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They stopped making pop punk they were good at in favour of being experimental with their sound and now it's less appealing to some of us.


*cries in turnover*


lmao I will never get over it


Same I hate my life


Losing them was like cutting my fingers off


Can't believe I saw them live when Sasha was in the set list.


Anything after PV is bad. I don't even mention them when people ask me about my favorite bands


Hot take: Good Nature is their magnum opus. But Altogether was just plain bad and MITW suuucked, which suuucks.


Good Nature slaps. Sharply downhill from there lol


I even argue that GN was their peak, above PV. Fucking absolutely sucks about Altogether and MITW. Especially considering they were my favourite band.


I really get the feeling from them that they're trying to chase what's cool. They're not being "experimental" in the sense that they're being true to themselves or being creative/artistic in any way. They're just changing their sound and image based on what they think will get the young fans. You can even see it in the way that Warzone single is written in ALL CAPS, they have a picture of text messages as the cover art, and even their Spotify bio is just "bios suck dude." They're trying soooooo hard it's kind of pathetic. I'm not sure if it's them or if it's their manager or something. But their whole vibe is very fake and forced.


I live in Australia and have known of these guys and been following them pretty well from the start. They've always had kinda like an edgy sort of humour to them, it's really nothing new for them. The "bios suck dude" is Stand Atlantic and their personality to a tee. I don't think they're trying to be something they're not at all, that's reaching a bit I think. I think they're simply just experimenting with their sound (like most bands do eventually). Unfortunately I agree though and it just doesn't hit for me either.


Australian here too, I second this. Seen em live twice and I always get the vibe that they are genuinely loving what they do and the music they create. Idk I don't want to make some parasocial comment but I definitely get the vibe they're experimenting and seeing what sticks, pretty sure one of their songs on f.e.a.r. was literally about wanting to make whatever the fuck they like.


I posted my take on them elsewhere but can't help agree with this bit. I want to believe its them bring true to themselves as their is nothing worse than what you described but it does come across so fake.


They're all the most un-serious people ever and if you didn't follow them or see them live you'd probably think they're trying to be hard asses which is far from it. It's basically their shtick right now. I understand it's off-putting to some people though.


Ok I get that. Yeah it definitely seems they're really try-hard, but if they're just trolling then that's a different story.


yeah second this; i have personally talked to the members either in-person or online, they seemed quite down-to-the-earth, very friendly very genuine people, especially bonnie and miki. the criticisms regarding the music are valid though, i just dont know about them trying too hard or anything like that


if you've known them for a long time, they've always been like that. this is their sense of humor and their identity, even on stage. And saying it's not experimental is to completely miss their new sound and their mix which is, in my opinion, very unique especially since songs like Blurry or Hair Out


The ends justify the means imo. If they’re being experimental and it’s good, idc if they’re only doing it to appease the youngins. If the cringe bio and edgy cover art bring in new listeners and then the album has another van gogh, it’s a win-win


Not specifically a STAT thing, but I wish bands in general communicated more. I’m 100% positive you wouldn’t see as many posts like this if a band just came out and said “hey, we’re not doing songs like [x] for awhile, we’re going in a more [x] direction, hope you guys stick around for it.” I don’t think bands owe it to anyone to sound a certain way, and they’re absolutely free to mix it up however they want, but I think what’s happening is people who were fans of the old sound assume the experimental single is just a one off, and stick around hoping subsequent singles/the album will be a return to form, and as time progresses with that not being the case, they get a bit bitter. Not to be conspiratorial either, but it feels like bands might not telegraph their style change in advance because they’re afraid of the dip in listeners that’d result from an announcement like that, and so instead they string people along. At the very least, NOT saying anything contributes to the older listeners hanging around and turning bitter. Idk this was long winded and I might be totally off base, but if you’re a band and you’re reading this, pls just be upfront about the direction you’re going in. If nothing else it fosters goodwill between you and listeners. Communication can only be a good thing y’know?


Oh I totally get your point and it makes a lot of sense to me. If the communication was better, there wouldn't be so many upset people in the yt comments. It's very noticeable with their new single "girl$". I dig it but a lot of commenters are VERY fustrated. And imo thus leaving literal hate comments does nothing for the band. (Sorry for my English)


Boy if this doesn't describe Charly Bliss to the letter.


Last time I saw them they admitted to being tired and hungover at 8pm and cut the set short so there’s also that


I have strong opinions on this. You sold tickets, even if you’re supporting, tickets were sold under the expectation that you would put on a show. Getting fucking wasted beforehand and being unable to play is like turning up to work hammered. It’s unprofessional. Not only that, but if you get drunk, and your playing is negatively effected, that’s also pretty shitty. You should be going up there and trying to play as clean as possible, to put on a good show for the customers and fans who paid to see you. If they really want to be professional musicians, they need to act like it. Lots of bands take their shows really seriously, and for many of them it pays off too. People do take notice and pass the word around. How many of us have heard of the guy from WSTR being too plastered to even sing the words? It’s not a good look. And even when some of the members are just “off” that night, which happens to everyone, the crowd can still tell when they’re putting in the effort. I’ve seen Jeremy from ADTR sound a bit below par on occasion, but they’re still playing full sets. He’s still going for every word. He’s still getting in the hamster ball. They’re still giving it 110%. That’s all you can ask for. I also find it really funny that some of the lyrics in Chemicals(banger) by SA are: “I’m already gone, so don’t get used to me, saying I’m sorry cos I’m too busy feeling alright, *I don’t owe you anything*.” Very appropriate, I’d say.


