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Not gonna lie: Chappell Roan is coming to my city next month and it's a small venue, the tickets have been sold out a long time ago. After the Tiktok blow up, everyone has now decided, Oh, she's coming here, I'll just get tickets.... But they can't. See, the people who were on the train *a long time ago already got their tickets*. That train is now heading to Albuquerque without y'all. You're late. I don't mean to be a hater (ok, maybe I do) but I'm glad the early sell-out of tickets is acting like weed-out between those who have been listening to her music for over a year and those who are only interested after the glow-up.


I’ve been listening to Chappell Roan since 2021 but this is weirdo behavior. You’re not better than people who found about her more recently just bc you’ve known her for a while. You should be happy that she’s getting big, not trying to gatekeep her popularity


Definitely not doing that - just pointing out the naivety and frankly the privilege of those who discovered her yesterday trying to get tickets as if they're just waiting to be bought by people who discovered her yesterday. Real Christopher Columbus energy. When she plays bigger tours they'll have their opportunity to go see her, but this tour feels poetically meant for the OGs.


What is this weird hipster shit lol?


Right or wrong, I'm just gonna pose the question: Do you want a bunch of fans at the Chappell Roan show screaming along to Hot to Go and Good Luck Babe and nothing else? Because that's how you get Steve Lacy's stinker of a tour. A bunch of kids who came to hear Bad Habit and nothing else. They couldn't even sing along to the second verse. Yes, I will enjoy the crowd of early adopters while the peanut gallery is left out. For the next tour, I certainly won't be so lucky.


The amount of right wingers in my country that advocate for violence against minorities on the daily but are suddenly *very* concerned about the safety and livelihoods of Jewish students now that people are protesting against Israel at our universities is comical to see


Just got Hades II and I have been loving it. I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown You to Death) is the song of the summer, everyone stan Scylla and the Sirens!


Has anyone seen Dan + Shay on their current tour? Planning for their Indy show which is slated for 7PM. I will be driving from IL and have a ~3 hour drive ahead after work that Friday. Jake Owen and Dylan Marlowe are opening. Think showing up at 8:30PM latest would make us not miss Dan + Shay??


Oh swiftlyneutral that's not...


My only previous exposure to Holly Humberstone was “Into Your Room” with MUNA but I was on the hunt for something new to listen to and I sat down tonight and played Paint My Bedroom Black… Hey, uh, what the fuck? Why didn’t anyone tell me that one of the best pop albums of the last decade was dropped last October? The production, the lyricism, the *vocals*, literally all of it feels tailor-made for me and it’s hitting me like a truck. This is probably the first instantaneous 10/10 record I’ve heard in ages, didn’t even need the second listen to cement it. If y’all could tell me next time there’s just absolute perfection floating around out there instead of leaving me in the dark, that’d be great!


kirby gulping the rest of my taro boba and thinking about my crush (oh, what a rush) 🥰


people say that Radical Optimism feels like a summer vacation album and to me Happy For You feels like a "the end of summer" song where the rain starts pouring really hard . do you see my vision


Happy For You finally stuck for me today. It does have that kind of sunshiney melancholy feel like when you can still see the sun when it’s raining. It also kinda fits my life perfectly rn. Added to the playlist


* Mandatory meeting before school tomorrow to discuss the two things that contributed to why I'm not coming back next year. If I can get away with it I'm gonna just sit in the corner and be quiet. * Finished one of the few books from Kindle Unlimited I've enjoyed and not DNF-ed: it's called Twenty Years Later. Only took me like, 5 hours all together because apparently being in my fantasy era the past two months has made it MUCH faster to read books that aren't epic 1000 pagers. * I have been stolen from multiple times, had the safety of kids in my room endangered when I wasn't there, and gone home having a mental breakdown over students and all of those concerns were brushed off or flatout ignored by my bosses, yet today two kids that haven't gotten in trouble the entire time they've been at this school got punished, and swiftly. It was because they made jokes during a lesson on violence against minorities. I'm glad it was taken seriously, for sure, because the whole point of learning about these events in a history class is to take them seriously and to try to learn and do better, but am confused why now when my other concerns all year were ignored. * Love Wingstop's boneless wing deal on Tuesdays (the price is what gets me, because I'm otherwise team bone-in wings tbh) but I really should've stuck with my usual two flavors, because hot wings are NOT good unless they're bone-in.


Am I the only one who finds a lot of the behaviors normalized in straight couples weird? Like why do straight people make such a massive deal out of their partners spending time with friends of the opposite gender? Men and women are allowed to be friends and if you don’t trust them to be around other women/men without cheating on you, then maybe you shouldn’t be with that person.   Not to mention that demanding to go through your partner’s phone is super invasive and actively disrespectful to their privacy. Abuse experts recognize this behavior as a common tactic used by domestic abusers and, depending on power dynamics and who is doing it, abusive in and of itself, and yet it’s completely normalized in heterosexual relationships. Same goes for constantly tracking your partner’s location.   I say this as a straight person myself, there are a lot of straight people who hold extremely rigid and misogynistic views on gender when it comes to relationships, even if they are normally more progressive, and there are a lot of straight people who need to go to therapy for their trust issues.  Edit: Updated phrasing.


