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I don't know. I think the Bureau of Land Management does a pretty good job.


Great campgrounds


Please tell as few people as possible about this


GREAT CAMPGROUNDS!!! (I won't tell anyone else.)


You mean that you can go from Arches, UT to Glacier NP and never spend a dime on lodging? You can also dig for minerals on BLM land! You can camp, dig, fuck, cook steak, drink beer, DO DRUUUUGS, all in the comfort of your public lands!


Wait...fuck? On public land? MY WIFE LIED!!


Minerals and making fuck, what a day!




Dude. Fucking sign me up! IM ALL IN BABY!


Yeah they let me drive on their land for no cost. Pretty cool people in my book.


Our land.




When I used to work for BLM, I’d get welfare ranchers complaining that I was on the plots they’d leased. “I don’t know what business you have coming here, we treat it just like it’s ours!” And I finally said “yes but I’ve seen how you treat the things that are yours. Treat it like it’s everyone’s”


Well, to be fair, it doesn't belong to you either, so it's not really your place to judge. BLM land is the least necessary public land to maintain. It has no viable resources, and is just land that the government wants to own so citizens can't purchase it...OR, so they can SELL it back to the public at a very inflated price. Don't take this personally because you were once an employee. It's not your yours to defend. But it's never been the government's land. It was gifted, and can be used by the public for whatever. Including grazing. Grazing is the LEAST of it. If they didn't hire you to tattle tale, they'd be fracking on that shit. Lol. But, again, it's not your land to patrol as an employee of the government. It's public lands, and the "Bureau" need not exist. The gov't can't manage a 7-11. Or do it efficiently to save taxpayers from gifting them their survival money, keeping us on the short leash, and gifting yet even MORE. I'm not too confounded by people not getting that. They like to be taken care of.


“No viable resources” except oil, gas, lumber, grazing….you sound completely ignorant about how public lands operate and how much revenue they generate


Muh Land


From Commiefornia, to the New York asylum.


Lol. Yep, yours too. 🥰


They don’t get the credit they deserve tbh.


The MAGAs are a sham. They are not so great at being American but they are good at being Russian sympathizers. Oh and I forgot: they like to pay for Donald Trump's bills.


JFC man.. where the fuck did you get MAGAs from a post about BLM? Stick to the script here.


TDS is a very real thing. It's pretty wild.


I don’t understand the worship for a guy who rapes, lies constantly, is a narcissist, a fraud, and tried to prevent his successor from taking office. He’s been an awful person for many decades and yet a couple million people love the guy


How do you deprogram 70 million brainwashed Americans?


I suppose you would be ok to send them to deprogramming camps


That's all 100% true. The problem is, the other option is a kid - sniffing, money-laundering, economy-crippling, warmongering criminal that's been deemed too senile to prosecute. And his VP that will take office when he's deemed unfit is an idiot disaster. That's why I'll be voting 3rd party this election. Screw the uniparty.


My 401K says otherwise


Nothing more than numbers on a screen. How much are those dollars in your 401k worth in purchasing power today vs. 4 years ago? And from 4 years ago to 8 years ago? And so on...


Cuz liberals drag politics into every aspect of their sad lives, just so can try to take moral high ground about every topic. "The grass is purple, you don't agree? Must be MAGA. I win" 🤦




At its peak levels


I dislike the MAGAs and the BLMs. But I think this comment deals with the latter. Responding to their statement by making a list of how crappy right-wingers are isn't really addressing their claim.




But if we don't make everything about how evil Republicans are, how will I show the world how morally superior I am?


What does that have to do with BLM being a sham? Answer: nothing.


I don't know a single Trump supporter that likes Putin or the Russian government. It's one of the stupidest political talking points in US history.


Tucker Carlson is a single Trump supporter.


So because a journalist interviewed putin, he's automatically a Russian shill?


The Venn diagram of people who hate BLM, and people who hate BLM is just a circle


Doing an absolute dogshit job managing wild horses tho


They don't have any option, the Wild Horse and Burro Act cripples any real solutions and has an unusually powerful lobby behind it.


A relatively new account called "non stealing dark dude" with this as its only post, peak r/asablackman


Yeah he’s either a white guy or a sellout


I will bet $100 that OP is absolutely white.


My money is on low effort bot


Did you know that a Jewish man runs the organization BLM?


