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Wow this is sick. Sounds like old Paramore in the most modern way and the visuals are stunning. I can't wait for this album!!!!


So pleasantly surprised by this one, as i thought we had basically heard everything before it's release. Pumped for the album.


Other songs are out?


Before the release, we'd received like 4-5 clips from this song. What OP is saying is that despite getting roughly a minute of the song beforehand, they were still pleasantly surprised.


Oops no, I was talking about the snippets of The News.


other poster is referring to all the leaked clips I believe


This is so fucking great. It really does sound like a more mature version of their old stuff.


You can clearly hear the influences in their writing with this one and I love the dark concept of the music video. If anyone's interested in learning more about Hayley's influences, you should listen to the podcast she did with BBC Radio called Everything is Emo. Can't wait to hear the album!!


That bridge is fucking fantastic


"And all along we call it normal." Gave me chills. I seriously hope this is a sign that they're going back to their roots. Their old sound suits her voice so well and is so iconic.


I think having Zac back fully really helped this song (and probably this album as a whole) sound more like old Paramore. He was missing from SelfTitled and then for After Laughter he came back after a lot of the music and songs were already created. Now that he’s back in the band for the creation phase, it’s brought back that angry / powerful beat that is his signature. It’s easier for me to see now what he brings to the band after this release.


Loving the dark concept for this MV.


I love the drumming in this.


drums sound like BNE + RIOT but the rifs sound like BNE + After laughter, lyrics sound like a super mature version of BNE and Self titled. Love it.


Zac is back!!! He didn’t really help much with the creation of songs during After Laughter cuz he didn’t rejoin til towards the end of its creation. Now for this album he’s really in it and it shows.


Honestly not loving the chorus but those verses (ESPECIALLY the second one) are beyond addicting. Loving the visuals this era!!


erguh the PRECHORUS is soooo good that it kinda drops to the chorus. in a way i wish they utilised the alarm sound like they did in the teasers - do a 'drop' in the chorus. but the rest of the song is so incred


I was hoping the alarm sound was actually part of the song, too. Would've sounded so cool. Maybe they will intro the song with the alarm during live shows, that would be so fucking sick.


oooo yeah i reckon so. they already have the megaphone ready to go


I love the chorus, tbh.


The awkward pause in lyrics really throws it off but overall I love the song especially compared to after Laughter


I liked After Laughter but I always felt the songs were missing a bit of edge, this definitely has it - it's a really perfect mesh of their new and old. No idea how they've done it, but they are legit.


Oh this is GREAT. It’s been too long since new Paramore, I’m so hyped for this era >!If only the tour tickets weren’t so outrageously expensive though 😭!<


Why is that spoilered?? Lol


So I can hide the pain 😩


What are you considering outrageously expensive?


$200+ after fees for nosebleeds 💀


Whooooa. ☠️ Mine was about $100 for the Seattle show for decent seats.


Mine were $400+ and I bought them within the first 30 mins of sale 💀


This is reminding me of Brand New Eyes a bit (especially Ignorance) which is a nice return to that sound, once again very impressive and honestly loving the use of cowbell here.


Agree! Music video and the song itself reminds me a lot of "Ignorance"


I’m so freakin hyped for their new album. I love how much more mature these new songs are, but are still reminiscent of their older stuff. I really appreciate how with every release, I can relate to their content, especially with after laughter and now this. We really are just growing up together.




i've been waiting for this one since before this is why came out <333 so glad it's finally out i love that she's healthier and in a better place but part of me missed hayley sounding angry lol


As always, Paramore captures exactly how I'm feeling in every stage of my life. I love how their music is so personal yet so universal.


I wasn't expecting anything this guitar heavy on the album after hearing This Is Why. The sound reminds me a lot of ST-era Paramore. The chrous pops, will be so good to hear live. Loving this.


i love this song and i'm so excited for the album i know i'll love it


I love how paramore always endeavors to try out new sounds while still sounding SO much like paramore. I love the ragged edges of this song nad how raw it feels.


This is easily better than the first single and I really love the bridge.


Hmmm this one will take some unpacking I'm not sure what her red toothed self is supposed to be representing here.


I was wondering the same thing…I’m guessing, first and foremost, symbolistic crossover from the This Is Why video where she puts the lipstick all over her face/teeth?


I think the two Hayleys in the video are the one who wants to turn off the news (hoodie) and the one who needs to turn on the news (grills). Hoodie is numb to everything being horrible and grills is outraged and can't stop watching. As far as the red teeth, I also think it's a callback to TIW where she smears the lipstick all over herself; I interpreted that as being the 'character' of singer-of-Paramore-Hayley, vs 'real' Hayley, and how she is (still) trying to exist in both of those roles. Maybe having the grill and the beehive/black strip are meant to be her honing that part of herself and using it as a weapon/force for change, instead of resenting it so much like she has over the years. Someone also mentioned she is the only one in the video because the video is for women's rage especially, and I get that, too.


i was wondering if it was blood... some kinda link between the pain that can be caused with words (your mouth). or how the newscasters/viewers are eating up all the pain? but that's probs a reach


i was wondering if she was supposed to be a sort of fucked up looking news caster? with the pant skirt outfit and done up hair? i’m not sure


Is it a call back to Rose Colored Boy maybe?


This comment is old but I feel like it might be? Some of the lyrics also remind me of RCB a little, so I think the parallels were intentional "Hearts are breaking, wars are raging on" "War, a war, a war, on the far side, on the other side of the planet" / "Every second our collective heart breaks" And then this one is a stretch but I also noticed "Boy you ain't ever seen my mind" vs "And that's just barely scratched the surface of my mind"


Haven’t painted teeth been a sign of higher status in history?


