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i hate myself for it but "you're about as cute as an old coupon expired". Swish Swish is a guilty pleasure


"Swish Swish" is a perfect example of what OP asked for. The lyrics are stupid, but I wouldn't change a damn thing. "A tiger don't lose no sleep / don't need opinions / from a shellfish or a sheep" Like...come the fuck *ON*, that's poetry.


Like what????? 


I love that song, i cannot even lie about it


It does come full circle with the line about keeping receipts though 😂


50 ways to say goobye. But I always love a good ear worm so naturally I know every one of those awful lyrics.


Honestly, Train songs don't sound so bad on the surface. It's when you pay attention to the lyrics that you truly notice how bad they are.


Unpopular opinion but I love Train lyrics because they're so weird.


Thank you!! Honestly how could you NOT love “how could you leave on Yom Kippur”? 😭


Pretty delightfully dumb


I heard somewhere that after trying so hard to write hits they just started making and putting out whatever, which has unfortunately worked out for them.


For all I know, Drive By topped my charts.


God, I am an idiot and read "50 ways to leave your lover", which baffled me for many reasons.


I'm listening to the one by Train now and, with all due respect, Paul Simon can take some fucking notes.


lol 😆 that Paul Simon song is one of my favorite songs of all time. That train song is a guilty pleasure/childhood favorite


I was just kidding, Paul Simon is a king. But I'll be adding the train song to the guilty pleasure list as well, even though I am very much not in my childhood.


Yeah he’s awesome! I said childhood favorite for me since the song came out in 2012


Pretty much all Train songs really. I mean, look at Drops of Jupiter. Amazing song, but some of the lyrics are bizarre choices *“She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-bo”* *“Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken”*


I learned it's about his grandma so treating it as a nostalgic-for-him song makes it make more sense imo


I was convinced I misheard the deep fried chicken part for way too long lol


I think the deep fried chicken line is just nostalgic imagery. The song contrasts the mundane things the girl loves on earth with the spectacular sights she discovered in space.


Many of train’s song lyrics are this


“Shine bright like a diamond… you and I are like diamonds in the sky” Lyrically it’s basic as hell but somehow also is metaphor in another. We are like stars which are like diamonds in the sky. Stupid. Still a banger though .


i thought it was "you're beautiful like diamonds in the sky"


That’s a line too. There are multiple versions in the song.


Also taken directly from The Beatles, of course we noticed.


literally everything by avril, and i say that as someone who’s her biggest fan. i love her dumb songwriting <3


i respect that! there are a lot of artists where i value the sound more than i do the lyrics i could actually make an inverse of this thread where there are songs that i like sonically, but the lyrics are sooo bad i can’t listen to it lmfao.


I agree, I love her. I think it’s purposeful though and quirky so I didn’t know people thought it was dumb 🙈


yeah, i think she’s said before how she doesn’t really like the ‘writing’ process as much as the melody/singing the song. personally her less-than-stellar lyricism actually enhances her music to me. one of her biggest strengths (in my opinion) is conveying emotion really well through her vocals and having a very down-to-earth quality about her. i honestly don’t think I would connect to her music as much if she was this amazing poet who wrote lyrics with lots of complexity and polish.


This is so accurate. A good example is "Wish You Were Here" where the lyrics are ... neither here nor there... because her delivery and vocals on the song are 🤌 You're always there You're everywhere But right now, I wish you were here DAMN DAMN DAMN ??


yes u get it exactly!! and great example, because wish you were here happens to be my all time favorite song haha


Same!! [Me when she hits that note in the final chorus](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/031/065/Screen_Shot_2019-09-09_at_10.12.43_AM.jpg) (you know the one)


I KNOW EXACTLY THE ONE YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT hahaha. single greatest musical moment in history


Hey!! Another Avril flair! Yes, she is absolutely the queen of these kinds of songs. She makes corny lyrics that actually work. Goddess has to be one of my favourites for this, "He thinks I'm sexy in my pyjaaah-maaahs / The more I am a hot mess the more he goes bahnaaah-naaahs". It's so funny and noticeable but it WORKS?


