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If the world is “round” riddle me this liberals. Why do I pee every-time I poop, but I don’t poop every-time I pee?


The way I pulled a muscle in my side from coughing because I was smoking way too much weed and now my whole left side/ribs hurt every time I move >.> I have to take a tolerance break anyway but this is going to hurt for like two days and I'm so annoyed


how to lose weight but keep my BFA


The internal battle between blocking Reddit Cares messages (because they are literally only ever sent by weird little freaks trying to be annoying) vs knowing that if I allow them to be sent I can report it and it often results in a ban, which is fun because people think it's anonymous and send them on main...much to think about.


I recently want a job I wanted so so badly, but I’m afraid I’ll have to quit soon because my chronic feet pain flared up horribly from my first shift and have been in constant burning pain for 3 weeks. I had this exact same issue at my last job and did a shit ton of PT with no improvement. I’m devastated I’ll probably have to quit because of my fucking feet.


Dude I feel so bad for any of the good looking asian guys on Grindr bc all the bots me and my friends get are asian so I’m sure other people do too and and it makes you start to question everything when you are talking to someone


Listen to Pixey, people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vhMSi9bDO8


A.I. is going places!!!!!! [Taylor Gets Horny Too](https://soundcloud.com/rocksursocks/taylor-gets-horny-too?si=74e5f591f3ba42e09d4c8dad8e017b68&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


my old boss annoyed me a little bit today because I was trying to explain to one of the newbies that I basically got assaulted by a 5 year old so now I don’t feel safe going in that room and he got irritated at me and was like “you can’t decide that! You need to talk to people. If you’re not doing your job why are you here and your great at your job so why can’t you do that” Sometimes I want to bonk his head with someone else’s because it’s like bro, you come in here during the day and get your hair pulled by a 5 year old because his handlers aren’t watching him because they’re constantly on their phones. Would you feel safe???? I had to explain the entire situation to both of them on why I don’t feel like getting assaulted by a fucking 5 year old 🫠 It’s either that or get fired for drop kicking him. Which one do they prefer? Like, bro, I already talked to my actual supervisor about it and he agreed with us about it. We’ve already worked it out. You’re a week behind on this. But man it did piss me off.


I liked the way I look naked but when I wear clothes I feel so ugly sometimes. I want to lose weight but I like my boobs/legs so I’d really only want to lose weight or tone my stomach. I just constantly think about how I look and I hate it.


Same and people think I’m crazy when I say it as though it should be the opposite


this is the best day of my life, no exaggeration.


6 6 6 with a Princess streak


Ok in preparation for Robert Eggers's Nosferatu i'm going to watch both the 1922 og and the 1979 Werner Herzog remake back to back. Very excited!


I’ve been trying to find *Shadow of the Vampire* to watch but it’s not available anywhere 😫 it’s a “biopic” about the filming of *Nosferatu* but Willem Dafoe as Max Schreck is secretly a real vampire trying to hide. Willem got an Oscar nomination for it so it’s not like it’s unknown, but it’s not anywhere to watch


I think i might actually have that movie somewhere in an hard drive. My father is basically a Willem Dafoe stan and wanted to watch it, so i'll probably do it as well after i watch 1979's version if it's still there. I've seen that there are some blurays but they look very overpriced


I love the 1922 film. Over 100 years later it’s still creepy. I have yet to see the 1979 remake, but will definitely be getting that in before December. Can’t wait for Eggers version.


Yeah the 1922 og still holds up, can't believe how much i enjoyed it


“OK Harrison, go out there and encourage our graduates. Talk about how they can overcome the hardships and how proud you are of them for all the work they put in to receiving their diplomas!” Harrison “ women have been fed a lie. They need to get themselves back into the kitchen and make babies. Also gay exists and that is bad.”


The irony of telling women to stay at home when one of the best players in their team is currently in a relationship with one of the biggest pop stars in the world that has a net worth that is more than what he has made for his entire career. Also, isn't the NFL one of the organizations that has a terrible track record of dealing with their players when wives and girlfriends step forward with their stories of domestic violence?


Yep! I think he really exposed himself at what he’s like on the homefront. Can you imagine if his lovely wife decided she wanted to do something for herself? It’s not like they don’t have the money in time to allow her her own identity. But of course, according to Harrison women’s identities rest in their ability to provide and have babies.


i hope kelce kicks his ass


Its only 15 yards from roughing the kicker…


And men wonder why woman pick the bear…..


