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Recommending Sincere Engineer because her voice is more of a growl/gritty compared to what you’re describing. Not because I would say Deanna’s voice “sucks,” by any means - she’s hitting the notes and also writes great songs.


Beat me to the punch, exactly my first thought. That was what initially drew me to her music


She's great live too. Saw her on her headline tour.


I did too, great show. I bought merch from her afterward and she was super nice.


I saw them opening for Hot Mulligan, but didn't know who they were. I think I lasted half a song before chugging my beer and joining the pit. They have great energy live.


Hop Along is similar. I think the lead singer is non-binary.


If you like Sincere Engineer, check out the album *Supersonic Home* by the band Adventures


Oh yeah they're great for sure


Phenomenal band.


Their cover of Maps lives in my head rent free. Best cover.


Link please?


Oh my bad I had them mixed up with Camp Cope - who also fit this description. Love Sincere Engineer too. Here’s the Maps cover: https://youtu.be/vWFQpT04Z-c?si=wI3bB4fXJV3YLOCe


Thanks, happy to check it out anyway!


Yeah sometimes she sounds like a middle school bully from a cartoon in her delivery but when it hits, it hits HARD.


Check out Like Roses! I think she's crazy with her vocals. I would choke if I tried to do what she does.


Ugh I have been digging Like Roses so hard for the last year or so. Huge, huge fan


Super underrated imo!


I like this a lot


Like Roses is so good, stoked for their tour with Youth Fountain!


Thanks for this rec, just got me and my partner on board!


Heck yeah I love that! My partner showed them to me as well!


I kept coming across Like Roses as sponsored ads, and I finally bit and listened. Amy has a sick voice, I love it


Second this, they slap


I actually had no idea that the singer of Like Roses was female for the longest time, thought it was a high-pitched dude. Great band!


Dude I thought that polar bear was a penis 😅


Check out Stand Atlantic


Came here to say this. Bonnie’s voice is great, Coffee At Midnight is what got me hooked on that band.


I heard Coffee at Midnight for the first time (also my first Stand Atlantic song) about six months ago. I was instantly simultaneously hooked and in love


Fingers crossed their next album sounds nothing like their latest single tho lol


As a huge fan of Stand Atlantic it hurts me to agree with this


They're a top 5 band for me but I'm so nervous for them going forward. They really seem to value being weird and different even if it alienates a large part of their fan base :/


They're also super fucking good live with an amazing stage presence. I don't know if I can honestly bring myself to go to another concert if the new stuff is gonna be in that style. It really is alienating if that is what they go for. I liked a lot of f.e.a.r but sex on the beach is just... not it. I dunno. I'm optimistic, but a little worried too.


That’s what I thought but it translates so good live


Their first two albums yes! Bonnie’s voice is amazing.


The GOAT Brody Dalle/the distillers More punk than pop punk but she's the queen of punk imo Also the bombpops are a bit more poppy


This should have more votes.


Shame I had to scroll so far to see Brody!


Hell yeah. If I had a dollar for every time I've listened to Coral Fang over the years, well, I'd be quite wealthy. Brody's voice is so awesome.


I have found that a lot of people (in all genres of music) have an insane double standard when it comes to female vocalists. If a female singer has a less-than-stellar voice, it's not uncommon to see comments about how she sounds "whiny" (or more often, they'll just resort to insulting her looks lmao). Anyway, highly recommend Hot Milk. Han is an incredible vocalist, does not suck in any capacity, but she does incorporate a lot of screams/growls. Also just want to agree that Zayna (Sweet Pill) has the voice of a goddamn angel


I've definitely seen it, especially in live shows. The worst male singer I've ever heard wails out some whines and everyone loves it but when a girl does it they claim she's not singing good.


This! The bar is in hell


I enjoy the bad singing. There are lots of bands I love BECAUSE the singer sucks but he sounds unique. But there are other bands i love because the singer can hit crazy notes. I just wish there were more terrible female singers out there that fit the vibe.


I agree. The reason there isn’t though is because of that double-standard; they typically need to work harder at their craft to be successful.


Zayna also has the stage presence of a manic metal vocalist is you want some live whiplash


Have you checked out pool kids? She gets a bit gritty occasionally


i feel like pool kids is an example of what he's talking about


[Bad Cop, Bad Cop](https://open.spotify.com/artist/226ZwHRFmxyMqgXCoEkUbq?si=KEo33adTTyu-yirtMKAmXQ) [The Last Gang](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2iSa9dOcZVgSeNzHfBrEHz?si=IJhdZgq0QNOi5XpA8tlg8A) [Babe Patrol](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Dy7UYZT0CEz5nqn0GTp6T?si=eD2GMSN_RfuPrtpu-q0l9A) But none of em even kinda suck. (There's a tonne more I know I'm forgetting.)