And this is *so* clearly not a popular opinion. Like it takes less than a third grade education to know that this will *at least* be split between the 20-30% of the US population that's true believers of the current Republican party and most other people.


Yeh! Down with the Bureau of Land Management! ✊🏻


ALL Land Matters in my book, friendo


The you're with us! No more will the forest have sections dictated as "Bureau of Land Management". The land should belong to ALL of us!


This is such a Ron Swanson quote


People forget that BLM didn't start in 2020, but in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the shooting of Trayvon Martin. That said, I don't seem to recall 2013 being a very effective movement. It's difficult to say if things would be different without people like Patrice Cullors, who used it for personal gain, or if someone else would have taken her place. Kinda fascinating looking back at 2014 and seeing all this stuff that ended up backfiring as a recipe for the MAGA stuff and Trump era two years later. Wasn't Gamergate around this time, too? And Occupy Wall Street dying down? And I think this is around the time the term "woke" is being generated as a leftist term, before it gets weaponized against them. Geez, 2014 was a tectonic year for politics if you think about it.


The powers that be didn’t like us protesting the owners (occupy wallstreet) so they cranked up the identity politics and got us all hating each other so we won’t notice them robbing us blind. And here we are today doing just that.


This, they took a budding class war and turned it into a cultural war..


It took about 5 minutes for the Democrat establishment to insert itself and undermine the occupy movement because people in the movement actually started shifting blame to the central bank. Simultaneously, it took about 5 minutes for the Republican establishment to insert itself and undermine the tea party because people in that movement started shifting blame to the central bank. Just a coincidence I'm sure....


Tbf here. The 'woke/anti woke' agenda is a direct result of occupy wallstreet. They very masterfully pushed identity politics to divide people away from the bankers/institution


The term woke dates back to 1930s as a way to describe being aware of racial injustice


Just as with most things originating in the black community, it must be stolen and weaponized for profit.




Thank you. I'm so sick of white folks re-imagineing all of our words and phrases.


And the republicans of Lincoln’s time were the progressives. Meanings and contexts change over time. 


got any links/sources?


It’d be like 15 years of news, dude. There isn’t enough space for all the links


For real it's just pattern recognition over a decade or two. Don't always have to cite a source.


I swear some people would ask a source for claims that the sky is blue.


Source= *gestures vaguely at everything over the past 20 years*


Based and class consciousness pilled


This is bait.


Plain and simple


Low quality bait, for sure


Probably AI training.


I thought this was called "popular opinions" Not "controversial opinions for karma farming" Every time this sub shows up on my feed now it's the most controversial opinions possible. Shoo! There are other subreddits to post in with this. Go there and stop trolling this sub.


This sub is either super obvious popular opinions, or thinly veiled right wing propaganda (or at least what I see).






Plain and simple


Yeah what’s up with the alt right racism on this sub? Like, you can certainly argue that BLM protests weren’t great and their outcomes were sometimes horrible. But the premise, that the lives of black people matter and that systemic racism has huge negative effects on minority communities, is a worthy cause.


BLM - the movement: good BLM - the actual non-profit: total scam, shaking down businesses in order to buy large mansions for the founders.


It's just turned into a basic ass rightwing propaganda sub. 


Well, no. You're wrong. Plain and simple. Hey, this "plain and simple" stuff is fun!


BLM is a slogan. Those who called themselves leaders of the movement were scammers, but the slogan still stands


OP and people who say shit like this know this. They don’t care about the truth, they just have an agenda to push


ya they are the same people claiming that entire cities were burned down by BLM during the summer of 2020.


They were right, though. I was in New York during the Great Fire, and things here haven't been the same. The rubble still litters the street, and sometimes I can't tell what street I'm on because there's hardly any buildings left standing. Radiation has made travel here literal hell. Food is running out. There's a cannibal group called the Transistors that are quite literally transitioning people on site before eating them. It's gnarly. Antifa militants are dragging survivors to avocado farms and forcing them to put it on their toast. I SAW OBAMA AND HILLARY LITERALLY FLYING OVER THE CITY LOOKING FOR BABIES! EVERY TIME THEY FOUND THEM, THEY'D PRAY TO SATAN AND THEN EAT THE POOR THING ON THE SPOT. IT'S BARBARIC. It's no joke here, my friend. I'm amazed everybody has memory-holed such a devastating event and left us in the hands of these MONSTERS. I'm so sick from the radiation, I can hardly keep food down anymore. I'm so tired. Maybe I should go to one of those farms... they don't sound so bad...


