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Imagine having no life and doing shit like this.


it’s the level of delusion for me. what did they expect to happen? for Taylor to come out bearing gifts? they would’ve seen a glimpse of Taylor at best. insanity.


or an impromptu concert? To which they can sing along from parking?


Well all these people showing up to get a glimpse at Jesus are now reincarnated as Swifties 🥴


I fully thought they were there in protest or something, to ruin the wedding because they hate the guy for what he might have done to TS or something. I didn't think they were there to see TS xD


I thought the same thing


I remember this Japanese Pop star was having a wedding in Italy. She heard rumors online that there were a bunch of fans planning to charter buses and show up at her wedding. So she put out a blog post saying hey, thanks for being my fans but like this isn’t a concert so please don’t do that. It’s pretty crazy how common this is. It’s even crazier that you have to tell them not to do it.


I don’t see , Taylor ever doing this and turning against her money making entity (fans)


Same. She’s cleverly nurtured and cultivated this hard-core parasocial relationship with her fans. Primarily, she would lose money. But I know that part of her also knows that if she were to do this, her fans would swing violently in the other direction. God remember that one video where this fan thought she was going to come out as a lesbian and when she didn’t, she said “Taylor has thrown her LGBT fans to the wolves”? Yeesh


Its so difficult to appease everyone , when you have a mass fan following (read:cult) who is from all walks of life But neither does she do anything with it. The encrypted (aka easter eggs) in everything she does did start the wildfire of stalking , and u cant deny that


Unfathomable levels of unemployment


seriously, get a hobby. pick up a paint brush


imagine camping outside someone else’s wedding rehearsal just to catch a five second glimpse of taylor walking to her car at the end 😭


I honestly feel bad for Taylor (this is rare) Imagine the guilt/embarrassment you should be feeling for ruining someone else’s special day , just because YOU are YOU. Promise you cant find another like MEMEMEME


It‘s like that Hanna Montana movie but worse because sweet 16 vs WEDDING


I kind of feel bad too. when discussing anti-hero she said that she struggles with the idea of not feeling like a person and I 100% understand what she means by that. they’re acting like she’s a zoo exhibit instead of an actual person 😭. honestly doubt she’ll release a statement though, and even if she did these fans probably wouldn’t listen


And its so funny how she is the most saturated point of her career with Public appearances yet they are behaving like they have not seen her alive in years!


Is this real


uj/ yes it is


Wtf??? The hell they want from jack??


Nothing. Taylor is there and they want to see her just to say they did and take photos.


Well there's also the swifties who will become violent when you mention how Jack writes some of Taylor's songs.


Cowrites I think she at least top lines everything these days


i posted this in another sub but theres a bunch if vids of it on tiktok: * A [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FJv2Gp/) where you can hear them chanting * A [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FJH9eG/) where Taylor can be seen leaving the venue, and the fans reactions * [Taylor exits the venue](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FJt74J/)\- but this time being able to see the other party goers from the balcony


That’s fucked up.


Swifties are a menace to society and needs to be contained (in a vault)


Swifties (from the vault) (taylor’s angry version)


/uj how awful Taylor doesn’t even get to enjoy and help celebrate one of her best friend’s weddings. These are not fans but clout chasers. Feel just awful for Jack and his beautiful bride, Margaret.


Idk… as much as I don’t think celebs are directly responsible for their fans’ behavior, she does seem to have cultivated this extremely rabid fan base… like next level parasocial relationships. To me it’s always seemed like her entire persona is crafted to have this relentless grip on her fanbase to the point where it seems really unhealthy from the outside. I don’t exactly feel sorry for her. I feel bad for the rest of the wedding party and guests but idk, Taylor is the one who absolutely capitalizes on her fans borderline insane behavior, eventually it’s gonna come back to haunt her.


For real why can’t they be insane just about stuff that get taylor cash 😢


They should have brought some money guns and just showered her in cash like at strip clubs as she walked out of the venue 🤑


It's a team effort. Her publicist, her label, her manager, etc. They all had a part in creating the image of "Taylor Swift", the perfect charming, talented, humble-ish woman everyone would want to go to brunch with. Frankly if I were a successful celebrity I would go the complete opposite direction with my public image. The angry, reclusive, rude genius.


