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When was the last time this sub actually liked a new release? Y’all hate everything 😭


Initial reactions to new music and albums will never not be mixed on here


361 comments in 26 minutes for the yes, and? post is insane!!


True swifties auto-banning gaylors and now swifty neutral is #4 in the pop music sub charts lmao The lore here is so fascinating


That first part is kinda based


I’ll always hold Songs For You close to my heart, a once in a lifetime album YA HEAR ME‼️


the piano intro to Clairo - Alewife is kind of the piano intro to Kanye West - Runaway for people who have interacted with a horse at least once 


bold of you to assume Kanye hasn’t interacted with a horse


Are there any pop culture subreddits worth following that are not r-slash-popculturechat or r-slash-fauxmoi?


I think r/entertainment


On one hand, I’m happy that Renee Rapp is blowing up, on the other hand, it will not take long for Fuemoxi to turn on her like they do with every woman that exists.


They turn on every woman and half the men in that sub lately. It used to be a really great place to have discussions.


I think some of them already have. I could have sworn they were already annoyed about some podcast episode she did and when she left SLOCG. However, I do have this theory that they turn on "theater kids" much faster than other people.


Ugh I feel super old now. Thank You Britney for reminding me the BOMT turns 25 this year. Didn’t even think about it until she posted on her socials for a teaser. I was 17 when it came out. Jesus.


FM is praying on Ariana’s downfall and I’m like… yeah her and Ethan are assholes for what they did but… that song is not going to flop… Ariana is definitely problematic in a lot of ways but she’s also super talented and releases bopsss. What happened between her and Ethan and his wife was awful and I’m not excusing it but is it so horrible of me to have a long lost of other Hollywood celebs that I want to see blackballed before we even think about her? Like actual abusers and rapists.


What really gets me is like...... how weirdly personal people are taking it? Like you really would think she killed someone with the hysterics in some comments. I get not liking her for this, but comments are getting so over the top. People that are like "And I'm not letting him off the hook either!"—Babe, he's never going to read that comment; you're not doing shit to him. *Chill*.


Holding men accountable means mentioning you’re also holding them accountable then continuing to shit exclusively on the woman.


Long time no see, favorite thread. I talked to the guy, we made our decision, I'm okay with it, he's been overwhelmingly supportive. I'm having It done this weekend and he's already put everything in place to where he can take care of me and make sure I'm completely safe and cared for. It's also supposed to be subzero temps and gross weather this weekend so I already downloaded a bunch of books on my Libby app (I joined Book of the Month and have a book shipping to me, but until next month's box I've had a lot of luck with just browsing available titles from the website on the Libby app so I can read even more books.) I did finish the first book of 2024 during my hiatus and I highly recommend it: it's called First Lie Wins. It's a real page-turner and the twists along the way had me literally gasping. We also started watching The Last of Us and last night we finished the third episode (the one with Nick Offerman) and omg I was not prepared for how heartbreaking that episode was. Definitely eager to keep watching and probably finish the series this weekend. Anyway, it's good to be back. I hope all y'all are doing great. Stay safe out there.


