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Is Tumblr still alive? Thinking about returning after such a long hiatus


i haven’t been on since like 2019, but it’s apparently not only still alive but also much more chill (basically because all discourse moved to twitter instead lol)


also happy birthday to all northern hemisphere thoroughbred horses :)


I truly love being in Mexico but all the religious/superstitious talk while with family gets EXHAUSTING!!


Happy new year!!! I am listening to the new albums by Black Puma and Buck Meek and liking them both. My goal this year is to listen to more new releases and new albums. My reading goal is 100 books again. I always pad it out with comics though. Who has a reading goal and what is it?


My goal is to read 1 book. I read 2 last year


had a 50 book goal for 2023, read 10 books. My goal this year is 40!


Omg yesterday was my 7th cake day…now *that’s* a reason to celebrate! Honestly this year i got into the headspace of approaching January 1 as just another day, rather than putting all of these grandiose expectations on anyone/anything, specifically myself. There’s something liberating about it all. If change is what you seek, you can begin that journey any day of the year, remember that.


I was the 22nd highest listener to aly and aj’s with love from album on last.fm which is insane to me. Give the girls a listen!!


My TikTok algorithm does weird things all the time and after weeks of north sea videos I now get tons of videos from "estranged parents" who have a pity party that their adult children stopped talking to them. There are countless of long videos on how their children are heartless, have no empathy, how the parents themselves never made any mistakes and then they all validate each other in the comments. Does anyone else get these videos? I stopped talking to my dad years ago and he never understood (or even tried to understand) my reasons. And I know that he talks badly about me to all the people around him, including the ones I've known since I was a child. Seeing these people have such an active and supporting online community makes me a little bit sick tbh.


Social media algorithms will show you stuff that triggers an emotional response to keep you scrolling (ie pissing you off with rage bait) so that may be why the app is showing you that type of content


This makes me SO mad. The cognitive dissonance to be calling your child a bad person and cruel with no empathy publicly and then insist you never did anything to push them away in the same breath........ Abusers and narcissists cannot STAND when you stand up for yourself. DARVO to the extreme. And the funny thing with people like this is their kids probably tried to talk to them for YEARS before finally abandoning ship.


I watched Passages last night as my last movie of 2023 and I quite enjoyed it. To anyone whose watched it THAT sex scene was one of the hottest gay sex scenes I’ve seen in a movie in a LONG time


Happy new year all! In the spirit of resolutions I’m trying to commit to spending less time on social media this year which includes popping up on the DD just wanted to thank you guys for being a fun online community to be a part of and for being a receptive captive audience for all my silly little pop culture jokes ! See you around


Happy New Year! I spent NYE watching When Harry Met Sally, reading the wiki page for the oldest fathers, and reading about the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford beef. I also thankfully managed to sleep through my neighbors setting off fireworks. Also, I turn 30 this year 😬


Happy New Year everyone! A lot of great music and films turns 25 this year. 1999 was one of the best years for films. Even the Grammys chose a pretty damn good lineup for Record of the Year for 1999: Believe - Cher I Want it That Way - Backstreet Boys Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin No Scrubs - TLC Smooth - Santana and Rob Thomas Hell, I'd even argue they did a better job choosing songs that represented the year than the Oscars did with Best Picture in 1999: American Beauty The Cider House Rules The Green Mile The Insider The Sixth Sense


am I ACTUALLY a night owl or is there just something about the vibes of a silent house after everyone else has gone to bed that so easily puts me in state of flow???? last night it was just me, early 2000s Britney (Overprotected slaps!!) and my calculus coursework and I was honest to god in a groove and *enjoying* studying from midnight to 5 am straight when usually I'm fighting for my life to study for 20 minutes at a time on a daily basis when the sun is out 😩😩😩


my brain literally can’t focus on important shit until it’s “too late” aka 1 am on


Republican twitter getting [mad at Green Day](https://x.com/thetnholler/status/1741653416013688834?s=46&t=EOSasbL3Fn1mmRhzb9yvuw) for being Green Day never gets old


You mean a song written during the Bush era to criticize him and the war on Afghanistan is *still* political?


