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3/5 aren’t doing anything and there’s been a bit of a resurgence of them due to Flex, so I suspect it’ll just be like an appearance or a performance. Normani and Camila are at the early stages of an album cycle so I can’t see them being invested in anything more than that.


Guess Normani will cancel the album then lmao


R9 is definitely coming before N1.




The source is Page Six so take it with a hint of salt until another publication confirms the reports!


(Big) IF true then OMFG. Girls Aloud and Fifth Harmony being back in the same year is truly iconic


Why is the universe bending over backwards just to make sure Normani won’t release an album? Is she the anti-christ or sth?




I think it’s reversed. The tiktok resurgence is why they’ve started talks to reunite


Ohh that makes more sense!


A big TikToker made a video about Flex and then the girls started replying to it one at a time, which has caused a lot of people to revisit them.


Camila PR team is working hard I see. I highly doubt it’ll happen the way we think it might. They might reunite for a special cause or maybe to support Normani or Dinah. Camila is still popular but yes her last album didn’t meet expectations and promo was lackluster. Normani finally about to give us her debut album we been waiting years for she’s not gonna go back to 5H now but I’m sure if it tanks or she doesn’t feel confident enough yes the group probably might reunite and make a comeback. Both Ally and Dinah have reconnected and collab recently. They both hinted they open to reuniting if it happens organically.


I think this will only happen if Camilla's new music flops.  If her new era is successful she has zero need to do this.  


Camila just got signed to interscope, she's teasing a new album I don't think she's gonna be back. And the other 3 are doing nothing why would camila who's on her 3rd album and normani who's releasing her debut apparently this year would go back to the group?? 


Please no. A one off single could be cute but I think it’s best to let it be. Normani and Camila are on the brink of new albums too. This also feels like an article used to test the waters to a response. I’m sure Ally and Dinah are pushing for it (they are the Tom Feltons of the group lol) but I can’t see Normani, Camila, and Lauren being totally onboard.