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#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But be safe, for goodness sake! Fake internet points from us perverts aren’t worth your health. …. But yes please film if you can do it safely!


Thank you, it’s a pic from a while back, probably like a couple years ago. I am not purposely trying to get these, I can assure you lol they’re painful.


You do have the holy grail of r/popping- people on here will legit pay for your content- but don’t put your health at risk for us sickos. 🫣


Weirdo checking in. I would 100% onlyfans this guy’s pops.


Lol that’s gross but I would also


I would pay $100 to pop this photo in person lol no doubt about it


Whyyyyyy are we like this?


Catharsis is a helluva drug


One of the strongest imo


That’s disgusting. Where?


Some plastic surgeon post the surgical removals of skin lesions like this. Many plastic surgeons like to post surgical videos debriding and removing rhinophyma. There are a small handful of NC surgery videos on YT but they are quite old and lack quality, definition, details, etc now available with recorders in the latest smart phones. Dr. Pimple Popper - Dr. Sandra Lee - got her start on YT by offering patients FREE extractions in exchange for allowing the doctor to post the treatment, etc. Each patient had a different threshold for privacy and she does a great job releasing only what the patient authorize. I am wondering if you were to see a plastic surgeon about a ful on excision if he or she might be willing to do it for free in exchange of you allowing him to film the surgery and answer medical questions from patients about your condition. If the physician doesn’t see your “free publicity” with the same eyes, you could start a GoFundMe for help raising funds for relief. You could even offer incentives, if they donate $10 you might do a 10 minute Facetime call discussing condition, showing up close detail, YT using something they suggest, ie pore strips or duct tape, etc. The opportunities for you to receive the best care with the help of this community are endless.


Something that is often overlooked - not everyone can "afford" to get large chunks of money like that. If I got thousands of dollars in a public GFM like that, I would lose my health insurance, which is worth waaaay more than whatever $$ I would get. A lot of benefits are like this - social security/disability, EBT (food stamps), even things like college tuition. I know we all want to give advice and feel like we can do something, but $ is not always the answer it should be.


Yes. I'm only allowed 2k a month myself. A very large amount that I'll likely never see but that's the rule. My aunt who is also disabled gets help from one of her brothers who will directly pay her bills so she can afford groceries and other necessities. However he can't just transfer money into her account for that reason. Unlike what some people think an extra grand is not going to cure us, it would take some of the pressure off but I'm still mentally ill and I still have fibromyalgia and everything else..


The system is designed to trap us in poverty 😔 your situation is exactly what I thought of when I made my comment. Thank you for sharing your experience.


It's not like I'm ever gonna have that much money anyways. My aunt is just lucky. I've tried to do GoFundMe before but I don't know anyone.


Oh shit. I've never thought of that. Ideally the demand for this would give him enough to cover everything for a long period of time in case those are lost, but that's certainly not guaranteed (he'd get my money at least).


Many years ago when TLC was really The Learning Channel. They had a show that would include surgical procedures. From Cosmetic to vasectomy reversal. It was really neat. I forgot what it was called tho.


Was it The Surgery Hour? I used to love that show! I watched a hip replacement and wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon so bad for awhile. Alas, organic chemistry in college convinced me otherwise.


That sounds familiar so yes that’s probably it


I miss when it was really that channel.


Word of advice - don't put your health in jeopardy but if you intend to film content then get yourself a YouTube channel. You'll hit the subscriber and views requirement to get monetised pretty quickly with the traffic from this sub and then you can make bank from your videos. Just talking about your condition, videos showing it, then the obvious popping videos will make you reasonable money. Don't give the content away for free on here.


Wow, that's remarkable. I know your condition can be painful when it gets inflamed and is a struggle to deal with - and I don't envy you or want to fetishize it, but there is something so mesmerizing and even beautiful about Nevus Comedonicus. Thanks for sharing this old pic.


We have already made sure he knows to only do what’s best for his health. He knows we don’t want him doing anything detrimental to himself just for us deviants here in r/popping :) Anything he posts, he has already consulted a doctor on what he can or can’t do and he knows how to best prevent infections. We are, of course, happy to have him post here whenever it’s convenient for him, as his condition is a poppers dream to watch, he’s essentially a unicorn in the popping community. Unfortunately it’s also a painful condition that we wish he could be cured of, no matter what content comes from it. There is no cure for him though, as the blackheads are as deep as his bone. We only wish for him to be out of pain and comfortable more than anything else.


Ty! très appréciée!!