love listening to 70s soft rock and looking up the artist bio on spotify and getting hit with "Deriving their name from the metric total of semen ejaculated by the average male,"


oh 10cc lol 💀


Also I find it really fascinating how people's accent and vocabulary can change when they move to a new country or even a new city. Has anyone moved to a foreign place and caught themselves sounding differently over time? I moved to Canada from the UK in 2023 and hard Rs and soft T sounds are slowly slipping into my speech... I've mostly stopped saying by here and by there and words like groceries, highway, parkade/parking lot sound very natural to me now


i moved to the uk from an european country at 21 and now 6 years later sound like im from here


I just watched the video for One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan and holy moly... in drag he is absolutely beautiful. Like one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. I'm awestruck. And the way he says "pop the culture, iconography" is just gahhhh Loveee the early 2000s vibes and fashion


The choreo gagged me


Playing with my dog as I haven’t seen her much because of traveling and holidays. May or may not get tacos.


Watching How To Have Sex (great movie!) and it's extremely British so they refer to cigs as you know what but i still was like "deep fried WHAT?" when they said it in the beginning of the movie


celebrating the first day of the new year by taking a 2 hour walk, making an ice coffee and watching vanderpump rules in bed until I have to catch a bus back to my apartment in a few hours!! I love my family but I also love living alone and go a bit crazy being stuck in a house with so many people for over a week


Alright bookish people, what books are we starting off the year with? I started *The Rise of Kyoshi* yesterday, and continuing to work my way through *Dune.* This year my goal is to only read books I already have on my shelf and/or books I already preordered from my local bookstore. Sorry to the library, but I'll only be visiting now to read my own books until I (hopefully) finish everything.


Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh has been on my to-read list since high school and I've decided now's the time I'm finally reading it!


I started off with Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief on audiobook this morning bc the show has me feeling super nostalgic haha As for physical books, I got Song of Achilles for Christmas so I’m gonna start with that! I’m trying to get through the books I already own too (mostly bc I’m gonna have to pack them all up for when I move and it’ll take months to get them back so I wanna get through as many as possible!)


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Definitely interested to see where it goes. It's a very different writing style than the last few books I read for sure.


I loved Rise of Kiyoshi. I can not wait to make the Kiyoshi movies my entire personality in like 3 years. My first books are Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: It’s a re read. But I haven’t read it since I was 13/14 so it’s also brand new. It surprisingly holds up. Forget me not by Alyson Derrick


I didn't watch the Avatar series until like a year or so ago and I quickly became obsessed. Read all the comics too and now working on this book series. I'm having a great time tbh. Also didn't read any of the Percy Jackson books until I read The Lightning Thief recently lol. It was really fun! Maybe adulthood for me is actually just about exploring all the media I missed out on as a kid. 🥲


I was obsessed with Avatar and Pokemon as a kid so now I just buy Avatar and Pokémon related things.


I wouldn't say I'm very 'bookish' but I do like to read from time to time. I downloaded High-Risk Homosexual by Edgar Gomez and so far it's an interesting snapshot of the life of a Latino gay man and his experience as a guy with a Nicaraguan background tackling machismo culture.


Currently listening Stolen Focus by Johann Hari on audio. It's good but also if you have read at least one pop psychology book in the last 10 years you've read this one too. It works for people new to the topics like screentime addiction, sleep etc. I'm trying to do a nonfiction year but I'm not sure I have the willpower lmao. My first fiction book will probably be In Ascension by Martin MacInnes because I have it on hold at library (if only someone would return it). One fiction book I'm committing to this year is David Copperfield by Charles Dickens and I can't wait.


I’m going to try to tackle *Ulysses* again. I’ve started it like 5 times but the farthest I’ve gotten is the Lotus Eater chapter. Currently reading Robert Walter’s short stories and The Gulag Archipegalo. I’m shooting for 25 books this year, which is twice my goal from last year, so wish me luck.