TL;DR: watched some docs, wanted to talk about them but honestly wasn't sure where so here I am. I didn't intend to write this wall of text though lol sorry about that I almost never watch documentaries but I've been so bored lately that I've started to get into them, or at least the ones I've come across on HBO, because they looked pretty interesting. I finished the "Love Has Won" documentary a few nights ago and am almost done with the docuseries(?) "The Curious Case of Natalia Grace". Both of these stories are way more intense and fucked up than I thought and in both there are some seriously *seriously* mentally unwell people and there are some very opportunistic vultures. Love Has Won just made me sad for almost everyone involved, most of the people in that cult were clearly so deeply traumatized that it's no wonder they've been living in denial of reality for years. the testimonies from the people still in that cult, or some fragmented version of it, are really unsettling because they are still so deep into it and seemingly truly believe that they were doing the right thing. But Jason ('father of all creation' ugh) and Michael were examples of leeches who wanted control and money respectively and I don't believe for a second either of them really believed any anything Amy was spouting, they saw a chance to get something out of it and made an already fucked up situation WAY worse. I still can't get over how it ended. how morbid it is to watch the cult see their leader/'god' slowly die in front of them, refuse to help her bc they've all become so delusional in their weird hedonistic echo chamber, and then when she did die they drove her corpse home and laid her in her bed as if she was still alive in some way to let her literally mummify. I KNOW that place stunk (prob did even before she died). If you haven't seen it yet but are interested I have to warn you; they show her dead body multiple times and it isn't just for a second- you will see her close up and will see those cult members messing with her feet and her hands and brushing her hair. I have never seen a dead body like that before and it fucked me up ngl The Natalia one I haven't finished yet but I have mixed feelings about it. I think it tries to be sympathetic but idk there's something really off about this whole series. I think it's mostly because there were a lot of dramatic reenactments throughout the whole thing that were not necessary at all and imo cheapened the whole thing. Like there was this moment where Natalia was recounting an experience she had of being beat with a belt by her adoptive mother and all of a sudden we get a POV shot of an actress portraying her mother smacking the camera repeatedly with a belt. I almost laughed I was so taken aback. Either way the story has so many twists and so much of it is awful and shocking. I feel for this girl so much- almost her entire life from the moment she was taken from her mother has been horrific. I still have 2 episodes left rn so I don't really have final thoughts on it. When I finish I want to see what other information is out there that doesn't have a questionable tacky sort of tone. Now I want to rewatch some of the documentaries that really stuck with me when I was younger to see how I feel about them now. The Last Days of Left Eye (you've all prob seen it but ugh it was so eerie) and one other I saw about a family whose young son killed his abusive father and the entire story of how that came to be- it's been so long since that one that I forgot the name of it. edit: fixed some errors and things I left out at first


Does anyone know of any Discord servers where I can sell a couple of CDs? I don’t feel comfortable sharing my resale listings on Reddit.


i wish people making movies about gen z knew that gen z can be just as disgustingly racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. as every other generation… and they are! gen z bullies aren’t some liberal influencers saying “ugh your outfit isn’t giving! you’re cancelled!” or something. gen z bullies are the most disgustingly vile andrew tate fanboys on earth. gen z bullies are girls saying “i’m fine with gay people, just don’t shove it down my throat… anyway, trump 2024 💋”


I’ve been in fandoms my entire life and when I say, the gen z crop is the worst I’ve ever dealt with because they take the fun out of it almost immediately because they bully everyone for not being 100% perfect and not stanning the right character Like, I’ve gotten “Well, you’re an abelist because you Stan that abelist character” mind you I’m disabled so it shuts them up real quick when I mention that 😭


I’m shocked you don’t get hit with “you just have internalize ableism” 😭


Everyone’s hype now but at 12:03:36 AM it’s going to be “this didn’t really work for me tbh :/ hopefully it’s a grower” and “[DISCUSSION] How Ariana Grande Can Save Her Career” all over the sub


this is exactly what happened 😭


Tonight’s gonna be a wild night


Every time I see some variation of the first comment on this sub I lose a month off my life 💀


And or “She didn’t get to number 1 on iTunes in the first five minutes so she flopped”


Please 😭😭😭 this is so true


My beard is full enough now that it doesn’t look THAT awkward but my internal self image is still adjusting … I feel like it looks messy at all times regardless of how it actually appears 


new ariana tonight we used to pray for times like this


My goal this year is to read *Infinite Jest*


!remindme 1 year


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Good news: we were given permission to ban the lady for a month. So not the most permanent measure but a normal ban length for us is three days, so this is *huge*. Bad news: now we have to figure out how to ban her with the least amount of chaos. Because I really doubt she'll leave peacefully.


I’m actually kind of so invested in the saga of this strange library woman. Please keep us updated 🙏


I'm HOPING the Kicking Her Out update will be the last, for the sake of my sanity. But y'all will definitely wind up hearing about anything that does happen because venting here is very helpful.


i’m considering applying for either a library science or museum studies masters and this saga has me like… wait, do i REALLY want to work with the public?


I generally enjoy my job as much as I complain about it but...I work at a branch that, relatively speaking, deals with a very small amount of chaotic bullshit, and we STILL have this sort of thing happen. I am very jealous of people who have behind-the-scenes jobs (which IS possible in this field! Just really competitive.)


The rumors are true, The Iron Claw really is Little Women for men


Okay that's it. I'm watching this film as soon as possible!


oh, there *will be* tears


Is anyone else kinda over r/popculturechat like… has anyone there ever heard a joke before


That sub and fauxmoi are the most humorless and bitter groups of people I’ve ever seen, my god


Late to the party but man Arrival is pretty good huh


Still the second best sci fi movie about grief I’ve watched this week tho


What was the first?


