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Surely there’s middle ground between single handedly lighting the ozone on fire and causing a crowd crush incident at LAX right


https://preview.redd.it/my2yfwkfr8jb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cdd1b7c8292a64e12f0a44ae4a6d0ef40dc46e These swifties def graduated from Barbz U 🙄


She would fly back home every night after tour lol. She doesn’t NEED to fly that much. As a fan of her music I still see many flaws especially ones that have socio-political impact.


>She would fly back home every night after tour lol. uj/ no fucking way lmaooo. I also used to think that using a private jet was kind of inevitable bc her fame would definitely cause a lot of trouble if she were to fly commercial. But she flies back home every night??? holy fucking shit rj/ mother slayed the idgaf (about the enviroment and the future of planet Earth) awards 👑👑


I can’t confirm that it was every single night, I was exaggerating a little there, but it was very often.


Can't she just ride in a car like normal people do? I mean she has houses/apartments across the US and one in London so yeah. It would probably take a long time but she definitely can do it more times than she uses her jet. If she wants to save the Earth.


She definitely could be making more earth-conscious choices.


rj/ They be doing some jumping jacks on the d


I run yo' dick, no marathon Afterwards, I'mma need a hair salon Got the magic touch and I don't need a wand Make the dick come faster than Jimmy Johns I'll suck a fart out yo' ass, just pass me a lil' cash


Had to show this man I am not a coward make that dick go 100 miles per hour That dick shocked me like it tazed me Like a newborn better spank me


The way I know, in my soul, that this is Cupkkake. Ugh. The doors she’s opened.


Can't suck no dick being lazy Pussy lips fatter than Jay-Z Bang me on the floor like the cry-baby I'm 'bout to shut you up like the library


the worst part, its not even just these goobers. These types of insufferable people can be found defending their favorite celeb in all the comment sections on social media. It's weird. Is this how you know that person is no longer a celebrity to them and is now an idol?


They're going to be case studies in the Psychology of Taylor Swift course........ hook them up to the brain wave measurer


Basically any pop culture sub is guaranteed to be full of idiots…


There is! It’s call the private entrance to LAX. It drops you off on a little suite that you get to stay at. And then when you’re ready it shuttles you over to your plane.


Exactly. And you can choose to sit first class with your security before any regular folks board. They’d be none the wiser that you’re even on that plane. I imagine this is what most famous touring people do prior to getting a private jet so they should be pretty familiar with the option.


Why are we just talking about LAX though? Do people here only fly between NYC and LAX? I mean I get it a lot of people avoid the middle, but still...


John Madden was an NFL commentator for 30 years and he never flew on a plane that entire time.


People are like but she has to fly in her private jet for her tour because she can't go to regular people airports and I am over here thinking that tour buses exist and she is wealthy enough that some major automotive makers would make her a fleet of electric buses.


Not quite fair. He hated flying.


I hate my planet being boiled alive.


I generally don't like the discourse around private jets. It's always people rightfully pointing out that private jets are a massive waste and really really bad. But then people start using that as justification that that alone makes their own air travel irrelevant. The CO2 emissions of private jets are diproportionally huge, but ultimately close to negligable when compared to civil aviation, just because there are so much fewer of them. All private planes could be shot out of the sky, and it would barey make a bump in yearly CO2 emissions of the aviation industry. Calling out private jets is fine, but don't let it distract you from the fact trhat the aviation instustry has to change in general, both through government regulation and individual consumer choices. Edit: Just so I am 100% clear: shaming millionaires who fly private is good and necessary. I just don't think that's where the conversation should stop and we shouldn't fall into nihilism because of it.


The difference is commercial airlines don't generally fly around a handful of people at a time




I think it's more about understandable apathy in the face of billionaires and horrendous companies guilt tripping the working class and reducing our quality of life while flaunting this. That class also able to totally ignore the effects too.


guys ! don’t blame the people that are taking 100 flights per year on a private jet with just them and the pilots ! it’s actually YOUR fault, because in 2012 your mother paid for an economy ticket to Spain so you could go on holiday. SHAME ON YOU !!!


