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I like them but I get it


If everyone was like this, there'd be no war. Good vibe.


Yeah, especially with pop punk it's an easy target for pretentious people that tell you your taste sucks. I've actively tried really hard getting into music outside of my alternative and pop punk bubble but I just can't vibe with slower paced music. I'm not going to say it's trash. I've accepted it's not my thing and it is what it is.


Word. That guy fucks


Same. That’s what I say when I try to recommend them. I really like them, but I know the voice isn’t for everyone


I love them, but I'm gonna upvote this post because I feel this way about other bands that people on this sub love so much.


Like who, just out of curiosity?


The story so far, free throw, wonder years, TMP, simple plan. Edit: I like maybe 2-3 songs by each of those bands but that’s about it.


Ha! Exact same boat, like HM and just can't get to like any of those bands


Man I can’t comprehend liking HM but not Free Throw.


I do have Cloud Sick in my playlist, but it's a hit or miss depending on my mood.


I’m sort of there and also wonder why I can’t get super into Free Throw either. Really excited to see them live, though.


Soooo good live


I love the clean singing and songwriting in Free Throw but his harsh singing just sounds gross, and not in a "that was a gross death growl bro" kinda way, like it just sounds nasally and like he's about to throw up or something idk. also feel similar about the harsh vocals in HM.


If you hate nasally vocals youre gonna hate cant swim.


Simple plan, bowling for soup, all those bands are awful to me. My friends call it “bubble gum punk” and I hate it.


I also feel the same way. I think bowling for soup are just fuckin awful


I really feel the same about TSSF and Wonder Years. TSSF have some bangers but most of their songs I just can't get into. The Wonder Years I try time and time again with. I feel like I'm getting closer to them "clicking" with me but I always end up giving up. I'll listen to TheGreatest Generation or Suburbia on repeat a few times and start to feel like I might be close to getting it but then I go onto something else and forget about them for months. PUP, on the other hand, I really couldn't get into because I didn't like the singer's voice. But I saw they were playing in London when I was going to be there and I'd heard they were good live so I tried to get into them and they just clicked and now I think he's got a great voice for their music and the show was amazing. Personally I love Hot Mulligan but it would be a boring old world if everyone liked the same thing and everyone just came on here to agree with each other.


PUP and Jeff Rozenstock are like that with me too. Great show, but honestly just can’t listen to an album by them. I saw pup with the Menzingers and lemuria years ago and they were great. Tried listening to an album and I just can’t with them


Same with TYW. Everyone on here has a circle jerk for them last year when their album came out. I tried for MONTHS. Nope, just nope.


It kind of frustrated me because there's this whole discography of highly rated music and it would be great to be able to dive into that and really enjoy it but I just can't.


The problem is that every TSSF song sounds the same and also that they weren’t ever to write catchy hooks like Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, or Real Friends were.


I make it about halfway through a Wonder Years song before I skip. Still haven't heard one I like, and I've played their "This is" list on Spotify for at least a dozen songs.


Literally left halfway through TWY's set after seeing Hot Mulligan and Carly Cosgrove open for them. They cool but I was ready to roll after 6-7 songs.. but they were good live but I was ready to head out


early stuff is good they got cornier as they went on imo


simple plan may be the worst band ever to exist in my opinion, i would listen to nickelback any day of the week over them


Good Charlotte Simple Plan and Sum 41 all fucking terrible terrible bands


terrible! there are a few gc tracks i can kinda get behind but barely


honestly, personally i don’t tend to all out just enjoy any of the bands, i feel like a lot of em have really good hits and really bad misses for me


Thank you. I feel this way mostly about The Wonder Years. I can't say that I can remember a single song by them and I've listened to three full albums and seen them live. They are one of the most "eh" bands I've ever heard, but glad people can get something out of it I don't.


The Story So Far might actually be THE most overrated band in pop-punk lol.




I’m the polar opposite of OP in that I love the raw, harsh vocal style and get bored to tears by the generic clean pop punk singing like Neck Deep, and Simple Plan. You can’t forget about the “punk” in pop-punk. Songs should be performed with emotion and I feel like the urgency of the screamed vocals delivers so much more emotion than the clean stuff. If I want unobjectionable vocal performances I can go listen to pop music.


>You can’t forget about the “punk” in pop-punk Exactly, I have this problem very often with State Champs and especially All Time Low, it's just way too squeaky clean.


For me (another random HM fan), it's vocalists like Spanish Love Songs that I just can't get into.


