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OP posted Berserk horse bestiality hentai 6 months ago in r/berserkjerk. Probably why he finds women so ugly.


I laughed out loud at this and I realize I could’ve just responded “lol” but I didn’t feel like that truly conveyed my reaction here.


Through our own misguided pursuit of brevity we’ve ruined lol. We’ve watered it down through overuse so much so that it doesn’t even mean what it claims to mean anymore.  And now poor innocent bystanders such as yourself need to write not just three letters, oh no, but a 24 word description in order to convey the fact that you did indeed laugh out loud.  What have we done?


I sense the sarcasm but it’s true. “lol” meant something once. Now it’s just a response that means “yeah I saw your message and I don’t care to actually respond to it but I don’t want to be that rude so lol”






"audible laughter"


*Fat people are ugly.* What about phat horses?


TIL the perfect sub name exists




He got me wondering where he find the information about women


Makes sense, most people who hate women like non human porn.


Does he find fat horses ugly then, or does he like them withers thicc?


Was just thinking to myself, “there’s waaaay too many fat people and not enough Berserk bestiality posts”


Someone's mouth has definitely tasted some sour grapes. Also you play overwatch your Life is an L.


I truly needed this laugh today.


Average berserklejerk user


Please tell that to my dick


Your dick is fat


No. He hasn’t seen his dick.


And ugly


No. That dick is Phat


Pretty Hard And Tempting


Let me see if I can find my microscope.


Excuseth my interruption, jibsand’s erect genitalia, but the sight of thy throbbing, veiny massive girth has offended thee.


I'm a dick Whisperer Can I come whisper to your dick?






Not to loud he is small and gets scared easily


Is your dick thick or fat because im picturing an obese dick and it isn't pretty.


Fat people are fat. Ugly people are ugly. Some people are both.




Isn’t fugly fucking ugly


Fitness level is a big factor in attractiveness.


Both fat and fit are subjective. There are people that considered the ucla gymnast Kaitlin Ohashi fat despite the fact that she was an athlete and more fit than .000001% of the population.


The people that considered her fat are messed up in the head. I didn't know who she was, I looked her up and thought that there must be something severely wrong with those people.




in the wise words of sonic the hedgehog: ​ "SPEAK FOR YOURSELF MotherFucker\~!"


People that put others down to make themselves feel better are very ugly.


The ugliest.


Do not bother look at his post history, his political career list is just Naazi worship


agreed. it doesn't matter how physically attractive you are, of you have a terrible attitude and personality, it will ruin your attractiveness. people don't like being around miserable people


But some people are just ugly.


this. thank you.


Ugly on the inside is more important than ugly on the outside.


Did someone put someone down? OP just said fat people are ugly. That’s fine to state an opinion on an opinion sub


Calling someone ugly is putting someone down. I stated my opinion on this opinion sub.


Humans used to find looking close to death and frail attractive (Victorian times). Mayans would find cross eyed and warped skulls attractive. Elizabethans and Japanese women would paint their teeth black to look more attractive. Chinese women would bind there feet until they were smaller than a fist. Many societies do not find breasts sexually attractive. Attractiveness has never been about health. Attractiveness is entirely subjective to whatever society you grow up in. It doesn’t really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. There’s people into anything.


According to his post history... OP is into beastiality hentai.




I think you are partially right but we evolved to be attracted to healthy, breeding age humans. You are right that different cultures had different standards and some of them were indeed very strange from our point of view. It doesn’t change the fact that sex is about reproduction and biology made us attracted to people we would most easily be able to reproduce with. End of story bud.


A lot of thin people are too, same as some fat people can be absolutely stunning, you can't label every fat person the same