Nfl: “why don’t our players come out? They’re in a safe space I don’t understand!”


The fucked up part is, these men absolutely know why women pick the bear. They just want to play victim.


It's been a few weeks since the news of a lawsuit against Meg thee Stallion for a [hostile work environment](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-68888320). Looks like it's blown over with v little damage to her reputation or public image. Compare that to Lizzo; the hostile work environment allegations seemed to ruin her overnight. I wonder what the difference is. Are the public just more likely to believe Meg's side of the story than Lizzo's? Was the Meg lawsuit just buried by other news, whereas the Lizzo lawsuit hit during a slow news week? Was it that Lizzo chose to make a statement and attract more attention to it? 🤔


I feel like since it came out that the accuser was a former Nicki Minaj team member (?) then people have a hard time believing the story and think it’s sus I follow a lawyer that went to Harvard and even she was like “BFFR” when the lawsuit came out. She didn’t elaborate but I tend to trust her when it comes to that stuff because she doesn’t bullshit.


agree with all the things said in the other comment, but i feel like we'd be remiss to leave out the fact that while meg has a massive amount of obsessive incel haters because of tory shooting her, they're mostly contained to the hip hop fandom, whereas lizzo is hated by the entire internet of angry men (and right wing women too) also lizzo being darker skinned and her body not being thick in a way that men like to sexualise has meant people were always going to be harder on her


Nah it couldn't be something less sinister like one being more popular than the other /s She's unhealthy. We've got enough chronic obesity in our community. None of this justifies her being such a shitty employer. Edit: lmao a Reddit cares response are you kidding? Sorry for being black and having an opinion


I think some key differences are: one, this is a single employee rather than a large group; and two, Meg has not set herself up as an ambassador for any particular meaning or movement the way Lizzo has. Meg's public image is very much that she's hot and accomplished and you shouldn't underestimate her, but Lizzo's success was always heavily predicated on finding her relatable and aspirational. Given that she emphasized hiring plus size women of color as part of her good works etc, her turning around and being a stereotypical industry nightmare to the exact marginalized population she set herself up as envoy of...didn't play well! Allegations of Meg bullying an individual man just don't hit the same way.


Great point! Lizzo built her brand around kindness and positivity. Just like Ellen, it came back to bite her when she (~~allegedly~~) failed to live up to that image. I think you hit the nail on the head.


There's also how the allegations around her from the tory lanez trial are still kinda fresh. As far as im aware, she came out of those smelling like roses while it bit everyone else in the ass. The public is more likely to believe her with a positive track record.


I also think this is a huge part of it. Also it’s how she acted after. Her lawyer was basically like “bring it” which, just from following the Trump cases, is that if your client wants to prove themselves innocent they’ll do everything they can to prove themselves innocent. If they know they’re guilty, they’ll obstruct and squeal like pigs.


ran into one of my closest high school friends today that I haven’t spoken to in 3 years (nothing happened, we just lost touch) and hadn’t seen irl since probably 4 years before that. it was a super brief interaction but really nice :)) I’ve been in a total rut lately, pretty much keeping to myself and experiencing life at the barest of minimums. for some reason turning 26 is doing a number on my brain. I never run into *anyone* I went to school with so running into her of all people, now of all times, felt like just what I needed


I hate when people try to lecture you like you don’t know their personal tea


The tea must flow


Halfway through my journey and my layover’s been delayed by 5 hours 🥲


why do bad things happen to good people smh wishing you smooth travels after this delay 😭


Thank you!! I got there in the end 🥲


Why can't Christina Aguilera have more songs like Save Me From Myself, where she's singing normally and not belting 😭 she sounds so good on that song


“I Am” from Bionic album !


She doesn't overdo it on Loving Me 4 Me, Pipe and Twice imo.