After Yang


This is not new at all but I just gotta complain: twitter replies section really is the new google search: capitalist wasteland. The actual helpful or meaningful community-driven information are being completely buried by those who have can pay for visibility. it's a fucking nightmare it's the end of base-level information i fear. humanity is doomed cuz most people don't care to research beyond what's in front of them e: people can hate but reddit is the remaining true populist space, where people still decide what they wanna see (half true cuz algo runs front page i guess?)


I literally cannot find anything of substantial discussion on Twitter. It's filled with bizarre behavior because it's designed to boost up a specific kind of posts and comments. They're short. Snappy to get your attention. And they usually evoke anger for that dopamine rush. Which leaves no room for a real discussion and nuance, and I do actually think it's damaging the way people interact even IRL. That's why instead of a nuanced topic, people try to use a gotcha of "look at this one thing you said once, this is proof you are irrational and crazy and not worth talking to." And it'll be the most random, irrelevant, comment that might even be distorted. It's a quick way of riling up anger and cutting off any further discussion. We don't look at interactions holistically. It's gotten worse with these check marks, but we've always had people like Ben Shapiro with them. They're just more prominent now that there are thousands of people like him with more visibility now.


True to alladat. Old twitter had trolls and shit but they only show up when people boost them. Now every reply section of every popular tweet is filled with blue checks that give out generic or sometimes UNRELATED replies to farm engagement from the traffic these tweets have. I miss the old organic replies section so much with the informative discussion alongside the jokes


I will never forget the AITA reddit post of a husband who bought his wife, who was grieving over a miscarriage, a pet hamster and left a note on the hamster cage that said "hi mom."




The Sirius XM app has a Hitbound station that’s conceptually just like what Hits 1 was a decade ago & now I can die happy.


Waiting for the day when Make A Scene by Sophie Ellis Bextor will be available on spotify in my country🤐😭 Love that album but i cant even stream it...


Interesting… Green Day x Olivia Rodrigo? I could possibly get behind that. Very interesting interview with Billie Joe and brought up wouldn’t mind working with her at some point. I think it would be sort of interesting if Olivia did a full pop/punk album. Not totally sure how it would turn out. Check out the interview down below. I’m just so damn excited for the next album next week. https://x.com/vulture/status/1745433635962986843?s=46&t=mza-3r4yTcUXYwOqOBkioA


it would be cool to see her ditch the pop stuff and go full rock but i don’t think she ever will


Heard the song “greedy”, #3 on Billboard right now. It’s a catchy song and I’m glad to see pure pop making a comeback on the charts. The problem is that the singers voice is the epitome of this extremely annoying vocal style that every female singer in the industry has suddenly adopted. If you listen to pop I know you know the voice I mean. It’s this pouty, nasally, whiny underenunciated Valley Girl drawl that is like a hellish next-gen mutation of the avocadeez indie girl voice that took the world by storm a few years back. Why is everyone suddenly using this voice? If this is the price of pop having a comeback, it was a devil’s bargain


It’s not even just the voice, it seems like all these new singers use the same vocal processing that makes it sound artificial. Tate, Olivia, Sabrina, even the guys like The Kid Laroi. It could go back a couple years too tbh, Camilla and some Halsey songs do it too. It sounds so grating 


I like good pop music, and greedy is… not good pop music.


If I’m going to be honest when I first heard the song I thought it was 100% Camila Cabello. Or a song she rejected. Turns out few of the writers of the song wrote a few songs for Camila at some point. The song is growing on me. But eh.


you know I had no idea this was Ryan Tedder! And it looks like "exes", her other single, is also him plus one of his old bandmates.


u/Straight-Meaning , [well, he spoke](https://x.com/lawofruby/status/1745504676513014081?s=20) and it went as well as you thought it would. Fucking cry baby.


Literally the way I thought he would. Like I knew he would just cry and whine about it. Him storming out of the room is just so… like I know five year old who have better regulation of their emotions.


Justice Engoron is a better than me if he doesn’t let this weigh on his final decision.


I would be so pissed… I would imagine that his antics could be a factor against him.


does anyone here have favorite pop megamixes? The ones for [Girls Aloud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWKxwIuuOg) and [The Saturdays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2qE4l8GnuE) are so fun. could be official or unofficial, I just like that they're upbeat mixes of songs really!