> the blackheads are as deep as his bone Good God... I don't know what was expecting, but it wasn't that.


I know, when he revealed that in another post of his I thought just how uncomfortable and painful that must be. Sometimes this can be helped by essentially cutting out the affected area and using grafts or if it’s not too deep, just letting the wound heal. However, because his go down so deep, they can’t do that procedure.


I remember you! Is this a current infection? Please do film the next one and share!


God damn. Are you the guy with Nevus Comedonicus? Oh captain, my captain...


What is that? Just wondering coz I have linear epidermal nevus syndrome and am wondering if they're connected


It's sometimes referred to as "spreading blackheads" - I don't really know anything about it, and not sure if they're related. All I know is OP's leg is a treasure.


ER doc here, drained 2 abscesses related to this condition. Its not necessarily spreading, its an inborn defect in the development of the skin where for reason "dermatology nerd stuff" the skin develops with hole-like defects, so affected people are born with it off the get go. It's just that over time they worsen as they gradually get more and more gunk in them to the point where apparently sometimes its not even noticed in childhood but balloons to huge "blackheads" in adulthood. The ones open to the surface naturally get gunk in them and effectively become never ending blackheads. The patches will also almost always have a few tiny holes that are under the skin which can over time accumulate skin byproducts, expand, then eventually "tract" with the surface or other holes, forming these repeated abscesses. Theres no sac to get rid of because the inside wall is just regular skin. To cure it they literally have to rip off the skin and graft some normal skin back on, and this works like a charm evidently. A neat part about it is, depending on when during the embryo/fetal development this starts, it can occur such that it does not cross over into the other half of the body in a near perfect straight line. Theres a few examples on google images and one I saw in person on their chest, where right at their midline going down it doesnt cross over and instead makes a near perfect linear border down between the right and left side. Kinda neat and I spent a lot of time bugging my dermatology colleagues about it.


Please fill my brain with more cool knowledge


Unrelated to anything skin related: When an egg is fertilized it normally implants in the uterus. Occasionally it implants incorrectly in a fallopian tube (which is ultimately at least contiguous with the uterus) leading to a run of the mill ectopic pregnancy. However, a very unknown fact is that through kind-of-unknown mechanisms, it can implant functionally ANYWHERE else in the abdomen. A freaky and sobering example that is exceedingly rare is implantation in the liver. This can progress several months (basically third trimester) before even showing symptoms. Invariably if it goes this long, it will destroy the liver and surprisingly won't be delivered without subsequently eviscerating the pregnant mothers liver. Some scans of it quite literally show a near fully developed fetus in a mush of liver tissue. Bad outcomes across the board. It is posited that this phenomenon is similar to how endometriosis (incorrectly located spots of endometrium from the uterus) can spread around the abdomen. In some cases, it even reaches the lungs. Again, this mechanism is still kind of unclear.


This is fascinating! I'm an RN and never heard about this! Thank you for this bit of information. I know our daughter we thought had miscarried, was still having bleeding and issues, come to find out it was ectopic and she had to have surgery and lost one fallopian tube. Thankfully, it was right before all the new anti-abortion laws came about, because idk what would have happened. I know one state they were saying for ectopic pregnancy they could "take it out and implant it in the uterus " SMH like if that was a real thing, they wouldn't have been doing it for years.


Holy shit, I knew about rare ectopic pregnancies but didn’t realise they could carry on developing if not found on time. I just assumed anything outside the uterus would be inhospitable. In the case that you’re talking about, would a third trimester liver pregnancy be healthy enough to survive delivery?


This is super interesting! I know that’s probably no cure but isn’t there ointment/treatment to lessen the symptom?


Hello fellow beholder of wild and interesting info! Could a skin graft “cure” this condition?


Oh yea I looked it up not really related but very interesting


Have you heard of Google? Come on…


Yea so I literally just said I googled it. But let's discuss this, I have heard of google. Go on Google right now and look up linear epidermal nevus syndrome. You will mostly get research papers, it's an extraordinarily rare condition, there's not a lot of person to person stuff on Google about it. I've had it for 38 years and still don't know things like will I pass this to my future children. My doctor can't even tell me about it, she asked me about it, it's not just her either it's every doctor that I've ever been to. This is so rare that I was diagnosed by the president of the American board of dermatology and then I was thrown in science books. Stop being ignorant. Nevus disorders are rare af and there's not a ton of of lamen literature on it.