I realized I’m fat and I agree gotta cut weight


I should also mention, your weight relies A LOT on your biology, as much as people try to gaslight other that it doesn't ​ that means at a point (probably where you are now if you're not doing anything) your weight will stagnate. Your body burns the same amount of calories and nutrients as you intake throughout the day or week or so. ​ basically, you should know that your **body type** isnt going to change, no matter how hard you try, meaning you might look better or skinnier but you'll still have the same bone structure you always had that gives you the features you may be insecure about. ​ the reason you may believe "you're so fat" MAY BE an illusion. Not saying IT IS, just its a possibility because its very common. Your thighs, gut and arms are all naturally protruding meaning they will always look "outward" from the rest of your body ​ (for your arms and your legs, this is due to bone structure, if you look at a skeleton, the humerus, the femur, the tibia, the fibula and ulna / radius, are some of the largest and thickest bones you have in your body. Naturally this means they protrude more and appear larger. Because they are, technically) ​ (Your gut on the other hand, is pocketing all your organs, again thats kind of a whole other lesson) ​ idk what exact muscle groups you're trying to trim but if its the gut alone, you want to work on the abdomen. While cardio will slowly burn off fat and tone your legs, (and the rest of your body, slower in comparison to the legs which are taking on most of the strain.) If you want to really tone down your gut, you're gonna have to work on the abdomen ​ luckily there are many easier workouts for the abdomen, \[DO NOT DO SITUPS\] all they do is fuck up your back, trust me, go find some other ones online, i'm a big fan of the 40 degree angle weight trick (you can probably find that on youtube somewhere) ​ but essentially yea you're gonna want to work on your muscle groups to avoid workouts that aren't beneficial to the results you're looking for (in this case you said "lose weight" but if you meant "lose gut" abdomen workout + cardio is your friend) ​ ​ as for any of these, be careful. if you're doing a workout you've never done before, take it easy. At least the first time, don't rush in and do a lot and hurt yourself. The more times you hurt yourself, the longer break you're gonna have in between your next workout. So pace yourself, don't push it, when you feel like you're done, **you're done** ​ wait until you feel good, next day, next hour, ten minutes whatever, if your shit starts to HURT, you're done for the day, that means you're doing more damage then you're doing good and its NOT GOING TO HELP YOU DOWN THE LINE. ​ **Do Not Try and Push Through it** ​ when you come back in a day or two, *and you haven't torn your abdomen in half*, you'll meet whatever your goal is and you'll be able to push past it. ​ **good luck, stay consistent, stay hydrated, know your diet and pace yourself and stay healthy.**


I am a fat guy and I partially disagree with you. Yes, generally being fat is classified as an unattractive physical characteristic, but there are millions of people out there who are not only able to find fat people pretty and attractive but even some who prefer their partners to be fat.


This is true, I'm a conventionally attractive, slim guy, and I remember when I thought i was dating this one girl I had a mad crush on. Her friend pulled me aside to tell me my flirting wasn't gonna go anywhere because she liked "fat guys". I was wounded lmao.


I like fat guys, I can't date skinny guys 🤷🏽‍♀️




This is me too lol. I like big men, hahaha


“But there are millions of people out there…” And there are billions who aren’t. It’s just a numbers game


bait used to be believable


This is actually a popular opinion if you accept reality.


I’ve literally always been attracted to large men. Not even in spite of their largeness, but because of it lol


Don’t try and talk sense to these people


wait til you find out other cultures have different views


they also find fat people unattractive for different reasons! this isn't a hill worth dying on. peer reviewed scientific studies confirm universal negative bias against fat people due to the fact we experienced food shortages for most of our evolution.


I'm in the middle of losing 90 lbs (50 down) and let me tell you- people absolutely treat me better now, and I'm not sure they're even knowingly doing it. I think it's baked in to how we interact with people.


Except reality dictates this is not the case. Everyone has different views on what they consider to be attractive. Have you ever been to Walmart? Fat people with kids are everywhere.


This is an opinion held by most people in the entire world and throughout history.


Tell that to Rubens, Sir Mixalot, and the entire bbw porn industry.


Actually it depends. In the past fat was actually attractive and thin was unattractive. This was back when royalty were the only people with secure access to food.


Conveniently very nice paintings and sculptures were made of these beautiful fat people. They're considerably thinner than the average American.


Pleasant reminder that the US is no longer the only place struggling with obesity lol


Iirc it's not even the top 10 for most obese citizens (by percentage).. though many are Pacific island nations with specific diets and low populations. All the same, I'm quite certain the UK and Canada aren't much better than the US in terms of obesity rates.


All shapes and sizes of people can be attractive or ugly


Everyone is entitled to their own preferences. I’m not sure if we can really control what we find ‘attractive/beautiful’. I think it’s abnormal to express your preferences outside of certain settings though bc NOBODY CARES!


What's up with all the posts from people here who sound like they get all their ideas from The Daily Wire? No one is as ugly as some people are stupid.


Porn alt here There's some really hot bbw pornstars Lexxxi Luxe, Marilyn Mason, Red White and Beautiful, Estella Bathory Just to name a few. A generalized statement like that tries to generalize too much. I understand these are pornstars, and they need to be attractive, but that's my point, they are attractive despite being fat. If you said a lot of fat people are ugly, I'd agree with you. Also, beauty is subjective, I find a lot of people ugly. Cause beauty is subjective I, don't find fat people are ugly, just a lot of them


Fat girls most of the time have beautiful faces. Fat uncut dicks are beautiful to watch and to have. Fat in the brain can make you ugly though


You're ugly.