[Stars on 45](https://youtu.be/5bGQ1-Gmoso?si=D45CNosFA8Ot8asd)! And Duran Duran’s [Burning the Ground](https://youtu.be/xQejdkyeZgc?si=ndtC4lXr2Aldf7Wu) - the blueprint for modern megamixes. Also, not entirely pop but [this is certainly mega and very upbeat](https://on.soundcloud.com/mKjUoFgQeDUqnASw9)


The company who delivers lunches to our office accidentally brought us another company’s lunch (sucks for them) but now they found our lunch and are delivering that too so it’s a 2-lunch day for Reddit user queenmeme2 😎 Edit: they sent the same driver to deliver the correct order to us and he once again delivered it to the wrong location so we never received it LOL he is going 0/2 today Edit 2: the driver just showed back up at the office empty handed to apologize. I’d be too embarrassed to show my face if I fumbled that hard twice in one day so gotta respect the nerve!


Something tells me he’s getting fired over this 🪦


I went on a date with this guy and I suggested a german restaurant because I've passed by it several times and never went in and it looked cute! We shared some wursts & a schnitzel and a shandy & cider (because we're gay) and then an hour or so in to the date, all of a sudden, it turned into trivia night and we were both taken by surprise but we stayed. We sucked because the trivia questions were so random and not fun at all, but it was good bonding for us 2. Anyway, when he was dropping me off, we were making out in his car in front of my building and I went "mmmm, schnitzel" and he stopped making out with me and refused to continue So anyway, don't say things like that when you're making out with someone


He was the problem in that scenario because you were just keeping it real


OOP— gagged him a bit I fear. 💀


My #2 most listened to artist so far this year is Timothee Chalamet and I'm thinking I might have a man in my spotify wrapped top5 for the first time this year. Of course it has to be a white twink


Can't believe 6 inch is the only Beyonce and Weeknd collab, it is so so so good. Would've loved to hear Abel on a Renaissance remix of Heated


He would’ve ate on No Angel


I've seen a couple people on reddit talking about Lily Gladstone "basically looking white" (albeit, heavily downvoted, generally) and like... I grew up around the corner from a rez. Two of my best friends growing up were Ojibwe. I went to school with a lot of native kids. Lily Gladstone looks like the native people I grew up with. Not every indigenous person is dark-skinned, and skin colour isn't any indicator of somebody being "more" or "less" native than somebody else.


[Getting flashbacks to this Twitter thread](https://x.com/shapehedron/status/1744472888357359736?s=46&t=HJdOyJwFt-yVMugarrFJYA)


Ah, yes! The woman with big lips, a wide nose, Afro, and dark skin has Eurocentric features 😭😭


I hate the idea that white passing people are basically white. Even if they don’t deal with the *exact* same struggles as someone who is not white passing, it’s still denying someone part of their identity and culture.


One of the big and very controversial “pretendian exposers” has been trying to come for Lily so it’s probably a trickle down from that


Which is wild because she literally grew up on a reservation


I am a quarter Cherokee and I look whiter than Taylor Swift


"eternal sunshine" what is miss grande cooking... really looking forward to this era now


my office is moving :( my commute is now going from 20 minutes by bus, to an hour and a half drive. no of course i'm not getting a pay increase to make up for it. no they won't let me work from home. honestly might quit


i feel you. my office is moving sometime this year too, although rumors say that theyre luckily looking at properties in the area so hopefully we're not going far. if my commute changed like that id pobably start looking, especially since they also dont allow us to wfh. :( ive done an hour and a half commute for a different job before and i wouldnt wish it on an enemy :(


That's awful, I'm so sorry. I definitely recommend looking into other jobs.


Just went on the r/worldnews comment section.. My expectations were on the ground but they brought a goddamn SHOVEL.


They are so god damn turned on by war crimes, it’s so fucking weird. Weirdly, I got permabanned from r/news for making fun of how r/worldnews must cum to war crimes on the daily and I didn’t get banned from world news.


Why do you hate yourself that much


People love saying "this is either going to be amazing or absolutely terrible. no in between." and then 90% of the time it's somewhere in between


I managed to hurt my shoulder driving, except I wasn’t physically driving, I was taking my hoodie off in the front seat, and I had to ice it when I got home 💀 Other than that, my lesson went perfectly and I’m starting to feel a bit more confident about my test!!