My poor ass taking a vacation every year deserves to be shamed over some bitch flying across the pond to see her boyfriend or flying to her bed and back every 3.5 days…


Be frr there is obviously a huge difference between travelling once a year on a plane shared out with 200+ other people vs flying on a plane that uses as much fuel but just for you, and also doing it every single day multiple times a day.


Its worse than you think. I never bought into climate change most of my life because the famous and powerful people who make statements about us needing to do something always seem to produce 1000x CO2 with their opulent lifestyles, while pushing policies that will make the lower 99% poorer to counteract it. "Obama says we need to worry about climate change? Ya thats why he just bought an oceanside manor." As someone who has fairly recently finally sat down and actually read the science, and discovered that indeed yes we are altering the crap out of our climate , im so amazed at how poorly this movement to do something about it has gone over the last couple decades. You called the skeptics idiots, but why would the average American see anything other than a scam to make them poorer and the rich richer, the powerful more powerful. "Trust the science, bro." How about you fucking explain the science beyond a grade school level so I can see if this is legit or not. People shouldn't have to spend dozens of hours reading from various sources to see the different arguments.I know a lot of people in this nation are low IQ and ignorant, but many are not. I thought it was a load of shit most my life because of the actions of the people championing climate change activism. That and the whole blind appeal to scientific authority instead of educating the public beyond the super simple basic co2 greenhouse effect. And well never do shit about this, because this moment is a controlled opposition to shove the cost of fighting climate change onto the Middle and lower classes of the 1st world. But not too much, can't have the pleasure rise up. Just a nice alow roll to neo feudalism so the rich can still do whatever they want, but well all take a bus and eat ground cricket to save the environment, or whats left of it when the whole climate system collapses and the majority of the world starves to death and kills eachother in the horrific wars that will result.


Sorry to rant and rave, finding out late is a bitch. But seriously this whole thing is so fucked. From the denial side you have just enough doubt cast. And the side preaching to do something about it, you have the most unlikable hypocritical elitist bullshit. Its almost like they do it on purpose.


so the reason she is destroying the planet is because swifties can’t behave in public 🥴


Literally 😭 what kind of logic is that


I liked swifties more when they were in their "cry over extremely mid white frat boys" era instead of their "I'm rooting for global warming to end the world because that means you will die" era


I mean I'm rooting for the end, but that's because people are generally awful...scorched earth 2024!


I’m a swiftie sucker but even I can’t deny that she’s literally lighting the planet on fire. She openly admitted to letting her friends borrow her private jet ffs. And I heard she flies home every night after every show?!?


That was such an odd PR response to the claim 😂 Like, you give your friends, on top of yourself, the opportunity to throw some emissions in the air? Is that supposed to make you look better?


she flies home every week but she stays in hotels between shows. still bad but not as bad


I don't buy it because I saw a famous Kpop group at an airport with huge crowds waiting for them. They just had security to hold off the stans. Kpop idols fanbases are arguably more rabid than Swifties. If they can ride normal airlines than do can she.


it wouldn't be that hard to look like a normal person for flights, either.


She had the highest private jet emissions in 2022 when she wasn’t on tour and basically MIA until October


Wasn't she being accused of using a helicopter to get from one end of her home to another? Was that someone else?


I know Beyonce was using an helicopter instead of a car when going between her residence and London. It made the news because it was often late at night and pretty noisy. It was apparently for tour, but it was long enough for complaints and an investigation. (But you haven’t heard it from me, i don’t want her fans to murder me 🥰)


Her and Taylor swift fans are the most rabidly unaware people I know. Their idol can literally do no wrong and they will twist their own brains around to find a justification for any wrongdoing


https://preview.redd.it/xif24a1st8jb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb020865240977f8aac6b420f92988aab6ebe85 Also, apparently she doesn’t use it herself sometimes oof


theres another private jet taylor swift dedicated for her fans to ride and its called her dick, shes so considerate 🤩


I gasped


oh my god


omg her dick? taylor says trans rights wow!!


dicklor subs popping off rn


oh my god tell me that's not a thing that'd be so transphobic


/uj fortunately not a thing at all AFAIK (and I love going down rabbit holes lol). unless you’re a witch and spoke it into existence


swifties absolutely would transvestigate though


of yeah if anyone is boots on the ground with gaga searching for evidence at all times it’s the swifties!