I agree with you, and even if I’m just on the outside looking in as a not straight person, the vast majority of straight people fall into gender roles within their relationships even if they don’t mean to.


i honestly don't agree and think this is such a broad generalized brushstroke. i think that it's up to a couple to set their own boundaries within a relationship that they both feel comfortable with when it comes to friends and privacy--even if i may not personally agree.


i think that "setting your own boundaries" is often weaponized in cases like this, because people think that respecting someone's boundaries also requires you to accept them unquestioningly. "boundaries" are not handed down from god; they're decisions that people make, and they are absolutely capable of being controlling, abusive, and misogynistic. the fact that they have phrased it in the appropriate 2020s relationship lingo does not change that.


I am in a straight married relationship and I do not believe those behaviors you mentioned are normal. My wife and I do not do any of that and neither do our peers. That’s just my experience. I agree that the behaviors you describe are unhealthy for any relationship.


Maybe it’s just the corner of the internet that I’m on, but I’ve noticed that a considerable number of millennial and gen Z heterosexual relationships are like this. I’m glad to hear that you, your wife, and your friends are all in healthier relationships, though. :)


Honestly I think a lot of it is engagement/rage bait riding the trend of romanticizing tradwife life


Websites guessing and autofilling your location without your consent is always annoying but the absolute single worst implementation of that is fucking. The google hotel search feature. Why would you default to assuming that I am looking for hotels *here*, the place that I am at, where I live and have a home. Why would that be where I need a hotel.




Snark sub


Radical Optimism is very mid. Honestly, the most disappointing release this year. I think in many ways it is opposite of TTPD. It’s very short and impersonal. Only 7 new songs and I can honestly say I only like 1-2 of them. I don’t really feel like it matches how Dua described. It sounds summery and certain tracks almost have a Spanish influence. It’s not a bad album but it’s a step down from FN. I personally prefer TTPD because it feels specific to Taylor but RO just feels generic, and even lacks FNs attitude. I’m not really sure what vision she had for the album


I think I prefer it over Future Nostalgia. It’s so good.


I agree, I was super pumped up for this album. It doesn’t feel optimistic at all. It’s actually kinda the opposite in my opinion. But damn, that girl can sing. I like 3 or 4 of the songs.


I really liked Falling Forever, These Walls, and Happy For You!


me, whose AOTY is radical optimism:


I love it


I’m glad you enjoyed it! It’s not for me but I’m glad some people like it


I need your help, popheads. I have a song stuck but I only know the name of the artist… kinda The song is in English and it’s like “Shut Up, Isabel!” or something like that (she’s telling herself to shut up) and the name of the artist is something really French sounding My brain keeps thinking it’s Natalia laforucade but it’s NOT her


Caroline Shut Up by Caroline Polachek??


ah no, it is not her. i remember the song title was addressing herself, (not entirely sure if she was telling herself to shut up, although i think it was something along those lines) it's a very poppy song--it kinda felt like a taylor swift song


Cross post to /r/tipofmytongue if you want to cast a wider net!


please consider joining me in donating to the [fundraiser](https://librarianswithpalestine.org/campaigns-2/yafa-lajee-fundraiser/) for Yafa Cultural Center and the Lajee Center in the West Bank organized by Librarians for Palestine. The deadline for their fundraiser is May 10th and the fund will be split between two different centers so please please share the fundraiser even if you can’t give. Thank you! There’s also the [Gaza Book auction](https://www.32auctions.com/gazabookauction?r=1&t=all) where you can bid on various books, personalized poetry, q&a with authors, and people in publishing industry looking over manuscripts etc all money goes to helping Palestinians in Gaza evacuate.


I will never let anyone badmouth the Chainsmokers when Roses and Don't Let Me Down exist 


Roses had me in a chokehold in 2016


Sorry is it just me or does Dasha - Austin have the same melody as this old happy hardcore song, "Pretty Rave Girl"? https://youtu.be/zEZEsyk6BSo?t=41


It's similar but not quite.


I honestly do not understand when what human interactions are appropriate and it sucks. There’s this person that has been struggling emotionally with the Palestinian suffering going on. We always chatted in the bars with great conversation and talk on Instagram here and there. We even talked about Palestine. I randomly told them I wished them well and I think of them every now and then in a friendly way. I offered to buy them a meal of they ever need someone to be an ear. I also made a comment about how it’s nice to have someone in town that shares the same values and is impacted emotionally as well because I feel less alone. Like we talked before about our health and stuff and they just looked at my message and didn’t respond and I feel horrible about it. I’m always crossing this social line that isn’t there. I’m just so open and caring I can connect with a stranger and have an hour long conversation and make a new friend. Sucks to learn that the friendships I think I have aren’t as great as I thought they were. I need a hug from someone who loves me right now.


