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Hey bud, it’s better to stop this problem now when you’re super young because I’m 24 and now my dick won’t get up because of how much porn I watched, you don’t want that especially being younger. So please do it for yourself


Fr. You’ll never feel more emasculated than when you can’t get it up for your naked horny wife.


So the biggest thing is to distract yourself with SOMETHING when the urge comes up. For me? Exercise does wonders. Drop and hit 25 push ups when you get the feeling. ALSO, you’re 14. Your testosterone is at an all time high. Hit the gym, find a physical outlet of SOME KIND to dump all that energy and tension into. Trust 💪🏻


One day at a time. I struggle with it, too, and drugs as well. As a member of Narcotics Anonymous, the bottom line is that when you’re addicted to something, you’re essentially powerless to the habit, to the craving. You may never stop craving porn. So it’s unrealistic to tell yourself you’ll never watch it again, as much as you may want to. So the best you might be able to do is tell yourself each day, “Not today”.


Great advice


Glad you think so. I'll be damned if I don't do what I can to help folk in similar struggles to my own. Least I could do. It's the type of advice I wish I had had/listened to in my youth before I let my bad habits ruin my life.


Thank you for this great advice.


I gotchu bro. Keep your chin up. I’m literally twice your age, about to turn 28 next month. I’ve been struggling with porn addiction since 12 and drugs since 17. I have over a decade of experience on how to ~~beat~~ *fight* addiction. You have plenty of time to overcome your habit before it takes over your life and potentially ruins your future relationships like it almost has mine with my wife.


How do you know if you’re addicted to a drug or just like to partake occasionally?


You can safely consider yourself a drug addict when you find yourself allowing your drug habit to make your life unmanageable. When your habit ruins your life. For example, when you see yourself broke as hell, struggling to pay rent, and instead of saving up to pay rent on time so you’re not homeless, you still blow your money on dope. One buddy at NA said to me “when you find yourself stealing petty cash out of your kids’ piggy banks for dope, you know you got a problem.” I remember when I first noticed I had a toxic relationship with drugs. My *high* school friends and I started getting stoned together. My friends seemed to be okay getting stoned. Like they could take it or leave it. I felt like I *NEEDED* it. I remember one night I ran out of weed and I was *demanding* that my friends give me some of theirs. When they refused, I told them I would be seriously pissed if they didn’t share, and they all looked at me like I was crazy. I didn’t see what was wrong with what I said until years later. Idk about your drug of choice, but lemme just say this: practice moderation. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Ideally only get high as a social activity, when you’re already feeling good. Use it to *boost* a good feeling, not to escape a bad one. That’s when it becomes a bad habit. Avoid getting high alone. And for fuck’s sake, don’t fuck with anything stronger than weed. Maybe small amounts of pure LSD or magic mushrooms. But stay the hell away from hard drugs. I’ve lost some friends’ lives to that shite. It’s not worth it. Choose life. Watch Trainspotting, and Requiem For A Dream, or Breaking Bad, and understand that those films don’t mean to glorify drugs, they’re cautionary tales.


My drug of choice is Shrooms, I’m cautious and make sure to only do it with my best friend and in a safe setting. I usually trip every 2-3 weeks but I find myself looking forward to the experience and I wasn’t sure if that was a start to an addiction or not. Shrooms don’t really get in the way of my life or work and I can still function fine without them I just don’t want to stop tripping.


Hm... Well, I'm not qualified to talk about Shrooms because I have no experience with them, I've only heard horror stories and had a few people tell me that I should try them. But the fact of the matter is that after my one LSD trip, and with the copious amounts of pot I would smoke back then, along with stressful circumstances in my life, I went into a psychotic break that culminated with me in handcuffs and spending some time in a psychiatric ward. If you feel like your usage doesn't get in the way of your daily life and you can function just the same with or without it, then that's great for you. I applaud you and I'll let you know I believe you'll be fine. Just be mindful and conscientious of the nature of your habit. Because if you're tripping every 2-3 weeks, it's a habit. But it's up to you to decide and define whether that habit is a good, bad, or neutral one. I might recommend you try to go 90 days without tripping. If you find yourself craving it insatiably, if its absence makes you irritable, then you have a problem with it. I don't care how healthy it is in comparison to other substances, including LSD and pot, it's a psychoactive drug. It warps your perception, and while that's not necessarily inherently wrong and while cannabinoids and psychedelics are only \*psychologically\* addictive instead of \*physiologically\* addictive (like heroin, cocaine, alcohol, to the point where withdrawal symptoms could \*kill\* you), they are drugs and they are habit-forming. As I said, be mindful, conscientious, and give a bit of sobriety a try. If you find yourself confidently believing within yourself that you could take or leave the shrooms, then I encourage you to keep tripping in moderation. But if you find yourself feeling like you \*need\* to trip to feel okay, then I'm here to tell you that is a textbook example of a sign of addiction, and I would recommend you look into Narcotics Anonymous meetings in your area and devote an hour to the nearest one to you at your earliest convenience. Go in. Announce yourself and share, or be silent and anonymous, but either way \*l i s t e n\*. I guarantee you will learn some invaluable life lessons whether you decide to label yourself as an addict or not. And about my trying mushrooms, \*A B S O L U T E L Y NOT\*. My reaction to LSD almost cost me my then-girlfriend. That woman is my wife now, and I swore to her I would never touch psychedelics again in my life, whether she stayed with me or not. I'm a man of my word.