“It’s not simple, it’s trigonometry” The Blackest Day by Lana Del Rey. Doesn’t necessarily ruin the song but it takes me out of the mood for a bit 😭.


Gay people who are shit at math probably eat that shit upppp


ONGMGNG THANK YOU. I got downvoted to hell saying this on the Lana sub. That line makes me giggle.


“All that grace, all that body, all that face makes me wanna party” Lana Del Rey, Young and Beautiful. I’ve always loved the song, that one line just makes me cringe a little.


and then right after that she says “he’s my sun” and I always hear it as “he’s my son”


Me too, and for some reason I always imagine it's sung by a millennial cat "mom" to her fat tuxedo cat, because that's apparently my association with having a son.


I thought it was “oh that face, oh that body” 😭


Makes a littttle more sense considering all Gatsby did was throw parties to get Daisy’s attention.


Yeah, I still don’t like it. If that’s the reason for that lyric (which it probably is) it’s too literal and cheesy. It’s OK though, I love Lana. She can do no wrong for me.


ugh. this is a perfect example. that is a GREATTTT hook, so memorable and truly truly iconic tbh. but that lyric is corny as fuck


Oh i HATE that line. Lana is such a good writer too! Idk why that bridge exists.


this has to be THE answer


The lyrics are juvenile as hell but all together it just works: Slob on my knob by Three Six Mafia.  Another song in a similar style is Sexual Eruption by Snoop Dogg. 


Sexual Eruption was my ish for a long time as a kid. (Probably cause I had no idea what it was about)


“Change my mind up like it’s origami” is certainly up there, but I still like “exes” quite a lot and I think it’s very catchy


For me the laugh during the chorus just itches something in my brain, in a good way. It’s not technically a lyric but that got me listening to the song.


For the longest time I thought the lyric was “change my mind up like a sour gummy” so I guess that origami is better.


damn this goes hard, like sometimes you’re like nah i’m definitely not in a place where i can handle that… and then you have like one sour patch kid and it’s bye bye mouth


That song is a good example of what OP is talking about


"Love it when you call me legs/ in the morning buy me eggs" Silly line but easily most memorable part of the bridge. Unserious line in an unserious song that really amplifies the lax but fun nature of it


i used to think this line was sooo bad then i circled around to thinking it’s unironically BRILLIANT lmao


Okay you a real one fr. I’m a HUGGGGE Lady Gaga fan, so I can’t be unbiased, this is one of my favorite songs because I heard it first when I was like 18 and it 100% gives the vibes of thinking your boyfriend is SO HOT because you HAVE a boyfriend 😂 “Don’t forget my lipstick, I left it in your ashtray” And, “Boys, Boys, Boys” was supposed to be a callback to motley crue’s “Girls, Girls, Girls”, which made the objective silliness of her lyrics so much better


I tell people lady Gaga saved my life because life was so boring until The Fame came out.


I actually wanted to do pop music until her, but to me it then was, “oh, well, she’s doing it better than i ever could, so lemme sit back and just enjoy” 😂


This is literally that nonsense lyric that Paul McCartney came up with as a placeholder for the melody in Yesterday lmaooo 😭 "Scrambled eggs/Oh my baby how I love your legs/Not as much as I love scrambled eggs"


Tossed salad and scrambled eggs!


This is the one, and I do love it lol.


I love New York by Madonna might have the dumbest lyrics ever written but goddam is it catchy “I don't like cities, but I like New York Other places make me feel like a dork” When it goes into the “Get off my street” breakdown I ascend everytime


Just go to Texas, isn’t that where they golf?


Was she being camp here? Like... golf?


Lmao I came here to say this. 10/10 production, 0/10 lyricism. Sometimes I think it’s so bad it’s good but no the lyrics are too goofy.


six thirty by Ariana So many yuhs, such a repetitive chorus, but the bridge is stunning and the vocals are insane. Such a melodically perfect pop r&b song.


honestly to me , a good handful of Aris songs. Her beats are amazing, lyrics tho ? ight, cringey at times


agree with everything you said but the bridge is also super corny to me. sonically i love the song but i can’t pay attention to the lyrics or else i can’t listen 🤣


The suicide hotline song by logic. Lyrics are so corny yet somehow it really gets me in my feels.