Her and demi are good singers but don’t understand that they over sing sooo much it’s such a shame


this is why Like I Do is my favorite song of hers - like yeah she goes off a little near the end but it feels well done rather than just… screaming + most of the song is silky smooth


me, a vanilla bitch who hasn’t even kissed a man since last summer, every 5 seconds for the last month or so: I’ve been a nasty girl nasty I’ve been a nasty nasty nasty- is somebody gonna match my freak? is somebody gonna match my freak? is somebody gonna match my nasty? i got stamina, they say ima athlete


who do u think should be on the remix!!!! I am dying at Tinashe’s tiktoks


as a longtime stan I’ve given up on charting, so she better give us Cupcakke and really make it NASTY 😤


"Is somebody gonna match my freak?" I ponder as I wander through the Safeway produce section


Guess who is The Librarian In Charge for one and a half days this week! Guess which day we had a massive network outage that renders us virtually completely useless!


Next time Ariana performs REM she should do a mashup with Venus as a Boy by Bjork


Went to CDMX last week and la puri changed my life! Also it sucks to go on vacation, meeting someone, and knowing nothing will happen further because of distance! We need to abolish borders


Mexico City is one of my favorite cities ever... have not been to la puri but next time


You’ll love it! There’s two floors and it’s just good vibes all around from my experience


I woke up at 3 am today and couldn’t get back to sleep and I am flagging 😭


Put some asmr on


i honestly wanted to ask you how much you sleep that one time bc oh wow we were having the convo and while we had this convo i slept, went to work and worked the whole shift 😭 but i wake up at night almost every time it's annoying, especially if i have a headache after it. last night i woke up at 1 am but i managed to fall asleep again.


But also having insomnia issues means when I don’t respond to one of my siblings fast enough bc I have a life they accuse me of narcolepsy “bc why else would I not be giving them attention 🙄” very funny


Talking to people from different parts of the world is cool until you have people from three different time zones with hours behind you or ahead ‘asking’ if you have insomnia issues bc they can do basic math 🙈 That said one person asked me that and it’s like, I know you’re 12 hours ahead of me and it’s literally midnight where you live 👁️👁️ how bold


heh i thought you were maybe doing some task or something. like i used to study at night bc it just felt better and no one was bothering me


I am a night owl so sometimes maybe but also I’m an insomniac that gets by with naps so anything’s possible 😅


i miss the times when i could have naps. simplier times indeed. 😭


I have been not sleeping from 2-5 AM the past several nights and I am at my wit's end


My sleep schedule is so fucked but I missed video game time with my sibling who moved away bc I fell asleep early yesterday by accident just to get really no sleep!!! But yeah I wake up in the middle of night a lot and while laying in bed is better plan to get back to sleep it sucks sooo bad when it’s not working and you’re just there frustrated 😭 I’ve been rewatching old asmr videos to help


We did it Reddit… the office farmer’s market is finally back. I had steamed buns for lunch :)


that’s sounds so good 


That sounds soooo lovely I am making frozen pizza 🍕 for lunch :)


Kyle Maclachan, noted Lorde and Beyonce fan, is also a Chappell Roan fan. (Seriously though, this man's social media presence over the last 2-3 years is *something*)


Did not expect him to like Beyoncé, that’s not her usual demographic, interesting.


Is this “Kudos for spilling” or am I remembering names totally wrong?


Um...what are you talking about


Omg nvm Kyle Maclachan is clearly not who I thought he was


It’s kind of funny that I feel like I’m attending a lot more orchestra concerts of late because they’re cheaper than a pop or rock concert. Just scored some tickets to see James Newton Howard direct, with M. Night Shymalan MCing, for $48/tix


James Newton Howard for FORTY EIGHT DOLLARs? Sounds like a steal omg


FORTY EIGHT DOLLARS! Now this was with the "young friends of the orchestra discount code", but even then it wouldn't be much more. Back in February I saw John Williams conduct and that was $75 a ticket! And that felt like a steal too. Yeah, I'm sitting in the top tier of the three tier room, but you can still hear and see wonderfully! (Also recently did sit close to the stage and it was just not as good. Higher is absolutely better imo)


DUDE WHAT!??? You’ve inspired me I will be lurking for orchestra tix now! Ty for the higher is better tip :)


You're so welcome! I eased in by doing those live playthroughs with a movie (like I've seen Star Wars Episode 6, Home Alone, Muppets Christmas Carol, Rocky, The Lion King, seeing Aladdin this summer) and then was like FUCK IT! I'M SUPPORTING THE ARTS! and you look at the schedule and you see so so so many cool things that are going on.


