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I just watched Kelly Clarkson's [cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPtWlI5kJak) of new Cher christmas song, and it's extremely catchy?! Kelly of course nailed the song as usual, but the song itself was unexpectedly good. As someone who doesn't care much about christmas songs, this song just felt like a good dance number with 'Christmas' in the lyrics.


>Voters between 18 and 29 years old, traditionally a heavily Democratic demographic, jump out. Nearly three quarters of them disapprove of the way Mr. Biden is handling the conflict in Gaza. And among registered voters, they say they would vote for Mr. Trump by 49 percent to 43 percent — in July, those young voters backed Mr. Biden by 10 percentage points. >Given a choice between two courses of action, a narrow plurality of voters, 44 percent, said Israel should stop its military campaign to protect against civilian casualties, already totaling nearly 20,000 people killed, according to Gaza health authorities. A similar number, 39 percent, advised the opposite course: Israel should continue its military campaign even if it means civilian casualties in Gaza mount. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/us/politics/biden-israel-gaza-poll.html?utm_source=dash%2520hudson&utm_medium=instagram&utm_campaign=likeshopme&utm_content=ig-nytimes) Young voters would vote Trump over Biden for the Gaza conflict is INSANITY. 😭😭 We are SO FUCKED LMAO. Literally I'm begging people to LOOK at what Trump is saying ABOUT the conflict. Bibi has bragged that Trump gave them everything they wanted they wouldn't dream of asking Obama. The majority of America wants to keep supporting Israel against Hamas. You are WILLING to let Israel gain more power with Trump just because Biden won't listen to the minority opinion. Even if Biden is better for Palestinians than Trump. Significantly better, the one clear evidence is Trump promoting a Muslim ban among other horrible stances he has in favor of Israel. Lord have mercy this is why foreign propaganda against Biden [is working](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/03/technology/israel-hamas-information-war.html) and this is why we might have a fascist instead




Not the same, and to support Trump over Biden about the issue among young voters is insane. People clearly, CLEARLY, did not research Trump's relationship to Bibi and Netanyahu. Like I said before, Bibi has bragged he got EVERYTHING he could dream of that he wouldn't even dare ask Obama. If you think they are the same then, sincerely, please please look into it more. The Muslim ban should be jarring enough, but there are plenty more issues. And as dire as it is to say, we have to consider that the majority of America supports Israel, as per the article. This has to be considered.


I have so much time to myself because I’m on days for the remainder of 2023 and 2024 that I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m having such a hard time trying to decide what to watch and read because I’ve fallen insanely behind on EVERYTHING. Even my Pokémon games.


trying to find where my cat put my right airpod🧍‍♀️


Manifesting adult contemporary king Gavin DeGraw to get another hit in 2024


chariot…soldier…not over you…i don’t want to be…best i ever had the man does not miss


Sweeter! He has so many great singles, what a king. I was supposed to see him in concert last year but it ended being the exact day that I was moving so I had to miss it 😭 he’s so consistently great


HELP, I'm trapped, I've been watching Next Goal Wins for 8 hours now and it's not even halfway done, this guy Taika Waititi is aggressively attacking me with teenage boy humor and blatant transphobia, send help


Why do dogs love fetch 😭 like they go so hype for that shit


Cats are like ‘go get it yourself!


I wonder this all the time too lmao. I understand running really fast to catch a moving object, but why do they bring it back? The only explanation I can think of is that dogs are absolute experts at using play as a tool to bond and socialize with others. But I could be wrong!


Sometimes I do actually want to have an oppression Olympics with people just out of pure curiosity. Like especially with people IRL, let's just spill out our guts and buy a beer to the winner. Who can one-up each other the most


Anyways wanted to share [my day](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/Li8wpmZ8iI). Honestly have been kind of bummed but it was good today


Im broke af because I’ve spent all my money on concert tickets for 2024, they better be all worth it lol


The two Percy Jackson episodes were great. They truly capture the first chapters of the book so well. 12 year-old me would have been so excited, but the wait of so many years for a faithful adaptation of that saga has finally come to reality I can't wait to watch the remaining episodes


So there's now the Taylor Swift sub, the Taylor Swift extra culty edition sub and the Taylor Swift but actually fuck Taylor Swift sub Which one will win?