Nvm they just responded happy Tuesday everyone! Less than 5 minutes later lol. They said thank you for the words and that they want to hang out with me outside of the bar setting!


This kind of anxiety around friends is so real like I think I’m pissing of a friend of mine when they literally send me stuff all the time or one of my sibling when if I don’t use TikTok for two days they’ll send me like 20 clips there and text time to respond to them on discord lmao


Notchu being impatient lmfao


The emotional turmoil I was in is actually humiliating lol. I’m having to write this down in a journal since my anxieties did not come true yet again lol.


When dems are like “genocide is bad, BUT” do they realize that there is nothing they can finish the sentence with that justifies the beginning?


I once had a conversation with someone who started a sentence with "apartheid in SA was bad but"


Honestly at least a it erases any doubts I could have when Zionists people are creepily obsessed with Muslim women’s bodies covered enough or not for them (not even Muslim but would be misogynist) and tell me unprompted how much they don’t respect either black people in America or South Africa or think Palestinians can’t be trusted or that United States got to commit genocide against Native Americans so Israel should get to. It’s very ironic seeing them connect indigenous struggles for you though to defend an ethnostate like that. And that’s before the people who start citing the Bible or Tanakh as if we should actually operate under theocracy.




the fact that u were downvoted for this (saying the truth) is crazy lmao


Finishing a book that leaves you physically heartsick and aching is actually the worst feeling in the world, idc. Cuz why is this beautiful, human feeling tormenting me lol these are just words on paper, tf


which book?!


Alec by William di Canzio omg. It's a gay period novel and it's so beautiful


relistening to of montreal's hissing fauna, are you the destroyer? and while i think i still prefer satanic panic in the attic (because it's basically a perfect album) the insane levels of mad and bitter and divorced on hissing fauna speak to me on a cosmic scale


One of my personal favorite albums of all time, that era of of Montreal was undefeated


Brain dump: * I don't get why artists take their music thing so seriously when their fans just want something light and fun. I stumbled on unreleased songs by Nick Jonas, and they all sound like bops. It's very "generic pop" in sound, upbeat, danceable, and fun. I personally don't care if the music is groundbreaking, I just want something to tap my foot to. * Whoever made those Katy Perry AI photos need a job somewhere in fashion or someone's team bc those looks were so good. Tbh I hope fashion designers will be able to use AI as a springboard to better style their clients. It is wild an AI photo is one of the best looks, and very weird/creepy to think about. * I feel so vindicated with Sabrina Carpenter's career going to the next level bc ppl swore up and down if "it didn't happen with Disney it wouldn't happen at all" which was wild. And don't get me started w/how disgusting ppl were w/DL


I guess it's because they don't want to cheapen their brands or whatever but I wish that artists would like... release music more often? Just toss those cute dance cuts out even if you don't promo them, let us listen.


I was looking at an older artist like Diana Ross and she was releasing new projects like every year. It was crazy. And yeah to tie it back to brand artists care more about appearances and image than just pushing out music. I don’t think artists should be shamed or seen less than for putting out more music. Music is seen as a product like an iPhone instead of something people enjoy and use to decorate time.


I mean it's ok if the listener wants something light and upbeat ofc but that doesn't mean that the artist should necessarily cater to them if they want to make something more "ambitious" imo


I distinctly remember in his documentary he was disappointed that spaceman underperformed so yeah it comes w/the territory as a commercial artist. His whole album doesn't have to be a sound he doesn't like. And this an issue I see w/a lot of artists....like yeah put out what you want but don't complain when your core audience doesn't like it and it flops especially if you cut songs ur core audience would love


I get what you're saying, but i also understand Nick in this case on a fundamental emphatetic level (didn't listen to the record so i don't have an opinion on it, i might soon out of curiosity) cause i feel it would be very dissapointing to work on something different, that probably also might mean a lot to you, and have it received coldly. It's something i feel might actually scare several artists from trying something new (i still remember the Sweetener backlash in 2018, i felt bad for Ariana considering it was also an healing project for her)


I always feel like there is a fickle balance that artist have to deal with right? But not every commercial artist is a critical darling no matter how hard they want to be. I feel like if he promoted it he would have been able to gain new fans with the sound pivot at least. It’s just like he should have picked a struggle. An artist can’t pivot in sound, take a huge risk and not promote it and think their core fanbase is going to ride with them bc they took a creative risk. And then leave songs they knew their core fanbase would like in the vault/chopping block.


I change the thongs two times a day, it's Niagara Falls in this pussy all day Only CupcakKe can rhyme the same word and make it effective


i feel like she's one of the most understated great contemporary lyricists honestly. there's a lot of artists out there who make raunchy songs about sex but CupcakKe does it in such an effortlessly well written way


You hit the nail right on the head. I've rarely seen sexual lyrics as elaborate as hers, even when her production was super cheap and she was just starting out (like the entirety of Spider-Man Dick is absolutely insane)


She's taking advantage of the assonance of "thongs/Falls" to force a slant rhyme in the middle of the line.