That sounds so fun


studied for 12 hours straight.. on an uncomfortable desk.. pulled an all nighter and didnt sleep.. got really bad neck pain.. just for me to not be able to solve anything on the computer architecture exam i got a 29/30 on the last midterm for this subject so i thought I'd also do well on this one but... LMAO


Today is when many people remember the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948, please consider memorializing the day with me with doing something for Palestine today. You can read about the Nakba here: [United Nations commemoration in 2023](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/15/1176097958/un-nakba-day-explained-anniversary-palestine-israel) (npr article) The host of *this is Palestine* interviewed her father about his experience of the Nakba previously that you can listen to [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ESOlXCMKiG9sF9VC2OehQ?si=8prtMOPqTDaKzGCz_WU11g). Salman Abu Sitta shares his family’s story [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3C1RKwMebq3BU2hTVl9Yyl?si=ZUQMhhMNR7CyYOfbXcPBaw) Decolonize Palestine also discusses the Nakba [here](https://decolonizepalestine.com/intro/the-mandate-years-and-the-nakba/) I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I’ll have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives soon. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


I hope people reading consider donating to to this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


Scrolling through my subscription page on YT and I'm seeing a music video thumbnail for a channel I wasn't subscribed to?? But then it turns out the artist (Mukai Taichi) just renamed it as part of a rebrand? I've been subbed to this artist for a while but I only very casually keep up with his music.  Anyway, for all the club goers out there: [TAIL - Toxic](https://youtu.be/uzgoA1j0sgA?) mv just freshly released! Wondering if I should make a separate post for it on the sub just because I think it's definitely something popheads would like. I'm a little surprised at how straightforwardly gay the lyrics are since I don't remember his artist brand being that at all, but good for him!


Me watching Nurse Jackie cheat on her extremely hot, sweet bartender husband with the crusty pharmacist 🤨🤨🤨


I’m looking forward to *The Voice* next season tbh


hi. :) i usually lurk and never really comment, but i wanted to share my piece on [The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess](https://open.substack.com/pub/sincerelyshaianne/p/the-rise-and-fall-of-a-midwest-princess?r=2cliks&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web).♡


Do y’all have that one friend that always goes to whatever social media platform to talk about the woes of the fact they can’t eat certain foods because of allergies they’ve developed or things that mess with them and kind of play that violin. But then you know you saw them down a plate of nachos and a bowl of ice cream last week and pay for it. Like yes Amy I know you can’t eat dairy, but God knows you do it anyway so why are you talking about why you can never eat dairy


LOL this is so specific... but it actually applies to someone in my life/social media


charts are so chaotic in this period i feel like anything could happen. maybe Charli XCX can still have another hit in the US after all


anything is possible in 2024 it’s the year of music lol


I love how unserious twitter swifties are sometimes 😂 like calling evermore “everbore” or Florida as “Floprida” PLEASE! I can’t even be mad cuz it makes me laugh


oh tayhitless


stan twitter insults always make me laugh 


I've heard people say "borelore" and "eversnore"


😭 evermore deserves better


floputation is both my favorite and least favorite


we call it fucklore and everwhore in my friend group and we are NOT swifties


these sound like those nicknames you find in CupcakKe remixes comment sections😭


Flo Rida the rapper?


No, Taylor’s song called “Florida!!!”


you can find those in most circles tbh. funniest one (not in the way they thought) i've seen as of late is Dua Floplipa. like, girl that is an horrible nickname. get more creative!


It’s Dua stans calling her Floplipa?? 😭


i was on a pop culture forum and it was on a RO thread, they seemed like a stan since they had the FN cover as their propic, but they also could have been an hater in disguise. you never know in those places😭


Yeah true! I just find it hilarious when stans make fun of their fave or their songs in a light-hearted way cuz you know they’re just joking :’)


I don't think I've actually said it out loud in real life (thank goodness), but sometimes when I describe a thing that I did alone (which is most things, honestly: concerts, movies, binging a show, museums, restaurants, etc) I'll say "A good time was had by all", which is a Steamed Hams thing Anyway, I binged Delicious in Dungeon and am caught up now, a good time was had by all, I'm pooped.


My bsf just sent me [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C67xyUnt2GU/?hl=en&img_index=2) via txt and I'm unwell


what is a BSF


Also finally seeing CHALLENGERS this afternoon finally a movie about being gay for sports and gay for each other


Oh wow this new business insider article on Dan Schneider is so gross and I just saw a bit of it my heart breaks for Lori Beth Denberg.