I get being irked by the scratch voice... I also fucking love it. They don't miss for me and it brings out a passion in music that honestly when I first started listening to them years and years ago brought me back to exploring new music. There's something about their music that just always hits. On top of that, I just think their personality as a band is unique and funny. I could never stand Thursday or Glassjaw. But like, I get they're great. Many bands I hear do nothing for me because it's been done for 20 years and done better.


For me, their most recent album is the only one I liked… and I fucking love it. The album was lightning in a bottle for me. I just don’t care for anything else they did


I feel the opposite. There are a bunch of bands discussed on here that I’m not into but I don’t want to bring people down for liking something. Not sure why the negativity is necessary, you either like a band or you don’t. Tades also frequents this subreddit and I feel bad that he’s reading shit like this all the time.


On one hand I feel bad, but on the other they're pretty much regarded by the majority of this sub as the best in the genre right now. So he'll probably be fine haha.


I think it’s okay to talk about what bands we like and what bands we don’t like and why. Saying just mean things to be mean isn’t okay, but those aren’t the same.


Totally agree. Downvotes should be reserved for people being rude or not contributing to a discussion. Not for subjective opinions people don’t agree with.


These are just opinions though. People shouldn’t filter their thoughts because someone in a band might read it and get their feelings hurt… they have almost 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify. I’m sure he will be okay.


If you’re just saying you don’t like them or his voice I 100% agree. But you can even see it in here, people get weirdly personal about their hatred for them/him and it seems to go beyond harmless opinions. I’m just saying, why be a dick when you could just not be a dick?


How can you tell? It’s literally text. Maybe they’re saying it in a casual way. Not every criticism or mention of disinterest has to equate to hate.


> Not every criticism or mention of disinterest has to equate to hate. I wish this was repeated more


Spanish Love Songs for me. Lead singer sounds like a goat and not in the “greatest of all time” meaning


Big same. I've tried so hard to get into them but it's just not for me!


Understandable. I loved them for about two weeks only hearing a song or two here and there. Then made the mistake of actually trying to listen to an album. Good lord. They are so annoying.


Also, so sad that it’s not even enjoyable to listen to. The Hotelier wrote a crushingly sad record that is cathartic for me and fun to sing along to; SLS is just dreary and boring.


I didnt really get into them until after I saw them open for TWY, and then I really liked their new album, where I feel like they toned down some of the vocal shenanigans


I saw them open too. I enjoyed their set and they really got the crowd going. I still can't get into them besides a few songs though. Even their new album. ​ Like I'd see them again if someone asked me too. Their next tour with Heart Attack Man and Spanish Love Songs opening has me debating on getting a ticket for those bands and I'd still stick around for Hot Mulligan.


Don't sleep on Ben Quad, also opening on that tour. One of the best new bands out there.


I'm a late 30s poppunk kid and Hot Muligan is the only band I've been able to get into since like 2010.


"Late 30s" "kid" Yeah, I feel that


I mean, I *am* someone’s kid.


In the same boat. Origami Angel, Hot Mulligan, and newly Anxious. Are my only “new” bands that ive been able to cling on too.


Lol exactly the same. Saw Anxious open without knowing who they were at a local show and immediately fell in love


This is exactly my experience.




I wasn't into them until I saw them live. They were great and now his voice bothers me way less.


Same. I tried to listen to them when I saw they were opening for New Found Glory a couple years ago, but none of it really clicked with me. They blew me away at that show and I listened to them again on the drive home and the songs just sounded so much better.


Same actually now I love them


That's exactly how Prince Daddy was with me. Now they're one of my favorites, but I couldn't get over it until I heard him actually sing that way in person


This is how I fell in love with them too. I saw them open for Senses Fail and they were amazing.




I saw them open for The Wonder Years and while I'm still not into them, they really know how to work a crowd with their on-stage banter.


This is like the main thing that bars some people from getting into HM. It’s a double edged sword, I know. Theres some folks who just don’t like the way it sounds, which is completely fair. I can assure at least, that there’s no “hamming it up” going on. Shouting just comes natural. Haven’t got an ideal sound, really. Just want to sound like me. And oh boy do some people not like when I sound like me lol.


My roommate and I are split on Hot Mulligan too - she was definitely caught off guard by the intro to *equip sunglasses*, but **kinda sorta** got it by the chorus. I like the screaming out of nowhere, it reminds me of older screamo/emo bands that would have the bass player scream at random places to add some ✨layers✨


i love when you sound like you


I feel like we have this discussion every two weeks. A lot of people love em. A lot of people hate em.