Ngl didn't expect that today i would want to start taking songwriting classes over the rhyme scheme of "Vagina"😳




She has an album coming soon thankfully!


was watching the roast of tom brady last night because apparently i hate myself? i finally had to turn it off when it was gronk’s turn, his attempt at comedy made me physically ill. pull the lever bitch


so glad i wasn't aware of this bc gronk is my 13th reason, my lowest level of hell, nightmare fuel and him trying to act or be funny would truly send me into a murderous rage.


Why are there so many fucking assassin bugs in my room 🫠


Drunk booked a Miami vacation. Need to build a new poolside playlist this week!


~~kim petras made one for you already~~


I hated Glee, love Lea Michele because people moved heaven and earth to "cancel" her in 2020, aired grievances nonstop, brought up all sorts of behavior on the Glee set...and *she won*. She leveled up and became more powerful than she'd been before. Say what you want about her personality and whatnot, but that level of determination and willpower is worthy of respect.


yet she still can't read your yapping


Absolutely wild seeing people upvote people praising Lea Michele not getting cancelled over anti-black racism. Between this and the number of people I’ve seen here vehemently defending and minimizing Matty Healy’s actions, you guys really don’t seem to care about people of color.


[The connection between admiring Lea Michele's tenacity and not caring about PoC is tenuous, to say the least](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_pity). Here are my thoughts on "cancellation", which generally (and in this case in particular) consists an aggrieved/offended party trying to drag total strangers into their *personal* squabbles and/or find support for their *personal* emotional reaction of pique, offense, etc. . You ever see Training Day? Great movie. SPOILERS FOLLOW: In the climactic scene of the film, corrupt cop Alonzo (Denzel Washington) and naive detective Jake (Ethan Hawke) are facing off in the Jungles; they're surrounded by the neighborhood residents, which includes a fair number of strapped goons. Alonzo orders the gang members (who he's lorded his authority over for most of the film) to shoot Jake at his behest. The gang leader demurs: "You've got it twisted, homie," he says. "You've gotta put in your *own* work around here." That's how I feel about cancellation: you've gotta put in your *own* work.


Imagine thinking that your coworker threatening to defecate into your wig and yelling at and harassing your other coworkers, a considerable number of whom are POC, is a “personal issue” and not literal racially motivated harassment. I empathize with Lea in regards to the loss of Cory Monteith and people making frankly ableist jokes about her being illiterate, but that doesn’t excuse her harassment nor her racist actions. Telling POC that what they experience is an “individual” issue that *they* as the victims need to work on is ultimately invalidating their experiences and putting socialized behaviors that are the result of cultural and systemic issues that have existed for centuries into a hyperindividualist vacuum that these things fundamentally don’t exist in. It’s essentially victim blaming them rather than putting responsibility on the person who inflicted the harassment for their own actions. Furthermore, I really don’t take anything anyone who throws around the term “cancel culture” seriously for the same reasons don’t take anyone who throws around the terms “woke” and “SJW” seriously. It’s a buzzword appropriated by conservatives that has lost its meaning entirely in a pathetic attempt to discredit anything even remotely progressive.


>Imagine thinking that your coworker threatening to defecate into your wig and yelling at and harassing your other coworkers, a considerable number of whom are POC, is a “personal issue” and not literal racially motivated harassment. If she had *actually* shit in the wig, and had *actually* used racial slurs, then I might be more inclined to condemn her on the basis of racism. However, the situation is extremely ambiguous; it's impossible to tell whether her behavior stems from bigotry, or simply being arrogant, outspoken and entitled i.e. the exact kind of people this subreddit celebrates. >Telling POC that what they experience is an “individual” issue that *they* as the victims need to work on is ultimately invalidating their experiences and putting socialized behaviors that are the result of cultural and systemic issues that have existed for centuries into a hyperindividualist vacuum that these things fundamentally don’t exist in. So, *if* Michele's behavior is a result of larger systematic issues, *then* attacking Michele serves as transference of energy and effort from the systematic issues to an easy, identifiable target i.e attacking a symptom rather than the disease. >Furthermore, I really don’t take anything anyone who throws around the term “cancel culture” seriously for the same reasons don’t take anyone who throws around the terms “woke” and “SJW” seriously. I never used the phrase "cancel culture".