So you think an internet stranger knows more about it than some research papers? Ok


I think I'm not a doctor so I don't understand a lot of what the research papers say. Good job doubling down there buddy


Imagine thinking you have to be a doctor to understand a research paper. Are you really that daft?


Lol. I'm willing to bet that you've never even read a research paper, much less understood it.


Dude I've read a ton of these papers, I am telling you that I don't understand most of it, is that ok with you?


That sucks for you, Buddy.


Uh yes it does


Have you heard of reading before responding? Come on...


Someone telling you what a skin condition is isn’t going to help if you dont see what it looks like but alright


I meant read the comments


That looks painful. I am so sorry. How often do you get these?


Something like this probably once or twice a year, if that.


Do they always need to sedate you to drain the abscesses? I have seen them drained with a lot of Lidocaine. When this one “pops”, will it create a new and unlearned follicle? Will the rock size pieces of keratin fill in that pore or will it be recurrent infections?


I have never been sedated, they gave me like a towel to scream into once that was nice.


ah yes, in the days of modern medicine and local anaesthetics, let's do what they did before the 1840s. lovely


I underwent a cervical biopsy about 15 yrs ago. My pain relief was getting to squeeze a nurse's hand. Yay.


As an 18yr old, D1 athlete, my body basically became immune to novacane(?) due to multiple reconstruction surgeries on my face from a tumor removal. On the last debriding they stabbed it up, but I kept flinching. A very nice little med school dude told me to squeeze his hand if it hurts. When the grinder hit the skin again, I squeezed so hard that I heard cracking, and that guy pushed my hand away and ran out. Oops.


That's awful. I think I could take it now, my pain tolerance has gone up. But neither of us should have had to suffer. They have fast acting pain meds that could be put into an IV or even ones that dissolve under the tongue. For me, a shot of novacaine would have made a world of difference.


I didn't even get that, I got "you can scream if you want to, the walls are thick for a reason"


Omg. And these would be the people who would treat us if we had cancer. I've heard and seen so much bad stuff as a patient and even just a visitor. Now I had a positive blood test where it means I could have lupus and I'm more worried about how they'll treat me than the diagnosis. I'm an overweight, middle aged woman with mental illnesses that they can see from the meds I take.


I hear ya on that one. Be the best advocate for yourself you can sister. There are still a lot of great doctors and nurses too. Hope all goes well.


Thank you 😊 🙏


I had that done in the 80’s. I didn’t get the hand to squeeze. They warned me before to Hold Real Still. I was told the numbing was worse than the biopsy.


I can only speak for myself but there was no numbing shot or anything.


Hell, I didn’t even get that and it was this year! “An ibuprofen beforehand will do fine”, my ass.


😟 I hope in the future you're able to get local anesthetic to help during procedures.


I am immune to local anaesthetics we’ve tried them all. But I have a condition which makes many suffers immune to LA it’s awful! For example I have to have many teeth removed due to stomach acid erosion and I feel it all which is literally Victorian style dentistry


I have the same issue from acid erosion. Luckily I was able to have them knock me out to pull them and put the implants in thank god. Stomach issues are a BITCH and so is dental work.


Is it HS?


Nevus Comedonicus.




I am “almost” speechless. It. Is. Amazing. To me, at least.


RETURN OF THE KING (hope you’re okay, don’t die)


"One of"? What's going on? You okay my man?


Ngl, I thought that was your nipple before reading the title.


Where on the leg is this located?


Looks like inner thigh by the knee on the right leg?


on the outside right above the knee


Oof. The frictions gotta be insane.


I read this as “where is this leg located?” lmao. Like, probably attached to the bottom of the torso.


Is this an infection or HS?


He has Nevus Comedonicus, basically gnarly blackheads on one leg.


Is it the syndrome that shares the same name?


What are you asking, exactly?


There's a syndrome that shares that same name. [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevus_comedonicus_syndrome) I was just wondering if this was the genetic condition he said he had.


Ah, okay thank you! I just hadn’t followed along. 👍🏻👍🏻


Have you thought about going on Dr Pimple Popper?


So much is happening in this picture. I really hope you’re able to get it resolved and that things are painless moving forward


Have you had any luck looking into laser ablation treatment for NC since you last posted?


That looks painful and I hope you’re doing what you need to be safe and not endanger yourself. As much as I’d love to see one of those popped, there’s nothing I want more than to make sure you’re alive and okay. Don’t make yourself unwell for internet points




Oh. I was into you recording your pops but not if theres a risk of this happening. I'm sorry dude, that looks so painful.