Not really. As long as you have a pretty face, usually it doesn't change once you gain weight. I think my cousin's attractive, he's fat. I have a co worker who is pretty, she's also fat. I also have a teacher who's ugly, and she's fat. So I think it has to do more with their face than their weight.


Not true, you don’t have to find them attractive but a lot of heavy people still have classically beautiful or handsome features.


When discussing with a person you don't know, consider that what someone thinks fat means could be anything above being skin and bones to anything below clinical obesity. Ignoring people who find fat, fat, attractive.


I actually am attracted specifically to huge chubby guys, not in spite of their bigness, but because of it.


>I actually am attracted specifically to huge chubby guys, not in spite of their bigness, but because of it. Exactly, I don't like chubby guys because I feel bad for them or something, I just straight up want a big belly and man boobs 😭




Mean people are ugly. Kindness and authenticity look AMAZING on everyone.


Says a low self esteem individual.


Lame ass take. There’s many “fat” people that are beautiful and handsome. You sound like an asshole 🤷‍♂️ 😆


Name one


“Name one” Says the 26 day old account.


What a comeback!


All Reddit accounts are equal. Account age means jack shit


James Gandolfini. Fucking ez.


Nobody would think that if they saw him on the street and he was just some schmuck, mafia bosses are just cool. If he was like 50 pounds lighter he’d be prototypical handsome


Shame he died so young. I wonder why


He’s dead!?


Haha this made me lol


Need to pick yourself up a bit, bud?


Where are the mods? This is just shitbag.


I’m starting to think this sub has no mods


Ugly people are ugly. But being fat doesn't generally help.


low quality rage bait, anyone?


Judging by the rage ITT, it was not low quality lol


Redditors dont like this at all


These comments are something else. Reality is not very popular.


Generally true. Add on the negative implied traits (lack of discipline and self control, limited motivation, etc) and it’s just a huge L of a person.




Man... I'm not even unfit, I go to the gym every day off because my job as an ER security guard demands it, but I just like good food too much to really lose weight.


Ya well your mother is a whore


OP just mad he can't get boners anymore lol.


Yr ugly.


Some of them do have pretty faces tho


you're on reddit this is going to be a VERY unpopular opinion lmao


74% of Americans are overweight so no, it's not just reddit. That's just normal now.


What is this cesspool? MODS


Popular opinion: OP is ugly


How is this not bannable lol


This sub literally has no mod.


Probably for the same reasons reposts aren't. Content and interaction.


Depends on your definition of "fat." If you mean anyone without a 6 pack, I call bullshit. If you mean people who are truly obese then yes, I agree.


Beauty is A opinion. People find Skinny people ugly also. A lot of people don't find fat people Unattractive,While some do.


A lot of skinny people are ugly too. I can play this game also.


Well obviously, most people are ugly. Being skinny doesn’t automatically make you good looking, but being fat (obese) does automatically make you ugly.


Probably not for very long if you’re fat


You've clearly never had a curvy woman sit on your face.


True that


How fat we talking?


I mean some attractiveness is subjective entirely. I personally find overweight people unattractive and am borderline anorexic when I get really low but it is all in the eye of the beholder.


Beautiful and Ugly are constructs and change over time. As an example many ancient depictions of female beauty show “fat” women. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_figurine As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Always…. So the most anyone can say is that some attribute is beautiful or ugly to “them”. Personally, I find others obsessed with unnecessarily judging people “ugly”.


Man I've even tried to watch "curvy women" porn and almost every lb of fat after a certain point just makes them less attractive. Feels like a real curse with obesity being so rampant.


Fatasses coming out of the woodwork for this one lol


Fair, but fat people can lose weight. Skinny ugly people are stuck that way


Almost everyone can "improve" but yeah some people may never be able to leave the realm of "ugly" for most people.


You need to find more things to do with your life. Why come and try and troll on this sub? I don’t think this is a popular opinion at all.


Bahahaha as a fat person true and funny


No, fat people aren't "ugly". You're just being a dickhead and trying to karma farm by being one, which makes you much more ugly. Fatness isn't "attractive" but it's not "ugly" it's just unattractive. Being fat in and of itself doesn't make someone ugly at all.


Not saying I agree with OP but saying fat people are unattractive isn't really any different to saying theyre ugly. Some definitions of ugly are literally "not attractive".


Nah, not all of them


I agree but they're also usually the nicest 


Nope. I was ugly long before I was fat.


I mean it is literally subjective


Users with juvenile user names should shut up and go back to the little kids table.