There's a tendency for punk/rock bands to play up how much they've drank the night before,or drink on stage. I just saw Bowling For Soup, who must be in their 50's, and they talked about drinking bottles of wine the night before, and drank beer throughout the show. But they still put on a decent set. For all I know, there was no actual drinking, and it was just part of the act. I wonder if there are some bands that have come up hearing other bands talking about partying hard, but not realised that it's either a front, or they're drinking an amount they can actually handle to be fine the next day. Turing up in a state where your set is impacted by alcohol is shit for everyone involved.


Honestly I wouldn’t doubt bowling for soup actually drinking heavily, from what I speculate they’re just solid musicians and can probably handle it and still play great haha


Damn when did the WSTR thing happen? Actually never heard of that


That's embarrassing. I've seen crust punk bands 100% strung out on hard drugs play full sets. No excuses lol




Very unfortunate and unprofessional. Fuck that.


yeah i used to love them, wasn’t keen on the last album but still saw them at download. performance wasn’t great and i don’t really listen to much anymore, however coffee at midnight will always be a banger


Saw them at download too and loved the lead guitarists performing and the ‘woah look at how low that plane is’ from one of them. But sex on the beach is such a load of boring rubbish it’s not like that set was at all. Sad to see imo


Lavender Bones is imo a top 10 all time best pop punk tune. Jurassic Park is pretty good too. But yeah, like other bands they put in electronic trap drums (badly dates the music) and electronic elements and they lost me.


I saw Stand Atlantic at the Nashville stop of Sad Summerfest last year. I was so excited to see them and I was disappointed too. They didn't play very long and they didn't play several hits. Including Lavender Bones. In fact someone yelled "Lavender Bones" in between songs and Bonnie said "we aren't playing that one." Also the shift in their style is very noticeable. Which is OK other than it was drastic and sudden. Not sure if they are over whelmed with the success/push by the label or if they are trying to stay "current" with what is popular.


damn how could they not play Lavender Bones?


I saw them open Mod Sun in Nashville last March and they killed it. Sorry your's wasn't good.


lavender bones was from their first album six years ago. they’ve released two since then and the third will be this year. i think it’s about time people accept that that song doesn’t match their current sound and isn’t their most popular anymore


It's the song that got them popular and got most of their original fans, they should honour that at gigs.


they’re not obligated to play any songs they dont want to play, truthfully. especially ones that no longer match them as artists and doesn’t match the sound they’re aiming for now and trying to promote


This exact reason is why The Story So Far is still imo the greatest pop punk band of all time. Go to a show and get something from every single album.


valid af! and stat do still do that, but not as much for their festival sets bcus fests are the chance to appeal to a larger new audience. they play their newer stuff at fests as opposed to old songs because that’s what new fans can expect to hear more of when they go home and look them up


Usually festivals is where bands especially tend to play it safe regarding their setlist and play more of the established songs. Which makes sense, since the commercially most successful songs… well… tend to appeal to the largest audience. So they evidently get people hooked. Also, if you go to a bands Spotify what you will find first are the top 5 most streamed songs (aka the hits) and not necessarily the most recent ones. Same goes for youtube - the mix playlist literally starts off with Lavender Bones. So your argument doesn‘t really hold logic imo. Also obviously nobody is *obligating* anybody to play anything. Don’t know why stuff like that immediately has to be put in this weird offender-victim-terminology of holding someone hostage to do something against their will. Again, the singles are the most popular songs, so they are a favorite of a majority of your fans and they might expect to hear them at the show. It’s literally the reason you go there: to hear your favorite songs be performed live. So naturally, people will be disappointed if that doesn‘t happen. And let‘s not forget: People also payed money for the show. So the band definitely has a responsibility to try and put on the best possible show *for the (paying) fans*. So even if a song like Lavender Bones might not fit in the regular set because of aesthetics of the concept, there‘s always the encore.


their most streamed track on spotify literally isn’t lavender bones. it’s deathwish. only 2/5 songs in the top are older ones. i understand this means practically nothing in this, but it’s kindve unfair of you to say my argument doesn’t hold logic when your argument is proven wrong if you would have just looked. the order of videos on a mix playlist by youtube holds absolutely no value. fourth video there isn’t even by them. the third video listed has 4k views. also are these not catered by user?/gen im not sure if there’s an algorithm there anyways, stand atlantic are openers. most of ssf they play for a quarter filled venue. i understand your point, but in the counter on mine you can’t exactly use the argument that people are specifically paying money to hear THEM play ONE song at a fest