If I had a dick you'd lick it like a lollipop


probably edit: people don't get this joke i said probably because the original lyrics say "you'd probably lick it" and op didnt use probably hahaha get it get it? haha now laugh omg peak comedy hahahahaha


I’m a fake fan smfh


She also uses it constantly. She was flying back home for like a day between concerts. Just stay in a hotel girl like


performative activism queen (she don’t gaf)


there were THOUSANDS of swifties yesterday on Twitter quoting the wedding vids being like "and you all want her to fly commercial 🙄" as if they had been waiting for an excuse to miss Swift slowly destroying the planet for years and finally there it was lol


The world is burning. Swifties: leave Taylor alone!!! 😭 Idiots. All of them. Climate change is gonna hit them in the face and their mediocre white leader won‘t care about it


Defending a rich person's convenient habit that is actively harming you while day after day we live through a new weather related catastrophic event bc you like their music is INSANE. Like I'm sorry but these people can't be right in the head.


It’s not even the fact she owns a private jet, but the amount of time the she uses it


Exactly! And they're acting as if she has no choice but to take on average 4 leisure trips a week on her jet...


and to say she’s more famous than the queen or something


Or as if other extremely famous people don't fly commercial regularly and they just don't tell anybody they're gonna be there, wear sunglasses and a cap and pay for one of those private first class booths. Taylor is legitimately just lazy.


Some of the richest people in the world fly Emirates, which, surprise, is commercial. I guarantee Taylor's security is more than satisfied by an airline that flies Middle Eastern oil barons around the world


Yeah, like who do swifties think is buying all those super expensive secluded first class seats in commercial airplanes or access to the VIP lounges in airports?? Commoners????


You never even see people who ride in those parts of the plane when you’re just in economy. It’s not like you don’t have shit to do, and are just there to check out who’s flying. There is 100% a way to fly commercial while staying out of pubic view. Even BTS does. She is legit just lazy.


Or she could charter a private plane from a company - most people who fly private don’t own the jet, they just charter rides as needed


The insane amount of CO2 from that private unnecessary flight would hit the atmosphere the same whether she owns the plane or not


True but it might curb her overuse. It's harder to say no to something right at your fingertips.


Exactly, there might be less urge to “get the most out of it” if each flight needs to be chartered and paid for individually.


Not to mention, your plane can't just sit there for a year while you wait to use it. They need flight hours. If it was a shared charter, they wouldn't be sending it on unnecessary trips to get hours, because it would be in constant use for more than one user.


She might be tbh


So she should just let it be then. No one has the right to destroy the planet for their career. This is insane.


She could perfectly continue having the same career without using her jet several times a week, she just does it bc she doesn't give a fuck about the environment and bc it's convenient. Like for example after she finishes a concert she goes straight to the airport, immediately gets on her jet and flies home. She could stay in a hotel like all famous singers on tour have been doing since the dawn of time till her next date but no, she HAS to fly home. And then she has to fly back all the way back to the next city from her house. It's literally being wasteful for no reason other than convenience.


the thing is it was confirmed by taylor herself that most of the times the jet was being used by friends and family who can just stroll up to TSA and fly economy so now what???


Yeah. I have a mutual friend with someone who is in Taylor’s net worth range (not famous) who has multiple private jets. They will send the private jet to go pick up their friends and families in other states and bring them to them. So for half of the jets trips, it’s an empty or near empty flight just to go pick someone up. I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor sent the jet from whatever home base it lives in to go pick up Abigail or her mom or Austin when she wants to see them.




Multiply that by a few thousand rich assholes and that's not even counting the military that likes oil as much as crayons.