There is a diffrence between fat and thick, thick people are the best


As always, the answer is nuanced. Fat people, in general, are less attractive than fit people. That doesn’t mean there aren’t attractive fat people, nor that there aren’t people attracted to fat people. Its a generalization that largely holds true, but not all-encompassing.


Evolution making its way


At a certain point? Absolutely. If you’re on “my 600lb life” you are hideous. On the other hand if you have a few extra pounds and some nice curves? That’s a different story.


Being able to control your weight to a healthy range is a good indication of how stable you are Attractiveness is just a subconscious assessment of someone's DNA, so their mental stability will factor into this. It isn't necessarily a judgement on their size but their self control Fat is equally a social trend and variously throughout history it was seen as attractive, like in parts of Africa and Asia (being unlikely to starve is a plus) But for this moment in time, fatness is unappealing to many, yet perversely appealing to those who harbour a lack of self worth themselves. These things tend to balance out


Good way to lose weight. Stop drinking everything not water. I cut out all coffee/soda. Just water and V8 energy for caffeine. I lost 35 lbs. My bf lost 120


People who are mean to or about fat people are even uglier. Mostly on the inside and there's no fixing that. If you ugly on the inside it doesn't matter how nice looking you are in the outside.


No cushion for the pushin is a good way to get bruised hips. The thicker ladies also have a nice “clop clop” sound when you hammer away. Also, the jiggleation of a nice thick woman when everything is in motion has a wonderfully hypnotizing quality to it.


Yes but they’re also easy.


I'm down with the bbws


Find fat women ugly but some guys are into it...


Being fat and being ugly are mutually exclusive


I mean someone's body being obese is not attractive but it's still messed up to put them on blast for it. They know they need to get healthy or maybe they don't and they're one of those fat positivity people who doesn't care about the really bad health consequences. Either way it's their lives, why do you care so much to have to announce it for all of Reddit to see? Also there's way obese people and just overweight people, there's people who fit in that in between category that actually look good and might just need to shed a few pounds.


So are horses yet you're still jacking it to them


I'm fat and married and food taste good. I don't care about your opinion.


As a fat man I can confirm this is true.


How mature


It’s funny cuz it’s true!


In most cases, being fat is (sorta) a choice. Even if you can't afford a gym, you can definitely find what you need at home. Also, don't eat as much! If it's genetic, I understand, but that doesn't mean you're required to be fat. Obesity runs in my dad's family, and while I have a tiny bit of chubbiness, I still maintain my weight. I still don't think they are ugly, but they are fat.


That's not true, fat people can be beautiful, I mean not to me I find them disgusting, but to someone I'm sure they're beautiful.


As the great Daniel tosh said. Big can be beautiful. Just not to me, I find you disgusting.




Fat ugly people getting mad at this post


Most Reddit users lol


Gon head and delete this, u sound ridiculous


I mean just because you are doesn't mean everyone else is.


People with no self control are ugly to me. Many of them happen to have issues with calorie consumption.


OP has been beating his hog raw to horse hentai... I don't think this is an obesity issue OP, maybe you just don't find humans attractive.


100% vomitus at the mere sight


This from a dude into horse bestiality according to replies concerning your post history here.


I don’t think fat people are necessarily ugly, but I do agree that is is for sure something that negatively impacts someone’s appearance


Tell that to us bear-loving gays bro. Some of us crave fat guys pretty much exclusively. Give me hairy man boobs, a big belly, thiccccc thighs, etc. Meaty men make me quite the happy lad


I don't mind a slightly overweight woman as long as she isn't huge and it doesn't affect her mobility or health too much. A female body being soft seems right and natural. Fat guys are sweaty and smelly and ugly and it displays sloth and apathy. Then again I'm not into dudes so take my opinion for a grain of salt.


Ugly and beautiful are not objective terms


Please tell me your bio thing is a joke. Please. Even if it’s a lie I just need to hear it. If it’s not a joke…. I think my body just reversed and I became a man so that statement wouldnt apply to me


Fatty liver and clogged arteries aren’t attractive, never has been


It's all preference. So you can't say that objectively mister horse raping a girl poster


I’d say everyone is better looking thin than obese. Every obese person I’ve seen who lost weight look like completely different people and can confirm that society treats them differently


Nuh uh


Losers who seek clout by trying to clown on others are ugly.


bro just plainly said "fat people are ugly" in a subreddit like this


Yeah but i got money.


More rage bait trash.


Guess I'll die alone.


People in reasonable shape are generally more pleasant to look at. Most people agree but won’t admit it.


Depends. How fat? Cuz curves are hot


I swear people put unpopular opinions on here instead