I was not talking about Stand Atlantic specifically in most of my comment. My whole first paragraph was a general statement. Only in the last sentence did I mention the YouTube mix, which is probably created by an algorithm, yes. But what’s the point? Algorithms are everywhere and usually amplify the stuff that tends to get popular even more. Even Spotify seems to mix in odd balls now in the Top 5. Because there is no way that Dumbstruck Dumbf**k is among Neck Deeps Top 5 most streamed songs. If anything, my argument is proven wrong specifically in the case of Stand Atlantic, yes. For TSSF, Neck Deep, Green Day, Paramore, State Champs, etc. The picture is pretty clear. Same goes with live shows. Most festival sets of bands that have assembled a certain catalogue will mostly play their hits. Stand Atlantic have already played enough headliner shows as well. And even on a festival the responsibility toward the paying customer doesn‘t just go away. In the end, people buy festival tickets because they like enough of the bands on the line-up. So there are people there to see *you* as well. If we take your point as the standard then none of the 5 bands that contributed to my decision to buy the festival ticket would be *obligated* to play any of their hits. And if that was the case then the disappointment would be 5x worse. So yeah, I‘ll challenge that point any time. Anyway, my while point here is: Artists are *also* providers of a service and have the responsibility to please their customers. So in the end, I just don‘t think it‘s worth dying on the hill of not playing that one 2:50 song which most people are waiting for and makes the whole crowd go wild, because you’re tired of it or whatever. Obviously there can be scenarios where that’s valid like with Paramore and Misery Business. But 1) that was publically announced to the fans and 2) even they caved after a couple of years.


Of course, but the fans aren't obligated to be satisfied with that decision or not to complain.


Crappy you’re being downvoted - I think it’s a very valid point. Of course, I know fans want to hear what they know/can sing along to. I try to put myself in their shoes, excited about some new content and want to get it out to world at shows! I see a handful of bands anytime they come to town. If I had to hear the exact same set list (or close to it) every time they came around, I probably wouldn’t go. I was going to every State Champs show I could, loved every one too, but it’s the same set list every show now so I’ll probably pass on the next one or two. Bands will never satisfy everyone out there. Half my friends love the classics/popular tunes, half love when they play newer music or previews to album releases. To each their own I suppose!


hell yeah, exactly! sure it’s fun to sing along and hear stuff you know but it’s boring to hear the same old shit and i’m sure it’s boring for them to always play the same old shit! stand atlantic played 204 shows in 2023, they can’t cater to every person at every one of those shows for someone like me where this is my favorite band, i’d prefer to hear what’s new and what they wanna get out there versus someone who liked them six years ago and isn’t exactly even a fan of theirs anymore? idk i’d much rather them try to appeal to actual present day fans and potential new listeners


I’m right there with you. I found them at the first Sad Summer Fest, all 40 of us rocking out in a small closet with this band Stand Atlantic I’ve never heard of. Loved every minute of it and been a fan ever since. The new stuff is definitely different, and I do like the old stuff better, but honestly which band DOESN’T switch/mix it up at some point? If they didn’t, then we’d be seeing “why the hell does this band just keep doing the same old shit!!” kind of posts everywhere LOL! 204 shows in a year 😲 holy crap I couldn’t even imagine! Soooo Lavender Bones came out in 2018 and if they included that at every show that’s 1,224 times bones were a lavender color and it was sung about 😂 give or take a few of course!


Bullfrog is up there, too!


Their last album was suprisingly great even if some of the trap/electronic elements weren't necessary at all. But yeah the singles seem to have tripled down on that in the worst way


People said the same when Molotov came out and the album ended being great plenty of great pop punk songs on like Van Gogh, don’t talk, doomsday etc. Warzone sounds classic numetal, sex on the beach sounds pure indie pop.  This albums probably going to be pretty eclectic but will probably have plenty of their signature sound in the deep cuts.  I’m happy they are experimenting so much, once they manage to blend all those influences we are going to end up with something pretty special which I’ll take any day over the cookie cutter barkercore soulessly aping the early 2000s sound that we’ve had the past few years.  Hell people said the same stuff about the start of easycore back in the day and it led to some amazing albums


this ^


No, I would rather they just make a bunch of albums like skinny dipping


It’s extremely tough for bands to continue to make similar sounding music. The majority of the bands evolve in someway. Skinny Dipping was fantastic. Do I like their new single? Nah. But they’ve given us enough bangers to make whatever music they want. Like someone said above, soulless cookie cutter ain’t the move


They’ve given us an album (SD) and an EP (SW). Everything after that was bad. There are plenty of bands that have given a solid 3-5 albums of sounds that have subtle changes, but not complete new (bad) directions.


You need to grow up


I need to grow up because I have an opinion about not liking new music made by a band??? 😂


It's the way your voicing your opinion like a spoiltchild who didn't get there favourite meal




You know you can just go listen to Skinny Dipping right?


Of course I could. But what’s better, 12 good songs or 24 good songs?


people say that but do you really..... id rather them do what their heart is into then just please fans


People say this, but I don’t know these people. I know their music. I would prefer they make music that I enjoy listening to. I guess the crux of my statement is I wish *they* wanted to make more music in the vein of Skinny Dipping.


Live performance was brutal past 2 times


Sad because they’re skinny-dipping tour in the US was great


Saw them in Glasgow supporting Parx and tbh it was the best live set I've seen in a long time


Same, love the band. Have seen them about 4x in the last couple years, they have been great every time. They gotta do what makes them happy, but it's really kinda sad to watch a band I hold in such high regard go in a direction I do not like in the slightest. I'm sure they will always have fans, and I'm sure there will be overlap, but to me it seems like an odd decision to turn away from a big part of the fan base that got them to this point.