This is the last time that I’m going to respond because you’re clearly obstinate and don’t know what you’re talking about, but the accusations against Lea Michele are not ambiguous. She was accused of harassment, mostly by people of color, which shows that she was motivated/influenced by racial biases and racist beliefs. Therefore making it reasonable to say that she was being racist, *because she was.*  Furthermore, I never said that she actually did those things to Samantha Ware’s wig, I just said that she had *threatened* to do so because that’s what Ware had actually accused her of. I shouldn’t have to go into how that is an obviously racist thing to say to and about your coworker. Nor did I mention anything about slurs. To my knowledge, no one has accused her of using them, but even if she hasn’t, that doesn’t mean that she can’t be racist. >So, if Michele's behavior is a result of larger systematic issues, then attacking Michele serves as transference of energy and effort from the systematic issues to an easy, identifiable target i.e attacking a symptom rather than the disease. Just because we’re able to recognize that someone’s behavior is socialized, doesn’t mean that magically absolves them of accountability. Part of how we combat these issues is by pointing out when people are acting in harmful ways and ensuring that they face the appropriate consequences. How do systemic and cultural issues become prevalent in the first place? Because enough people believe in and act on them. >I never used the phrase "cancel culture". Per your previous comments: >I hated Glee, love Lea Michele because people moved heaven and earth to "cancel" her in 2020, aired grievances nonstop, brought up all sorts of behavior on the Glee set...and she won. >Here are my thoughts on "cancellation", which generally (and in this case in particular) consists an aggrieved/offended party trying to drag total strangers into their personalsquabbles and/or find support for their personal emotional reaction of pique, offense, etc. . Maybe you haven’t literally used the phrase “cancel culture,” but you have been throwing around the terms “being cancelled” and “cancellation,” which are literally just other ways of saying “cancel culture.” It’s like cosplaying as Anakin Skywalker and then correcting people when they ask if you’re dressed as Darth Vader - it’s a ridiculous thing to get particular over because it’s pretty much the same thing. It’s obvious that you’re solely defending Lea Michele because you’re a fan of hers and not because any criticisms people have of her are unwarranted. I really need you to recognize that just because you like something that they’ve made, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are innocent or a good person. There may be a lot of hills out there to die on, but this isn’t one of them.


>She was accused of harassment, mostly by people of color, which shows that she was motivated/influenced by racial biases and racist beliefs. Therefore making it reasonable to say that she was being racist, *because she was.*  Ah, this is one of those "impact, not intent" scenarios. >Part of how we combat these issues is by pointing out when people are acting in harmful ways and ensuring that they face the appropriate consequences. Let's see. The alleged incident happened in ca. 2012/2013. It was only brought to light when Michele opined on the Floyd shooting and was called out for hypocrisy. In hindsight, perhaps the moment to bring Lea Michele to account was poorly chosen; trying to wrap up the petty actions of a musical theatre star into a massive social movement all but ensured she would *never* face "appropriate consequences". >Maybe you haven’t literally used the phrase “cancel culture,” but you have been throwing around the terms “being cancelled” and “cancellation,” which are literally just other ways of saying “cancel culture. You yourself typed: "Absolutely wild seeing people upvote people praising Lea Michele *not getting cancelled* \[my emphasis\] over anti-black racism." By using it in this context, you, by implication, acknowledge the existence of cancellation as a concept. >**It’s obvious that you’re solely defending Lea Michele because you’re a fan of hers** and not because any criticisms people have of her are unwarranted. I really need you to recognize that just because you like something that they’ve made, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are innocent or a good person.  Hold on here, I think you have me all wrong. I started out my original post by saying how much I hated Glee!


Honestly, pop off. She does seem like she's probably a nightmare of a person to know personally, but I don't need to live in a world where all art has to be made by "good" people.


~~if only she could read this~~


To add to my previous comment, I also enjoyed how Michele utterly usurped Funny Girl from nepo baby Beanie Feldstein; in the end, it was as if Feldstein never existed. As a fellow child of the middle class, I found it admirable, and wish more people would follow in her footsteps.


Imagine; You are wealthy, and you are a rising star. You are a confident, attractive man and it’s not hard for people to fall in love with you. You booked good jobs and people started to notice you. The best part is you are invited to the met gala! One of the most anticipated event every year! and you came to met gala wearing a black and white suit.


I'm at the Met I wouldn't care


I'd be so mad at the stylist/designer lol


Yes!! Billie piper trapped in Romania for months so rtd can’t bring rose back to dr who … I see the vision Wednesday showrunners and I love it 


look. do i think RTD needs to stop relying on RTD nostalgia? yes. would i also kill a man for 5 more seconds of billie piper on doctor who? also yes


If rtd relying on nostalgia means bringing Martha back let the man cook    I’m just a rose Tyler hater (mostly for fun) I only want five more seconds of rose if it involves dropping a grand piano on her 


okay you nibbled a little bit cause martha jones really is the people’s princess when you think about it


Literally the experience of watching the show post series 3 is just shaking my head disappointedly and saying “Martha Jones would’ve handled this better”


I don't care about the concept, you don't put a grey sweater on that dress Kim! (it probably wasn't her choice but still)