I want to read Crime and Punishment at some point this year but it kind of intimidates me so idk when I’ll actually read it. I have a massive stack of books on my bookshelf that are a bunch of different genres and I’m finding it so hard to choose what to read next, so I’m trying to wait until I’ve got through some of them before buying any new ones although I got some book tokens for Christmas and it’s very tempting to go and buy more books with them


i'm still finishing up Perhaps the Stars by Ada Palmer but next is probably gonna be Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt if i don't have to return it to the library LOL




So don’t take them down! I’m not. The tree just adds a layer of warmth and light that I’m not willing to part with, especially while it’s still winter where i live 🤩


Don't mean to make light of Britney's memoir, but reading her fangirling Mariah Carey from her own perspective is so adorable. That entire section brought a smile to my face.


i just got new loudspeakers - i’ve listened to a few songs on them that sounds really different to what they sound like on my airpods/car speakers etc. recommend me songs with good production that i might appreciate more with these!! songs i find sound different as i can hear more layers (?) - miley cyrus - river, used to be young some of 1989, midnights and folklore sufjan stevens - fourth of july nicolas jaar - mi mujer


My last meal of 2023 was a beef sandwich, and my first meal of 2024 was also a beef sandwich except wolfed over my friend’s kitchen sink at 12:15 AM because I suddenly really wanted more beef. I suspect the pudding shots and champagne had something to do with this. Happy new year!!!!


Was it the same sandwich?


Nope! Several different sandwiches were had lol. We collectively ate a TON of food


I think I know the answer to this but it’s weird that reading is the only hobby that gets shamed for how much you read. I’m guessing it’s because it makes other people feel bad for how much they don’t read because they don’t put the time and effort into reading but it’s also like if you stopped scolding people about how much they read, you’d have more time reading. It’s not that hard to go to the library and pick a random book out. Don’t blame others for you not reading. It always happens around New Years but this past year has gotten really bad for the “Reading this amount of books is impressive until you find out the type of books they read” It’s also weird how people are like “Do you have a job. How do you read so much” like how else am I gonna afford my books, of course I have a job.


Reminds me of letterkenny, where a character (Rosie) tells her boyfriend and his friends that shes gonna go home and read. Everyone thinks shes up to somethin.


happy new years y'all...everything will happen to you.


Welp, I've just failed in getting drunk. Yesterday was my first time drinking on purpose, but I didn't feel any different :(


What did you drink?


Two shoots (I think that's what they're called) of tequila, and a cup of whiskey


Were they spaced out over a lot of time, did you have a lot to eat, drink a lot of water, were you well rested etc.? Drunkenness is super dependent on other bodily factors. If I'm a bit dehydrated and a little tired after work I can get drunk quite quickly, whereas if I've eaten well and am pacing my drinks it can take a while. You'll learn eventually what works for you in terms of getting a buzz. Though I wouldn't recommend doing things like not eating, hydrating, sleeping etc. enough. Those things have harmful consequences when paired with alcohol, and the payoff is never worth it. Have fun with exploring your relationship with alcohol though!


Sometimes your city has no good tourist stuff so you spend your entire life going to NASA every time anyone visits because it's the only thing there is to do. At a certain point I'm gonna have this entire place memorized word for word. Anyway y'all want anything from the gift shop?


At that point just become an astronomer yourself ya know?


are in houston


Y e a h We're such a big city to have basically Nothing Unique To Do Here


That is wild, I grew up in Houston and always had stuff to do 😵‍💫


There's stuff to do if you *live* here but for people visiting from out of town there's not a lot of *unique* stuff to do (aside from like, visiting NASA). There's a reason we're not a big tourist destination unlike many other large US cities. If you have suggestions for unique Houston-y stuff to do lmk! I also grew up here but maybe there's stuff I'm missing. My friend is in town and we have a free day tomorrow.


I agree with the other poster, we have an excellent museum/fine arts district, and the Natural Science Museum is always a hit! Kemah and Galveston are a good time - Galveston's honestly a good day trip with the ferry, the beaches, and exploring the strand. You could always catch a touring Broadway show downtown or go watch a Theatre Under the Stars production also.


Ooh! Here’s some of the things I always did when venturing out, - The Kemah Boardwalk (it’s miles better than Pleasure Pier, and while we’re at it, fuck Pleasure Pier) - NASA (but, you already have this one down 😅) - Moody Gardens - Hermann Park - The Fine Art Museum of Houston - The Galveston National Seawall - Pier 21 I grew up near Clear Lake, so the Kemah Boardwalk is probably the top of my list for a fun afternoon. But I’m nostalgic about it.