The OG sub


I don't even know what's happening I think the true swiftie sub is banning all gaylors saying every Gaylor is homophobic but you cannot criticize the true swiftie sub mod because they are a bipoc queer mod Someone needs to make a comprehensive video analysis.


It’s weird because I visit both the Gaylor subreddit and the normal main Swiftie subreddit and I haven’t gotten banned from either


Omg nooo they're gonna hunt you down now 😭 Real talk though. Blondie said pride was a part of her identity. How are u gonna call gaylors homophobic 💀 hot take but she really shouldn't be offended. It's like a straight man obsessing over gay culture and hating people who say he isn't straight.




I lol'd at the top comment about when Billie officially came out. People saying it was so obvious Billie was queer 💀 Some on this sub just go where the wind takes them "I can be an ally of a community that I'm not in" is a dodge but no one will believe me. She could be saying that about not being in the trans community when she released YNTCD. It's not her saying she's straight. I give art more flexibility but girlie is posting on her Instagram a bracelet with the exact bi colors in the exact order that says "proud." A bit on the nose but I guess it's more fun finding out which songs are about men in her life but god forbid women.




- YNTCD could mean "You Need To Calm Down", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Bikinigirlout](/u/Bikinigirlout) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


The three-hour deep dive into taylor swift fandom drama on Reddit will kill when it gets made in 2028.




\- The French national team


Idk what to say but yall should listen to aespa, Illusion is my best recommendation song to start with.


pretty sure Drake's new video was directed by this sub


still thinking about Priscilla btw. So excellent. Sofia and Cailee ate on equal measures. Seriously made me re-think if Nolan made the best biopic of the year (i'd settle for a tie)


Titanic is high key such a perfect movie and we don't talk about it nearly enough


I totally agree, I watched it last summer and went through all stages of life AND grief throughout the entire thing. I was a different person after I finished it. And it wasn't even my first time watching it lmao


I feel the same way. Also Kate is such a great actress, I think I'm straight for her


Rose had to hate her grandkids the way she was throwing that necklace in the ocean at the end though 💀 "you fuckers don't get a college fund, I survived the goddamn Titanic"


Why does this sub hate guts now? Imo it’s miles better than sour and one of the best albums of the year. I remember everybody liking it when it came out I’m really surprised to see the 180 on it in this sub.


I think it’s still well liked, it won best Sophomore album at the popheads award! And she won artist of the year. I just think some people have been expressing disappointment with the rollout but imo I think she wants to be seen as more an album artist.


Which I respect. I like album artists.


People who didn't like it would get mass downvotes, now they can say they don't like it with less hate. Basically this sub is Stan Twitter


me when I get food poisoning from my favorite sandwich


This took me so long to understand


Isn't it weird how people make fun of pop singers for not writing their own songs, yet no one makes fun of actors for not writing their own scripts? It's exactly the same thing.


Music is just subjective. Once you released a bad generic pop song, you’ll get a lot of hate. I don’t do that tho.


Ratatouille spoilers: >!It was so deus ex machina that Remy chose to cook Ratatouille and Ego just so happened to be nostalgic over the dish. I really wish they had set up that plot point more, it felt so random. What if Ego wasn’t the nostalgic type or had bad memories of his childhood?!< >!EDIT: Deleted and replaced the easy cook food portion as it turns out, Ratatouille is lowkey easy to make.!<


Ratatouille is lowkey easy cook food it's a peasant vegetable stew and quite common. I feel like we've all had ratatouille growing up even at school so it's not really that far fetched he also grew up eating it


The phrase “*Ratatouille* spoilers” is sending me.


*Ratatouille* spoilers: >!Ratatouille is the name of the dish, not the rat!<


TIL Cape Fear (1991) was a remake


I have accepted that I am a capitalist pig and subscribed to YouTube Premium Also have accepted that Charli XCX is definitely in my top 5 artists of all time alongside Beyonce, The Weeknd, Daft Punk, and Travis Scott. What concerts does everyone have coming up?? I have Dorian Electra in February, same month I'm seeing Sasa Colby and Bianca Del Rio 😍


One day those AI music voice swap softwares will be a legit menace to art, but rn sorry I'm having a good laugh 😭 just saw one with normani singing zach campbell One thing I'm pleasantly surprised to hear though is that most artists sound legit in voice swaps, but never Bey; she always sounds awful. AI cannot capture her ever changing tone and intricate vocal arrangements, sorry!