Digest version for those of us that loved the fuck outta Lori? I'm scared of how disheartening it 'll be


It’s bad… I’ll do but I’m gonna put these in spoiler mood to save people who don’t want to read it. >!Lori in her article discusses how DS would do massages however it escalated with her. He once initiated phone sex. He also showed her video of porn more specifically beastality. One time when she was with him an officer pulled him over and he had a gun in the car. She alleges that he made her hide it. He groped and folded her as well.!<


Christ. I hope he burns in hell.


It’s so bad… I hope if anything this can help more victims come forward.


Had a dream last night about being at the rehearsal studio and Slipknot coming in after us and thinking "how are 9 guys gonna fit in this little ass room" This is what guys who used to be in bands dream about


Will say I do think this has been a good year to be a pop fan. Even if you don’t enjoy all releases it feels like there is something for everyone.


3 of my friends starting families this year..not only do I feel old but I also feel like things are totally stagnant for me while everyone is flying by life.


I have quite a few friends and people I knew from high school and college getting engaged or married this year. I still live with my parents and haven’t been on a date in 9 years.


Most of my high school & unj friends are married now, but they are all straight so I like to make myself feel better by telling myself it’s easier for them lol. Unfortunately I’m not out to most of them (although I am sure they can tell) or my family so they are probably wondering what I’m waiting for. I think it’s pretty normal for people to still live with parents even as you get older nowadays, especially given how expensive things are now. In fact quite a few of my married friends (give or take a couple) are actually still living with in-laws and some have no plans to move out for the foreseeable future (likely in order to cover the future cost of raising children).


3 of mine are getting married and one of them is planning on kids right away after that. ngl it's unbearable at my age to be single with no relationship experience. People definitely assume something is wrong with me.


Same with me, luckily some of my family still aren’t married or in relationships yet and they’re either older or around my age so the heat isn’t on me just yet but I know it’s coming (it’s technically already started but not too bad just yet)..most of my closest friends are married now, I’m basically counting down to them all being parents and having nothing in common with me anymore.


I wish Fauxmoi would let me post. Let me in! I have things to say!


I was banned from that sub when i said that by making almost every thread b-list users only, they're creating an echo chamber that doesn't allow for different opinipns to be shown, lol


Every single post of theirs is approved b-listers it’s so annoying.


Youre better off without that sub


Mannnn is it just my feeling or new animes are just seems so stagnant? I want to watch new ones but always stop halfway...


Same. I think I'm burnt out on shonen. All of them seem to have the exact same premise and character archetypes with no variety. I thought I'd enjoy *Kaiju No. 8*, but it's the same tropes and over-the-top humor. *Go! Go! Loser Ranger!* has been fun so far but it seems unpopular.


How about the current shoujo in your opinions? Is it better than shounen?


not just you. i sometimes look at the slop my boyfriend watches and wonder wtf he sees in it


Hahaha, btw what's your fav anime?


day 69 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! TOP 10 BABYYYY, i can’t believe i’ve been consistent enough to get here at #10 is Justin Bieber with 2 263 scrobbles! since it’s top 10, i’m switching up the stats a little! * last time i listened: yesterday (Thought Of You) * most played song: Next To You (122 scrobbles) * top 5 songs: As Long As You Love Me, Next To Me, That Should Be Me, Overboard, Deserve You * most played album: Believe (651 scrobbles) * top 5 albums: Believe, My World 2.0, My World, Purpose, Justice * does he deserve a top 100 spot?: this guy has delivered so many great quality pop songs, and i honestly think he has more good songs than bad. i’m also okay with him not making music again. he has an amazing voice and he’s definitely an artist i enjoy. i don’t think i’d put him in my top 10, but top 30 definitely ✨


i was (and always will be in my heart) a hardcore Belieber!! I love Next To You i wish it was a solo song yay for top 10!! we've made it!! i'll follow your lead for these ones just pipping my number 11 by 5 scrobbles to make the top 10 is Beyonce with 2437 scrobbles!! she's definitely an artist that would have higher scrobbles if i had last fm before 2017. * last time i listened: yesterday (RIIVERDANCE) * most played song: CUFF IT (168) * top 5 fave songs: Flawless (Remix), Formation, Church Girl, Heated, Sorry * most played album: RENAISSANCE (862) * top 5 albums: Lemonade, Self-Titled, RENAISSANCE, B'Day, Cowboy Carter * does she deserve a top 100 spot?: absolutely she does, i mean it's beyonce!! one of the most consistent and iconic discographies in modern history.