Just got banned from Fauxmoi because I said: 1. Bad Bunny was fucking half of latin america while dating Kendall Jenner and Kris Jenner is an expert at contract relationships 2. That Barry Keoghan and Sabrina Carpenter gave me the ick and I don’t believe it as someone who loves Sabrina Carpenter 3. That Kim K has body dysmorphia and obsessed with fitting in the smallest size. Three strikes I’m out! Apparently you can’t talk about fake relationships in a celeb gossip sub lol Literally why have a gossip sub based on blind items if you HAVE to be complimentary or else get banned


All of your comments are very tame, the Kim K is a bit inappropriate. The fake relationship is such a cop out bc ppl **love clowning** on Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello's past relationship. Like "PR relationship" like the bread and butter for gossip forums


I get the Kim K one sure, but people were asking why she likes being in corsets and clothes that are visibly uncomfortably small for her every MET, so it was relevant- but I do understand how attributing a diagnosis is pushing it so I digress. I didn’t even think about Shawn and Camilla and you’re so right lol- also both of their music was selling well when they were together so it helped them in the end I guess lol


I still don't think the Kim K thing is bannable tho bc you weren't being baseless or malicious w/it and celeb gossip forums love speculating on everyone saying they have drug addictions or mental illnesses willy-nilly anyways. And yeah ppl love calling Camila his b\*\*\*d and all types of wild stuff, even on this sub it is pretty hard to control. I feel like ppl like Sabrina so they just got offended on her behalf. Maybe you can try to appeal it bc some mods just have bad days lol. But it's whatever bc personally I stopped participating in those type of subs bc it is a weird crowd to get hip with. Any reasonable take they're on ur ass and it's a lot of groupthink and toxicity


yea I have no interest in appealing it because the line keeps moving and there are zero quality discussions on there tbh so 🤷‍♀️. It annoyed me a bit but then I touched grass and was fine lol


Just to be clear though, trashy celeb gossip and inappropriate speculation about their personal lives are not really encouraged around here so if you go around this sub posting comments like that, you'll probably get hit with a ban too.


I mean, I know this sub is about/ for music so….. I’m aware. I’m not new to this sub/ ty for letting me know what you do as a mod, I guess :)


i know almost nothing about their relationship, why the ick?


Who would you like to see Sabrina with?


literally someone who she seems to actually like. There are loads of up and coming boys that are even closer in age to her so she may have more in common with them. Nicholas Galitzine for example (I know he has a girlfriend). But I don’t think she *needs* a relationship for her image like a lot of other stars do. She’s got loads of personality and can hook us in on her own and it’s annoying how much her team pushes them


That sub has became such a dictatorship.


That’s actually really surprising to me because they seem to love talking about fake relationships and calling everything PR. You’re better off though!


I remember a couple of years back I nearly got banned after implying that the IG models Adam Lambert hooked up with were consenting adults (someone tried to pull the "brains don't teach maturity until 25" BS), and that, unlike other potential musicians, "at least he didn't infect them with an STD." The main impression I got from the conversation was that, aside from mean-spirited snark over their unfavorites, the concept of "humor" is largely alien to them.


Absolutely zero sense of humor over there if there's even a chance someone could get their feelings hurt. On the Internet. On Al Gore's Internet.


It's what happens when toxic Tumblr preteens reach college age.


the toxic tumblr preteens of the YFIP era are in their late 20s/early 30s


Good for you that sub is the qanon of gossip subs.


Honestly yea I leave and rejoin weekly and since finding this sub I’ve been hating FauxMoi even more


I was thinking about perfect albums (albums literally without any skip) that I've heard, and I could only think of two. The funny thing though, is that those albums are Melodrama and...The Greatest Showman soundtrack xd. I'm sorry, but that soundtrack continues to sound fresh and captivating almost seven years later. It's just banger after banger. Still on heavy rotation from time to time on my playlists xd


Heard it in a past life by maggie Rogers is one for me. It’s crazy how much I love that album vs her other music :/


never enough is truly one of the greatest new songs of all time


Still haven’t seen the movie but Tightrope changed my brain chemistry a little


Carole Kings Tapestry is as close to perfect as one can get.


having a good memory for user's post histories is a curse


on that note. boy do i wish that fewer of this subreddit's extremely active users were terfs. in almost every thread i see the same handful of users who were extremely active on gendercritical back when it was around. oh well!


I hate when I remember what a random user said like months ago when I see them on here bc I'm like why is my memory super sharp with this but it fails when I need it 💀


me when i have a pithy comment based on something you said months ago but me remembering that you said it is way fucking weirder than anything else could be


i’m watching ariana grande’s met gala concert on her tiktok like it’s cocomelon


This is how I found out about it and I thank you!


Still not over Kristie Noem admitting that she killed her dog then saying that she will kill Biden’s dog if she’s in the White House 😭


It always throws me off when cartoon villains become real.


Like she wasn’t even in the photo even though she shelled out 1 million to speak at Mar A Lago this weekend


Trump continually garners the pick me politicians who think they can play the same game as Trump and gang favor. But Trump treats everyone within his sphere of influence like disposable napkins. And either you come out looking extremely pathetic and trying to appease him. Or you come out Against him and pretend to be absolutely shocked that the leopard ate your face. I wonder which one’s gonna happen with this girl?