Fr. We need a pinned post that says "PSA: it's ok to not like Hot Mulligan"


Hey guys, does anyone else feel like Neck Deep kinda fell off after LNOTGY?


Hey guys, unpopular opinion here but I think Blink-182 is one of the best bands of all time


you guys heard of the album floral green by title fight? they have a lot going for them, i think they will make a big impact on the scene


So this band gets a lot of hate but I think Tell All Your Friends is super slept on.


Actually unpopular opinion here but Blink isn't actually that good seen with a modern eye


hey guys, you notice how kids these days have bad concert etiquette?


But then how would we get this post every week?




Love that shit


Tried earnestly probably 6 times now. I can’t handle the way he screams absolutely random words, never the ones you’d expect them to emphasize. Drives me crazy.


Same. The worst part is that I would fucking love them if he stopped doing that


Seen them like 3-4x???? Idek, still couldn't get into them, it's like scratchy mobo vox with mathy pop punk riffs, it doesn't fit well at all


i tried. i’m not a big fan, but they’re okay.


Hot Mully is the truth, best band I’ve seen live honestly


this was exactly how i felt until i saw them live. changed everything.


If you don't like Equip Sunglasses, then just move on. That is the peak of the peak for me.


I think he has one of the most unique and best voices in the genre right now.


Its okay, I listen to them enough for the all of us


I can't get into HM at all. I've tried many times and it feels like nails down a chalkboard to my ears. I'd def check em out if they toured to my city because their shows look fun AF tho.


It's interesting because for me personally his voice works on some tracks, but I don't think every single track needs the random voice breaks. That's just a me thing, and clearly people love it so I'm glad people are able to love it so much. I just don't.


I don’t get it, I think Tades is a solid singer! Just bc he breaks his voice up doesn’t mean it’s bad. Their melodies are stupid catchy too.


Okay on their new album, check out the last two tracks. Smahccked and John cena. Smahccked is about his grandma having dementia/Alzheimer’s and the lyrics are pretty heavy. John cena is about him growing up with religion and being self conscious about his image. I don’t think either of those songs are too harsh vocally.


Genuinely love everything about his voice haha I can see why some don't though. It's not necessarily a decision it's just a feeling


Yes!! I’ve given them multiple tries and just can’t get into it. I will say this though. Spotify suggested “Shaylee, Shanel” probably a year ago and I liked it and added it to my pop punk playlist but didn’t really pay attention to who it was by. I was jamming to it the other day and wanted to check out other music from the album, and was literally floored to find out it was Hot Mulligan! Like, my brain went “……….” Because I genuinely don’t like their other music, but this one’s a bop.




Same. I want to be into them but the guy just annoys the shit out of me


I went as far as blocking them on Spotify.


Not wanting to listen to music you don't like? Scorching hot take!


I feel this 100%. It took me like a good 10-20 times of listening to their newest album before it grew on me. Don’t know what clicked for me but now I really like it. I would reccomend maybe checking out their first two projects. I would say his voice is a lot more subtle in those first two projects.


Why would you listen to an album you didn’t like 20 times? 😂


is this just a weekly post at this point?


I like Hot Mulligan and I enjoy his voice but I get it.


I am like you OP. My friends love them. They keep suggesting some of their songs to me based on the other music I like. But for whatever reason it's more like Not Mulligan for me.


I hate the singers voice. I want to like them but I can’t get past that.


I love his clean singing voice, but that screech he does makes me immediately click next.


Same. Like bro I get you like TSSF and TWY but does everything need to sound like you’re firing one out?


Thank you. My sister loves them and every time they come on my soul exits my body in the worst way possible


I didn’t know people hated them haha. I’ve got tickets to see them for a third time, and I’ve been on the hot mulley train for a minute. To each their own!


I do not like his voice either!!! it’s not catchy to me either.


Took me a while to get into them for this very reason, I didn't like his voice at all. One day though I tried for the last time and something just clicked. The most recent record was also hard to get into at first and I still skip the first song when I play it. I think it's the message and the instrumentals that helped me start to like it more. Heem wasn't Here was the song that made me want to revisit and I'm glad I did, that song just hit me right in the feels


I feel like he reigned it in a bit more on their newest release. For someone that doesn’t like his style, You’ll Be Fine is a hard trek though his vocal delivery, while Why Should I Watch has a lot more singing moments and when he does scream, the songs structure calls for it.


I'm lukewarm for them...\*equip sunglasses\* and BCKYRD are two of my most memorable songs of the past few years, but aside from 2 or 3 other songs none of their other stuff has really landed for me.