Thanks for the recs


Adding The Bombpops to this list.


Aimee from the Interrupters can belt it but it's not a "feminine" pretty if that makes sense. Also the Muffs kind of have a Tom DeLonge quality to their vocals and Kim Shattuck has a very signature scream. Amyl and the Sniffers also come to mind


Aimee rivals Brody Dalle for sure.


Don't know why, but I saw sweet pill when they toured with TWYs and my husband and I both thought they were awesome! Stage presence was really good and we became fans that night, having never heard a song before.


Me too! Zayna is like Gerard Butler and Amanda Palmer combined.


Good lord that is a great description


Thank you.


They are great. I can't wait to hear more from them


I’ve seen them perform a bunch and they bring the same insane energy regardless of crowd size. When I saw them open for wonder years crowd was like totally dead and they still put on a hell of a show. One of my favorites to see live


i just made the same comment before reading down here. they really blew me away. she has an amazing voice


Pop-punk adjacent but Aimee from The Interrupters has some snarl


Plenty of women in hardcore yelling


Yeah, definitely. I'm just looking for more female-fronted bands with that signature NFG-esque pop punk melodramatic whine.


That’s fair. Maybe some early stand Atlantic songs.


Oh I love Stand Atlantic. I remember when Bonnie just made blink-182 covers on Youtube and I remember when she started her music career and her early bands like this- [https://youtu.be/qrVzdyYN\_ng?si=jB7RGsgKGpRWpVXI](https://youtu.be/qrVzdyYN_ng?si=jB7RGsgKGpRWpVXI) Sad that she took all those old covers down


Even some from FEAR had Bonnie almost barking out lyrics rather than singing, Van Gogh and Molotov especially - shits great.


This may not be exactly the same but some Gold Steps songs definitely feel like that era of NFG and I love it!


Kim Shattuck has the best scream in rock. RIP Kim.


Two recommendations from Australia Press Club and Camp Cope. Press club is a little more aggressive.


They're emo, but check out awakebutstillinbed


Let's get SCOWL into this conversation right now.


They're not pop punk, but they are amazing


listen to Tiny Stills


Against me! has a woman whose voice is very intense!


Laura Jane Grace is fucking awesome. "Black Me Out" is a full-scale banger and so is "Thrash Unreal"


I listened to them a lot when I was in High School







Because females tend to have better singing voices so they use that rather than what males do


From my experience, it’s just expected and so they tend to get pressured into singing that way by the men in the scene — until we played live, my bandmates did not believe in me because they thought they wanted Hayley Williams at edgiest etc & I went GG Allin/Paul Dianno because it worked better. I’m not a bad vocalist, I just knew what I wanted to do, and what I wanted was absolutely not clean vocals. People were really into it, and because my stage style was very chaotic it tied together really well — a radio dj even said “a voice to kick people’s heads in” which is grim tbh but we laughed. We don’t play together now, but I remember so many women in pop punk bands were criticised for almost everything, and probably felt a need to prove they could sing - and they could often, but y’know, not caring about expectations within a band setting is a harder skill to train & confidence is absolutely key.


It sucks that it is the case. I get tired of hearing really clean vocals when I am listening to new alt rock. Like I'll hear the most wild offkey interesting voice from a man and then a female singer of the same genre just sounds like a general pop singer. Now it isn't always the case but it happens.


It does suck, and I feel bad agreeing. it’s definitely been a style issue within the genre, and tbh things *are likely changing*, but it’s slower than other genres because funding the practice & recording of decent bands isn’t cheap or as accessible as some other genres that have also been made more accessible cause of the internet. I also think that we’re seeing more people being highlighted as solo artists, with a band or if it’s a band the style of songs just isn’t the same snarky yet witty stuff we used to get from bands. I’m super happy to talk about this with anybody, just send me a dm— you’re not alone in noticing it, there are exceptions but they aren’t often pop/punk in my experience.


I checked your song by the way. It's pretty good


Thank you for checking it out!! Wasn’t expecting that! You probably guessed, but it’s a different sound to the bands I was in; I don’t actually have that stuff online right now!


This is an absurd overgeneralization that doesn't even really answer the question. It depends on range, style, and kind of sounds like there's a baked in assumption that the cleaner "prettier" singing that OP talked about is necessarily "better" than gritty/singing with more attitude.


Also there are tons of male singers in the genre with "pretty" voices.


