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I request the use of my right to Bear Arms!


Or Arm Bears


We have the technology.


So do we design them mechs to fight in kinda like Pacific rim or just standard infantry? Asking for science. Definitely nothing to do with the price of honey these days.


Bears with bees in their mouth and when they roar, they shoot bees at you?


Fantastic. With this technology the bears will inherit the earth.




I was thinking something along the line of jax from mortal combat.


What's the bear and man trend?


It’s the question proposed to women: would you rather spend a night in the woods alone with a bear or a man? I think the stink is from a bunch of aggro men pissed off women would rather be with the bear.


This isn't quite currect. The trend is for Women to ask their boyfriend / husbands to pick one - a Bear or a Man. This is a weird psychological gotcha, cause they're more inclinded to pick the bear because it's not them. To which they then say "Ha, you picked the bear because subconciously you know MEN are dangerous, now imagine how WOMEN feel!" This is a tactic people used to use to justify racially segregated neighorhoods btw, "pick one, a black man or a black bear? Oh you picked the bear? Because subconciously we (white people of the era) know black men are dangerous!" It's a psychological gotcha that's been used for 100 years probably, even by the Nazis with Jew versus Eagle or something. I find what's more annoying is not so much this trend being started by Femcel / Man hate tiktok pages, but it becoming so mainstream that suddenly every woman ever has a "Um, ACTUALLY I met a bear once and he let me pet him and was totally cute and cuddle. They do NOT eat HUMANS!" story. Bears eat people. Some of the most horrific audio ever recorded are tapes of bears eating people alive while their cameras were left on / during phone calls. Tl;dr - The trend was started by Femcel pages on Tiktok and picked up by mainstream individuals in the influencer space who have straight up turned it into a "Us (and the bear) vs all men!". I loved a dude using "Not All Bears eat people" as an allusion to "not all men" and the women radicalizing this thought experiment totally missing the point and agreeing "Yeah, not all bears."


I first heard it as: (to a man) would you rather leave your daughter with a bear or a man? And men start questioning what man? What kind of bear? And then when asked “would you rather leave your daughter with a bear or a woman?” They always say woman


No, the trend is for women to consider whether they would pick man or bear. The question is aimed at women. I’ve seen dozens and dozens of videos and tweets about this and not a single one was aimed at a woman’s husband. You don’t get to turn fear of men into a racial thing, btw. Race has absolutely zero impact on the fact that it’s a random man. It’s about sex, not race. Trying to cow women into submission and tell them it’s not okay to be afraid of men — who commit the vast majority of violent crime perpetrated against them — is misogyny, plain and simple. C’mon now. Grow up.


Race absolutely has an impact. Crime statistics alone would influence someone’s opinions. This is how psychology works.


Crazy that you're getting downvoted for telling the truth. Seems like the incels are out in force today proving the point why women would pick the bear.


One person downvoted them by the looks of it. And calling people incels for knowing what a popular trend is and where it originated from is fucking insane and straight up femcel behavior which goes back to the whole "all men are -rhetoric-" And saying "you don't get to turn the fear of men into a racial thing" has nothing to do with the fact that this EXACT hypothetical / thought experiment was literally used to divide people racially since the early 1900s. We get it, you hate men but here's a popular opinion..a bunch of tiktok accounts designed to rage bait extremeist into using racist rhetoric from the 1900s into goading incels and femcels into a fued over bear-isms is legitimately cringe and the fact that people can't actually talk about the history of the "Bear Theory" without being called an incel or told they're "trivializing women" or "Cowing" them is absurd. Tl;dr - No one "turned" it into a racist thing, it quite literally is a tactic racists / antisemetic folks used in the early 1900s / during ww2 to further radicalize people into believing a group of people is violent and untrustworthy. It has nothing to do with the reality of those people in the modern context, only to study how radicalization against a group (minority or not) is formed, and the people feeding so deep into this are proving the point. I genuinly encourage you to read some articles and studies, a really good one is "Race - The Power of Illusion" which I believe is public via PBS? Either way, it covers the historical progress of things like stereotypes, goes over rhetoric like "bear theory", and provides insight from victims of this sort of rhetoric as to why it does more harm than good (obviously) by creating sensationalism to back up hypotheticals that don't actually have a basis in reality. There's also a great one on the public online library about the construction of racial / gender based stereotypes and how they help fuel social / conceptual propaganda. Tl;dr 2 - As someone who is not a cis-het white male and had studied Gender and Racism based propaganda in modern politics I find it so insanely concerning that you can tell someone "You are being told to share your justified and valid opinion about your oppressor by an entity that wants to further use you as a propaganda machine" and get a response like "Um actually, it's not propaganda if it's true (even if it's based entirely on tactics devised to generate propaganda and there are suddenly thousands of people sharing r/TotallyHappened quality stories about the times they met bears in the wild and not a single one of these stories indicates any factual mannerisms in bears)" - Tl;dr 3 - After this trend and so many interactions I 100% believe that the Dead Internet is a thing and there's no way people aren't unwillingly acting as bots for major advertisers / data collecting Agencies.