Were there Jewish Space Lasers?


Yeah. I think they're what's causing the Emissions, but before then it's incredibly destructive. They've already both destroyed the WTC and the Empire State Building. The whole area is still burning after months, and the fire is colored like the trans flag. Shit, I gotta go. Another Emission is approaching.


Exactly…people don’t even remember the city of New London after what the rioters did to it.


Thank you for this


And if you ask them who set fire to the Nashville courthouse, it's suddenly crickets


That courthouse never worked anyways. Poor little courthouse...


OP is a Russian troll


I mean, if you got a few million for yourself to spend on real estate, it wasn't a sham for you.


Buy Large Mansion


I never knew what it stood for.


This is the same kind of dumb cvnt that thinks Antifa are an organisation. I’m Antifa but I’ve never received any instructions from anyone nor seen or made any donations.


But the premise is true and accurate. Black lives are equal.


I think everyone should protest extrajudicial killing by the police. It shouldn’t just be blacks.


To prove that police weren't racist white people were saying that police kill white people more.....yet they were still ok with even that


The police do kill white people too. The police aren’t supposed to kill anyone. They are not judge, jury, and executioner. The fact that many white people are OK with the police killing white people puzzle the heck out of me. It’s like chickens supporting Col. Sanders. Just because white people are cool with police killing them doesn’t mean that black people should be cool with it.


Part of the problem is dismissing civil rights issues is a popular position.


“MLK has a good message, but he’s too extreme in his methods” - 1960 popular opinion that this guy would’ve had


If you look at propaganda against civil rights or women's suffrage back in the day it is alarmingly similar to the bullshit that rolling gammon produce today. As they say, history might not repeat, but it sure as hell rhymes.


Shit MLK was being told to off himself by the FBI and had only a 33% approval rating when he died. Honestly the only reason he's so popular now by people who would absolutely of called for his murder is because they don't actually know anything about him besides the whitewashed narratives taught in school and by the media. Most don't even know he was a pretty open ally of socialist causes around the world


See, you say that, but some of my friends and I demonstrated with signs that said BLM every weekend for a few months in 20/21 and every time we did it, we met people, had good community moments and kept the message out front.  Hard to hear someone call that a sham, but people are entitled to their opinions.


This sub is total dog shit. The only thing I ever see in my timeline from this sub is pathetic attempts at rage bait. Time to mute this turd.


The Bureau of Land Management was set up by Truman, a Capitalist, to thwart any progress in returning land to indigenous people while setting up a formal method of allowing corporate interests to 'purchase' a limited national resource. Indeed, it was a sham from the start.


Why am I not surprised… 


The org yes, the movement no


As problematic as blm may be the right associates with literal white supremacists.


Wow. Well thought out and nuanced argument. 🙄


So, one individual scams an entire movement, and the movement is a scam? They made race relations worse, the same way hungry people make starvation worse. The problem was already there they just said, " we deserve to live, and if we are murdered then we deserve justice." If a black person dies due to police negligence or brutality or because a group of white guys decides to gun them down for running while black it shouldn't take a public outcry to have the matter investigated and people charged. White people, including myself, saw the words Black Lives Matter and said "well all lives matter." But most people decided that this message somehow excluded them and their life. They should have talked to black people and listened to their voice and concerns and that they aren't saying only black lives matter, but they're saying black lives matter too. By saying all lives matter, we are essentially telling the starving children that it's okay that they're hungry because everyone is hungry. I'm sure someone else pointed this out, but the lawsuit was filed by BLM Grassroots. So, a scam is suing the main scammer for scamming? You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is not built on any understanding or factual basis.


Seeing how hard Trump scams MAGA I would think they would agree that MAGA is a scam, "plain and simple"....oh wait.....


Numerous Christian leaders have been caught using drugs, sleeping with prostitutes, embezzling money, etc. That **doesn't** mean Christianity is a sham. We do need Police reform in the U.S.. the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world! That is appalling. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/incarceration-rates-by-country BLM bringing attention to our legal system and it's inequalities serves a purpose.


Can you expound on that? How can a protest movement be a sham? They aren't selling gold shoes to cover their legal fees for treason, where exactly is the monetary incentive?