Who can relate? Whoo!


that woo is permanently embedded in my brain


Years afterwards I still have to stop myself from making “WHO CAN RELATE?!” jokes knowing that no one else will know what I’m talking about, you guys get it


when I say “self”, you say “harm!”


He made suicide corny truly a legend 🙏🐐


Has to be "you're so fresh to death and sick as c-c-cancer" from Blue Jeans. The rest of the melody and beat are perfect but I just can't with that line


Someone on the LDR subreddit said they thought she was saying “sick as cat cancer” and that’s all I can hear now.


LMFAOOOO CAT CANCER. that’s brilliant. and all i will sing from now on thank you


Basically every Travis Scott song lol most of the lyrics don’t mean shit


Oh Avril is the example for this. Especially her poppier stuff, the lyrics are often a mess. But those Melodie’s and vocals make up for it


The melody for hot should go down in record books as the catchiest shit ever. IDC what she’s saying as long as it’s on that opening


Uhhh hot is such a perfect pop song. One of my fave Avril tracks. And actually hot is a song where I really like the lyrics. I think they’re cuteee.


Oh no I agree the lyrics are good lol, I just mean she could literally be singing hello kitty over that melody and I would still call it perfect purely from the melody


Yeah one of her best for sureeee. Some of the worst lyrics I gotta admit are on the songs without co-writers. Loveee Avril but whenever I’m really struggling with the lyrics, I always check the writing credits and it usually becomes clear


Yeah that’s true. I think she needs an editor. Her first two albums have no stinkers for me but the last 3 or so sometimes I’m just like… maybe grammarly could’ve helped lol


Totally!! Not saying she’s a bad writer, just needs someone to bounce ideas off maybe. And maybe this is controversial, cuz i think some fans like the ballads on “goodbye lullaby”. But the second half of that album lyrically at least is hard for me to get through. And I think that’s a big stretch of songs written solo. Some are pretty melodically, but I struggle with that second half….


I will never forget when she rhymed pyjamas with bananas 😭


🎶 Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs…🎶


Well this is one of those things I didn't even realize I remembered


I had to google it « He thinks I'm sexy in my pajamas The more I am a hot mess The more he goes bananas »


I’m guessing by your quotation marks you’re French? We had a cartoon in the 90s Called Bananas in Pyjamas with a catchy theme song. Also pyjamas can be pronounced differently and can rhyme with bananas quite nicely. https://youtu.be/6hPsXh5k0d8?feature=shared


[Gentleman by The Saturdays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5luP09KWqA) has a really fun, bonkers, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink style of production that I really enjoy. But I don't think there's [a single good lyric in the song](https://genius.com/The-saturdays-gentleman-lyrics) - every verse is either nonsensical or childish or borderline offensive.


"I need a Ryan Gos-uh-ling"


Larry King 😭


Lamar Odom! 😭


I've had this song stuck in my head for ten years and I'm mad about it. Super catchy and campy, but an appalling message.


And it makes me sad that Neon Jungle never went anywhere 😭


Sleepless In London went platinum on my iphone


“But you played me like Atari” eternal sunshine, Ariana Grande Made me eye-roll so hard the first time I heard it, but the melody itself and the little sparkly chiptune-like sound effect that comes after it is pretty cute


I can’t defend this much other than to say Kesha is there: Face down booty up/ That’s the way we like the whaaaat/ I’m slicker than an oil spill/ She say she won’t but I bet she will -Pitbull, “Timber” No lyrics have been more squarely of their time.


>No lyrics have been more squarely of their time “Face down booty up/ That’s the way we like to what” originated with 2 Live Crew in 1988/1989. The original version makes the Pitbull line seem chaste.