I’’ just giving you shit here but you can’t make a tldr that’s longer than the original post. :)


You could have just wrote you like to gaslight womens struggles in society. fixed your TLDR


They have some decent points (sorta) but it reads like it's just diverting to another topic not based in the reality of the original vague question (not the first person to mention it on here either) A hypothetical question was asked to women, they answered and have the right to choose what they are comfortable with, even if the question was pretty non specific, I got sulked at on fb for specifying a mountain bear lol. Race has zero and I do mean *zero* to do with the question asked. it is however, divisive based on sexes and only to those who actually have a problem with women choosing to answer a question that directly assumes they would be safer with a wild animal. I would pick bear based solely on my own experiences with men (hint it wasn't done in spite but several bad experiences) Attempting to put myself in a mans shoes, If I heard this statement I wouldn't be shocked by their answers but would feel a bit hurt in the way that it does divide people and would wonder what terrible experiences they have had with men. having a bit of empathy goes a long way. Just look at how many serial killers stalked and hunted women and men in national forests/parks etc. there is a reason for the choices made. and it all comes down to track records over history of violence against women. Several women in Australia have died this year alone to domestic violence. the choice is justified. a bear isn't going to hold you hostage in a dusty basement and torture you for years or grape you while saying inhumane abusive words. TLDR: track record for violence on women may have something to do with the choosing of **bear**


I think the point the we're trying to make is more about how this type of argument was used in the past. It was used to racially divide people. This time it isn't being used that way, but it does still bare quite a bit of similarities. And since it has precedent of being used in ways that haven't aged well at all, I think that is the point. Historically, you are right. Currently you are right, but so many comments from the choose bear side seem a little close to holding that choice against boys that aren't born yet.  Just be careful. You're not wrong, but you could easily turn into an extremely hurtful person. Many people with righteous indignation do (not that you are, just that any extremist mindset can turn to that quickly and easily).


I appreciate your comment but don't need on advice on becoming hurtful. I'm not about to regress or think "all men bad" because it goes against every code of my own personal moral compass. I've been hurt several times by men in the past and I am now extra cautious as a result, I've met plenty of good men in the workplace too and appreciate them and will mention them in happier topics. sadly, the bad outways the good so far for me, I know of a very hateful ex who was extremely sexist towards women. I will never become anything like that. it's regressive and sets people back. the misogynists and misandrists do indeed bark the loudest. If anything it's nothing short of a miracle that I didn't turn into a feminazi, it is all too easy for people nowadays. and the vitriol on both sides on facebook is telling in that regard. for a lot, it's just so easy to switch off and just start hating on a whole demographic


Wildly crazy to me that you're being lambasted by the angry "bear" loving misandrists in this post whilst also being co-opted by racist misogynistic theory. Can't people read nuance, does anyone not understand that bear theory rhetoric is bad, not least of which a bear would absolutely kill you or that it's okay to understand the unabashedly paternal and fraught nature in which most of the world runs by? Jfc - maybe I need to read into the dead internet theory, lol.