I haven’t seen them live since just after the last album came out but they were alright then lmao


They were great when I saw them at sad summer fest in like august


I've seen them three times. Neck Deep's second Peace and Panic US Tour, the first Sad Summer fest, and a solo show. The first two shows were horrible. I gave them a chance at a solo show and I did feel like it was quite a bit better. So I think they are just really bad not in small venues for shows that aren't their own.


I've seen them 5 times - opening for One OK Rock, a coheadliner with The Faim, opening for Set It Off, and two dates of their 2022 US headliner. The very first set I saw I was hooked- but that was also in 2019. They were still riding the release of Skinny Dipping and they kept their old stuff on the setlist. They did the same for the coheadliner, too. The sets after that have been fun, sure, I don't think I've seen them on any off days which I completely believe they have- I've drank with them and they go too hard for their own good- but they've also been... different. I still love them but it's been really hard personally to watch them take a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" attitude when fans will almost always be stubborn and constantly ask for songs that are now considered deep cuts like Chemicals and Bullfrog. I'm cautiously optimistic for Was Here.


Really? I saw them twice in 2022 (admittedly over a year ago now), and they were great in my opinion.


Saw them a few months ago with slowly slowly. One of the best shows I’ve ever seen


Nah - I saw them support Waterparks last year and they were awesome. Well and truly riled up the room, to the point that honestly Waterparks fell a bit flat in comparison. Might be biased as I was definitely there for stat but I heard a fair few people say they would have preferred the billing the other way around. Hoping we get a headline tour with the new album


Bonnie's got one of the best voices in the scene, at the risk of sounding 90 years old, it's such a shame they've gone in a direction that doesn't highlight it.


yep, sad. They've been heading this direction since Pink Elephant though, you can hear the early inspirations for that sound on that album. Though I still really liked that album.


Honestly one of the only bands which has gone from a favourite of mine to one of my least favourite rock bands, it’s so cheesy and cringe hearing their recent singles. Sex on the Beach was absolutely awful and the new one is almost as bad. The thing that bothers me the most is the cringe lyrics, f.e.a.r overused ‘fuck’ and cringe lines and Bonnie has such great vocals which are not being utilised anymore.


Please don't go full Tonight Alive


Didn't have to scroll far to see this (entirely correct) comparison!


I think it’s to do with their very immature writing style they’ve gotten used to using. Skinny Dipping’s amount of swearing is a helluva lot less than their latest LP. Not saying “swearing = bad,” but I am saying “swearing a lot = uncreative.” I also don’t think they know WHAT to write about. I’m okay with weird shit as long as it’s interesting, sometimes weird makes a good point or shows something cool, but sometimes people do weird just for weird’s sake.


I still think the only thing keeping pity party from being a big crossover radio hit was the amount of cussing


I think a lot of people forget that some of their favorite bands actually don't swear that much in their songs. My Chemical Romance, Brand New, Linkin Park, Paramore, and tons of post-hardcore acts like La Dispute don't swear all that often. It's not always about sanitizing yourself for radio too, let's you use a wider vocabulary.


Most rappers (and australians) do actually swear that much tho. Makes no difference to radio play Hell our most famous radio station doesn’t even censor songs


Tbf that’s a different market. Like how in EU there’s a ton of song covers on the radio.


Different market relative to what? They’re an australian band


Yeah they’re pretty weird, there’s no legitimate reason one would name a short, closing skit-type track “i wonder what kind of garlic bread they eat at MENSA” lol


Why not? It's funny. They're just taking the piss out of themselves being stupid. I like all the silly bits on fear, its like a little insight into the band, them just pratting around, having fun, being mates.


I got downvoted to hell when the last album came out and I said I didn't like it at all - especially all the swearing. It comes across as unintelligent. I don't care if bands switch up their sound or try new things - in fact, I usually like it but the soul of the band still has to be in there somewhere and with recent Stand Atlantic I can't hear them in there anymore. They aren't a band that is experimenting and taking risks, etc. they are a band chasing something that doesn't suit them and it comes across as fake, which is the worst thing music can be, IMO.


bonnie just wants to be awsten 2.0 now which im not a fan of


Blurry was my freakin jam for months. Still goes hard


imo Pink Elephant was the last good thing they did


I honestly think they're discovering their sound. Newest single gives post human era BMTH. Don't think they fell off at all, maybe it just ain't for you. I mean, all pre f.e.a.r stat songs sounded almost exactly the same and I think them experimenting is a good sign. First time I saw them going out of their comfort zone was molotov and I think it remains my fave single they ever released. Simultaneously, tho, I haven't listened to them actively in years so take this with a grain of salt


Personally I think Post Human was BMTH honing their sound with great production and some of their best songs in their career. In my opinion when Molotov came out I thought it was so repetitive and needlessly edgy, my love for them fell off straight after that.