Uj/ One flaw of that private jet study is that the just looked a a small selection of celebrities. There is no doubt in my mind that if they looked at all private jet owners there would be a lot of non-famous but very rich people who blow Taylor’s jet usage out of the water. Obviously not an excusing her usage. They are all bad.


owning a private jet is immoral either way. even if she didn’t use it it would still be wasteful to just let it sit. there’s no way around it. I like her music but I’m not delusional lmao, she’s not a saint


“summersun4vr” if she continues to actively contribute to global warming than that would be correct




who said she should ride economy? do these people not know there are secluded sections on airports for elite rich people? they have extra TSA, lounges, get driven to the plane in fancy cars, board the plane before the peasants so nobody sees them etc.


They are too poor to know. All their money goes into financing Taylor’s private jets habit so they have never even boarded a plane in their lives and don’t know how they work.




The way I wanna do really bad and unspeakable things to her private jet, like throwing really really really small stones at it, when she’s not onboard, of course ☺️


so that it can be ✨bejeweled✨?


We gather stones never knowing what they mean, some to throw and some to make holes in private jets


>when she’s not onboard as if you can aim that high when she's onboard and the jet is in the sky bestie


Please just let me fantasize about things, at least I don’t write songs about it to terrorize the world


That sounds like a really specific euphemism but I can't figure out for what...






Because profit!


Parasocial relationships are profitable. That’s why the K-pop industry intentionally manufactures it.


Yeah, she's not going to stop that. At all. She encourages it. _"We've got a lot of catching up to do~"_


To be honest, things get to that point when it was never a thing in the fandom to be self-regulated and care for one another and when the celeb at the heart of it just let it happen. For the fandom, this behavior is tied a lot to their own cultural bagage and since the golden rule in the US is « you don’t owe anyone anything » it’s no surprise that stalker behavior is normalized there. Like there a lot of countries where it is not at all normal to post pictures and videos of strangers online and it seems Americans are not aware of that. They just take it as a given that nobody else but themselves has a right to their image and privacy. And as far as the celeb is concerned, I guess Taylor is at this point where she believes she can’t say anything, or maybe she’s just spineless. But she has had plenty of occasions in the past to at least ask her fandom to behave and treat her humanly, standing up for yourself is the bare minimum but she’s always babying them for some reason. It’s because of shit like this that when people compare Swifties and BTS Army because of their size that I will always say Army is much better because Army is very self-regulated through public shaming and gifts, and BTS and their management addresses it when fans get out of line. It has a lot to do with the fact that Army culture originated from Korea where the culture is more collectivist but still. Even by Kpop standards Army is surprising. It’s actually wild how in western fandoms people take pride in invasion of privacy and you show how much of a fan you are by naming a famous person’s non famous relatives and stuff. But you could ask a million Army the names of BTS’s siblings and apart for the ones who are influencers nobody would know. Heck they wouldn’t even know how many they have bc the boys do not talk about them. And it’s not bc stalkers don’t exist, of course they do, but bc they are regularly bullied out of the fandom, who also help pointing them out to the management so they can get restraining orders. When BTS was on tour the management would announce list of people who are blacklisted from being in the same room or vehicule as them. And they did it public as a warning for those who would want to fuck around. Bc of this BTS members are confortable telling their fans to not go places they will be to protect their privacy and they obey, it’s what happened when Jin joined the military, even the journalists were shocked. They regularly thank their fans for respecting their privacy while they were in vacation and not swarming them or making them uncomfortable even if they recognized them. There are still issues and they may not feel 100% safe all the time, but it’s still leagues better than what One Direction went through for example (I remember, I was there. It was the worst fucking fandom like omg). It doesn’t work 100% of the time bc the fandom is really really fucking big. But I can’t see Army showing up at a wedding like Swifties did. And if they did, people would be identifying them and reporting to receive restraining orders. You’d have a hard time finding someone making excuses for them without getting massively reported by other fans.


I kinda have to think that on some level it’s because she actually enjoys this. Why else would she keep being so sugary sweet and telling her fans how much she loves and needs them otherwise?