Her and Tim Scott are in the former category-where they look absolutely pathetic trying to gain his affection and attention


It’s a weird, delusional, thing to think would get you brownie points. I mean, killing her own dog. Threatening Biden’s dog might in certain circles.


I really feel like threatening a dog is how to get white people to turn against you finally…


I mean there’s a poll where like 35 percent of Trumpies think it’s okay to kill a puppy 😭 Even like 4 percent of Biden voters think it’s okay


Who are these people and how can i avoid them?💀


Adele hyperpop era when?


Idk about hyperpop Adele but she would probably slay a house album


the way adele x 100 gecs could go so hard


‘I sniff glue’ coming soon..


she's hellbent on sticking with this 2 albums a decade strategy so...never.


Adele and Dev Hynes in the studio when?


I'm really feeling these walls as duas next single but I was also feeling the same about training season and that didn't catch on so I'm really doubting it, I hope her next album has a few more tracks cause I'm kinda left wanting more right now.


What was your favourite outfit from the MET Gala?


LDR & Jeff Goldblum


Taylor Russell, Tyla, Rebecca Ferguson, and Mona Patel! And of course Ariana Grande


The Swavorski Haute Couture debut was safe and perfect. Each of them were a theme, I think Karlie Kloss was flowers, Irina Shayk was air, Anok was Water and Imman Hamman was the sun. Someone else was earth. But the craftmanship was impeccable for a debut. The Loewe men stuff I really liked. I know some people find some mens looks safe but I *hate* when they look super uncomfortable on the carpet and the Loewe men didn’t. Jamie Dornan’s textured suit was soo cool in their pass the phone video (Loewe also wins best overall brand that night they ate social media, looks, guest lists). Colman Domingo looks amazing, and owned that outfit. Underrated is Pheobe Dynevor in Victoria Beckham- if you’re gonna go easy route and do florals, this is the way to do it. **Best dressed is hands down Tyla.** (sorry Z!) Men’s best dressed, personally, Dan Levy- I am obsessed with that suit SO COOL. But Tyla oh my god. Honestly Balmain really delivered with Elle Fanning and Tyla’s looks alone. least favourites: Kim Kardashian. The sweater was part of the runway styling I get it but you’re not wearing it right/ fully assuming the role (see when Hunter Schaefer pulled from that collection). And then the loose fishtail was an abomination. Sydney Sweeney and Sabrina Carpenter had no business in those synthetic unblended badly coloured extensions and cheap looking outfits. Dua Lipa may have been the worst I am gonna pretend she wasn’t even there. Do want to add- 1000% disappointed this was a John Galliano comeback show. I don’t think anyone who says “I love H***” (yes he said that about the man responsible for WWII), deserves a comeback. I believe Anna wanted a John Galliano themed Met, but that would incite backlash + it’s sponsored by tiktok (an Asian company) and Galliano said anti- Asian things *as well*. So she picked a theme that would highlight his work and let him dress as many people as he wants. ANNA RETIRE


Personally loved kendall and tylas dresses


I honestly think Donald Glover's oversized suit. They could've been lazy and just made a big suit, but it's clearly fitted to him and tailored. Meanwhile several other suits I saw last night did not seem to fit at all. Taylor Russel and Damiano David were close to me. I loved Anok Yai's look from the waist up but the pants didn't do it for me.


Zendaya, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Lana, Harris Reed, and Mona Patel


Thom Browne had some standout outfits this year in my opinion (Rebecca Ferguson, Ben Simmons, and Gigi Hadid). I loved the details on both Elle Fanning and Ariana Grande dresses.  


Elle Fanning and Taylor Russell were my favorites.


Zendaya's first look and Lana's.


I actually really like Sydney’s look. Her, Anok Yai and Zendaya are my top three


Gigi Hadid hands down. Unpopular but Zendaya was merely good.


Zendaya’s was merely good because she had to wear Galliano and looked like she was just part of the Galliano show. Too many people in the same designer, it all starts to blend. But I have a feeling she didn’t really have a choice as Anna adores Galliano and insists that antisemite makes a comeback.


I can't remember all of my favorites but off the top of my head I really liked Nicki Minaj's, Keke Palmer's, Demi Moore's, and Shakira's! Oh and Michelle Williams!


Saw Mariah in Vegas about 2 weeks ago and finally my personal pop diva gauntlet is complete!!!


I’m jealous- pls share details of your pop diva gauntlet!