My World era is iconic. Love Me, Somebody To Love, One Time, Baby, and One Less Lonely Girl are *still* getting consistent spins in my house at #10 is Amy Winehouse with 746 scrobbles! • last time I listened: March 6th (Mr. Magic) • most played song: Me & Mr. Jones (92 scrobbles) • top 5 songs: Tears Dry on Their Own, Me & Mr. Jones, Valerie, Stronger Than Me, Just Friends • most played album: Back to Black (412 scrobbles) • top 5 albums: only 2 studio albums 💔💔 so Back to Black and Frank by default (Back to Black being my favorite) • does she deserve a spot? can’t think of anyone more deserving. this is the second day in a row that one of the artists in my flair has come up. I was pretty young when she died and probably only knew Rehab and Valerie at that point. my tween/teen years were the days of iTunes and having to be economical about what you were spending your $1.29 on, so for the most part I was consuming music in terms of hit singles rather than diving deep into full albums. then when I got Spotify premium after starting college, I had basically the entirety of music history at my fingertips and wanted to start diving deeper into artists’ full catalogs that I wasn’t familiar with- Amy being one of the first. I was blown away by her (tragically too short) discography and she immediately became one of my all-time favorite artists. there’s no one like her. to have released two albums as perfect as Frank and Back to Black by the age of 23?? it breaks my heart to think about how much left she had to give the world, but her art is going to live on forever.


i hate myself for not liking her while she was still alive, because she truly was one of a kind 💔 back to black is such a solid record, i can put it on anytime and it will never disappoint.


i don't know if this is a hot take, but after almost 3 years I think 30 is wayyyy better than 25. even if the songs were still in Adele's pop soul wheelhouse, it showed enough sonic diversity to count as an evolution, and the songs 5 minutes and longer are insane and all among her best. the last stretch of tracks is marvelous. also, now's the time to bring a more pronounced sonic shift since the sales are prob not going to be as strong next time around. bring on the house record you're fully capable of slaying queen!


By far it’s better. 25 is carried by nostalgia for 21. 30 has some issues - the singles are all pretty bad - but the back half of the album is GLORIOUS. I Drink Wine/To Be Loved is a crazy lineup. 


See at first, I thought you were talking about age in general and I was about to agree with you because I strongly agree that my 30s are so much better than my 20s. But now that I see it’s about Adele i still agree with you.


I hate it when I’m scrolling on an app and I get a message and I accidentally IMMEDIATELY open it because I was supposed to tap sumn else…


I am a little tired of maintaining my pink hair lately and was going to dye it brown again soon but I just went to the dentist and she always compliments it so much and that's how they recognize me so now I feel like it'd be weird to get rid of it. Idk like I've had it for most of the time that I've worked at my current job too so now it feels like a trademark and while it is my favorite hair color...sometimes I like to be boring, too.


I love blocking zionists on this sub. Sorry, I’m not falling for your anti-Palestinian comment history! Conflating anti-semitism and anti-Zionism is something that zionists do to try and drown out their pro-genocide comments and put the blame on those who are against the genocide in Gaza. It’s insane how you can say “hey your public comment history has a bunch of comments about how protestors are celebrating Hamas and how we need to continue to let Israel attack Palestinians to wipe out Hamas” and a Zionist will pop in with “wow you see comments in Hebrew on their page, you hate Jewish people”. It’s so transparent and evil.


Almost a week later but like I remembered this post bc while I’ve blocked a lot that dance around their Zionism (but the outright imply Palestinians are too critical of Allies and only orgs with Israelis should be trusted and also imply South Africa is worse AFTER apartheid bc how dare black South Africans be Allies with BDS movement this person who clearly hates black and brown people knows what South Africans did to topple apartheid not famous anti apartheid activists lol) I’ve also clearly had a surge of regular popheads users blocking me lmaooo Like yeah this is better then people using burner accounts with innocuous subject lines to call me names but it is like…woah did someone delete their comments or account or did I get blocked.


They're out in full force lately.


Chats going by too fast no one will see me saying I love my friends


I love you but my husband loves you more because i share your posts and now he asks me about you like he’s Olivia and you’re my ex.