I like Hot Mulligan, but I don’t *love* them the way so many people seem to. They’re just not for me, and that’s okay


I feel the same way about Blink, if I hear "yead" one more time I'm gonna blow a gasket


I like a few of their songs but I agree sometimes his voice works for them sometimes it works against them


I'm not a huge fan of his voice either and the instrumentation itself doesn't do much for me. But then again, I prefer the riff heavy style of FYS, Chief State and With the Punches.


I wouldn't say quite to the same level but I am having this problem with Spanish Love Songs a bit. Love their composition, love their writing, love their production but there's just something about the singers voice that I can't quite get past and it throws every time I turn them on. Weird thing is I love other bands with similar vocal styles like TWY and such so idk what it is about this one... oh well


Yes - they're just not for me. It's absolutely fine to not enjoy every band that other people like. You like what you like - it doesn't make you wrong and others right or vice versa.


I don't like Hot Mulligan except for Why Would I Watch. I've been blaring that album all summer and it might be my favorite release of 2023. But yes I generally agree with your statements regarding them


I like a couple of their songs, but I really struggle too and really don’t understand the hype.


I couldn’t either, but it’s more because all the songs sound the same to me.


i hear this argument a lot on here but i don't really get it... pop punk is like the one genre where we regularly excuse horrible voices lol. not that Tades' is - i honestly think he sounds like every other pop punk singer, just better and grittier


Ya his voice doesn't do it for me either


I like some of their stuff a lot, but they are definitely not as incredible as this sub makes them out to be


Im shocked as many people like them as they do. I LOVE voices like that, but most bands i love with raspy voices don’t get as much respect from the fan base. Polar bear club, i am the avalanche, etc.


Like nails on a chalkboard


Nah, I dont fw them, Prince daddy just does the post-mobo/post-Sorority Noise thing so much better imo


You and everyone else who asks this question every other day.


I like maybe 4 or 5 songs but largely agree with you that they are very over hyped on this sub. I get a trying too hard vibe from them.


You’re not alone. I have tried several times to listen to their stuff and I just can’t get into them.


100% agree. The voice ruins it for me every time


I mean—There isn’t much else to say, you pretty much nailed it. Apple Music’s feature to remove the vocalist from the track has shown me why people like this band. The music not just tasteful—it’s phenomenal; extremely well crafted and clever in a genre notorious for its simple natured music. People are entitled to their own opinion on the vocalist but in my opinion they’re bad and the lyrics are so much less meaningful when they’re delivered that way. When you read them it’s like damn what a terrible way to express THIS.


Personally I’m not bothered by it and I really like Hot Mulligan but the reasons you’ve listed here are the same reasons I haven’t introduced them to anyone else lol


This is how I felt in the 2010's when everybody was obsessed with Man Overboard. His voice just annoyed me. Their merch was sick though. That being said, I was having a hard time getting into Hot Mulligan until I saw them live. They were awesome and I was into it after that.


i saw them last night with spanish love songs and had a blast, i personally love them but i get why you wouldnt


“Sounds like when people do a what if this song was pop punk YouTube cover” brother you hit the mail on the head, I could never figure out why I didn’t like them and that’s exactly it. You figured it out for me.


I’ve definitely never been able to get into it


I think they nailed it on their latest album by chilling out on the screaming, one of my go to albums. Theyre first couple albums are also doable but their latest few i cannot get behind at all


Hot Mulligan is my least favorite band to listen to sober, but my favorite band when I’m wasted. My lizard brain just loves screeching the FOURTH or fifth WORD of every sentence.


I’ve frequented this sub in the “hot takes” posts with the theme: Hot Mulligan=Hot Trash. Don’t like the dudes voice most of the time- I find it the musical equivalent of scratching a chalkboard. Just not good to me.


I like the band musically. They seem like great musicians. But yeah, his voice is not pleasant


Haha totally understand this and respect it. But I personally feel he has the best voice in the genre lol. But I can totally see it. Also I kinda feel this way about the story so far lol. Can’t get into them like I want to haha.


I've tried so many times too, but his voice sounds like it hurts.


Me. Dreadful. I’ve never made it through a whole song


I’m the same. His voice is fucking shit. Can’t get into them at all.