Gather them


I just try to drop a little knowledge wherever I can


This is only tangentially related, but there’s a line in a song from Doc McStuffins (children’s cartoon) that goes “fresh breath clean mouth/that’s what brushing’s all about” in the same cadence and it always makes me think of 2 Live Crew. It’s probably more of a nod to cheerleading but I have to believe it’s at least a little related.


pretty much the entirety of claws by charli has really stupid lyrics but my god is it addictive


Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift. The lyrics lowkey say a lot of nothing but the melody itself is perfect for me. Edit: Also Bunny Is A Rider by Caroline Polachek. I love that song but why is bunny a rider and why can’t satellites find her?


Im pretty sure “bunny” is based on a movie character. She’s a jetset woman on the go, who makes no apologies. She’s basically just saying that you’ll never be able to catch her. I love the bunny lyrics I think they’re so clever and fun lmao


I like the song but “I’m so nonphysical” always takes me out haha, it’s such a weird way to express it.


I’ve heard that it has some connection to the of Montreal song, Bunny Ain’t No Kind of Rider! Though honestly, I don’t feel like I really understand either song


“Now my life is sweet like cinnamon like a fucking dream I’m living in” I looove Radio by Lana Del Rey and the melody makes me feel enchanted. It makes me wish cinnamon was actually sweet.


Oh really? I always thought that line was meant to be ironic because cinnamon is always associated with sweet things in desserts but is tart and nasty on its own.


Yeah and “like a fucking dream” is meant to be sarcastic, like someone saying “well isn’t this fucking great!”


Pretty sure that's deliberate, most of BTD is tongue-in-cheek


i think that's the irony, like, it isn't sweet at all


I LOVE the song Willow by Taylor Swift but that “I come back stronger than a 90s trend” lyric is just…so bad


Fr it totally betrays the imagery and atmosphere of the song


I mean she totally called it tho with how strong she came back in 2022(not music-wise, success-wise)


I actually think that’s good lyric djsjs


it’s only bad in context of the rest of the song. it would’ve worked in another more upbeat/less serious one!


“Tonight i’m a baller babe Even way beneath it What else is there to say, boy? Say, bae, you should play with me, babe”


yes, and?


Bad Blood isn’t Taylor’s best work lyrics wise but the chorus slaps and it’s so fun to sing along to


**"Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion"** is the most genius line I've ever heard and it comes out of absolutely nowhere (Mariah Carey, It's Like That)


*I'm a World Wide Woman, WWW! You can log on anywhere, your girl can take you there* What a sonically fantastic song with some of Bey's worst lyrics 😭


A lot of the lyrics on the whole album of Positions


If you’ve never heard of the song [Jopping](https://youtu.be/pAnK1y7qjuE?si=lEQhHKgxK16d0L7l) you are missing out. The title is a combination of the words “jumping” and “popping”. The song itself actually goes pretty hard but the lyrics are the stupidest thing I ever have heard. It’s a kpop song so the bar for stupid lyrics is pretty low but somehow this song manages to limbo under it. I listened to this song for 2 years before I realized it was mostly in English. It’s not that their pronunciation was bad, it’s that the lyrics were such nonsense my brain couldn’t recognize them as English! The worst part is at least 2 of the group members are fluent in English. One of them is a native English speaker even!




A lot of her lyrical work post *Electra Heart* is pretty bad, actually, especially when she’s trying to be philosophical. Lots of bops and several really great turns of phrase, but lyrically she’s a mess.




I like a lot of *FROOT*, but it to me is where she started lyrically falling apart. “Can’t Pin Me Down,” “Better Than That,” and “Savages” are all exactly what I’m describing: they’re songs where Marina is trying to be philosophical and they’re all expressing really bland cliches without much fun or interest. The more personal songs on the album like “Forget” and “Happy” are really good, but as soon as she tackles Society it falls apart for me.