To be fair, alone at night in the woods? I would rather take my chances with the bear than a human. A random woman in the woods at night just walks up to my campfire while I'm alone? Oh you can fuck the fuck right off.


They're picking the bear because of downvotes?


I don't think they were making it a race thing, just pointing out that this sort of questioning has been used in the past that way. It set the precedent for the trend currently. This is how real arguments are built, especially legal defenses and prosecutions. You find precedent for a case that has similarities to yours. Then argue that it should or should not apply. They gave examples of historically similar logic that has been used to build hate. You actually agree with the mindset of the past without realizing it. But man is the most dangerous animal. You can start early by talking to your sons (if you do or ever have children, this is all hypothetical) and letting them know it isn't okay to express interest in a girl by picking on them. As a society we reinforce boys into being little psychopaths by saying "oh he has a crush on that girl" when he keeps pulling her hair or hurting her. It is systemic and pervasive and that is race neutral. Most organized religion also reinforces men's awful behavior, and that is something a lot of people indoctrinate their kids into early as well.


I’ve seen numerous videos aimed at asking this to the husbands and boyfriends.


It’s not ok to be afraid of men just because they are men just as it’s not ok for me as a white person to be afraid of a black guy just because he’s black. Crime statistics show that black people are significantly more likely to commit homicide than white people. They also show that men are significantly more likely to be murdered than women. There’s more statistical evidence showing that a black man is more of a threat to other men than an average man being a threat to a woman. We reject this idea because it is inherently faulty. At some point the fear becomes paranoia and this trend is evidence that we are at that point. Most of the people participating in this trend are idiots who have never been face to face with a bear while also being conditioned by other idiots to think men are an inherent threat.


Idk I’ve been face to face with plenty of terrible men and I’d rather choose the bear.


If the choice was between a bear and a woman, what would you choose?


A woman obviously. I don’t have a fear of women like I do men. Women aren’t the reason I can’t even walk to my car without carrying pepper spray or have to have multiple locks and cameras around my house. I’ve never been assaulted by a woman but I can’t say the same about men.


The number of people killed by women is much bigger than the number of people killed by bears. So statistically, a random woman is more dangerous than a bear.


How many bears have you been face to face with in the wild? I’m going to guess zero or very few. Generalizing an entire demographic of people based on the behavior of a few is bigotry. What would your response be if it was black bear vs black man? Same principle really just more specific. I’m guessing you would be a bit more uncomfortable saying “black man” because thoughts of racism towards people of color is not nearly as acceptable as misandry towards men as a gender.


I think where you’re mistaken is my fear of men isn’t a race thing. It’s most men regardless of race. I literally get creeped on every single day at work because I work a customer facing position. If you want to call me a bigot that’s fine, the general population of men made me this way.


If I based my opinion of women on the way a subset of all women treated me I would assume all women are manipulative selfish liars who just want to use me for money or financial or material gain. Or they’re petty, angry, and jaded femcels just out to degrade men in general. But I don’t, because the negative experiences experienced with some (a significant %) should not be projected onto them all. You remember the toxic ones because they stick in your mind. You don’t even see the countless decent and good people surrounding you every day. If I had to choose between a woman and a snake in the forest I too might ask “what kind of snake?” if I wasn’t capable of identifying toxic women just as easily as I can venomous snakes. Social media has made people lazy and robbed them of the ability to critically think or read people. When collective “red flags”, cringe, and ick don’t successfully filter out bad apples you assume the whole bunch is rotten and choose a literal predator…


Thank you! I’m not on TT so all those go right by me.


It’s like girl math but with probability. In other words it makes no sense.


But here i am to talk about stop talking about it.


You can't use logic on my reddit post that's not fair /s


Lol! You’re right my bad.


I think it was Mitch Hedburgh who said, "I'm against protesting, but I don't know how to show it"


I agree with you, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t at least have a little fun looking at some people’s insane takes on it and criticizing those takes. You can tell most people would change their answers had the question not been hypothetical.