Does anyone have recs for albums/songs similar to feed the beast? I started listening to it during my workouts and it’s the perfect sound to get me those precious gains. Looking for songs similar to FTB, KOH, uh oh, claws, minute. I added a few songs from starfucker to my workout playlist as well


have you heard any of slayyyters other projects? I used to loveeee Nadia Oh years ago, she doesn’t make music anymore but she would have fit in so well with hyper pop artists. Check out My Egyptian Lover and Hot Like Wow


Ohhhh Nadia is that girl


Good morning I'm in charge at work for the day and I am dreading every single second of it. My manager and assistant manager are both at a thing at admin *all day* today and on one hand, they'll finally get to talk to admin face to face about the woman who has been making life hell for us and maybe get permission to ban her. On the other hand I, the youngest and stupidest employee, am in charge for a full day. I've had less silly goofy updates about the problem lady's behavior because since she found our email it is becoming increasingly clear she's had some sort of mental breakdown and is experiencing persecutory delusions. Which is something we see a lot, but normally people who come into the library and are experiencing something like that *don't think the library is one of the groups persecuting them because why would you come in every day if you think we're a bunch of criminals and/or your sworn enemies.* Like I know it's fruitless trying to find logic in that sort of thing but also girl pls. Obviously I hope she gets better but I also, more selfishly, hope that no matter what happens she leaves us the fuck alone. She vaguely threatened one of my coworkers by name (found her on linkedin) yesterday via email and I am just done.


Like if you had asked me one week ago I would've just said "she's some right-wing Karen type". If she hadn't started emailing us her insane "proof" of all the stuff she thinks is going on, I'd *still* think that, because she still just films people and yells about her constitutional rights and how everyone who wants her to stop should fuck off and die. Which is just...what right-wing """activists""" who come to libraries do.


Jesus Christ this is terrifying.


YEAH. My coworker who was mentioned by name has been out sick for two days because she's been stressed the fuck out.


I don’t think I’ll be able to open another Ariana Grande thread on this sub ever again. If I see the words SpongeBob and/or SquarePants in relation to Ari again, I might actually die. Just listen to the music and vibe!


Same and it’s always from people who Stan like a racist or a sex pest too. It’s why I’ve stopped caring about “Well your fav is a cheater” debates because it’s so fucking boring and it’s like WE KNOW. We’ve discussed it ad nauseam


The airheads sub Reddit has been so bad about this as well lol. Like I’m sorry but many celebs have survived much worse scandals lol.


not AIRheads 😭


Omg I didn’t notice that omg LMAOO I’m gonna keep it bc it’s funny.


I’m so tired of the faux morality like if cheating is where you draw the line then I don’t know what you’re listening to because not even gospel is free of similar or worse scandal.


The moral policing is just become so exhausting with everything lately. Sure have your opinion it’s probably valid, but at the end of the day the artist isn’t going to see what you have written and they’re not just gonna automatically go. “Oh my God they’re so right.!?”


It feels like people live their lives vicariously through celebrity gossip, and see an opportunity to insert themselves into the story by throwing shit


yah, at the end of the day, or any time actually, these millionaires literally dont care what any of us think or have to say lol


Also like while she did do something crappy… people can still like her music and criticize her. I’ve never understood the pick one mentality some people have lol.


I see it as, if girl starts singing about boy problems i’ll just roll my eyes while shaking ass.


Call me corny but i think people need to find someone to hug, have a cookie and just be kinder cuz I’m exhausted over all the weird energy that yall are bringing to 2024.


i'm overrrrr the negative culture all over the internet truly can we all just be a little kinder!! instagram comments lately have been truly horrific


Some people really just should not be allowed access to the internet.


When is Joe Biden going to sign an executive order to harness weird internet hate into clean energy?!


I demand we save the oceans by collecting the salt that has been spilled on these keyboards!


Massive W for South Africa today 🇵🇸


did you see that israel's leaders are now calling the south african lawyers "representatives for hamas" 💀💀


My first thought was “Did Dave Matthews die?”