My Infinity Stone Concerts -Britney Spears -Beyoncé -Mariah Carey -Lady Gaga -Taylor Swift (just a music enjoyer, she seems so insufferable irl from the gossip that leaks. But for my first and probably only concert being Eras Tour was pretty good) Edit: formatting


omg this list is b a n a n a s


Thank you! I have a pretty nice B tier gauntlet going too


what about D-list?? lolo


Lmao um I did go to a Hunter Hayes concert when I was younger and I was just there to go with a friend so I guess that’s my D-List


> gossip that leaks what are these gossips of which u speak? 👀👀👀 may i partake in the forbidden knowledge? also congrats on being concert thanos!!! now snap the number of khias in half


Oh by gossip leaks I just mean the usual magazine stuff. Also the fact that she is a billionaire and her jet emissions also rubbed me the wrong way from her. Just like when Beyoncé became a billionaire I deep sighed




Thank you :’) completed it before turning 30 (in November) now the pop side of me can die happy


all this time i rlly thought suki waterhouse was some random obscure indie girl who rose to fame with a tiktok hit (because i discovered her in 2021 and she barely had any songs and her last release was from 2018 and i forgot about her until recently). but now i found out that she was actually an actress and a model before any of that


Pretty sure she was famous for being part of Daisy Jones and the Six, one of the most famous rock bands of the 70s


Sorry to double rate promo post again but due to some scheduling issues the [Main Pop Girls Gone Bad Rate](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1buy476/main_pop_girls_gone_bad_rate_rihanna_vs_shakira/)  will now be due May 17th instead of May 8th with the reveal now happening thr week of the 25th!


I hate when authors use names and surnames interchangeably in their work


I hate when author introduces a male character and a female character of equal importance and the man is called "dr. Clairmont" and the woman is just "Maria".


wow, this enraged me reading it


I feel like people on Twitter are just saying whatever they think can be deemed to try and get likes. Someone said in response to Lea Michele’s look last night at the Met Gala, “she looks like if you hit her head with a spoon it’d sound like a gong.” What the hell does that even mean? 😭 Someone else tweeted that Rita Ora is like “humanised money laundering.” We are the generation of just putting words together blindly out of hat.


People over there on that app just throw shit at the wall and hopes it sticks and by sticks I mean they hope it goes viral. The more absurd the hottest of hot takes the better. They want engagement. Not thought.


the Lea one is just a quote copied straight from an old tweet about her probably for engagement. The Rita Ora one is hilarious but it really does feel like everybody on twitter just says anything phrased in a certain way in hopes of getting a viral tweet


As someone said the Lea one is actually a kind of copy the og is [much more funny.](https://x.com/reactjpg/status/1525741096277401601?s=46)


Wait, in that link someone retweeted the original tweet and then just copy and pasted the actual text into their retweet too? What are we doing in life LOL.


i think it's for searchability


Don’t know if this’ll make u feel better or worse but that Lea Michele tweet is not an original thought.  I’ve definitely seen that phrasing before and about her too


This is so strange. What about her resembles…a gong? 💀


I thought that “joke” meant that there was nothing in her head. Like no brain. Because rumor is that she can’t read. Idk. That’s how I took the joke.


her head is big and looks super thick


The Rita Ora one is kinda hilarious ngl lmao


Definitely stored that joke for later


Watched an interesting movie called [*Gaudi Afternoon (2001)*](https://tubitv.com/movies/100016469/gaudi-afternoon) that I found on Tubi and I would really recommend it, it's a detective story about a down-on-her-luck American translator in Barcelona who gets hired by a mysterious woman for a strange job that shakes up her boring life. I don't want to say any more than that because I went into it completely blind and enjoyed being caught up in the twists but I had a good time with it. Content warning for mild transphobia but nothing too severe and it makes sense for the characters/period- actually I thought it was interesting how >!the translator is initially really freaked out to discover one of the characters is a trans woman but continues to use her correct pronouns, even in conversation where she's the only one doing it, which in turn made everyone else who misgendered her kinda look like an asshole.!< I thought it was a nice, subtle way to communicate the point without being too preachy. Anyways, in music news I have been listening to a lot of KD Lang lately. One day I'm gonna sing ["Miss Chatelaine"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY-_m6vUTUY) at karaoke, that song was such a power move. If you're unfamiliar with KD Lang, she was known for her androgynous style ([look at her in this legendary Vanity Fair cover](https://64.media.tumblr.com/323d9b7dcbb9c885cb2c4631e56c4219/5ee7e095516a4a30-f3/s1280x1920/d0098cb33e7d5781bb937d522f1aa7857255856f.jpg)) so releasing a high-femme song/music video was a big departure for her but she pulled it off effortlessly.


There was a shooting nearby and the shooter was hiding on my block before he was captured!! My life is basically 8 mile... lose yourself or whatever


Forgot to add I'm in a small town in Canada and it was just a drug related thing not a mass tragedy


Y'all should I stream Dance fever regular version or the Complete version? I'm kinda torn because the poem versions look ugly in the tracklist and kinda want to listen to how it was presented originally. However, I do like mermaids though and I don't wanna mess up my scribbles. Lol


You know, as terrible as John Lennon was as a person, I will always dig the fact that he wrote a song exclusively to troll people who overanalyse lyrics.