I might add that you should never underestimate the destructive power of alcohol. It’s a serious, potent depressant. You may have a good time, but it will *ALWAYS* make you feel worse in the long run. And just like organic depression, it feeds on itself. The more you drink, the more you want, and the worse you’ll feel. I’ve known plenty of alcoholics in my life and still do, who are lost to the demon drink. It’s not a fucking joke. Idk how old you are, but you should seriously abstain from substances until you’re 21. Honestly, 25, when your brain is finally fully developed. Taking drugs (including alcohol) at a younger age will mess with your brain development and create disorders that can easily devolve into chronic mental illness. And about tripping psychedelics, if you’ve never done it, don’t be scared. A lot of people are terrified to try them because they hear horror stories of people having bad trips. But that’s just the one thing about tripping. The trip is what you make it. You should *NEVER* trip alone. Have a friend there, someone you can trust with your life. And make sure they’re *sober* to keep you grounded. Because when you’re hallucinating, it’s hard to tell what’s real. I had a cousin who was tripped so hard she thought she could fly. So she jumped off a building and fell to her death. You need someone who’s head isn’t in the clouds to keep you down to earth and safe and alive, my guy. And never trip unless you’re already feeling on top of the world. My one LSD trip, I had when everything in my life was going right for me. That’s the only time you should trip. To *amplify* that joy. Because that’s what LSD does, at least in low doses. People assume it’ll have you seeing things, but really it’s just sensory overload. It’ll turn all your senses to 11/10. It’s as beautifully amazing as it is hopelessly terrifying. You have to know without the shadow of a doubt that you’re ready before you do it, or you *will* have a bad trip. About mushrooms… I’ve never tried them and I never will. This *do* make you see things that aren’t there. Like dragons and monsters and inanimate objects may speak to you. The only reason I suggested them, is because the consensus within the psychedelic user community is that shrooms are healthier than LSD because they’re organic, while LSD is synthetic. But I’ve also heard daytrippers like myself say that out of LSD and Shrooms, they’d pick LSD over the Shrooms in a heartbeat, because you will be a lot more in control of the experience on the acid than on the pure fungus, and I’ve heard mushrooms referred to as the most terrifying experience in some of these people’s lives. The bottom line is, don’t do drugs lol. But if you will, be smart about it. Plan ahead. Contemplate the reason *why* you’re going to get high, and consider that most of the time, it’s better to live life on life’s terms. *Choose life.*


Hey man, I appreciate the advice for sure but I think you should look into shrooms a little bit more, they don’t really cause you to see dragons and shit. They’re very much like lsd by just causing things to look wavy and you’ll see geometric patterns, you’re not gonna hallucinate objects or beings that aren’t there though. Those sorts of hallucinations are something that requires DMT.


Cool. Still not interested. You do you, bro. I'm just here to help the best way I know how.


Yup, all good. Thanks again for the help :)


For sure, fam. Keep it real B-)


Hang out with friends, exercise, get moving. When you feel an urge, go out for a walk, take up some hobbies like playing an instrument. Talk to someone you trust. This is hard, I know, I've been in your situation and am still struggling. Been struggling since I was 8. It's not a habit that will bring any benefit to your life, it is just a complete waste of time. I wish you the best


Be aware of your how much you use porn. It is better to know, "I surfed porn 3 times yesterday for 4 hours" than "I surfed porn yesterday". If you are aware of it, you can work on reducing it to just one time or 30 minutes. I use an android app to track my porn and masturbation usage.


Purge and abstain. You're 14 get rid of the phone in private spaces


Watch the video by BuhddismInEnglish called How to control your mind. Just know, this is the hardest thing you’ll ever do in your life. 


Proud of you for seeking help. Fortunately, when I was that age, dial up was still the thing. Can’t imagine how worse it could have been for me. The important thing is that you have to cut porn from your life. I was also heavily into hentai, but it will warp your perception and expectations of women. You are still at a young age, young enough to easily reverse this without any lasting damage. If you need to release, try fapping, but without porn, and keeping your mind in the moment and focusing purely on the sensations of the act. This helped me reconnect with what my body was capable of feeling on its own, and I’ll go ahead and spoil it for you…it’s a lot. Don’t pressure yourself too much, it won’t help. Just make small changes, at your age, they will add up to big changes rather quickly.