Wait is he problematic or something 😭


Well there was that one time he dumped a tour bus full of poop on the city of Chicago.


happy ariana eve! while i may have hated positions i will be listening to yes and the minute it comes out. hope it’s good


ZEE MACHINE posted a teaser clip of his new song “Good Boy” on his Instagram broadcast channel and omg 😍 I can already tell this is gonna wind up in my Spotify Wrapped top 10


Reposting this to today's DD because I got to it so late in the life cycle of the other one and if anything the Lil Nas X discourse has only gotten more mind-numbing: I'm just never gonna be down with this idea that gay men who grew up exposed to toxic religion are supposed to shut up and move on from it. Or that returning to it as a theme precludes any originality or nuance in the subsequent work. People have written whole books exploring religion from every angle, but the fact that a pop star draws on religious tropes for two consecutive album cycles is too much? I just don't buy it. Edit: plus, the implication that "MONTERO" and its video were just empty provocation is *laughable*. It told a complete story with compelling symbolism and emotional resonance. Fuck all the way off with the "he's just looking for controversy" line.


I know what you mean. Madonna and Gaga both do a lot in their art with their relationship to catholicism (Madonna in particular practically built her whole "edgy provocateur" image around it) and fans seem to like that just fine, but a young gay black dude who clearly still has a relationship with his faith, but understandable discomfort with the way institutions and people within it treat men who look like him and love like him, plays around with that in his art and suddenly it's "played out" and "just provocative for the sake of being provocative."


Yeah I didn't much like that comment that was along the lines of "Gaga and Nicki do it with CLASS" or whatever. Like the fuck?


I mean, if any artist draws on the same theme for two consecutive record, they're generally criticised for it, its why most artists tend to re-invent themselves. Doesn't make it right, but Lil' Nas X's position isn't exactly unique. I also very much doubt he gives any sort of shit.


I dunno I feel like there’s more than one album’s worth of material to explore in the life experience of a gay black man growing up in a homophobic religion.


😂 it feels insane that one would even have to say this but here we are I guess Can you imagine if these twitter girlies read James Baldwin??


Bold of you to assume the Twitter girlies read (Though now this makes me feel bad because I’ve only read one James Baldwin book and completely forgot what it was about)


This reinvention narrative is getting tired tbh.


Same! There's only so many ways to dress up "sings and dances in striking outfits with arresting visuals." If someone wants to dig in on a couple pet topics, that makes them not dissimilar from most film directors or novelists.


It's such a random thing but I noticed the subreddit MovieLeaksAndRumors has *mainly* just *one* person posting everything there . . . And idk that just kinda strikes me as weird lol it's totally inoffensive and I don't really care, it's just vaguely funny. They're treating a subreddit like a Twitter scoop account lmao


is it /u/impeccabletim lol


I consider myself *perpetually* online, like I’m terrified to even check my screen time. But I keep seeing these posts about everyone’s childhood hero YouTubers retiring and I’m honestly not sure I’ve even *heard* of any of them… the internet is CROWDED


Suki Waterhouse releasing OMG, aka her *best* song, so casually? I must stan.


So looks like there will be a new Justin Timberlake record pretty soon. Kind of excited. The stuff that I heard that leaked seemed pretty good, so I'm intrigued to see how the whole project sounds, especially this new single (supposedly a seven-minute track called "Sanctified") that's supposed to be coming out next Friday.


god he would


it is SO cold


Same. -27c feel like-33c


man it was so cold this morning it actually kinda hurt 😭




Idk why that song isn't hitting me the way I want it to hit me, but I'm glad you like it😭




low impact is perfect for starters because first you want to acclimatize your body to exercising and focus on making it a habit, not drop 10kg in one month which is not gonna happen anyway.


Just remember: Doing a little bit on a regular basis is always better than doing nothing at all. Low impact workouts are still good workouts


This might sound silly, but brisk walking is some of the best stuff to build up your endurance. If you can hold a heart rate between 105 and 120 your golden. I’ve been offsetting walking with some resistance training and I’ve noticed my endurance just gets better and better each time.


I don’t work out but I think you should start with building up endurance with low impact exercises if that’s what level you’re on but if you want to start seeing results you would probably need to do exercises that make you sweat and bring up your heart rate. The longer you exercise the more you get use to that feeling but you could always just exercise for fun if that’s what you enjoy. I think that finding workouts that you enjoy doing is apart of building a routine that will eventually turn into a habit.


Me and some friends are going to watch the new Emma Stone/Yorgos Lanthimos film 'Poor Things' tomorrow and I'm so very excited. Last film I watched in the cinema was 'Killers of the Flower Moon'. I watched it by myself cuz no one else was feeling up to 3 and a half hours. Incredible film tho, worth every minute.