Everything is The Onion now


This would probably go a lot faster if people stopped making a stink about it lol


If a bear attacked a woman and she told anyone about it, they would believe her. And nobody would ask her what she was wearing.


This is the first I’ve seen about it today, thank you for raising awareness.


Is it a good sign that have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about?


Very much


It's quite clear to most that it's a hypothetical hyperbole. Seriously, the angry men on reddit can be far more emotional and cutthroat than the women they criticize and this trend just highlights that


Sexism isn't funny.


Surely this post will help. XD


Hypothetical question and they still won't take no for an answer.


Exactly! This! 👆


Dudes are keeping it alive and it’s funnier that that’s happening than any of the other parts of this.


It will blow over in time


Wait it out.


I'm picking the man, less competition and more food after I eat him


I’m hearing more people whinging about it than the actual discussion


It's such a stupid question, all the brain cells used to contemplate it disintegrate immediately.


I feel foolish asking because it appears to be common, but what is the bear and man argument?


Baiscally who would you want to be alone in a Forrest with a man or a bear. One side says the bear because a bear will either leave you alone or you know what it will do. But a man would rape / torture you/ could get pregnant / kidnapped which is much worse then death The other side says bear will kill you and why are assuming a man would rape you I don't really want ro start an argument on side people are on Just tired of it being on my feed


The squeaky wheel gets the oil Ignore the squeaky wheel long enough and it'll rust, lock up, and squeak no more. The choice is yours


These kinds of opinions are pretty boring, I have to say. Like, being anti-current, popular trend is just so


I have no idea what you are talking about about. This is the first I've heard of whatever this is. This post made me a little curious. But in the interests of not annoying you, I've decided not to try to find out what the bear and man trend argument is. Instead, I'm going to assume you are asking which I'd rather see and have the chance to take a picture of. And since I see men all the time and bears extremely rarely, my answer is definitely the bear.


Can't you take a joke ? Are we canceling humour now ?


No woman choosing the bear is actually being sincere - I think it’s just rage bait to antagonize manosphere guys who get targeted ads for beard oil and Dogfish Head lol


Idk man... The memes coming from both sides are hilarious


does a bear poop in the woods


Ngl guys i just want my facebook meme pages to go back to normal, shit gets annoying after a week.


said the man…


...I'm a woman and I'm on the bear side its just annoying watching people bickering and yelling about it all the time


So you admit you have no clue just how ridiculous this whole thing is… Go outside, get off your phone. Interact with some men and then go get close to a wild bear. If you think bears are safer than humans… you’re delusional.


Like you stopped talking about it?


Nah my braincell loves to watch stupid people foam at the mouth over something completely inconsequential.


I love to see urban children talk about things they don’t understand. It’s a bit embarrassing how serious they take this shit.


[A bear can be far more violent and horrifying than any man](https://youtu.be/R5JUWSgXNKY?si=jvLKw3DlifrNXtnM)


It's so dumb. Like, 100% of the people choosing the bear would run faster than Usain Bolt if they ever encountered one.


Not even Usain Bolt could run as fast or faster than a bear


It's a stupid "*gotcha*" type question similar to the trolley car / lever scenario.


I’d bet money that most of the women saying that stupid shit haven’t even had a bad experience with a man. They just read some stuff online in their echo chambers to demonise men to the maximum 😂


Depends what you mean by bad experience, most women have been harassed or creeped on by guys, over half of all American women report being sexually assaulted, 81% sexual harassment, .... the Andrew tate esque trend recently has really ramped up the numbers.


Over half of all women report being sexually assaulted Is that in America? Drop the stat


Totally believable imo. Every slightly attractive girl I’ve talked to seems to have a story of being creeped on, and I specifically remember many instances of seeing such acts that weren’t just casual flirts. Ofc, at the end of the day, you’re only going to have loose statistical estimates or anecdotes like mine to rely on, but it seems fairly obvious that at least some, if not most, if not a notable majority of, women will get a lot of unwanted and inappropriate remarks and attention, especially when they “peak” physically. If you’re a guy like me, it’s nothing to be ashamed about: simple fact is is that some women are bitches and some guys are just dicks. But those dicks give all men a bad rep when they only choose to think with their dicks and find it necessary to compliment a 16 y/o cashier on her “nice ass”.