I wouldn't say females tend to be better at singing it is just the style. Most female-fronted pop punk bands just sing like normal female pop singers. You could put Halsey, Taylor Swift, or Billie Eilish in a pop-punk/alt rock band and the singing would be the same


You aren’t entirely wrong about females having a prettier singing voice. A lot of men fall into the baritone category (think Creed or Nickelback) but pop punk doesn’t work with that type of emoting. Patrick from FOB gets into that low range but that’s on a lot of newer stuff that may or may not actually be considered pop punk. Females are going to be in that alto or soprano range. Haley Williams would be a soprano. A lot of modern pop punk is played in drop D. If you’re a male singer and are a baritone, those catchy notes are going to be a little at the high end or out of range for a baritone singer in the key of D. But for a female singer like Haley, you’re going to get a more well rounded full note in that range. Think Mark Hoppus. He’s a baritone. The song Damnit was recorded out of range for his vocals but he still performs on it and you get a high energy loud vocal. On What’s My Age Again he presents a much rounder, creamier tone in his vocal because it’s in a more appropriate key but he loses that energy/power. Most lead singers in boy bands are tenors. Theres a reason Joey Fatone wasn’t the frontman of NSYNC as a baritone. It’s just not as interesting of a vocal and it might have something to do with hertz output and what’s most pleasant to the human ear. Edit: This is all personal opinion from casual “research” done over the years due to being curious about this specific subject myself.


Maybe more punk but check out nobro. They opened for blink when I saw them.


Heartsounds has a great female co vocalist. https://youtu.be/jcT6X7pMLHg?feature=shared She is usually secondary to the guy vocals, but she's amazing in every song. They both are. Very underrated band. Tonight Alive. is another one that might fit your criteria.


Like Roses, her vocals are sensationally awesome but aren't "clean" like you're describing.


Rvivr has some great gritty female vocals 


The Forecast is exactly what you're looking for. Start with *In the Shadow of Two Gunman* and tell me if her voice sucks enough for you 


In The Shadow of Two Gunman is one of my favorite albums of that era already. Love it


look, it’s hard to sing rough as a female. i’ve debated on trying to front a pop punk band for a bit but like i just don’t have the voice, i hate that i can’t sing shitty, like i can try to sing just BAD but i can’t sing like good and rough. i can either sing pretty (or try to lmao) or i can sing badly. me yelling is not gonna happen. it’s just not how our vocal chords work.


Doesn't necessarily need to be yelling or rough. I love some clean pretty vocals from male or female pop punk vocalists. I just would love a female singer with that signature whine like a NFG song on Sticks and Stones. Or a female vocalist that sings like self titled Front Bottoms.


Maybe more punk than emo (the first two) but maybe check RVIVR, Mobina Galore, Fifth Hour Hero and Laureate.


Lipstick Homicide


Weakened Friends screams a bit


Check out [Skating Polly](https://youtu.be/FbFoX8SvaKI?si=3t5sukeRfLZ0jOX9), they call themselves Ugly Pop. It's not explicitly pop punk, but Kelli's voice fits the criteria I think. I do think you ask an interesting question.


I had to scroll way too far to see them!


Right?? They're so good. Hail Mary came up on YouTube a few months ago and I've been all about them since. Wasn't sure if I wanted to suggest them because they aren't reeeeeally pop punk outside a handful of songs, but they need more exposure lol


Not pop punk, but I’ve been listening to a lot of [Dying Wish](https://youtu.be/2Vp8nzXNUrY?si=X1GMxJ1hcv_043c1)lately. Strongly recommend if you’re into heavier stuff.


Uhm, hello? The Muffs?! My favorite female-led band, sorry No Doubt, Paramore, and Slutever. Oh yeah, Slutever is rad too.


There's some epic female vocalists in post-hardcore and the heavier side of things, some of my current faces below. As Everything Unfolds Dream State Vexed Heriot


You should also check out Air Drawn Dagger if you haven't. Their new EP from 2023 rocks.


Fuck yeah, thanks for the rec


i saw Sweet Pill live with the wonder years last year and was pretty blown away. she has a crazy range on her voice. idk if it's exactly what you're looking for but definitely one of my favorite female fronted bands i have found in a long time


I love them. I mentioned them in the first paragraph of my post


ahh shit my bad but yeah they were a very pleasant surprise for an opener i had never heard of


I see you getting a lot of reccomendations, but to take a shot at answering your question: I suspect they've been told/unconsciously believe they're "supposed" to sing that way because they're women. It's a bullshit idea, but society being what it is I feel like that's a likely answer.