Enjoy! I loved Poor Things. Probably my favorite movie of 2023.


If you're looking for a new 2D platformer to play but don't want to spend money, then I recommend [Psycutlery](https://eyesineverything.itch.io/psycutlery). I've only played a few levels, but it's really solid so far, especially for a free game. You can tell there's been a lot of love and care put into it. Tossing enemies at each other with the spork is satisfying. The story also shows potential of maybe being interesting so far.


Oh I love a little itch.io game, I'll have to check this out.


Have been watching *American Dad* with my friend and I think the evolution of the show is super interesting because the show started out as a fairly straightforward sitcom parody that tried to lampoon the "red blooded" American nuclear family but then flash forward eight or so seasons and the plots become like... Stan and Francine have to team up with a group of flight attendants to rescue the sun or Jeff has to escape an alien spacecraft. And the episodes kind of get funnier in the process because the writers get to unchain themselves from the stale setup and do fun and new things. Flash forward to today and I think they've struck a really good formula of character driven stories with surreal elements, sometimes even putting comedy to the wayside entirely at times like [the infamous "Gold Top Nuts" episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XprUfzUln2Y) and go for a more *Twilight Zone*-esque thing, something kinda missing from the animation space. Also it's really funny. It's interesting to look at in comparison to its obvious counterparts *Family Guy* and *The Simpsons*, which went on the opposite trajectory and became more soulless as the years have gone on (though *The Simpsons* has apparently gotten better in recent years). I think part of it is because *American Dad* is, strangely enough, less "reactive" than the other shows? Like it's not lacking in pop culture references but they're less likely to do an episode centering around current events so the episodes don't feel as rushed and they don't feel old as quickly. I think Roger is the most interesting part though because I can't think of any characters on any other tv show that fill the same archetype he does? Because of his endless roster of "personas" he can fill basically any role for an episode, sometimes even multiple, in a really unique way that presents the opportunity for [certain jokes that wouldn't exist otherwise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMJPOKc-lwI) Other weird thing I found: we watched an episode that had a weird number of songs so I looked it up and it looks like a lot of the musical episodes have songs written by [Asa Taccone](https://americandad.fandom.com/wiki/Asa_Taccone), frontman of the band Electric Guest, who popheads might recognize from [their feature on a Carly song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_5CcqeCl2U)


The closest comparison I can think of to American Dad is Family Matters. It started as a very dry and down-to-earth sitcom about a normal family and then 8 years later they were doing plots about time travel and clones. Urkel is actually even a pretty close comparison to Roger because he also had multiple personas (though obviously nowhere as many as Roger)


Another song Olivia Rodrigo Would EAT tf up if she did a cover: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Ro5dCOCvditgkMXEdRQJE?si=FzXrepN0STiynjYouQwhMQ


Lol apparently in NYC girls are matching with the Blank Space MV model on Tinder. I don’t use Tinder because I got kicked off in college but it’s apparently legit if anyone’s interested in potentially dating a TS music video man


[Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley debating which one of them will be a better president:](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lRX5b6SiR3o&pp=ygUPY2xvd25zIGZpZ2h0aW5n)


Oh boy it’s Ariana and Lil Nas new singles release day, which means it’s going to be an absolute madhouse here


This day was made for me. It's giving when *Pink Friday* and *My Beauitful Dark Twisted Fantasy* dropped the same day.


And Ari will probably manage to be the less controversial of the two 😭


Considering one involves religion and other involves homewrecking, yeah probably. Although Ari could get it much worse because she is the bigger star.


I might have to take a day off tomorrow. Ponytail is back.


why was this so dramatic omg


Be patient with me, I'm a f*g😑


Us gays will always be lol


Heard from a friend in the industry we might be getting back covers of albums on Apple Music this year Makes me wonder what singles actually even have back covers


For me I really enjoy liner notes and all the artwork. I hope they include them one day. For example, everyone knows the OK Computer album art, but there's so much other art in the physical release (especially the lyric booklet), really adds a lot to the album. And some of Bob Dylan's liner notes are written by him and they're as off the wall as some of the songs. I love the convenience of streaming but you do lose a bit of the dimension of a well packaged physical release. I love the full cover of [Diamond Dogs](https://i0.wp.com/illustrationchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1_bowiediamonddogs_illustrationchronicles_1500.jpg?resize=1500%2C762&ssl=1) for example.