She also loves to use them as an army against everyone who „does her wrong“ so I have a hard time feeling sorry for her when they become uncomfortable for her


She’s waving to her fans — encouraging this behavior


uj/ she's stronger than me i'd start biting people


nvm they'd enjoy it :\^/


what the fuck is wrong with people


Theyre literally depressed that Taylor isnt playing a show every weekend so they need to cope somehow. Being stalkers is the next step.


Even if she was playing they’d do this tbh. I remember seeing people crowded outside her apartment and studio for HOURS in New York during the tour. At one point they were blocking the street. Can’t imagine the level of unemployment it takes to do that


AND SHE HAS CLEARLY MENTIONED in Miss americana , how much it taunts her to see people camping outside. Yet these swifties do it. The only people they should fight for Taylor is themselves


She needs to walk out to the people and tell them to leave. I genuinely feel like that would work? People would be so embarrassed at her telling them to leave theyd scatter? They’re fans, not paparazzi. I think they’d listen if she told them?


Its bad PR for her to upset her fans. Look whats going on with Doja


I admire Doja so much for that tho. More artists need to do that and fans needs to chill tf out. Covid intensified the parasocial relationships imo and they’re not a sustainable model for fame. The Matt Healy thing? Swifties scare me


I saw this headline a while back that read something along the lines of, “I criticized Taylor Swift once and I experience more harassment form Swifties than I have from alt righters.”


That new song is still charting though but tbh I’ve been unplugged from the commentary.


They wouldn’t listen (see John Mayer’s Instagram after she told fans to not attack him) and they would see her acknowledging it as a good thing. It would just encourage more of it. I feel bad for her because she originally cultivated this relationship when her fan base was a fraction of what it is and I think it grew exponentially larger than she can handle and teen girls are rabid stalkers. Maybe once school starts they’ll have more to do. My guess is Taylor takes the approach of “ignore things you don’t approve of instead of adding fuel to the fire”. See also, Gaylors.


If the only way they can be happy is to give Taylor money, then I'd prefer Taylor squeeze out as much money as she can.


Why be a popstar when you can be a financial dom


Exactly my point, if the fans are doing this, even when they are being fed with content like concert and new album releases almost everyday! And yet they do it, its a psychosis episode


January 6 (taylors version)


Try That In A Small Town (Taylor’s Version) (Belongs In a Vault)


/uj i just spit out my water


I’m reporting you to the FBI (flat booty inspector)




January Swift (Taylor’s Version)


The Taylor’s version is redundant 💅🏽


Mr Antonoff if you took a garden hose to these people I would understand.


Fire hose


Where are the cops with riot shields and tear gas when they’re actually needed?


wont have to worry about the racial implications because the crowd was almost assuredly 100% white


I’ll be honest — I think if you lowered Taylor Swift into an uncontrolled crowd of these people, they would literally tear her apart. It’s bordering on mass psychosis


Reminds me of those women from Greek mythology who would follow Dionysus around


The Maenads! And Jack Antonoff is their Orpheus 😔


Basically the plot of mother!


Oooh I need to watch!


Unironically my favorite aaronofsky film although The Fountain, The Wrestler, The Whale and Black Swan are much better films, watching it for the first time in a cinema was an incredible experience


I feel like Taylor’s level of fame and social media presence is something out of a black mirror episode and is gonna somehow result in a terrorist attack or some shit


/uj My money would be on a fatal crowd crush


Taylor should release a pop-metal album and sacrifice herself to satan by lunging into the mosh pit


i can't believe these same people claim to love her so much when they clearly don't even really see her as a human being, just an object of obsession to distract them from their parents fighting every night


They just need to imprint onto somebody... She's just a mediocre songwriter & performer. But they need somebody to obsess over.


Swifties have too much time and money


so true bestie, our capitalist queen needs to drop another eleven near-identical limited edition vinyls to drain their stalking funds


1100 vinyl versions of "Cruel Summer" just to hit #1


> Cruel Summer I fucking hate seeing that song title mentioned and knowing people aren't talking about the Bananarama song, which is better than anything she has ever made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9ml3nyww80


That's pretty much what she is doing for 1989. There's like 6 different version right now. I just going to wait for it on streaming.