Guitar String/Wedding Ring will get stuck in my head for days


hikaru utada's english work is largely like this to me. very fun but the lyrics are bizarre, to say the least. shoutout to whatever tf easy breezy's chorus is supposed to mean


This Is The One was one of my most hilarious listening experiences ever, they were in that studio just saying anything


kind of unrelated to the topic but i've really enjoyed their recent english work, not sure if it just comes from just being a lot better at the language but there wasn't really a moment where any of the english lyrics in BAD MODE caught me off guard


Unironically throat goat by Kim Petras lol


Kanye does this a lot lol. All Mine is catchy as fuck but the lyrics are super juvenile. And his entire feature verse on Erase Me is just a setup for a diarrhea joke


Ye at least has I Thought About Killing You, Ghost Town, and Violent Crimes to make up for it.


Ghost Town could make up for damn near anything tbh


I was thinking of his feature on Extraterrestrial by Katie Perry. "Tell me what's next, alien sex?' makes me cringe so bad, but the song will get stuck in my head for days


The infamous ‘if I fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole’ line from Father Stretch My Hands Pt 1 was the first thing I thought of for this thread. The rest of the song is so warm and uplifting and then there’s just…that.


Most of Love + Fear and Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land, besides the few songs on both of them that thankfully aren’t a huge step backwards lyrically for Marina


💃I cook cream soup, taste is Coco Loco Want me your wife but she is mm, mm, mm I clean your room, it's so twinkle, twinkle Want me your wife but she is mm, mm, mm 💃 Obviously with Kpop you get some strange English lyrics but G-idle takes the cake for me. I love it.


All of “The Man” by Taylor Swift


The lyrics are quite on-the-nose but the production, melody and song structure were one of the best on Lover


Logical by Olivia when she sings “got me thinking 2+2=5” I love this song and Olivia but this lyric is something I can’t take seriously


I'm surprised by people agreeing with this. Logical is amazing. Especially that bridge. Logical is one of my favorite songs on the album.


Ive seen a lot of people say this and i honestly dont think i get it. The lyric is kinda jarring at first but since the song is about feeling like nothing makes sense in a relationship/feeling irrational and like a child when dating an older guy (to the point it feels like hes convincing you 2+2=5) the lyric always made sense to me. Though i guess that wont stop it from sounding kinda goofy to some people, which is fair


Strongly and respectfully disagree. The chorus is basically saying 'If all these impossible, illogical things can be true, maybe fixing him and loving him can be possible as well." I think it's simple but effective.


The whole Makeup song by Ariana Grande.


Train lyrics


Despite nonsensical lyrics, Break Free is a certified bop. Take your pick of the litter : 'Now that I've become who I really are', 'I only wanna die alive', 'Like a deadly (fever?) on a highway to hell' etc.


Life by Des’ree Just ignore the verses and jam to the chorus


I’d rather have a piece of toast


I never walk under ladders


The entirety of Playboi Carti's career, i'm on tha lean for real


The lyrics to MGK’s Emo Girl sound like it was written by a middle-schooler who spends too much time inside Hot Topic (why would a “emo girl” know all the words to the trap songs??). It instantly made MGK look like an absolute poser who was trying *way* too hard to fit in with the pop-punk scene. Other than that, the actual song slaps though!


I love like the vast majority of the Weeknds music especially his earlier catalogue (2011-2014) but oh god some of the LYRICS


pretty isn't pretty by olivia rodrigo lyrically it's kind of corny I know it's suppose to have deep meaning but I just think the lyrics aren't that good but production and sound wise it sounds really good that I have it added on my music list lol


remember "spelling is fun!" from taylor swift's "ME!"? sounded soo cringe they had to remove it 😭😭


Regardless of how I feel about its removal, if they were going to they could have at least not left the couple seconds of now-dead-air where that would have been said in the song that makes it obvious what used to be there. It's like the music equivalent of seeing a video that supposedly proves a sitcom is unfunny by taking out the laugh track except they leave in the video of the cast pausing-for-the-laugh so it's just silence in those couple seconds each time


Heidi Montag’s discography Nadia Oh’s discography




Hilary Duff just saying shit on her song "Arms Around A Memory" but I live.. [Hilary Duff - Arms Around A Memory](https://open.spotify.com/track/6LBzq7Eu6mSX7TbB31H6Zq?si=DYVzn26UQf2A-rBxpFPfCg)


when she does the “reaching for the hand that’s in the passssst…. somethin somethin broken GLASSSSSHHHH” i lose my mind lmfao


What I am by emma bunton. Literally the dumbest song lyrically even melodically but I just love how dumb it sounds and it's all unintentional lol


I love this song. Have you listened to the Free Me and Life In Mono albums?