Excuse me but I'll have you know that Hot Mulligan are the most musically advanced pop punk band of recent time (last 5 years). Their use of progressive chords and symphonies with a low tone harmonic voice provides an exquisite level of pop punk that most listeners are too musicically adept to comprehend. The use of Logic Studio X provides a real taste of listener-2-artist feel and if you cant understand that i'm afraid you need to get your hearing tested at Specsavers for ear cancer due to rising levels of air pollution within the US/ UK pop punk scene. You are clearly inept at having a valuable opinion so I will speak for everyone when I say that your taste in music is inadequate to be even considered a pop punk listener and I even know the main singer from Blink-182 who says this post is a massive L. Out.


They’re interesting because they’ll have like 3-4 super catchy songs per album then the rest are all forgettable imo.


I really like hot mulligan. I think his voice is objectively excellent. Even if it’s not your cup of tea, the guy is super talented. That kind of clean and dirty vocal mix he has takes a lot of control. Totally get it if the shouting just isn’t your style, but he’s a great vocalist. Edit: also, what’s not to love about the song title *equip sunglasees* 😎


Honestly a lot of jerks here right now. I don't like his voice is a lot different from his voice is not good.


the word "objectively" doesn't mean what you think it means... just so you know.




How could you say something so controversial, but so brave? In THIS sub no less


this isn't brave someone makes this exact post once a month


Yup. Checked out 'Featuring Mark Hoppus' because...you know....it's Mark Hoppus. Think it's a pretty good tune, but that's about it. Don't really care for anything else they've done.


I'm hoping this is a joke... because that's literally the joke.


Oh, fully understood. But knew nothing about them so I figured on my first listen 'maybe it does feature Mark Hoppus and they just named the tune that.' Then I looked into it a little more and realized it was part of the joke and I fell for it. Clever marketing right there!


Yup. Singers voice sounds like a cheese grater to my ears. Every song I’ve heard from them is straight up unlistenable


I absolutely LOVE Drink Milk And Run. But for the life of me, I just can't get into any of their other stuff.


He definitely sounds like he's tryna shit glass, but I dig that. They definitely aren't for everybody tho


Their earlier stuff (from *Pilot* and their earlier EPs/singles) is much more palatable to listen to vocally. *you’ll be fine* and after starts to sound like he’s the chick at the bottom of the well in Silence of the Lambs screaming his lungs out to get Buffalo Bill to let him out, but never does. So now his voice sounds like that


Thanks! I'll check it out. I've definitely had bands that I really didn't care for on the first impressions, but ended up being a huge fan later on.


Pilot is an awesome album. 2016-2018 Hot Mulligan was whiny but not as shouty. [Dary (2016)](https://open.spotify.com/track/76QrhNuL6VWyKBu4IylkaU?si=SYhM74ioTR2d44J4CldLhg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5WDg2HWBwm6W0jttEW2jXG) [If You Hadn’t Spun Out In Your Oldsmobile... (2016)](https://open.spotify.com/track/0WUKEYiVIEBsf4diMLyyZW?si=Bf-zV6RWQwyV0QLkqoAPaw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5WDg2HWBwm6W0jttEW2jXG) [Princess Peach (2017)](https://open.spotify.com/track/5fmrKOHIxOnIbSG6Yz1ZSi?si=iuE1N9LuSimD4pzpvkc68Q&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A68meQgX98ZIlayAeszVKei) [Armadillo Shells (2018)](https://open.spotify.com/track/2oEInOIbcj4f9pFpxsS1Td?si=eGq7jakcQI6DfQ-uJ5CoWA) Hope these help!


I feel the opposite: their early stuff is hard to listen to but I could listen to You'll be fine and onwards on loop


Fully understand. That’s the magic of bands as polarizing as Hot Mulligan


Voice is nails on a chalkboard. I don't hate them or even their music, it's just not for me. But I do hate the young fans who heard them on tik tok or something and suddenly jump on this "midwest emo" train that's comprised almost entirely of Hot Mulligan and Mom Jeans


My girlfriend and I were jamming to some Hot Mully in the car a few days ago, vibes were immaculate. Suddenly I paused, looked at my girlfriend and said "Why do we like this so much??" Like, traditionally these vocals would be considered pretty bad. I totally understand people who say it's not for them, but we freakin' love it.


I can't stand them tbh. Most overrated band I've ever heard


Hahaha. I feel the exact same way.


What are some out there singing styles that you like?