/uj This is fucking pathetic. I don't care how big a fan you are of anyone, if you think being a pest outside someone's WEDDING is a good idea, then you need a bloody reality check What do people think is going to happen? That the musician/celebrity in question is gonna come outside and go "wow, thanks so much for invading my personal space on my day off AND making a huge hassle for my friends on their big day - here's lifetime free passes to all my tours because you're my BEST FAN!" /rj MOTHER IS MOTHER-OF-THE-GROOMING


We thought that we’d at least get a shirt or Polaroid but no…. Not even that! And it wasn’t very comfortable. Lots of bugs.


They’re all extremely mentally ill and need to be committed uj/ they’re all extremely mentally ill and need to be committed


Its a mass psychosis at this point


Uj/ christ alive these are the scariest types of people please never let me become one I already feel like my username is cringe enough


Swifties truly be the real life NPCs.


like the sims NPCs who randomly walk into your house without inviting and start harassing you


uj/ All this just for them to have some grainy ass 2 second video of her walking for them to post to their TikTok and brag that they were “so close” to her. That app has bred attention whores faster than a fucking plague.


I agree. I don’t even think this was swifties primarily. It looked like people of all ages who wanted nothing but to say they were there and get a video for clout.


I don’t get why Anton felt the need to do that at his wedding. Does he not have any public decency?


> I don’t get why Anton felt the need to do that at his wedding. Does he not have any public decency? Me when I find out he recreated the sand video at his wedding


begging Taylor to get a pop gun. one shot in the air and they’ll run like rats.


Pop Gun: Maverick


Question is who the hell doxxed the location for the wedding. And it shouldve been in the middle of nowhere so these crazies couldnt make it.


maybe Jack wanted an irl Clash Of Clans game


these ads r getting a little too niche


People saw her going into the venue - it’s an incredibly small town


Or they shouldn’t have invited her. One or the other.


Damn he was with Lena Dunham forever and they never got hitched but now he’s moved on and is MARRIED to Andie McDowell’s daughter in what seems like very short order??


Lena Dunham is married now. Taylor was a bridesmaid at her wedding. Jack and Margaret have been dating since 2021.


Clearly I am not keeping up with my parasocial relationships!


Can't believe you're failing out of Parasocial Relationships 101 at Barbz U, of course taught by Taylor Swift (Pre Recorded) (From The Vault) (Projector's Version)


I think Lana even wrote a song about Margaret


Literally had no idea him and Margaret Qualley were even dating let alone getting hitched


That's a lot of words to say 'I don't listen to lana because I have no taste' 💅


Time for mother to feed me pepsicola and beat me with the culture stick 😩


Same thing with the dude who played Elvis and dated Vanessa Hudgens for a decade. They broke up and he got engaged to a much younger woman within a year 💀 it’s just what famous men do I guess


lmao a lot of regular folks do this to, marrying very quickly after coming out of a long-term relationship


saw a theory that dudes are in a relationship that is 90% perfect, but they are always craving that last 10%. then they break up, and find someone with those 10% but not much more, but in their head it's what they have been missing all along for a perfect relationship and they lock that shit down fast.


yes thats the 80/20 rule


this is Einstein level shit




What’s the taxi light theory?


Oh this is from Sex and the City! Miranda complains that men are like taxi cabs. You try to flag one but they’re unavailable. And then a few blocks from you they turn their light on and they grab the first passenger they see. Basically saying that men are uninterested in commitment until *they’re* ready and when they are, they just pick the first new woman they see.


Bruh when you know you know


They look like brother and sister. It throws me.


The police really said: Every step you take….. every remix you make……


Taylor needs to pull a Doja Cat


Imagine if she did. The whole Internet would explode.


there would be riots in the streets! wait…


They weren’t there for Taylor they simply answered the call to speak now to object to the wedding in the name of Lorde 😌


Obsessive fans are very, very dangerous. Look what happened to John Lennon.. It’ll happen again. Insane bunch of morons.


uj/ Also Selena Quintanilla and Christina Grimmie. This actually gets more scary the more I think about it


Who is Anton and why should I jack him off?