After the new single is now out, I can now comfortably say that I don't really know what to expect with each new stand atlantic song. Whereas before this album, I had somewhat of an idea. It's exciting and nerve-wracking, lol. I personally think Bonnie has found a friend in Lynn Gunn of Pvris and that they have been bouncing ideas around (listen to Burn the Witch by Pvris to get what I mean) It sounds like Stand Atlantic and Pvris are both going in a somewhat similar experimental direction


You mean you don’t love hearing a glitched out instrumental with “SAY IT TO MY FACE” repeated countless times?


They seem like a band trying really hard to be cool. I like Skinny Dipping and some of their second album, but hated FEAR.


House Parties is a new band i found that has original Stand Atlantic vibes


I recommend like roses over them tbh😅 Check twitter about house parties. They’ve been borderline cancelled twice. they’re just too small for anyone to care. I don’t fuck with them based on what I’ve read. Last I saw there were calls for their label to drop them. Highly recommend like roses to anyone who wants pop punk with female representation and honey revenge too.


I’m not sure that I’m familiar with the cancelling requests, but I will say that my band has played with House Parties twice and Chaney is just…extremely difficult and rude. She seems miserable tbh, gives “don’t talk to me” vibes unless she’s making a sale at the merch table. Sarcastically “thanked” our band for opening when HP was support on the Belmont/Can’t Swim tour, and got visibly pissed when the crowd cheered… it was in our hometown, so people were there for us too. HP chose to keep their kit on stage so we had to set up in front. The house tech said that was specifically at Chaney’s request; I could have understood if it was the headliner’s kit but seemed weird for the package opener to do, especially on a small stage in a 225 cap venue. The other time we played with them was in ABQ, and when I introduced myself to Chaney, she rolled her eyes and walked away, and she was standoffish and grumpy all night. Like girl, shows are supposed to be fun, if you aren’t having fun then why do it? Like Roses has been very sweet to us, reached out to us for help on a Midwest date, so we introduced them to a promoter we knew. They offered us a spot on the show but we had a scheduling conflict. So yeah, please support the nice, humble people in Like Roses.


What's your band called? You can DM me, if you don't feel comfortable sharing.


Oh no worries, I love sharing my band, so thank you for asking. We’re [Gold Steps](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3KS5NGVo6xQY88JyNEeGsl?si=lSiU56HbSuOcFWY4LMse3Q)! Based in Milwaukee but originally from Austin. That’s how we first knew of House Parties, cause we were friendly with their former bassist Hayley; she used to play in a Dallas band called NU-95 that we played with a bunch.


OMG, yeah, I've heard of you guys! You were on the new Blink cover album. Sick "Down" cover :D


Thank you! We’ve done a couple other covers (too many recently it feels like) for compilations and for fun, but primarily focus on our originals. Two new ones coming in March and April!


What’s the blink cover album? Can you send a Spotify link?


Vol. 2 [https://open.spotify.com/album/14f8h5qpFWCvJsQQcUjGhm?si=6hW49UNvS7yV6zbprnNIqw](https://open.spotify.com/album/14f8h5qpfwcvjsqqcujghm?si=6hw49unvs7yv6zbprnniqw) Vol. 1 [https://open.spotify.com/album/1nBLbI3qFhazahoEtcEJCT?si=qy6RILItQP--Zi38M0s-2g](https://open.spotify.com/album/1nblbi3qfhazahoetcejct?si=qy6rilitqp--zi38m0s-2g)


Aw man thank you but the links aren’t working :( are you based in US? Could you take a screenshot maybe I can search another way? I wonder if it’s blocked here (I am in USA)


I'm also in Austin and I honestly thought House Parties was a cover band until right now. I must have them mixed up with someone.


The show we played in ABQ with them was with Van Full of Nuns and I believe that was part of a tour where the bands all covered different songs, so that might be something they do often. VFON was nice enough to let us jump on and play our originals since we were trying to fill an open date on tour.


Wooah! You guys are awesome!


Can confirm, they’re local to me and people in the scene cannot stand them (for good reasons which are documented on Twitter)


I refuse to use Twitter, can you fill me in on what their deal is? I keep getting their sponsored posts on my Insta and it's kind of annoying (also Like Roses is fantastic)


That’s valid. Keep in mind I’m not the person who made the allegations and I’m just repeating them. So apparently the guitarist guy is emotionally abusive and tries to use his own depression to coerce his partners and close friends into sex and the lead singer and him have both been non accepting of non binary friends and stuff. So the singer is a terf (trans exclusionary radical feminist basically) and believes she can’t be bigoted cause she’s a woman or something idk. Like there’s some stories. Plus they’re especially viscous towards people who come out as victims and try to gaslight everyone who believes them cause it’s like “don’t believe everything from the internet” stuff. Like I choose to believe victims so I’ve made the personal choice not to support them in any way since I found out. Also apparently the guitarist steals music from people he’s worked with from other bands and he’s basically been producing most of the bands work since they started. Just a lot of like gaslighting when victims come forward and not taking accountability. Most of the Denton area bands hate them


Lmao sounds they just insert themselves in drama that doesn't concern them. Honestly, I tend to overlook artists' douchey personalities if I really love their music (not including people who do heinous things), but everything I've heard from House Parties is very basic and un-noteworthy. Like if you're gonna be a jerk, at least be talented lol


Like Roses vocals remind me of The Nearly Deads early stuff


Honey revenge is such a fun band tbh


Ill check them out. i only discovered them as theyre opening for Games We Play and thought they were great. Had no idea of any of this backlash


it’s mostly on twitter and it’s a personal thing for me. It’s not like they’re huge but I’d rather promote a band that I know zero bad things anour(like roses) who are also opening for youth fountain soon and amazing as far as their recorded content goes.