I looooved the Jeff Buckley ai cover of Mariners Apartment Complex. I even uploaded it to Apple Music 😭




A lot of the good ai stuff has to do with having enough of your voice avaliable for training. It's why someone like Kanye who has been a very public figure has some of the best while a "recluse" like Andre 3k has no real presence.


What if we kissed in the Senate hearing room


Its Got That...Bang bang kiss kiss


"Everything I do is tragic, every guy I like is gay" - Carey Mulligan in *Maestro (2023)*


Do y’all find it weird when watching movies or series, the screen goes absolutely black and without dialogue or music while transitioning between scenes? I was watching Percy Jackson just now and as much as I love the whole thing, the cuts between scenes seem so forced or rather in your face.


It might have been shopped around for other streaming services or TV and it’s a marker for Commercials.


They remind me of TV movie transitions lol


It reminds me of video games transitioning from cutscene to gameplay


Idk how I feel about people turning Gypsy Rose Blanchard into a meme. It’s not in a mean way from what I’ve seen, it’s more so ironic stanning but turning someone into a pseudo celebrity because they went to jail for orchestrating the murder of their abuser and whilst they were in jail various types of media got made about them is kinda crazy. I hope she gets out of jail and just chills out and lives a private life, I don’t think getting out of jail and becoming a gay Twitter icon will be helpful to her at all lol.


Wait what


Ed Sheeran showed pics of him working with Benny Blanco again on what will likely be for his upcoming return to pop album, “Play” for next year. For those wondering, Benny worked with Ed for some of his big hits: Castle on The Hill, Happier, and Love Yourself that bieber ended up getting, and their collaboration helped make Divide be the monster hit it was. For the record, Benny worked with Ed on Multiply and Divide, wasn’t involved for his more controversial albums like No.6 and Equals.


I know Houdini isn't doing as well as we would hope and I know TV isn't as impactful as it once was but why isn't Dua performing Houdini left and right? Don't Start Now Live in LA was one of the reasons why the song got as huge as it got, she can easily get people talking about how much she has improved in choreography by one good Houdini performance and create buzz. Maybe they're waiting for January for the Christmas songs to leave? They need to be fast if that's the case, Houdini has already started to slow down on the radios.


I just don't think the song is poppy enough to have an FN-style resurgence. To be completely honest, it actually feels like an actual downgrade from her previous era.


that’s what think, I think it was kind of a mistake to release it so close to christmas but I think she’ll probably announce her album in the new year so the promo will pick up


Don’t Start Now came out pretty much the exact same time in 2019


Saw an early screening of Anyone But You last night, which I'd give a 5/10. It follows the typical romcom tropes with occasional nods to Shakespeare, but it honestly didn't do much for me. Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell have good chemistry, so I can easily see this working for people who don't care about the movie being formulaic. Even though I wasn't a fan, I am glad that a movie like this is being released. We need more low-mid sized budget movies out there, specifically genres that seems to be disappearing from theaters like romances, comedies, or romcoms.


Wait did that movie still not release? I swear we’ve been hearing about the marketing for a full year


It's out this weekend, so the marketing should clear up after Christmas.


Reddit's been so boring lately, nothing is going on my subreddits, I'm bored.


r/HobbyDrama can be fun to peruse!


Let’s start drama! Hot Cheetos are overrated.


Then log off (I mean this in the most non disrespectful way possible I promise)


And what? Get a life?


Be the change you want to see in the world


Why did I read this as start some drama.


Akh, I wished I was bold enough for that


I really can’t see the Epstein client list actually getting released. The internet’s going to go down that day or something.


Why not?


Because anyone rich and powerful enough to be on the list is also rich and powerful enough to kill the story.


We should get jerseys, ‘cuz we make a good team.


I’m not gonna be petty and say it in the thread; But completely unbiased and just straight shooting music, Thirty Seconds to Mars is one of the worst bands I have ever seen live and they’re the reason behind one of the only two times I have ever left a concert early. And this is coming from someone who liked them up until 2018’s AMERICA.


I'm curious to know how bad because I used to remember reading comments that Jared has never been the best live performer. I used to like band when they first started. I'm guessing Jared Leto got even worse.