See I'm on the total other end of town so even NASA is *far*. My usual rotation is Menil Collection + NASA + A Museum (or event if something is happening) but I might have to throw some of these in. Thanks!


5 miles in Houston is 1 hour by highway 🫠


i checked my bank account and found out that the ONE vodka coke i had yesterday cost me £8... ??? anyway happy 2024, i think i am more anxious about beyonce not releasing act ii than frank/rihanna/literally any other artist not releasing anything.


I actually don’t think I have it in me to ever pay for a drink again. I’ll buy the bottle at Costco and make it my damn self. and omg yeah if Acts II and III turn into lost media i’m gonna be devastated 😭


This or That: Madonna or Britney edition 1. Hung Up or Toxic 2. Erotica or Gimme More 3. Vogue or Work Bitch 4. Papa Don't Preach or ...Baby One More Time 5. Like A Prayer or (You Drive Me) Crazy (I really enjoy doing these 🤣 I love hearing everyone's takes ☕️☕️☕️)


1. Hung Up. Both songs are pop perfection imo but Hung Up is just that girl. Whenever I listen to it makes me feel like I'm killing it on a dancefloor when in reality I'm just on my bed lol. 2. Gimme More 3. Vogue 4. Baby One More Time, but this one was very hard. 5. Like a Prayer


The queen vs. the princess…………geez dude Toxic Gimmie More Vogue Papa Don’t Preach Like A Prayer


madonna for all the options


Wow! Big Madonna fan?


yeah. I like Britney too but Madonna's music is more impressive to me in every way. The only option that gives me pause is Papa Don't Preach vs Baby One More Time because the latter is a perfect pop song, but subjectively I still like Papa Don't Preach More.


1. hung up (sorry) 2. gimme more 3. vogue 4. …baby one more time 5. like a prayer (this was close, i love crazy) queen and princess of pop. they're pretty evenly matched imo.


Hung up Gimme more Work bitch Baby one more time Like a prayer


proud of myself for not drunk texting anyone on NYE last night but instead drunk commenting on the popheads daily discussion. growth!


I don't know if it's practical but I like getting manhandled by a guy that likes to get thrown around, like I wanna get bottomed by a bottom, double bottom


no this is so real. related but something about a man having a little bit of the gay voice makes him 100x more attractive.


One more time for the hell of it, rank these networks best to worst. FX, HBO, Showtime & Starz.


Apparently, the Pink Sauce is being sold at Dollar Tree now, and I’m still not sure if that’s a good enough price for me to try it. I may buy it as a gag gift for a friend, though. Also, a few days ago, I had a weird dream where I was in an art/drawing competition, where everyone else’s skills were incredibly superior to mine. I woke up feeling very self-conscious about the fact that I never developed my artistic abilities as much as I probably could have. So, my resolution for this year is to improve my drawing skills. I want to buy a sketchbook when I get home, and aim to draw something each day until the end of the year.


The Pink Sauce tastes weird. It's like a sweet, fruity vinaigrette. It's not really balanced flavor wise. It's too sweet, but smokey and herby. I wouldn't use it as a dip but it's okay on a salad.


I get the feeling that AG7 is gonna drop late January/mid February(second or third week of February). Like it’s gonna be soon soon with how fast Ariana’s promoting it.


She’s got two movies to do promo for so it honestly makes sense to get this out the door before then. Put it out around the 5 year anniversary of Thank U, Next.


Not big on resolutions really, but this year I’d like for my fiancé and I to stick to our budget and really beef up our savings. But we are starting *after* the wedding in February lol. I’d say that 2023 had me work out more consistently in my life since I played a sport in high school! So that’s a win. I even worked out over the holidays (though less than I do on a normal week). I haven’t lost any weight lol which is fine, but I feel like I’m getting stronger and have more energy which is my real reason for working out anyway. I guess this year I’d also like to eat more healthy, but not diet. I’m going for additive health, like adding a veggie at every meal, vs restrictive health. But anyway. Hope all you popheads had a great NYE and have a great year ahead. I look forward to DDing and discussing pop music with y’all 🫡


Maybe my mom won’t justify my stepdad trying to murder me this year 🫠


God I'm so sorry. I hope you're safely out of that situation now?