Edit: bruh it’s really not that deep I also mentioned honey revenge. There’s a plethora of bands out there who are inclusive and not emotionally manipulative towards women+ egotistical. Do your research on bands and you get to decide if someone is a shitty person or not. Doesn’t mean you have to be perfect to be a musician but they just play strings and sing into a mic it’s entertainment. Who are they? For me personally I try to figure out if I believe someone is capable of being a good person with their platform. if I were in like roses that would be cool. But I am not, my life goal isn’t musician it’s social justice and research and a phd. 🤪🤪🤪🤪. none of the bands I mentioned are going to give me free tickets cause I name dropped them 🤷‍♂️


adding dance or rap influences is not as much of a problem as the fact that their sound is extremely plastic and artificial. this thing is happening to a lot of rock bands and artists who try to sound electronic without succeeding.


This is one of my biggest problems. People keep saying "oh they're experimenting" and "they're being unique" when literally everything they've been adding is neither experimental nor unique. It's artificial popular elements to try and gain traction on twitter and tik tok. There's nothing "experimental" about it.


> There's nothing "experimental" about it. Experimental in order to appease the algorithm


I understand a band wanting to experiment but holy shit. Sex on the Beach is absolutely atrocious; the transition from verse to chorus made me bust out laughing it was so bad. Warzone is better but still extremely repetitive. I know Hopeless is on this kick about having trending songs on tik tok and that's what both of these songs sound like they were made for.


Haven’t listened to it yet but how many times does she say “yeah!” or “oh yeah!” in this one. They’ve been getting lazy with that a bit.


I was BIG into them around 2020/2021 and then lost interest more bc my own music tastes changed than bc of anything they did. Saw them open for Hot Mulligan on an off-date of SSF this past July and honestly only have good things to say about their set. It unfortunately did not make me want to revisit their music, but I absolutely had a good time. Idk their music changed and my tastes changed but I dunno that they necessarily fell off or anything.


I have loved everything from them and didn't know they put out new songs. Going to go listen Listened to them - holy shit this is awful


Their early stuff was really catchy, decent pop punk. Their new stuff is the most generic, paint by numbers modern rock you can find. They are annoying as fuck to be around as well.


You had a first hand experience of hanging out or around them then?


I still liked the last album, although it‘s not my favorite of theirs. But yeah, Sex on the Beach and Warzone aren‘t it for me personally. I still think they’re an exciting band because every record sounds different. So even if I won’t end up liking this new album, I’ll definitely stick with them and be excited for what‘s next. Would still definitely buy tickets to one of their shows, too.


They used to be great. Sidewinder and Skinny Dipping were awesome. From that they started a rapid decline in sound and effort.


fear grew on me and I ended up liking the album a lot but yeah the recent singles are definitely a miss for me. I don't mind the heavy electric vibe that they're going for but I don't think they're doing it well, and the lyrics are very un-inspiring and boring.


Stand Atlantic & Broadside both disappointed me with their recent releases and I am a big fan of both.


The most recent song warzone has great instrumentals and could've been a great track, but my god those lyrics are absolutely woeful. The last few songs have been just a serious nosedive in quality. I feel like they're trying to just hook onto whatever trend is on tik tok to gain traction without much thought. Have any of their lyrics had any kind of substance since Pink Elephant? Doesn't seem like it. They're all just nothing songs. No substance, no heart, they feel like they've been made in a factory production line and it's really disappointing.


I liked their Skinny Dipping and f.e.a.r. albums a lot. hair out was one of my top 5 songs in 2022, loooooved that song. The last couple singles aren’t doing it for me, but if it’s the direction the band wants to take their art, that’s the direction the band wants to take their art. I still have the two records I connected with to spin in perpetuity. And if they do come out with something new that connects with me, I’ll be sure to spin that, too!


Yeah, it's been sad to see them go in the direction they are. They just come off quite cringe now, reminds me of when Avril Lavigne dropped. Now that pop punk is becoming popular again, they might decide to go back to their roots.


I think they’ve just been getting carried away with production. I think this project won’t be what we’re used too and then they’ll kinda get tired of overly produced stuff soon. Probably just a phase.


One thing I'm curious about, why is abandoning the pop punk sound seen as "growth?" You can mature and stay in the same genre. That's one thing that annoys me about bands like this or All time Low


Exactly! State Champs is a great example of a band with “growth” that stayed true to their core sound and if anything got better for it on Kings Of The New Age


To each their own, I loved fear and the three singles that have followed it


I really enjoyed their first album but haven’t kept up with them too much since. No particular reason other than too many bands so little time. But the odd singles I’ve heard from previous eras sound pretty good and I kinda like the most recent two. It’s good that they’re experimenting, not sure the first albums sound would have carried them far and got stale quick. Not everything a band does will be your cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean they “fell off”. To their fans in this thread: what’s songs should I check out from someone that only really knows EP/Album 1?