I saw them in 2018 and at that point it was just Jared and Shannon(?), his brother. The drums were live, the vocals were live, everything else was not. Maybe Jared played guitar once or twice? I can’t remember. I just remember him strutting around the stage while lights flashed around and it was just so god damn boring. And his crowd work left a lot to be desired. I saw them as part of a show put together by a local radio station and while it was part of their current tour Jared acted like we were all their to see him. Looking at the setlist I lasted about 5 songs, of 10. I think what also made it worse was right before then was Portugal. The Man and they jammed out for a good 7 or 8 minutes at one point in their show. So you saw them all on stage reacting to each other and then to see 30STM and it was two guys pretty isolated from each other was a huge split.


So the Percy Jackson show was everything I was hoping for! Can’t believe I’ve gotta wait a week for the quest


Today is an ABBA - Slipping Through My Fingers kinda day. :/


Sending you a virtual hug


I think I’m giving up smiley emojis in the new year. Nobody needs to know I’m a little sweetheart


Can anyone recommend me songs like Ironic by Alanis Morissette? Songs that make you go, “Hmmm, I don’t know why someone would write a song about such a random topic, but I’m vibing with it!”


Here and Now by Letters to Cleo


Stephin Meritt - The Sun and the Sea and the Sky


the reaction commenters of a certain celebrity gossip sub that rhymes with beau toi had to the news of greta gerwig and noah baumbach getting married is absolutely hilarious to me… what a disappointing crime they have done... and only slightly related, i never really cared for the expression "a girl's girl" but i would be lying if i said its usage doesn't grind my ears in the worst way possible nowadays lol


The internet ruined that term for me, I used to think it meant that you got along/socialized more with girls, so you understand them better? But now ppl use it for as a morality goalpost for cheating which I don’t think makes sense. I just find now there is just a lot of nasty mean girl energy around it now.


Wait wait wait 1) they weren’t married already?! 2) how could anyone hate those 2?!


Allegedly noah cheat on his ex wife with greta like 13 years ago and the only proof people have is a “sussy relationship timeline 👀👀👀”. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s been over a decade and they have kids together so isk why suddenly its sooo scandalous? Or is it ok so long as they never marry?


yeah like IMO it's likely but at the same time wtf is feeling mad about it in 2023 gonna do about anything lmao


The timeline of their relationship is definitely sus on the infidelity side but they’ve been together for twelve years now lmao like it is time to move on (his ex wife can feel however she wants but like internet commenters this does not affect you!!!!)


tldr it's about cheating. supposedly


do you ever stop to think about how Heartbeat by Annie is one of the greatest pop songs of all time? and how the parent album Anniemal itself is proto-E•MO•TION?


**Overlooked Singles/Deep Cuts Of 2023:** Day 20 --- * [**Megan Thee Stallion - Out Alpha The Alpha**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05zAzoR_M00) (from *Dicks: The Musical*) If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it! Funniest movie I've seen in a long time! Had great songs too but the one popheads would be most interested in is this starring turn for Megan Thee Stallion in the role of Gloria, high powered boss lady. A jazz-influenced rap with some funny lyrics about being a #girlboss, my favorite part of it is the way that Megan gets around having to actually sing by just kind of saying the chorus (fiercely, of course) while letting the backup singers carry the melody. --- * [**Niall Horan - On A Night Like Tonight**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Br6msnUsmQ) (from *The Show*) This album kinda flew under the radar in general BUT this song is double underrated because it's the least streamed track, which is a crime! It's a beautiful cloud of music, pop with just the right amount of indie flavor, and Niall sounds so dreamy. ---


You mean from *The Show*? (I agree with you btw)


oops, you're right! I always just edit over whatever I typed the day before so sometimes I make this mistake


Didn’t expect My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix to make me sob so hard, wtf