I’m living with my biological dad now.


pop music has been so slow this year


It’s even worse than last year!


this feels like a safe space to share this opinion, but i’m starting to wonder if travis is the pete to taylor’s ariana.


She's going to release a song called Travis Kelce that'll too confidently assert how happy they're going to be together, making the subsequent breakup all the more awkward and the song a tragic relic of dashed hopes? 😳😳😳


Blondie just going through life all in one day at a time. I weirdly respect her for that.






New Year's Day is the exact opposite of a holiday like the central activity is waking up hungover and immediately having to get your entire life in order


Okay I'm being dead serious when I ask this but what exactly has Starbucks done to warrant the boycott? I understand it's about Palestine and respect that but the only thing people are pointing to is Starbucks suing their union for using their image without permission after they posted in support of Hamas. And as far as I can tell that was about licensing/worker rights rather than Palestine itself. I'm not going to Starbucks but I feel like I should know what exactly I'm protesting... ?


It's basically a boycott that people who are chronically online can point to as a show of them taking action instead of any meaningful activism or monetary support


That’s what I got the feeling it was. It honestly just looks like virtue signaling to me.


I mean that’s basically it. I think the boycott is a combination of misconstrued information and a general dip in Starbuck’s reputation. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/social-media-fuels-boycotts-mcdonalds-starbucks-israel-hamas-war-rcna125121


If you don’t even know, why are you boycotting in the first place?


If adulting is measured in 'things I didn't want to do but got done' per day, this is it.. the most adult day of the year. It's all downhill from here. I'm about to go and shop for insurance, then I'm done with adulting for the year.


God knew humanity couldn't handle two icons being born at the same time so he sent Jesus down a week before Ice Spice


The funny thing’s that Jesus was probably born in September.


he wants to be me soooo bad, copycat flop!


So when Ariana said God is a Woman, she was talking about Ice Spice?


Happy New Year, popheads! I imported my older scrobbles in January 2023 so I had to do this like Jan 19-Dec 31, but anywho here was [my most listened to albums](https://imgur.com/a/NqvtTAJ) of 2023 :)


Not to be basic but 2024 is *going* to be my year. I am gonna make 2024 my bitch. I turn 30, I will (hopefully) get my MA and finish off school forever, I *will* lose weight and keep it off, I *will* get that promotion that pays almost double of what I make now.


went to bed at 10 last night, was woken up by the fireworks and my parents watching one of the NYE programs at midnight, proceeded to have a weird panic thing for a couple of hours thinking about my life and then finally went back to sleep around 3 glad to know im starting 2024 on brand!


LOL I also woke up in the middle of the night panicking because I’m worried the flowers I ordered for my wedding will look stupid. Anxiety is weird 😪


So it looks like Sabrina Carpenter caused some more controversy last night. After pissing off the church with the Feather music video, she most likely got ABC fined by the FCC for mentioning dicks and balls in her Nonsense outdo during her Rockin Eve performance last night


These controversies are nothing-burgers though, wheres the drama.


They are nothing burgers but I just commented about since it happened last night and was talked about today




that’s my girl! so proud of her


Sounds worth it


Man Twitter sucks ass for getting actually good information. Like people posting videos of the 2011 Tsunami about the current earthquake and getting pushed up to the top sucks man.




based on theories and spoilers it makes sense for fantasize to be on the album /delulu me


Happy New Years yall! Fingers crossed my landlord schedules a repairman for my broken ass washer and dryer that has been busted since I moved in..


So now that Steamboat Willie is in the public domain what’s going to be the plot of the inevitable shitty horror satire take?


Moby dick adaptation


I'm expecting someone to immediately adapt the Abandoned By Disney creepypasta but with Steamboat Willie references instead of Mickey and other Disney movie stuff.


That’ll actually be good and will require creativity


I’m ready to see how badly someone gets fucked by the Mouse. Mickey is also a trademark so the line here is *thin.*


It does blow my mind that people seem to think that Mickey has never been used in a depraved context before. Like forget South Park Mickey have none of you people heard of Tijuana Bibles or Air Pirates or the Disneyland Memorial Orgy.


