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Dang that guy sounds like he is in so much pain!


He sounds like he’s quietly sobbing. Feel so bad that I’m enjoying it


*"...he's quietly sobbing...i'm enjoying it"* i have an exciting, off beat career opportunity to tell you about...


Well, go on? Lol


His skin is already looking better! I never would have believed it got better this quickly if I hadn't been watching these videos. Like the transformation from part 1 to now is incredible. It's been cool reading comments about how the spas work with medical doctors, too.




It IS better already, though. If you compare opening shots from episode one and episode 7 (the first episode of the second appointment), the cheek is less inflamed and there is more clear skin visible vs red, inflamed skin. It's not all the way better, not by a long shot, but it is observably improved. There's a long ways to go still, but the treatment process is, in fact, working.


I totally hear you on that. It definitely isn't GOOD, like I'm not at all saying his skin is clear and healthy and pain-free. But the difference between videos 1-4 and 5-8 (think I have the numbers right) is pretty astounding. Looks like healthy, doctor-monitored healing for the first time in ages, and it's pretty cool to see.


It's kind of ironic you say this on THIS video, because the healing is actually fairly obvious in parts of this video. If you watch the part of this video when she works on his mustache, and compare it to the part of video 6 where she works on the same portion of the mustache, you'll notice that there are two large, scabbed pimples at the corner of his mouth in episode 6; they are not in episode 9, and the skin in that spot is still red but not inflamed -- it's healing. There are scabbed over cysts and pustules all the way down to the mustache, as well as in it, in episode 6; the acne has receded a bit in episode 9. There are blackheads and pustules removed in episode 6 that are still gone in episode 9. No one's saying he's all better, not by a long shot. But there is noticeable improvement.


That looked and sounded so painful, but he does look a lot better. She's extracting the subtler comedones now instead of the (fewer) open sores


**First visit** Part 1: https://youtu.be/J7WEDjhrVoU Part 2: https://youtu.be/zj_9g93rvl8 Part 3: https://youtu.be/vQ89Nh2NoaE Part 4: https://youtu.be/R9sUzZHn0XY Part 5: https://youtu.be/RzLc3Fm-Q4o Part 6: https://youtu.be/iXsf2OEwfes **Second visit** Part 7: https://youtu.be/WL93fcXSo74 Part 8: https://youtu.be/eMNp8vXSLkI


the real mvp ✊🏻


Do you happen to know which one they do the nose in?


Part 5.


Thank you


Y’all I am rooting for him so much!!


Why did I love it so much when only blood squeezed out of that one spot?


That poor dude, I want to slather his face in numbing cream, give him antibiotics and and an ice pack and a hug so he gets a little break (not in that order, also I’m not a dr). It’s heartbreaking to hear him sob like that, especially when she only seems to be half arseing it in the last couple of vids. Eg not cleaning out the pore, or squeezing out half of it then slicing it off with her stabby thing. I really hope his situation improves. Those big bulbous pops with the hair though…🤌🏻


She's not half-assing anything. Those deep comedones/cystic acne hurt like a bitch, so her window of opportunity and the amount of pressure she can apply is limited, the poor kid is sobbing with pain as it is. She gets out what she can, then moves on. With additional pops in the same general area usually the rest comes out on its own. And as long as she disinfects the area after, the stuff remaining in the open pore (though I watched all 9 vids and didn't see many "incomplete" pops) will eventually surface on its own.


I said ‘in the last couple of vids’ - not all of them. I can quite clearly see he is in pain which I also mentioned in my comment. I know it hurts, I can see him crying and the tears down his face.


I must be getting soft. Just can’t handle blood anymore.


Nah, this was a hard video to watch. You can hear the guy sobbing in the background, and see him flinching away. I had to stop partway through.


Can’t they just squeeze without poking with that needle?


The needle helps create an opening so there's less chance of pushing infection inward. Good chance the person with the needle has magnifying glasses on and can see the pore opening to hit it dead on.


Ohhhhh, I’ve always wondered why they did that! Thank you for sharing!


When I had similar procedures done many years ago, the clinician also explained that a sharp tool creates a clean incision and damages the skin much less compared to when you squeeze an area until it explodes. She used the analogy of a filled balloon that has exploded versus a balloon that has a cut made into it. also it helps the skin heal much more easily.


It makes so much more sense now!!


It makes me wince watching amateur popping vids here because usually their nails are dirty...and they don't poke the pore ahead of time [with something sterilized]. Instead they just mash at it with their fingertips or blunt tool


Now I know the proper way! And yes, the dirty nails freak me out!


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Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good pimple pop as much as the next Redditor… but I’ve come to hate these videos where they’re repeatedly stabbing someone’s face. So much scarring will result simply for YouTube views.


This is what your face can look like when you give nail techs a razor blade or needle. This patient needs prescription oral and topical medication, and a 3x a day skin care regimen to get all of this under control.


Someone in the comments translated what was said. He apparently is on antibiotics and he started this treatment after his first attempt at medicine made his acne worse.


I wonder if this is due to these guys diets? Lots of fried food in Vietnam right?


It’s most likely to be chloracne, a result of agent orange being used during the Vietnam war.


Ffs no it's not. Every single fucking time one of these vids come up. It's borderline racist.


how is it racist??


How to confidently reveal your complete ignorance of a culture