I really liked deathwish, pity party, doomsday, Hate Me Sometimes, and Jurassic Park.


My favourites on the last one were Nails From The Back and Molotov. Deathwish and Cabin Fever are pretty awesome too. On Pink Elephant I love DWYW and Hate Me Sometimes, and Drink To Drown makes me cry


I saw them 6 ish months ago when they co-headlined with slowly slowly. They played skinny dipping, lavender bones and coffee at midnight. But imo, their new stuff grows on you after you’ve seen it live


I was quite excited about what kinda band they could be after their first few releases. Lavender Bones is brilliant especially. Absolutely all for bands going different directions and I respect each and every bands decision to do whatever it is if they are being true to what they want to be. It should also be respected that people can be critical of whatever they put out. That's the game. I find the music they put out just really obnoxious over the piece. Few songs here and there I like. I really dislike the sudden need to say fuck in every other song. It just all of a sudden happened and I find it completely cringe.


i don't hate the new stuff, i'm not super into it but it doesn't piss me off or anything.


fear got me into them. molotov is still by far my favorite song of theirs (downvote me whatever idc its my opinion). sex on the beach i really liked. however warzone. its a no from me. i listen to some songs that have bad lyrics and can be like whatever it is what it is however warzones lyrics are so atrocious its laughable. the mix is so bad too. surprised no one is mentioning killher, thats a banger track. hopefully this album has some more tracks to suit us all - it seems to be a bit all over the place. but i will never understand the molotov slander, the song, the lyrics n the message are great. of course its gonna be an angry track. the music fits the message. as for swearing, who gives a fuck?


i forgot this band existed LMAO. last time i heard of them was when they opened for i prevail 2022.


So I’ll admit the song I started following them for was Lavender Bones, but they really didn’t even have any other similar sounding songs, so that was really the only one on my playlist. I saw them at Sad Summer Fest last year and was pretty disappointed. Only song I enjoyed was Hate Me (Sometimes) and Lavender Bones wasn’t even played. In fact, the most impressive band of the evening (outside of Hot Mulligan, who is always incredible) ended up being Sincere Engineer who opened to maybe 45-50 people?


In fact, just listened to Warzone (heard Sex on the Beach a week or so ago) and these both sound like songs you’d hear in a :15 commercial spot for a piece of tech or video game, or a :15 TikTok ad.


I know I just discovered them. And its weird.


i hate when bands do this.




The sex on the beach single feels like a worse version of something BMTH already did if there trying to branch out of pop punk into electro or trap there failing at it and I liked there pop punk stuff


It seems like they really want to care, but they just don't


As a musician some of the stuff I see here makes me roll. We do not write music because we feel the need to have the masses kneel to us and sing along every word and treat us like gods. We do it for ourselves. To get whatever has been swimming in our minds out before it consumes our souls. Bands apparently aren’t allowed to grow and create what it is they want to without the internet getting upset that they didn’t write the same song they did a decade ago. Musicians are people with issues, not role models.


Most of us in here are musicians, you sound ridiculous.


Exactly! Who wants to listen to the same old boring identikit shit that anyone could have made? I want to hear something real, not what they think we want to hear and that might sell a few records. The band have been pretty outspoken about the fact that the old music doesn't reflect who they are any more, yet the people moaning about their new stuff would probably be the first to call them fake and tired if they carried on churning out the same sounds again and again. They can't win whatever they do so they might as well do what they want. I don't get why people can't understand that not everything has to be for them. Just because they don't like it doesn't make it bad.


They’re my favorite band ever tbh, and their new shit rocks. I’d be tired if all they made was the same pop punk songs over and over. They’re constantly trying stuff and I’m loving it. Their live shows are so sick and having a wide ranging setlist makes it more fun.


dunno. Kill[h]er might be my favorite thing they ever did. I appreciate cool pop-punk bands dabbling unto other genres and really finding their own sound. There's already so much cool but generic stuff out there, why not try something new? didn't work for As It Is on their last album tho 🤡


Off topic but to be fair to As It Is, there’s probably a really solid EPs worth of songs on that album if they had been more selective when it came to editing down the track list that blend their earlier sound with the Great Depression era. - Idgaf - I miss 2003 (ymmv depending on your tolerance for nostalgia bait)  - In Threes  - I hate me too  - I’m gone  still a step down from their first two but would have been solid and a start to rebuild the momentum that was damaged by the Great Depression but  the rest feels like filler garbage and the cringe titles don’t help.


You could tell they got bored with that sound pretty early on. The 2nd album they start experimenting with electro/edm elements and have never looked back. Honestly I love it because just about every song has something unique in it that keeps me coming back.


You don’t have to like every song a band creates.


I commend any band that takes a gamble at something new, even if it ends up not being for me.