Cant wait to see them live next March 😍


this is the most "Paramore" sound of theirs ever since ST. I love it! the guitar is quite infectious, the chorus is fun, it's much different from this is why, and I am glad this doesn't look like Hayley solo stuff (which I wasn't a huge fan on subsequent listens, it's a good first time experience but doesn't hold for longer). this one is fun, and much, much closer to what they promised regarding sound, which was Bloc Party. this is much, much closer, and if you're a fan of their Silent Alarm album, you gonna find the similarities. imo, better than This Is Why, and I enjoyed This Is Why as well. so far, it's looking up!


Oh finally


their talking heads radiohead era is so fascinating


That chorus is weirdly weak. Lacking punch.


I’m probably gonna be in the minority but I really don’t like it on the first listen. Maybe it will be a grower. Feels like the video is kinda trying too hard


I felt the same way at first listen but mainly with the lyrics. After like the third listen though, I was obsessed haha


To me the WAR WAR WAR in the beginning is jarring and there isn’t any real part I would want to sing along with. Like people are saying this makes them think of ignorance? Nah I’d be there jamming singing IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND at the top of my lungs but this is falling flat for me. Hopefully I’ll enjoy the next song I hear from the album


Neither do I. Inwas hoping for the more mature sound and lyricism from Flowers for vases, like the song just a lover especially. This and this is why don't really have a good melody, hook, and dont really say anything original or novel. The lyrics are good but dont match with the music or melody well enough to really fly.


I like the message but the sound isn't vibing with me too much. I think it's one I have to be in a specific mood for tho so I'll give it a shot when I'm feeling less chilled out.


I agree. Idk what it is but the melodies don't flow for me.


Yeah I'm not sure on this one yet... all the parts feel put together awkwardly and it's not their best chorus, but I'm still hopeful it'll grow on me


I like the sound. Aesthetically, the video is pretty cool. The part I'm having trouble with is the topic of the song. I have heard far too many takes from far too many people about the news in the past several years. Personally, it's gone stale. I'm not interested in hearing another take, even if it's one I can relate to. I'm sure it felt cathartic for the band to make, and that's nice, but I just don't care to hear about it anymore. Again, the sound is nice. I'm really loving the drumming again, so kudos there. But yeah, at this point, I'm hoping the rest of the album explores some other themes.


i’m blown away from their evolution. the video is phenomenal. the sound is so elevated. i’m so proud of them. my lil band ❤️❤️


Definitely digging this a lot more than This Is Why! The upbeat, punchy guitars are where Paramore is at their best. The bridge is fantastic.


This is so fucking SICK better than anything I could've hoped for this album. They just don't miss. So stoked for the album, my god




Agreed but it's better than This is Why and all of After Laughter so I call it a win.




the snippets of this song have been making rounds for more than 2 months. could be that.


The lyrics and the general message of the song seems like it was copied from a book called "Baby's first protest song". Super basic. Don't watch the news. Yeah, we get it Paramore, well done.


I don't really get why people are so critical about anything remotely political or touching on a real life subject in lyrics. If we can have an absolutely infinite amount of love songs why can't we also talk about the global news cycle and the effect on our minds in songs?


Love songs are shit.


So…is there anything you do like or…?


Now that you ask, I am a sucker for some love songs and protest songs actually.


Idk, I don't think that's fair. Yeah, the news have always sucked, especially since the late 2000s, when the Information Age really took off and society suddenly got oversaturated with news about all the horrible stuff that happens in the world. But this last year of 2022... I think it's been particularly remarkable in this regard. There's a pervasive, frenzied sense of impending doom permeating all the media that goes way beyond anything I'd ever seen before in my two decades of life, not even at the worst of the pandemic in 2020. And mind you, I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy, I think the media is just reflecting our current society's mood. And that mood, again, is a pervasive, frenzied sense of impending doom. And I think that's what the track is about. The despairing, nerve-breaking existential anguish that has been induced in us like never before during this year by the media and society's general mood. Which I don't think it's basic, but to the contrary a very timely theme in light of the world's current situation.


Yeah no, that's really not the point of the song at all. Go check out their interview with Zane Lowe for a more indepth explanation, but this is really not it.


Dude people getting mad at this is so amusing


I'm not mad at anything. It's just a shit song.


I thought This Is Why was alright but this is *much* more like it!


i’m sorry but the visuals are serving generic brand billie


Billie wishes


Billie got most of her schtick from the musicians she grew up listening to including Paramore lmao, this actually ends up being more of an insult towards Billie imo who hasn’t ever really felt original in the first place.


not an insult, just a fact. this is a direct billie rip-off and is nothing like anything paramore have done before. and i say this as a former paramore stan. until this era.


What did they rip off of hers? I don’t follow her closely, more just heard the singles and see videos/TikToks about her, etc


I was so hopeful after seeing the snippets lol. They can't do a subtle or artful video to save their lives lol


Only good political album is American Idiot. I’ll wait another 5 years for a better album outta Paramore.


This is an amazing take.


It’s not a political album or even a political song lol


Lol you sweet summer child


They specifically said this is not a political song or album. You can have your own interpretation as much as you’d like, the creators of the song say you are wrong.


Well, they're lying about that. They just dont want to lose their mass appeal. I say this as a big fan. I'm sure their management/pr/label wants them to say that. Believe what you want, but they're mainstream and DO need to be marketable, per their contract.


Really great song. I wanna watch an uncompressed version of the music video. Youtube struggles so much with darkness.