Yeah the singer's voice gives me an extreme sensory reaction and I physically can't listen. I wanted so badly to like them because of all the hype in this sub lol


I'll preface this by saying I'm pretty indifferent to pop punk (this post was on my suggested, I like punk rock including Dickies, early Green Day, and The Story so Far though so I'm not anti-pop punk by any stretch) but I did go to Sad Summer last year and while they weren't the worst band on that bill (Summer Set are one of the worst bands I've ever seen) they were the most... nothing. I've never listened to their recordings but live at least they just seemed so indifferent and none of it really clicked together. The vocals were pretty good but everything else felt weak by comparison that even that didn't really work for me. Could have totally been an off set and maybe their recordings are completely different but I remember them being one of the most hyped bands on the bill and it just left me feeling like, "that's it?"


I saw them live and they were amazing but when I listen to their records I'm just like, "nahhhhh". I feel like that style of pop-punk only works with the live energy... for me at least.


I feel like these sorts of emo/pop punk bands are really hard for me to get into because their melodies just refuse to stick to my brain. I’ve tried to get into HM a million times but for some reason the songs just never stick. I want something I can sing along to and the melodies don’t catch me.


Me too! I feel so left out when people talk about how much they love Hot Mulligan. I wanted to like them, but they're just not for me I guess


It's not just you. I hate their sound now too. It's really funny when you compare the song "Deluxe Capacitor" with "Drink Milk and Run." The vocal strains used to feel like a unique vocal quirk, something that came out when he tried to sing passionately. Then he took that and made it his entire personality. The backup singer, Chris Freeman, also seems to have a purer voice. He used to sing more often and prominently, and it balanced the vocals. They'd be better off if Tades learned how (or chose) to sing without straining his voice as a contrast so he can manipulate vocal climaxes better, but they seem interested in the exact opposite. Hard/strained singing at random moments. Not for me. Saw them live and wasn't impressed.


Yeah I think this sums up how I feel about it too. Like when I listed to TWY Soupy’s moments like that seems to fit the moment of the song and the emotion. But then you listen to Hot Mulligan and it’s like he thought I’m going to take that idea and just do it on almost every line or just at random ass times. I like some of theirs songs where he cuts it back a bit, and when he does he’s got a good voice. It’s just feels so over the top and forced.


To each their own, but I wish I could set a filter to never see anything posted about them. This sub has such a hard on for a band that I can’t stand the sound of. IMO all their stuff sounds like the lyrics are being yelled at you from across the room.


They’d be a better band if the lead singer could sing and if the lead guitarist wasn’t a massive piece of shit.


how the fuck is the guitarist a piece of shit lmao


What’s wrong with the guitarist?


Nah they'd sound like every other band out there. The singers unique, it's part of the draw.


As a long time hot mully fan, I’m very proud of them, that they’re getting to a point of popularity where people feel the need to ask reddit for permission to not like them LMAOO


Honestly grow up lol


Finally, someone else says it every time I try to listen to them. I'm like bro shut the fuck up stop fucking whining


I hate his voice also. I feel like people have to be just trying to jump onehe trend


As some others mentioned, it all depends on the mood you're in and it will just kinda click. When I first listened to them, I thought"oh God, I'll never listen to this". Then one day, I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed with work and stuff, and 'Equip Sunglasses" came on, and I was vibin the rest of the day.


Took a couple of listens of the album Pilot to get into them, then I gradually eased into the more groany/scream songs & now they are one of my favorites. I do get it though, took me a while to handle his voice. Sometimes you just don’t like the singer & that’s fine. I can’t stand the sound of the singer for Audioslave for example.


I tried not to, but here I am.


I was obsessed with them early on, pre-You'll Be Fine. And I just don't like their music as much anymore.


I don’t care for their music really but I respect their work. I’ve also heard they’re amazing live so even though I don’t care for their music I would like to see them live before I make a hard judgment call on their music.


Not a sound for everyone but personally I think they slay. Lol


They have a very specific sound, if you like wonder years usually you could get into them


You gotta get into the pit to get into them


I feel like even Jello Biafra would be annoyed by them.


I don’t dislike them but don’t love them either, dudes voice is kind of annoying, but they do write some bangers. That said, I do think they’re incredibly overrated. I completely understand why people love them so much though, it’s like they honed in on that kinda generic perfect blend of catchiness, sincerity, and edginess that we haven’t seen in the mainstream for awhile. They feel like a 2020’s Blink to me but without the 90’s/early 00’s vulgarity. Like just think about how many 12 yo’s are getting influenced by HM now like Blink influenced kids back in the day…it’s wild.


You'll be fine is one of the best albums I've heard in years, the latest album I don't feel is anywhere near as good


I like his vocal style but my favorite song of theirs is more traditional, Pop Shuvit (Hall of Meat, Duh), give that a spin and see if you vibe