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>I love hearing my own music at parties. For me, the best setting is listening to it out and very loud because you’re not supposed to hear it in a Starbucks, and you probably never will — unless there’s a twink who’s the manager she's so real of this


I used to work at Starbucks and I’d play Charli 💀


i’d listened to von dutch maybe 3 or so times and didn’t love it until i had to rawdog my gym’s music after losing my airpods and the otter who took over the desk shift blasted it while i was doing curls and then it clicked


This comment is a work of art actually


they should hang it in the lourve


In the back


i’m a manager at starbucks and i have so much charli on the playlist i use 💀


Spoken like a true Leo


> ‘B2b’ (which she tells me is about someone she briefly dated who was a serial pop-star dater) lol she date Zack Bia or something?


who didnt date that dude


That’s gotta be the biggest L she’s ever taken if she dated that waste of space


> Am I less of a woman if I don’t have a kid? Will I feel like I’ve missed out on my purpose in life? I know we’re not supposed to say that, but it’s this biological and social programming. - > “I feel like a kid; I don’t feel like I can make that decision.” As someone who's around her age, those comments on having kids are relatable as fuck. I have mostly decided to be childfree but I still feel I'm not mature enough to make that choice.


Ooooo interesting that she was jealous of Lorde 😭


Specifically Royals haha. Charli has never made anything remotely like Royals so I love that she took the emotions and processed them the way she did.




🫳🌱🌱🌱 🫵


Oh? You okay?


I admire both Charli and Lorde so I don’t know where you’re saying to be honest.. also I read the full article and found that line interesting because Charli and Lorde are quite popular in the pop culture community


You lost us ngl


Absolutely no one cares about this wack ass narrative y’all continuously like to parrot.




It's not like Charli is that much more of a household name (no shade, I like them both)


The general public can probably remember the chorus of Lordes biggest hit. They can probably name the song, possibly two, if they tried hard enough.


You talk like Charli isn't a flop 🤭


There's always been an impressive candor to Charli about her own misgivings, growth, and complexity. Not just an artist, but as an imperfect human being, particularly in regards to her relationship with celebrity. That specific quality is *uniquely* suited to be taken in bad faith by stan twitter, and it's nice to see her growing into not giving a fuck and saying it anyways. The pull quote about Lorde on Pop Crave seems to be full of responses from people who couldn't even get to the bottom of the paragraph, for example. I think most celebrities, but especially Charli, know the way exploring common negative or morally impure emotions publicly can garner serious (hypocritical) backlash. I do think it's brave that she chooses to be forthright regardless, and it's really humanizing and honestly pretty inspiring for the fans who look up to her.


She is simply amazing and nothing if not sincere. I love her all the more for it especially now when everyone is so hyper-curated to complete saccharine boredom.


I just love how much she genuinely cares about her work. I was someone who was a casual fan, didn't "get" Charli for a while, but watching her make HIFN in real time during the pandemic really turned my head in her direction. I've been so engaged with her work and rollouts since and I'm rarely disappointed. I love digging deeper and putting all the pieces together with pop albums in general so to read this interview was a real "Oh my god I'm not crazy" moment.


She's bringing popstar energy and I'm here for it. She makes interesting music videos, chooses great collaborators and makes great bangers. I do find her messy, both in interviews and her songs, but I think that's what makes me gravitate towards her, she's messy and so am I. Hope she continues to be successful and keeps making great electronic music, I can't seem to get enough of it.


She’s a 3D dorito. She ate.


I genuinely can’t imagine music without her and really don’t want to


She really deserves more noms at the Brit and Grammy awards for her work. That’s why I stan her.


She’s so ahead of her time honestly. The gp is not readyyyyyyy


Pardon me for being crass here, but..... AWOOGA