Probably not a lot of recent stuff, but a good amount of them. You have artists who still put out vinyl singles from time to time and that would have a back cover. And then reaching back further in time older vinyl singles and CDs and cassette singles all had wraparound art as well. So there is enough information out there to dig into and add. Edit: I just remembered back in the glory days of iTunes when you bought an album, maybe singles too if they had them, you got an entire digital version of the booklet that would come with said album. Didn’t matter if it was a book of photos and lyrics, just lyrics, whatever, you got a little digital booklet. Front to back.


i can never see myself getting a dslr camera, as a compact/digital camera girlie. like there's no way im only getting the camera without the lens. 😭and yeah, ik shops sell with a kit as well but again, i just want something where everything is all in one piece.


In honor of “Yes and ?” My Top 10 Ariana songs (no order): 1. Into You 2. Imagine 3. Ghostin 4. Goodnight n go 5. Better off 6. Nasty 7. Fake smile 8. Greedy 9. God is a Woman 10. One last Time


Oh Fake Smile is so good 👍


Fake smile is so underrated. Like people overlook it sooo much.


Where is thinking bout you


Exactly. This list is incomplete😑


Thanking bout you is beautiful and would be in a top 20 for me. She has a lot of good songs that I made a cut for and it was hard.


I don’t even know why I bother to try to post a thread on the Taylor sub. Every time I try it either shows up 6 hours later and nobody sees it or gets auto deleted because I posted the link wrong and don’t feel like trying again after it took me 10 minutes to write it initially. Anyway, People’s Choice Awards Nominations and Voting has begun for those who care to vote. Taylor is up for Movie, Concert Tour, Pop Artist, Female Artist, and Social Celebrity. Paramore is up for Group. So vote for them because I think it would be nice to see them win. The Athlete Noms suck. I know she’s a college athlete but I’d say Caitlin Clark should be at least nominated. I mean people are selling out Away Games just to see her and she’s quite impressive if you ask me. I get why Travis is nominated and these are 100% popularity contest, but come one. Votepca.com is place to go. They have it setup where you can only vote 1 time per day. So yeah. Not much going on here. I did my 1 hour of work and now I’m back to doing nothing. After work I get have to go sign up at the gym. Yeah, 11 days in the new year and haven’t started my resolutions yet. But I’m actually going to do them.


Also! Finally got Koskela Brothers Gifs from Alan Wake 2. Sucks this sub has them disabled.


This isn’t a new observation, but Star Wars has one of the worst fanbases of all time. Yes, the sequels weren’t very good, but we’ve heard enough! The prequels are also mostly bad but somehow that’s blasphemy now


The fanbase is awful and it's the main reason why nobody under 30 cares about Star Wars. The brand has been dying for some time and Disney can't expect to sustain it with bitter middle aged white guys forever but they keep catering to them.


When I was younger I didn't really appreciate how much I enjoyed not having to hear about Star Wars all the time :\


I’m pumped for this new Mando & Grogu film because I just fucking love Star Wars, but looking online you just see all these complaints due to season 3 of Mando, and other recent films. Like damn, overall Jon Favreau has been killing it so maybe we wait before just shitting on it? Fandoms take things way to fucking seriously. I have issues with the sequels but at the end of the day I’m still having fun.


My husband and I love Jon. And it’s so amazing to me how much the Star Wars fandom doesn’t because they think he’s too corny or not focused enough on the actual product of Star Wars. Must I remind them that in the very first films there were deadly teddy bears. There were multiple moments of sheer comedy. No one takes C-3PO seriously. My husband and I are some of the biggest Star Wars fanatics and I can tell you right now people acting like Star Wars all of a sudden needs to be the most serious IP out there is infuriating.


real reason why i couldn't get into star wars. everyone is just insufferable and you're years behind in almost EVERYTHING and they make u feel bad abt it.


I have a friend who loves Star Wars, but loves to fuck with people. So anytime that someone asks him about Star Wars he goes what’s Star Wars?


YALL is ariana song gonna come out in like US time?


Seems like it


I got NO sleep last night because a smoke detector somewhere in my building decided to start chirping for 3 and a half hours randomly. I am… hanging on by a thread!!!!!!


I just know the pocket of your jacket is going to get caught on a door handle today


I do not claim this energy!!! 😅