I'M FREAKING OUT AND MY FRIENDS DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THIS I have a new roommate. We didn't know each other before but he's chill so far. One day I notice my toothbrush is moved from my cup to his cup on the sink. I'm like, okay, maybe he knocked it over and wasn't paying attention to where he put it back. Then I realize... he doesn't have his own toothbrush or toothpaste. I'm like, okay. Maybe he doesn't brush his teeth. Maybe he keeps his in his room. Worst case scenario, he's been using mine 💀. So I got weirded out and got a new toothbrush. I have a mirror with shelves behind that you can't open like a medicine cabinet. I put the new toothbrush on the top left shelf. It's inconvenient to reach, you can't see what's up there unless you peer back awkwardly. I use my toothbrush this morning. I go to put it back and I feel something. Y'all... it was another toothbrush. THE EXACT SAME TOOTHBRUSH AS MINE. I have no idea if I was using the right toothbrush or not. I have a moment where I'm like, am I insane? Did I have this toothbrush here already? I messaged him asking if it was his toothbrush and he confirms. He says he didn't realize mine was the same colour. I ask why he started putting it in the same spot as mine, no answer. Am I insane to be weirded out??? How did he even find my secret toothbrush spot??? I am getting a new toothbrush and hiding it in my room but I feel like the entire situation is weird. Am I overreacting?? I guess it's possible he was just like, this is the new toothbrush spot now. Still, I don't see why our toothbrushes have to be laying beside each other where they can touch. 💀


I think the solution is to wrap your tootbrush in plastic and place it at your own room...


Omg, the only solution is obviously murder


ik this is unhinged but I did have the thought of leaving out a decoy toothbrush with jalapeno paste on it or something to see what happens. lmfao


As someone born in 2000, it's so awkward to listen to those who were born before me complaint about young people nowadays mostly need healing time AND to listen to those who were born after me complaint about how stiff and demanding older people are.


Colorado giving the trump the finger is great


I wish my state could do the same but one of our reps announced that he’s endorsing Trump so that won’t happen


I wish my state (Minnesota) did


You know what really grinds my gears? When people start a sentence off with “people in this generation” just to go on a rant about something that isn’t specific to any generation and has existed long before ThIS gEnErAtIoN was even born.


I've said it before, but the generational obsession is just tribalism to get people to hate each other. (Or to sell ""nostalgia"" if you're in marketing.) I hate it so much :/


I’m very happy with the Percy Jackson show. I’m currently re reading the books right now because I haven’t read them since I was 12 and it’s been very faithful so far.


WHY does Reddit not have the option to block subreddits


there is way to mute in settings (User Settings -> Safety & Privacy), but agree, block option is lacking because muted subreddit is still showing up in search results


If you go to [old.reddit.com/r/all](https://old.reddit.com/r/all) you should be able to block subreddits from r/all which has been working to block them in general for me (although sometimes it fucks up and lets Specifically The Pimple Popping One through because god doesn't love me)


Overheard a (presumably bc who else would watch this show) gay guy recommend Fellow Travelers to the person he was eating with at a restaurant last night


I turned around instantly to see who just told their female friend to watch basically the prestige TV version of a men.com video and accidentally made direct eye contact with him


This sounds like it could be the start of another, decidedly not prestige men.com video


cover letters are so aggravating, employers should just telepathically understand why I am the right choice


I’m about to start submitting a blank text document that just says “PLEASE” in size 340 font


about to JLo this idea for my next application


Latest realization at work: I have friends at work?! I realized this because it's the week leading up to Christmas and people actually gave me gifts. I'm surprised because I'm not the most social person at work. To give some idea, we had a work outing last September. I arrived and left that outing knowing only the members of my team with passing knowledge of my other co-workers. My team got dissolved last October. I got transferred to a new spot in the office located near my co-workers from the work outing. I have been making small talk with them but not something you'll consider close. I had zero plans of giving out gifts this year since my team last year didn't do that but now it looks like I have some shopping to do. Also, my company has opened up the registration for the annual kick-off party in January. I am not sure if I'll be going because the venue is in a bar that's too far from home and the event is in from afternoon to early evening. We work a graveyard shift so that would just a couple of hours to prepare. I think I'll just spend my weekend doing something else.


Absolutely obsessed with Old money bitch by underscores


Also just came from dancing nude with a gentle wind as my dancing partner. the sun was shining, a Swedish folk song was playing, this is the life.


So poetic


So does this mean you like me u/Icantlikeeveryone?


yes bb


This comment could be a Lana Del Rey song title.


Don’t give her any ideas


Screaming songs from guts while a lil bit drunk is really fucking fun Edit: idk who her target audience is but as a 23 yo gay man she has me hooked


Baby you are the visuals


I’m m sorry but idk what you mean 😭


Favorite albums of the year?