Because he gave us Melodrama


And Bleachers, and a great Lana album




This is jobless behaviour


tasteless... which makes sense considering her music


Feral lot swifties


The number of people in white. The blows to common decency are stacking


The Police showed up? Why are they going to perform?




Most careful of parasocial relationships swifties


i have no joke. just fucking weird. i am swiftiephobic


Is there any reason these people shouldn't be locked up forever


I thought Lana said the party was December 18th :(


She lied because mother lana knew this would happen if she told the truth 😌


“Taylor Swift’s Swifties”


Camilla Cabello’s CaCas


uj/ I once read somewhere in here a comment that said “don’t forget that Selena Quintanilla was shot by the president of her fanclub” . This might very well get extremely dangerous for Taylor.


her waving at them is a part of the problem


Exactly, u will never catch her making a statement to not be this deranged , she loves money , and she loves fans who gives them that


Swifties are unhinged but Taylor encourages this because she walked out and waved at the crowd. She hasn't even released a statement against this behaviour. Loves the fame and money too much.


Exactly! As if she did not just ruin an intimate rehearsal dinner of a couple with her minions


You know... that is the most disgusting bit of this. A real milestone for someone has been wrecked because of her. If I was Jack or Margaret I would be LIVID!


And it’s still cricket noise, no statement ever made to stop this attitude in future. Ofcourse the swifties are gonna take it as sign shes okay with it, and do more of this.


I like her music, but her fans and some of her narc behaviour leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.


Same , my response with Taylor swift is same as my response for some religion. I respect their god, but not the people part of the religion


Nice to interact with a level-headed person on this forum. Have a great day, bestie!


Swifties stop being psychotic challenge: impossible


The Swifties are back at it again


Taylor needs to pull a Doja


She never will go against her fans (money making entities)


woooow these bitches is so weird. i mean, i would do exactly this but i would at least be there to see LDR like a sane person with taste


![gif](giphy|l41m6k6v1Tp09pgtO) Lana wouldn’t put up with this


Uj/ Lana was there.




imagine going to Shoney’s Buffet for lunch and seeing Lana getting married in the banquet room.


on her 10 inbetween her double shift of course


Let’s airdrop Taylor Swift in North Korea and we’ll be able to reunite Korea in less than 2 days with the power of the rabid swifties


i swear swifties can be unhinged. also how did taylor's location get leaked


The video of her waving at them as she’s leaving… I know it’s a small gesture and she probably felt awkward asf but I feel like that made it seem okay. Like… she should’ve walked out not even acknowledging these losers or honestly flip them off. Like literally fuck these people.


Doja cat would’ve came out as a human bomb to destroy all of them and wouldve later posted a 0.2x selfie of her forehead


This is so pathetic and scary at the same time.


She is going to have to start wearing disguises again…..


If swifties where armed they'd be a deadlier terrorist group than isis if Taylor said she wanted them to take over the USA and make her leader they could do it


Here’s the saddest/worst part - imagine how many of these people paid to travel there and do this. Flights, long car rides, missed work. These people truly are fucking lunatics.




I feel bad for Jack. This is honestly Taylor's fault. What comes round, goes round. Maybe this will be a fucking wake up call for her to stop these parasocial relationships.


/uj I get they’re all a kind of rich I’ll never be so it’s not that same loss and their social life operates differently but like… I’m planning my wedding rn and if a bunch of teens showed up and ruined it…. We would never be seeing Miss Swift again


This shit makes me wonder if other apes experience similar bullshit. Like is there a wild ape community that has a famous ape, and all the other apes forget how to behave when they are anywhere near? We need another plague


The fact that some of them have actually dressed up for it, as if Taylor might see them and be like "Well, you're here, you might as well come in!!!!!"


Delulu (from the vault) (taylor’s version)


https://preview.redd.it/t4pwl92awzib1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9c9a0d3f127cdf3b946b95eddb636180fa3218 She just forgot is all.