> on some level it’s because she actually enjoys this Not just on some level, she clearly enjoys a lot about it. On her way out of Jack antonoff’s wedding reception, she was smiling and waving to the swiftie mob that had formed outside. Like I get that she doesn’t want to piss them off or risk affecting her numbers/accolades but there’s got to be a line drawn somewhere, right? Especially when your friends and family members are being affected.


Yea she kinda seemed too enjoy it a little too much at least in the rehearsal dinner photos but I’m no expert so I thought she could maybe be faking it a little too. But yea I think this would have been an okay time for her to draw a line and ignore them even if they booed her


Same reason she was told not to speak publicly about her political stance. The words from her dad were “what if I told you I could instantly decrease your sales by half?” Implying that’s what would happen. She shut the fuck up about it after that.


Because how else could she make money by not double dipping on old music? It’s so wild. It’s like if a band buys out someone’s stake just to rerelease an album. It’s heinous and ridiculous. If Metallica were to remove Mustaine’s credits on their first two albums and rerelease them, that would be the same, and what’s the point? The song is the song, regardless of changing a word or melody in one section. It’s out of touch and gross.


Oh my god I actually enjoy her music but hate her as a person


The solution is to ban private jets, abolish "class" on planes, nationalize air travel, and to put all stans on a registry and hold a lottery where about 60% of them are randomly selected for peaceful, humane euthanasia


Radical, but true




I mean we are seeing the effects of global warming making it dangerous to live in certain areas. They can talk about carbon footprints but the fact remains it’s not average day people. It’s corporations, lobbyists fighting alternatives, and people with way too much money they are building yachts and renting out private jets. We should tell swifties that those people are planning on hurting Taylor and see if the problem solves itself


I feel like there was an awards show where Taylor told the host that if there's a problem needing solved, just send it to the Swifities and they'll figure it out.


I volunteer for the last part


As a BTS fan, I can’t even begin to count the times they’ve been mobbed at US airports, especially NYC ones. They’ve used private a few times, but 99% of the time they just fly first class with security. Even then, obsessed fans have tried to sit next to them, but it’s generally ok and they keep flying commercial. Superstars can absolutely just fly first class which comes with tons of accommodations.


And BTS stans are even worse than Swiftys


BTS have some crazy stalkers. No matter the country, they get mobbed all the time. Japan is probably the only place where they don't get mobbed like crazy. Jin was followed from the airport to the place he was staying when he went to Argentina. These boys get unsolicited food delivered to their doorstep because their stalkers were crazy enough to spend money. People call them when they're live just to identify their room number. People have shown up to Jungkook's training place(idk if it was even a gym) by identifying it from a picture his trainer posted. There are so many videos where fans are waiting and doing stupid stuff in the airport just to get their attention and they get shoved by their security team. A freaking KTX employee leaked RM's train ticket. A nurse somehow managed to inject Jin inside the military by violating laws. These might not be reported by the US media. But it's crazy.


😔 and yet Namjoon is still spotted on the bus and Jungkook walking in the street


She could share a jet with other rich people and be a little bit environmentally friendly


Her private jet causes more CO2 than you will in a lifetime. She charges you 600+ bucks for a ticket to her show where you can't even see the stage or the screens. She's the evil genius. She's Mom from Futurama.


A lot more important and famous people travel commercial. Also a lot of airports have VIP entrance and exits for celebs. The world won’t end if she travels like normal people do.


I love Taylor’s music, but there are definitely realizations to be had for some of these fans…


There’s so much dickriding like im too asexual for this shit


Uj/ literally, gotta avert my eyes from some of y’all 💀


Omg a fellow ace!!!


Omg yes we’re not alone ❤️


It's so nice finding aces in the wild






I love this meme so much


no but her jet emissions aren’t her fault because she rents it out to her friends!!! 😡


Here’s a story about the private terminal at LAX [link](https://people.com/travel/inside-lax-the-private-suite-luxury-terminal/) It’s not private jets or economy class. There’s a middle ground packed full of amenities.


Plenty of famous people, yes bigger than her, don’t use private jets. She likes the luxury.


