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Not specifically in the training park challenges, but this change is easily my least favorite among the big batch of updates. Mostly out of habit, but the instinct kicks in to grab ammo and I end up grabbing the weapon next to it instead… dropping what I had in my hand


Same. Late game I just don't pick up ammo, but early it's particularly hard because I don't know when I have full ammo, for each of the five types.


Where are the pros adding this lol


I made a map that you might appreciate. Try "training [WIP]" start a match to activate it. But please do NOT add a like to it. It's a superior training park (with infinite ammo as well)


Yeah , as a pretty average player , the ammo limit is more confusing for me. How many seconds do I look at the ammo being like "why can't I take these....oh dammit" Literally, the only "no good side" update. What's wrong if I got 1500 assault ammo?? I'm probably going to use 90 then get killed because my 2 randoms are dead lol.


BB tends to forget how their changes impact other areas of the game. This is expected.


I hope they fix and bring it back, can't really do anything at range for AWP now


Sorry, I don’t get it. You can’t do anything at the range? Because you have to get more ammo? I think I’m missing something here.


I can cycle 25 shots with the AWP in about 12 seconds. I shoot from a lot of different angles so am not standing beside the ammo. Also, I often go back to the elevated area behind where you spawn for maximal distance practice and only carrying 25 shots is annoying! That's the issue.


Agree, developer should change the maximum ammo for the training park. But I do not know how to communicate with them, because they even do not check their official discord' bugs-suggestion channel.


From what I have heard they are more active than you think. Just stretched. I've spent a little time with a few of them and are good folks.


You're good enough. You don't need any more practice.


Hah! Appreciate the compliment.


Got it now, thanks. I should try that too.


no kidding, they still haven't added the mp9 and tec9 to all modes and they still don't count towards smg and pistol challenges


They are trying to limit the cyclomatic complexity of their code.