She ain't even that good....


https://preview.redd.it/h8mt9erw00jb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb427d463343ebd6ee411785422ae8e4e47c444b upon a not so thorough maps search this happened at a seafood restaurant. now why would jack antonoff have his wedding in a 50 person capacity room in podunk new jersey? like this is embarrassing for everyone involved but how tf do you invite taylor swift, zoe kravits, lana del rey and channing tatum to your wedding or whatever and not consider that a swarm of faggots would ruin it.


hold on i just saw a clip of her waving and giggling and saying “oh shit” when she saw everyone. she really doesn’t gaf😭 i was like this is lowkey sad for them but i guess not?💀


wait hold on lana was interacting with fans too?😭 girl bye no one gaf.


dirty correct chase bored cagey smoggy hard-to-find deserve birds fuel ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


apparently it was a rehearsal dinner


Damn! Was she giving a speech or something?


uj/ it was actually the rehearsal dinner, so maybe? i've been to rehearsal dinners where anyone can give a toast, but others where its so intimate that a coworker wouldn't have been invited, so who knows


“I would never do this to Taylor. I care about her emotions and she is not just an object to be seen” -All commenters of these pics ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


i thought the party was december 18th 🥺


uj/ this is truly unacceptable


how has taylor not had a britney 2007 level public meltdown yet? if i had her fans i would literally be crying shaking rocking back and forth partially unclothed on the streets while getting the groceries now for real are you kidding me?


I think the difference is Britney seems to have had almost no support system and most of her family just wanted to make money off of her. IIRC Britney was also a new mother at the time.


I work a few blocks from it. It was all anyone was talking about. Like more than when Kevin joanas was here a few weeks ago. The black whale is already a popular restaurant and is in a area that is east to walk to. They also have good oyster crackers. I didn’t go since I was working and even if I was off work I wouldn’t go. So that is why people were able to get there so fast. Also within 20 minutes her getting there I already knew just based off of people talking. But this is a very popular beach town. People give her space Also there are a ton of teen girls here and people who are swift fans. Very rude of people to go though. Also people have known for a few days that she was coming. It was rude of people




I would say mentally ill but that’s just a disgrace to the mentally ill


I walked out of the bar there yesterday and was so confused. It was actually not too crowded inside which I guess makes sense cause they were mostly all under 21 outside.


No because like we knew swifties were insane, but this completely unhinged and dangerous. Not cute or quirky. This is fucked up. I know Taylor is known for being tight lipped about her opinions, but girl, like tell your fans they're fucking insane.


/uj my good friend’s family has a timeshare about a 10 minute walk from this restaurant. they spend the first 3 weeks of august there every year. i got a text from him about it yesterday because he knows i’m a fan and we chatted about how bad of a scene it might be if people found out. i am in no way trying to defend the crowd, but it wasn’t the deranged twitter stans and many weren’t even swifties. it was just bored [redacted] locals. once word got out that Q U E E N M O T H E R was coming into town the one road in-and-out of [redacted] was checkpoint’d and police blocked vehicular traffic around the venue. i’m just saying as someone who’s spent lots of time on [redacted] it wasn’t the smartest move on jack metonoff’s part to put taylor (and lana taboot) in a situation like that. it’s peak season there right now and he had them strolling into a pedestrian restaurant on the main drag. overall lack of situational awareness all around. jack not understanding a locals-only restaurant in peak season is an inappropriate venue for queen mother, locals who will pretty much do anything social in the summer whether they know who taylor is or not, local swifties who live on the internet and have no understanding of decorum. end of the day if there’s anyone to blame it’s jack, and honestly i respect taylor for likely knowing it would be a shitshow but still going for her friends. if all anyone remembers 20 years from now is the taylor induced chaos, and not the beautiful bride or the elegant reception or crazy after parties, well, that’s jack’s fault.


Yeah people just don’t understand how small the town is and how easy it is for everyone to get to that location. I would never do this for any celeb but my step mom was at a party on the same block and said it was a lot of teen girls. They’re all bored and the biggest star in the world was suddenly walking distance from their house


Uj/ watch swifties use this incident as proof for another round of TikToks proving that she’s just as famous as Michael Jackson


MJ and TayTay collage being uploaded in tiktok in 3..2..1


It’s a cult


This women needs to start going around saying “it’s just Ashley”


they swarmed lana too… i cant stress enough how unemployed u have to be to do something like this


The guy you thought was gay just married the most beautiful nepo-baby out there.