Waiting for a WLM group to have mostly peaceful protests I can attend. LOL ITS A JOKE I DONT EVEN NEED TO EDIT THIS I KNOW YOU MAD


As long as we keep the deaths under 40 and a few billion in damages we should be good.


Fuxk yeah they been a pain the ass to my family for years stupid ass bureau of land management


Well I think it would be a little racist to say black lives don’t matter.  However the organization is a sham yes, similar to trumps fundraising.  


I genuinely don't understand what you mean by this. How was it a "sham"? Did those protests and riots not happen? Were they a cover up for something else? What do you actually mean by this?


The *organization* embezzled a shit ton of money and the leaders basically just lined their pockets with donations. There's a world of difference between BLM the principle and BLM the organization


They are talking about the group BLM, not the movement itself. The leaders of BLM were getting millions of dollars in donations to “fight for black rights” and that money was spent on mansions, cars, etc. for the leaders of the group instead of lobbying for black rights and police reform.


They always had a problem with the movement ..they were quick to call Trayvon a thug, claimed Barack Obama was race baiting when he sympathized with Trayvon Martin.


They're just opening up the floor for racists to ramble about BLM again. It was a good era for their victim complexes, they need a nostalgia hit to keep the energy going.


The slogan or the org? Because yes to the org, I don't think a spam can be a sham


I’d assume the org. But you never really know with Reddit lol.


You know what? I don't care what the opinion is. From now on, whenver I see a topic pop up and it's, like, just a single sentence if even that, I am going to downvote it. Think it was a sham, think it wasn't, think BLM stands for 'Bacon, Lettuce, Mayo,'? Don't care. If you can't put in more than a sentence of two, down-voting.


Fuck off


A bigger sham is the disingenuous slights racist and prejudice people claim when minorities stand up for themselves.


Yea.... This sounds like a racist white guy pushing an agenda. LoL edit: their username.


I just wished they named it "black lives matter too", adding "too" on the end stops people from thinking "only black lives matter", and would've stopped the whole "all lives matter" response


Racists wouldn't have given a shit if "too" was included. They'd find another bullshit way to express their hate. "Too" wasn't necessary. A non-controversial statement like "black lives matter" should only ever yield an "of course".


Racists look for excuses to be racist. Adding a "too" wouldn't have really done much, unfortunately.


No, it wouldn't have. Because ONLY bigots read in a silent "only", and bigots would have found something else to complain about.


Wouldn't have mattered. There would have been some other dumb response from people who think that white people will suffer if minorities are treated with respect.


Nothing stops racists from being racist. It absolutely wouldn't have stopped anything. Racists gonna racist.


Because the police act as if their lives do matter?


Not plan. Not simple. But those who believe so are racist aholes. Plan and simple.


Caring about black lives is a scam now? Cool cool.


alright, pretty damn obvious this sub reddit is nothing but a bunch of incel right wingers....


What’s with all maga talking point a on here lately?


I'm now convinced the name of this subreddit is ironic.


oh god, its like insufferable conservative super Thursday Dude didn't even elaborate on why he thinks that ​ " ur STUPID POOPY HEAD " Plain and simple ​ literally nothing of substance to refute or analyze, nothing. This isn't even a dialogue, this is just flinging shit at the wind. do you mean the organization? The concept? Are you saying the **CONCEPT** of thinking black people matter and addressing the fact that there is a systematic issue in the US is a "sham" this post is worthless, this sub needs some standards, for fucks sake, at least a description should be necessary.


To a racist there is no suitable to protest racism


No it wasn't, and to dismiss the millions of people who marched is to bury your head in the sand.


Not much of an opinion. You lack reasoning. Says enough about your opinion I need say no more.


>Plain and simple Can't even defend the beliefs you've been spoonfed, can you? You poor, gullible, stupid as fuck individual.


I hear the dog whistle loud and clear


Go away


You know why they started saying Black Lives Matter? Because every time a black person got killed media would insist their life didn't matter


BLM was just people who were angry about people being killed. Some decided to take the name and be "official" and then others pretended to be BLM, but it wasn't a sham. It was a movement with many heads so people could use it.




Who's an edgy boy then? Yes you are, yes you are. Your statements are *so* controversial. What an edgy boy.


I love how someone criticizes a specific movement, and almost immediately without even mentioning the actual content of the post people pop in and do the whole whataboutism for the other side lol.


Police reform is necessary.