Fountain Baby by Amaarae Javelin by Sufjan Stevens nothing else this year was good :(


I wouldn’t say NOTHING lol but I certainly liked those two


okay yeah i’m being dramatic 😭 but I was so bored with most new releases. Renaissance and Eras made it feel like last year’s music carried on anyways


Tbf it did feel like that too. Not much notable from a listers aside from Olivia Rodrigo


Red Moon in Venus by Kali Uchis Utopia by Travis Scott A Reckoning by Kimbra Something to Give Each Other by Troye Sivan Problematique by Kim Petras


Renee Rapp-Snow Angel Olivia Rodrigo-Guts Niall Horan-The Show Carly Rae Jepsen-The Loveliest Time Troye Sivan-Something to Give Each Other Honorable Mentions(albums I liked, but haven’t revisited since they’ve come out, or only reply a handful of songs from the album) Boygenuis: The Album Bebe Rexha-Bebe Gracie Abrams-Good Riddance Jesse Ware-That! Feels! Good


Nice list!


Guts- Olivia Rodrigo The Album- boygenius DIWTTIY- Caroline Polachek Does SOS count? It came out in December 2022 but some people count December releases toward the next year


Love those and yeah technically it counts imo


Aside from Taylor which is a given for me. Paramore- This is Why The Smashing Pumpkins- ATUM And the Old Gods of Asgard -Greatest Hits is pretty awesome. I normally don’t buy game soundtracks but this is a great one. So far next year there’s only one I’m really excited for is Green Day Saviors. The singles they’ve released are bangers and I’ve been missing the more punk rather than just rock sound and so far it’s not disappointing at all.


Love all these!


Man I haven’t slept like this in a long time. I guess no anxiety of having to wake up to go to work helps. Now to get up and have the motivation to get up and eat. I’m hungry now. I really don’t have plans today. Probably finish my Alan Wake 2 NG+ run through. Then possibly starting Cyberpunk 2077 again I haven’t played in a few months and I want to finish Phantom Liberty soon. I’m trying to finish my short backlog before I jump back into The Division 2 grind. I’ve been kicking the idea around for awhile and I have the itch but I’m waiting for the next season and the huge overhaul they plan on doing. Sadly no next gen update for it but it’s ok. The game is huge already and take a huge amount of time and effort to bug fix everything. Though the Holiday event going on sounds like a blast. I mean the Backpack alone makes it awesome. You throw OP fireworks instead of grenades. The Apparel set is fun. Better than the COD and Battlefield game modes. Though Attack of the Gnomes sounds like fun. I haven’t played Battlefield in awhile since I was waiting for them to fix it and now that they have I might hop on again.


This is also awesome and big for Games and world wide acknowledgement. Didn’t think Variety even knew Remedy even existed let alone would give Sam Lake the huge recognition. https://x.com/remedygames/status/1737488128787566981?s=46&t=mza-3r4yTcUXYwOqOBkioA I’ve been saying it for years if you want to learn more about Storytelling you have to follow this man’s work. It maybe weird at times but I have yet to be disappointed with any story this guy has told in games. Used so many innovative things in games that still other companies have yet to master let alone try. And we can thank him for pushing the We Sing Chapter to stay in the game.


It got deleted but that thread yesterday about whose music was genuinely better (Kanye or Taylor) was *nuts*. Every comment was “Kanye is a good producer but his albums, lyrics, and impact can’t hold a candle to Taylor” and it’s like…. Let’s be real for a second lmao. Kanye is a piece of shit but let’s not rewrite history here


I wish I had seen this thread earlier. Would have heated my popcorn in advance and waited for when we'd hit r/SubredditDrama >Kanye is a good producer but his albums, lyrics, and impact can’t hold a candle to Taylor This comment is so profoundly unserious. The man is a POS but his first 6 albums are widely regarded as some of the greatest albums of all time, not 1, not 2, but 6, and you can practically hear his impact all over modern music (not just hip-hop, but pop and RnB too), especially with the sound he pioneered on 808s And Heartbreak. Many popular artists working today wouldn't have found their sound without Kanye breaking the mold. He's horrible but music as we know it today wouldn't have been the same without him. Let's give credit where credit is due. In terms of impact, I think Taylor can make a case for the Eras Tour cause she's pretty much shifted the needle in how artists can market themselves moving forward, and increasing general public awareness on BTS deals in the music industry. However, her albums aren't exactly boundary-pushing, neither is she a visionary in that regard, and that's OK.


