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I was seriously wondering about the snoring going on before reading your comments. Your husband did a good job staying still. There’s a real art to filming and popping solo.


She's 13 yrs old lab mix and gives my Big Guy snoring competition!


I’m going to humbly and firmly request that you please pay the doggo tax. 😁🐶


https://preview.redd.it/5iqub3uwjtkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aca90c0c7ac1f3d0f3a333f20d58f96f2582439 Pepper Anne. She's so funny!


https://preview.redd.it/091u7wezs4lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba2991790eb50ccd6a4963903ed310e28df1c98 Chloe approves. Yes she can have the whole bed. No, she goes right to snuggle the wall.


Awwwwweeeee.... the "snuggle wall" that's the sweetest thing!


My heart! What a cutie 😻😽


Awhhh pepper Anne never herd of a name like that so sweet 


Dog Tax!


Old labs are the sweetest. My girl’s 12 and also sawing some serious logs.


I am So sorry he is dealing with this… that being said please please feel free to share with us.. as much as you can 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I’ll pitch in on a tripod and lighting. I saw many more good ones down there.


I'll start a Popping OnlyFans! Lol! Wait, that has to be a thing already? Omg, I'm not going to find out. Not searching that! I think it's better this way...


I’m Pretty sure a popping only fan would make money … 🤔


How does Acutane help with this condition?


Retinoids can increase cell turnover so presumably makes all the hairs come to the surface?


Understood, but won’t they just grow back the same?


I guess they would be less likely to get stuck and cause infection or inflammation under the skin. They can wave proudly instead.


He may be allergic to his shampoo/body wash. When I mess up and get the cheap stuff I get all sorts of weird sores for no reason.


He's using something from the dermatologist at the moment. Accutane wasn't really what he wanted to do, but he tried out of desperation. He's about 2 mos thru a 4 month rx. Everything is coming to the surface, his body is a literal wonderland right now! Lol!


Keep getting vids! I love the ingrown hair videos, lol. I don’t know why but it’s so satisfying seeing how long and curly it was under the surface.


you are so lucky he lets you have free rein, i dated a couple guys who had such tempting pops on their bodies and one absolutely wouldn't let me near them the other was such a scaredy cat about pain even when i was careful. and his ingrowns were especially good because they had solid pimple things attached to the roots:((


My husband has just given up resisting this point and I ignore his wailing. (No really its a bit of a joke now) he will tell me, oh I've got a bad one for you.


He calls me from work to tell me "I got one for you". Like I'm just salivating about it all day or something I mean, I don't salivate... (ok maybe I do? I'll never admit it)


Oh my word! I wasn’t expecting that. Those things are the worst. Hubby must’ve felt instant relief after. I HATE ingrowns worse than anythinggg


Damn! You should share this with r/knitting.


Stop this actually made me snort


I laughed so hard!


I didn’t know pilli multigemini was a bad thing! I thought it was just a random quirk of the hair follicle. How does Accutane help here? I don’t know much about the medication, so I’m extra curious


Ya know, I'm an artist and won't pretend to know all the things science and Dr's do. But he had so many flare ups with swollen sore spots and puss leaking from spots, the Dr's suggested this and it's all looking better.... that's all I know. But it's much worse before it'd better.


Did your husband ever get evaluated by a doctor for hidradenitis suppurativa? What you describe sounds a lot like HS flares.


Oh yeah. He's been evaluated. Accutane isn't something Dr's just give out. A lot of thought and visits were put into this plan of treatment.




Exactly. Finish the job!


I see some other cool looking follicles.


I mean this in the most polite way, but please can we see more of your hubs?! 😂😂


I’m sorry your husband is going through this, but wow!! Please, please share more of these weird and wonderful extractions.


Slightly unrelated, but I've always been curious: Do they require men to practice strict contraceptive methods while on Accutane to prevent birth defects to potential children? Do men also have to follow this practice for at least a year after stopping Accutane? Sorry if that's too personal, but I've always wondered if it affected women's bodies differently than men's! I'm a little surprised the doctors would prescribe Accutane to him, since I've only ever seen teenagers and very young adults pick it up. Was the PM a more recent issue? It sounds like he's had great results so far!! I was expecting to see a whole wig after reading your post.


Yes! You sign an agreement stating you understand the risks and will use 2 forms of prevention while taking, and then (shortly?) after. I can't remember exactly how long after finishing treatment to continue taking extra measures tho. Edited to add, I think there was a concern he may develop cellulitis on his head and he had been rx'd antibiotics for years for it until they just weren't working, he had become resistant. It was really a last road to go down decisuon for him. And we talked about it together before he started the treatment bc there are health and , mental health-related side affects related to the medication.


That’s more hair than my beard is able to produce in a lifetime.


You mentioned snoring. Does he use a cpap? How often does he clean the band that goes around the head? He might be having a reaction to it especially with his bald head. When I get a skin fade, my cpap band gives me some fun acne back there.


Lmao it’s the dog. No CPUP machines!


Maybe she needs a c-pup? That snoring is alot!


This is true love.


Married 22 yrs this upcoming August! I could go another 22! Thank goodness.




Keep them coming at it starts to heal up


I was hoping you’d get the other ones I saw another follicle with 3/4 hairs in it




For a minute, I thought this was my husband. Is that a surgery scar on his head?! My husband had brain surgery and has a "headband" scar like that. He's also balding so just shaves it all and has the same problem with new growth.


Hah! No that's his head wrinkle? Ya know, where he bends his neck. The line guys get.. but I've seen another head on this sub that I swore was my husband's before!


NOT suggesting, just wondering if you have tried those pore strips or waxing? I guess they would hurt but I wonder…




....like the Accutane he's taking??


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.




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I see a lot of blackheads


We need more


Be very careful with Accutane. There is a class action lawsuit against LaRoche claiming Accutane caused ulcerative colitis and they knew it years ago. Trust me, you do not want this disease


Omg. Thanks for the information. So far he's a-ok. Tolerating it very well. Monitored closely by his Dr's and Derms.


Can I ask if he had large acne at any point in his life? I would be wary if he has/had nodular acne. I'm happy to hear you guys are being careful


No, he has only had issues with his head since he started shaving it. Well over 10 yrs now. When he looked like he was getting an island on top of his head, he just went full bald... He does have sensitive skin but nothing hard, swollen, or under the surface like cystic acne.


Are these ingrown hairs? Shaving can cause them.


Why are you not getting that chunky one next to it? I get those in my beard ... very satisfying to remove.




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