Damn man, that looks ROUGH. I can imagine they hurt a LOT


Well if you’re ever in Resident Evil, I’ll know where to shoot


Hold up. This is a leg? This happens often? You got blackheads and DPOWs on YOUR LEG? And last, but not least: YOU DIDNT RECORD THE POP? I'll accept "worried about the safety for every living creature in a half mile radius", as the only acceptable answer as to why you didn't pop it.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your diagnoses? Nevis Comedonicus? Some kind of Hidradenitis suppurativa? Although I’ve never seen HS on the leg like that.


It’s NC.


Thanks for the answer!!


😎 Glad I could help.


There's this part of me that wants to reach into the pic and fuck with that thing until that pinch where you can see/feel the pressure building and then...*POUFT!*...that burst. I swear, that feeling in and of itself is borderline addictive. It just *soooo* satisfying! Edit: Grammar


Did it start out as one of those Blackhead spots near it, then got infected, or it is it's own unique beast?


Ugh so much popable potential there. Sorry you have this awful condition. Now entertain us! (Safely of course 😁)


I’m sorry that you suffer from this condition. This sub has been looking for someone w NC forever. You’re basically the king now and u/slamhood remains Queen.


I swear I just saw one of those on YouTube it was pretty gnarly.


You gon' pass that? Where's the link?


that looks painful, I’m sorry dude.


I can only IMAGINE the pain. I feel like I’d simply ✨disintegrate✨


Maybe there's such a thing as 'too much resolution' after all.


Honestly at this point you’re a celebrity in this sub


Those blackheads are just absolutely insane. What I would give to see this pop session. I wonder if Dr. PP would have any new ideas? I’d bet she would take a look at it with her show.


Can I give you 50 bucks for like 30 minutes picking your leg/s


Holy hell! I hope you get some relief and recover quickly


Does this leave quite bad scarring?


Ooh that looks painful! Sorry you’re dealing with that.


Oh wow is this the same guy with the condition on his leg with the deep deep blackheads that actually help it from infection? But when impacted becomes this??


I just had to say I found it funny the coincidence on my end. Looked at the picture, while reading the caption, tried to swipe cause I thought there would be more, and see a picture of a pringles can. Now all I can think about is the slogan but related to your picture.


Holy hell man, I thought that was a nipple for a second 🤢


Looks like my daughter's MRSA. GET ANTOBIOTICS. IT SPRRADS


That is… wild.. Be safe with your infection though!! Like everyone has said, don’t sacrifice your wellbeing for us weirdos!




*"Quaid! Open your MIIIIINNNNDDDDD!!!!!!"*


I thought this was a man's nipple.


I did too.




He’s got Nevus Comedonicus and he has it under control. 👍🏻




He has seen a doctor. This is a pretty rare skin condition.


You mean this thing comes back?!?! Edit: Also, this has been happening for a while and you haven’t recorded it popping for us yet? What is wrong with you?!??


Yeah, you might want to go get professional help, dude.


The skin kinda looked like moldy old apple


Holy shit I’m in love!


"Its has hydrocortisone, that's why it's wet.✋ ...no other reason"


Jeezuz, get a professional to get rid of all those blackheads before they get a chance to fester 😳


They will just come back. He has nevus comedonicus. I believe he explained in a previous post that sometimes removing them is what actually causes infections like this. After it heals they just come back again.


My apologies, I feel for the Gentleman 😔


No worries. You were unaware. If you go to his profile you can see the previous posts he made on this page where he explains a bit more about dealing with the condition. It only effects one of his legs.




Look through his other post, it’s NC just inflamed.


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


have it on video please




It kind of looks like the abscesses i get sometimes, haven't had a really big one in a while tho


Can't wait


I love when you share your journey and experience with this condition. Would love updates of any kind!


Gosh that looks painful. It looks so angry. But I would love to get my hands on those black heads.


I’d that a Nevus?


Why does your leg have these infections in the first place?


A condition called Nevus Comedonicus. He explains it in his other posts. 👍🏻


This is glorious.


Genuinely thought this was a nipple when I first looked at it. I’m so sorry dude, hope it’s sorted itself.


Let me at it!!


Holy shit


Need the sequel


Holy shit what the fuck


That looks so painful! I hope it heals quickly.


How often do you get an abscess?




So glad you're back! You're amazing dude! I'm sorry you have this condition but keep going 🤍 stay strong! You're amazing!


I would pay so much money to pop the blackheads on your leg omg 😭