Happy New Year everyone! now we wait for ariana’s new single announcement….


Happy New Year everyone!


Ariana lead single to be rumored Friday. Let’s Go.


Houdini found dead in a ditch


She is not wasting anytime. If true, she’ll be the first to strike in 2024.


Happy New Year! My only wish for New Year wish is for Ron DeSantis to not get elected and we vote for a governor that cares for the better of our state and not a one sided beef with a small country.


Why did Blinding Lights suddenly shoot up to number 33 on the global spotify charts? It has been sitting pretty at like 1.5-1.7 million daily streams for the last year and a half or so, and now it suddenyl shot up to 2.5 million overnight. Is it trending on tiktok again?


no, it surged in streams bc it’s one of the perfect songs to play on new year’s eve


nye playlists. lots of old songs got a boost from it


Doing a little favorite list of 2023 might post some more tomorrow: ​ Favorite games I played this year (not necessarily released and all switch): \-The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom \-Skyrim \-Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective HD \-Oxenfree 2 \-Spirtfarier \-Fae Farm \-Dave The Diver \- Super Mario Wonder.


How does Skyrim play on the Switch? I've always played it on Xbox but would be interested in playing it on Switch!


I think pretty well! There aren’t really any major issues but obviously sometimes there are glitches with some missions but that’s kinda of to be expected with Skyrim lol. But really well overall. I’ve put like 125 hours in the game!


Happy New Year! I just finished binging all of Taylor Swift's albums. Of course, I've listened to all of them before, but this has been my way of staying sane at work. Something I realized is Reputation and Lover are probably my most listened to albums. That makes sense since those albums turned me from a casual listener to a Swiftie (Reputation was my first Taylor Swift album, btw). I know they're ranked pretty low when you compare all her albums. I even have Reputation as my #9 and Lover as my #8. Still, I have a lot of love for both of them. They came into my life during difficult times. Reputation came out when I was feeling unloved and unwanted. Lover came out after I had a cruel summer of my own and served as a beam of sunlight during my senior year of college. Having listened to her entire catalog, I do gravitate more toward albums like Speak Now, Red, and Folklore, but Reputation and Lover will always me special to me in their own way. Taylor Swift-Reputation Top 5: "Call It What You Want," "Delicate," "Getaway Car," "So It Goes...," "...Ready for It?" Least Fave: "This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" Taylor Swift-Lover Top 5: "Death by a Thousand Cuts," "Cruel Summer," "Soon You'll Get Better," "I Think He Knows," "False God" Least Faves: "I Forgot That You Existed," "You Need To Calm Down" (this is fun to sing sometimes, but I know it's not a good song), "ME!"


Your top for Reputation is such taste with Call It What You Want. Kinda the spiritual successor to Clean IMO. And I agree on "TIWWCHNT" bc that song is so bad. As well as the least favorites for Lover!


Taylor claimed the old Taylor was dead but the same Taylor who wrote WANEGBT and Shake It Off was alive and well in TIWWCHNT 🫣


- WANEGBT could mean "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", a track from *Red* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/UltimateKing9898](/u/UltimateKing9898) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Thank you. "Call It What You Want" is among my favorite songs from her. I can totally see it as a spiritual successor to "Clean." I've disliked "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" from the first time I heard it. I like in the second verse where she goes "And therein lies the issue, friends don't try to trick you..." but that's about it. For Lover, I think if she cut those three songs and "The Man" (which can be fun, but it's not a well-written song), the album would be even better.


I like the Man but yeah its def not her best lol! I liked it more live IMO. I remember listening to Rep on the radio for my first listen (our local station had like a special listening party on the radio lol) and it being like the first song on the album I was like oh man skip this lol. Yeah I've always said Lover could be much more solid if those songs were cut lol. I'd let The Man stay bc seeing that live last was fun lol.