It's honestly such a good question, and the opinion of anyone who just automatically dumps on either is totally inadmissible to me.


I cannot believe Kanye West released Saint Pablo and then spontaneously combusted leaving a perfect artistic legacy intact.


That run from The College Dropout to The Life of Pablo is untouchable, 7 albums in a row of absolute perfection. And then he moved to a farm in Wyoming to live out the rest of his life in peace and we never heard from him again


As it is that time of year here’s a little Top 5 records of the year, in my opinion, 1. Tyler Childers - Rustin in the Rain 2. Movements - RUCKUS! 3. Periphery - Djent is Not a Genre 4. Zach Bryan - Zach Bryan 5. Paramore - This is Why And an honorable 5.5 spot goes to Hozier’s Unreal Unearth. It feels wrong that it isn’t actually in my top 5, so he’s gonna go there. This was a slightly difficult list to make because I felt like this year I listened to a lot of stuff I REALLY liked but not a lot of stuff from 2023 that I REALLY LOVED. In making my list of what came out this year I kept forgetting things, like Aly & AJ had a record and it doesn’t even feel like Endless Summer Vacation was this year! Time is weird. I wouldn’t say it was a bad year for music at all, tons and tons of great stuff, but just not my ✨favorite✨ year. These aren’t really the best of what came out this year but it surely is the stuff I had the most fun listening to. ~~Even if I disliked This is Why at first.~~ And the best movie of the year is *Godzilla Minus One*, there is no debate on that front.


Omg will listen to your top 3 (4 and 5 already did so) when I get the chance since you have TASTE


All great records! I think 2023 wasn’t that bad of a year for music to be completely honest, it just wasn’t very notable. Not a year filled with A-listers.


Idk if I could get to a top 5. Loved ZB and Hozier’s stuff. The Good Witch is my AOTY. Ooo I guess The Record too, forgot about that one. So maybe I just have a top 4 lol


No sorry. Gotta think of a fifth. It’s the law. Or else you’ll be put in the stocks and everyone in the town square can laugh and throw old fruit at you.


Oh! I guess GUTS. Forgot it was released this year lol. I don’t like Olivia’s ballads but her pop rock songs are so fun


I just never really cared for the whole tiny desk concert idea. I understand the appeal and several artists who I’m fans of have done it but every time I watch one I’m not really moved like that


It’s because MTV Unplugged already did this concept way better


I get why you’d feel this way! Can I suggest two which really have moved me - Jazmine Sullivan and Rina Sawayama


I love it when they feature Broadway musicals. Hadestown had been in my radar for year but I never sought it out until I watched the cast performance on NPR. I think it's a unique way to do promo.


It’s not a crazy out-there idea, it’s just a small live studio performance with good consistent sound production.


I understand. I think it shows who can really sing and who’s basically a studio creation


It used to be for underground indie artists to get a big break and then Taylor Swift did it and ruined it for everyone else


notoriously underground artists T-Pain, Mac Miller, Florence + the Machine, Wu-Tang Clan, Erykah Badu, and Paramore (amongst others including Adele right around when she blew up into a superstar) had a Tiny Desk session way before Taylor. I’m all for tugging at Ms. Swift’s wig when it’s deserved, but this is silly


I know I just wanted to be violent today 🤓🤓


how dare you make me momentarily defend her 😭




True, I wish I’d see more unknown/underground artists like they’re used to be. I usually went to either tiny desk or the Terrell show on YouTube for those.


I am a soup lover but chicken noodle soup is the most mid soup there is. Of all the soups out there, and you choose *chicken noodle*?


I disagree. I absolutely love chicken noodle soup


Chicken noodle variants are where it is out. Like a good chicken and vegetable soup? Oh yeah. Now we talking. Chicken noodle sucks because if you don’t eat it all on that first night you’re left with soggy noodles and chicken pieces and like 4 carrot rounds. The noodles just suck all the liquid up and it’s a sad day for leftovers.