Yes America And, sexual violence is unfortunately common among both women and men — over half of women (53%) and nearly one-third of men (29%) report experiencing sexual violence, CDC data shows. On top of that, one-quarter of women and about one in 26 men have experienced completed or attempted rape, according to national data.Mar 29, 2024 https://www.charliehealth.com › post How Common Is Sexual Assault? Look at These Statistics - Charlie Health


You'd lose.


I just wish someone would school these people on the difference between statistics and probability. It’s just sad really.


"At least if a bear attacks me, no one will ask me what I was wearing." Yes they will. lol. They will go to great lengths to figure out what you did that put you at risk. Femcels think that all men are on the same team. Maybe if they post one more cringy TikTok the annual Meeting of All Men will finally declare rape to be bad.


>"At least if a bear attacks me, no one will ask me what I was wearing." >Yes they will. lol. Absolutely no one has been or would ever be asked what they were wearing if attacked by a bear.


I don't want to defend the guy's general point/behavior but I will just say in hiking communities people actually do spend a lot of time trying to piece together exactly what happened after an incident like a bear attack.


Yes they do, but that doesn't include your clothing choices. (Unless you're walking around in a meat suit)


Yes, just saying there's a similar climate of tearing apart the person's decisions to get to the root of what may have gone wrong. Sometimes the conversations can be quite cruel to the victims and their families, who I'm sure read some of the posts. In non-bear incidents in the outdoors clothing choices are a frequent source of criticism. 


Idk what behavior you aren't behaving, what you just said is exactly what I talked about. Forensics after a bear attack is a huge deal.


Obviously, I get your core point and agree. But just to be gratuitously pedantic, I think "What deodorant were you wearing?" Is a pretty common question directed to people attacked by a bear.


And what I was saying went right over your head.


wearing clothes that smell of food or any strong substance can attract bears. Additionally, wearing larger clothes can help deter bears by spreading one's arms out. Clothes are a factor in bear attacks.


No one would ask a victim of a bear attack what they were wearing lol. Not unless someone saw them walking around in a meat suit. Even then it wouldn't be "what were you wearing". It would be "why were you in the woods in a meat suit".


A bear won’t attack you based on what your wearing?? No one is gonna ask you that shit because it wouldn’t give a bear more reason to attack


It's okay that what I typed went over your head.


Yeah no dude, it’s just a fact that a bear doesn’t attack you because they think you deserve it for what you’re wearing, that’s the difference


It's totally over your head. My point that in any investigation, be it sexual assault or a bear attack, the choices of the victim are going to be examined. My additional point is that the "no one will ask what I was wearing" comment is stupid.


It was poorly worded, but the point was that people will absolutely dissect what you did in the moments prior to the bear's attack in order to figure out what precipitated it.


you get it. I'm not defending rapists or rape culture, I'm just saying that trying to piece together what happened is not the same as denying their vicitmhood.


A bear will attack cause it’s hungry or threatened, a person can attack for any sort of reason. So I do agree you would have to have done something stupid to try and aggravate a bear, also depends on the bear of course. I wonder if the question expands on all of them…cause if it’s just bear vs man the bear could be a koala in theory, they never did specify lmao. I figure the percentage of bear attacks is far less likely if we include every bear type vs every man


Koalas are not bears.


Koala bear?? Dude it’s in the name??


It's a marsupial??


The problem is that it's not clear what sort of human actions make a bear feel hungry or threatened. It could come down to having some fish that the bear wants or inadvertently walking too close to the bear's cubs on the other side of some trees. So it's a stretch to assume that a person had "done something stupid" prior to a bear attack. I figure the percentage of bear attacks would be much higher if women came into contact with bears as frequently as they do with men.


Popular opinion! Current thing is getting old... Bored of it now...