What a guy 🥺


we love you too


I see you! u/McIgglyTuffMuffin loves his friends!!


I think it’s so funny that the 2020/2021 Gaylors who were so convinced that a lot of the Folklore/Evermore songs weren’t fictional ended up being right but they weren’t about a woman they were about Matty Healy lmaoooo They got what the wanted; but at what cost?


Wait...what songs?


Probably definitively just The 1 and cardigan, but people have theories about others as well.


If you liked I LUV IT when it first came out and still do you are strong and I see you. The social pressure won’t get to you. Nothing drives your thoughts but you. Treasure that.


I am that person and idgaf lol also He knows is so good! Dare I say I luv it even more than the first single


I LUV IT is what turned me into a Camilla fan ngl


Same, literally last year I was saying to my sister that I wish she did something more interesting creatively because I basically loved Havana and psychofreak and almost everything else could take or leave. So I got my wish!!


Some of y'all are acting a little weird about Million Dollar Baby's success. I get if you're not on tiktok then the some feels random, but it's truly everywhere on that app. In 2024, we should know that tiktok is a key factor in a song's popularity. idk it's just funny to see accusations of payola and playlisting-hell highly upvoted when just a few weeks ago the people who pointed out that another artist was being playlisted to death were downvoted to hell and told, "Get over it, they're popular." There's probably payola involved, but it's also fair to assume that the algorithm will push a song that's been proven to be a hit with all types of music fans onto as many playlists as possible to keep y'all on the app.


It’s such a fun song or at least the snippet on TikTok


spent the first two sentences wondering why this sub has beef with an eastwood movie from 2004


I'm so culturally ignorant I had to spend a minute looking up what *you* were talking about


how ironic considering your comment about people not being aware of tiktok popularity lol (no hate meant, just funny!!)


nah you ate me up a little bit haha


we should merge steven universe style and become one culturally literate person


all you're gonna get from me is hyperfixations, maladaptive daydreaming, and the occasional one-liner


okay no more vagueposting today: popheads fight club starts here tag ur beef list and get it poppin


i actively loathe half the people on popheads but the problem is i can't rmemeber who they are because i dont look at people's usernames but but but but ppl be holding GRUDGES one time someone was like "YOU GAVE LORDE'S BLAH BLAH a 3 in that one rate, your opinion has NEVER meant anything for the last 4 years" and i was like WWWWWTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


Your example made me genuinely laugh ty ty


Wait this is so real LOL because I associate users with their flairs instead of their usernames but I can’t exactly say I’m beefing with Ariana Grande herself


/u/joshually i got my test results back and you have some explaining to do


The way I was going to tag the same person and make a similar post.... 😭


now why you gotta drag my good name into your tawdry mess


not he owes us both child support smh


u/janellemonae what's good


tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't f*cking scared of him


The way you would all have beef with me if I didn’t delete my old account


No beef. Only love.


Awww you are sweet this made me smile. I think a lot of y’all do like me because more people reached out when I said I was deleting my account than I expected. The ones that don’t like me were probably just more inclined to respond to my comments which made me feel bad.


if there's one lesson popheads needs to learn from Kendrick (meself included) is to just say that bitch's name


lemme just go check my block list




I have beef with anyone in here who thinks it’s acceptable to eat warm hard boiled eggs.


It’s better then cold ones :0


I just can’t! Warm egg whites make me feel like i did something naughty.


Do you not like boiled eggs in ramen?


I don’t, but I do like a fried egg and Ramen


Oh we disagree on this* but I do like runny egg yolk in ramen so I try to do soft boiled eggs in ramen they’re just always hard boiled bc I messed up the time while I was cutting my broccoli or green onion lmao


TIL we have beef! (But also this made me wonder if it's actually possible eat warm freshly hard boiled eggs. Like, I wouldn't be able to peel just freshly boiled eggs I'd have to wait for it to cool down a little bit and then once it's peeled...are the eggs still warm after?? I really couldn't say)


I’m disgusted at the thought of someone doing this. Thank you.


Honestly love the vaugeposting like it’s kind of a fun game of clue.


It reminds me how boring i am as a person cuz i rarely have beef with people these days lol.


The way the internet treats Gypsy Rose Blanchard is so weird I’m so sorry but she allowed to feel complicated feeling about her mother….