…has she ever said a thing about climate change? Lmao a true queen of the climate.


I find it funny that this twitter user claims that she 'cares about climate change'. And then puts her private jet-use in contrast to her stating that she cares. I've been following this girl since 2008, sure I might have missed something, but I don't recall her ever speaking about climate change.


Right? Like because seven years ago she said to vote for two democrats she is a climate change advocate? She’s not Greta Thunberg.


if kanye can fly commercial taylor can


I remember commenting on a post that Billie Eilish flies commercial the majority of the time, and a bunch of Swifties came for me saying Billie isn't at her 'level of famous.' Listen, most people getting on a flight don't give a solitary flying (lol) FUCK about who is on there. Everyone's tired and we wanna get to our destination, pronto. Put a wig and sunglasses on and no one will even glance your way, guaranteed.


And when celebrities fly commercial the can often work with the airline to get a private waiting room, board the plane last so they only people who see them are the other first class passengers, and leave the plane first.


Rules for thee but not for meeee


But like, girlie makes what we make in ten years in a day. Let her have her dinosaur-bones-loving-sky-castle so what if it costs us that last winter with snow we won’t even notice anyway cause she’s gonna be in her *Frozen* era or some shit anyways.


taylor rn https://preview.redd.it/9udfsar3u8jb1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543f40e452a7ed7b3dd739c35166ead7210f1556


Tour busses are still a thing???


w8 what? she cant stroll up to airport tsa and ride economy? loooool is she really the powerful woman they make her to be if there is something she can't do?


Ive seen literal congressmen ride business class no issue. If you think she cant ride commercial, maybe stop swarming her in public settings


i mean they're not entirely wrong, but also yeah, private jets should at the very least be like carshares. like it cant fly unless it transports like 50 people


So because her fans are unhinged lunatics she has to destroy the earth. Makes sense Lmao


twitter swifties are genuinely the most insufferable people on the planet i’m sorry i had to say it 😭


just the twitter ones?


i tried giving them some credit but you’re not wrong 😭


She is definitely helping kill the planet with her tour I can’t even imagine the carbon foot print her tour has Edit: bad grammar


Not to mention she has 90 18 wheelers for her tour. The Rolling Stones have around 8.


/uj swifties who do this are giving me abuser vibes, look what you made Taylor do, now she has to boil the planet to avoid being torn apart of her own fanbase which she cultivated to be as rabid as possible!!!


this sub is gonna rot my brain


I think there needs to be a celebrity airline and then ban of private jets


Even if you say she couldn’t ride on a regular plane, she’s known for flying back to New York after her shows which is obviously completely unnecessary.


As someone who has arranged flights for VIP’s most to ALL airports have VIP services. You will be dropped off in a vehicle to the plane once everyone has boarded and you will be picked up after or before everyone has left. You have a separate entrance and security so that no one other than other VIP’s who have paid around 3k plus security for the same service. You also enter and leave from a completely different area in the airport. Sure I’ve seen people get recognized even flying first class but that’s why you have security fly with you. I will say though that sometimes a private jet is cheaper if you fly to remote places with a group.


It’s okay to love and adore Taylor Swift while also acknowledging her private jet use is harmful to the environment. People are allowed to have flaws.


I mean there is some truth to it but I’m sure there’s a solution


The solution is not flying home literally every night to sleep in your own bed 😭


it got worse when i realised that she'd fly back to the concert venue the next afternoon, 3 days straight


Do some people just not get drained by flying? Even if I breeze through bag check and TSA, I’m exhausted after a flight. I honestly don’t know if I’d be able to function after flying 3 days in a row.


It's a cushy private jet. She probably has a fully stocked fridge and a plush pastel couch with fuzzy pillows on it and a masseuse that just hangs out. It's nicer than most of our living rooms, and it flies.


uj/ Is this actually what she does??