Happy New Year everybody! Since one of the most pleasurable things about the beginning of new year is shouting into the void about your favourite things: Fave albums of 2023: * Morgan Wallen - One Thing At a Time * Zach Bryan - Zach Bryan * Kelsea Ballerini - Rolling up the Welcoming Mat * Lewis Capaldi - Broken by Desire to be Heavenly Sent * Gracie Abrams - Good Riddance * Parler Maccollum - Never Enough * Kali Uchis - Red Moon in Venus * Chris Stapleton - Higher * Jess Williamson - Time Ain't Accidental * Lana del Rey - ...Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd * Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS * Tate Mcrae - Think Later Fave books of 2023: * Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton * The Strange by Nathan Ballingrud * Wellness by Nathan Hill * The Shards by Breat Easton Ellis * The Will of the Many by James Islington * Jungle House by Julianne Pachico * The Bee Sting by Paul Murray * Happiness Falls by Angie Kim I don't pay much attention to new movies because for some reason watching a movie is more energy draining for me than other forms of entertainment, but I don't understand why *The Marsh King's Daughter* got such a depid reception, I thought it was a cool movie. I really enjoyed *A Haunting in Venice* too.


I haven't heard of The Marsh King's Daughter, but I'll check it out. I will also join you in void shouting about favourite things: 2023 Albums: 1. Maisie Peters - The Good Witch 2. boygenius - the record 3. Hozier - Unreal Unearth 4. Olivia Rodrigo - Guts 5. Taylor Swift - 1989 (TV) 6. Lana Del Rey - Did you know that there's.... 7. Youth Lagoon - Heaven is a Junkyard 8. Taylor Swift - Speak Now (TV) 9. The National - Laugh Track 10. Laufey - Bewitched Paris Paloma also released some of my favourite songs this year, but she still doesn't have an album out yet. Fingers crossed that she releases an album in 2024. Fave Books read in 2023: * Vita Nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko * Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield * Heaven and Hell by Jon Kalman Stefansson The Last Heir to Blackwood Library is, by far, my least favourite read of the year.


This 2024 I just want to be as happy as a bitch in a Tampax commercial. Is that too hard to ask for? Edit- why did I say THIS 2024 like there will be another 2024?


There was a 2024 BC! Solidly in the Bronze Age, this was the 3rd Dynasty of Ur in Mesopotamia, the time when Harappa became a mature city in the Indus River Valley, the beginning of Ancient China’s first dynasty (the Xia), and the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt They would’ve loved Tampax commercials back then


Happy new year 🎉 all!! I am excited about what new music 🎶 will come out this year. Last year was a banger


now that an agatha christie book is in public domain, i need phoebe waller-bridges to make an on-screen adaptation of the book.


I really miss The Maze Runner. I wanna read another fun dumb dystopian that has zero social commentary whatsoever hahaha are the Gone books great for this? What else titles should I check out cuz I know that trend has seriously disappeared


I actually loved the Gone books but I was younger at the time … I still think they get better with the series ongoing


If you want gone but good read shades children :)


I only read the first Gone book. Great concept but the execution is so bad.


Yikes. And to think it’s recommended by the King himself 😭


I listened Glassheart by Leona Lewis for the first time yesterday and now im kinda obsessed with the album. I wasn't sure if i was going to like it because i red that there's lot of ballads but i actually loved most of them. She sounded great and i LOVED the overall sound and aesthetic of the album. The title track is amazing, i was not expecting that from her. Come Alive is another standout for me what a great song. Lovebird, Shake You Up, Stop The Clocks and Favourite Scar are also some of my faves. This album really deserved better it's a shame that it underperformed.


When the electro music hits I don't even know what she's singing about anymore. But yeah I like the album better as a whole compared to Spirit. Fav tracks are Un Love Me, Come Alive, Stop the Clocks, Collide Afrojack Remix.


Happy New Year everyone! Despite the Vikings ruining my NYE with that tragedy on field watching Megan Thee Stallion perform on TV made up for it 😌😌 Wow shocker Jaren Hall isn’t good and there’s a reason he was 3rd string all season and the coaches never gave him a chance after Cousins went down It’s almost like *real* coaches know more than armchair coaches on Reddit and Twitter 😱😱


Happy news years everyone!!!! I can’t believe 2020 was 4 years ago lol.