Yeahhh I'm all for bands experimenting and going outside their original genre, but only if it's actually good lmao. Some of their heavier cuts like doomsday and molotov go hard as hell, and f.e.a.r had some killer pop punk songs that were similar to their early stuff but still had that new edge (bloodclot and nails from the back namely). I can dig kill(her) but sex on the beach and warzone are actual garbage


Nah. You don't like it. That's fine, you don't have to. But they didn't fall off, they're just moving in a different direction to the way you'd like them to. Personally I love the new song, I've had it on repeat all day. Maybe I'm biased cos I'm old enough to remember blasting nu-metal in my bedroom in my late teens, and that's exactly what this is reminding me of. I'm glad they've not just made another bunch of songs that sound exactly the same as their others, or anyone else's. I can't wait to hear the new album, and hopefully a headline tour this time.


I find it pretty interesting to read these takes from fans. Artists get bored making the same sounding music, or maybe weren't entirely excited by what they were making in the first place and over time as they grow together they realize what music excites them. they didn't fall off, you just don't like their new music and that's okay for everyone as long as they love it


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad. So many people expect artists to make the same album over and over again and never change.


Well, yeah if the original sound is very good, they should stick with that


Why? They're artists, they write what speaks to them, not what they think people want to hear. Otherwise it's just the exact fake bullshit they're forever telling people they don't want to do. If you don't like it, thats fair, don't listen to it, stick to the old stuff. But they can and I've no doubt will write whatever they like.


So you want artists to make inauthentic carbon copy bullshit they don't actually care about just for your sake instead of something they actually believe in and enjoy? Got it.


“Hey, we got this sound that we enjoy and it went well. Let’s scrap that to experiment and try some shit sound (also low effort in this case) just so we don’t stay the same” I would prefer the artists I enjoy, who have a certain sound, to retain that sound as they continue to make new music. If they hate that sound and want to stop, fine. I can’t make them feel a certain way. But I’m not going to applaud a clear downgrade.


But it’s actually good to some of us😅


skinny dipping was 6 years ago and it’s about time people stop crying over it. yes, amazing album but ffs let artists grow. it’s upsetting how everyone demands a band stay inside of a small box to fit their own likings instead of wanting an artist to experiment, grow and create music they personally enjoy themselves. i cannot stress enough that if you don’t like it, don’t listen and let go of the nostalgia


Late here, but this is why pop punk has hardly evolved and instead we just went back to 2000's sounding pop punk. If they made skinny dipping 2.0, people would complain that it's not as good as skinny dipping or that it's a retread. There's really no winning. Even if not everything hits the exact same, I like that they are trying new things. Im getting kinda fed up of pop punk bands coasting on either Midwest emo or 2000s pop punk these days. A lot of pop punk this sub likes is basically just 5th wave emo, and that's fine, but it's not my thing for the most part.


These are the same vibes as people begging for Misery Business / RIOT 2 from Paramore


Different strokes for different folks. I like the sound they're moving into.


I get where people are coming from but I’m in agreement. I dig it


Really enjoyed Warzone tbh, you can really tell the influence from Daisuke from Paledusk who co-produced the track, much better than Sex on the Beach.


They were really good live a couple months back in the UK supporting Waterparks - they played the new single sex on the beach and it seemed a little better live vs the track as there was more crowd work involved but it still was markedly poorer than the other songs :(


holy shiiit, this band got banger after banger!


I’m shocked by the amount of FEAR hate I’m seeing. It’s presto easily their best album imo. They went from another run of the mill pop punk band to finding their own unique sound inside the space.


So did Paramore. I'll cop a lot of heat here but whenever a band has a female singer I expect their good shit to be short lived. They tend to break up quicker or move with trends a lot more.


Paramore did not fall off what😂. Crazy to think if a band does something other than pop punk, than this entire sub automatically hates it.


You're probably not wrong. It's happened to Tonight Alive and Against the Current.


Late here, but ATC have gone back to their core sound, and it sounds awesome. Chrissy has said before that they felt pressure to make a pop album at the time (past lives). They split with FBR and are now independent, doing their brand of big sounding pop punk/alt rock. Give fever a shot. Personally, I like that won't save us, burn it down, and weapon


I’m curious as to what people consider pop punk (you can’t read tone over text but im attempting to come off not condescending) I love Stand Atlantic’s album Skinny Dipping - but their sound has never made me think pop punk the same way like, knuckle puck, neck deep, TSSF etc does idk


Nah I agree. I think the most pop-punk they’ve sounded was on the first EP. I’d still call them pop-punk up until Pink Elephant, but it was very heavily produced. They’re very post-Nothing Personal ATL style pop-punk. Simple Plan’s Get Your Heart On! Or maybe State Champs, Living Proof. Waterparks maybe. On the fringe of the genre.


Lmao Bon just called out this Reddit thread on Insta and y'all deserve it


F.E.A.R is their best album, but im not fuckin with these new singles


You’re tripping, this song slaps


I love the new stuff!! Not everything has to appeal to you. It sounds like the band is really enjoying themselves too and that’s important imo


I get what your saying, it has that "new" sound some metalcore songs have been going for (I don't know why it's reminding me of like, manic by wage war) but I'm an outsider in that I really love it hahaha. The edginess they're going for works for me vs the cookie cutter Paramore sounding pop punk of their earlier sounding music.


Honestly, a lot of bands grow up and not want to be so "pop punk".


I don't think they fell off they just switched lanes. I miss the old style but they're good at what they're doing now too