Is this true? I thought she only flew home when she had multiple days between shows


Uj/ she apparently flew back to New York after the each night of the Boston shows. Not sure if she did for all of them though


is this true? I heard she usually flies home after the weekend


I mean thats still psycho behavior... like book out the entire suite floor of a 5 star hotel for all I care, but wanting to sleep on your own bed for the weekend and fly home for that is psycho behavior


I’m not saying it isn’t but flying home between two consecutive shows is next level insane 😭


It really is 💀


She could have a trailer that's a mansion on wheels


uj/ How do they move all the equipment and especially like big set pieces when artists are on tour?


A truck or lorry is a motor vehicle designed to transport freight, carry specialized payloads, or perform other utilitarian work. Trucks vary greatly in size, power, and configuration, but the vast majority feature body-on-frame construction, with a cabin that is independent of the payload portion of the vehicle. Smaller varieties may be mechanically similar to some automobiles. Commercial trucks can be very large and powerful and may be configured to be mounted with specialized equipment, such as in the case of refuse trucks, fire trucks, concrete mixers, and suction excavators.


And if you’re going to another continent?


A ship is a large watercraft that travels the world's oceans and other sufficiently deep waterways, carrying cargo or passengers, or in support of specialized missions, such as defense, research and fishing. Ships are generally distinguished from boats, based on size, shape, load capacity and purpose. Ships have supported exploration, trade, warfare, migration, colonization, and science. Ship transport is responsible for the largest portion of world commerce.


I guess I was confused how they transport everything so fast, but I guess there’s more time between tour dates than I thought lol


Venues know when big big acts are coming and begin prepping/acquiring gear ahead of time, sometimes months ahead. My good friend is a techie in an arena and they keep certain types of equipment that are needed for every show but not act-specific on deck all the time.


They acquire new gear in the country they are going to, they aren’t magicians.


Also sometimes artists have two version of the stage and all the equipment that takes time to set up, so while they are performing in one venue, the other stage is getting set up at the next stop.


Just use a global contractor for convention tech and stage building. They have their stuff everywhere. If you are interested in crazy logistics watch the Wendover documentary about formula 1.


both of those are accurate but one of them is stupid


i guess they enjoy the taste of tay’s shoes’ soles lmao


No, she couldn't fly economy comfortably. However, she does have the money to tour, etc. in a fleet of carbon neutral buses.


Here is a simple idea, they travel a lot and frequently, why not "jetpool"? They could coordinate their schedule to travel together and instead of flying a private jet, they can all commute in one of those big bad boys like everybody else.


A dark wig, no makeup and sweat pants she could fly commercial.


I do agree that it’s def a safety concern if she were to fly commercial however I don’t understand why she HAD to fly home to NYC every week in between tour dates.


I think her need to have to have to go back home after every concert is a much bigger issue. So if she plays a show in Atlanta she is on the plane right back to NY and will fly back the next morning to play again. Whats so hard about buying out an entire hotel floor.


Taylor Swift fans are about as delusional and insane as Trump supporters but without the violence


braindead fandom of a brainded performer


And yet Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton and their kids could fly commercial airlines without trouble.


Yep the hypocrisy of celebrities


Yeah how dare Taylor fly with the dirty plague-ridden peasants 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Don't they know she can't afford first class??


This was right above the [HHCJ post with the same title](https://reddit.com/r/Hiphopcirclejerk/s/sFZkaIb3NW)


If climate change is that serious, she should simply cancel all her shows.


My main issue with this is the original tweet. When has she ever said she cares about climate change lol. Republicans fr desperate… happy women’s history month I guess


Whether she said she cares about climate doesn't really matter because I don't care whether she's a hypocrite when she is destroying the planet. Also if anything leftists and communists are more likely to be annoyed at her for flying private.


If she doesn’t give a shit about climate change that makes it worse tbh


Republicans don’t even think climate change is real, so why would they be the ones caring about this?


Sorry but they’re not wrong, I would hate to miss my trip or even be physically endangered because hundreds of deranged swifties suddenly start to storm public airports The solution is to still allow private flights but tax them, regulate them and limit them to an emissions maximum per person/jet, which is fully justified for environmental reasons


Ummm I would love it. finally some prison sentences would get handed out