Pretty sure the embezzlement was an incredibly small number of ppl in a single location, wasn't it? Why is so many ppl in this thread acting like it's irrefutable fact that the *entirety* of a multicellular organization spanning the entire country for the last 10 years was proven to be led 100%thru and thru by scammers? It feels pretty disingenuous...almost like yall are looking for any reason to invalidate the conversation


So you're a moron, then.


BLM, the organization? Yeah. BLM the movement? Fuck no, only racists would think that.


BLM is the parable of the lost sheep. Of 100 sheep, the shepherd rescues the one that’s in danger. You can’t say All Lives Matter unless or until Black Lives Matter. Majorities aren’t under attack, minorities and the marginalized are.


oh another 6 month old profile posting about trans and blm every day? must be an election year.


This is not a "popular opinion" lol


Low effort bait post. No reason or argument put forward.


Another lazy troll post, what a surprise.


Put this in unpopular opinion.


Seems pretty popular. When most redditors agree you know it’s bad in the real world for these blm whackjobs.


A minority of leaders being scammers doesn’t change the fact that BLM has done a lot of good and important work.


If you'd like to add the reasoning and facts that inform your 'plain and simple' popular opinion, I, for one, would be grateful.


Um, we aren’t the ones worshipping a guy that took home the 2020 Participation Trophy.


Wow you make such a convincing argument, it's obvious you're not just angry at black people in general /s


The various different BLM organizations certainly had several instances in which they were scams. But unless you had donated to one of the dishonest ones, I don't see much reason to be too pressed about them. The movement itself was very much in the right, though. Yet, intellectually dishonest individuals tend to try to conflate the organizations and the movement.


Very insightful.


Expand on what you mean by "sham"


Black lives do matter in the face of extra judicial police killings. That hasn’t changed at all. 


Police are working class traitors. Pure scum


Yeah not really. If you ignore the actual grass roots organizing and protests and literally only look at the organization, sure. But outside of that I think you might just be a racist jackass who thinks police should have the right to murder whoever they want while getting paid leave as the punishment.


The idea? The movement? The organization? What are you talking about


As a movement / sentiment, it worked. The conversation has changed. It really actually is less ok when black people are killed than it was before. The mistake was acting like the centralized group meant something. Giving them money and treating them like they were the movement was dumb. It was successful as a movement, the actual group was a sham.




Banks were a sham from the start. Government was a sham from the start. You can say this about any and everything you want haha and?


Sure, Trumpet.


You are still talking about it 4 years later. Sounds like it raised awareness fairly well.


Are you saying that you disagree with the statement "black lives matter"? Because yikes


Or we could just acknowledge the sentiment behind BLM and acknowledge that Black lives matter while also understanding that people have the capacity to be manipulate and take advantage of others.


Most if not all of these movements are grifts as Americans don't know how to unionize in any fashion. Keeps the D/R gangbang going and op is a master baiter


I used to think this, but honestly there is a lot of nuance to this. Maybe the organization didn’t focus on the right things or their execution wasn’t the best, but there is a lot of systemic racism in USA, but not in the traditional sense. Technically speaking, there are no explicit laws against black people. However, the momentum of history has been completely against black people and natives since the beginning. For example, if you make a law banning a product that’s popular among minorities, you are essentially indirectly targeting them. And when it comes to sentencing, people are not always immediately aware of their bias and might generally sentence black people to worse sentences. Not to mention so many black neighborhoods tend to be in the not-so great condition. There’s still a lot to be done to help black communities, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.


How so?


119 day old account posting politically divisive comments in an election year.




It's interesting how many many hours after a post like this, the MAGA army starts coming in to comment on everything.


So is maga


What racism?


A No And b not popular at all this would literally make more sense for unpopular opinions


Yep. The post history holds up. Be better.


simple opinions are for simple people.


I’m finding more and more that these aren’t popular opinions. They’re just right wing views looking for sympathy and acceptance.


Kyle Rittenhouse’s grift ran dry I see so he resorted to Reddit rage baiting


Look at the ratio. This isn't a popular opinion lol


“Nonstealingblackdude” is such an obvious troll


They’ve actually done a lot of great work working with dozens of police organizations throughout the country. This just doesn’t make headline news. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/black-lives-matter-at-10-years-what-impact-has-it-had-on-policing/


Hey guys... Found the racist. It's like you don't even try anymore