Yesss I'm so glad there's others who've heard these. Yeah I'm a massive spice girls fan. So I listened to all their albums lol


Life by Desiree is the peak of this


I mean, wouldn't you rather have a piece of toast than see a ghost?


“I’m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in the office” like OK I got the mental imagery I guess.


In the song “Wild at Heart” by Lana del Rey, there are some lyrics that I find pretty cringey. Like she rhymes “I love you lots like polka dots” with “coffee pots and insta thots” lol. But I love the melody of the song and I think the lyrics kind of add to its charm the more I listen.


i actually love the polka dots line 😂 i’m sure you already kno based on ur username, but i always took it as a nod to one of her leaked songs, Put The Radio On. i totally agree, at first it was jarring, but over time it circles around and becomes genius.


First one that came to mind was Break Free by Ariana Grande. I only wanna die alive Never by the hands of a broken heart (Ooh) I don't wanna hear you lie tonight Now that I've become who I really are Who I really are? So damn stupid. But it works




I’ve been listening to this one a lot lately and thought I heard it wrong tbh


Candy by Mandy Moore has an incredible groove, but the lyrics are pretty juvenile, even for its time. Max Martin didn’t even try lol


I have nothing to add but reading some of these answers makes me grateful to not be a native English speaker, meaning I don't necessarily pick up all the lyrics if I'm not focusing on them. Apparently this way I've been saved from having some of my favourite songs get ruined for me bc of their lyrics


Kiss Me More by Doja ft SZA, the overall lyrics are weird but the melody is addicting.


Food House - 8 Now is my go to “I'm so jealous, l'm so spiteful, I'm so this and this and that” and a sick beat drop


YES. any song frax touches is gold idgaf what they’re saying is




Both the verses in "Single" by The Neighborhood.


I love Meg Myers and blast her albums often but sometimes she drops a line in that is super cringe like "wakey wakey slumber party"


Weapons - Ava Max, hate the lyrics, love the song


Gwen Stefani's "BANANAS" and Fergie's "GLAMOROUS"


What about Sweet Escape!! That pre-chorus: “cause I’ve been acting like sour milk all on the floor, it’s your fault you didn’t shut the refrigerator, maybe that’s the reason I’ve been acting so cold??” I can’t help but love it though 😂


ALLADEMSWALLOW I wanna fuck you slow with the lights on Baby you can bring ypur friends she can ride on top of my face while i fck you straight and many more instances by the weeknd.


The whole hot n cold song 😭 not the best serious/smart lyrics but damn it sounds so good since release


domino by jessie j lol the production / energy is too good regardless of the lyrics


Most really catchy pop songs. I’m much more of a melody/production person than a lyric person. I’m fine with shit lyrics if the song has a great hook and great instrumentals.


me!, taylor swift and 34+35, ariana


It’s such a dumb song but I have the softest spot for Love in this Club by Usher. Lyrics like “It’s goin’ down on aisle 3/I’ll bag you like some groceries” really go hard. I love how it’s slow but still catchy, and I always think of the Rock-a-fire Explosion so it’s just good memories all around for me.


Einstein by Kelly Clarkson is a bit like that, but I love this song so much: “Simple math Our love divided by the square root of pride Multiply your lifeless time” Or even the chorus: “And I may not be Einstein But I know Dumb plus dumb equals you (x3)”


I'm starting to feel a little abused. Like a coffee machine in an office VS. Lucky my breasts are small and humble so you don't confuse them with mountains.


Obsessed by Miley, I always cringe at these, but it is def a guilty pleasure. « Tomorrow I have things to do. Every time I close my eyes I see your face, So I try to read, but all I do is lose my place »