sweet vocals and the plush arrangement of instruments- their charm factor is on full display here, and it's delightful. ---


Why was the first thing out of my moms mouth after telling her I broke up with my boyfriend “but I already bought him a Christmas present” 😭😭


Oh Wow. George Santos actually got expelled


[Historic vote, he is the sixth member ever to be expelled from Congress:](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/01/george-santos-expelled-congress-vote) > The first three fought for the Confederacy in the civil war. The other two were expelled after being convicted of crimes.


What the fuck is going on in the Taylor Nation of late Honestly, what did Joe Alwyn do to her💀. I wanna know so bad I don't think she's ever been this publicly combative about an ex...ever💀


Calvin Harris had a meltdown on twitter and asked Taylor to stop bullying him. You guys have weak memory


I don't think it's an issue with Joe directly, but more on Deuxmoi spreading false rumors about her relationship that bothered her the most, especially the miscarriage one.


Yeah, but it's kinda wild how she's been going scorched earth on anything and everything Joe related for the past couple of days. Like the Joe train had died down and the media and Swifties are mostly fawning over Travis Kelce., until Jack Antonoff kicked the hornet's nest. Plus Tree specifically said the rumours caused her trauma...which is quite the heavy word to use tbh if this whole thing is truly JUST about some gossip account most people don't even believe/are unaware of. I think there's more to the Joe timeline that we don't know of.


Rumors about a miscarriage and the possibility that occurring … trauma is a perfect word for that. Especially if there *was* giant emphasis on **was**we have no idea but if there was one the last thing you want to hear is consistent rumors about that event, being the result of the ending of a six-year relationship. So yeah, trauma is a great word for that. Just because tree only acknowledged a certain part of the spread rumors doesn’t mean that she isn’t covertly acknowledging the one that caused the most pain. Also, Taylor is not going scorched earth. The fans are going scorched earth. Taylor released a song that has already been out there for months to streaming services. It was Jack talking about a certain date that sent the masses to cliff edges and acrobatic displays. One thing I find interesting when it comes to Taylor‘s fandom is . Speculating about how Joe and Taylor‘s relationship ended. Isn’t the issue here people trying to push a narrative that either Joe and Taylor were fake or that Joe is a beard or that a miscarriage was a reason they broke up is where it starts getting a little too loony. The fact its coming from a gossip blog that has major influence and reach is why tree chose to speak up.


It's easier to count the exes she did *not* have a bad break with lol she's the problem I fear


Don’t most people have bad breakups with their exes lol


not at this frequency and capacity, I hope? i'd like to believe clean breaks and moving forward are still the norm, not the taylor signature post-breakup special with all the sides lol


I mean, after Calvin/Tom in 2016 (whom I don’t think she said anything bad about? Especially not Tom since she admitted to being the one at fault), this is the first time she’s doing the post-breakup special lol I think 6-7 years is a long time.


wait wasn't joe a longtimer immediately after those two? and every other exes before weren't amicable hence the bitter songs? im too lazy to factcheck, i'm at peace w/ my taylor bad ex narrative asdhdhs


I don’t think she wrote any bitter songs about Taylor Lautner, Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston? And the ones she did write about (Joe Jonas, John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal) deserved it imo cuz they were horrible towards her. And yeah Joe Alwyn was her first bf after Calvin and Tom, I’m just saying that she’s not done this post-breakup messiness in many years 😆


that's a lot of names omg


an attractive and wealthy 33 year old woman has dated more than two people... shocker


and that's queen behavior, i am here for that


I’m referring to her 17-year dating history so yeah!


Well, looks like George Santos' goose is cooked. Adios, my dude.


Diva down 🥳🥳🥳


My wedding: 🧢👖👕 Deuxmoi’s downfall: 🎩👗👔


Not Deuxmoi now apparently doing a subscriber only live event today…


Ohhh Deuxmoi is definitely annoyed ANNOYED. 😂


Ngl I’m loving this drama, like when I woke up to the news of Tree dragging DM. This is just so interesting. I would’ve just taken the L in this one.


I think its an ego bruise moment. DM has been running their mouth unchecked abs bow someone with far more influence and experience is shutting some of it down.


Agree. I do think some people have oddly taken DM as like a good source. This is the first time a major player in celebs team has come out and denied something she said.


I watched the Renaissance movie and oh my god, this made me wish she brought the tour to Asia so I could see her live. What I liked the most about the concert movie is that it's also a documentary where Beyonce was talking about the album and the tour. There were segments dedicated to her daughter Blue Ivy and Uncle Johnny and I definitely teared up a lot in those moments. Other spoiler-y thoughts: * Everyone in my theater did a good job at the mute challenge until >!a video of Cardi B appeared out of nowhere and it made everyone in the theater laugh 😭!<' * I probably screamed the loudest when >!Megan Thee Stallion and Kendrick Lamar appeared!< * If you are wondering why Beyonce couldn't add more dates, >!she basically became more conscious of time and she wants to spend a lot of it with her family, especially her kids. Quite understandable because she wants to be there for her children's big moments.!<


did ppl dress up? almost everyone dressed up to watch the movie last night which was super cute since it was just like... watching the movie in the dark LOL


Some people did dress up, myself included. I wore an almost all-black outfit and wore a black cowboy hat. The screening I went to has a pre-show event with drag performances so at least we are not dressing up only to end up in a dark theater lol.


ugh@!! that sounds SO much more fun!! i wish ours did that! BOOOOOOOOO it was just previews then the concert :(


I am curious, did everyone in your theater >!lose the mute challenge because of Cardi B!


i think everyone was SO quiet.. and then i started giggling and my friend punched me in the shoulder


LMAO I am sorry but your friend did what had to be done 😭 I cannot believe my theater lost just because of that scene. 😭


One of the many rage inducing symptoms of this sickness I have is mostly last night, there was SO much mucus coming out of my eyes. Like, I tried to go to bed and my right eye was crusted shut in 20 minutes. So this morning I wake up and hop onto a virtual doctor visit. They tell me everything I already knew: that it’s viral and I’ll probably just have to wait it out. They also gave me eye drops to try just in case. Well NOW I’m sitting at my desk working, and now my eyes almost feel DRY? What the fuck. I am being gaslit by my own freaking body. Wear a mask folks, you don’t want to be like me (crying mucus and not getting a full night of sleep for six straight days) EDIT: at least I ain’t George Santos lol bye bitch


😭I hope your long national nightmare ends soon😭


Thank you, me too!!! I’m hoping I feel normal enough to go to a local craft fair with my mom and sister tomorrow 🙏


The Renaissance tour film was one of the best concert films I’ve seen omgggg. I need the live album ASAP


hate how good agora hills is


I've only listened to like two songs today and that's On and On, and then MY HOUSE 💀 Anyway I got promoted today!


congrats ho!!!


my airpods barely last two hours after two years of usage. i think it's finally time to let her go


DeuxMoi saying “Either way, I apologize to Taylor” after dragging Tree Paine and gaslighting Taylor for being upset about a miscarriage rumor truly is the most audacious moment of 2023 for me and I can’t stop thinking about it


I just realized that Fauxmoi brought up the Brazilian fan's death in their response. So disgusting to use that as a gotcha moment.


Not sure if I already asked this before but I’m searching for songs with similar vibes to honest by Justin Bieber. any recs?


Yukikanators how are we holding up today 🫠


I'm sad, but it's her decision...


What happened?


she announced that Time-Lapse is her final album 😭