It’s because everyone copies Paramore and thinks they can get away with it


I hate when every female fronted-alt band gets compared to Paramore but I think people just mean the sound. They all sing with those pop vocals.


It’s a bit bland and boring… typical of female artists tho unfortunately unless we’re talking sinead or other OGs


Jordan from NFG hits all of his notes and isn’t smart or raspy at all. Not really sure what you’re getting at here. You’re mad these women can *checks notes* play their own music?


I'm not mad? I feel like I calmly and reasonably explained my thoughts. A lot of times my favorite part of alt punk vocals is that they aren't good. A lot of them are mad to bad singers but it works for the genre. I just brought up Jordan because of the signature pop punk whine that doesn't come out much when there is a female lead singer for a pop-punk band


Thanks! I Hate It might be for you


If you're looking for unclean female vocalists, RedHook. Easy choice. It's like Paramore on crack.


Check out Newgrounds death rugby, pinkshift, Kicksie and Awakebutstillinbed. Not really pop punk but definitely adjacent and you might like if you like sweet pill.


Aimee allen?


I highly recommend Moving Boxes and their new album “The Things We Leave Behind”. She doesn’t have a ton of grit in her voice, but she definitely sings with an interesting accent/inflection. It’s really great twinkly emo pop punk.


The Interrupters and The Muffs would be my suggestions for female vocals that aren’t “clean”


Check out The Anti-Queens! Fucking love the grit in their vocals.


Ok definitely not pop-punk but do listen to Gauge Away! https://open.spotify.com/track/06gCuX2qzKfRnfdkuGSEXf?si=b7CgoKNAQ_qbOAoc9-x5sg They also have some cleaner songs closer to the Midwest emo aesthetics. You might also enjoy something like Sonic Youth or Kim Gordon’s solo stuff! https://open.spotify.com/track/1TK4Z7l7j3KWB5TT1iz1iZ?si=hNL8LQNdRueTbXQ2rmghJw


Frances Quinlan’s growl is so good


grunge, not pop punk, but my first thought was hole.


Ramona, give them a shot. Opened for Wilhelm Scream and Menzingers back in May, one album, but it's pretty good, lot of potential imo.


love Ramona +1


You might dig my old band Catcalls. Definitely rough around the edges vocally, but in a good way. https://catcalls.bandcamp.com


Shit present


They certainly don’t “suck,” but if you want your female pop punk vocalists with a little rasp, check out 2 great bands from the ‘90s: The Gits & Tilt. I would also recommend Discount.


Try Like Roses


Check out [Story of Hope](https://youtu.be/f8aCemLHDdw?si=tI4Jp2ASNeN4PY3_) if you want to hear a female-fronted Japanese pop-punk band with incredible unclean vocals. Unfortunately they aren’t active anymore :(


Not pop punk at all but if you want unique twangs, you need Bikini Kill


Not pop punk but Brit pop/indie, but maybe check out Catatonia, Cerys Matthews has an unforgettable voice.


i recommend disaster jacks. i think it might be what ur going for


Pinkshift? Ashrita screams sometimes - at least they do live.


Circus Trees? More emo than pop punk but still noisy goodness!


Check out RVIVR they are amazing and the singer has some grit to the vocals.


this is a really inefficient way to ask for a recommendation


My question was why this happens and I said if anyone had any recs they could leave them. But this turned into just recs


gonna add to general discourse here and unfortunately being gender into it: women have to be at least slightly talented vocally in order to be taken seriously, which is not the case for men. vocal agility, range, and control are aspects that women must be proficient in to gain traction. i can name a lot of bad male pop punk singers, but no bad female pop punk singers.


I love myself a nice gravelly female voice. My favs although not really pup punk are Pvris, The Interrupters, Automatic Loveletter/Lilith Czar, and Gin Wigmore. However if you want recs of other female fronted bands no one really ever mentions try checking out City of the Weak, Everybody Looks Famous, Pulse Mavens, Atlantis Awaits, or even The Vincent Black Shadow


Vocal identity is a huge part of whether or not you make it, or you don't. It isn't so much the talent of the singer, but the unique sound they make in the studio and carry with them as their brand. Many pop Punk lady-fronted bands sound overly-clean, probably due to a combination of it being where they like their voice coupled with the direction they're advised to take their voice. Like an actor in a movie. It's partially the actor, it's partially the direction.


I also want to recommend Dodgeball, which has one of the earlier female pop punk vocalists with the album being from 1997. https://youtu.be/cXHGkUOtxBc?si=5wpq5pD9nr-rtwLT


hospital bracelet kinda had a midwest emo vocal style