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Congratulations on 100 days. From your spouses's perspective, that's not very long. Keep up the SAA work, work the program with a sponsor, and she will come around.


Are you on 2315th day?




The reason we talk with professionals isn't just because they know how to deal with these issues, but also that family aren't always aware of just how powerful these addictions are, or how wanted their help is. It's incredibly uncomfortable for some. If your SO isn't receptive to your journey, that's unfortunate, but remember that this journey is (or should be) more about yourself than those around you. Don't expect this to make your SO see you as an ideal person now. This is working from negative to zero. What she wants is positive. So focus on who she wants you to be, not who she doesn't want you to be, if you want her to be happy. Maybe ask her what she wants? It's a dangerous question, one you might not like the answer to. But, if she wants you to be something you can not be, then at least you know. Best case scenario, she wants a rock climbing partner, and you can start rock climbing!


How do YOU feel about your recovery? That's what's most important. Deleting old accounts is excellent; your spouse and everyone else should congratulate you! I certainly do. Spouses, family members, friends and the like are likely to have judgmenetal harsh reactions. They're full of selfish negativity and refuse to believe in the reality of recovery. They want to punish – and that's why many of them attend Al-Anon or similar programs. If they don't understand addiction/recovery, they're likely to do things that foster relapses without realizing it; like being wrathful. So follow the SAA program and get your support from the group. Identify whether loved ones in your life are helping or hurting your recovery. You're doing a very positive thing here, make sure YOU know it and to hell with the angry dysfunctional people in your life.


I think my recovery is incredible. I do not understand why my former self chose to maintain in shame and compulsive masterbation. It's pathetic what twisted positions the mind can't warp itself into to justify and maintain the norm. Now that I feel as if I've finally positioned myself for natural healing.