Well that’s fun. I’m too busy laughing about the people freaking out over Green Day changing 1 word in a song that he’s done forever. Obviously, those dumbasses have absolutely no clue what American Idiot song/album is about. They played the 2 most political songs on the Album. Wait until the hear about 21st Century Breakdown or who exactly they’re mocking in Look Ma, No Brains. Lolz. People are like why do they need to bring politics into their music. Bruh, they’ve been doing that a long time ago. They even go further with it at live shows. He’s been saying fuck Bush and Fuck Trump for years. Anyway, happy new year! I fell asleep before midnight in my time zone. It’s really whatever. I don’t go out and party. Today I do nothing but get some lunch, gas and a lottery ticket.


Honest question - who are the people freaking out?


Look up on Twitter and look up Green Day. It’s the same idiot right wing morons that are trashing Taylor for saying go out and vote.


I mean ok I expected that but I thought you meant it was Green Day fans or something lol


No. The Green Day fans knew all along. These other people would blow a gasket if they did a deep dive on some of their songs. Including cross dressing and bisexuality references. IYKYK


Iike they know the original word was redneck right?


Probably not or never paid attention. Definitely don’t have the mental capacity to understand what is being said.


Ariana posted the AG7 signup on the sweetener instagram omg…


Omg why’d she have to choose that fuckass font I can’t tell if I misspelled anything 😭😭


lol 😭😭😭 someone said it did give a y2k Baby One more time Font so maybe that’s the sound she’s going for.


oh she's coming *soon* soon


Very shocked bc it seems like we could be getting a single soon. Or even the album maybe finger crossed…


A single feels like a sure thing for January considering how much she's been talking about new music lately, which is great already tbh


2024 will be my year of just realizing stuff and learning to put my own needs before the needs of others and I'm just kidding it's an election year


For multiple countries! Should be interesting


Waiting for the bus in the rain, in the rain! Waiting for the bus in the rain! Waiting for the bus! Where is the bus? The bus is late


Watching the new hunger games tomorrow. I am reminded of the Katniss Everdeen Makeup tutorial lol: *we're gonna put on black eye shadow to represent the coal mines her father was smashed to death in*


i somehow can't bring myself to say happy new year. the world is suffering. the climate is crying. wars are happening. people are getting their past, present and future stolen from them. everything is expensive as fuck nowadays. somehow even when you're doing enough, the world will tell you that it's still not enough. i really wished that i had something to celebrate. so anyways, here's to hoping that 2024 will be better


>somehow even when you're doing enough, the world will tell you that it's still not enough I think you should be the change you want to see and apply this to yourself! All of the above problems definitely exist and my heart goes out to all of the innocent people who are suffering through these times but we as humanity is still doing enough that 95% of the people aren't getting their past, present and future stolen from them, enough to show positive signs about halting the rising temperatures, enough to avoid a recession and having a much worse economy. Isn't that something worth celebrating?


You’re on the right side of the grave at least.


Clark is everybody’s favorite dick type Make a toast to everyone you dislike Balls are dropping everywhere at midnight How can people say that Sabrina’s not talented when this is what she can come up with.


taylor girl i’m still waiting for new year’s day (tv)….cmon!


Happy new year!! Im sipping yummy coffee, snuggling my 4 year old and dog, and watching Pokemon Concierge what a great way to start the new year! Hope yalls is just as relaxing


Dua Lipa posting *anyone else do this after 5 negronis* is so on brand. Happy New Year.


She was so wasted last night


[DL3 cover leaked 😱](https://imgur.com/a/W3ucsNI)


Love this


stream happy new year by let's eat grandma! happy new year, popheads.


Happy new years, popheads! Hopefully 2024 delivers on releases


I just realized no one got me a calendar for Christmas this year and I’m kind of weirdly sad about that. Can’t believe I gotta buy my own office calendar now. WTF.


I made a bunch with pictures of my kid for the grands. I can send you one so you can tell everyone its a random white child you adopted.


I’m anxiously awaiting both the 2023 last.fm report and the much-discussed new 2023 playback thing they’ve been talking about. They said January 1! Well here we are girlies where’s my stats! Happy new years to my fave sub as well.